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Koteswara Rao.

D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)


Associate Professor
Geotech Division,
University College of Engineering

ABSTRACT –The most significant factor that influencing the design thickness of a flexible pavement
overlay is rebound deformation from repeated load application and subgrade support values . It is
essential to stabilize and reinforce the poor soils to bear the traffic intensity or truck loading.
Different types of materials are provided with stabilization techniques to achieve suitable
performance and to reduce maintenance costs and also to provide required service life for the
subgrade embankments. In the present study, the effect of geo-textile as a reinforcement in the sub
grade embankment is verified by conducting cyclic plate load tests. Locally available soil is mixed
with optimum of fly ash and then this mixer is stabilized with optimum of CaCl2 for the construction
of sub grade embankment with and with out reinforcement. Compaction properties and C.B.R values
are determined for the locally available soil and categorized as CH soil as per IS classification, fly
ash, fly ash - CaCl2 mix with the CH soil. The introduction of geo-textile has been reduced the
deformation and increased the load carrying capacity as was revealed by cyclic plate load tests.

In our country there are about 130 thermal power plants, producing around 100 millions tones of fly ash as
waste material (Praveen kumar, 2005). Since the fly ash is having pozzolanic property; it can be utilized as
an alternative cementitious material in civil engineering applications. The disposal problem of fly ash can
be avoided up to certain extent by using it for the construction of roads, airfields, and embankments and in
fly ash brick industry etc. In addition to the disposal problem, air pollution gets increased in the ambient air.
In our county the existing power plants require about 55,000 acres of land for the disposal of fly ash in their
life span of 25 to 30 years and about Rs/ 650 to Rs/ 700 crores has been invested for the disposal of this
waste material, but this amount would have been sufficient to convert this waste material as a useful
product. For intensity study, natural CH soil was collected from the campus of the National Institute of
Technology, Warangal, A.P, INDIA.


Reinforced earth technique has been gaining popularity in the field of Civil Engineering due to its versatile
and flexible nature. The process of reinforced earth technique has become easy and popular with geo-
synthetic (Rao, 1965). It has been used in the construction of embankments (Krishna Swamy, 1995 and
Praveen Kumar, 2005), earth - fly ash embankments (Sinha, 1995), retaining walls (Raza, 1995), fly ash as
a structural fill in highway embankments (Jaganatha Rao, 2001), flexible pavement (Sikdar, 2004;
Koteswara Rao, 2004), earthen embankment dams (Sudip Basak, 2004) and foundations (Sarma, 2005)
reported improvement in soil behaviour.
In the present research work, an attempt has been made to study the efficacy of the geo-textile as a
reinforced layer in the construction of fly ash stabilized sub-grade embankments. The primary purpose of
reinforcing a soil mass is to improve its stability, bearing capacity and reduces the settlements and lateral
deformation. Henri Vidal (1966, 1969), a French architect and engineer is credited with developing the soil
reinforcing techniques. A noticeable improvement was observed in strength and expansive nature of the
expansive soils using CaCl2 as an additive (Chandrashekar, 1999).

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Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)


The power generation is the most vulnerable criterion of modern civilization, where thermal process takes
lead in comparison with hydro-electricity and others, owing to its easiness and availability of main
ingredient that is coal. Nearly 70% of India’s total installed power generation capacity is thermal of which
coal-based generation is about 90%. But at the same time, disposal of huge quantity of flyash generated
from the power plants is a burning problem. This is detrimental to animal and plant life, since it pollutes the
environment and also it requires large area for the disposal. Utilization of flyash in the field of Civil
Engineering extends ample scope for consuming bulk volume efficiently and economically.
Especially, the properties of fly ash depend on the type of coal and method used for the power generation in
the thermal power plants. For the present study, the flyash has been brought from the second basin of
VIJAYAWADA THERMAL POWER PLANT, Vijayawada, AP. The major ingredients present in this
flyash are Silicon, Aluminum and Iron. Flyash to be used as a fill material should not have soluble sulphate
content exceeding 1.90 gm per liter, if so it leads to corrosive effect on concretes and metallic plate.
However the properties of flyash from V.TP.S are given in the table. 1.
Table 1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Flyash

Sl.No Description Observed values

1 Specific gravity 1.90 –2.50
2 Plasticity ……
3 Maximum dry density 0.95 –1.60gm / c.c.
4 Optimum moisture content 19% -38%
5 Permeability 8*10 –6 to 7*10 –4 cm /sec
6 Uniformity coefficient 3.0 – 10.5
7 Compression index 0.05 –0.40
8 Cohesion Negligible
9 Angle of shearing resistance 300 - 400
10 Coefficient of consolidation 1.75 * 10-3 to 2.00 *10 –3 cm2 / sec
11 Silica (SiO2 ) (%) 46.50 (%)
12 Alumina ( Al2O3) 24.20 (%)
13 Iron (Fe2O3) 10.00 (%)
14 Calcium (CaO) 13.00 (%)
15 Magnesium ( MgO ) 4.00 (%)
16 Sulpher ( SO3) Traces
17 Carbon 1.10 (%)
3.1.1. Index Properties
Colour: the colour of the flyash varies from cream to dark brown or gray. A cream colour is indicative of
high calcium content while gray to black colour indicates carbon content.
Particle size distribution: The flyash usually composed of silt size particles of glassy spheres, some
crystalline matter and carbon. The diameter of the glassy spheres ranges from 1m to 100 m. the angular
carbon particles range from 10 - 30m.
3.1.2. Chemical Properties
The amount of SiO2 or SiO2 with Al2O3 in the flyash influences its pozzolanic reactivity for long periods
of curing. Higher ultimate strength is obtained when the silica or silica with Alumina content is high. In
most flyashes, the Fe2 O3 is present in the glass phase, which has deleterious effect on its pozzolanic
reactivity. Carbon content in general appears to suppress the reactivity and rate of strength gain. Therefore
the pozzolanic reactivity mainly depends on reactive silica present in glass phase and the roll of other
compounds is very small.
Non-woven composite geo-textile is used as reinforcement in the present study, supplied by Poly felt India
A reinforced model embankment is constructed with CH soil along with ‘optimum of Flyash and CaCl2’ as
an admixture for the soil properties of MDD as 1.65g/c3 , for the relative density exceeding 97% and the
field CBR values are taken on the reinforce and non reinforced embankments. The cyclic plate load tests are
conducted on the model embankment for various locations of reinforcement as shown in the Fig 1. The
design of embankment was carried out on the basis of slope stability analysis with an additional factor of

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 2 Feb 2011 773

Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Truck loading. The stability analysis of soil flyash embankment is evaluated by using the Bishop’s method
of slices for the slopes of 2H: 1V by considering the truck loading as per IRC standards for the construction
of flexible pavements.


St 10

Fig. 1 A Reinforced Model Sub grade



An expansive soil (B.C. Soils) covers about 30% of the land area in India. Roads running through
expansive soil regions are subjected to severe distress resulting in poor performance and increased
maintenance cost. Conventional road construction practices are not directly adaptable in these soils with out
accounting for volume changes of sub-grade. It is imperative that the damage caused by expansive soils is
controlled and proper application of soil stabilization methods can significantly reduce the damage that
results from the problematic soils.

Using Lime, Cement, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Bitumen, and Fly ash etc can stabilize the
expansive soils. Lot of research work has been carried out, using these materials as stabilizing agents to
improve the strength characteristics of BC soils.

In case of road embankment construction, the B.C. Soil can be used as sub-grade material only after
stabilizing by means of admixtures like fly ash, pond ash and Blast furnace slag etc with the combination of
optimum lime. Clayey soil having plasticity index more than 6 are required to be treated and stabilized
before going to be used for the construction, as per the specification of Ministry of Road Transport &
Highway, Government of India. Clayey soil when mixed with fly ash exerts cementing property because of
the existence of pozzolanic compound. Though B.C. Soil reacts with admixture of fly ash to a little extent
but it can be develop by adding lime, which will reduce leaching action. Moreover mixing of lime helps to
attain adequate strength and will harness durability.

It is experienced that the compacted fly ash attains sufficient shear strength so that the embankment can be
constructed with 2:1 ( Horizontal: Vertical)side slope, when the factor of safety for embankment
constructed using fly ash should not be less than 1.25 under normal serviceability condition ( Sudip Basak ,
et.al. EJGE-2002). An admixture of soil and fly ash improves plasticity index, liquid limit, plastic limit, and
C.B.R. values to acceptable limits (ERDAL COKEA,. ASCE-JULY-2001).

1.5.1. Nature and behavior of expansive soils:

Expansive soils undergo high volumetric changes with moisture fluctuations. This behaviour is attributed to
the presence of clay minerals with expanding lattice structure. Among them, montmorillonite is the most
common of all the clay minerals in expansive clay soils. The mineral is made up of sheet like units. The
basic structure of each unit is made up of gibbsite sheet sandwiched between two silica sheets. The spacing
between the silica --- gibbsite --- silica sheets depends upon the amount of available water to occupy the
space. For this reason, montmorillonite minerals exhibit high shrinkage and swelling characteristics.

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Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)






Fig. 1.7a. Structure of Montmorillonite

Kaolinite is anther most common mineral whose structure is made up of gibbsite sheets (with aluminium
atoms at their centres) joined to silica sheets through the unbalanced oxygen atoms at the apexes of the
silica layer. Due to strong hydrogen bonds, it is extremely difficult to separate the layers, and as a result
kaolinite is relatively stable and eater is unable to penetrate between the layers. So kaolinite shows little
swell on wetting. China clay is almost pure kaolinite.




Fig. 1.7c. Structure of Kaolinite

Illite is another mineral whose structure is similar to that of montmorillonite except that there is substantial
replacement of silicones by aluminum in the tetrahedral layers and Potassium ions are between the layers
serving to balance the charge resulting from the replacement and to tie the sheet units together. The cation
bond of illite is weaker than the hydrogen bond of kaolinite, but is stronger than the water bond of




Fig. 1.7b. Structure of Illite

In India black cotton soils are found to be formed by weathering of basalts and traps of Deccan Plateau.
Occurrence of lime , stone gneiss, shales, sand stones, slates and lime stones is also recognized (Uppal
1965, Dassai 1985, Mohan 1988). These soils are usually found near the surface with the layer of thickness
varying from 0.5m to more than 10m. The distinct black color of this soil is due to the presence of
Titanium in small quantity and cotton grows in this soil commonly.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 2 Feb 2011 775

Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

1.5.2. Mechanism of stabilization:

The term soil stabilization means the improvement of the stability or bearing power of the soil by the use of
controlled compaction, proportioning and or the addition of suitable admixtures or stabilizers. Soil
stabilization deals with the physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods to make the stabilized soil to
serve its purpose as pavement component material.


This work is under taken with the following objectives:
 To study the efficacy of composite geo-textile as a reinforced layer in the construction of sub grade
embankments, constructed with “CH soil with optimum of fly ash” and “CH soil with optimum of fly
ash - CaCl2 mix” at OMC conditions.
 To study the effectiveness of optimum of fly ash as an admixture to stabilize the CH soil for the
construction of sub grade embankment.
 To study the effectiveness of the “fly ash + CaCl2 “ mix as an admixture to stabilize the CH soil for the
construction of sub grade embankment.
1.7.1. Materials used Soil
The soil used for sub grade embankment construction is a CH soil as per IS classification, collected from
the campus of National Institute of Technology, Warangal. The various properties of CH soil are given in
Table 2. Properties of CH soil and CH soil + 20% Fly Ash

Sl.No. Properties CH soil Soil + 20% Fly Ash

Grain size distribution
Gravel (%) …… ……
1 Sand (%) 13 27
Silt size (%) 15 11
Clay size (%) 72 62

2 Atterberg limits

Liquid limit (%) 63 47

Plastic limit (%) 28 25
Plasticity index 35 22
Shrinkage limit (%) 15.5 20.4
3 Compaction properties
OMC (%) 25.5 16.65
MDD (g/cc) 1.49 1.65
4 Un-Soaked CBR (%) 5.28 10.4
Soaked CBR (%) 0.95 4.40
5 Specific gravity 2.60 2.64
6 Differential Free swell 160 80
7 Cohesion C ( kN/m 2) 71 32
Angle of internal friction  0 3 8

8 Soil classification CH ….

Fly ash
The fly ash used in the present study was collected from the second basin of V.T.P.S. Vijayawada (A P),
which was available at free of cost and it was classified as silts of low compressibility (ML). The laboratory
properties of flyash were presented in the table.3.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 2 Feb 2011 776

Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Composite Geo-textile
Non-woven composite geo-textile was used as reinforcement in the present study, supplied by Poly felt
India ltd-Hyderabad.

Calcium chloride
Fused calcium chloride manufactured by Qualigen’s fines chemicals, a division of glaxo smithkils
pharmaceuticals limited, which was locally available at all scientific stores, was used.

Table .3. Laboratory properties of flyash

Sl.No. Properties Fly ash

1 Grain size distribution
Gravel (%) ……
Sand (%) 25
Silt size (%) 70
Clay size (%) 05
2 Atterberg limits
Liquid limit (%) 32
Plastic limit (%)
Plasticity index
Shrinkage limit (%)
3 Compaction properties

Optimum moisture content (%) 20.7

Maximum Dry Density (g/cc) 1.35

4 Un-Soaked CBR (%) 5.5

Soaked CBR (%) 3.15

5 Specific gravity 2.1

6 Free swell index ….

7 At OMC
Cohesion C ( kN/m 2) 8
Angle of internal friction  0 31

8 Soil classification ML

1.7.2. Cyclic plate load test

The tests were conducted in a model tank of square in shape, having 50 cm width and 60 cm height as
shown in the Fig. 2. The load was applied through the circular plate of 20 cm diameter on to soil mix for
different locations of geo-textile at OMC condition as shown in the Fig.2.
The steel tank was placed on the pedestal of compression testing machine. A thick metal plate was placed
below the tank to ensure full support at its base. For tests with reinforcement in the sub grade embankment,
soil or stabilized soil was compacted up to 30 cm thickness in layers to its optimum moisture content and
maximum dry density in the tank itself and then geo textile was placed on it. Then another 25 cm thick
layer of soil or stabilized soil was placed over the geo textile and compacted for OMC and dry density. A
20cm diameter circular metal plate with extension rod was placed centrally over the sub grade soil and
testing procedure and extension rod was brought in contact with a 5 tonnes capacity-proving ring. Two dial
gauges are placed on the metal plate welded to the extension rod on opposite sides to measure the
deformation. Cyclic Plate load tests are carried out corresponding to the tyre pressures. Each pressure
increment was placed only for no significant change in deformation between consecutive cycles. The
testing was further continued till the failure for knowing the ultimate load carrying capacity of the sub grade
embankment soil.
The cyclic plate load tests were conducted on the CH soil and CH soil + Fly ash mix in the model tank and
results were presented in the Fig 4 and Fig 5.

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Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

In the next set of experiments, the composite geo textile was placed in the stabilized soil mass at a depth of
15 cm from the top and then compacted for OMC and maximum dry density. The plate test was carried out
in the same manner adopted for other case mentioned above. Fig. 1 shows a reinforced model sub grade
Table No. 8 shows the ultimate load carrying capacity of the CH soil, CH soil with optimum of fly ash, CH
with optimum of fly ash- CaCl2 mix and reinforced fly ash - CaCl2 stabilized soil.

Table 8. Ultimate load carrying capacity of un-reinforced and reinforced fly ash stabilized soil.

Sl.No. Type of mix Ultimate load carrying capacity

kN/m2 (OMC condition)
1 CI soil
2 CI soil +20%FA 352.40
3 CI Soil + 20%F.A +1% CaCl2 452.50
4 Composite Geo textile reinforcement provided 951.20
at a depth of 25 cm
5 Composite Geo textile reinforcement provided 1242.50
at a depth of 15 cm


8.1.1. Compaction properties
Optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of CH soil, Fly ash, CH soil with optimum of fly ash
and CH soil with optimum of ‘fly ash –CaCl2’ mix were determined as per IS code of practice. C.B.R. tests
were conducted on soil-fly ash samples as per IS code: 2720 (part – XVI), 1979 (tables-5, 6and 7). It was
noticed from the results, that the decrease in the maximum dry densities can be attributed to low specific
weight of fly ash.

Table 5 Properties of CH soil with optimum of fly ash - CaCl2 mix as an admixture

S.No. Property TYPE OF MIX

CI. Soil + Soil + 20%F.A +1% CaCl2

Soil 20%F.A
1 Soaked
CBR (%) 0.95 4.40 6.56

Table 6 Properties of CH soil with fly ash as an admixture

S.No. Property TYPE OF MIX


Soil 5%FA 10%FA 15%FA 20%FA 25%FA 30%FA
OMC 19.50 22.51 24.10 25.60 25.65 26.15 25.75
14.90 15.90 15.80 15.70 15.50 14.50 14.42
2. Soaked
CBR 0.95 1.35 1.78 2.92 4.40 4.20 4.01

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Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Table.7. Properties of CH soil with CaCl2


o. y


050 0 75 1.00 1.25 1.50% +
% % % % CaCl2 1.75
CaCl2 CaCl2 CaCl2 CaCl2 %
(%) 19.50 27.10 27.80 28.00 28.25 28.91 29.3
MDD 14.90 14.05 14.15 14.23 14.17 14.14
(kN/m3 14.1
) 2
2. Soaked
CBR 0.95 2.10 2.45 3.12 2.79 2.53 2.44

8.1.2. Cyclic Plate load Test Results

Cyclic plate load tests were carried out for different locations of composite geo-textile on stabilized soil for
sub grade embankment. The results were tabulated in the table No. 8. It was observed that for higher
pressure increments higher deformations are recorded.
From Fig.3, it could be observed that the load carrying capacity of the sub grade soil was increased by using
optimum of fly ash and CaCl2 , and also the by introducing the composite geo-textile as reinforcement at
OMC condition.

ISSN : 0975-5462 Vol. 3 No. 2 Feb 2011 779

Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)


The following conclusions are drawn based on the laboratory studies carried out on this work.
 It was noticed that the utilization of fly ash and ‘fly ash - CaCl2’ as an admixture significantly
increases the load carrying capacity of the sub grade soil and also an appreciable increase in load
carrying capacity of the stabilized soil is noticed by providing composite geo-textile as reinforcement at
OMC condition.
 At OMC condition, load carrying capacity of ‘CH soil with optimum of fly ash’ mix was increased by
2 times of the load carrying capacity of the CH soil.
 Also the load carrying capacity of the ‘CH soil’ with optimum of ‘fly ash - CaCl2 ‘mix was increased
by 3 times when compared with the CH soil. At OMC condition, load carrying capacity was increased
by 2.7 times of the “fly ash- CaCl2” stabilized soil for the location of composite geo-textile as
reinforcement, provided at a depth of 15cm from the surface.
 From these observations, it could be said that the nearer the reinforcement to the surface of the sub
grade embankment, the better the load performance.
 This study revealed that the overall performance of the sub grade embankment is improved by utilizing
the reinforcement technique.

Table 8.Pressure deformation values for different locations of geo-textile in the sub grade embankment at OMC condition.

Pressure Stabilized Treated with geo-textile Treated with geo-

kPa CH soil at 25 cm depth textile at 15 cm depth
Total Total deformation Total deformation
mm mm mm

0 0 0 0
50 5.60 2.31 1.50
100 7.80 2.89 1.90
150 9.65 4.30 2.45
200 11.32 5.10 2.98
250 14.05 6.23 3.51
300 16.50 6.95 4.00
350 18.50 7.45 4.52
400 20.23 7.95 4.90
450 22.60 8.35 5.40
500 8.97 5.85
550 9.24 6.30

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Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

600 9.78 6.92

650 10.20 7.25
700 10.97 7.80
750 11.37 8.26
800 12.00 8.90
850 13.20 9.35
900 13.90 9.65
950 14.23 9.95
1000 10.15
1050 10.38
1100 10.87
1150 11.12
1200 11.32
1250 11.50 …

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Koteswara Rao.D / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST)

Fig 2. Experimental setup for conducting plate load test

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