ELT Dept. Practice Teaching Student Handbook
ELT Dept. Practice Teaching Student Handbook
ELT Dept. Practice Teaching Student Handbook
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICE TEACHING HANDBOOK ............................................................. 2
SCHEDULE .............................................................................................................................................. 7
This guidebook is designed to support teacher candidates, supervising practitioners, and program
supervisors involved with the practicum component of the ELT (English Language Teaching)
Department program.
The Practice teaching course is the vital experience of the educator preparation program. The purposeof
the practicum is to provide candidates with a field-based experience in which they put into practice the
skills and knowledge they have developed in their bachelor (BA) program in an approved school
setting. The Practice teaching supervisor and the site-based supervising practitioner (mentor teacher)
assist the candidate in meeting the professional standards of the BA program as a compulsory
requirement for graduation.
This course aims to prepare student teachers for full teaching practice. It gives them a structured
introduction to teaching, helps them acquire teaching competencies, and develops teaching skills.
Student teachers have observation and application tasks that they carry out in a primary or secondary
school under the supervision of a cooperating teacher. Some observation tasks include: practicing
questioning skills, explaining; effective use of textbooks; topic sequencing and lesson planning;
classroom management; preparing and using worksheets; effective use of textbooks; effective
questioning skills; and explaining.
TIU Supervisor:
Mentor Teacher:
School Address:
For the Practice Teaching course, a student (teacher candidate) must:
1. Get to know the school community which includes mentor teachers, school administrators,
2. Follow the school rules: dress code, verbal and non-verbal etiquette, etc.
4. Gradually begin taking over some daily classroom and school responsibilities (e.g., morning
business, supervising students at recess, taking students to and from lunch and other classes,
visiting parents, attending departmental/level meetings, teaching a part or a whole lesson, etc.).
5. Inform the mentor teacher and/or the school administration if he/she has to leave.
6. To consult with the mentor-teacher before application/implementation of the academic and social
7. Work with individuals small groups, and the whole class as assigned by the mentor teacher.
8. Develop a communication plan with the mentor and field supervisor (e.g., calls, emails, logs,
tasks, etc.).
9. Communicate regularly with the university supervisor to ensure each task is submitted: signing
attendance, reports, etc. It benefits the student-teacher when the whole team is in regular
10. Complete, sign, and submit the tasks in the required format on time.
1. Welcome the student-teacher to your school. Introduce him or her to your students, other faculty
members, and support staff. Give the student a tour of the classroom and school. Explain school
policies and procedures regarding signing in and out of the building, the time they are expected
to report to the school, the time their day ends, computer use, use of copy room services, etc.
2. Discuss daily schedules, routines, and duties. Allow the student-teacher to assist you in academic
and non-academic duties.
3. Exchange personal phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses.
4. Discuss appropriate dress code, attendance, and professional behavior in and out of school.
5. Provide dates and times of other teaching responsibilities (Open House, faculty meetings,
department/grade level meetings, parent/teacher, Family visits, conferences, etc.) These are
expectations of the student teaching experience.
6. Work with the student-teacher to determine a schedule for his/her responsibilities.
7. Share course materials with the student-teacher (syllabus, textbooks, resources that relate to the
content he/she will be teaching, etc.).
8. Support your student-teacher in developing teaching-related skills (planning, instruction,
classroom management, gaining classroom confidence, etc.).
9. Provide constructive feedback whenever applicable.
10. Communicate regularly with the university supervisor to ensure each student-teacher fulfills the
course requirements: signing attendance, reports, etc. It benefits the student-teacher when the
whole team is in regular communication.
1. The supervisor’s primary goal is to help the student teacher achieve to the best of his
or her ability.
2. Organize and facilitate meetings with student teachers to allow both the supervisor and
student teachers the opportunity to focus on the general concerns of group members and
to provide materials and/or instruction as needed. These seminars are mandatory for both
thesupervisor and the student teachers.
3. Promote a positive relationship with the mentor teacher by acting as a consultant in
developing a quality student teaching experience.
4. Assist with problem-solving.
5. Maintain communication with the mentor teacher and student teacher to discuss concerns
and successes about the student teaching experience.
6. Serve as a resource to discuss concerns about the student’s teaching experience, as well as
offer guidance in the areas of planning, instruction, management, and professional
7. Make at least three visits to the school site during the semester, or more frequently as
needed. It is a courtesy visit and does not require formal observation or evaluation.
8. Act in accordance with criteria established throughout this handbook to remediate and/or
remove a student from the student teaching program when difficulties such as the following
• Unprofessional behavior
• Lack of preparation for teacher duties
• Frequent tardiness or absenteeism
• Incompetence
9. Determine the final grade of his/her student teachers, with the aid of the tasks described in
this handbook.
10. Maintain all paperwork related to the student teacher’s file, submitting it at the end of the
semester to the Head of the ELT Department.
11. Submit all minor grades to the University Information System (PIS/SIS) on time.
WEEKS 1-2-3
1. January 28 – February 01, 2024
2. February 04 – February 10, 2024
3. February 11 – February 15, 2024
Item Required Files Date
1 Lesson Plan-1 Deadline:
Task 1 2 Recorded Video lesson 1 Supervisor February 22, 2024
3 Prepare Exam Paper-1
4. February 25 – February 29, 2024
5. March 03 – March 07, 2024
Item Required Files Date
1 Lesson Plan-2 Deadline:
Task 2 2 Recorded Video lesson 2 Supervisor March 10, 2024
3 Prepare Exam Paper-2
Item Required Files Date
1 Lesson Plan-3 Deadline:
Task 3 2 Teaching a Lesson Mentor Teacher April 07, 2024
3 Prepare Exam Paper-3
Item Required Files Date
1 Lesson Plan-4 Deadline:
Task 4 2 Micro Teaching Supervisor May 12, 2024
3 Prepare Exam Paper-4
Students profile
Skills to be emphasized
Presentation of new
language in context
Comprehension check
Demonstration of
correctuse of
Practice(… ..... minutes)
Controlled practice
Independent practice
Application(… ..... minutes)
Assessment( .........minutes)
Monitoring small group
Group assessment
Follow-up(… ..... minutes)
Student Teacher’s Name:
or not found
2 Poor 3 Satisfactory 4 Good 5 Excellent
1 Lesson Details
A. Type of lesson
B. Title of lesson
C. Teacher’s name 1 2 3 4 5
D. Date, grade, duration
E. Minutes for each section
2 Meet and Greet
A. Greeting
B. Students profile
C. Skills to be emphasized 1 2 3 4 5
D. Language
E. Objectives
F. Materials
3 Warm-up
A. Capture their attention
B. Create interest in the topic 1 2 3 4 5
C. Review known structures
D. Pre-teach key expressions
4 Presentation
A. Presentation of new language in context
B. Prepare for group work
C. Comprehension check 1 2 3 4 5
D. Demonstration of correct use of language
5 Practice
A. Controlled practice
B. Independent practice
1 2 3 4 5
6 Application
A. Cross-cultural application
1 2 3 4 5
7 Assessment
A. Monitoring small group work
B. Group assessment 1 2 3 4 5
8 Follow-up
A. Homework
1 2 3 4 5
Evaluator’s signature
Student Teacher’s Name:
1. The school’s official Header and footer are used. If not applicable, the 1 2 3 4 5
Name ofthe institution, name of the course, and lesson must be provided.
2. The name of the teacher, grade, date of the exam, duration, type of exam, 1 2 3 4 5
etc. are stated appropriately.
3. The space for the student’s name is provided. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Pages are numbered 1 2 3 4 5
5. Questions/tasks are numbered 1 2 3 4 5
6. Margins are printing-friendly 1 2 3 4 5
7. The font and size are appropriate and readable. 1 2 3 4 5
8. The design is eye- and print-friendly. 1 2 3 4 5
9. The tasks are clearly stated. 1 2 3 4 5
10. The value/points for each item is indicated. 1 2 3 4 5
11. The questions/tasks test all the objectives of the lesson. 1 2 3 4 5
12. There are a minimum of 3 types of questions/tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
13. There is a reasonable amount of options (distractors and correct answers) 1 2 3 4 5
in MCQ.
14. There is a reasonable quality of options (distractors and correct answers) 1 2 3 4 5
in MCQ.
15. The exam starts with easy questions and finishes with comparatively 1 2 3 4 5
difficult ones.
16. The exam paper has a good balance between Basic Recall, 1 2 3 4 5
Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, And Evaluation.
17. The points/value of the questions/tasks are distributed according to the
level of difficulty of the questions (easy questions – lower value, more 1 2 3 4 5
difficult questions – higher value).
18. Every question/task measures different objective/s. 1 2 3 4 5
19. The time given for the exam is appropriate. 1 2 3 4 5
20. The evaluation policy is indicated (MCQ – accuracy, open-ended 1 2 3 4 5
questions/essay– rubric, etc.)
Total: out of 20 / Out of 100
○ Tasks 1-2 (Quiz 1&2) -Video recorded lessons + Lesson plans + Exam Papers 30%
WEEKS DAYS 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 4th Hour
Week 6 ..../....2024
Week 7
Week 8 ..../....2024
Week 9
Mentor Teacher: School Principal's Signature & School Stamp
University Supervisor: