Teaching Experimental Design Techniques To Industr
Teaching Experimental Design Techniques To Industr
Teaching Experimental Design Techniques To Industr
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336 J. Antony and N. Capon
know what to do with the results without The following steps are useful while one may be
assistance from statistical consultants in the performing an industrial experiment;
1. Definition of the objective of the experiment.
2. Selection of the response or output.
3. Selection of the process variables or design
BENEFITS OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN parameters (control factors), noise factors and
the interactions among the process variables of
ED enables industrial engineers to study the interest. (Noise factors are those which cannot
effects of several variables affecting the response be controlled during actual production condi-
or output of a certain process [7]. ED methods tions, but may have strong influence on the
have wide potential application in the engineering response variability. The purpose of an experi-
design and development stages. It is the strategy of menter is to reduce the effect of these undesir-
the management in today's competitive world able noise factors by determining the best factor
market to develop products and processes insensi- level combinations of the control factors or
tive to various sources of variation using ED. The design parameters. For example, in an injection
potential applications of ED in industries are: moulding process, humidity and ambient tem-
. reducing product and process design and perature are typical noise factors.)
4. Determination of factor levels and range of
development time;
. studying the behaviour of a process over a wide factor settings.
5. Choice of appropriate experimental design.
range of operating conditions;
. minimising the effect of variations in manu- 6. Experimental planning.
7. Experimental execution.
facturing conditions;
. understanding the process under study and 8. Experimental data analysis and interpretation.
thereby improving its performance;
. increasing process productivity by reducing PAPER HELICOPTER EXPERIMENT
scrap, rework etc.;
. improving the process yield and stability of an The following section describes the application
on-going manufacturing process; of ED for optimising the time of flight of a paper
. making products insensitive to environmental helicopter which can be made from A4-size paper.
variations such as relative humidity, vibration, The experiment was carried out by the first author
shock and so on; in a class-room for a post-graduate course in
. studying the relationship between a set of quality management at University of Portsmouth.
independent process variables (i.e., process The experiment requires paper, scissors, ruler,
parameters) and the output (i.e., response). paper clips and a measuring tape. It would take
about 5 ±6 hours to design the experiment, collect experiment. The level of a parameter is the speci-
the data and then perform appropriate statistical fied value of a setting. For example, in the above
analysis. The model of a paper helicopter design is injection moulding experiment, 2108C and 2508C
shown in Fig. 1. are the low and high levels of mould temperature.
The objective of the experiment was to deter- It was decided to set each parameter at two levels
mine the optimal settings of the design parameters or values as this forms the building block for
which would maximise the time of flight. For the studying parameters at three and higher levels.
application of ED in solving process and product Design or process parameters at three levels are
quality problems, it is essential that the objective of more complicated to teach in the first place and
the experiment must be specified clear, brief and moreover the authors strongly believe that it might
concise. Having defined the objective of the experi- turn off engineers from learning ED any further
ment, the possible parameters which might influ- [9]. It is usually best to experiment with the largest
ence the time of flight were determined through a range feasible to observe the effect of a design
thorough brainstorming session. These parameters parameter on the output or response. Here effect
were then classified into control parameters and refers to the change in average response when a
noise parameters. Control parameters are those design (or process) parameter goes from a low level
which can be controlled easily by the operator to a high level.
during the experiment. For example, shrinkage of Table 1 illustrates the list of control parameters
parts in an injection moulding process is quite and their selected ranges for the experiment. In the
critical, as it badly affects the final assembly. The context of ED, a `response' is the quantity an
control factors which might have an impact on the experimenter wants to measure during the experi-
parts shrinkage are screw speed, mould tempera- ment in order to judge the performance of the
ture, cycle time and mould pressure. Noise para- product. In this case the response or performance
meters are those which are hard to control or monitored is the time of flight measured in
expensive to control by the operator during the seconds. Note that selection of an appropriate
experiment [8]. For example in the above process, response for any industrial experiment is critical
relative humidity is a noise factor. for its success [10]. For teaching purposes, it is
The following control parameters were selected good practice to choose continuous responses (e.g.
for the paper helicopter experiment: surface roughness, strength, efficiency, life, etc.)
. than those which are attributes (e.g. taste, colour,
paper type
. appearance etc.).
wing length
. body width
. Interactions of interest
body length
. Two factors, say, X and Y are said to interact
number of clips attached
. with each other if the effect of control parameter X
wing shape.
on the response (or output) is different at different
The two noise factors which could not be directly levels of control parameter Y or vice versa [11]. If
controlled during the experiment were: the effect of control parameter X on the response is
. draft the same at all levels of control parameter Y, then
. operator. the interaction between the control parameters is
said to be zero.
In order to minimise the effect of these noise For industrial experiments with two control
factors on the time of flight, extra caution was parameters X and Y considered at two levels
taken during the experiment. For instance, the (referred to as 2-level parameters), the interaction
experiment was conducted in a closed room in effect can be computed by the equation:
order to dampen the effect of draft. The same
person (i.e., operator) was responsible to minimise Interaction effect 12 Effect of control parameter
the reaction time of hitting the stopwatch when the
helicopter is released and when it hits the floor. X at high level of Y
Once the design parameters are selected, the Effect of control parameter
next stage is to determine the number of levels in
which the parameters should be studied for the X at low level of Y
Table 2. Design matrix for the helicopter experiment: ( ) represents the experimental trials in random order
1 (6) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.49
2 (9) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.80
3 (11) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.82
4 (15) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.99
5 (12) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.11
6 (2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.96
7 (16) 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.19
8 (14) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.27
9 (10) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.12
10 (1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.58
11 (7) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.15
12 (3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.05
13 (8) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.60
14 (4) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.09
15 (5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.63
16 (13) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.18
Table 4. Table for main effects for the experiment 12 Effect of B at high level of D
row of Table 3. Having obtained the levels for the The main effects plot and interaction plot
product (B D), we will then calculate the average however does not tell us which of the main and/
flight times corresponding to low and high levels of or interaction effects are statistically significant.
(B D). The interaction effect between B and D Under such circumstances, it is good practice to
can now be estimated in a similar manner to the employ normal probability plots [16]. For normal
main effects: probability plots, the main and interaction effects
of control parameters should be plotted against
Interaction effect B D cumulative probability (%). Inactive main and
Average flight time at high level of B D interaction effects tend to fall roughly along a
straight line whereas active effects tend to appear
Average flight time at low level of B D as extreme points falling off each end of a straight
line. These active effects are judged to be statis-
Similarly, the interactions between B and C , i.e., tically significant. Figure 4 shows a normal
(B C), and the interaction between A and E, probability plot of effects (both main and inter-
i.e., (A E) can be computed. The results are action) of control parameters at 99% confidence
summarised in Table 6. level (or 1% significance level). Here significance
level is the risk of saying that a factor is
Interaction plot significant when in fact it is not. In other words,
This is a very powerful graphical tool for inter- it is the probability of the observed significant
preting the interaction effects. It provides a better effect (either main or interaction) being due to
and rapid understanding of the nature of inter- pure chance. For experimental design problems,
actions among the control parameters under we generally consider both 5% and 1% significance
consideration. Non-parallel lines in the interaction levels. If measures the significance level, then
plot connotes the existence of interaction among 1 measures our confidence for an effect to be
the parameters, whereas parallel lines indicates the statistically significant [17]. The graph (Fig. 4)
non-existence of interaction among the parameters shows that main effects A, B, E and F are
for investigation. Consider the interaction between statistically significant. The interaction between B
wing length (B) and body length (D) for the above and D was not statistically significant at 1%
experiment. The interaction plot is shown in Fig. 3. significance level (or 99% confidence level)
As the lines are non-parallel, there is an interaction though it appeared to be important in the
between the control parameters B and D. interaction graph (refer to Fig. 3).
Determination of optimal control parameter were kept at high levels. A confirmatory experi-
settings ment was carried out to verify the results from the
Having identified the significant control para- analysis. Five helicopters were made based on the
meters, the next step is to determine the optimal optimal combination of control parameter levels.
settings of these parameters that will maximise the The average flight time was estimated to be 3.26 s.
flight time. In order to arrive at the optimal
condition, the mean time of flight at each level Table 7. Final optimal control parameter
of these parameters was analysed. As none of the settings
interaction effects were statistically significant,
the main concern was the average flight times at Control parameters Optimum level
the low and high level of the main effects (refer to Paper type Normal (low level)
Table 4). From Table 4, the final optimal settings Wing length 130 mm (high level)
of control parameters was derived (see Table 7). It Body width 20 mm (low level)
is quite interesting to notice that the optimal Body length 130 mm (high level)
control parameter settings is one which correspond Body length 130 mm (high level)
Number of clips 1 (low level)
to trial condition 7 (see Table 2). The time of flight Wing shape Flat (low level)
was maximum when wing length and body length
342 J. Antony and N. Capon
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Jiju Antony is a Research Fellow with the Portsmouth Business School, University of
Portsmouth. He received a BE in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kerela,
South India, M.Eng.Sc. in Quality and Reliability Engineering from the National
University of Ireland and a Ph.D. in Quality Control for Manufacturing from the
University of Portsmouth. He has published over 25 refereed papers in the areas of
reliability engineering, design of experiments, Taguchi methods for improving process
quality, robust technology development and problem solving using quality tools and
techniques. Dr Antony has applied design of experiments and Taguchi methods in more
than five manufacturing companies.
Nick Capon is a Senior Lecturer with the Portsmouth Business School. His research
interests are in the areas of operations management and quality management, with current
research into business process re-engineering and risk management. He has an industrial
background as a manufacturing manager, including experience in materials management
and systems analysis in aerospace engineering and electronics. He has published over 10