BCS302 Set 2
BCS302 Set 2
BCS302 Set 2
Module - 1 M L C
Q.1 a Demonstrate the working of NAND & XOR gate. 6 L1 CO1
c Simplify the following Boolean function into (i) sum-of-products form and 8 L3 CO1
(ii) product-of-sums form:
Module - 2
Q.3 a Explain Dataflow Modeling in Verilog with an example program. 6 L2 CO2
Q.4 a Explain the working of Four-bit adders using 4-Full Adders. 6 L3 CO2
b Design a BCD-to-excess-3 code converter. 6 L3 CO2
Module - 3
Q.5 a Describe the Big-endian and little-endian address assignment. 5 L2 CO3
Model Question Paper- II with effect from 2022
b Demonstrate the Instruction Execution and Sequencing for C ← [A] + [B] 8 L4 CO3
with block diagram.
c With a block diagram, explain the basic functional units of a computer. 7 L2 CO3
c What are Condition Code Flags? Mention the significance of the flags N, Z, 5 L1 CO3
V and C.
Module - 4
Q.7 a Describe DMA with its registers and controllers. 10 L2 CO4
b Explain the effect of size, cost and speed in Memory Hierarchy. 10 L3 CO4
Module - 5
Q.9 a Describe how an ALU performs an Arithmetic and Logic Operations along 10 L3 CO5
with input gating diagrams.
b Explain 4-stage pipeline with diagrams. 10 L2 CO5
Q.10 a Explain the complete set of operations involved in executing the instruction 10 L4 CO5
Add (R3), R1 along with control sequence.
b What are Hazards? Explain Data Hazard, Control Hazard and Structural 10 L2 CO5