4th Grade Lesson Plan 1
4th Grade Lesson Plan 1
4th Grade Lesson Plan 1
Focus Area: National Music Standard(s): Objectives: The learner will be able to…
concept/skills emphasized Singing, alone and with others, a varied
Singing repertoire of music to demonstrate how to play a “B”
Pitch Matching Performing on instruments, alone and with with correct technique.
others, a varied repertoire of music
Improvising melodies, variations and
Perform the song “Recorder Mission”
Harmony accompaniments Identify quarter, eighth, half notes
Moving Composing and arranging music within
and quarter rests.
specific guidelines
Rhythm Reading and notating music
Reading Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
Evaluating music and music performances
Understanding relationships between music, 4:!5
the other arts and disciplines outside the
Dictation arts
Listening Understanding music in relation to history
Writing and culture
Act 1/Review: Students will walk into the room and sit with their assigned groups. We will review
expectations for recorders and student computer usage. Students will be split up into two groups based
on their classroom numbers. One group will be completing an assignment using our Quaver Music Website.
Student will have choice in which activities they complete; history of the recorder, rhythm soccer
review, rhythm tic tac toe, and music matching game. Our second group will work with the teacher to
learn the song, “Recorder Mission”.
Transition: Students will transition to their assigned groups in different parts of the room.
Act 2: Group one will be self-directed in completing their Quaver assignment. Group two will get their
recorders out and warm up by reviewing the note “B”. They will have the opportunity to play as a group and
individually. They will then learn the song “Recorder Mission” by following three steps; 1) Clapping the
rhythm, 2) Singing the note in rhythm, 3) Playing the correct rhythms and pitches on the recorder. Group
2 will then perform with the audio track of Recorder Mission.
Accommodations: Smaller groups, individual time with the teacher, student choice in activities.
Extensions: Alternative Songs that use “B”; “Walk Like a Mummy”, “B Attack”