SB Rules en
SB Rules en
SB Rules en
1 Custom
6 double-sided game boards of different sizes: 2 large, 2 medium
and 2 small Die
1 6 World of Warcraft Race banners, colored when Active and grayed- 1 Game Turn track & 1 Game Turn Marker
out when In Decline
1 Team Variant Rules sheet
This rules booklet
2 0 Unique Special
Power badges
12 Artifact
and Legendary
Places markers Players
10 9 4 10
Mountains Wisp Walls Harmony tokens Forts
8 7
6 2
1 5
Objectives Champion Beasts
Towers 110 Victory Coins: 6
35 20
25 30
Bombs (6 exploding
+ 6 unexploded) 9
182 Race tokens & 15 Murloc tokens:
10 12 10 10 20 10 11 10 11
Blood Elves Draenei Dwarves Ethereals Forsaken Gnomes Goblins Humans Kobolds
11 9 11 10 16 11 10 15
✖ Place the Game Turn track next to the boards with the Turn
marker on the first spot ❶. The track is used to monitor the
game’s progress. The game ends at the end of the round in
which the Game Turn marker reaches the last position on
the track (depending on the number of players: 8 rounds for
5 players, 9 rounds for 4 players, 10 rounds for 2-3 players).
✖ Pull the removable storage tray with all of its Race tokens
out of the box and place it open next to the boards within
easy reach of all players ❷.
✖ Shuffle all the Race banners; draw five at random and lay
them faceup (i.e. colored side visible) in a single column ❸.
Place the remaining banners face up, in a single stack, at the
bottom of the column ❹. Do the same with the Special Power
badges, shuffling them and placing one to the left of each
Race banner, its round edge fitting snuggly into the banner’s
round opening. Stack the rest of the badges in a pile to the left
of the Race banners’ stack ❺. You should now have a total
of 6 Race banner and Special Power badge combos visible
face up on the table, including the one on top of the stacks.
additional Victory coin. That cost is paid by the player drop-
ping one of their Victory coins on each of the combos situated
above the combo they wish to pick.
Azeroth is a majestic and vast world. But not big enough for
all the Races that are reluctant to share it and always trying
to expand. Things get particularly complicated when most of
those Races belong to waring factions engaged in a never-
ending conflict. The non-aligned Races, meanwhile, are happy The player, wanting
to take advantage of this ancient discord to seize what land the Herbalist
they can and flourish. Forsaken as their
starting Race and
After picking a World of Warcraft Race and Special Power
Special Power combo,
combination, you must use their unique racial traits and skills
drops 1 of their
to conquer surrounding Regions and amass Victory coins
Victory coins on each
- often at the expense of weaker neighbors. Placing troops
of the combos above
(Race tokens) in various Regions, and conquering adjacent it, and takes this set.
lands, you earn Victory coins for each Region you occupy
at the end of your turn. Eventually, your race will become
increasingly over-extended (like those you have already
crushed!) and you will need to abandon your civilization
and look for another. The key to your victory is knowing
when to push your empire into decline and ride a new one
to supremacy in the World of Warcraft!
If the combo a player selects contains some Victory coins
(dropped by players who previously passed up this combo),
the player pockets these coins; they must still drop one of
their own Victory coins on each of the combos located above
the one they selected, however.
The player places their combo selection face up in front of
them, and picks a number of matching Race tokens in the re-
The player who most recently played a video game starts movable storage tray equal to the sum of the values indicated
the game and takes their first turn. The game then proceeds on the Race banner and its associated Special Power badge.
clockwise, from player to player. After each player has played
once, a new round begins. Unless stated otherwise (for example, Forsaken) these Race
tokens are the only ones the player will be able to deploy for
The First Player moves the Game Turn marker forward one this Race during the course of the game.
spot on the Game Turn Track, and proceeds with their next
turn, followed by the others. If, on the other hand, a Legendary Place or a Race power lets
you take additional Race tokens from the storage tray during
When the Game Turn marker reaches the last spot on the the course of the game, you are still limited by the total number
Game Turn Track, one final turn is played by each person and of tokens physically available. So a player with 20 Forsaken
the game ends. The player who has amassed the most Victory tokens on the boards won’t be able to use their Forsaken power
coins is declared the winner of the game. again until some of their tokens become available.
› Troop Redeployment
Once a player’s conquests for the turn have ended, they
may freely redeploy the Race tokens they have on the boards,
moving them from one Region to any other Region occupied
by their Race (not necessarily just an adjacent or contiguous
Region), provided that at least one Race token remains in
each Region under their control.
3. Scoring Victory Coins ◆ Conquering two or more Regions of the same
Race still grants only 1 VC, unless stated other-
Their turn now complete, the player receives 1 Victory wise (i.e. Battleground, p. 14).
Coin from the stash for each Region their Race tokens occupy ◆ An Active Race and an In Decline Race count as two
on the map. The player may also collect bonus Victory Coins different Races, even if they belong to the same player.
as a result of their Race, Special Power, Legendary Places and/
or Artifacts’ benefits.
Alliance Horde
The Blood Elves Race
Power is Active; the
player controlling them
receives one bonus
Victory coin,
since the Blood Elves
occupy a Magic Region.
The same player’s
Forsaken’s Herbalist
Special Power is no
longer Active, since the
Forsaken went In Decline.
The player receives one
Victory coin per Region
their Forsaken occupy,
but no bonus Victory
may occupy a Region, bolstering the defenses of that territory. the game. The only difference, but it’s a sizeable
When such a Region is conquered, all In Decline tokens are one, is that the player will now likely collect Victory
discarded. coins from their new Race as well as from left-over
Each player can only have a single Race In Decline on the tokens of their now In Decline Race, during the Scoring
map at any given time. If the player still has tokens from an Victory coins phase of their turn.
earlier In Decline Race left on the map, those are all immedi- Note: Murlocs are always considered as an In decline Race
ately removed from the map and placed back in the storage belonging to no player.
tray, before flipping the new tokens into Decline.
The Race banner of the now vanished Race is placed at the
bottom of the stack of Race banners, or in the lowest empty
slot in the banner column, if any. The same is also done when
the last token of an In Decline Race is wiped off the map as
the result of their last Region being conquered.
The player can make no conquests during the turn their race
goes into Decline; their turn ends immediately after scoring!
They gain 1 Victory coin for each Region their newly In De- Once the Game Turn marker has reached its final spot on the
cline tokens occupy, but unless stated otherwise, they score Game Turn track (depending on the number of players) and
no Victory coins from their now In Decline Race banner power all players have had a chance to play a final turn, the Victory
or discarded Special Power benefits. coins held by each player are revealed and tallied. The player
On their next turn, the player will select a new Race and Spe- with the highest score wins. In the case of a tie, the player
cial Power combo from among those now available to them. with the most Race tokens (Active + In Decline) still on the
They then follow the same rules used during the first round of boards is the winner.
boards, take the left-over, now empty punchboard frames and
rather than throw them away, stack them back up on the table.
Carefully pull the vacuum tray insert that sits at the bottom
of your game box and extract it, being careful not to break
the thin plastic. Now place the stacked punchboard frames
at the bottom of your game box and place the vacuum tray
back in place inside the box so that it now sits on top of these.
I. O
RGANIZE It is now raised by the right amount so that once boards are
placed back on top they sit flush with the box cover. You are
THE STORAGE TRAY now ready to store your game box vertically, without having
to worry about the game components shifting around.
Because the Small World of Warcraft box contains so many The illustration below shows you where the various game
punchboards, once you have punched out all the tokens and tokens, markers and coins should fit. The extractable storage
coins, you will be left with a big gap between the top of the tray is used solely for storing Race tokens, with a compart-
vacuum tray on which your boards sit and the cover of the ment dedicated for each Race. The size of some of the wells
box. If you like to store your games in an upright position, in this tray has been standardized to facilitate the placement
this void will likely cause the boards and all the tokens stored of the various Race tokens (Murloc tokens are stored in the
below it to move around and become jumbled. main vacuum tray). All other coins, tokens and markers go
To avoid this, we recommend the following one-time opera- in their designated spot, inside the main vacuum tray of the
tion: once all pieces have been punched out from the punch- game box. The boards, summary sheets and rules go on top.
Victory coins
Removable storage tray for Races tokens
The Race tokens are placed on the map colored side face
HE RACES up when the race is Active, and colored side face down once
the race is In Decline.
AND SPECIAL POWERS Unless stated otherwise, the benefits granted by an Active
Race banner and its associated Special Power badge always
There are 16 Races and 20 Special Powers in Small World
cumulate, and no longer apply once the race is put In Decline.
of Warcraft.
A Region is deemed non-empty if, and only if, it contains
Each Race has its own distinctive Race banner, and to-
at least one Murloc or Race token (Active or In Decline). A
kens in sufficient number to deploy with any Special Power
Region that contains a Mountain marker, an Artifact or Leg-
endary Place token but no Murloc or enemy Race token is
Each Special Power badge gives a unique benefit considered empty.
to the race it is associated with.
selected, they roll a free reinforcement die before the assault
BLOOD ELVES in order to potentially reduce the cost. If this airborne assault is
their last possible conquest, they may benefit from the reinforcement
Blood Elves are thirsty for magic. die roll twice: once for the Gnome ability and once for the normal
They collect 1 bonus Victory Coin final conquest attempt.
for each Magic Region they
5 occupy at turn’s end.
At the end of their turn, Goblins
DRAENEI may place Bombs in adjacent
Regions that are occupied by
During each opponent’s turns, the Draenei opponents’ Active Races.
may call the Holy Light: the first Race token When you first pick the Goblins
they should discard (due to conquests or Race, shuffle the 12 Bomb tokens and place
any type of power) stays with the player the stack facedown next to you. If you place bombs in adjacent
to be redeployed normally. All following opponents’ Regions, pick the tokens from the top of the stack and
casualties are discarded as usual. place them facedown (never more than one Bomb token per Region)
without looking at them.
DWARVES At the beginning of your next turn, if the Region with a Bomb token
is still occupied by an opponent (and even if the Race has gone In
Decline in the meantime), reveal the Bomb token: an explosion is
Dwarves may conquer Mountain treated as a successful conquest (the opponent loses 1 Race token,
Regions at a cost of 2 tokens less retrieves all others for redeployment as usual) except the Region is
than normal (a minimum of 1 to-
5 ken is still required).
now empty. A miss has no effect. In either case, the Bomb token is
discarded to the box.
If the Region is emptied before your next turn, put the Bomb token
back on top of the stack without looking at it.
When the Goblins go In Decline, the Bomb tokens that were placed at
ETHEREALS the end of their previous turn are revealed and their effect is applied
normally. If the Bomb tokens stack is depleted, Goblins can no longer
Ethereals are Artifact collectors. Once per place Bombs on the boards.
turn, they can steal an Artifact from a
Region adjacent to one they occupy by
5 moving this Artifact token into this adja-
cent Region (and they may use the Artifact
power immediately) OR they may conquer Humans can designate
any adjacent Region that contains a Legendary Place at a cost of strategic regions for
2 tokens less than normal (a minimum of 1 token is still required).
non-Horde players.
At the end of each of
their turns, they place their 2 Military Ob-
FORSAKEN jective tokens (retrieved, if necessary)
in up to 2 different non-Alliance regions. If any non-Horde player
The Forsaken may enlist the dead bodies (including the Humans, themselves) successfully conquers a region
of their enemies. Each time they force the with a Military Objective token, they earn 2 bonus Victory Coins and
gives the token back to the Human player, who also earns 2 bonus
loss of a Race token (either Active or In
Decline), they may spend 1 Victory Coin Victory Coins if they weren’t the one who conquered the region. If
to get an additional Forsaken Race token. any Horde player conquers a Region with a Military Objective, nothing
Additional tokens are received after the last happens and the token stays in the Region.
conquest of the turn, before the redeployment step (i.e. they cannot
be used for conquests until next turn).
GNOMES Inhabitants of the underground,
Kobolds can pop up in any cave;
Thanks to their Flying Machines, Gnomes they may attack any Cavern Re-
can launch, once per turn, an airborne gion as though it were adjacent. For their
assault on any Region of any board. They first conquest, Kobolds can use a Cavern
to the Pandaren before attacking them (attempting to conquer their
NAGA regions or forcing the removal of a Race token from their territory
by any means). These 2 Victory Coins are only paid once, even if the
The Naga are used to living under the opponent attacks several Pandaren Regions. Each Harmony token
ocean so, unlike other Races, they may is retrieved by Pandaren at the beginning of each of their turns.
conquer Sea and Lake Regions. Their first
conquest may even be a Sea or a Lake
(requiring 2 Race tokens) and then they
expand from there. Naga remain in Seas
and Lakes while In Decline.
These large, resilient warriors may never
NIGHT ELVES occupy (nor conquer) a Region with less
than 2 Race tokens. However, they still
Night Elves may conquer lose one token when conquered. Under
Forest Regions at a cost of no circumstances should a Tauren token
be left alone, even during the “Ready your
1 token less than normal
(a minimum of 1 token is still troops” phase. If a Race token would be left alone for any reason,
required). Each time the Night the player controlling The Tauren must redeploy it to a Region they
Elves conquer a Forest, they already control. When going In Decline, they leave 2 Race tokens in
place a Wisp Wall token on it. A Wisp Wall counts as each Region, instead of 1.
1 token for defense and remains In Decline but is removed
when the Region is conquered or emptied.
ORCS Known to be cunning warriors, Trolls may
conquer any non-empty Region at a cost
Orcs are natural-born con-
of 1 token less than normal (a minimum
querors. Each conquest of an of 1 token is still required).
Alliance-occupied Region is
worth 1 bonus Victory Coin.
This power is cumulative with
the usual Faction Bonus.
PANDAREN At the beginning of each of their turns,
Worgen must choose between their hu-
At the end of every turn, Pan-
man form (they immediately get 2 bonus
daren give a Harmony token Victory Coins) or Worgen form (they pay
to each opponent whose Ac-
1 Victory Coin and all conquests this turn
tive Race they did not attack are at a cost of 1 token less than normal,
this turn (including the first turn of the but a minimum of 1 token is still required).
game, to players who do not own any
Race yet). A player with a Harmony token must pay 2 Victory Coins
Championing Intimidating
This Race controls 1 mighty Champion. Three times per turn, these masters in manipula-
Once a turn, it may conquer any adjacent tion may move 1 Race token from an opponent’s
Region for free, regardless of the number neighboring region, whether the Race is Active or In
of enemy tokens and defenses in it. Once conquered, Decline, to any Region controlled by the same Race
place the Champion token in this Region. The Cham- (if there are any, otherwise discard the token). This
pion counts as 1 Race token for defense. If another can be done in 3 different regions or several times in the same region.
player conquers the Region with the Champion, it is taken prisoner. No ◆ Murlocs are always discarded,
defending Race token is discarded. The owner of the Champion must ◆ A Wisp Wall or a Fort, if any, is discarded (it counts as a power use)
immediately pay their opponent a 1 Victory Coin ransom and retrieve it. before a Race token can be moved away,
They then redeploy it like a regular Race token and will be able to use ◆ This power must be used before the last conquest of the turn.
it again on their next turn.
Defensive Opponents must pay the Marshdweller
At the end of its turn, the Defensive Race 1 Victory Coin before conquering
Race places a Watch Tower token in each any Marshdweller’s Swamp Region. This power is
of its Fields Regions where it controls still Active when In Decline.
the majority of adjacent Regions (i.e.
controls more Regions than any other
Active or In Decline Race) and removes any Watch Tower Mining
from Fields Regions it no longer controls this majority. A The Mining Race is thirsty for precious
Watch Tower token makes a Region immune to all powers stones: it collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for
and conquest attempts. each Cavern Region it controls at turn’s end.
For each conquest of a Region with at least two
defending Race tokens, an Enraged Race collects
The Mountaineer Race collects 1 bonus
as many bonus Victory Coins as the number of de- Victory Coin for each Mountain Region it
fending Race tokens. controls at turn’s end.
An Explorer Race Collects 1 bonus Victory Coin for Portal Mage
each game board where it occupies at least one Twice a turn, these Portal masters may
Region at turn’s end. exchange all the tokens (except Mountain and Leg-
endary Places tokens) between 2 Magic Regions.
Farmer Ranger
The Farmer Race collects 1 bonus Victory
Coin for each Fields Region it controls at Forest lovers, the Ranger Race collects
turn’s end. 1 bonus Victory Point for each Forest
Region it controls at turn’s end.
A Fishing Race collects 1 bonus Victory Sailing
Coin at turn’s end for each Region it These travelling experts do not pay the extra +1 Race
controls adjacent to a Lake or a Sea. token travel cost when conquering a non-adjacent
Entry Region of a board.
Great fortifications builders, the Garri- Swamp Walker
soned Race places 1 Fort token in each The Swamp Walker Race collects 1 bo-
Region it occupies. The Fort augments nus Victory Coin for each Swamp Region
the Region’s defense by 1 (just as if there was an it controls at turn’s end.
additional Race token stationed there) and remains In Decline. Discard
the Fort if the Region is conquered or emptied. There can only ever be a
maximum of 1 Fort per Region, and a maximum of 10 Forts on the boards.
Heart of Azeroth
III. ARTIFACTS At the end of their turn, the owner of the Heart of Azeroth
AND LEGENDARY PLACES places it in one of the Regions they control. Each opponent
whose Active Race occupies at least one Region that is
There are 5 Artifacts and 7 Legendary Places in Small World adjacent to the Heart of Azeroth must pay its owner 1
of Warcraft. A unique marker identifies each Artifact or Place. Victory Coin.
Legendary Places
Artifact Legendary Place
When a Race occupies the Battleground, it may benefit
from the Faction Bonus a second time per Race (i.e.
conquering 2 Regions - or more - of the same opposing
When a player enters a Region with a facedown Artifact Faction Race in the same turn will grant it 2 bonus VC).
or Place marker, reveal it. Once revealed, a marker remains
A neutral Race occupying the Battleground can choose to fight alongside
faceup for the entire game. A player occupying a Region with
the Alliance or the Horde for the duration of its turn and temporarily
a Place or an Artifact may immediately use its effect.
benefit from the Faction Bonus as well as the Battleground bonus de-
Markers with this icon are Artifacts. An Artifact scribed above. At the end of its turn, this Race is considered neutral again.
remains in the Region it has last been used in. On their next turn, if the Battleground is still under their control, the
owner of this neutral Race may choose again between the two Factions,
Markers with this icon are Legendary Places. regardless of their previous choice.
Places markers cannot be moved (except the Well
of Eternity that must be placed on a Sea or Lake Dark Portal
Region when revealed). The Race controlling the Region in which the Dark
Portal is located collects 2 bonus Victory Coins at turn’s
When a Region containing an Artifact or a Legendary Place
marker is conquered, the marker changes hands and can be
immediately used by its new owner. When a Region contain-
ing an Artifact is abandoned, the Artifact stays in that Region. Karazhan
Note: In Decline Races cannot benefit from Artifacts and Plac- The Race controlling this Legendary Place receives 1 bonus
es effects and bonuses, unless stated otherwise. Victory Coin at turn’s end for all OTHER regions it controls
that match the terrain type where Karazhan is located.
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