Shehata 2021
Shehata 2021
Shehata 2021
DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.15870
Food Technology Department, Arid Lands
Cultivation Research Institute (ALCRI), Abstract
City of Scientific Research and Technology This study focused on optimizing the extraction conditions of bioactive compounds
Applications (SRTA-City), Alexandria, 21934,
Egypt from orange peels using response surface methodology (RSM) to decrease the num-
Food Science and Technology Department, ber of experimental trials and increase the yield of bioactive compounds. Ultrasonic
Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University,
extraction time, extraction temperature, and ethanol concentration have been opti-
Alexandria, 21526, Egypt
Department of Technology and
mized. Twenty experimental trials have been carried out to optimize the extraction
Organization of Public Catering, Institute of conditions. The RSM results showed that the extraction temperature and ethanol
Sport, Tourism and Service, South Ural State
University, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
concentration had a remarkable effect on the total phenolic content (TPC), total fla-
vonoid content (TFC), and antioxidant activity. The optimal ultrasound-assisted ex-
Sobhy A. El-Sohaimy, Food Technology
traction conditions were 44 min extraction time, 50℃ extraction temperature, and
Department, Arid Lands Cultivation 57.7% ethanol concentration. Under these optimal conditions, TPC and TFC were
Research Institute (ALCRI), City of Scientific
Research and Technology Applications
292.158 µg GAE/g and 191.144 µg catechol/g, respectively, whereas antioxidant ac-
(SRTA-City), New Borg El-Arab City, tivities were 5.199 and 2.96 µg/ml for 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and 2,20-azin
Alexandria, Egypt.
o-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-60-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt, respectively. RSM
saves the extraction time and effective for optimizing extraction conditions with the
highest efficiency and yield.
Novelty impact statement: The findings of the current work emphasized usefulness
of ultrasound assisted extraction for elevation the extraction efficiency with de-
creasing the extraction time. The extraction temperature and ethanol concentration
are the main effective factors of extraction efficiency. The optimal extraction time
was 44 min at 50℃ extraction temperature, and the optimal ethanol concentration
was 57.7%. These optimal conditions were giving the highest yield of TPC and TFC
that were 292.158 µg GAE/g and 191.144 µg catechol/g. These novel optimized ex-
traction conditions could be useful in different food and pharmaceutical applications.
1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N 2020; The European Fruit Juice Association). This huge produc-
tion of orange juice worldwide produces a large amount of waste
Orange juice production is progressively increasing worldwide of peels, membranes, and seeds. This waste is mainly used as ani-
every year, except in 2020 due to the coronavirus disease 2019 mal feed or discarded in the environment (Abd El-A ziz et al., 2021;
pandemic. The global orange juice production in 2019 was about Badr et al., 2020; Garcia-C astello et al., 2015; Sharma et al., 2017;
2.2 million metric tons (Citrus: World Markets and Trade, July Shehata, Awad, et al., 2021). New research adds value to this waste
to extract valuable bioactive compounds for food and pharma- TA B L E 1 Coded and uncoded factors and their range level using
ceutical purposes (Abdel-Razek et al., 2020; Awad et al., 2020). in central composite design
Notwithstanding, citrus peels are an excellent source of phenolic Independent variables Coded and uncoded levels
acids and flavonoids, vitamin C, folate, and potassium with sev-
X1: ultrasonic time (min) 40 (−1) 50 (0) 60 (+1)
eral biological benefits (anti-
inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, an-
X2: Extraction temperature (°C) 30 (−1) 40 (0) 50 (+1)
tidegenerative, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties; Oboh &
X3: Ethanol concentration (%) 40 (−1) 50 (0) 60 (+1)
Ademosun, 2012; Rafiq et al., 2018). Conventional extraction meth-
ods, such as cold pressing, heating reflux, and Soxhlet, are time-
consuming and have safety hazards and high energy input (Contini 2.2 | Optimization procedure
et al., 2008; Mandal et al., 2007). To increase the exploitation of
citrus peels, an ecofriendly extraction method can be applied to re- 2.2.1 | Single-factor experiments
cover bioactive compounds from citrus waste. “Green” extraction
technology can decrease solvents, shorten the extraction time, Extraction temperature (30–70℃), extraction time (10–8 0 min), and
lower energy, and decrease environmental pollution and uses safe ethanol-to-water ratio (30%–8 0%) were investigated as parameters
thermolabile constituents. Green extraction techniques, such as that influence the extraction yield in the experimental design. The
ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), supercritical extraction, and experimental results of a single-factor and the impact of extraction
assisted extraction, have specific applications (Kate parameters and their upper and lower levels on the RSM design were
et al., 2016; Liović et al., 2021; Viell et al., 2020). Ultrasound waves applied.
(from 20 kHz to 100 MHz) during extraction can damage and disrupt
cell membranes, release cell contents, and enhance the extraction
yield (Chemat et al., 2009; Liović et al., 2021). The main advantages 2.2.2 | Experimental design
of UAE are reduced extraction time, saving energy, and solvent use,
faster energy transfer, reduced extraction temperature, reduced CCD was used to evaluate responses and the optimum combina-
equipment size, faster response to the process, and quick start-up tion of UOD variables, including three extraction parameters at
(Chemat et al., 2004; Viell et al., 2020). three levels (Table 1). Extraction temperature (℃), extraction time
Response surface methodology (RSM) enables the evaluation (min), and ethanol concentration (%) were the three independent
of the effects of many factors and their interactions on response variables. Total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content
variables. The main advantage of RSM is the reduced number of (TFC), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and 2,20-azino-bis(
experimental trials needed to evaluate multiple parameters and 3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6 0-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS)
their interactions; therefore, it is less laborious and time-consuming results of the dependent parameters were included. Twenty ex-
than other approaches required to optimize a process (Aybastıer & perimental trials were given by the complete design (Table 2). The
Demir, 2010; Bezerra et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2000). The most com- RSM polynomial equation of second degree (Equation [1]) was
mon designs (i.e., central composite design [CCD] and Box-Behnken used as follows:
design) of RSM have been widely used in various experiments. CCD,
a spherical and revolving design, has been applied to optimize chem- Y = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + b11 X12 + b22 X22 + b33 X32 + b12 X1 X2 + b13 X1 X3 + b23 X2 X3
ical and physical processes due to its reasoning design and excellent (1)
outcomes (Aybastıer & Demir, 2010). RSM was used in this study to
manipulate and optimize the critical factors for ecofriendly UAE to The intercept and linear, quadratic, and interaction coefficients
recover antioxidant compounds from orange peels. are b 0, b1, b2, b3, b11, b22, …; the noncoded ethanol concentration
values, temperature, time, and interaction terms are X1, X 2, and X3.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to assess the lack of fit and
2 | M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS effects of optimization on TPC, TFC, and antioxidant activity of lin-
ear, quadratic, and interaction variables. Design-E xpert version 12
2.1 | Plant materials and chemicals (Stat-Ease, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) was used to analyze the data.
TA B L E 2 Total phenolic content, total flavonoids content and antioxidant activity by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and 2,20-azino-
bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-60-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt of the extract of citrus peel under different conditions of ultrasonic-assisted
extraction based on a central composite design for response surface analysis
Factors Response
Run X1 (min) X2 (℃) X3 (%) TPC TFC DPPH (IC50) (µg/ml) ABTS (IC50) (µg/ml)
excess solvent at 40℃. The extract was lyophilized and stored at and mixed. The solution mixture was incubated at room temperature
−20℃ before analysis. for another 6 min. The absorbance of the solution mixture at 510 nm
was measured immediately using a spectrophotometer after mixing
with 2 ml NaOH (4%). TFC was expressed as catechol equivalents
2.4 | Total phenolic content (TPC) (µg CE/g DW).
TFC was determined according to the method of Dewanto Abs control − Abs sample
Inhibition of DPPH radical ( % ) = × 100
et al. (2002) with some modifications using catechol as a standard. Abs sample
Briefly, the properly diluted sample (0.5 ml) was mixed with 2.2 ml
deionized water and 150 μl NaNO2 (5%) and incubated at room tem- Notably, a lower absorbance by the reaction mixture indicated a
perature for 6 min. After incubation, 150 μl AlCl3 (10%) was added higher DPPH radical-scavenging activity.
4 of 10 | SHEHATA et al.
3 | R E S U LT S A N D D I S CU S S I O N
and effective parameters of phenolic compound extraction effi- The results showed a strong coefficient of regression between
ciency (Table 1). TPC and extraction factors (R 2 = 0.855). Higher F value with lower
p value led to a greater correspondence between the different inde-
pendent variables. With p < .05, X 2, X3, X 2 X3, and X32 were significant.
3.2 | Fitting the model However, X1, X1 X 2, X1 X3, X12, and X22 were not significant due to a higher
p value. Figure 1 shows the complex interaction of ultrasonic time,
Table 1 lists the values coded and decoded and the responses of extraction temperature, and ethanol concentration. A significant (p
each independent variable. TPC of orange peel extracts ranged from > .05) high total phenolic yield was obtained at higher extraction
195 to 295 µg/g dried extract. TFC ranged from 106 to 195 µg/g temperature (50℃) and lower ultrasonic time (44 min; Figure 2a).
extract. Table 1 also shows the antioxidant potential as IC50, which However, fixed ultrasonic time (44 min) with increased extraction
ranged from 4.7 to 17.3 µg/ml for DPPH and 2.65 to 14.9 µg/ml for temperature (50℃) led to a significant increase in total phenolic yield
ABTS. Equations (2)‒(5) show the independent variables and re- (p > .05) and reached optimum at the shortest tested ultrasonic time
sponse correlation: (44 min). Figure 2b shows the relationship between ethanol concen-
tration and extraction time, which affected the extraction efficiency
Y1 = 278.71 + 4.59X1 + 14.63X2 + 16.19X3 − 4.88X1 X2 − 7.87X1 X3 and consequently TPC. This optimization experiment emphasized
− 12.88X2 X3 − 3.32X12 − 2.61X22 − 7.03X32 (2) that phenolic content significantly (p > .05) increased with increased
ethanol concentration up to 58% and thereafter dropped. A signif-
Y2 = 178.26 + 2.18X1 + 13.83X2 + 15.38X3 − 3.50X1 X2 − 6.50X1 X3 icant increase in TPC was obtained at high extraction temperature
− 11.50X2 X3 − 4.80X12 − 1.79X22 − 6.21X32 (3) (50℃) and increasing ethanol-to-water ratio up to 57.7% (Figure 1c).
The extraction temperature up to 50℃ may increase and support
Y3 = 7.13 − 0.37X1 − 1.87X2 − 2.13X3 + 0.86X1 X2 + 1.11X1 X3 + 1.51X2 X3 the solubility and diffusion of phenolic compounds in the extraction
+ 1.05X12 + 0.24X22 + 0.83X32 solvent (ethanol). However, an increased temperature of >60℃ may
destruct polyphenolic compounds, causing a decrease in the antioxi-
dant activity (Dorta et al., 2012; Ling et al., 2009). Based on the RSM
Y4 = 4.96 − 0.25X1 − 1.88X2 − 2.35X3 − 0.67X1 X2 − 0.94X1 X3
results, ethanol concentration, followed by extraction temperature,
+ 1.68X2 X3 + 0.71X12 + 0.19X22 + 1.06X32 (5)
plays a crucial role in the efficiency of phenolic compound extraction
based on linear and quadratic coefficients (Table 3). These findings
where Y1 is TPC (µg GAE/g DW), Y2 is TFC (µg catechol/g DW), Y3 is suggested the optimum conditions for UAE methodology as an ecof-
DPPH (IC50; µg/ml), Y4 is ABTS (IC50; µg/ml), X1 is UAE time (min), X2 is riendly method for extracting polyphenols from different sources
UAE temperature (℃), and X3 is ethanol concentration (%). (Feng et al., 2015; Ho et al., 2014; Viell et al., 2020).
In the analysis, a good model of R 2 values was obtained from
the equations: 0.85, 0.82, 0.84, and 0.85, for TPC, TFC, DPPH, and
ABTS, respectively. These values indicated that the variation in pa- 3.4 | Response surface analysis of TFC
rameters by models is representable. When R > 0.75, the model is
more suitable according to Le Man et al. (2010). At the same time, The acceptable regression value for TFC (R 2 = 0.82) and the cor-
ANOVA showed a highly significant p value between .047 and relation between total flavonoid yield and extraction factors are re-
<.0012 (Table 2). Furthermore, the lack of fit statistics for all param- ported in Table 3. Quadratic polynomial equations are shown below
eters that calculate the models’ fitness was not significant (p > .05). with significant terms of TFC of orange peel extracts that neglect
High F values (5.94–21.64) confirmed the reliability of the models insignificant terms:
within the process conditions studied.
Y2 (mg catechol/g DW) = 178.26 + 2.18X1 + 13.83X2 + 15.38X3
− 3.50X1 X2 − 6.50X1 X3 − 11.50X2 X3 − 4.80X12 − 1.79X22 − 6.21X32
Table 3 shows the remarkable regression value for DDPH and ABTS
inhibition (R 2 = 0.84 and 0.85, respectively) and the correlation be-
tween antioxidant activity and extraction time, temperature, and
ethanol concentration. Quadratic polynomial equations are shown
below with significant terms of antioxidant activity of orange peel
extracts that neglect insignificant terms:
[ ]
Y3 DPPH − IC50 (𝜇g∕ml) = 7.13 − 0.37X1 − 1.87X2 − 2.13X3
+ 0.86X1 X2 + 1.11X1 X3 + 1.51X2 X3 + 1.05X12 + 0.24X22 + 0.83X32 (8)
[ ]
Y4 ABTS − IC50 (𝜇g∕ml) = 4.96 − 0.25X1 − 1.88X2 − 2.35X3
− 0.67X1 X2 − 0.94X1 X3 + 1.68X2 X3 + 0.71X12 + 0.19X22 + 1.06X32 (9)
a significant linear interaction and quadratic effect in the extraction F I G U R E 5 Response surface plots for the effect of (a)
process. Figure 2a shows the different extraction time, tempera- temperature and time, (b) ethanol concentration and time, (c)
ethanol concentration and temperature on the antioxidant activity
ture, and their mutual effect on antioxidant activity. Antioxidant
4 | CO N C LU S I O N S
All authors have read and agreed to publish the current version of
the manuscript in the Journal of Food Processing and Preservation.
SHEHATA et al. | 9 of 10
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How to cite this article: Shehata, M. G., Abd El Aziz, N. M.,
Shehata, M. G., Ahmad, F. T., Badr, A. N., Masry, S. H., & El-Sohaimy, S.
A. (2020). Chemical analysis, antioxidant, cytotoxic and antimicrobial
Youssef, M. M., & El-Sohaimy, S. A. (2021). Optimization
properties of propolis from different geographic regions. Annals of conditions of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic
Agricultural Sciences, 65, 209–217. compounds from orange peels using response surface
Shehata, M. G., Awad, T. S., Asker, D., El Sohaimy, S. A., Abd El-Aziz, N. methodology. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 00,
M., & Youssef, M. M. (2021). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities
and UPLC-ESI-MS/MS polyphenolic profile of sweet orange peel
extracts. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, 4, 326–335.