Corruption: Delving Into The Muddy Water Through The Lens of Islam
Corruption: Delving Into The Muddy Water Through The Lens of Islam
Corruption: Delving Into The Muddy Water Through The Lens of Islam
Through the
Corruption: delving into lens of Islam
the muddy water through
the lens of Islam
Siti Faridah Abdul Jabbar
School of Accounting, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine corruption from the perspective of Islam.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper takes the form of a critical analysis of the primary
sources of Islamic law and extant literature.
Findings – In Islam, corruption is vehemently condemned; the meaning and scope of corruption is
wide; and Islamic internal constraint is a significant tool against corruption.
Practical implications – The paper suggests a manner by which Muslim countries may effectively
combat corruption.
Originality/value – This paper contributes to a discourse on corruption from an Islamic perspective,
which is currently lacking.
Keywords Corruption, Islam
Paper type Viewpoint
A significant number of Muslim countries occupy the bottom of the Transparency
International Corruption Perceptions Index[1]. While at the one end there may be some
who hastily put the blame on religious influence for this predicament, at the other there
may be others who try to empathise with the misfortune by linking it to factors such as
lower income and educational levels of the majority of the Muslim population[2]. While
it is not the aim of this paper to uphold or refute any of the sentiments, it does, however,
begin by examining Islam’s stance on corruption. Next, it analyses the meaning and
scope of corruption in Islam and finally discusses the significant role that Islam can
play in combating corruption.
Corruption is fervidly forbidden in Islam. There are numerous verses in the Qur’an and
innumerable Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad which condemn corruption. The fight
against corruption is, thus, obligatory upon all Muslims. The meaning and scope of
corruption is very wide in Islam. Any act that flouts the principle of justice and
causes harm to mankind, other creatures and the environment is corruption. Islam can
play a significant role in the fight against corruption. Its central value of equitable
distribution of income, resources and wealth coupled with the principle of strict
accountability would significantly support the external constraints such as education,
law and institutional infrastructures in combating corruption.
1. Transparency International is a global non-governmental coalition against corruption and
scores countries each year on how corrupt their public sectors are perceived to be through
its corruption perceptions index (CPI). The CPI is determined through “the informed
views of analysts, businesspeople and experts in countries around the world”
JFC (Transparency International) and measured in the scale of 0 to 10. 0 is the highest level of
corruption and 10 the lowest. A higher value indicates a more honest and less corrupt
20,2 country. The CPI is employed by many as the standard indicator of the extent of corruption
in a country.
2. Although the following studies are not directly linked to the statement above, see
La Porta et al. (1999) who find that countries with higher Catholic or Muslim populations
144 tend to have higher corruption and Samanta et al. (2010) who present that a country becomes
less corrupt when the percentage of Islamic population goes up. For a succinct yet
comprehensive discourse on various other determinants of corruption (Pellegrini and
Gerlagh, 2008).
3. A corrupt act such as embezzlement (sarigah) has been categorised as hudud by the Qur’an
and Sunnah that would entail in a fixed penalty which cannot be reduced, augmented or
annulled by man. Corrupt acts that have not been specifically categorised as hudud may be
categorised as ta’zir by the State, which is also given the discretion to determine the
punishment for the acts after having taken cognisance of the requirements of the Qur’an and
Sunnah ( Jabbar, 2010).
4. See, for example, a Hadith where the Prophet Muhammad was reported to have said: “ [. . .] to
earn a lawful livelihood is an obligatory duty [. . .]” (Hadith Baihaqi).
5. Hadith Bukhari and Muslim.
6. Narrated by Ahmed, Al-Bazaz and Al-Tabarani.
7. Hadith Muslim.
8. Hadith Bukhari.
10. For a further discussion on “justice” in Islam (Rosen, 2000).
11. The duty to protect the environment may be derived, among others, from Surah Ar-Rahman
(55), verses 5-9 of the Qur’an, which is translated thus: “the sun and the moon run on their
fixed courses by precise calculation. And the stars and trees both prostrate. And the heaven
He has raised high and He has set up the balance. That you not transgress the balance. And
observe the weight in equity and do not make the balance deficient”.
12. For example, Surah Al-Baqarah (2), verse 188 which is translated thus: “and do not consume
one another’s property unjustly nor give bribery to the rulers so that they might aid you to
consume a portion of the property of others sinfully, while you know [it is unlawful]”.
13. For example, Surah Hud (11), verse 85 which is translated thus: “and O my people, give full
measure and weight in justice and do not deprive the people of their due and do not commit
abuse on the earth, spreading corruption”.
14. For example, Surah Al-Qasas (28), verse 4 which is translated thus: “indeed, Pharaoh exalted
himself in the land and made its people into factions, oppressing a sector among them,
slaughtering their [newborn] sons and keeping their females alive. Indeed, he was of the
15. In a study based on interviews conducted with tax payers in Taiwan, 94 percent of them
admitted to bribing public officials to be lenient in assessing their taxes (Chu, 1990).
16. Mauro (1998) finds that corruption reduces government spending on education in a
cross-section of countries.
17. Smith et al. (2003) present that some developing countries have high levels of political
corruption, which reduces effective funding levels and distorts priorities, thus, affecting the
success of conservation projects.
18. Other impacts of corruption include lower level of investment (Wei, 2000; Habib and Through the
Zurawicki, 2002; Samanta and Breslin, 2007; Podobnik et al., 2008); adverse effect on business
(Bliss and Di Tella, 1997; Johnson et al., 2000; Anderson and Marcouiller, 2002; Beck et al., lens of Islam
2005); adverse effect on financial market (Fisman, 1991); negative effect on human capital
(Murphy et al., 1991); erodes belief in the political system (Seligson, 2002); and decline in foreign
aid (Mauro, 1997). Although there had been arguments that corruption may not necessarily be
bad and may, in fact, “grease the squeaking wheels of a rigid administration” or “grease the
wheels of commerce” by, among others, removing obstructionist bureaucratic behaviour that 145
stifle efficient investment and reducing transaction cost and the cost of capital (Leff, 1964;
Lui, 1985; Kaufmann and Wei, 1999; Ehrlich and Lui, 1999), these efficiency-enhancing
theoretical views of corruption, however, had been brushed aside on the basis that they lack
empirical support and have largely fallen out of favour (Iqbal and Lewis, 2002; Aidt, 2003).
19. Ahmad (1999). Individuals without any sense of the strict accountability “will be tempted to
engage in corruption when the size of their corrupt gain is greater than the penalty if caught
times the probability of being caught” (Klitgaard, 1998).
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Further reading
Transparency International (2012), available at: (accessed
October 10, 2012).
World Bank (2012), available at:
cor02.htm (accessed October 7, 2012).