SFM Theory Notes - Adish Jain - Unacademy
SFM Theory Notes - Adish Jain - Unacademy
SFM Theory Notes - Adish Jain - Unacademy
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Content and language of this book has been picked from Institute’s material.
This book has been creatively designed to help students understand and
remember the content easily. For this purpose, certain concepts have been
presented in diagrams and charts format. However, in exams, answers must be
written in simple pointers and paragraph format.
Below chapters & topics have more importance and should be studied on
priority to other chapters:
Chapters: Topics:
1. Start-Up Finance Side Pocketing Fixed Maturity Plans
2. Securitization Tracking Error Quant Funds
3. Risk Management Direct Plan in Mutual Immunization
4. Security Analysis Funds
5. Financial Policy and
Corporate Strategy
3. Security Analysis..............................................................................................................11
6. Securitization ..................................................................................................................28
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Outcome of Financial Planning = Financial Objective, Financial decision-making & Financial measures
Financial objectives are to be decided at the very beginning so that rest of the decisions can be taken
accordingly. The objectives need to be consistent with the corporate mission and corporate objectives.
Financial decision making helps in analysing the financial problems that are being faced by the corporate
and accordingly deciding the course of action to be taken by it.
Financial measures like ratio analysis, analysis of cash flow statement is used to evaluate the
performance of the Company.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
The interface of strategic management and financial policy will be clearly understood if we appreciate
the fact that the starting point of an organization is money and the end point of that organization is also
Dimensions of interface between Corporate Strategic Management and Financial Policy:
(Interface in general means point of connection between two things. Here, ‘Dimensions of interface
between Corporate Strategic Management and Financial Policy’ means in which all ways, Corporate
Strategic Management is connected to Financial Policy)
a) Sources of Finance and Capital Structure Decisions
To support any expansion activity, funds may be mobilized (generated) through owner’s capital
(equity or preference shares) or borrowed capital (debt like debentures, public deposits, etc.).
Along with mobilization of funds, policy makers must also decide on the capital structure i.e.,
appropriate mix of equity and debt capital. This mix varies from industry to industry.
b) Investment and Fund Allocation Decisions
A planner must frame policies for regulating investment in fixed and current assets.
Planners task is to make best possible allocation under resource constraints.
Investment proposals by different business units can be divided as:
Addition of new product by the firm (i.e., diversification)
Increasing the level of operation of an existing product (i.e., expansion)
Cost reduction or efficient utilization of resource
c) Dividend Policy Decisions
Dividend policy decision deals with the extent of earnings to be distributed as dividend and the
extent of earnings to be retained for future growth of the firm.
It may be noted from the above discussions that financial policy cannot be worked out in isolation of
corporate strategy. Since, financial planning and corporate strategy are interdependent of each other,
attention of the corporate strategy makers must be drawn while framing the financial plans not at a later
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
1. Types of Risks a Business Faces
Strategic Risk Compliance Risk Operational Risk Financial Risk
It is the risk that Every business needs to It refers to the risk It refers to the risk
company’s strategy comply with rules and that company of unexpected
might become less regulations. If the company might fail to changes in
effective and fails to comply with laws manage day to day financial conditions
company struggles related to an area or operational prevailing in an
to achieve its goals. industry or sector, it will problems. economy such as
pose a serious threat to its prices, interest
It could be due to This type of risk
survival. rates, inflation, etc.
technological relates to internal
reasons, new It refers to the risk that risk as risk relates All these factors
competitors, shift company might not be able to ‘people’ as well have direct impact
in customer’s to company with the rules as ‘process’. on the profitability
demand, etc. and regulation applicable to of the company.
the business.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Liquidity Risk
It refers to the inability of organization to meet it liabilities whenever they become due. This risk
arises when a firm is unable to generate adequate cash when needed. This type of risk is more
prevalent in banking business where there may be mismatch in maturities and receiving fresh
deposits pattern.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Currency Risk
It refers to the risk of change in cash flows due to unfavourable changes in exchange rates. This risk
mainly affects the firms dealing in foreign currency denominated transactions. This risk can be
affected by cash flow adversely or favourably.
Hints used to identify this risk:
1. Government Action: The Government action of any country has impact on its currency, because
government has powers to enact laws and formulate policies that can affect flow to foreign
funds in an economy.
2. Nominal Interest Rate: As per interest rate parity (IRP), the currency exchange rate depends on
the nominal interest of that country.
3. Inflation Rate: As per Purchasing power parity theory, the currency exchange rate depends on
the inflation of that country.
4. Natural Calamities: Any natural calamity can have negative impact on the exchange rates.
5. War, Coup, Rebellion etc.: All these actions can have far reaching impact on currency’s exchange
rates (Coup means sudden change in government illegally & Rebellion means organised protest
against any authority).
6. Change of Government: The change of government and its attitude towards foreign investment
also helps to identify the currency risk.
Techniques to manage this risk:
Already covered in Foreign Exchange as Internal & External Hedging Techniques.
Political Risk
This type of risk is faced by and overseas investors, as the adverse action by the government of host
country may lead to huge loses.
Hints used to identify this risk:
1. Insistence on resident investors or labour.
2. Restriction on conversion of currency.
3. Confiscation of foreign assets by the local govt.
4. Price fixation of the products.
5. Restriction of remittance to home country.
Techniques to manage this risk:
1. Local sourcing of raw materials and labour.
2. Entering into joint ventures
3. Local financing
4. Prior negotiations
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
1. Security Analysis and its approaches
Investment decision of securities to be bought, held or sold depends upon the return and risk profile of
that security. Security Analysis involves a systematic analysis of the risk-return profiles of various
securities to help a rational investor take an investment decision.
There are two approaches viz. fundamental analysis and technical analysis for carrying out Security
Analysis. In fundamental analysis, factors affecting risk-return characteristics of securities are looked into
while in technical analysis, demand and supply position of the securities along with prevalent share price
trends are examined.
Industry Analysis
Company Analysis
Fundamental analysis is based on the assumption that value of a share today is the present value of future
dividends expected by the shareholders, discounted at an appropriate discount rate and this value is
known as the 'intrinsic value of the share'(i.e., Fundamental Principal of Valuation). The intrinsic value of
a share, depicts the true value of a share. A share that is priced below the intrinsic value must be bought,
while a share quoting above the intrinsic value must be sold.
(Therefore, while calculating intrinsic value, we must analyse all those factors that can impact the future
revenue, earnings, cash flows or dividends of the company)
Growth rate for National Income and GDP: The estimates of GDP growth rate further helps to
estimate growth rate of an industry and a company. For this purpose, it is also important to know
Real and Nominal GDP growth rates.
Inflation: Inflation is a strong determinant of demand in some industries mainly in consumer
product industry. Estimating inflation in an economy helps to estimate the expected revenue from
the product. Inflation can be measured either in terms of Retail prices or Wholesale prices.
Monsoon: Monsoon is also a key determinant of supply and demand of many products therefore
it is also of great concern to investors in stock market.
Interest Rates: Interest rates in an economy helps in estimating the flow of cash and savings &
consumption patterns in an economy.
b) Industry Analysis
Factors to be considered in Industry Analysis (It includes factors at industry level (say Pharma or
telecom as an industry) that can affect the future cash flows or dividends of all the companies
operating in that industries):
Product Life-Cycle: An industry usually exhibits high profitability in the initial and growth stages,
medium but steady profitability in the maturity stage and a sharp decline in profitability in the last
stage of growth. Therefore, understanding the product life-cycle is important while estimating the
future cash flows from any product.
Demand Supply Gap: Excess supply relative to demand reduces the profitability of the industry
because of the decline in prices, while insufficient supply tends to improve the profitability because
of higher price.
Barriers to Entry: Any industry with high profitability would attract new entrants. However, the
potential entrants to the industry face different types of barriers to entry. Restriction on entry to
new participants helps to analyse impact on the future revenues of the company operating in that
Government Attitude: The attitude of the government towards an industry is a crucial
determinant of future prospects of an industry.
Technology and Research: They play a vital role in the growth and survival of a particular industry.
Technology is subject to very fast change leading to obsolescence.
c) Company Analysis
Factors to be considered in Company Analysis (It includes company specific factors (say TCS or Infosys
as a company) that can affect the future cash flows or dividends of that company):
Net Worth and Book Value: Net Worth is sum of equity & preference share capital and free
reserves less intangible assets and any carry forward of losses. The total net worth divided by the
number of shares is the much talked about book value of a share. Though, book value may not be
a true indicator of Intrinsic Value of share.
Sources and Uses of Funds: The identification of sources and uses of funds is known as Funds Flow
Analysis. One of the major uses of funds flow analysis is to find out whether the firm has used
short-term sources of funds to finance long term assets. Since, financing long term assets using
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
short term source of finance may create liquidity crunch to the firm while making repayment of
Cross-Sectional and Time Series Analysis: Analysis of financial statement is important to evaluate
fundamental strength of a company. It involves comparing a firm against some benchmark figures
for its industry (Cross-sectional) and analysing the performance of a firm over time (time-series).
The techniques that are used to do such proper comparative analysis are: common-sized
statement, and financial ratio analysis.
Growth Record: The growth in sales, net income, net capital employed and earnings per share of
the company in the past few years should be examined. Historical growth numbers are also
important to determine expected growth.
Quality of Management: Quality of management has to be seen with reference to the experience,
skills and integrity (ethics) of the people involved at board and managerial level. Quality of
management decides the confidence of investors on the decisions and action of management.
Shares will good management quality trades at premium as compared to shares with low
management quality.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
The primary movement: It is the main trend of the market, which lasts from 1 year to 36 months
or longer. This trend is commonly called bear or bull market.
The secondary movement: It is shorter in duration than the primary movement, and is opposite
to primary movement in direction. It lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month or more.
The daily fluctuations: They are the narrow day-to-day movements. These fluctuations are also
required to be studied thoroughly since they ultimately form the secondary and primary
The Dow Theory’s purpose is to determine where the market is and where is it going. The theory
states that if the highs and lows of the stock market are successively higher, then the market trend
is up and a bullish market exists. Contrarily, if the successive highs and successive lows are lower,
then the direction of the market is down and a bearish market exists.
b) Elliot Wave Theory
This theory was based on analysis of 75 years’ stock price movements and charts. Elliot found that
the markets exhibited certain repeated patterns or waves.
He defined price movements in terms of waves. As per this theory wave is a movement of the market
price from one change in the direction to the next change in the direction.
As per this theory, waves can be classified into two
Impulsive Patterns (Basic Waves): In this pattern,
there will be 3 or 5 waves ((i) to (v) in figure 1) in
a given direction (going upward or downward).
These waves shall move in the direction of the
basic movement. This movement can indicate bull
phase or bear phase.
Corrective Patterns (Reaction Waves): These 3
waves (a, b & c in figure 1) are against the
direction of the basic waves. Correction involves
correcting the earlier rise in case of bull market
and fall in case of bear market.
c) Random Walk Theory
This theory states that the behaviour of stock market prices is unpredictable and that there is no
relationship between the present prices of the shares and their future prices.
This theory says that the peaks and troughs in stock prices are just are statistical happening and
successive peaks and troughs are unconnected.
In the layman's language, it may be said that prices on the stock exchange behave exactly the way a
drunk would behave while walking in a blind lane, i.e., up and down, with an unsteady way going in
any direction he likes (i.e., without following a fixed pattern and in a totally unpredictable manner).
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
6. Charting Techniques
Technical analysts use three types of charts for analysing data
1. Bar Chart: In a bar chart, a vertical line (bar) represents the lowest to the highest price, with a short
horizontal line protruding from the bar representing the closing price for the period. Since volume and
price data are often interpreted together, it is a common practice to plot the volume traded, immediately
below the line and the bar charts.
2. Line Chart: In a line chart, lines are used to connect successive day’s prices. The closing price for each
period is plotted as a point. These points are joined by a line to form the chart. The period may be a day,
a week or a month.
3. Japanese Candlestick Chat: Like Bar chart this chart also shows the same information i.e., Opening,
Closing, Highest and Lowest prices of any stock on any day but this chart more visualizes the trend as
change in the opening and closing prices is indicated by the colour of the candlestick. While Black
candlestick indicates closing price is lower than the opening price the white candlestick indicates its
opposite i.e., closing price is higher than the opening price.
4. Point and Figure Chart: Point and Figure charts are more complex than line or bar charts. They are used
to detect reversals in a trend. For plotting a point and figure chart, we have to first decide the box size
and the reversal criterion.
7. Market Indicators
1. Breadth Index: It is an index that covers all securities traded. It is computed by dividing the net advances
or declines in the market by the number of securities traded (‘advances’ & ‘declines’ means number of
securities whose price has moved up & down respectively during the relevant period & ‘net’ means net of
up & down). The breadth index either supports or contradicts the movement of the Dow Jones Averages.
If it supports the movement of the Dow Jones Averages, this is considered sign of technical strength and
if it does not support the averages, it is a sign of technical weakness
2. Volume of Transaction: The volume of shares traded in the market provides useful clues on how the
market would behave in the near future. A rising index/price with increasing volume would signal buy
behaviour because the situation reflects an unsatisfied demand in the market. Similarly, a falling market
with increasing volume signals a bear market and the prices would be expected to fall further.
3. Confidence Index: It is supposed to reveal how willing the investors are to take a chance in the market It
is the ratio of high-grade bond yields to low-grade bond yields. rising confidence index is expected to
precede a rising stock market, and a fall in the index is expected to precede a drop in stock prices.
4. Relative Strength Analysis: The relative strength concept suggests that the prices of some securities rise
relatively faster in a bull market or decline more slowly in a bear market than other securities i.e. some
securities exhibit relative strength. Investors will earn higher returns by investing in securities which have
demonstrated relative strength in past.
5. Odd - Lot Theory: This theory is a contrary - opinion theory. It assumes that the average person is usually
wrong and that a wise course of action is to pursue strategies contrary to popular opinion. The odd-lot
theory is used primarily to predict tops in bull markets, but also to predict reversals in individual securities.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
3. Irrational Behaviour: It is generally believed that investors’ rationality will ensure a close
correspondence between market prices and intrinsic values. But in practice this is not true. The market
seems to function largely on hit or miss tactics rather than on the basis of informed beliefs about the
long-term prospects of individual enterprises.
4. Monopolistic Influence: A market is regarded as highly competitive. No single buyer or seller is
supposed to have undue influence over prices. But in reality, powerful institutions and big operators
have influence over the market. The monopolistic power enjoyed by them diminishes the
competitiveness of the market.
Method It involves forecasting future cashflows of the Predicts future price & its
company by analysing: direction using purely
historical data of share price,
Economy’s Macro factors: GDP, Interest rates,
its volume, etc.
Inflation, etc.
Company’s Micro factors: Profitability, Solvency
position, Operational efficiency, etc.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
1. Immunization
We know that when interest rate (or yield) goes up, value of bond falls but return on re-investment (of
coupon receipts) improves and vice versa. Thus, an investor in bonds has to face two types of interest
rate risks (i.e., change in interest rates affects an investor in two ways):
Price Risk: Risk that price of bond will fall with the increase in interest rates and rise with its
Reinvestment Risk: Risk that coupon receipts will be reinvested at a lower rate if interest rate falls
and at higher rate if interest rate rise.
We can see that, with the change in interest rates, two risks move in the opposite direction. Through
the process of immunization selection of bonds shall be in such manner that the effect of above two
risks shall offset each other. Duration of the bonds is that point where these two risks exactly offset
each other. If the duration of a bond is equal to its holding period, then we ensure immunization of the
same and hence, the bond is not having interest rate risk. It means that immunization takes place
when the changes in the YTM in market has no effect on the promised rate of return on a bond.
It means that if a bond is bought today and rate of interest in the market changes, then, value of bond
portfolio (including the reinvested coupons) at the end of its duration (not maturity; duration here
means Macaulay’s Duration) will not change. This is because the decrease (increase) in value of bond
due to increase (decrease) in interest rates will be equal to the increase (decrease) in income on
reinvested coupons received till the end of duration.
Therefore, when a liability (say future planned cash outflow) is planned to be funded through the sale
of bond portfolio, duration of that bond portfolio (asset) should be made equals to the duration of
liability, so that even if the interest rates change, value of portfolio will not change and liability can be
fully funded through the sale of bond portfolio as planned.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
1. Objectives of Portfolio Management
4. Security of Principal: Security of principal not only involves keeping the principal sum intact but also
its purchasing power (i.e., value of portfolio should increase atleast by the percentage of inflation so
that purchasing power of portfolio is maintained)
5. Capital Growth: It can be attained by investing in growth securities or by reinvesting the income
received on securities in the portfolio.
6. Stability of Income is important to facilitate planning of reinvestment or consumption of income
accurately and systematically.
7. Diversification (risk minimisation): The basic objective of building a portfolio is to reduce the risk of
loss by investing in various types of securities and over a wide range of industries.
8. Liquidity is desirable for the investor so as to take advantage of attractive opportunities upcoming in
the market.
9. Favourable Tax Status: The effective yield, an investor gets from his investment, depends on tax to
which it is subjected to. By minimising the tax burden, yield can be effectively improved.
by estimating market movements. A variety of tools are employed for market timing analysis
namely business cycle analysis, moving average analysis, advance-decline analysis, Econometric
2. Sector Rotation: It involves shifting funds from one sector to another based on sector outlook. If
a sector is expected to perform well in future, the portfolio manager might overweigh that sector
relative to market and under-weigh if the sector is expected to perform poor. (For example, if an
index has 25% value of stock in technology sector and portfolio on the other hand, has invested
28% of the funds in stock of technology sector, then portfolio is overweight on technology sector.)
3. Security Selection: Security selection involves a search for under-priced security. If one has to
resort to active stock selection, he may employ fundamental and technical analysis to identify
stocks which seems to promise superior return relative to risk.
4. Use of Specialised Investment Concept: To achieve superior return, one has to employ a
specialised concept with respect to investment in stocks. The concept which have been exploited
successfully are growth stock, neglected stocks, asset stocks, technology stocks, etc.
b) Passive Portfolio Strategy
Passive strategy, on the other hand, rests on the belief that the capital market is fairly efficient with
respect to the available information. Basically, passive strategy involves creating a well-diversified
portfolio at a predetermined level of risk and holding the portfolio relatively unchanged over time
unless it became adequately diversified or inconsistent with the investor risk-return preference.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Interest Rate Risk: This arises due to variability Business Risk: Business risk arises from
in the interest rates from time to time. Price of a variability in the operating profits of a company.
security has inverse relationship with interest Higher the variability in the operating profits of
rates. Discounting rate which is used to calculate a company, higher is the business risk. Such a risk
intrinsic value depends upon the interest rates. can be measured using operating leverage.
Purchasing Power Risk: It is also known as Financial Risk: It arises due to presence of debt
inflation risk. Inflation affects the purchasing in the capital structure of the company. It is also
power adversely which further affects the known as leveraged risk and expressed in terms
demand of a product. of debt-equity ratio. Excess of debt vis-à-vis
Market Risk: This risk affects the prices of any equity in the capital structure indicates that the
share positively or negatively in line with the company is highly geared and hence, has higher
market. Bullish or bearish trend in the market financial risk.
also affect the price of security in the market.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
How does investor’s expectation vary with variation in level of risk appetite?
Investor with high-risk appetite will invest in riskier securities such as Equity or Alternative Investments
and therefore they will seek higher returns.
Similarly, investor with low-risk appetite invest in low risky securities such as debt instruments.
Therefore, they expect lower rate of return.
Investor who wants to take moderate risk will invest in balanced funds and accordingly the return they
will expect will also be between the above two categories.
7. Assumptions of CAPM
1. Efficient market is the first assumption of CAPM. Efficient market refers to the existence of competitive
market where securities are bought and sold with full information of risk and return available to all
2. Investor has rational investment goals. Investors desire higher return for any acceptable level of risk
or the lowest risk for any desired level of return.
3. CAPM assumes that all assets are divisible and liquid.
4. Investors are able to borrow at a risk free rate of interest
5. Securities can be exchanged at no transaction cost like payment of brokerage, commissions or taxes.
6. Securities or capital assets face no bankruptcy or insolvency.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
PF dependency
on stock price
(x axis: value of
share portfolio)
y axis: Value of Payoff Line: Linear Payoff Line: Concave
total portfolio) Payoff Line: Convex
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
2. Hedge Funds:
Hedge fund is a lightly regulated investment fund that escapes most regulations by being a private
investment vehicle being offered to selected clients.
It does not reveal anything about its operations and also charges performance fees.
Hedge funds are aggressively managed portfolio of investments which use advanced investment
strategies such as leveraged, long & short and derivative positions in both domestic and
international markets with the goal of generating higher returns.
Risk involved under hedge funds in higher than that under Mutual Funds
It is important to note that hedging is actually the practice of attempting to reduce risk, but the
goal of most hedge funds is to maximize return on investment.
3. Exchange Traded Funds or Index Shares
An ETF is a hybrid product that combines the features of an Index Mutual Fund and Shares, therefore
also called as Index Shares. Like Index Funds (see Mutual Fund Chapter), these funds also follow
(i.e., track) underlying index. Like Shares, these can be traded.
ETFs are listed on the stock exchanges and their prices are linked to underlying index. They can be
bought or sold any time during the market hours at a price which may be more or less than its NAV.
NAV of an ETF is the value of components of the benchmark index (i.e., the index that ETF tracks).
There is no paper work involved for investing in ETF and they can be bought and sold just like any
other stock. They are attractive as investments because of their low cost tradability and stock-like
Following types of ETF products are available:
a. Index ETFs - Most ETFs are index funds that hold securities and attempt to replicate the
performance of a stock market index.
b. Commodity ETFs - Commodity ETFs invest in commodities, such as precious metals and futures.
c. Bond ETFs - Exchange-traded funds that invest in bonds are known as bond ETFs. They thrive
during economic recessions because investors pull their money out of the stock market and into
d. Currency ETFs - The funds are total return products where the investor gets access to the FX
spot change, local institutional interest rates and a collateral yield.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
1. Concept and Mechanism of Securitisation
The process of securitization typically involves the creation of pool of assets from the illiquid financial
assets, such as receivables or loans and their repackaging or rebundling into marketable securities. These
securities are then issued to investor. Example of such illiquid financial assets can be automobile loans,
credit card receivables, residential mortgages or any other form of future receivables.
Mechanism or steps involved in Securitisation process:
Step 1: Creation of Pool of Assets
The process of securitization begins with creation of pool of assets by originator (originator is the entity who
owns the illiquid financial assets). This involves segregating the assets backed by similar type of mortgages in
terms of interest rate, risk, maturity, etc.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
3. Features of Securitisation
1. Creation of Financial Instruments – The process of securities can be viewed as process of creation of
additional financial instruments in the market backed by collaterals.
2. Bundling and Unbundling – When all the assets are combined in one pool it is bundling and when
these are broken into instruments of fixed denomination it is unbundling.
3. Tool of Risk Management – In case of assets are securitized on non-recourse basis, then
securitization process acts as risk management as the risk of default is shifted on SPV.
4. Structured Finance – In the process of securitization, financial instruments are structured in such a
way that they meet the risk and return profile of investors, and hence, these securitized instruments
are considered as best examples of structured finance.
5. Tranching – Portfolio of different receivable or loan or other illiquid asset is split into several parts
based on risk and return they carry, called ‘Tranche’.
6. Homogeneity – Under each tranche the securities issued are of homogenous nature and even meant
for small investors who can afford to invest in small amounts.
6. Benefits of Securitisation
From the point of Originator From the point of Investor
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
1. Classification of Mutual Funds: On the basis of:
Open ended funds Equity Funds: means Public Sector MF: are
The investor can make entry (invest) the mutual funds that sponsored by companies
and exit (redeem) any time directly invest primarily (i.e., not of Public Sector.
with mutual fund. entirely) in stocks.
The capital of the fund is unlimited.
The redemption period is indefinite. Private Sector MF: are
Debt Funds: means the sponsored by companies
mutual funds that invest of Private Sector.
Close ended Funds primarily in debt
Investor can buy directly from MF securities.
during IPO or from the stock market Foreign Mutual Funds
after listing. Similarly, redeem from are sponsored by foreign
MF at maturity or sell it in the stock Special Funds: companies for raising
market before maturity. discussed below... funds in India, operate
Capital is limited. from India and invest in
Redemption is finite. India.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Presently, most of the FMPs are launched with tenure of three years to take the benefit of indexation.
The main advantage of Fixed Maturity Plans is that they are free from any interest rate risk because FMPs
invest in debt instruments that have the same maturity as that of the fund. However, they carry credit
risk, as there is a possibility of default by the debt issuing company. So, if the credit rating of an instrument
is downgraded, the returns of FMP can come down.
6. Tracking Error
Tracking error can be defined as the divergence or deviation of a fund’s return from the return of
benchmark it is tracking (following). In other words, it is the error made by MF while tracking an index,
i.e., difference between ‘return from fund’ and ‘return from index which it was following’.
The passive fund managers design their investment strategy to closely track the benchmark index.
However, often it may not exactly replicate the index return. In such situation, there is possibility of
deviation between the returns.
Higher the tracking error, higher is the risk profile of the fund. Whether the funds outperform or
underperform their benchmark indices, it clearly indicates that of fund managers are not following the
benchmark indices properly. In addition to the same, other primary reason for tracking error are
Transaction cost, Fees charged by AMCs, Fund expenses and Cash holdings.
7. Side Pocketing
Understanding the lengthy yet simple concept:
Suppose, a mutual fund (say XYZ) has total investment of ₹1000 in the bonds of different companies,
out of which ₹200 is invested in a particular company (say Bad Ltd.). Now, if Bad Ltd defaults in making
the coupon payment or principal repayment on its bond, then, as per SEBI norms, XYZ will have to write
down such investment in its books and consequently NAV of the fund will fall and also its credit ratings.
Due to such event and out of fear, the unitholders might sell or redeem their units at the reduced NAV
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
which may be less than its true NAV because even if investment in Bad Ltd is fully written down, there
is possibility of recovering some amount from Bad Ltd.
In such a situation, both XYZ and its unitholders will suffer. XYZ might suffer liquidity issue, if large
number to unit holders come to redeem their units. And, unitholders might sell their units at a NAV
lower than its true NAV.
To avoid such situations, XYZ will separate investment of ₹200 in Bad Ltd.’s bonds (now onwards
referred as risky or illiquid assets) from its other good investments of ₹800 and shift it in the SIDE
POCKET. So, now there are two categories of assets lying with XYZ- Good or liquid assets (of ₹800) and
risky or illiquid assets (of ₹200).
Note that, since XYZ has side-pocketed illiquid investments, the NAV of the fund will now reflect the
value of only liquid assets of ₹800. Therefore, for illiquid assets, unitholders are issued units of a new
scheme of mutual fund (now onwards referred as ‘new units’) in addition to original units already held
by them. This new scheme will represent the claim of unitholders in the risky assets of ₹200.
Hence, we can say that, unitholders will now have two types of units- original units (which represent
the claims in good or liquid assets) and new units (which represent the claim in risky assets)
Original units of the fund can be bought and sold normally as they were done earlier, but investors are
not interested to sell them, since, now they represent only liquid assets. Whereas, with respect to new
units, there are certain restrictions its sale imposed by SEBI due to which, they cannot be redeemed for
some period.
Hence, side pocketing will help both XYZ and its unitholders to not suffer on the event of default by any
Answer from exam point of view from Study Material:
Side Pocketing in Mutual Funds means separation of risky or illiquid assets from other investments and
cash holdings.
Whenever, the rating of a mutual fund decreases, the fund shifts the illiquid assets into a side pocket
so that unitholders can be benefitted atleast from the liquid assets held by the fund. Consequently, the
NAV of the fund will now reflect the value of only liquid assets.
The purpose is to also make sure that money invested in MF, which is linked to illiquid asset, gets
locked, until the MF recovers the money from the company.
Side Pocketing is beneficial for those investors who wish to hold the units of the original scheme for
long term. Therefore, the process of Side Pocketing ensures that liquidity is not the problem with MF
even in the circumstances of frequent allotments and redemptions of units.
In India, recent case of IL&FS has led to many discussions on the concept of side pocketing as IL&FS
and its subsidiaries have failed to fulfil its repayments obligations due to severe liquidity crisis. The MF
had given negative returns because they have completely written off their exposure to IL&FS
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Also, a liquid derivative market facilitates the traders to do speculation. The speculative trading may
worry the regulators but it is also true that without speculative trading, it will not be possible for the
derivative market to stay liquid.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
If risk free rate of interest: It indicates the value of option for one
percent change in risk free rate of interest.
Increases: Value of option decreases.
Decreases: Value of option increases.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Example: An exporter has sold goods worth $500 and exchange rate is ₹/$ 65. Now, at year end, if
exchange rate changes to ₹/$ 60. Loss due to Translation Exposure is (65-60)*500= ₹2,500.
B. Transaction Exposure: It refers to the gain/loss which arises due to difference in the exchange rates
on ‘the date when transaction was entered into’ and ‘the date when the transaction is settled’. It deals
with the higher or lower cash flows in home currency required to settle any obligation in foreign
Example: An importer purchased goods worth $100 and exchange rate is ₹/$ 55. Now, at the time of
payment, if exchange rate changes to ₹/$ 60. Loss due to Transaction Exposure is ₹500.
C. Economic Exposure: It refers to the extent to which economic value of a company can decline due
to change in exchange rates. Even if the company is not directly dealing in transactions denominated
in foreign currency, it is exposed to economic risk. The exposure is on account of macro level factors
such as:
Change in the prices of inputs used or output sold by competitors (giving them advantage)
Reduction in demand by the foreign importer due increased prices in his HC (if invoicing is done in
exporter’s HC, then importer will have to pay more in his HC to by same amount of FC)
Difference between Transaction and Economic Exposure:
Is direct in Nature Is indirect in Nature
Amount of exposure is known Amount of exposure in unknown
Faced by only firms who have entered into FC Faced by all the firms whether they have entered
transactions into FC transactions or not
Easy to hedge Difficult to hedge
Invoicing: Companies engaged in export and import are concerned with decisions relating to the
currency in which goods and services are to be traded (invoiced). Trading in a foreign currency gives
rise to transaction exposure whereas, trading purely in a company's home currency has no currency
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Leading & Lagging: Leading and Lagging refer to adjustments in the times of payments in foreign
currencies. Leading means advancing the timing of payments and receipts. Lagging means
postponing (delaying) the timing of payments and receipts. These techniques are aimed at taking
advantage of expected appreciation or depreciation of relevant currencies.
Settlement Netting or (only) Netting: Netting means adjusting receivable and payables. Under this
technique, group companies merely settle inter affiliate indebtedness for the net amount owing.
The reduced number and amount of transaction leads to savings in transaction cost (such as
buy/sell spreads in the spot and forward markets) and administrative cost resulting from currency
Matching: Although, ‘netting’ and ‘matching’ are used interchangeably, there is a difference
between the two. Netting is a term applied to potential cash flows within group companies whereas
matching can be applied to both inter-company and to third-party balancing. Matching is a
mechanism whereby a company matches its foreign currency inflows with its foreign currency
outflows in respect of amount and approximate timing. Receipts in a particular currency are used
to make payments in that currency thereby reducing the need for a group of companies to go to the
foreign exchange markets only for the unmatched portion of foreign currency cash flows.
Price Variation: Price variation involves increasing selling prices to counter the adverse effects of
exchange rate change.
Asset and liability management: can involve aggressive or defensive postures. In the aggressive
attitude, the firm increases exposure of inflows denominated in strong currencies or increases
exposure of outflows denominated in weak currencies. The defensive approach involves matching
cash inflows and outflows according to their currency of denomination, irrespective of whether they
are in strong or weak currencies.
4. Exposure Netting
Exposure Netting refers to offsetting exposure in one currency with exposure in the same or another
currency, where exchange rates are expected to move in such a way that loses (or gains) on the first
exposed position are offset by gains (or losses) on position in the second currency.
The objective of the exercise is to offset the likely loss in one exposure by likely gain in another.
This is a method of hedging foreign exchange exposure is different from forward and option contracts. This
method is similar to portfolio approach in handling systematic risk. (Recollect that to reduce the beta of
the portfolio, position on index futures was taken such that loss (gain) on portfolio is offset by gain (loss)
on index futures).
Vostro (Your account with us): This is a current account maintained by a foreign bank with a domestic
bank in home currency.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Loro Account (Their account with you): This is a current account maintained by one domestic bank on
behalf of other domestic bank in foreign bank in a foreign currency.
Indian Bank
(say HDFC)
Foreign Bank
(Swiss Bank)
Indian Bank
SBI will call, the Nostro account of HDFC
maintained with Swiss bank, as Loro Account.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Centralized CMS: Each branch’s cash position is Decentralized CMS: Each branch is viewed as separate
managed by single centralized authority. undertaking and cash positions are managed separately.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
3. Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs): Foreign bonds are debt instrument denominated in a
currency not native to borrower but native to the country where the bonds are issued. FCCB is a type
of foreign bond which gives the bondholder an option to convert the bond into the stocks of the
company. It is a mix of debt and equity instrument, as it acts like a bond by making regular coupon
and principal payments and also gives the bondholder an option to convert it into stock.
Benefit to investor: Buyer of this bond is benefitted by appreciation in the price of company’s
Benefit to issuer: Due to attached equity option, coupon rate on such bonds is relatively lower.
4. Euro Convertible Bond: Euro bonds are debt instrument denominated in a currency which is not
native to the country where the bonds are issued. Euro Convertible bond is a type of euro bond which
has an option, attached to it, to convert it into the equity shares of the company. Euro option may
carry two options:
Call option: Issuer has the option to call (buy) the bonds before redemption and issue equity
Put option: Investor (holder) has the option to put (sell) the bonds before redemption and get
equity shares against such bonds.
5. ADR and GDR: Since ADR and GDR are similar instruments and also because it becomes easy to
remember, they have been explained together. But these concepts may be asked individually in
exams, in which case below answer to be made specific. Depository receipt is a negotiable certificate
denominated in currency not native to the company issuing it, representing its one or more local
currency equity shares publically traded in its home country. When such receipt is issued in:
in US it is called ADR
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
2. Swaption
An interest rate swaption is simply an option on interest rate swap. It gives the holder the right but not
the obligation to enter into an interest rate swap at a specific date in the future, at a particular fixed rate
and for a specified term.
A 3-month into 5-year swaption would mean an option to enter into a 5-year interest rate swap after
3 months.
The swaption premium is expressed as basis points.
There are two types of swaption contracts: -
A fixed rate payer swaption gives the owner of the swaption the right but not the obligation to
enter into a swap where they pay the fixed leg and receive the floating leg.
A fixed rate receiver swaption gives the owner of the swaption the right but not the obligation to
enter into a swap in which they will receive the fixed leg, and pay the floating leg.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
2. Types of Merger
1. Horizontal Merger: The two companies that merge, are in the same industry selling similar or
competing products. Normally the market share of the new consolidated company would be larger
and it is possible that it may move near monopoly to avoid competition.
2. Vertical Merger: This merger happens when two companies having buyer-seller relationship come
together to merge.
3. Conglomerate Mergers: Such mergers involve firms engaged in unrelated type of business operations.
In other words, the business activities of acquirer and the target are related neither horizontally nor
4. Congeneric Merger: In these mergers, the acquirer and the target companies are related through basic
technologies, production processes or market. The acquired company represents an extension of
product-line or technologies of the acquirer.
5. Reverse Merger: Next question...
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
5. Types of Demerger
1. Sell-off: A sell off is the sale of an asset, factory, division or subsidiary by one entity to another for a
purchase consideration payable either in cash or in the form of securities.
2. Split-up: This involves breaking up of the entire firm into separate legal entities for each business
division. The parent firm no longer legally exists and only the newly created entities survive individually.
3. Spin-off: In this case, a part of the business is separated and created as a separate firm. The existing
shareholders of the firm get proportionate ownership. So, there is no change in ownership and the
same shareholders continue to own the newly created entity.
4. Equity Carve Outs: This is like spin off, however, some shares of the new company are sold in the
market by making a public offer. This brings cash in the company.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
presentation to investors explaining about the prospects of the company and why they should invest into
the start-up business. It is a quick overview of business plan and convincing the investors to put some
money into the business.
How to approach a pitch presentation?
1. Introduction: First step is to give a brief account of yourself i.e. who are you? What are you doing?
Use this opportunity to get your investors interested in your company.
2. Team: The next step is to introduce the team to the investors. The reason is that the investors will
want to know the people who are going to make the product or service successful.
3. Problem: In a pitch presentation, the promoter should be able to explain the problem he is going to
4. Solution: It is very important to describe how the company is planning to solve the problem and the
investors should be convinced that the newly introduced product or service will solve it.
5. Marketing or Sales: The market size of the product must be communicated to the investors.
Marketing strategy of the start-up is also required to be explained.
6. Projections or Milestones: Projected financial statements give a brief idea about where is the
business heading. It tells us that whether the business will be making profit or loss. Financial
projections include three basic documents that make up a business’s financial statements. (covered
specifically in the next heading...)
7. Competition: Every business organization has competition even if the product or service offered is
new and unique. It is necessary to highlight in the pitch presentation as to how the products or
services are different from their competitors.
8. Business Model: The term business model is a wide term denoting core aspects of a business
including operational process, offerings, target customers, strategies, infrastructure, organizational
structures, etc. It is important to explain investors about the business model to generate revenues.
9. Financing: If a start-up has already raised money, it is preferable to talk about how much money
has been raised, who invested money into the business and what they did about it. If no money has
been raised till date, an explanation can be made regarding how much work has been accomplished
with the help of limited funds available with the company.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Screening Screening process would help to select the company for further processing. The
screening decision would take place based on the information provided by the
Due Diligence Due diligence is the process by which the VC would try to verify the correctness of the
documents taken. This is generally handled by external bodies, mainly renowned
Deal The deal is structured in such a way that both parties win. In many cases, the
Structuring convertible structure is brought in to ensure that the promoter retains the right to
buy back the share.
Post Investt In this section, the company has to adhere to certain guidelines like strong MIS,
Activity strong budgeting system, strong corporate governance and other covenants of the
VC and periodically keep the VC updated about certain milestones.
Exit plan Exit happens in two ways: one way is ‘sell to third party’. This sale can be in the form
of IPO or Private Placement to other VCs. The second way to exit is that promoter
would give a buy back commitment at a pre agreed rate.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Domestic Funds
Offshore Structure Unified Structure
Domestic Funds are the funds which Under this structure, an When both domestic and
raises money domestically. They are offshore investment vehicle offshore investors are
usually structured as: which is an LLC or LP expected to participate in
i) a domestic vehicle for the pooling registered outside India, the fund, a unified structure
of funds from the investor, and makes investments directly is used.
ii) a separate investment vehicle that into Indian portfolio Overseas investors pool their
carries the duties of asset companies.
assets in an offshore vehicle
The assets are managed by that invests in a locally
The choice of entity for the pooling the offshore manager, while managed trust, whereas
vehicle falls between a trust and a the investment advisor in domestic investors directly
company, with the trust form India carries out the due contribute to the trust.
prevailing due to its operational diligence and identifies This trust makes the local
flexibility. deals. portfolio investments with
Unlike most developed countries, the help of asset manager.
India does not recognize a LP.
Adish Jain CA CFA
CA Final SFM: Theory Notes
Adish Jain CA CFA