Plight of Sanitation Workers in Cumbum
Plight of Sanitation Workers in Cumbum
Plight of Sanitation Workers in Cumbum
(Interview Schedule)
1. Name:
2. Age: 1) < 18 2) 19-21 3)22-35 4) 36-45 5) 46-55 6) 56-65 7) 66-75 8) > 75
3. Sex: 1) Male 2) Female 3) Transgender
4. Marital Status: 1)Married 2) Unmarried 3) Divorced 4) Separated 5) Widow
5. Religion: 1) Hindu 2) Christian 3) Islam 4) Others
6. Community: 1) FC 2) BC 3) MBC 4) DNC 5) SC 6) ST 7) Not to say 8) Others
7. Are you a migrant ? : Yes / No
If yes, from which place:__________
8. Education : 1) Illiterate 2) Primary 3) Elementary 4) Secondary
5) Higher secondary 6) UG 7) PG 8) Diploma 9) Others
9. Are you a person with disabilities? : Yes / No
14. Did you /your family member had converted to any other religion ? Yes/ No
If yes, please mention the religion to which you / your family converted to .
1) Christian 2) Hindu 3) Muslim 4) Buddhism 5) other
15. Please mention the reason for conversion.
1) Social status 2) cultural status 3) economic upgradation 4) political win 5) others
16. Being a sanitation worker how much you could earn per month ?
1) < 5k 2) 5k to 10k 3) 11k 15k 4) 16k to 20k 5) > 20k
17. Would you have any other secondary work ? : Yes / No
If yes, how much could you earn from secondary work ?
1) < 5k 2) 5k - 10k 3) 11k - 5k 3) 16k - 20k 4) > 20k
18. Do you have the following ?
If yes please mention it and its quantum :
19. Are you living in own house ? : Yes /No
If no, whose house is this? 1) As rented 2) as leased 3) friends 4) relatives
5) housing board 6) son’s house 7) daughter’s house 8) others
20. Mention the type of house :
23. Purpose of the rooms:
S.No Room number Purposes (kitchen, hall , bed room , pooja room, toilet)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
21. Is it sufficient ? : 1)Well sufficient 2) Sufficient to some extend 3)Not sufficient
22. Household articles: 1) Sulla 2) light 3) fan 4) mixer 5)wed grinder 6)television
7)fridge 8)washing machine 9)smart phone 10) laptop 11)computer
23. Facilities at house: 1) Electricity 2) municipality water connection 3) sump
4) bore well 5) hand pump 6) well
24. Facilities available in area : 1) Municipal water connection 2) street light 3) road facilities
4) Anganwadi centre 5) school 6) college 7) PHC 8) govt. hospital 9) bank
10) post office 11)police station 12) market 13) public toilet
25. Do you have the following properties? 1) Livestock 2) bike 3) car
26. What is your type of work? 1) Permanent 2) Consolidated pay 3) Daily wage
4) Outsource 5) Contract 6) Temporary
27. Nature of work:1) Cleaning Street 2) Drainage cleaning 3) Collecting garbage
4) Septic tank cleaning 5) Toilet cleaning 6) Water storage cleaning
7) Office maintenance
28. In What type of secondary work you involved in? 1) Rag picking 2) selling sanitary articles
3) cleaning private toilet and septic tanks 4) public maintenance 5) others
29. How did you find the present primary and secondary work ?
S.No Sources of the work Primary work Secondary work
1 Self
2 Parents
3 Neighbour
4 Friends
5 Officials
7 Well-wisher
8 Media
9 Others
30. How many days you could get work from the following and mention the earning particulars
1) Organized sector work ------- days per. month . earning per month _______
2) Private sector work -------- days per. month . earning per month _______
31. How long you are engaged in the work ?
a) Organized work : 1) Less than 8 hours 2) 8-10 hours 3) More than 10 hours
b) Private work : 1) Less than 8 hours 2) 8-10 hours 3) More than 10 hours
32. Type of payment : 1) Salary 2) wage 3) cooli 4) compliment
33. Mode of salary and wage payment : 1) Bank credit 2) direct cash payment
34. How often do you have to work overtime? : 1) Mostly 2)Sometimes 3) Situation matters
35. Is overtime always voluntary? Yes / No
36. For what reason you are involved in overtime? 1) Absence of co-worker 2) For extra payment
3) Situation importance 4) For adding on Leaves 5) Others
37. Is the present income is adequate for you to lead your family ? Yes / No
38. Can you mention your expenditure saving and debt
Expenditure Saving Dept
Groceries Source of saving Bank loan
Cooking fuel Bank - Gold loan
Family ceremony Chit fund - Personal loan
Socio-cultural functions SHG - Housing loan
Religious ceremonies LIC - Others____
Need fulfilment Group saving Private financing agencies
Health Post office Local money lenders
Education Private financing agencies
39. Have you satisfied with your work by your employer? YES / NO
If yes , At what extend : 1) higher extend 2) some extend 3) lower extend
4) very lower extend 5) not interested to express
If no, mention the reason : 1) Not getting the salary properly 2) work load
42. If you have a plan to change over the job/ work, what are the knowledge and skills you have
and yet to develop?
Skills having skills yet to develop
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
43. Dou you have any plan to develop / start any business? Yes / No
If yes , can you mention the both material and non- material resources which you have ?
Material resource Non-material resources
1. Land 1. Basic knowledge
2. Money 2. Skill
3. Loan facilities 3. Completed any Training
4. Raw materials 4. Prior experience
5. Market Availability 5. If any other_____
6. If any other ______
44. Have you come across any govt policies and programmes for the protection of sanitation
workers? Yes / No
If yes ,Can you mention ______
45. To which extend you aware of it ? 1) higher extend 2) some extend 3) lower extend
4) very lower extend 5) not interested to express
46. Have you heard of the following and its executions and importance?
i) Sanitation Workers Rehabilitation Scheme (SWRS) : Yes / No
If yes, Did you applied for loan : Yes / No
Did you got the loan sanctioned : Yes / No
If yes, To what extend you are benefited :1) higher extend 2) some extend
3) lower extend 4) very lower extend 5) not interested to express
If no, What is the reason __________
ii) Vocational Education and Training Loan Scheme: yes/ no
If yes, Did you applied for loan : Yes / No
Did you got the loan sanctioned : Yes / No
If yes, To what extend you are benefited : 1) higher extend 2) some extend
3) lower extend 4) very lower extend 5) not interested to express
If no, What is the reason __________
iii) Sanitary Marts Scheme : Yes / No
If yes, Did you applied for loan : Yes / No
Did you got the loan sanctioned : Yes / No
If yes, To what extend you are benefited : 1) higher extend 2) some extend
3) lower extend 4) very lower extend 5) not interested to express
If no, What is the reason __________