Effects of Eviction Drive On Human Life of Slum Dwellers
Effects of Eviction Drive On Human Life of Slum Dwellers
Effects of Eviction Drive On Human Life of Slum Dwellers
Article in Environmental Sciences: an International Journal of Environmental Physiology and Toxicology · July 2023
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejts.2023.11.19
0 49
4 authors, including:
Al Faruk
Marjanah Fish Establishment
All content following this page was uploaded by Al Faruk on 30 July 2023.
Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Khamarbari, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2200
Animal Nutrition and Animal Feeds Wing, Department of Livestock Services,
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Krishi Kamar Sarak, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215
Murjanah Fish Establishment, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effects of eviction on the socioeconomic and environmental
conditions of slum dwellers in the selected evicted slums of Dhaka Metropolitan City. The study was
conducted in 10 selected evicted slums in Dhaka and data were collected from 100 randomly selected
respondents through personal interviews. The collected data encompassed various aspects, including age,
occupation, family size, property ownership, migration patterns, as well as the effects of eviction and the
opinions of the respondents. The data underwent coding, tabulation and analysis using descriptive statistics
and correlation analysis. The study revealed that a majority of the evicted population was involved in business
and sales activities. Family sizes ranged from 3 to 11 members, with an average of 5.8 members. The respondents
generally had limited property ownership. In terms of migration, 53% of the respondents stayed in the
same location, 20% moved to other areas, 15% sought refuge with relatives and 12% relocated to another slum.
The research identified 20 significant impacts of eviction, including challenges in accessing clean drinking
water, disruption of education, homelessness, increased open defecation at night, higher rent in alternative
slums and loss of livelihoods. The evicted individuals faced difficulties due to the absence of a rehabilitation
plan and the destruction of essential belongings during the eviction process. Unfortunately, government
assistance was lacking. Furthermore, the study examined correlations between different variables. Although
the age of the respondents displayed a positive trend, it did not reach statistical significance. Similarly, there
were no significant correlations between the gender composition of families and the effects of eviction.
However, a significant and negative correlation emerged between the number of earning family members and
the consequences of eviction. Additionally, property ownership and the type of dwelling exhibited significant
positive correltions with the effects of eviction. In conclusion, the study shed light on the detrimental
consequences of abrupt eviction drives on the socioeconomic and environmental conditions of slum dwellers.
It emphasized the necessity for justified eviction drives and the establishment of rehabilitation plans in
advance. The government should extend support to evicted individuals, allow sufficient time for relocation,
create employment opportunities and address the issue of rural-urban migration. Long-term rehabilitation and
eviction plans should be formulated, alongside the implementation of environmental recovery initiatives.
Key words: Effects of Eviction Socioeconomic Conditions Environmental Conditions Slum Dwellers
Dhaka Metropolitan City
Corresponding Author: Fouzia Akhter, Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Khamarbari,
Farmgate, Dhaka-1215& Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2200, Bangladesh.
Tel: +8801718355031.
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 15 (1): 11-19, 2023
environment [1]. Urbanization, as a global phenomenon, ambient environment [17,18]. These studies
has emerged as a formidable and pervasive environmental predominantly focus on the intricate issues of land use
challenge, necessitating concerted efforts to address its change and its consequential environmental impacts
multifaceted ramifications [2]. The urban population has within the city.
experienced an unprecedented surge, skyrocketing from Further research endeavors have delved into
751 million in 1950 to a staggering 4.2 billion by 2018, with exploring the perceptions of urban residents pertaining
Asia alone accommodating a significant 54% of this to their communal environment and the quality of life
burgeoning population [3]. Consequently, cities across they experience. These endeavors aim to ascertain
the globe are grappling with the deleterious the key variables that influence such perceptions [18].
consequences of overpopulation and rampant The perceptions of environmental risks and hazards are
environmental degradation, precipitating a host of shaped by a dynamic amalgamation of intellectual and
pressing issues [4, 5]. Regrettably, the dearth of emotional factors [19-26]. Gaining an understanding of
sustainable and integrated strategies for effective urban these perceptions necessitates an examination of
environmental management has engendered a litany of individuals' knowledge, thoughts and attitudes toward
challenges, encompassing environmental pollution, their surrounding environment [27]. Furthermore, it is
transportation infrastructure, housing deficiencies, noteworthy that different residents harbor distinct
inadequate health facilities and the provision of essential perceptions regarding various environmental issues,
civic amenities and services, all of which underscore the given that human actions, whether direct or indirect,
need for comprehensive and forward-looking contribute significantly to the deteriorating state of the
interventions [1]. Moreover, the rapid and uncontrolled environment.
urban expansion engenders heightened vulnerability to The objective of the study was to observe and
natural hazards, compounding the magnitude of the describe the effect of eviction drives on human life
challenges faced by urban areas and underscoring the (slum dwellers), to explore the relationship between
pressing need for prudent urban planning and holistic eviction drives and environmental hazards and to
management of urban services [6, 7]. determine the necessary actions to eradicate
As the capital and the fastest-growing megacity of environmental hazards after eviction drives.
Bangladesh, Dhaka confronts a multitude of challenges,
including escalating traffic congestion, surging energy MATERIALS AND METHODS
consumption, extensive waste generation and ineffective
implementation of environmental regulations, culminating Dhaka, a city in Bangladesh, is characterized by
in increased emission of pollutants into the air, water and densely populated residential areas, uncontrolled
soil [8-11]. According to the World Health Organization expansion of commercial and industrial establishments
(WHO) in 2018, Dhaka is ranked as one of the most and scattered slums lacking proper amenities. A survey
severely air-polluted cities among the top 20 cities was conducted in ten different locations within Dhaka
globally. The air quality and urban environment in Dhaka Metropolitan City. The survey included the following
have witnessed a substantial decline over the past decade locations: (i) Korom Alir Bosti, (ii) BNP bosti of West
due to a confluence of factors, including heightened Agargon at Sher-E-Bangla-Nagar, (iii) Uttar Begunbari,
vehicular emissions, worsening congestion, the (iv) Dhakkhin Begunbari, (v) Macher arot of karwan bazar,
proliferation of industrial activities, extensive construction (vi) Kalshi Bosti and (vii) Baunia-badh-Tin-bed colony of
undertakings, road dust, residential and commercial Mirpur 11. Additionally, the survey covered (viii)
biomass burning, waste incineration and diesel generators Tejkunipara of Tejgaon, (ix) Nakhal para of Mohakhali and
[12-15]. Additionally, Dhaka suffers from a severe dearth (x) Vashantek Bosti of Mirpur 14 in the Metropolitan City,
of outdoor facilities attributable to unplanned growth, as shown in Figure 1.
despite being referred to as the city's "lungs" [16]. Studies In these selected areas, a total of 9150 people were
conducted by Dewan et al. [17] and Islam et al. [18] have affected by evictions. The data was collected from these
elucidated the grave environmental pollution concerns individuals. For this study, data were collected from 10
arising from urbanization, encompassing alterations in randomly selected slum dwellers in each area affected by
land use, inadequate settlement planning, deficient water evictions, rather than the entire population. The purpose
and sanitation services and degradation of the local of the sampling was to select 10 evicted individuals from
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 15 (1): 11-19, 2023
each area as a representative sample for the study. household heads over 20 years old that had been living in
The primary data collection took place from the selected the area for more than 5 years and anonymity was ensured
residential areas using various processes. A quantitative for all participants. In the absence of the household head,
approach was used and a detailed semi-structured an adult member of the household was interviewed. A
questionnaire survey was conducted within those areas total of 100 households were studied to assess their
to collect primary data. The questionnaire was developed perceptions and behaviors regarding environmental risks,
based on residents' experiences and incorporated pollution and other scarcities. An in-depth study was
discussions with other researchers and experts in the conducted to understand their interactions with city
field. To identify any mistakes or contradictions, a pre-test corporations, NGOs and healthcare facilities. Secondary
of the questionnaire was conducted before the main data were collected from government and non-
study. Some minor difficulties and issues with the government official documents and statistics, yearly
wording and sequencing of questions were identified and reports, published books, research papers, journals,
addressed before the main research. Each questionnaire articles, daily newspapers and web-based documents to
was translated into Bengali from English to ensure gain background knowledge.
residents' understanding and fruitful responses. A face- The data processing and analysis methods were
to-face questionnaire survey was conducted, as it is employed in the study. It highlighted the careful
considered the most effective method for data collection. collection of data and the use of a Likert scale to assess
Due to difficulties encountered during data collection, a residents' perceptions of hazards and risks. The collected
purposive systematic sampling technique was used to data were analyzed using statistical software and
select participants. Residents of high- and middle-income presented using descriptive statistics. Additionally, a map
residential areas were often unwilling to be interviewed of the study areas was created using Arc GIS. Overall, the
and share their views, primarily due to busy schedules text emphasized the systematic approach that was taken
and concerns about security. Some apartment buildings to process and analyzes the data in the study.
also prohibited outsiders from entering. As a result, the
sampling interval varied in different study areas. RESULTS
Participants were informed about the purpose and
potential use of the data before the interview and they The study findings unveiled significant insights into
were assured that they could withdraw from the survey at the ramifications of eviction on a particular demographic
any time without consequences. The study targeted cohort. Predominantly engaged in business and sales
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 15 (1): 11-19, 2023
Fig. 2: Pie graph showing (a) age, (b) occupation, (c) family size and (d) property ownership of evicted slum dwellers
activities, the evicted population represented individuals disruption wrought upon established social networks and
who garnered their livelihoods through informal means. support structures. This suggests that eviction not only
This underscored the precariousness of those immersed dislocates individuals but also fractures vital social
in the informal sector, as they lacked the safeguards and connections.
legal protections accorded to formal enterprises. The The study identified an array of noteworthy
evicted families, encompassing a spectrum of sizes consequences arising from eviction, providing a
ranging from 3 to 11 members with an average of 5.8, comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by
exemplified the far-reaching implications of eviction, the affected populace. These consequences encompassed
impacting not only individuals but also larger household impediments in accessing potable water, which bear grave
units (Figure 2 & 3). The heterogeneous composition of health implications and compromise overall well-being.
these families delineated the potential disruption to social The disruption of education emerged as another salient
dynamics and support systems resulting from eviction. outcome, potentially curtailing the educational
Furthermore, the research shed light on the limited opportunities available to children and youth, thereby
extent of property ownership among the respondents, perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Homelessness
signifying that they predominantly inhabited rented or constituted a pressing concern as well, as evicted
informal dwellings. Such tenure arrangements often suffer individuals grappled with the dearth of secure and
from legal ambiguity and susceptibility to arbitrary adequate housing. Such instability exacerbates their
eviction. In addition, the study examined the migration vulnerability and impedes efforts to regain stability
patterns post-eviction, revealing that 53% of the (Figure 4).
respondents chose to remain in their original location, Additionally, the research documented an
demonstrating resilience and an inherent desire to retain escalation in nocturnal open defecation, underscoring the
their community ties amidst adversity. Conversely, 20% absence of adequate sanitation facilities after eviction.
sought refuge in alternative areas, highlighting the This engenders a plethora of health hazards and
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 15 (1): 11-19, 2023
Fig. 3: Graph showing (a) house type, (b) migration and (c) impact of evicted slum dwellers.
compromises overall hygiene. Another notable substandard living conditions burdened with inflated
repercussion was the observed escalation in rental costs rents. Loss of livelihoods constituted another significant
within alternative slum areas. Forced to seek alternative impact, elucidating how eviction disrupts income-
housing options, evicted individuals encounter a scarcity generating avenues and contributes to economic
of affordable dwellings, compelling them to settle for instability among the affected population (Table 1).
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 15 (1): 11-19, 2023
Table 1: Distribution of evicted people and evicted houses in the study area
SL No. Site of eviction No. of evicted people No. of evicted houses
1 Korom Alir Bosti of West Agargon at Sher-E-Bangla-Nagar 70 300
2 BNP bosti of West Agargon at Sher-E-Bangla-Nagar 150 550
3 Uttar Begunbari, Karwan bazar 100 500
4 Dhakkhin Begunbari, Karwan bazar 70 350
5 Macher arot of karwan bazar 50 150
6 Kalshi Bosti of Mirpur 11.5 250 1000
7 Baunia-badh-Tin-bed colony of Mirpur 11.5 80 350
8 Tejkunipara of Tejgaon 200 700
9 Nakhal para of Mohakhali 400 1500
10 Vashantek Bosti of Mirpur 14 1200 5000
Rang 50-1200 150-5000
Mean 257 990
Standard deviation 348.63 1295.24
Table 2: The problem after the eviction drive in Dhaka Metropolitan City (n=100)
SL. No. Problems Ranking
1 No management of rehabilitation 12
2 No place for migration 11
3 Scarcity of employment opportunities 12
4 Problems of latrine 9
5 Drainage problem 8
6 Severe crisis of drinking water 7
7 Great watery hazard after a little rain 6
8 Destruction of household commodities 5
9 Increment in daily expenditure 4
10 Family conflict has increased 3
11 Stealing, pilferage and snatching have almighty increased 2
12 Education institution has been broken down 1
Table 3: Opinions of respondents after eviction drive in Dhaka Metropolitan City (n=100)
SL. No. Opinion Ranking
1 Government-oriented rehabilitation program 11
2 Without rehabilitation, an eviction drive is not right 10
3 Reconstruction of latrine 9
4 Proper management of drainage facilities 8
5 Provision of permanent employment opportunity 7
6 Increase micro-credit program 6
7 NGOs activities should increase 5
8 NGOs should credit program 4
9 Great opportunities for a handicraft business 3
10 Reconstruction of destroyed road 2
11 Reconstruction of fragile school 1
Moreover, the evicted individuals encountered impact of eviction. While the respondents' age displayed
additional adversities stemming from the absence of a a positive trend, it failed to reach statistical significance,
comprehensive rehabilitation plan and the destruction implying that while age may contribute to the
of essential possessions during the eviction process. repercussions of eviction, other factors may exert a more
This exacerbates their already tenuous circumstances, substantial influence. Conversely, the gender composition
underscoring the imperative for a more compassionate of families exhibited no significant correlations with the
and well-coordinated approach to eviction. Regrettably, effects of eviction, suggesting that eviction engenders
the study exposed the dearth of governmental assistance comparable consequences across genders. However, a
in addressing these challenges, emphasizing the need significant and negative correlation materialized between
for robust support systems and policies to safeguard the number of earning family members and the
the rights and well-being of evicted individuals repercussions of eviction. This implies that a higher
(Table 2). number of earners within a family ameliorate some of the
Furthermore, the study probed correlations between adverse effects of eviction, potentially owing to increased
different variables to unravel the factors influencing the financial resources and heightened resilience (Table 3, 4).
Am-Euras. J. Toxicol. Sci., 15 (1): 11-19, 2023
Table 4: Relationship between effects of eviction drive and the selected characteristics of respondents
Characteristics Age Family size Property
Ownership Types of dwelling
house Effect of eviction drive on Livelihood
Age 1 0.222* 0.128n.s 0.215* 0.062n.s
Family size 1 0.135n.s 0.106n.s -0.052n.s
Ownership 1 0.455** 0.329**
Types of dwelling
house 1 0.517**
Effect of eviction drive on Livelihood 1
*Correlation is significant at 0.05 level (2-tailed)
**Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Correlation is non-significant.
Moreover, property ownership and the type of associations with the effects of eviction, the number of
dwelling exhibited significant positive correlations with earning family members demonstrated a notable negative
the effects of eviction. This implies that individuals with correlation. Moreover, property ownership and the type
more secure property rights or those inhabiting higher- of dwelling showed significant positive correlations with
quality housing experience comparatively milder adverse the impacts of eviction, suggesting the importance of
consequences. secure property rights and improved housing conditions
in mitigating adverse consequences. In light of these
DISCUSSION findings, the study emphasized the necessity for justified
eviction drives and the establishment of rehabilitation
The study's findings provide valuable insights into plans in advance. The government's role is crucial in
the detrimental consequences of abrupt eviction drives on providing support to evicted individuals, allowing
the socioeconomic and environmental conditions of slum sufficient time for relocation, creating employment
dwellers. According to Baser et.al. similar findings were opportunities and addressing the underlying issues of
observed in different residential areas of the Dhaka rural-urban migration. The formulation of long-term
Metropolitan area [28]. The research shed light on the rehabilitation and eviction plans, coupled with the
vulnerabilities faced by individuals primarily engaged in implementation of environmental recovery initiatives, is
informal business and sales activities, as well as the larger essential for promoting sustainable development and
households affected by the eviction. Limited property ensuring the well-being of vulnerable populations. By
ownership and the subsequent disruption of social illuminating the multifaceted impacts of eviction and
networks were evident among the respondents. The study advocating for comprehensive measures, the study calls
identified a range of significant impacts resulting from for a more humane and inclusive approach to address the
eviction, including challenges in accessing clean drinking challenges faced by slum dwellers. It underscores the
water, disruption of education, homelessness, increased urgency of bridging the gaps in policy, governance and
open defecation at night, higher rent in alternative slums support systems to protect the rights and improve the
and loss of livelihoods. Similar results were found in living conditions of those affected by the eviction.
several studies [28-32]. These consequences highlight the
profound disruption to basic needs, well-being and CONCLUSION
economic stability experienced by the evicted population.
Importantly, the absence of a rehabilitation plan and the The study revealed that evicted individuals
destruction of essential belongings during the eviction predominantly engaged in business and sales activities,
process exacerbated the hardships faced by the evicted with families ranging in size from 3 to 11 members. Limited
individuals. The study highlighted the lack of government property ownership and varied migration patterns were
assistance in addressing these challenges, underscoring observed. The eviction had numerous detrimental effects,
the need for comprehensive support systems and policies. including challenges in accessing clean water, education
The examination of correlations between variables disruption, homelessness, increased open defecation,
provided further insights. While the age and gender higher rent in alternative slums and loss of livelihoods.
composition of families did not exhibit significant The absence of rehabilitation plans, destruction of
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