2 Books in 1
Python is a powerful language. It is also the easiest language to learn. Python has found
preference in a variety of technology fields like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data
Science. With the rate at which Python is finding preference among many technological fields,
it’s the best time to learn the language.
We want to make it easy to start that journey, no matter what your skills and knowledge are. It
does not matter if you know nothing about programming as a whole.
Each chapter of this book builds on the previous chapters in an easy to understand step-by-step
process. You will learn theory and also practice what you learn. Programming practice is perhaps
the most important step, even when the concepts themselves haven’t quite made sense. It is in the
act of doing that we test our concepts and refine them. Practice is also the only way you become
a programmer. Take breaks when you need to and don’t be afraid to experiment.
Programming skills are in demand, and there are no signs of this slowing down any time soon.
Whether it is web development, Machine Learning, or the Internet of Things, programming is
everywhere. It used to be that people learned to program in college. Now, programming is taught
to children in school. Soon, most fields will expect some programming knowledge. Coupled with
these changes is the fact that learning programming is becoming freely available, accessible, and
easy. There are entire ecosystems that are driving these changes.
First, we will explore why learning Python is one of the best decisions you could make. We will
then explore the tools you need to get started and set up your environment. If you come from
another programming language like C, C++, or Java, it might be best to skip this chapter or skim
through it.
Why Python?
Python was developed in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, who named the project after his favorite
British comedy Monty Python. To this day, there are several Monty Python "Easter Eggs" within
the official documentation.
Since then, Python has been used to introduce people to programming because of its intuitive
syntax and its ability to create complex programs and process large amounts of data. As a
beginner, you will learn how quickly you can write a basic program and how easily you can scale
your project into something more commercial.
Python is easy to read. It has a human-like English structure that makes it easy to understand and
recall. The number of libraries and premade functions that you can add to your code, saving you
time, has also increased. If you study and do your work, you will be equipped to write a program
that will be easy to read ten years from now. As a programmer, you will know how important
program maintenance is and how easy Python is to administrate compared to other languages.
Let's briefly explore reasons to learn Python with a list. Lists are easy to digest and remember.
1. User-friendly: Programming languages allow communication between humans and
machines. Python is a high-level programming language, which means it is closer to
human language than machine language. Machines do not understand Python on
their own. There is an interpreter that translates Python code into machine language.
2. Powerful: Despite how easy it is to learn, Python is immensely powerful. It is just as
useful as languages like C++, which are low-level programming languages. Places
like Google, Microsoft, IBM, Xerox, and NASA use Python. You can even use
Python to develop games.
3. OOP: Object orientated programming is one the most effective programming
paradigms. It allows programmers to treat problems, actions, and data like real-
world objects represented in code. It is not always best to use it, though, which
makes Python interesting because it is a multi-paradigm language. This means you
can use it for object-orientated programming, functional programming, and others.
It’s flexible. You can benefit from OOP while using techniques belonging to other
4. Computer-friendly: Python doesn't require a lot of processing power or RAM to run.
For instance, developers use Python to create little robots that are operated by $5
computers. It can also run on any operating system. It means you can develop your
application on different operating systems simultaneously, and it will still work the
same. It also means your programs will be able to run on multiple platforms.
5. Language adaptability: You can combine Python with other languages to take
advantage of the different features and advantages. For instance, you can combine it
with C++ to take advantage of the system optimizations and speed it offers in the
6. It's free: Python is free and open-source. The license allows you to make changes to
the source code in a way that fits your purposes. At this point, this might not be
important to you, but it might be later on.
7. Community: There is a huge Python community online. This is because Python is
open source, has broad applicability, and is easy to learn. So, you will find many
people dedicated to learning or teaching the language. And if you get stuck, you will
find help easily. You will find plenty of collaboration opportunities with other
people on the same path as you as well.
Installing Python
Before we get started, you will need to download and install Python on your system. The
installation procedure is very easy. It is just like the installation of any other program on your
To do so, go to www.python.org and go to the "Downloads" section. Once you get there, pick the
right installer for your system. Make sure you are downloading the latest version as well.
When the installer has downloaded, run it and follow the steps. Do not change anything.
We advise that you install Python and get used to working on it on your system. Online
platforms are good for practice, but not for building things. So, working on your system will help
prepare you better. We also advise that you write the code yourself. If you copy and paste,
experiment with the code. Doing this will help drill the lessons in you.
Using a Text Editor
You can write Python in almost any text editor. There are many to choose from. There are
programs like Notepad, Notepad++, gedit, and others. Some text editors will be better than others
as they provide features that are useful to programmers. For instance, Notepad++ has syntax
highlighting, meaning you will be able to see when you make errors in your code and fix them.
Other editors like Notepad are plain, meaning you will not be able to tell you are making a
mistake until you try running the code. Try picking a text editor that feels natural to you.
Avoid using word processors.
Using an IDE
An IDE, Integrated Development Environment, is a program for writing code that comes with
multiple important features for programming. Many come with graphical interfaces, have
autocomplete, history functions, and are integrated with other debugging tools, can run
commands, deploy, and more. The advantage of using an IDE is convenience. IDE's have many
support features, shortcuts, reminders, and suggestions on how to fix errors.
One of the most popular IDE’s is IDLE. IDLE comes with Python. IDLE can run in two modes:
interactive and script. Interactive is best when you want Python to respond immediately to your
There are many IDE’s out there. Do a little research and pick the one you like best.
Your First Program
Now that you are set up, it's time to write your first program. We will be using IDLE for this
example, but you can use a text editor or an online Python console if you like. We recommend
you use IDLE so you familiarize yourself with IDEs.
Run IDLE in interactive mode. It is easy to find. Just search for it on your system and click on it.
The window you will see is called a Python shell. There will be a blinking cursor, indicating you
can type. Type the following:
print (“Hello World!”)
The following should display on the next line: Hello World!
That's it! You have written your first Python program that displays the message "Hello World!"
As you can see, the code is self-explanatory. It reads like an English command. This is what we
mean by Python is easy to read and understand.
We use the "print()" function to display text written in parentheses with quotation marks. If you
don't have quotation marks, you will get an error. The code will not run. Python is also case
sensitive, so if you were to capitalize the function, it would not work.
In IDLE's interactive mode, you get the output of your program immediately, but the downside is
that you cannot save your project and continue working on it later. To do that, you will need to
use script mode. To do this, click "File" and select "New File." It'll take you to a new window.
Write the code again: print ("Hello World!").
You will notice that when you press Enter, nothing happens. The blinking cursor jumps to the
next line. It's an important feature because it means you can write more instructions. To run the
code, you will have to click "File," then "Save As." Give the file the name you want. You will
see it has the default ".py" extension. The extension is important. If the ".py" is missing, the
interpreter will not read/run the code. Click on "Run" to run the script. You will see that IDLE
will display the results in the interactive window.
In the end, you want to be able to run your program the way you run others. To do this, you will
need an executable file, which you double click, and it runs the code. If you did that now, a
window would open and close. It would look like nothing happened, but that would be
inaccurate. The program has run and terminated itself too fast for you to notice. You will need to
give it instructions that enable it to be open long enough for you to see. Before we get into that,
let's discuss code comments.
Code Comments and Your Program
Open the script we just started and type:
# Hello World!
# This is a demonstration of the “print” function.
When you run the program, you will see that it still displays the same message. The lines you
wrote don't appear. Python ignored them. These lines are called comments; they are always
preceded by #, and they're there to make the code more readable by explaining it. It might look
unnecessary now because you understand the code you are writing. This ceases to be true when
you work with others, or your applications become complex, featuring plenty of variables and
functions. Your code needs to make sense to those who collaborate with you and to yourself
months in the future. Your collaborators can investigate what your code does, but it won't be a
pleasant experience. It is simply inefficient to do things that way.
If you are worried that having more comments will affect your application's performance, don't
worry about it. It won't. Python always ignores comments.
You can make your comments more readable by leaving empty lines. This will not do anything
to your code. Leaving empty lines of space between code blocks and sections is fine; they are
ignored. Go back to your script and add the following line:
input (“\n\n Hit the Enter key to exit!”)
Run it, and it will show a console with the message "Hello World!" and then display "Hit the
Enter Key to exit!" The program will wait for you to press the enter key. It is one way to keep the
program open.
In this chapter, we have had a brief overview of Python: why it is a good choice, its uses, and its
nature. We then installed Python and wrote some code, explored IDLE, and saw how we could
write programs and run them. We also saw how we could take input and talked about the
importance of comments. Now you are ready to learn!
Before we begin, it's worth taking a step and learning about the software design cycle. Most
programming books don't discuss this, but it is very important to understand how programs are
designed and made. It is a skill that will become indispensable as you become a programmer.
You should also know that a lot of what we are going to talk about comes up a lot in interviews.
We are going to learn how to identify a problem and fix it using programming. The first stage of
this process has to do with designing the application. You will see how you can break up a
solution into small, actionable steps that solve a problem. You must do so to see the underlying
logic of the steps we take for granted when we fix problems. All the questions we are going to go
through will help you learn the process. It is also mnemonic. In the second part of the chapter,
we will use what we have learned and write code. After that stage, you can test and refine the
program in your capacity.
We will also learn pseudo code, which is also known as a design language. Pseudocode does not
give instructions to the machine and functions as a guide. It's one of those rarely discussed
important programming skills that make you more organized as a developer.
Solving Problems
Programming uses logic to solve problems. You will see this as you learn throughout this book
and other resources. There will be plenty of practice and exercises. Programming is about
solving problems, whether or not you are building an application for work. It's still true when
you create a clone of another program so that you can improve it. Right now, as you read this,
there are likely some problems you have on your mind. Maybe that is why you took this book.
Maybe you have an idea for a game or an app that you would like to share with the world. To
reach those goals, you have to start by asking some questions. Why? Because applications can
get pretty complicated quickly, and you need to know what you are doing, so you don't get lost.
Writing an application without going through this process is as impractical as J.R.R Tolkien
writing The Lord of The Rings without asking himself questions about the culture, history, the
people, and features of the world he is writing about. If you sit down to devise a plan, you will
develop your application much faster because you face fewer problems.
The possibility is, whatever idea you have in mind, there is probably already someone who has
built it. The point is not coming up with something new. Although you can, the point is about
asking yourself if something can be improved. It also makes things easy for you because you
don't have to build anything from scratch. You can find the code that is written and shared and
then optimize it. You might think this is cheating, but it isn't. Most of the tools we use today are
built this way. People built on top of each other's technology to produce something more
Problem Identification
Before coding, you need an idea. To find one quickly, think of something you do often. Choose
something repetitive that you think can be automated by code. Programming is always perfect
for mundane tasks. This is your first problem. The next step is finding a way you can tell the
computer to do this task for you. What instructions - in Python - can the computer follow to fix
this problem? You will also need to get results that show that the computer is doing what you
want it to do. Now let's go through the basic development cycle. The important thing to
remember is that you don't have to be strict about this. You can adapt methods to situations. The
principles are not necessarily a blueprint, so you can be creative with it.
Without thinking about the structure, starting can be difficult, and adding solutions and building
just as you go can lead to an unpleasant experience. Here are the steps you should take:
1. The software’s purpose: Write down the problem and what your program should
do to fix the problem. Because you are new to programming, start with something
simple. A program that prints messages to a user is sufficient. Once you know what
you want to do, you have to think clearly about how you can solve that problem. It's
the brainstorming session. All your ideas don't have to be perfect, but you just need
to think they can work so you'll have an idea of what to do if they don't.
2. The type of user: Next, you have to ask yourself who your target users are. Even If
you are doing a personal project, you should get into the habit of doing so. Ask
yourself who is going to find his program useful. Are they your friends or family?
The general public? How do you anticipate they will interact with the program? Do
they have technical knowledge? What are they going to expect? Once you ask
yourself questions along these lines, you will begin to see a clearer picture of your
program. You will not only know what it should do, but you will also know how it
should do it and how it should look while doing it.
3. The computer system: Then, you need to anticipate the operating system of your
audience. Are they going to be on a Windows, Apple, or Linux computer?
Sometimes you will need to think about the device they are more likely to use. Is it
an Apple tablet or an Android phone? You don't have to be too specific. You need to
have an idea so you can make some provisions for it while you code.
All of these questions will guide the design of your applications. When you answer them at the
beginning of a project, you make the road ahead a lot simpler. If you don't have answers to all
these questions for some reason, it is fine. Some of the answers will come to you as you develop.
Finding the Solution
You now have a basic idea of what you want to build, where it works, who it is for, and how it
must work. It might look like you don't need to carry on any longer thinking about it, but there is
still work to do. Many developers spend a lot of time designing their programs instead of
actually coding. Now you need to ask yourself what your intended target's requirements are.
Then understand their needs. It might involve an agreement between you and the client if you are
building this for someone specific. Once you understand what they want, you need to think about
a solution. The solution might not be obvious, it might be tenuous, and it might get complicated.
Still, if you have written down your process, you will have an easier time adjusting your strategy
and avoiding other issues. You also save yourself a lot of time. There is no point building it only
to discover you have to start over and change it because no one wants it. Here are some things to
think about at this point:
1. Functional requirements: These are the things that your program has to do. Your
program's functional request is what the system has to do to give you the result you want.
For instance, it might need to calculate and print a message or the answer. You cross
these steps off as you code.
2. Results: When the time comes, you will need to test your program to see if it behaves as
it should. When you start, it will be fine running the application to see if it does what you
want it to. As you mature and your applications become more complex, you will need to
find better testing methods. Testing skills help reduce bugs and ensure good performance.
In some cases, you might write some tests that have predetermined answers and see if the
program delivers the answers you expect. You will do this during the development stage,
not after you have finished. It's daunting having to go back over the rest of your
application to figure out why it does not work. It is time-consuming and will be testing.
As a beginner, it will be enough to just run your program and see that it works.
3. Maintenance: When you design a program, you need to think about how it will be used.
Software meant to be used often needs maintenance and support. This means you need to
have plans for changes, updates, and extensions. But if your program is web-based you
need to find ways to update it without taking it down. To make maintenance easy, you
need a program that is easy to read. You’ll find that most developers do this the entire
lifetime of their software. Software needs to adapt with changes and improve to stay
All this requires your code to be clear and reusable. It is the simple things which will
make upgrades and maintenance easy to do.
Below is an example of a software design document of the “Hello World” program we built:
Problem: The system needs to display a message to the user.
User: Me
Operating System: Windows / Linux
Interface: Command line terminal
Functional requirements: Print a line of text
Testing: Perform application run test, making sure text is displayed.
Start Designing
Now you are ready to start designing the application. You do so by writing the program in
pseudocode, which you can later translate into code. Pseudocode uses English to describe what a
program should do at each stage to deliver the results we want. Pseudocode explains every line
of code or block of code that we should write, the inputs it should receive, how it acts, and what
it should output. Also, pseudocode allows you to brainstorm. For instance, you start envisioning
the data types, variables, and functions you will need to make the applications work.
There are no specific rules to pseudocode. You can write it any way you want. This only changes
when you work with other programmers because you will have to use the standard chosen by
them. In most contexts, pseudocode follows the syntax and rules of other languages, but the
functions and commands are written in words, not in code. But right now, there is no need to talk
about this as you don't know the language. What you need to understand now is the idea behind
the structure. Here's how you write pseudocode:
# Start program
# Enter two values, X and Y
# Add the values together
# Print sum
# End program
All pseudocode is commented out so that Python ignores it when you run it. If you don't
comment it out, you will get errors. The example above shows us the main design of your
program. It's a description of all the code necessary for the program to achieve its goal. When
you fulfill each one of these, the program will execute.
Improving Your Pseudo Code
Readability remains an important factor when writing pseudocode. Python interprets spaces and
tabs as delimiters, and they are interpreted in different ways, affecting how the app behaves. In
your pseudocode, you can use indentation to indicate which logical statements and actions go
together, but because you commented out the pseudocode, your indentation will not affect the
code. It means you can use whichever kind you feel comfortable with. We will discuss this more
in upcoming chapters.
The first line of a code block is always written without indentation. All the code that belongs to it
is indented into subsections. If you write your pseudocode in a way that resembles Python code,
writing the needed code will be easier. It is why developers advise pseudocode be written this
way. For now, write the pseudocode in a way that makes sense to you. As you learn the syntax,
you will use the Python code structure. Below is the pseudocode following the same principles:
# Perform the first task
# Enter the first value
# Verify whether the value is text
# Print the value
It makes things clear, and the developer knows where to place the code. To create a separation
between this code block and another, you only need to put an empty line between them and begin
the next block without indentation. Now, you can write out your design following these
In this chapter, we looked at the software design cycle. We saw how the process of creating a
Python program starts. We learned how to break our problems into objectives and tasks. We also
learned about the role pseudocode plays in the development and Python's pseudocode principles.
This chapter emphasized the importance of planning and outlining your applications to avoid
problems further down the road. Now that you know all this, you are ready to learn the language
Variables are like containers used to store data values so the computer can process them. Without
variables, the processes would not occur because there would be nothing to process. Data values
come in different types: lists, integers, strings, floats, dictionaries, and more. In programming,
many functions rely on the use of variables for their functionality. Variables allow us to write
operations without knowing the exact data the function will manipulate. In fact, computers
convert most kinds of data into variables.
In this chapter, we learn about variables and data types. We will see the fundamental role played
by variables in the development of any program. We will learn with real examples where we will
manipulate strings and perform mathematical operations.
Python Identifiers
When coding, you need to be able to identify a data type by its label. Identifiers are labels/words
that are not commented out or placed within quotation marks. Identifiers label things so the code
is more readable, provided that the names relate to your project. Don't use the same identifiers
for multiple variables or functions; conflicts will occur. So, your identifiers have to be unique to
each variable.
Identifiers allow you to use any word you want except those reserved by Python. Those used by
Python are an integral part of the language, and they are known as keywords. Some of those
keywords are: False, lambda, class, import, global, while, yield, continue. You will come to
understand these later as you learn. Because you won't always remember these keywords, Python
warns you when you use one.
Now, let's learn how to name variables. Variables should always start with an underscore or a
letter. This is not a rule; you can break it, and your programs will run. It is a convention
established by other programmers for a good reason. You can use numbers in your variables as
long as your identifier does not start with one. Also, Python is case sensitive, meaning the
following name variable would not count as the same variable: "newVariable," "NewVariable,"
"NEWVARIABLE," and "_newVariable." Python will see each one as a unique variable,
although semantically, they are the same. It means you should watch your capitalization.
Experienced developers advise you to stick to one style throughout your project. So, if you start
your variables with an uppercase letter, you should follow the same rule in your entire project. It
prevents unnecessary confusion between you and other programmers.
Introduction to Variables
Defining, declaring, or introducing a variable is done in two stages. You will find this is true in
most programming languages. The first stage is an initialization, where a container is created
with the appropriate identifier. The second stage is an assignment where a value is placed in the
container. Both are performed in one operation. Here's an example of it below.
variable = value
You perform the initialization and define assignment through the equals sign.
A block of code that does something is called a statement. The assignment is the statement.
Expressions are code that evaluates to obtain a value/result. Below is a list of assignments, and at
the end, we have an expression that gets the total price.
number = 0
product_weight = 2.1
price_per_kilogram = 10
filename = 'file.txt'
trace = False
sentence = "this is an example"
total_price = product_weight * price_per_kilogram
In programming, you need to be orderly. You should write every statement in a line. In the
example above, we have a list of assignments similar to a grocery list. When writing a program
like this, you need variables that you can use to perform various tasks. For now, understand that
variables come in different types, and these types make up a program. They serve as ingredients
to a recipe. Before we start exploring the types, let's discuss dynamic typing in Python.
Python and Dynamic Typing
In Python, the data type of a variable is automatically inferred, which means you don't have to
specify it when you write code. This is called dynamic typing. Most programming languages
want you to specify whether your variable is a number, list, or dictionary. Dynamic typing allows
us to be less verbose. It allows us to focus more on functionality.
The disadvantage of this is that Python will not warn you when you make certain mistakes, like
adding variables that we shouldn't add together. Python will assume that is what you mean to do.
Beginners face the tricky task of keeping track of their variables: where they are assigned, what
their values are, and how they change. One tip to doing this is declaring your variables at the top
of a code block. This way, they are all at the same place where you can easily inspect them,
allowing you to easily follow your code. The other tip is creating a design document. You can
also create a table where you will declare all your variables. Knowing and keeping track of your
variables will enable you to troubleshoot and maintain your code with ease.
Dynamic typing allows Python to flag variables used with the wrong data type. So if you
perform an operation using both, your operation will be invalid, meaning you receive a
"TypeError," like the one below:
y = 'text'
trace = False
x + y Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
y - trace Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'bool'
You don't have to understand the code to appreciate what just happened. The x variable is a
number, and the y variable is text. You can't perform calculations with words and numbers. That
is why you get an error. You can add words together to form sentences or even add sentences
together. You can also do mathematical operations with numbers. What you can't do is mix both.
This TypeError is called the Traceback. It tells you to go back and fix something in the logic of
your program. This is an example of many other TypeErrors Python will warn you about. You
need to ensure the operations you want to perform don't break real-world rules about how they
should work.
In the previous example, we have two types of variables: an integer (int) and a string (str).
Strings are text or words, and integers are whole numbers. These are some of Python's data
types. Python provides ways of combining variable types to form more complex data types; we
will explore this later. For now, let's build our programming foundations by practice.
Basic Text Operations
Strings are a popular data type in any programming language. We used one when we made our
"Hello World" program. In that program, we used one print statement. So how do you print
multiple statements? If you use the methods we used without the first program, you just add
another print statement in the next line. There are other ways of doing this, like concatenation.
Concatenation is combining strings into one. You can perform concatenation in several ways.
Below, it is done by separating variables by a comma:
characterClass = “warrior”
characterGender = “male”
print (character gender, characterClass)
The output will be "male warrior."
You can also use the strings themselves instead of the variables that hold them:
print (“male” “warrior”)
The output will be "malewarrior." When using this method, you need to add space, so the output
has space between the words. You can add an extra space at the end of the first word or the
beginning of the second. Here's how you'd do it:
print (“male ” “warrior”)
or like this:
print (“male” “ warrior”)
The output will be "male warrior."However, concatenating strings in this way may cause
problems. Here's one below:
print (characterGender “warrior”)
The result will look something like this:
File "<stdin>", line 1
print (characterGender “warrior”)
^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
You’ll get an error like the one shown above when you attempt concatenating strings to a
variable in this way. You can only do this with two separate strings.
You can use the plus operator to combine strings. In Python and most programming languages, it
is referred to as a concatenation operator because it combines strings. Here's how it looks:
x = “male”
y = “warrior”
The output will be "malewarrior."
Python also uses the plus symbol to do mathematical operations. So concatenating strings this
way requires Python to assess the variables first, meaning it works harder. So don't use this
method unnecessarily, as heavy usage will cause the program to demand more from the system.
This is an example of design planning. When you concatenate many strings, try to find other
methods and only use them when you don't see a better alternative.
In Python, quotes are important. You might have already seen this as we were going through the
previous examples. Quotes mark characters and words as text. A character is defined as a single
letter, punctuation mark, number, or space. A text is really a string of characters. This is why the
data type is called "string." Python separates text from commands and keywords using quotes
enclosures. So far, we have only used double quotation marks, but Python offers other ways of
doing this.
For instance, you can write the "Hello World" program with single or double-quotes. Here's how
you would do it:
print (“Hello World”)
print (‘Hello World’)
Both of these will produce the same results because Python will not see a difference between the
two. So you will have to choose whichever you prefer. Then how do you test a block of text that
has multiple lines? Python allows you to use block quotes with all their breaks and spaces. Here
is how you would do that:
x = ’’’ this is a long line of text
that requires multiple lines’’’
y =””” this is another long line of strings
but this time, we're using double quotes
because they’re cooler ”””
Both methods will produce the same results, albeit using single or double quotation marks.
Python will read them the same, so it all comes down to what you prefer.
Now, how do you use quotes inside a string? To do this, you have to use different quotation
marks. For example, double quotations for the string and singles quotes for what is quoted. Like
x = “She told me to ‘quote ’like this”
In the example above, we have a quote hierarchy, where double quotes make the string and the
single quotes mark the quoted text. In singles quotes, we have a substring, and in double-quotes,
we have the main string. This is called a nested quote.
Developing a Text Application
We now know a bit about software design, texts, and strings. Let's put all that to practice. We are
going to create a script that generates information about characters in a roleplaying game. We
will name variables for name, gender, race, and description. All of them will be strings. Python
will print the output on the display.
You have the knowledge you need to do all of this. Before you follow the example below, try
developing your own program. Here’s our example:
Problem: Generate information on roleplaying characters
Target audience: Personal / Friends and family
System: Windows / Linux
Interface: Command Line
Functional requirements: Print a character sheet.
Users will input name, gender, race, and description.
Test: Basic execute test.
Name = “”
Gender = “”
Race = “”
Description = “”
# Prompt user for information
Name = input (‘what is your name? ‘)
Gender = input (‘what gender are you? (male / female / not sure): ‘)
Race = input (‘what race are you? (Human / Elf / Orc / Dwarf / Gnome): ‘)
# Output character sheet
cool_line = ‘<__==|#|==--++**\$/**++--==|#|==__>
print("\n", cool_line)
print("\t", Name)
print("\t", Race, Gender)
print("\t", Description)
print(cool_line, "\n")
If you closely, this is the improved version of our Hello World program. We used the same
techniques to create something a bit more complex. First, we have our design document that
provides information about the program. Then we made use of escape sequences in our code: "\t"
for "tab" and "\n" for "newline." Escape sequences are used to format text, making it easier to
read. Whitespaces are one of the typical ways text is formatted, and this is why these two are
used often.
We have a character sheet. Now it is time to come up with an attribute for them. We can do that
through numbers.
Numbers are assigned to variables the same way you would assign strings or any data type.
Here’s an example:
Python will be able to discern whether it is dealing with a number because of the absence of
quotations or letters. In this instance, an integer. Before we go any further, you need a basic
understanding of how computers work.
Computers store data in binary, a sequence of ones and zeroes. Information is processed by
triggering a vast amount of switches that can either be on or off (1 or 0). There is much more to
learn about this topic, but this is enough information for our purposes.
Let’s look at some numeral types:
1. Integers: In programming and mathematics, whole numbers are called integers.
Integers don't have decimal points, but they can be negative or positive. Integers are
frequently used in operations.
2. Floats: Floats have decimal points. If 2 is an integer, 2.5 is a float. Floats can also
either be negative or positive, and they are assigned to variables the same way
integers are. Python can differentiate between floats and integers automatically.
3. Booleans: They are the most basic type there is, and they represent how computers
work. A Boolean can either be True(1) or False(0). They are often used with logical
operators like "and", "or" and "not." We'll explore this in detail later. Variables are
assigned Boolean values using True and False keywords. They are always
capitalized; otherwise, it will not work.
Basic Operations
You have seen how we assign values to variables. We will now perform some basic operations
like add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/). When you perform operations like these,
you create an expression. Expressions are code that the computer has to work through to get a
result. Expressions can be assigned to variables. Below is an example:
strength = 10 + 2
dexterity = 10 - 4
endurance = 6 * 2
awesomeness = strength + dexterity * endurance
You are probably surprised to find the result isn't 216. It isn't, because Python understands math,
so it knows which calculations have precedence over which. The calculation is like this: (10 + 2)
+ ((10 - 4) * (6 * 2)).
This example shows how Python evaluates expressions and decides which sections go with
which. There are many more operations in Python. To fully understand the kind of process that
occurs when these decisions are made, you need to know Python has operator precedence. This
tells Python which operator to pay attention to first. If you don't want Python to use its default,
you can guide it, like below:
awesomeness = (strength + dexterity) * endurance
Now the result is 216 because it has to start with the expression in parentheses.
We have only worked with integers, but the same rules would still apply even if we used floats.
Python also lets you convert numeral types to other numeral types. Here are the most common
1. Converting any number to an integer: int (x)
2. Converting any number to any float: float (x)
3. Converting any value to a string: str (object)
Note how our focus is now functions instead of operators. The syntax change makes this
obvious. We are manipulating values contained in parentheses. Parentheses are part of the
function. Here are some examples below:
float (12)
int (10.4)
float (int (15.5))
Now that we have explored numerical data, let’s create an application to apply everything we
have learned.
Developing a Number Application
One of the most important things to learn before you start building more complex programs is
storing data and comparing values. In other words, you need to learn about conditional
statements and data manipulations of other data types. Before you do so, you need to understand
how to manipulate numerical data types.
Say you want to buy material to make curtains from. You need to know what material you need
and how much of it will be enough. You calculate this based on the size of your windows. Your
functional requirements are the window dimensions, which you will use to determine how much
material you need to buy, and its cost. Then you do some research. As a programmer, you’ll need
to research topics you know little about. In this case, you will investigate how much curtain
material is calculated. Alternatively, you can go to a fabric store and talk to experts. Once the
research is completed, you can make your software design document. Make this a habit. You will
be happy that you did. Here's how it would look:
# Prompt user to input window dimensions measured in centimeters
# Consider a margin of error and add to the dimensions
# Calculate the width of the fabric
# and calculate the length of the material for one curtain
# You need two curtains, double the quantity of material
# and divide by 10 to have the dimensions in meters
# Calculate the price of everything
# Print result
You'll need information about the width of the material and price per meter. A width of 150 cm
costs ten currency units per meter. We would need to get information about the height and width
of the windows. This data will be given to us by the user, meaning we will use the input function.
The function will give us a string, which we will need to convert into a float. Then we can make
our calculations: Here’s how it should look:
# One roll of material is 150 cm in width
# One meter of material costs 10 units of currency
material_width = 150
price_meter = 10
# Prompt the user to input the window measurements in cm
window_height = input( ‘What is the height of your window (cm): ')
window_width = input( ‘What is the width of your window (cm): ')
# Extra material is needed for the hems
# Convert the string to a float
# Without the conversion you will not be able to do the math
curtain_width = float(window_width) * 0.75 + 20
curtain_length = float(window_height) + 15
# Calculate how much material you need
# The calculation is done in widths
# Calculate the total length of material needed for every curtain (stick to cm)
widths_of_cloth = curtain_width / material_width
total_length = curtain_length * widths_of_cloth
# Double the quantity of material because we have two curtains
# Remember to divide by ten in order to calculate meters
total_length = (total_length * 2) / 10
# Calculate the price
price = total_length * price_meter
# Print the result
print("You require", total_length, "meters of cloth for ", price)
Please note that the numbers in this example aren’t accurate because we did not use actual
information about curtains and fabric. Only when we do can we offer the correct result. For our
purposes here, this does not matter; we have learned a lot regardless.
We learned about variables and assigning values to them. We explored basic data types like
integers, floats, and strings, and performed text and numerical operations. With strings, we
learned how to combine them and convert them. You have enough knowledge to create a basic
program that takes input and outputs results based on those inputs. It's very basic, but these are
the foundations you need to build more complex applications. In the next chapter, we learn how
to teach programs to compare values and make decisions.
You have learned how to design applications and manipulate numbers and strings. Now, you
need to learn how to add more functionality to your applications. The more you learn there, the
more complex your designs will become, too, because you will be dealing with complex
problems. Remember to always visit your old applications as you learn. Update and improve
them. This is one of the most typical roles a programmer has to perform. Also, the exercises help
you gauge your progress.
In this chapter, we will learn several methods that will allow us to compare values and make
decisions based on those comparisons. This allows us to create more adaptable programs,
assessing conditions before acting. The ability to choose from several choices based on some
criteria creates complexity. This means your code management skills need to grow with your
skills because you will soon be able to write bigger scripts. In addition, you will learn how to use
Conditional Statements
The application is not accurate, and it lacks some functionality. Also, there are logical issues in
the code, and we need to fix them. We can improve accuracy through value comparisons because
if we can compare values, we can instruct the application to act differently based on those
comparisons. This is what conditional statements are made for.
Conditional statements add an extra layer of sophistication. In all our examples, we have used a
list of commands to achieve our ends. This will change the conditional statements. An
application will be able to decide between several options the most appropriate actions as
dictated by us. If a condition is met, the problem will act a certain way, and if it is not met, it will
act in another way. Below is the pseudocode of conditional statements:
If condition is true:
Perform these actions;
If this condition is true:
Perform another set of actions;
If this condition is false:
Don’t do anything;
Look at how logical that is. This is an example of how putting our thoughts in pseudocode can
make things very clear. So, make it a habit of yours. Look at how effortlessly the pseudocode
above has demonstrated conditional statements. Conditional statements follow a simple
structure: if x, then y.
There are several ways conditions can be checked, namely by using comparison operators listed
1. Less than: <
2. Less than or equal: <=
3. Greater than: >
4. Greater than or equal: >=
5. Equal: ==
6. Not equal: !=
Operators are used in a variety of ways. For example, you can write the same conditional
statement using a different operator by tweaking the conditional statement's logic. Conditional
statements return true or false answers when they are checked. Like below:
-10 >=10
5.5 != 5.5
23.56 > 78.2
Now, let's assess a conditional expression by assigning a value to a variable first:
myVariable = 10
myVariable == 10
As you can see, first, we used a single equals sign to assign a value. Then we used two equal
signs to check if the number stored in myVariable is equal to ten. In other words, two equals
signs are used to compare if values are equal, and a single one assigns values. This expression
will return a Boolean value: True or False. If you use the wrong operator in a conditional
statement, Python will throw an error. In some cases, using the assignment operator over the
comparison operator might not lead to any errors if the assignment performed does not impede a
particular function's role. This is where you might think the program produces strange or wrong
Control Flow
Most applications need to be able to choose which section of code gets executed when something
happens. To do this, you need a control flow statement. Control flow statements evaluate
statements and instructions to decide how they should be executed. So far, you have learned how
to compare values. But this is very useful when you can use the answer returns to direct the
program. In other words, control flow statements are conditional statements because they check
some condition and execute code based on the results.
Conditional statements are created by using the following keywords: if, elif, else. If you come
from another language, note we don’t use the “then” keyword. Now, let’s look at the syntax:
if condition:
#Do this
print “This condition is true”
elif condition != True:
#Do this instead
print “This condition isn’t true”
#Perform a default action if none of the conditions are met
print “The condition isn’t true or false”
The syntax above is easy to understand because we already think this way in our day to day
lives. Let's examine the code.
We have an "if" conditional followed by the expression that is to be checked. The next statement,
elif, means "else if." It will be checked when the first conditional returns false. The else
statement is executed when all other conditions return false. In order words, it is the default; it
can also be used to catch data that doesn't fit what is being assessed. If you don't set the "else" to
catch something unexpected, the program will run regardless. With that said, you don't always
have to use the "elif'' or "else" statements. In some cases, you want a program to carry on
executing or do nothing if a condition is not met. In that case, you will use an "if" statement.
Notice how the code is indented. Python requires you to do this, or you will get an error. Other
programming languages rely on clear delimiters like curly braces. Python doesn't do this. Look at
what happens when you don't:
if x:
print (x)
indent = “terrible”
File “<stdin>, line 4
indent = “terrible”
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
Conditional statements are very important. You will use them a lot in your career. Programs can
use them to verify data, for example. This is called validation. You can write a program that
performs a check on an item. Imagine the program would have a checklist of features an item
needs to fulfill, and it ticks a box for each feature present. You can use them to check if a data set
falls within a specific range. Many of what programs do would be near impossible without
Handling Errors
Many of the scripts we have written have been simple, so they didn't require more than a test run.
But as you build more complex programs, you will need to test your programs in more
sophisticated ways, or you will miss pernicious bugs. Tests also help you determine if your
application is competitive or really does what it seems to do. One way to test your applications is
through a trace table. Trace tables are used to test algorithms or logic errors. They do this by
simulating every step of your application execution, and each statement is evaluated. They look
like this:
Step Statement Notes variable1 variable2 condition1 condition2
To see them in action, let's go back to our curtains application to see where we went wrong. We
will trace variables' values and statements from beginning to end. We will replace trace table
headers with variable names and program conditions. Ideally, you'd perform multiple tests with
different data sets to find many other possibilities. This is because the most critical application
errors occur because of abnormal values, also referred to as critical values. These are values that
the application does not expect, so it has no support for them. This is why you should test
vigorously to expose gaping design flaws.
In our curtain application, the crucial value is the material width, set to 150 cm. Reserving 20 cm
for the hems would mean the largest width we can use for a single curtain is 130 cm. For
anything larger, we would need to stitch width together and so on. We have surmised that the
curtains will need to cover three-quarters of the window's width. This means one width of the
material can cover a maximum of 170 cm. So, for larger windows, we would need to calculate
several widths. We also need to ask ourselves other questions, like if the window is more wide
than deep. It would mean turning the material, providing 15 cm of hem. But then the window's
height has to be less than 125 cm.
Notice how we have to take a lot of conditions into account. The easiest way to verify them
would be to set multiple potential window sizes we can check: 100 by 100, 100 by 200, and so
on. You would also have to calculate results yourself to ensure the program is giving you the
correct results. Let's do this:
1. Let's start with 100 x 100 as the measurement. In this case, we don't have to think
about the width for obvious reasons. Taking the hem into consideration, we'd need
115 x 95 cm of material. Keep in mind that there are two possibilities here. You can
measure by the width or the length. Both will produce different values. If you
measure by length, you will need about 230 cm of material, and if you measure by
width, you'd need 190 cm of material.
2. In the second case, the window is 100 x 200 cm. The curtains need a width of 150
cm. Because this is the width of the material, we should add 20cm for the hem and
another 20 cm for the joining material. This brings our total to 190, meaning the
dimensions of our curtain are 115 x 190 cm. If we measure along the length, we will
need more material than when we measure along the width.
Continue calculating other cases. What we did reveals flaws in our design. When you continue
further, you will realize that flipping the window's dimensions leads to material problems.
Meaning if we measure along the width, it will only be worth it when the width is greater than
the depth. Another condition is a depth of less than 125 cm. It's now up to the programmer to
make crucial design decisions. Should you offer an option to consider material measurements
along the width or keep it lengthwise? We also need to think of accuracy. It would be best to
have the results rounded to the nearest half meter; this is about the final result, not the
With that information, let's create a trace table and compare data. Using print functions, it would
look like this:
# add headers to the trace table
# take the hems into account
# Before anything else, you need to convert the string to a number variable
# If you don't, you will get an error due to using mathematical operators on text
curtain_width = (float(window_width) * 0.75) + 20
print('\t', curtain_width)
curtain_length = float(window_height) + 15
print('\t\t', curtain_length)
# Next, you need to figure out the width of material you need
# and calculate the length of cloth needed for every curtain.
# keep all measurements in centimeters
widths = curtain_width / roll_width
print('\t\t\t', widths)
total_length = curtain_length * widths
print('\t\t\t\t', total_length)
# Don’t forget you have two curtains.
# Double the material and divide by ten for result in meters instead of centimeters
total_length = (total_length * 2) / 10
print('\t\t\t\t', total_length)
#Now we need the price in total
price = total_length * price_per_metre
print('\t\t\t\t\t', price)
We’ll leave it here for now. Notice that we used tab to separate variable columns and organize
our trace table. Now that we have this, we can test our design. Here’s how it should look:
Enter the height of the window (cm): 100
Enter the width of the window (cm): 100
width heightwidths total price
You need 15.6071428571 meters of cloth for 78.0357142857.
After our first test, we noticed a couple of issues. Our conversion to meters wasn't accurate, so
our results are inaccurate. Our output has too many decimals for it to be actionable. We simply
don't need that when dealing with fabric. We can solve this by using the "round" function. The
round functions will take two parameters, the number to reduce decimals and the number of
points we need to reduce to. In this case, two decimals points are enough. Notice that we are
rounding the results, not the calculations themselves. If we try to round the calculations, this
might lead to errors. With these modifications, you should get results like these:
You need 2.92 meters of cloth for 14.59.
Our output display has improved. But if we go and purchase materials using these measurements,
we would end up a bit short. So, we need to know what value to expect to confirm the program is
working well. Without running tests, it would be impossible to tell if our calculations are
accurate and useful. While we may find our output discoursing at this point, comparing our
numbers to expected values can help us figure out where we went wrong. Take some time to go
through the program, run more tests, and figure out what is not working. Some fine-tuning is
needed. How can we implement it?
Adding the Conditionals
To improve our program, we need to add conditional statements. We need the application to be
able to measure the cloth in more than one way. For instance, if the length is smaller than the
material roll's width, we can flip it and use one width of material. What do we do if the curtain
should be longer and wider than the fabric rolls? Say we need a material that is equal to less than
half of the width of the roll. It means we would have to buy a material roll of the same length.
But if we need more than half, we would have to get two more rolls. We just described the kinds
of conditions we need the program to check before it starts making calculations. Let's begin with
the pseudocode. This time we will follow Python syntax:
if curtain width < roll width:
total_length = curtain width
total_length = curtain length
if (curtain width > roll width) and (curtain length > roll width):
if extra material < (roll width / 2):
width +=1
if extra material > (roll width / 2):
width +=2
We now need to calculate how many roll widths there are in certain widths and how much fabric
is needed to determine an entire width. Here's how we would calculate that:
widths = int(curtain_width/roll_width)
additional_material = curtain_width%roll_width
All that was required was an integer function to remove decimals and find out how much extra
material we have using the modulo operator. Now use the knowledge you have gained to
improve your program. Consider repeating this process with different values.
We also use programming to make things more efficient by automating repetitive tasks. One way
of achieving this is through loops. Python allows us to create loops in two ways: through the
"while'' statement or the "for" statement.
“ While” Loops
A "while" loop starts by checking if a condition is true. A statement is executed as long as the
condition is true. So it checks if it is true and executes, then it checks against and executes, and
so on. Here's an example of one:
while x < 10:
x += 1
This loop checks if x is smaller than ten, then it executes code. It checks if x is still smaller and
continues to execute until x is no longer smaller than ten. During the execution, the x value is
incremented by one. Every execution of the code in the loop is called an iteration because it is
repeated several times.
When making "while" loops, you need to be aware of two things. The variable that is checked by
the loop needs to be initialized before the loop is run, and the variable needs to update/change
with every iteration, or else you will have an infinite loop. Infinite loops can be dangerous, and
Python won't tell you when you have created one. If you find a program is stuck in an infinite
loop, you need to terminate it, but this may not work in some circumstances. Infinite loops won't
damage your computer, but they can overcrowd and deplete your system's resources, causing
your system to slow down or reboot. In some rare circumstances, infinite loops are helpful or
desired. But it is best to avoid them as a beginner.
Conditional statements allow you to use any type of variable. Let's consider a program that
calculates the mean of multiple values that the user puts in. What should be the problem that this
application focuses on? The program needed to take into account the user's input because it
doesn't know how many values the user will enter and if they will be positive values. To do this,
we need a loop containing a sentinel value. A sentinel value signals the program to break a loop
when a special value is detected. The program needs to check if the user's input value holds a
value that the script would accept. For example, the loop would iterate as long as there are
positive values and stop when a negative value is detected. Here's an illustration of this below:
offset = 0
total = 0
while x >= 0:
x = int (input (“Enter a positive value: ”))
total += x
offset += 1
mean = total / offset
print (mean)
Another issue is that we do not know the type of values entered by the user, so we should
automatically convert them into a format we can work with: integers. If a user enters a string, the
program will terminate because of a value error.
Another important aspect of loops is quitting them. The "break" and "continue" methods help us
break out of a loop without causing issues. For instance, you may want to quit a loop when a
certain condition is met without checking other conditions. In that case, you use "break." If you
want to skip a specific iteration, you can use "continue," and the loop will go to the next
In some cases, you want the program to verify a condition and not act in any specified manner.
To do this, you use the "pass" keyword. The pass keyword forms a null statement, meaning the
program will skip the loop and move the next code block. Here's an example below:
while True:
my_input = int (new_input (“$? : >> “))
if my_input > 0:
print (“This input is negative”)
Now let’s see an example of using break and continue:
offset = 0
total = 0
while True:
my_input = float (input (“$? : >> “))
if my_input < 0:
if offset == 0:
print (“You need to enter some values!”)
total += my_input
offset += 1
print (offset, ‘:’, total)
Python allows you to nest multiple loops and conditional statements. Interestingly you can have
an infinite structure of loop levels, but it is not recommended. When you nest too many loops,
you can become quickly confused when errors occur. Knowing which condition a program
should follow out of many options is hard. So try to keep it simple if you can. Indentation also
makes things hard to read. Each loop and conditional needs to be indented, creating a large
number of intricate blocks. It will look haphazard to any programmer, regardless of skill level.
The general rule is to check your program from other solutions if you need to go over two
looping layers. There is simply no need for such complexity. A simple solution is waiting to be
found. Find it.
“ For” Loops
Loops can also be created with the "for" statement. It has the same structure as the "while" loop,
and in most cases, you can use both interchangeably. But for loops are best used for interaction
over a sequence like lists, dictionaries, and strings. In the first iteration, the first element in the
sequence is retrieved, then the second, and so forth.
To understand "for" loops, you need to understand a few basics about sequences. We will talk
more about sequences in the next chapter, but we have already worked with one: strings: Strings
are just a sequence of characters. There are also lists, which are sequences of elements that are
manipulated. There are also tuples, which are similar to lists but cannot be edited. Below is an
example of a "for" loop:
buildings = [“store”, “house”, “hospital”, “school”]
for x in buildings:
print (x)
Each element in the list will be printed. You can also loop through a string, like this:
for x in “store”:
print (x)
Every character in “store” will be printed individually.
We can break “for” loops just as we would with “while” loops. Below we stop the loop when
“hospital” is found in the list.
buildings = [“store”, “house”, “hospital”, “school”]
for x in buildings:
print (x)
if x == “hospital”:
As you can see, the break occurs after “hospital” is printed. Below is another case:
buildings = [“store”, “house”, “hospital”, “school”]
for x in buildings:
if x == “hospital”:
print (x)
In this example, the loop breaks before “hospital” is printed. Next is the “continue” keyword that
will skip a specified iteration, in this case “hospital”:
buildings = [“store”, “house”, “hospital”, “school”]
for x in buildings:
if x == “hospital”:
print (x)
As you can see, each element is printed except “hospital”.
In this chapter, we learned how to make programs more intelligent. Many basic tasks require us
to use logical operators, comparison operators, and assignment operators. We have also learned
how to use loops and conditional statements to introduce decision making.
Improving designing with conditionals and loops is a common feature in programming. Use
these tools to improve your program. We also looked at trace tables and how they help with logic
error detections. Lastly, programming itself is where you design, program, test, and repeat until
you solve a problem.
In the next chapter, we will look at Python data structures and how to manipulate them.
Data structures are fundamental to any programming language. We are going to look at working
with lists, tuples, dictionaries, and strings. We are going to create a more complex program to
illustrate their use. We will build a game since games use data structures for character statistics
and inventory. We will also need to calculate combat results and turn them into textual data. We
will build on the knowledge from previous chapters, so don't fret. You will also get good practice
with loops and conditionals.
Our design and development discussion will continue, especially now when working with a more
complex program. A game requires many mathematical operations and textual data, and Python
is great for that. Until now, we have only focused on using code to produce basic outputs. In the
real world, programs are more complex than that. They involve complex structures that demand
a huge number of statements. When you know Python's data structures well, you will be able to
simplify the process. Data structures like tuples, lists, dictionaries, and strings will help in that
As we said, strings, lists, and tuples are examples of sequences. There are many ways of
accessing data inside sequences. First, we should analyze data structures. Data structures that can
be modified are called mutable. They have mutability. Strings and tuples cannot be modified, so
they are immutable. But we can use tuples and strings to form new ones. Lists are mutable
because we can add and delete elements they host.
So, how do we access elements in a sequence? We can use the index of an item. Indexes
represent the position of an element. Indexes are written as an integer inside square brackets.
Below is an example:
building = “hospital”
Below is an example with a list. Each position has an index starting from 0:
buildings = [“store”, “house”, “hospital”, “school”]
buildings [2]
Since the indexes start at zero, "hospital" is in the second position. Indexes starting from zero is a
common feature in programming. This is why 2 accesses the third element in the list. You can
also use negative integers to access items:
Negative indexes start counting from the end of the list or string.
How do you access multiple elements at the same time? You use slicing to do it. You can slice a
part of the sequence by entering two indexes. The first index indicates where the slice should
begin; the second chooses where the slice should end. So a slice like this [1:4] means the slice
will start at the second position and end at the fifth position in the list. You can also access them
in reverse. You can also ignore entering the first element. Python will assume it should start the
element in the first position. The same thing will happen if you leave the second value empty.
The slice method created a new sequence, meaning the original data will not get changed. You
will be able to manipulate and work with the elements in the original list. So if you edit an
element in the parent sequence and the sliced sequence, they will change. Editing is different
from slicing because it mutates sequences.
Sequence Check
Sometimes you will need to check if an item is part of a sequence. You can do this with the "in"
keyword. This keyword returns a Boolean value. True means the item is present, and False
means the item is not in the sequence. Below is the example of the code; we are using it against
the buildings list we created earlier:
“pear” in buildings
You can also use the “not” keyword to ask if the item is not in the list. In this instance, True
would mean the item is not present, and False would mean it is.
“pear” not in buildings
You can also use an addition operator to combine sequences:
“sun” + “flower”
You can also use the join() method to do the same thing. In programming, there are many ways
of doing the same thing. Data types dictate what type of functions, methods, and operators can be
used. But most will use the plus sign, minus sign, "in'', "or" keywords, and so on.
We haven't discussed method syntax yet. Methods are placed next to the variable they perform
on, connected by a dot/period. Methods can also contain arguments inside parentheses. Here's an
example: separator.join(seq), This is the join method. Methods are bound to a specific
object/data type. You will understand this more as we discuss objects and methods in the next
chapter. For now, keep in mind that an object is a data type that has many instances.
Regarding strings, the sequence that is being added to the string is received as an argument
passed through the parentheses. We will get a single string as a result. Here's how it would look:
“, “.join (buildings)
“store, house, hospital, school”
To improve readability, you can change it by adding “sep=”,” and then call the join method.
We can also divide a string into a list. This is called splitting. It can be done with the split
method. Here’s an example below:
string.split(separator, max).
The second argument specifies how many times the string should be split.
buildings = "store, house, hospital, school, church "
buildings = buildings.split(", ")
buildings [ ‘store’, ‘house’, ‘hospital’, ‘school’, ‘church’]
The split above splits the string at every comma in the string. You can split a string at every
space or whatever character you prefer. We can then manipulate the list in whatever way we
want. We can also use the list method to convert a string into a list. Below, we convert a string
into a list of characters:
list (‘house’)
[‘h’, ‘o’, ‘u’, ‘s’, ‘e’]
Below we convert a list into a tuple:
tuple (buildings)
( ‘store’, ‘house’, ‘hospital’, ‘school’, ‘church’)
Below we convert a list into a string:
str (buildings)
“[ ‘store’, ‘house’, ‘hospital’, ‘school’, ‘church’]”
We can also use “len” to get the length of an element. It will return how many elements are in a
sequence. This is useful when faced with a long list containing thousands of elements. Here’s
how it looks:
len (buildings)
Max and min will return the highest and lowest element in order. Here's how it looks:
max (buildings)
min (buildings)
The max method did not return the highest index item; it returned the highest alphabetically. If
this list contained numbers, it would choose the highest in ascending order. The elements have a
default hierarchy even though they occupy different points as far as indexes are concerned.
Because of this, you can use a comparison operator to compare several sequences. Imagine you
have two sentences. The second is called "jobs," and it has five elements. If you compare both,
Python will decide one is bigger than the other. Here's the code below:
jobs > buildings
buildings == jobs
If you try this with an empty sequence, you will always get a False result.
Earlier, we said tuples are immutable data structures. They are like lists, but they cannot be
modified. So, they are data packs that contain locked information.
Tuples contain a list of values separated by commas, contained in parentheses instead of square
brackets. Parentheses aren't always necessary, but you should use them to avoid errors and
confusion. Tuples can also contain values that are not of the same data type. Tuples can also
contain other tuples, or nothing at all. Here's an example of an empty tuple:
emptyTuple = ()
The tuple below contains an element.:
lonelyTuple = (‘element’)
Tuples have sequences like lists. Their purpose is to pass specific values to something else
without changing its state.
Lists contain elements that are separated by commas inside square brackets. Lists are mutable
and can contain a variety of data types, including other lists. Mutability allows them to be
concatenated, indexed, sliced, assigned new values, and so forth. Essentially, you can do
whatever you want with lists. Below is an example of a list:
character_inventory = [‘sword’, [‘more’, ‘lists’], ‘bag of gold’, ‘2 healing potions’]
You can add a new element by indexing, just like below:
character_inventory[1] = ‘leather armor’
character_inventory [‘sword’, ‘leather armor’, ‘bag of gold’, ‘2 healing potions’]
You can also replace parts of a list with another list. Here’s how:
character_inventory[::2] = [‘spell scroll’, ‘healing herb’, ‘pet rock’]
character_inventory [‘spell scroll’, ‘leather armor’, ‘healing herb’, ‘bag of gold’, ‘pet rock’]
We didn’t clarify where the new slice should start or end. We only said it should have a step size
equal to two, meaning every second item should be affected.
These are some other methods that allow us to add new elements to the list: "append" and
"extend." "Append" adds new elements, and "extend" adds elements from another list. Here are
examples of both:
character_inventory.append ('raw meat')
character_inventory [‘spell scroll’, ‘leather armor’, ‘healing herb’,
‘bag of gold’, ‘pet rock’, ‘raw meat’]
character_inventory.extend (['mace', 'flask'])
character_inventory [‘spell scroll’, ‘leather armor’, ‘healing herb’,
‘bag of gold’, ‘pet rock’, ‘raw meat’, ‘mace’, ‘flask’]
The "del" keyword lets us delete elements. You should know that "del" does not remove the data
itself from the list. It moves the reference to a certain item if used in another data structure.
Nothing changes internally.
del character_inventory [4:]
[‘spell scroll’, ‘leather armor’, ‘healing herb’, ‘bag of gold’]
A section of the list, starting from the fourth element, was removed. Let's add an element to the
list the following way:
[‘spell scroll’, ‘leather armor’, ‘staff’, ‘healing herb’, ‘bag of gold’]
We have added an element at index 2 after the second element. Let’s now delete a specific
element from the list:
character_inventory.remove (‘leather armor’)
[‘spell scroll’, ‘staff’, ‘healing herb’, ‘bag of gold’]
In some cases, you want to delete an item and return its value while you do. You can do it by
using two methods or with one command. The latter is the simpler method so we should choose
it. The "pop" method does this for us. It takes an index of the element as the argument and
removes it after returning it. If you do not enter an index, the pop method will remove the last in
the list. Look at the example below:
‘healing herb’
[‘spell scroll’, ‘staff’, ‘healing herb’, ‘bag of gold’]
The negative index allows us to remove the second to last element after returning its value.
Now, let's sort lists. Lists can be sorted in two ways: "sort" and "sorted" methods. The sort
method will mutate the list, meaning the action is performed on the actual list. The "sorted"
method will copy the original list, sort the copy, and return it, meaning the original list does not
change. These methods look the same even in the results they output. Still, it is important to
understand this difference because it can affect how your application will react. Below are
[‘bag of gold’, 'healing herb', 'staff', 'spell scroll']
To reverse the order of the list, we use the "reverse" method:
reversed (character_inventory)
<listreverseiterator object at 0x81abf0c>
[‘spell scroll’, ‘staff’, ‘healing herb’, ‘bag of gold’]
Remember that some methods and functions will not return another sequence but will return an
object. In our example, we have an iterator object commonly used in "for" loops as if it is a
sequence. When we used the "reversed" function, we got a reverse iterator object. Look below:
for element in reversed(character_inventory):
print item
spell scroll
healing herb
bag of gold
A matrix is a multidimensional list. Multidimensional lists are essentially nested lists, or lists
inside a list. This allows us to hold tabular data. Below is an example of a nested list:
my_matrix = [[11, 12, 13], [21, 22, 23], [31, 32, 33]]
This is a three by three matrix. If you remember elementary math, this is not new to you.
You should use the "for" loop to iterate through a list, especially if you aren't sure how many
elements are in the list. But how do you iterate through a matrix like the one above? You would
need to use a "for" loop inside a "for" loop. A nested loop to access the nested list. The
"enumerate" function will give you index values. Let's look at a list example and a matrix one for
for x, value in enumerate (character_inventory):
print x, value
0 spell scroll
1 staff
2 healing herb
3 bag of gold
Now let’s see the matrix version:
for row in matrix:
for x, value in enumerate(row):
print i, value,
0 11 1 21 2 31
0 21 1 22 2 32
0 31 1 32 2 33
Dictionaries work the same way as yellow pages. As long as you have a name, you will be able
to gather all the other contact information about the person. When it comes to dictionaries,
names are keys, and the information is called values. Keys are immutable, and they can only be
strings, tuples, or numbers. Values can be any kind of supported data. Although keys are not
mutable, dictionaries themselves are mutable, meaning you can edit them. Dictionaries are also
known as mappings because keys are mapped to specific objects.
If you come from another programming language, you will know that data types like dictionaries
are known as hashes or associative arrays. There are differences because values that determine
keys are hash values. What is meant by this? Hashed keys can be stored in larger keys because
they are small values defined from the key. It might be confusing, but what you should
understand is that Python arranges dictionary data by hash keys instead of alphabetical order. So,
if you change a value, the hash resulting from the change will be modified, and the program
won't find the value. This is why keys cannot be changed.
Now, let's take a look at some code. Remember that dictionaries are defined by key-value pairs,
separated by colons, and enclosed in curly braces. Don't confuse brackets, parentheses, and curly
braces; they have different effects. With that said, here's an example:
character_profile = {'Name':"",'Description':"", 'Race':"",
character_profile['Name'] = "Player"
print character_profile['Name'], "has", character_profile['Intellect'], "Intellect"
Player has 0 Intellect
When you pass a reference to one of the elements, you will need to use square brackets. Just
remember that dictionaries don't use indexes that tell us where an element position is.
Dictionaries use key and value pairs instead; we use a value's key to find it. The syntax is like
this: "[dictionary [key] = value]. The name of the key has to be inside quotation marks or Python
will think it is a variable. The "for" loop can be used to iterate a dictionary. This further
demonstrates the usefulness of loops. Below is an example:
for key in character_profile:
Intellect Name Sex Race Charisma Strength Dexterity Description
When you want to access a value, you use the following syntax: "character_profile [key]". If you
need to find out if a certain key exists, you will have to look for it in the profile. The check will
return a Boolean value or an error. You would use the following method to find out if a key
get (key, default)
As you can see, the method accepts arguments. The first argument is the key we are looking for,
and the second is the default value if the key doesn’t exist. Let’s look at some code:
character_profile.get('Sex', 'unknown')
character_profile.get('Health', 'not found')
'not found’
As you can see, we have the key, but there is an empty value instead of a string. Below we delete
an element from the dictionary:
character_profile {'Name': 'Player', 'Sex': '', 'Race': '',
'Charisma': 0, 'Strength': 0, 'Dexterity': 0, 'Description': ''}
del character_profile['Sex']
{'Name': 'Player', 'Race': '', 'Charisma': 0, 'Strength': 0, 'Dexterity': 0, 'Description': ''}
As you can see, we have to use the del method to delete an element from the dictionary. Just like
with sequences, you can use the "pop" method to delete a value. You use the "sorted" method to
sort a dictionary.
Dictionaries are important data structures. You can almost find them in any program relying on
attributes that have values. You can even make a dictionary that stores states of an object,
meaning you won't make duplicates. Therefore, you can use them to store input data and results
from the operations we perform. For example, you might want to find out how many times a
letter appears in a sentence, then iterate through individual letters, assigning each to a key.
Creating a Basic Game
We will now create a basic game that will apply all we have learned about sequences. This will
build on the character generator we made earlier. Before we get to it, let's start with design.
We'll separate the code into three blocks. You'll need to generate character stats, purchase gear,
and do battle. Let's explore these further:
1. We need to store character stats. This requires us to have a container. A dictionary is
a good choice for this. A player will be able to choose their name, description, sex,
and race. Character stats — strength, dexterity, charismas, and gold — will be
random. There will be a set of other stats that track health, mana, and armor. To
generate these numbers, we need to use a random module. We haven't explored
modules yet. They can be explained as a compilation of functions we call to perform
specific tasks. Python modules are imported into the project where they can be used
like regular methods and functions. Think of them as extensions.
2. In the second section, we will define a "trader" where players will spend gold for
items. We will also use a dictionary for this. Trader items will have keys, and prices
will be the values paired with them.
3. Lastly, we will have a combat system that allows characters to select weapons and
attack each other. We also want the amount dealt to be displayed in the text,
meaning we will need multiple tuples. We will need to figure out how we deal with
weapon damage calculations; we will cheat a little here. Then we will give our
character two more items: "attack damage" and "attack speed." We will also have
tuples with price, attack damage, and attack speed. These will not change since they
are stored in tuples. We need to add them at the beginning of the program to get
them over with. We also need the battle to take until one character dies, which
means we will loop the phase until we get one result or another.
Now that we have a basic idea of what our program needs to look like, we can begin our second
phase by writing pseudocode:
# declare the constant variables that don’t change their values
# define the trader = {}
#1 while characters < 2
#1.1 declare character profile dictionary
#1.2 Ask the user to insert the following information about their character
# (Name', 'Description', 'Sex', 'Race')
#1.3 Confirm data
#1.4 Implement random stats generation
#('Strength', 'Intellect', 'Dexterity', 'Charisma')
#1.5 Implement secondary character stats
#('health', 'mana', 'armor', 'gold')
## Allow the user to modify certain stats
#1.6 Confirm the character stats
#1.7 Display character stats document
#1.8 Ask the player to buy some gear from the trader
#1.9 loop while purchase not equal to 'no.'
#1.9.1 Display trader’s item list with prices.
#1.9.2 Ask the user to buy items.
#1.9.3 If the player has enough gold and
#the trader has the item available, buy the item.
#1.10 Introduce another player
## Combat section
# Prepare the lists with descriptive text.
## hits = (), misses = (), damage_taken = (), health_update = ()
#2 Players enter battle.
## Player decides which weapon to use.
## As long as the weapon is in his inventory.
## If the selected weapon doesn’t exist, the player will use his fists.
#3 Loop while opponent [health] > 0 and target[health] > 0:
#3.1 for player in battle:
#3.1.1 Calculate the attack speed
#3.1.2 Calculate the attack damage
#3.1.3 Print damage taken
#3.1.4 if opponent [health] > 0 and target [health] > 0: break
#3.2 Print player progress
#4 Print winner
This program is much more complex than anything we have done so far. Before continuing, pay
attention to the pseudocode's structure. The more complicated a design is, the more time you
have to spend in preparation. Also, don't look at an application as a monolith. Break it up into
smaller, more manageable tasks. Then go through it one by one.
We can easily translate the pseudocode above into Python. We start with constant variables then
import the random statement. Then we set "trader" dictionary items. Each element will contain
three tuples for price, attack damage, and speed. Then we will set other purchasable elements
like armor and weapons, followed by four tuples. They'll hold text describing weapon hits,
misses, damage reports, and health updates. Since this is a game, you can get creative with the
descriptive text. It needs to fit with the game and goals of your characters.
Then we'll have a list that will hold player profiles. The list will be called "players." These
profiles will be temporarily hosted inside the characer_profile dictionary. The user will be
presented with four fields where they will enter information about their character. Afterward, we
use the random module "random.randint (start, end)" to generate player stats. The module is a
random number generator. The secondary stats are generated from these numbers, verified to
ensure they fall between 1 and 100 to simplify things. If the number generated does not fall
within a range, the dice is thrown again until a valid number is found. After the code block, the
character sheet is printed.
Then we have the item purchasing section, which can be attached to the character generator. This
simplifies the code and tightens the designs. We can also use the "for" loop to loop through
purchasable items. We'll access the price of the items in the tuple. The player will be able to
finalize the purchase. When they do, the item will be added to their inventory. Gold will be
subtracted for the item. The player will be asked to select a weapon from their inventory. If they
don't have one, the default will be their fists. Behind the scenes, the player accesses the tuple
from the trader dictionary and converts it to a weapon value. It's the same with armor values. All
this data allows us to build a profile.
Fighting occurs in a while loop that ends when one of the characters loses their health. Inside is
another loop that swaps turns between the fighters since this is a turn-based combat mechanism.
The loop accesses a player's index and turns it into a Boolean. After a turn, the "not” operator
reverses the value, meaning the attacker/target index is swapped between characters.
Another aspect is the attack speed calculation. A player has to roll a positive number to hit the
target; negative numbers are misses. We've set the range between zero and seven. This is
important. The value will be confirmed in the misses and hits tuple. A result will be printed
depending on whether an attack is landed or not. Then we use that value for damage calculation.
Remember, these values are set within a slightly random range, within limits, to make the game
more fun and unpredictable.
The last section will describe how much health is taken from the attack. Then their health is
updated to reflect that loss. If it is not a negative value or zero, the game continues. The loop
breaks when zero or a negative number is reached. Then we have a winner, and the program
Coding Exercise
You know enough to attempt coding this. You have detailed pseudocode and a full explanation
of all its parts, so give it a shot. There is nothing else you have to learn to do this. Yes, seriously.
Just look at what was learned in this chapter, and it should be simple enough to do.
Sure it's intimidating, but you need to practice without scaffolding now and then. Don't just copy
and test. Write the code yourself and see what happens. It's how you learn. Even in failure, you
will learn a lot. If you get stuck, go online and seek help from other developers. Chances are
someone has faced your problem and solved it, and people are willing to help.
In this chapter, we have learned to work with Python data structures like dictionaries, tuples, and
lists. We saw how we could apply them in useful scenarios. It might have been overwhelming in
some parts, but we put our heads up and slogged the marsh.
We know the difference between mutable and immutable sequences. We can access elements
with indexes and slicing, edit lists, and iterate through sequences using loops. They looked weird
at first, but now we understand how essential they are to building more powerful, logical
But most important of all, we built a really impressive program. And we did it on our own. Well,
almost. We have started to develop our research skills, which are indispensable in careers like
this one. It's our first taste of what it's like to work in the real world, with all its highs and lows.
We've worked with variables, done arithmetic, and worked with comparison and decision
making. We can write basic scripts. But have you noticed one downside to all the code we have
been doing? If we change a part of the code, we will have to change all of the code. Everything
needs to be precise. This is because our lines of code are like one big block of code, or a list of
instructions that needs to be performed line by line. And if the program needs to perform a task,
it has to start all over again. That is bad design. What happens if you want to update just one part
of the code? You need to go through all of it. You can see how this cannot be how modern
applications work. It's not very efficient. This is where functions come in. Essentially, functions
divide your code into chunks that perform specific tasks. In this chapter, we are going to learn
about how they work so we can improve our programs.
Creating Functions
We've already worked with in-built Python functions or methods. But they aren't enough. So, we
have to build our own functions. Don't worry; all functions are built the same way, even the in-
built ones.
Functions come with a lot of advantages:
1. Like we have said, you can divide your code, so updating and maintaining your code
becomes easier in the long run. You won't have to go through the rest of your project
whenever you make a change.
2. Functions eliminate code redundancy. You won't have to write or use the same code
a lot of times. The rule is if you have to write a piece of code more than twice, turn it
into a function. This will make your job simpler, and your code will be a lot more
readable. All you will need to do, whenever you need the same code or task
performed, is to call the function.
3. In a team, they allow you to split a program into manageable sections that can be
developed independently. This means the work will be done much faster. In the end,
all the code is connected.
Let's look at a project that is written with functions. Like we said, projects are the best way to
learn. We will be building a tic tac toe game, where users will play against a computer. We'll
start with game instructions. These will be written as a separate program. Let's look at the code
# game guide
# illustrating user-defined functions
def gameGuide ():
‘‘‘Display instructions. ’’’
print (
‘‘‘Welcome to the most epic game you will ever play!
This will be a battle of wits between you, the fleshy creature.
Against I, the all-knowing computer!
You will start by entering a number from 0 to 8,
which will correspond to the following positions on the game board:
Prepare for battle! \n ’’’)
# main
print("This is the game guide for Tic Tac Toe: ")
print("Review them once more:")
gameGuide () print("Surely you understand how it works.")
input("\n\n Press the enter key to quit.")
Now let’s analyze the code in the next section.
Function Definition
Functions should be defined before they can be used. They are defined using the "def" keyword.
In our last example, it looked like this:
def gameGuide ():
So, what do we mean by define? It's a way of telling the computer that the next block of code
belongs to the function which we have given a name. We will be able to access the code by
calling the function. The information inside functions tells it what it should do. Python will know
of all functions inside the program, so you can call it whenever you need it. Just remember that
functions will not work unless they are called.
Functions are called by their name and parentheses, like this:
In our example, we did this a couple of times. And whenever we did this, the program printed the
game guide.
The syntax is easy to follow. All you really need is the def keyword, followed by your choice of
name, parentheses, and a colon. The parentheses can hold parameters; we haven't used those yet,
but we will. Then below, you write statements you want to be executed by the function.
Function Documentation
You can document functions with a documentation string, also known as the docstring. In our
game guide, it looks like this:
‘‘‘Display instructions. ’’’
See, we used triple quotes as we do with comments when we do a block of text. Docstrings have
to be written in the first line after the definition. In our example, we wrote a sentence describing
the purpose of the function. Documentation isn't necessary. But it is useful, especially when you
are making a larger number of functions. You might need a reminder of what they do, especially
if you work in a team. Docstrings can also be accessed in IDLE, where you can review their
function, the same when you do with built-in functions.
Using Parameters
You've noticed with default Python functions that we can set values and have them return values.
For instance, using the "len" function to get the length value. The same thing can be done with
defined functions.
Let’s look at a small program that uses three defined functions. It’ll show different ways of
obtaining and returning values. We will set one function to receive a value and another to return
a function. Then the third function will do both. Below is the code:
# Parameters and Values
# Exploring the use of parameters
def show (message):
print (message)
def return_me_ten():
ten = 10
return ten
def ask_yes_or_no (question):
"""Ask a yes or no question."""
response = None
while response not in ("y", "n"):
response = input(question).lower()
return response
# main
show("You have a message.\n")
number = return_me_ten()
print("This is what I received from return_me_ten():", number)
answer = ask_yes_or_no ("\nPlease enter 'y' or 'n': ")
print("Thank you:", answer)
input("\n\nPress the enter key to quit.")
In the sample above, we've defined the "show" function to print the value it receives through the
parameters. Parameters are essentially variables within functions. Parameters obtain values sent
through the call of a function. So in our first function, the "message" parameter is assigned the
string "You have a message.\n." The message parameters receive the strings, and the function
uses it as a variable. If the parameter had no value assigned, we would get an error. In the
example above, the "show" function has one parameter, but functions can have more than one or
none at all. Multiple parameters are separated by commas inside the parentheses.
Our second function is the “retun_me_ten” and uses the “return” statement to return a value.
“Return ten” will send the value to the part of the application that called it. Functions terminate
when they reach the “return” statement. Functions can also return multiple values separated by
The third function, "ask_yes_or_no," will receive a question and answer with either yes(y) or
no(n). The question will be passed through the parameter. Then it receives a value of an
argument and sends it to the function. The example we have has the string: "\nPlease enter 'y' or
'n'." Then we use the argument to ask the user to respond:
response = None
while response not in ("y", "n"):
response = input(question).lower()
We need to have a loop that repeatedly executes this section until an answer is given. Once we
have a response, the arguments will be sent back to the section that called it. After the answer is
returned, the function is terminated, and the program prints the answers.
Reusing Functions
Let’s take a break from all the theory and coding and talk about the reusability of user-defined
An upside to creating functions is that you can save them and use them in other scripts, even in
other projects. In our example, we had the user give a positive or negative answer. A task like
this is so common that you might want to use it in many other programs you will build.
You can do this by copying and pasting, but this is not very efficient. Remember when we talked
about Python modules that you can import to extend the functionality? You can make your own
modules and use them in other programs. They work the same way as standard modules. We will
talk about it more later. For now, we will stick to copying and pasting.
When you are just learning, you can do whatever you like, and optimization isn't a priority.
When programming in the real world, you'll need to be as efficient as possible. Writing code
takes time, and you don't want to waste time. This is why you shouldn’t try to reinvent the wheel.
Software companies focus a lot on reusable code and making new techniques that will implement
old things in new things. Here's why code reusability is important:
1. It will improve the pace at which you and your team finish projects. You will also be
able to build other building blocks that will speed up future development.
2. It creates consistency. We may be adaptable, but a lot of time is used trying to come
up with new ways of doing things. Even something like working with a new
interface can slow us down and confuse us.
Global Variables
The functions we've used are closed off from each other and independent. That is why we love
them. They allow us to move them about and connect them with whatever we feel like. To access
data inside them, we need to use parameters. To do that, they should return a value. That's how
it's mostly done. But there's another way.
We can share between sections of an application using global variables. To understand what
global variables are, we need to understand scopes.
As we've seen. It is desirable to divide programs into sections that can be accessed independently
from one another. This is what we mean by scopes. With every function we create, we make a
scope. That is why a function cannot directly access another function's variables. Here's a simple
representation of this:
def function_1 ():
#End of the first function’s scope
def function_2 ():
#End of second function’s scope
#This represents the global scope for the entire application
In the example above, we have three scopes. By default, programs have a global scope. In our
example, we have two scopes defined by two functions. But what does all this mean?
When you aren't doing anything inside, the two functions are inside the global scope. The
variables defined in this space are called global variables. Any other variables defined within a
function block belong to the function and area called local variables. In our example, "variable 1"
is inside the first function, making it a local variable. So, we cannot gain access to it from
another scope, like the second function of the global scope. We can't even modify it.
A scope is like a car with tinted glass. If you are inside the car, you can see everything inside and
outside. But if you are outside, you can't see anything inside the car. That's how functions work.
These variables are inside their functions(cars), and they are invisible from the global
scope(outside the car). In cases where we have many variables with the same name that belong
to different functions, they will contain different data and be invisible to each other, causing no
naming conflicts. So, if we had "variable2" inside the first functions and "variable2" in the
second, they would be different from each other, holding different data.
Handling Global Variables
We’ll write a short program to illustrate how functions can read and edit global variables, then
we will analyze the code. Here’s the code below:
#Playing with global variables
def read_global ():
print (“From within read_global(), value is:", value)
def shadow_global ():
value = -10
print (“From within shadow_global(), value is:", value)
def change_global ():
global value
value = -10
print (“From within change_global(), value is:", value)
#From here on we are inside the global scope
#Value becomes a global variable
value = 10
print (“Within the global scope, value is: “, value, “\n”)
read_global ()
print (“Within the global scope, value is set to: “, value, “\n”)
shadow_global ()
print (“Within the global scope, value is set to: “, value, “\n”)
change_global ()
print (“Within the global scope, value is now: “, value, “\n”)
input("\n\nPress the enter key to quit.")
Reading Global Variables
We’ve looked at local and global variables and talked about scope. It’s time to confuse you, but
only a little. You can read global variables no matter what scope you are in. You can read a
variable inside a function while you are in the global scope, and vice versa. It’s just like we said
about tinted car windows. When you are inside a car you can see everything inside, but you can
also see what is out there. So a function can read global variables.
The program we wrote earlier illustrates readability. We have defined a function called
"read_global," which prints values of the global variables. It works without any errors, but there's
a catch. You can read these variables, but you cannot make any changes to them directly. So if
you were to try, like we see below, you would get an error:
value += 1
Shadowing Global Variables
Looking at the example above, you might have wondered what the "shadow" stood for.
Shadowing is giving a local variable a similar name to a global variable. But you cannot edit the
global variable still. Any change you make happens to the local variable. The local variable is the
shadow of the global variable, thus "shadowing." Here's how we assigned a value to the
shadow_global function:
value = -10
The global value hasn't changed. But an identical local version was created inside the functions,
and now that version has the value of -10. You can see this in action because we have told the
program to print the global version.
But remember, shadowing like this is not always a good idea. Why? They are confusing. You
probably experienced this as you were trying to figure out which is which when you look at the
Changing Global Variables
You can use the global "global" keyword to access global keywords. In our example, we used it
to change the value to -10. When executing a value, the new value will be printed.
So when should we use global variables? The truth is that you can use them whenever you want.
But is it wise? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. You need to weigh
the pros and cons and ask yourself if it is appropriate for your project. Global variables are often
problematic because they can be confusing. Use them when you absolutely have to, when you
can't find a better alternative to what you are trying to achieve.
Alternatively, you can turn global variables into constants, which aren't difficult to track. Say in a
tax calculator you'll have a number of functions, but all of them will use .45 as a value. You
should place the value inside a global constant instead, meaning we no longer need to call the
value inside every function. It might not seem like much, but it makes a big difference when
working on a complex project. Having clear variables instead of numbers, that might as well be
arbitrary, is much more meaningful and easier to work with.
Writing Tic Tac Toe
Earlier, we said we were going to build a Tic Tac Toe game. We will do that now that you know
what functions are. Before we start coding, let's work on a thorough plan for our game. Yes,
maybe it's boring, but we have to do it.
We will use functions in this game, and we will combine them with the skills we've already
learned. The pseudocode won't be as detailed because we have functions that have a way of
making things simpler. Here's the pseudocode below:
# Print the game guide
# Determine who starts
# Build the game board and display it
# While there’s no winner or tie
# If it’s the player’s turn,
# get his move
# Update the board and display it
# Otherwise
# Get the AI’s move
# Update the board and display it
# Swap turns
# Declare the winner
We know what the game is about, and we know we have to think of concrete definitions. How
will the game board be presented, and how will pieces move? The first thing we need is the
board. Pieces can be displayed by characters, named x and o. The board can be a list since lists
are mutable. So we’ll need a list that has 9 elements because a Tic Tac Toe board has nine
spaces. Each element will be a representation of the board. Like this:
Remember that indexes start from zero. This is why our elements do, too. So each square has a
number assigned to it. Moves players make are represented by a number. When it comes to
Players, humans will use "X," and the computer will use "O." Then we need a variable that will
tell us whose turn it is.
Adding Functions
So we got the basics of the design down. We now need to create a plan for the list of functions
we will need before coding. This will allow us to brainstorm and think of the parameters they
will need. Here's that list:
1. game_guide (): Display the rules of the game and the instructions.
2. ask_yes_or_no (question): Ask the player a question that can be answered with a yes or
a no.
3. ask_number (question, low, high): Ask the player for a number within a range. As you
can see, we have a question parameter which the user receives, and a number will be
returned. This number will be within a range from low to high.
4. game_piece (): This function will represent the two pieces on the board. One belongs to
the human player and the other to the AI.
5. empty_board(): Create a new board.
6. display_board (board): Display the board on the screen.
7. allowed_moves (board): This will return a list of moves that are allowed once the board
is returned.
8. winner (board): Declaring the winner.
9. player_move (board, player): Retrieves the move from the human player. The board and
the player's piece are received, and the move is returned.
10. computer_move (board, computer, player): Calculates the AI's move, the board, and the
two pieces. Returns the AI's move.
11. next_turn (turn): Swap turns.
12. anounce_winner (winner, computer, player): Declares the winner, as well as a tie.
Setup and Exercise
We'll need to first define the global constants. Because their values don't change, you can declare
them right at the beginning. This will make it easy for you when you write your functions
because they are all in one place. Here's some code to get you started:
# global constants
X = “X”
O = “O”
EMPTY = “ “
X and O represent pieces that the player and the computer will use. The "EMPTY'' constant
points to empty spaces on the board. Its value is an empty space, because they need to look
empty when the game starts. The "TIE'' constant represents a situation where a win for either
human or computer is impossible. The "NUM_POSITIONS" represent squares on the board.
This is all you need to build a tic tac toe game. Using everything you learned, you will be able to
tackle this project. You have a detailed plan to carry through it, you know what functions are
needed and how they should work, and we have set up global constants for you. Good luck!
In this chapter, we've learned about functions and how to write them. We also learned about
scopes and the differences between global variables and local variables. We saw the importance
of documenting functions and using as few global constants as possible. We topped it off by
building a game of tic tac toe, showcasing a component development approach.
No matter how skilled we are or how much we prepare, projects never go as smoothly as we
would want. As a programmer, you need to mentally prepare for this.
Exceptions are errors that show up when there is a problem with your code. You will often have
to fix these errors. Some developers' entire job is fixing these errors. That is why we will focus
on how to fix errors in this chapter.
When Things Go Haywire
Smaller, simple programs never display strange behavior because the code is simple. Take the
"Hello World" application we started with. It's so easy that you know if you run it once, it will
always run. But the more lines of code you write and more advanced your techniques, the more
your chances of encountering exceptions and errors increase. Looking at your code can be
deceiving. It might not always work as intended.
Here's an example. What if your application's configuration file has the wrong settings? Or what
happens if it is missing? Big programs with thousands of lines will at some point contain or
update data that is no longer useful. But in some instances, the code and the data are fine, but
your application depends on connections to the web server to collect information, but that
connection is dead. In some cases, the error is an artifact of the design, and can be ignored
because it doesn't affect what your program needs to do.
Python only notifies you when it is prevented from performing the normal flow of instructions.
So, you get an exception. Now, you might want to go into your code and add additional lines to
handle the exception. But this is a bad strategy. Python has an exception handling methodology
that is easy to follow, and its exception handling tools are the most useful.
Basic Exceptions
To demonstrate, we will start with basic errors, like dividing by zero. It's the type of error you
wouldn't make, but it will trigger an exception, and we are interested in learning how to handle
those. Type the following code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: int division or modulo by zero
In an earlier chapter, we encountered an error that gave us a report like this one. Let's look at the
operation. Division always requires a dividend and a divisor. Python goes through several
verifications to make sure that those standards are met. It checks whether both arguments are
numbers and whether the divisor is not zero. Only when these checks are performed can the
operation be performed. If the operation does not meet those standards, an exception describing
the error is generated. In programming, we say the operation raised an exception.
The word "raised" is descriptive because it refers to the hierarchical order. So the first function
calls the second function containing division by zero. The second function deals with the
exception, so it raised it with the first function. In the end, it can't be handled altogether, so it is
raised with you. The exception is easy to understand. The report it produces is called a traceback.
In some programming languages, exceptions are not raised; they are thrown or caught. So it is
thrown to the second function, which fails to catch it and brings it to the first function. But it still
refers to the same thing.
One of the easiest ways to deal with the exception is by using the "try” statement in your script.
"Try" looks for errors, and an except block handles them. Below is an example of this:
"X" is undefined, meaning it will cause an error. Without a try statement, the program will crash.
Now let's handle the exception:
print (x)
print (“An exception occurred”)
It is also possible to define multiple exception statements to catch as many errors as you want.
Here's an example:
print (x)
except NameError:
print (“There is no definition for variable x”)
print (“Something else went wrong”)
If you get a NameError exception, the program prints the first message, and other errors will
print the second message.
You can also use the "else" keyword to specify the code you want executed if there aren't errors.
Here is an example:
print (“Hello World”)
print (“An error occurred”)
print (“Everything is fine”)
Exceptions Classes
Python has several exception classes that tell programmers what went wrong with the code. They
are subclasses of the main exception class "BaseException," meaning every exception emanates
from this class.
We are going to raise several exceptions to find out what features they inherit. We will do this by
handling exceptions with an array, so we can store them and inspect them. Here's the code
store = []
# Create a number of different exceptions and handle them
try: {}["foo"]
except KeyError as e: store.append(e)
try: 1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError as e: store.append(e)
try: "".bar()
except AttributeError as e: store.append(e)
# Loop through the errors and print the class ladder
for exception_object in store:
ec = exception_object.__class__
indent = " +-"
while ec.__bases__:
# Assign ec's superclass to itself and increase
ec = ec.__bases__[0]
print(indent + ec.__name__)
indent = " " + indent
The result should look something like this:
We have now retrieved every exception class hierarchy. You can find them all in the Python
document library to learn more about them. In reality, you won't work with a list of exceptions
next to you. You will focus on specific ones and handle them rather than try to catch every
exception. While each class in Python can be found in the hierarchy, this will also include
custom exceptions. You can create exceptions that can also inherit from the parent classes. We
won't talk about this more as it is an advanced topic.
Assertion Error
The purpose of this error is to tell the programmer there is an error the program can't recover.
They don't show typical reports, which allows you to act in some way. Assertions are like a self-
check in the code. They check if the code contains impossible conditions. If they are found, the
program crashes, and you will receive an assertion error. It will tell you which impossible
condition caused it.
Assertion errors can warn you of bugs that need fixing. To add an assertion, you need to use the
"assert" keyword. Developers place the assert statement at the beginning of the function to check
input and end to check the output. When Python detects an assert statement, it analyzes the
expression. If the expression returns true, the function can be performed; if false, you get the
assertion error.
Here's an example of the syntax:
assert Expression [Arguments]
Assertion errors can be handled exactly like exceptions errors with "try / except" statements.
Ensure you catch them, or the program will just crash.
In this chapter, we learned about basic errors, exceptions, and how to handle them. Exception
handling is a good thing to have during development. We also learned about assertion errors,
which can be handled the same way as exceptions.
Mark Reed
This course introduces the core programming basics in handling algorithm development and
program design with functions via the Python programming language. At the end of the course,
readers will have an in depth knowledge on data and information processing techniques.
Readers will be able to use various Python features and modules to solve problems, create
practical and contemporary Python projects, and explore various software development
Readers will learn how to import the random module and use it to secure data by implementing a
cryptographical method to securely generate a pseudorandom number such as a password or PIN.
They will also be able to use other modules such as the datetime module, time module, OS
module, and OS.Path module to perform various functionalities.
In this book, readers will learn how and why socket programming is the backbone of
communication. (It makes the transfer of information between different devices and platforms
possible.) The reader will be able to write a Python code that allows him or her to connect to the
server machine and access a web resource or connect to a client device and execute a client-
server program.
He or she will also have in-depth knowledge on how communication between a client server
network works and how CGI programming is applied in various chat bots, including those in
Facebook and WhatsApp.
Conceptual Introduction
Computers are versatile devices that perform various tasks and solve problems. You can take
advantage of a computer’s performance power by using programming languages to solve various
problems or perform certain tasks.
In this book, we are going to use Python, a powerful and easy-to-learn programming language.
Python is an object oriented programming language and provides a platform for advanced
programming. By the end of this module, you will be able to use Python to analyze a problem
and come up with a suitable solution to the problem.
In the context of computer science, a computer is a general purpose device that functions on a set
of provided instructions and data. The instructions are executed in order to process data.
Computers receive instructions in the form of inputs, process the instructions one by one, and
display the results in the form of an output.
Computers focus on two interrelated concepts: Algorithms and information processing.
An algorithm is a set of instructions that must be followed in order to perform a particular task or
to solve a certain problem. Algorithms are not only applied to computers but to other areas as
well. For example, if you followed instructions to cook a particular recipe, this set of instructions
is the recipe’s algorithms.
A programming algorithm acts as a recipe that describes the steps required for the computer to
solve a certain problem or achieve set goals. In the cooking analogy above, the recipe acts as the
procedure while the ingredients used in cooking act as the inputs. When the program follows the
predetermined procedure, then it produces results in the form of outputs.
A programming algorithm gives instructions on how to do something and the computer will do
exactly that. Computer programmers write these instructions via a programming language, which
is typically English-based, but the computers accept data in binary form. Therefore, the
instructions have to be converted into a form the computers will understand (computer
Some programmers use pseudocode (a semi-programming language) to describe various steps of
the program algorithm. Flow charts and diagrams can also be used to indicate the flow of data
and the processes to be performed up to the end of the program.
Features of an Algorithm
● Contains a finite number of instructions
● Consists of well-defined instructions
● Gives detailed description of the process that eventually terminates after arriving at
the desired solution to the problem.
● Solves general problems
Example: Simple algorithm example to request a user’s email address through a web-based
Program pseudocode:
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Enter a variable to store the user’s email address
Step 3: If the variable is empty, clear it
Step 4: Request the user to enter an email address
Step 5: The entered data is stored in the variable
Step 6: Confirm whether the entered email is a valid email address
Step 7: Not valid? Take the user back to Step 3
Step 8: End
Flowchart to represent the above program
Every program procedure has a starting point and an ending point as shown above. When
creating a program, you have to declare variables, which will create a memory space in the
computer to store what the user types in as an input (shown in Step 2).
Once a variable is created, you have to clear it and free the memory to be used again. You don’t
want to have the old variable values mixed with the new content (Step 3).
The user is requested to enter his or her email address in Step 4. The email entered is stored in
the variable created earlier.
In Step 6, we prompt the computer to check whether the email address entered is a valid email or
not, then make a decision based on the information returned.
If the email address entered is not valid, the computer takes the user back to Step 3. Otherwise, if
it’s a valid email address, then the program should terminate.
Using Algorithms in Python Programming
To use the algorithm, you have to convert it from pseudocode to a programming language.
Computers accept data and instructions using binary or machine language. This makes it
impossible to write computer instructions directly as it will be difficult for humans to read.
Therefore, to simplify the programming process, programmers in the early 1940s introduced the
use of assembly languages.
Assembly languages are computer instructions easily understood by humans that correspond to
the machine language. The computer can’t directly understand all programs written in assembly
languages, however, so translation programs were created to supplement the assembly languages
and translate assembly language into machine language.
Although the introduction of the assembly language led to improvements in the machine
language, it remained a low level language that required several instructions to perform even
simple tasks. To improve programming tasks, high-level languages were developed to make it
easy to read and write program instructions.
Python programming is a good example of a high-level language. For example, writing a simple
code to add numbers in Python is shown below.
Sum = 15+25
This is a simple Python code that is easy to read and write. The high-level languages makes it
easy to read and write program code.
Compilers and Interpreters
High-level languages need translators to translate instructions into machine language prior to
execution. Translation is done either one line at a time (line-by-line) or by translating the whole
program at once. The translated instructions are stored in another file which is then executed.
Program instructions translated and executed line-by-line are associated with compiled or
interpreted languages. Python programming is an interpreted high-level language.
A compiled program uses a compiler to compile program source code to an executable binary
form. The compiler has to read the program instructions first before the program executes. The
high-level language is the source code, while the translated program is known as the object code.
Once the program is translated, it can be executed repeatedly. No need for further translation.
An interpreted program, on the other hand, uses the interpreter to read instructions in source files
and execute them. Programs using interpreters to execute instructions are less efficient and
slower compared to compiled programs.
The Python language is more suitable for non-resource intensive programs. It allows programs to
be developed more easily and rapidly.
All high-level languages need to be processed first before they run.
Advantages of High-Level Languages
1.) Require less time to write the program code.
2.) Programs are short and easy to read compared to low-level languages
3.) They are portable; you can run the program in different platforms
Information Processing
Information processing is the process of describing how user data is processed. The process
involves a sequence of events which consists of information input, processing, and information
When carrying out the instructions of an algorithm, the computer program manipulates data
inputs to produce the desired outputs. An algorithm is used to describe an information processing
and it represents information.
Structure of Modern Computer System
A computer system consists of hardware and computer software. The computer hardware
represents the physical devices used in the execution of algorithms while the computer software
is a set of instructions or algorithms that represent a program written in any high-level
programming language.
Computer Hardware
A computer’s hardware consists of components that communicate with each other and exchange
A computer can also exchange information with the external world through the use of ports
connected to other devices via a network.
A computer system consists of four components, namely:
1. Input device
An input device is any device that allows the computer to receive data from the user. The
commonly used input devices include the keyboard, mouse, scanner, or microphone.
2. Processing unit
This is used to process user data. It converts the computer’s raw data into meaningful
information. The main processing unit is the central processing unit (CPU). There are other
processing systems based on the function of the computer. For example, a graphics card system
uses a graphics processing unit (GPU). GPU not only processes graphics but also processes
general purpose programs.
3. Memory
This is where the processed data is stored. A computer’s memory includes both the primary
memory (RAM and ROM) and the secondary memory, which consists of hard drives, flash disks,
DVDs, and CDs.
4. Output
An output is a device used to display information to the user. Some of common output devices
include the monitor, printer, and speakers.
Central Processing unit (CPU)
The CPU is an important component in the computer system that performs instruction processing
functions. The CPU is subdivided into:
● Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU): These are used to perform arithmetic calculations
and comparison operations.
● Control unit: It determine the instructions to be executed. That is, it determines what
is to be executed and when. It coordinates activities between the ALU, registers, and
the main memory.
● Registers: They act as temporary storage areas for the processed data.
The CPU is characterized by:
● Clock speed: This is the operating speed for the CPU, and it is expressed in terms of
cycles per second. The faster the clock, the faster the CPU.
● Instruction set: These are sets of instructions understood by the CPU.
Computer Memory
The computer’s memory is used to store processed information for future reference. Computer
memory is divided into two parts: primary memory and secondary memory.
The primary memory is the main memory connected to the CPU for processing. It is also
referred to as the Random Access Memory (RAM). RAM is a temporary type of memory which
loses its content once the computer is switched off.
Secondary memory is a non-volatile type of memory which is permanently available. Secondary
memory is available in large sizes and is cheaper than the primary memory. A good example of
the secondary memory is the hard disk.
The operating system provides a high-level interface to the secondary memory. All executed
programs are directly stored into the secondary memory inform of files.
Computer Software
A software is a set of computer instructions that tells the computer what to do and how to do it.
A software is a sequence of instructions which are performed to solve a particular problem. A
software is divided into three parts:
● System software
● Application software
● Programming languages
System Software
System software is a collection of program instructions meant for the operation, control, and
extension of the computer processing capabilities. System software consists of programs that are
written in low-level languages, and they interact with the computer hardware in order to
accomplish a specific task.
System software is divided into two: operating system and utility software. Translation programs
like compilers, interpreters, and assemblers form part of system software.
Features of System Software
● Fast in speed
● Operate close to the system
● Not easy to design and understand
● Written using low-level language
● Difficult to manipulate
Operating system: Operating system (OS) is a program that translates computer inputs into a
form computers can understand. OS acts as an interface between the various components of the
The OS schedules program tasks and controls the performance of peripheral devices. It manages
the computer hardware, software resources, and control services of other computer programs.
Utility software: This is a program designed to help analyze, optimize, and maintain other
computer programs or resources. Examples of utility software include antivirus software, backup
utility, copy utility, and dump utility.
Utility software perform tasks which ensure the smooth running of the computer system. They
extend the functionality of the operating system.
Application Software
An application software is a program designed to perform a specific function. The software
product is designed to satisfy a specific need. It consists of a collection of software packages that
work together to achieve a common goal.
Application software rely on the OS for the running of the programs. Application software uses
the operating system to make requests for services via the application program interface, or API.
Application software include:
● Accounting software: QuickBooks, Pastel, Sage, Payroll software
● Application packages: Spreadsheet, Word processor, Database management,
publisher, and presentation package.
● Inventory management system, income tax software, etc.
Application software programs are written in high-level languages, and are easy to manipulate
and understand.
Programming Languages
These are software programs used exclusively by computer programmers. Programming
languages are high level languages that allow programmers to write program instructions to
solve a specific task or build other applications.
For example, you can use programming platforms like C++, Java, PHP, Python, or other classes
of languages for product development.
Computer Program
A computer program is written to solve a specific problem or to achieve a particular task. Before
writing any program, you should understand the problem thoroughly so as to be in a better
position to solve the problem.
Understanding the problem will help you come up with a useful plan aimed at providing a
solution to the problem. This involves coming up with the inputs and outputs required. You can
also structure the list of requirements in the form of diagrams like flow charts.
Once the above is done, you can come up with an algorithm to solve the problem. An algorithm
is a sequence of steps as discussed earlier. Once you have come up with the algorithm, the next
step is writing the program code to solve the identified problem.
Python programming is one of the most powerful object oriented programs easy to use and
understand. Some parts of the algorithm will be straight forward to translate in Python.
After writing the program, check for errors. There are different types of errors you may come
across when you run the program. These errors are called bugs, and the process used in tracking
these errors and correcting them is known as debugging.
Programmers make errors when writing a program code. A Python interpreter will be able to
detect these errors. Some of these errors include syntax errors, runtime errors, and semantic
errors. In order to track these errors down, you have to know the differences between them.
Syntax Error
When a Python interpreter encounters an error in the program, it terminates the program and
displays an error message to the user. Syntax represents the structure of a program and the rules
of declaring that structure. If there is a single error, Python will quit and you will not be able to
run the program.
If you’re new to programming, you may spend a few days tracking syntax errors. Once you
become familiar with the language, however, you will make fewer errors, and it will be easy to
track them.
Runtime Error
A runtime errors occurs after running the program. That is, the error will not show up until you
run the program. Runtime errors are commonly known as exceptions as they indicate something
has already happened.
Semantic Errors
If a program has a semantic error, the program will run successfully and the Python interpreter
will not generate the error message. The program will run up to the end but will not perform the
task it was meant to do.
To correct semantic errors, you have to look at the program output and work backwards by
analyzing what each output was supposed to do.
Python Basics
At this point, you already know how to set up a Python development framework from Python
programming Book One. In this book, we will discuss how to get started using the interactive
When you enter python on the command line with no parameters, it will automatically launch the
Python interpreter. The Python interpreter is a text console which allows you to enter python
code line by line and be interpreted on the fly.
Python Interactive Shell
While the Python interpreter executes program code line by line, the interactive shell, or python
shell as commonly known, executes a single command to obtain the results. The interactive shell
waits for the user’s inputs, and once the user enters the input command, the program is executed
immediately and the results displayed.
You can open python shell in a Windows computer by opening a command prompt, and then
writing python, and then pressing Enter.
When you run the shell, the three greater than symbols ( >>> ) are shown. From the three
symbols, you can enter single-line Python statements and get results immediately. For example,
enter values to add, multiply, and divide as shown below:
Execution of Python Script
Python shell is used to execute a single statement. If you have multiple statements to be
executed, you have to create a python file and write Python scripts to execute (multiple
statements) instead.
For example, create a code to output the value of p. The print () function will be able to output
the value of p.
Print (p)
Interpreters are essential when testing a small piece of code before using it on a complex
program. This helps you know how the function works as well as ensure that the syntax of the
code is correct.
An interpreter tests code snippet, explore functions, and modules. If you want to save the
program, you have to write the program code into a file. All python programs are saved with an
extension .py. You can run the code anytime using the python command followed by the file
name as the parameter.
Python example.py
Chapter Summary
Algorithms and information processing are the fundamental components of computer science.
Programmers use these components to come up with program instructions aimed at solving
various problems. Software provides a platform where different algorithms can run on a general-
purpose hardware device. This chapter discussed:
● How to write a program algorithm.
● How to use flowcharts and pseudocode to write a program.
● How compilers and interpreters work in a program.
● Python programming language is a high-level language. Interpreters translate
instructions written in Python to a lower level form which is then executed on a normal
computer system.
● Information processing of data using various computer system components.
● Highlights on various computer architecture devices and how each functions.
● The importance of computer software in handling the hardware components as well as
the different types of softwares and examples in each.
● Python basics and the use of the Python shell, which provides a command prompt to
evaluate and view Python expressions and statements.
● When the Python program is executed, it is translated to byte code.
In the next chapter you will learn about Python strings—how to use slice syntax to represent a
substring, string methods, and other string manipulation techniques.
Python Strings
Python uses built-in strings assigned to variables. Strings are created by enclosing Python
statements in quotes, either single (‘) quotes or double (“) quotes. Creating a string in Python is
as easy as creating variables and assigning values.
Assign a String to a Variable
Assigning strings to variables is accomplished by creating a variable, followed by an equal sign
and then the string.
print (x)
A string can span multiple lines with each line separated by a backslash (\) at the end. String
literals can use three double quotes or three single quotes to represent multiple lines of text.
Strings are immutable. That is, once you create strings in Python, you can’t change them.
Therefore, you have to create new strings to represent computed values. For example, (‘Hello’ +
‘World’) has two strings, ‘Hello’ and ‘World’, which are used to build a new string
Accessing Characters in a String
The characters in a string are accessed with the standard [] syntax just like in arrays. Python uses
zero indexing to initialize the string. If the string index is out of bounds, an error is generated.
Python stops executions if it can’t tell what to do, in which case it sends an error message.
To extract characters from the string, enter the string name followed by the index number. For
example, to retrieve character ‘e’ from string ‘hello’, you write hello[1]. The len(string) function
returns the string length.
The [] syntax and len() function works in any sequence in strings or lists. Python uses the ‘+’
operator to concatenate two strings.
print a[3]
print len(a)
print a + ‘there’
// Output
Hello there
In some cases, the ‘+’ operator doesn’t convert numbers into string type. To do so, use the str()
function that converts values to string form so as to combine them with other strings.
confirm= ‘the value of pi is’ + str(pi)
// Output
String Slicing
The slice syntax is a great way to return sub-parts of a string sequence. If you want to return a
range of characters, you can use the slice syntax. This allows you to specify the start index and
the end index separated by a colon.
To return part of a string in ‘Hello World’, write:
Print (x[1:4]
In this case, the characters start at index 1 and extend to others characters but doesn’t include the
index 4.
x[1: ] will return ‘ello’ – it omits the index defaults at the end (or beginning for x[:4]) of the
x[:] will return ‘Hello’ – since no string index is specified, the code returns the whole string ( this
is commonly used when you want to copy the entire string or list).
x[2:100] will return ‘llo’. If you’re working with a big index (in this case 100), it will be
truncated down to a string length.
Negative Indexing
You can use negative indexing to write a slice syntax from the end of the string. The x[-1] is the
last char ‘o’ and so on.
x[-1] returns ‘o’ – last character
x[-4] returns ‘e’ – the fourth character from the end.
x[:-3] returns ‘He’ – represents characters from the start of the string but doesn’t include the last
3 characters.
x[-3:] returns ‘llo’ – represents characters starting with the third character from the end of the
string and extends up to the end of the string.
Note: Python doesn’t have any separate scalar ‘char’ type. If you have a string x[10], Python
will return string_length-1 characters. The operators ==, <=, or >= all works the same way. That
is, for any index n, the x[:n] +x[n:]==x. This also applies to the negative indexing, -n. The x[:n]
and x[n:] partition a Python string into two, thus conserving all the characters.
String Methods
Python has built-in functions or methods that work well with strings. The string method runs ‘on’
an object. If a created variable is a string, then the lower () or upper() functions run on the string
object and return the results. The concept of running methods on objects is why Python is
considered an object oriented programming language.
Some of these string methods include:
● Strip() which is used to eliminate the white spaces from the beginning or the end of
a string.
● Lower() and upper () methods returns the string in lower case and upper case
● Startswith(other) and endswith(other) methods measure the start and end of the
● Isalpha(), isspace(), and isdigit() are used to test whether the string characters
belong to a certain class character.
● Find(other) is used to search for a particular string within the created variable and
return the first index where it begins or a -1 if it’s found.
● Join(list) is used to join together elements in a given list using the string as the
delimiter. For example, join(‘xxx’, ‘yyy’, ‘zzz’) -> [‘xxx’, ‘yyy’, ‘zzz’].
● Split(‘delim’) returns substring list separated by a given delimiter. Delimiter in this
case acts as text and not a regular expression that is, ‘xxx,yyy,zzz.split(‘.’) –>
[‘xxx’, ‘yyy’, ‘zzz’]. The split() with no arguments splits characters with white
● Replace(‘old’, ‘new’) returns a string where the old string characters are replaced
with new characters.
● Format() is used to format specified values within a string.
● Count() returns the number of times a certain character occurs in the string.
Example 1:
x=Hello World!
Print (x.lower())
This code returns the string in lowercase letters.
Example 2:
x=Hello World!
Print (x.replace(‘H’, ‘M’))
When you run the code, the ‘Hello’ string will be replaced with ‘Mello’.
Check String
Check string is used to find out whether a certain character is present in a string. It uses the
keyword in and not in to check.
txt= “Welcome to Python programming for advanced users”
x=”ing” in txt
Unicode String
Normal Python strings are stored using the 8-bit ASCII code. Unicode strings are stored using
the 16-bit Unicode. This enables the string to accommodate a varied set of characters.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you learned:
● How to create strings in python
● How to access characters in a string
● How to use slicing feature to return sub-parts of a string
● How to apply various methods to manipulate strings like isalpha(),
isspace(), isdigit(), strip(), and find() among other methods.
● How to format strings using the % operator.
In the next chapter you will learn about data sequences, basic list operators, and working with
dictionaries and sets.
Python Sequence
A sequence is a built-in data type that consists of a series of values bound together by a
container. It enables storage of multiple values in an organized and efficient manner. All streams
created in Python form a sequence.
The order in which the objects are organized is similar to the order in content is retrieved from
the objects.
Types of sequences include:
● String
● List
● Tuple
● Xrange objects
● Unicode
● Buffers
● Byte arrays
In the previous chapter, we covered strings in which an array element or string character is
accessed with square brackets or by using the subscript operator. The arrays use indexes which
are numbered from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of characters in the variable.
>>>”Tuple” [0]
Output ‘T’
>>> “Tuple” [1]
Output ‘u’
>>> “Tuple” [2]
Output ‘p’
>>> “Tuple” [3]
Output ‘l’
>>> “Tuple” [4]
Output ‘e’
You can also create negative indexes by counting the string from the end.
You can declare an empty string using the str() function. For example:
>>>type (varname)
A list is a group of values arranged in a specific order. It acts as a container that holds various
objects in this particular order. The list type is essential for the implementation of sequence
protocol. It also makes it easy to add and remove objects from a sequence.
The list elements are enclosed in square brackets. For example, you can create an empty list that
is initiated as follows:
>>>demo= []
You can pass values to the list. Use commas to separate the values.
>>>demo [“book”, “pen”, “10”]
In this case, the list hold values of different data types. The above example holds strings “book”
and “pen” as well as the number 10.
Just like string characters, the items in a list are accessed by the use of indexes starting at 0 up to
n-1. If you want to access a specific item in the list, you can refer to it by using the list name
followed by the item’s number inside the square brackets.
>>> demo [“book”, “pen”, “10”]
>>>demo [0]
Output “book”
>>> demo [1]
Output “pen”
>>>demo [2]
Output “10”
If you use negative numbers, it will count backwards:
>>>demo [-1]
>>>demo [-2]
>>>demo [-3]
Unlike other programming languages, Python uses the same syntax and function name to execute
sequential data. For example, you can use the len() function to determine the length of the string,
list, or tuple. It returns the number of items in the array.
Example 1:
>>> len(demo)
Example 2:
>>>subjects= [“English”, “Maths”, “Chemistry”, ”Biology”]
// output
Just like in strings, lists can also be sliced.
>>>demo [1:]
[‘pen’, 10]
>>>demo [:-1]
[‘book’, ‘pen’]
You can also add more items to the list by using the append() function, although there are
various ways to add more items to a list:
>>>demo.append (20)
>>>demo [‘book’, ‘pen’, 10, 20]
If you specify the index outside the range, the code will generate an error message. Therefore, all
items should be added inside the range. Alternatively, you can use insert() if you want to add
items or elements in a particular index.
>>>demo.insert (1, ‘and’)
>>> demo [‘book’, ‘and’, ‘pen’, 10, 20]
Items can be deleted from the list using the del() function.
>>> demo [‘book’, ‘and’, ‘pen’, 10, 20]
>>> del demo [1]
>>>demo [‘book’, ‘pen’, 10, 20]
In this example, the del () function deletes the string ‘and’ from the list. The list then re-orders
itself to ensure there is no space left between the items.
Lists also portray an unusual characteristic in that, if you have two items in the list: x and y, then
set y to x and change the value of x, y will change automatically as well.
>>>x=[5,6,7, 8]
>>>del x[3]
>>>print x [3, 4, 5]
>>>print y [3, 4, 5]
Properties of a List
● They’re represented in an ordered manner
● They have arbitrary objects
● List elements can be changed hence, they’re mutable
● They have variable size
● Lists use index to access elements in the list
Tuples works the same as list, except they are immutable. If you have a set of tuples, you can’t
change it. That is, you can’t add or delete elements or change them once created. Tuple elements
are enclosed in parentheses instead of square brackets, and they use the same rules of indexes as
in lists.
Advantages of using tuples:
● They’re faster when compared to list execution
● Prevents any accidental changes to the data. If you have data that doesn’t require
changes, use tuples instead of lists.
● Used as keys in a data dictionary. This is one of the major benefits of using tuples
compared to the use of lists.
Tuples are declared as follows:
>>>tup= (“tuples”, “can’t”, “be”, “changed”)
Bytes Object
This is a sequence of integer number elements with bytes objects in a range of 0 to 255. These
numbers correspond to the ASCII characters and printed as that.
Bytes Arrays
A byte array is the same as byte object except that it is mutable. The byte array returns an array
of a particular byte size.
To change byte array values:
Python Sequence Operations
These are operations carried on a sequence. They include:
To combine two sequences is as easy as adding two numbers. You can combine lists or strings
together. For example:
>>>fname= “Robert”
>>>name= fname + “ “ + lname
>>>print (name)
The two methods achieve the same results but work differently. If you delete an element that
doesn’t exist in the dictionary, the discard() method ignores it while the remove() returns a
KeyError message.
The Pop () Method
You can call the pop() method in sets to pop out arbitrary items. The method doesn’t take an
argument since it doesn’t support indexing and prints out the item that was popped.
>>>num1.pop ()
Updating a Set
Sets are mutable but do not have mutable items like lists. As we have seen, you can’t reassign a
set using indexes. Therefore, to update the set, you can use the add() and update() methods.
Add ()
The add () function accepts the argument to be added to the set.
>>>values= {2, 3, 5, 5.5}
>>>values.add (6.5)
{2, 3, 5, 5.5, 6.5}
If you add an already existing item in the set, the set will remain the same. The new added item
will not be reflected in the set.
Update ()
The update () method adds multiple items into the set. It allows you to pass several arguments
into the set at once.
>>>values.update ([6, 7, 8, 2, 8.2])
{2, 3, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 8.2 }
Function Used on Sets
Sets use functions to perform a certain action or operation and return a value. The commonly
used functions in sets include:
1. Len ()
The len() function returns the number of elements in a set.
>>>len (days)
2. Max ()
This function returns the highest value in a group of elements.
>>>max ({2, 3, 5, 4, 6})
You can also use max () on strings. For example,
>>>days = ({‘Mon’, ‘Tue’, ‘Wed’, ‘Thu’, ‘Fri’, ‘Sat’, ‘Sun’})
>>>max (days)
This function returns Wednesday as the maximum item as it uses ASCII values and looks at the
alphabet for each day, M T W T F S T, with letter W being the highest value. Thus, the code
returns Wednesday as the highest value in the set of days
3. Min()
The min () indicates the lowest value in a set. To get the lowest value is a set of days use:-
>>>min (days)
Letter F is the lowest ASCII Value in the set.
4. Sum()
The sum () function is used to add numbers together. It performs arithmetic sum in a set and
returns a value.
>>>sum ({2, 3, 5})
The sum () function cannot be applied on a string.
5. All()
This function returns true if the values in the set have a Boolean expression with a true value.
Otherwise, it will return false.
>>>all (days)
6. Sorted()
The function sorts a number of items in a set of lists. The items are sorted in ascending order
without modifying the original values.
>>>values = {1, 2, 4, 7, 6, 5.2, 8, 9}
>>>sorted (values)
[1, 2, 4, 5.2, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Methods on Sets
Set methods are used to alter a set unlike functions, which perform actions on sets. Methods
perform a sequence on any operation on a set. The methods are called on a set and they include:
1. Union()
This method is used to perform union operation on two or more sets. It returns the items in all the
sets. For example:
>>>num1, num2, num3 = {2, 3, 4}, {4, 5, 6}, {6, 7, 8}
>>>num1.union (num2, num3)
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
The above method didn’t alter the sets. Therefore, not all methods called will alter the set.
2. Intersection()
This method accepts an argument in the set and then returns all common items in the selected set.
>>> num2.intersection (num1)
>>>num2.intersection (num1, num3)
Set ()
Intersecting the three sets returned an empty set since there is nothing common in the three sets.
3. Difference()
This method is used to return the difference between two or more sets. It returns values in the
form of a set.
>>>num1.difference (num 2)
4. Symmetric_difference ()
This returns all elements which are unique to each set.
>>>num1.symmetric_difference (num2)
{2, 3 5, 6}
2 and 3 are available in num1 while 5 and 6 are in num2. It omitted 4 because is available on
both sets.
5. Intersection_update ()
This function returns an item which is common to both sets. The method doesn’t update the set
on which a call is placed.
>>>num1.intersection_update (num2)
>>>num 1
6. Copy()
This method is used to create a shallow copy of the set
>>>num4= num1. Copy()
>>>num1, num4
{2, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}
7. Isdisjoint()
If two sets have a null intersection, then this method will return true.
>>> {2, 3, 4}.isdisjoint({5, 6, 8})
The isdisjoint () only accepts one set of arguments. If you have more than one set, it will return
an error.
8. Issubset ()
It returns true if a particular set in an arguments contain another set.
>>> {4, 5}. Issubset ({4, 5, 6})
>>> {1, 3} .issubset ({1, 3})
9. Issuperset()
Just like issubset (), issuperset () returns true if one set has arguments in the set.
>>> {2, 3, 4}.issuperset({1,2})
>>> {2, 3, 4}.issuperset ({2})
Python Boolean
Booleans are a type of data that returns a value as either true or false. Set methods like isalpha (),
issubset (), and issuperset () return a Boolean value true or false.
Declare boolean data types as you would declare a normal integer.
>>>days= True
If you add quotes to the value, it becomes a string instead of Boolean.
The Bool () Function
The bool () function is used to convert a value into Boolean type.
>>>bool (‘data’)
>>>bool ([])
Different data values have different Boolean values equivalent to them. You can use the bool ()
set function to find out these values. For example, the Boolean value for 0 is false while the
Boolean value for 1 is true. Any value greater than 0 like 0.00001 has a true Boolean value.
>>>bool (0)
>>>bool (0.0000001)
A string with values has a true Boolean value while an empty string has a false Boolean value.
>>>bool (‘ ‘)
>>>bool (‘’)
An empty construct has a false Boolean value while a non-empty construct has a true Boolean
>>>bool (())
>>>bool ((2, 5, 3))
Boolean Operations
You can perform arithmetic calculations on sets, in which a 0 value returns false and a 1 returns
true, and then apply arithmetic operators to them. Some of these arithmetic operators include:
1. Addition
This is used to add two or more Boolean expressions.
>>> True +False //equivalent to 1+0
>>>True+True //equivalent to 1+1
>>> False+False //0+0
>>>False+True //0+1
2. Subtraction and multiplication
You can also adopt the same mechanism when performing subtraction and multiplication
>>>False – True //0-1
3. Division
When you divide Boolean numbers, it results in a floating number value.
Zero Division error.
This returns an error message since you can’t divide a value by zero.
4. Modulus, exponential and floor division.
All rules applied in addition, multiplication, and division also apply to modulus operators as well
as in exponential and floor division operations.
>>> False % True
>>>True ** False
>>>False **False
>>False // True //equivalent to 0//1
Relational Operators
The following relational operators are also applied to Boolean values.
Operator Description
> Greater than
!= Not equal to
== Equal to
0 is less than or equal to 1.
The value of false is 0 while the value of true is 1. As 0 is not greater than 1, False is returned.
Bitwise Operator
Bitwise operators use bit-by-bit operation. Assume you have OR code with 2(010) bits and
2(020) bits. This will result in 4(030) bits.
Common bitwise operators used in Boolean expressions include:
1. Bitwise and (&)
This operator only returns true if both Boolean expressions are true.
>>> True & False
>>> True & True
2. Bitwise or( |)
This operator only returns a false value if both of the values are false.
>>> False | True
3. Bitwise XOR ( ^ )
This operator returns a true value if one of the values is true and the other value is false. It returns
false if the two values are the same
>>> True ^ True
>>> True ^ False
3. Binary 1’s complement
The binary 1’s complement calculates a value to either true indicated by 1 or false indicated by 0.
Python Dictionary
A dictionary holds real, mutable values. A dictionary allows you to add, change, or remove
elements in the same manner as in lists, although numbers do not bind elements in the dictionary.
Each element in a dictionary has a key and a value in a (key:value) pair. If you call the key, it
returns the corresponding value linked to tthathe key. Lists represents a unique type of dictionary
in which the key in each element is a number in a particular order.
Dictionaries are optimized to retrieve data elements using keys. Data values can be of any data
type within the dictionary.
// Output
This is an empty dictionary:
Python programming has a special predefined math module. The module library provides a
variety of functions and properties or constants that help you perform mathematical tasks.
Library properties and functions such as logarithmic functions, representation functions,
trigonometric functions, and angle conversion functions among others have static objects.
The module defines two mathematical constants: pi and Euler’s number. Python properties are
accessed through math.pi while the functions are accessed through math.abs (number).
Pi (n) is a constant defined as the ratio between a circle’s circumference and diameter. It has a
value of 3.141592653589793. Euler’s number (e) is another mathematical constant defined in the
math’s module. It is the base of a natural logarithm with a value of 2.718281828459045.
>>> import math
>>> math.pi
>>> math.e
Other constants include inf and nan. Math.inf is a math property that returns a positive infinity. It
can also be used to return a negative infinity. Math.nan returns Not a Number as the output.
To use the math module, you have to first import it to a Python program. Math modules have
functions to calculate trigonometric ratios in a specific angle. Functions like sin, cos, and tan
pass angles in radians as the function arguments. We normally present angles in degree form, but
the math module represents angles in the form of radians. Therefore, the module has degrees()
and radians() conversion functions used to convert degrees into radians and vice versa.
>>> math.radians(20)
>>> math.degrees (math.e/6)
>>> math.radians (45)
>>> math.degrees (math.pi/4)
>>> math.cos (0.526890)
>>> math.tan (0.583589)
Python Math Functions
A Python interpreter has a wide range of built-in functions for performing various tasks. For
example, the print () function is used to print a particular object in a standard output device or
use a text stream file.
The different classes of math functions supported by Python library include:
Numbers and Numeric Representation
Some of the functions used to represent numbers include
Power and Logarithmic Functions
These functions calculate power and logarithmic tasks. They include:
The math.log() function returns the logarithm of a specific number. Natural logarithms are
always calculated to the base e.
>>> math.log (5)
>>> math.log10 (5)
The math.log10() returns the logarithm to the base of 10 for a given number.
>>> math.sqrt(81)
Trigonometric and Angular Conversion Functions
These functions calculate different trigonometric functions.
Random Module in Python
Functions in the random module use a pseudo-random number generator tool to generate floating
point numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.
>>> import random
>>> random.random()
Random() is the basic function in the module and almost all other functions in the random
module depend on it. The random() returns a floating point number in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
The random.random() function doesn’t need arguments or no arguments. To generate random
integers, you can use:
● randint ()
● randrange ()
● choice()
● shuffle()
● sample()
Randint ()
Randint() is an inbuilt function in the random module, which provides access to various
functions used in generating random numbers. The randint() function should have both start and
end arguments, which must be integer type values. The syntax for this function is
>>> random.randint(2, 10)
>>> random.randint(25, 70)
>>> random.randint (30, 50)
Random.randint() returns an integer value within a range of specified integer numbers.
Errors and Exceptions
Randint () returns two types of errors: ValueError and TypeError.
ValueError: This is an error returned after passing floating point values as arguments to the
TypeError: The error occurs when any parameter is passed as argument to the function that is not
an integer value.
Example: Program to print random numbers
# Generate random numbers of range 10 to 40
rm1= random.randint (10, 40)
print ('Random numbers in the range between 10 and 40 is %d' %(rm1))
// Output
Random numbers in the range between 10 and 40 is 17
Random numbers between -5 and -1 is -3
Example: Program to determine a lucky draw
The randint() function can be used in a lucky draw simulation to select a random number. The
user has a chance to guess the winning number and if the guess is right, he wins. Otherwise, he
will lose the competition.
import random
from random import randint
def generator(): # function to generate a random number on each execution
return randint(1,10)
def rand_guess(): # function to return true or false based on user lucky draw
random_number = generator() # call to generator()
guess_left = 3 # define the number of guesses the user gets
flag = 0 # define flag variable to check the win condition
while guess_left > 0:
guess = int(input(“Pick your number to enter the lucky draw\n”))
if guess == random_number:
flag = 1 # set flag as 1 if user guesses correctly. Then break loop
print(“Wrong Guess!!”)
guess_left -= 1 # decrease number of remaining guesses by 1
if flag is 1: # if win condition is satisfied, then rand_guess returns true
return True
return False
# Driver code
if __name__ == ‘__main’:
if rand_guess() is True:
print(“Congrats!! You win.”)
print(“Sorry, You Lost!”)
// Output
Pick your number to enter the lucky draw
Wrong Guess!!
Pick your number to enter the lucky draw
Wrong Guess!!
Pick your number to enter the lucky draw
Congrats!! You Win.
Randrange () Method
The random.randrange () function returns a random element from the range given. The random
element is selected from the start, stop, and step arguments. The start value is always 0 by default
while the step value is 1 by default.
The step value is optional and it indicates the difference between each of the numbers in the
>>> import random
>>> random.randrange (2, 8)
>>> random.randrange (1, 15, 10)
>>> random.randrange (0, 80, 20)
Choice() Method
Random.choice () is used to return a random value selected from an empty sequence. When you
use an empty sequence as argument, an IndexError is generated.
>>> import random
>>> random.choice([10, 20, 25, 32, 38,42])
>>> random.choice([5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13])
>>> random.choice('user')
Example 2: Randomly select a city from a list
import random
city= ['Nairobi', 'Mombasa', 'Kisumu', 'Eldoret', 'Nakuru']
print ('Select your favorite city from the list: ', random.choice(city))
print ('Select your favorite city from the list: ', random.choice(city))
// Output
Select your favorite city from the list: Nakuru
Select your favorite city from the list: Mombasa
Shuffle() Method
The random.shuffle() function randomly reorder elements within a list.
>>> import random
>>> values= [12, 32, 23, 30, 45, 32, 48, 38, 50]
>>> random.shuffle(values)
>>> values
[32, 32, 30, 48, 23, 38, 12, 50, 45]
>>> random.shuffle(values)
>>> values
[23, 45, 48, 50, 12, 38, 32, 30, 32]
Sample() method
The random.sample(population, k) method is used when you want to select several random
elements from a population. This method returns a list of unique elements selected from a
population. The size of the population, k, depends on the total number of elements you want to
select. A population can be a set of numbers, a list, or a sequence.
>>> import random
>>> new_list= [2,5,7,8,10,12]
>>> print ('random.sample() ', random.sample(new_list,3))
random.sample() [8, 7, 5]
def dicegame(): #players will roll the dice using the shuffle method.
for x in range(4):
choose_first_number=random.choice(firstdice)#picking a single random number
return choose_first_number + choose_second_number
print ('This is a dice game using the random module\n')
for x in range (3):
joseph_toss_number=random.randrange(1, 71, 1)
print('Moses won the toss')
print('Joseph won the toss')
print ('Moses won the game. Moses score is:', mosesscore, and 'Joseph's score is:',
josephscore, '\n')
print('Joseph won the game. Joseph's score is:', josephscore, and 'Moses score
is:', mosesscore, '\n')
// Output
Joseph won the toss
Moses won the game. Moses score is: 9 and Joseph’s score is: 6
random.seed (20)
print ('Num2 -', random.randint (10, 30))
// Output
Num1 - 34
Num2 - 14
How Seed() Works
The seed() method is a random module that initializes a pseudorandom number generator. It
saves the state of a random function to enable multiple execution of random numbers on the code
on either the same machine or different machines.
The seed value indicates the previous random value generated by random generator. If no
previous value, the current system time will be used. Call the seed first before calling the random
number generator.
Example 2:
import random
random.seed (4)
print (random.randint (1, 200))
print (random.randint (1, 200))
print (random.randint (1,200))
print (random.randint (1,200))
/ Output
Uses of Random.seed()
1. It generates encryption key using the pseudorandom generator. An encryption key is
an important tool in maintaining computer security. Seed() generates secret keys or
codes used in protecting data from unauthorized access over the internet.
2. Random testing of numbers making it easy to optimize the codes. The codes output
depends on the input data. The seed produces the same random number if you pass
the same arguments to the seed () function.
3. It simplifies algorithm testing process.
Cryptographically Secure Random Generator in Python
Random numbers and any data generated using the random module is not secure. You can
implement cryptography to securely generate pseudo-random numbers. The pseudo random
number generator will have properties that will make data more secure.
A cryptographically secure random number generator returns a random byte. This random byte
generated depends on OS random sources. A secure random number can be achieved through:
● Use of secret module to ensure secure generation of random data
● Using the os.urandom () function.
● Using the random.SystemRandom class
>>> import random
>>> import secrets
>>> num1= random.SystemRandom().random ()
>>> print ('A cryptographic secure number is', num1)
>>> print ('The secure bytes token is', secrets.token_bytes (16))
// Output
A cryptographic secure number is 0.922173569673084
The secure bytes token is b'\xd0R\xcd\xe5K\xacF\x13\xf3\x80\xae"9OQw'
Get and Set Random Generator State
A random module uses getstate() and setstate () functions to determine the current internal state
of a random number generator. This information is essential in generating a sequence of data or
generating the same random numbers.
The getstate function records the current internal state of a random number generator. The
recorded state is then passed to the setstate function to restore the state to the current state. If you
change the state to its previous one, you will get the same random data.
Random.setstate ()
This function restores the internal state to its previous state. It restores random generator to state
object that is, same state again. To obtain the state object, a call to getstate() function is made.
If you restore the previous state, it will enable you to reproduce or obtain the same random
values again. If you use a different random function or pass different parameter lists, then this
alters the state of the random generator.
import random
new_list= [2,5,7,8,10,12]
print ("Sample list", random.sample (new_list, k=4))
status= random.getstate() #storing the current state in status object
print ("Another sample list", random.sample(new_list, 4))
random.setstate (status)
print ("Printing restored state", random.sample (new_list, 4))
random.setstate (status)
print ("Printing another restored state", random.sample (new_list, 4))
// Output
Sample list [7, 8, 5, 10]
Another sample list [2, 10, 12, 8]
Printing restored state [2, 10, 12, 8]
Printing another restored state [2, 10, 12, 8]
Numpy.random (Using PRNGs for Arrays)
PRNG stands for Pseudo-random number generator. It uses the Python random module to help
generate data or scalar random numbers. The numpy.random method enables you to generate an
array of random numbers. The numpy package has multiple functions which generates n-
dimensional array of random numbers.
The numpy package includes:
● numpy.random.rand () which generates an n-dimensional array of floating point
random numbers in the range of 0.0 and 1.0.
● numpy.random.uniform which generates an n-dimensional array of floating point
numbers within a given range.
import numpy
array_list =[10, 20, 40, 30, 50, 20, 50]
Dates in Python programming do not have a data type on their own. To use the date’s objects or
the date function, you have to import the datetime module into your program.
>>> import datetime
>>> date = datetime.datetime.now()
>>> print (date)
// Output
2020-01-05 05:50:08.673261
The datetime method returns the year, month, day, and the system time during execution
displayed in hours, minutes, seconds, and microsecond. The datetime module has various
functions that return information on the date object.
In the above example, we defined datetime class inside the datetime module and then used the
now() function to create an object with the current date and time.
Python keeps track of date and time in different ways. The datetime python module helps in
tracking dates and time as well as converting the date formats. Time formats are expressed as
floating point numbers in units of seconds.
The time module has multiple functions for working with the time format and conversion
between representations.
Date and Time Manipulation
Date, time, and datetime in python are classes that provide multiple functions to handle date,
time, time intervals, and date. Both date and datetime are Python objects, and once you
manipulate them, you’re actually manipulating the object itself, not its string or timestamp.
To manipulate date and time, you have to import the datetime module in your Python shell. The
datetime class is classified into:
● Date class: This manipulates dates in terms of month, day, and year.
● Time class: It handles time formats in the form of hours, minutes, seconds, and
microsecond. Time is independent of the day.
● Timedate class: It handles both date and time formats
● Timedelta class: It is used in the manipulation of dates and shows time duration.
● Tzinfo class: It handles time zones.
Using the Date Class
Before running datetime code, you have to import the module from the Python library, then
make calls to specific date and time functions. The date class allows you to instantiate the date
objects which represent the year, month, and day. For example,
>>> import datetime
The line above tells Python interpreter to import date class from the datetime module. Once you
imported the date class, the next step is to create an instance of the date object.
To get the current date, you can run the following code:
>>>import datetime
>>>print (today_date)
// Output
The today() method is part of date class functions and it allows you to use the date object to
extract the current system date. You can also use date.today() method to return the current date.
You can also use the date() method, which acts as a constructor of the date class. In this case, the
date () constructor accepts three arguments: year, month, and day.
That is, today_date= datetime.date (2020, 01, 05).
You can also import the date class from the datetime object. This can be done through the
following code:
from datetime import date
d= date (2020, 01, 05)
print (d)
Using Timestamp to Retrieve Date
A date object can also be created from a timestamp. A Unix timestamp is used to determine
seconds in a particular date range. You can easily convert the timestamp format to date form
using fromtimestamp () method.
from datetime import date
d = date.fromtimestamp(1582145574)
print("Date ", d)
// Output
Date 2020-02-19
Using the Time Class
A time object can be instantiated from a time class. From the datetime object, import time class.
To get the current time, assign the time class to datetime.now () method.
Example: Using time class to get the current local time.
from datetime import time
tt=datetime.time (datetime.now())
print (‘The current time is:’, tt)
// Output
The current time is: 17:27:08, 384466
The tt variable is used to store the time value. When you call the datetime.now() method, it
returns the current system time.
Example 2:
from datetime import time
print (t)
t1= time(11, 34, 10)
print (t1)
// Output
Datetime Class
The datetime module has a datetime class with properties of both the date and time classes. The
datetime() class accepts time and timezone arguments.
import datetime
date = datetime.datetime.now()
print (date)
Strftime () Method
The datetime object consists of formatting functions used to format the date objects into a string.
The strftime() method is used to format a readable string and accepts a single parameter (format)
to specify how the date string is returned
Example: Displaying the date based on the month
import datetime
d=datetime. datetime(2020, 1, 3)
print (d.strftime(“%b”))
// Output
The strftime() method uses different control codes to produce different outputs. The different
control codes represents different date formats like %y/%Y for years, %a/%A for weekdays, and
%b/%B for months. If you use %Y, it will print the full year (i.e. 2021), but if you use a
lowercase %y, it will print out (21) instead.
import datetime
d=datetime. datetime(2019)
print (d.strftime(“%y”))
// Output
Example 2:
from datetime import time
now= datetime.now()
print (now.strftime(‘%A, %d %B, %Y’))
// Output
Sunday, 5 January, 2020
Some commonly used formats for the date class include:
Using Timedelta Methods
A timedelta object is used to determine any special day, date, or time. It can predict past and
future periods. It doesn’t print date or time, only calculates them.
To use the timedelta class, you have to import it from the datetime module.
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> print (timedelta(days=20, hours=4, minutes=45))
20 days, 4:45:00
// Output
The datetime objects created include the datetime_NY object and datetime_london object. These
objects obtain the date and time of the respective areas based on the time zone.
Python Time Module
The Python time module provides functions used for manipulating time and converting time
representations. You can use objects, numbers, and strings to represent the time class. To use
these functions, you have to import the module in your program.
>>> import time
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to understand how to create time using epochs and
time zones and represent time using floating points or tuples.
Python Time Using Floating Point Numbers
One way to manage time in Python is to use floating point numbers that indicate the number of
seconds that have passed since the epoch era. That is, a specific starting point. The epoch is very
essential when implementing time in Python project.
The Epoch Era
Epoch is used to manage time using floating point numbers. It represents an elapsed time since
the starting of a particular era. An era is a fixed point in time which records a particular series of
The starting point identifies/ measure the passage of time of an epoch. For example, if epoch is
defined on January 1, 1970 UTC at midnight (standard date format for Windows and Unix
systems), then since epoch, the midnight date on January 2, 1970 UTC is represented as 86400
This is simply so because a day has 24 hours, 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.
Therefore, January 2, 1970 is a single day after epoch:
Time can also be represented before epoch by indicating the number of seconds to be negative.
Therefore, the epoch on midnight of December 31, 1969 UTC is -86400 seconds.
Though January 1, 1970 UTC is the standard epoch, there are other epochs used in computing.
Different filesystems, operating systems and APIs use different epochs. For example, unix
operating system use January 1, 1970 epoch while Win32 API use January 1, 1601 epoch.
To know your operating system epoch, use time.gmtime() method.
What Is a File
A file consists of a contiguous set of bytes used to store a collection of related information in a
disk. The data in the file can be anything and is organized in a specific format, such as a text file
or an executable file. Files are stored in non-volatile memory, which stores data permanently.
Non-volatile memory structures include hard disks, which are unlike Random Access Memory
(RAM), which only holds data and instructions temporarily.
Components of a File
A file consists of three parts
1. File header: this is the metadata about file contents and it stores information about
the file name, size, type, and properties.
2. Data: this represents the contents written in the file by the user.
3. End of file (EOF): this is a special character that shows the reader has reached the
end of the file
All files are stored with a specific extension based on the type of the file. For example, an image
has the extension .gif because it conforms to the specifications of the Graphics Interchange
Format. There are different file extensions you can use when operating files.
File Paths
When accessing a file, you have to provide the file path, the specific location where the file is
stored in the computer memory. This is possible because of the operating system stored in your
computer as it prompts file handling by the user.
The file path represents a string that indicates the location of the file. The file path consists of:
1. Folder path: where the file is located in the file system. It can be in subsequent
folders which can be accessed using the backslash \ in Windows or forward slash / in
2. File name: this is the unique name used in storing the file.
3. Extension: this indicates the file type. It is shown at the end of the file path followed
by a period (.) then the file type. For example, myfile.doc
If you want to access myfile.doc stored in Documents folder and your current location is the
User folder, you can access the file by providing the file path, for example:
Once you open the file, you can either read from the file or write into the file.
Opening Files in Python
To use any file, you have to open it. This is done by making a call to the open() built-in function
in Python. The open() function takes the file path as an argument to the functions. When the
function is invoked, it returns a single file object that allows reading or modification of the file.
>>> sample_file = open (‘test.txt’) # opens a file in the current folder
>>>sample_file = open (C:/Users/Faith/Documents/myfile.doc) # using file path
When opening a file, you can specify the file mode, whether to read ‘r’, write ‘w’, or append ‘a’
content into the file. You can also open a file either in a text mode or binary mode. The text
mode is the default form for opening files. The binary mode returns files inform of bytes and is
mostly used when dealing with non-text files such as executable files or images.
File Operation Modes
sample_file = open (“sample.txt”)
sample_file = open (“sample.txt”, ‘w’)
sample_file = open (“kaa.bmp”, ‘r+b’) #to read and write data in a binary mode
When working with files in text mode, you have to specify the encoding type. Otherwise, your
code may behave differently when using different platforms.
sample_file = open (“sample.txt”, mode =‘w’, encoding = ‘utf-8’)
Buffered Binary Files
The buffered binary file type allows reading and writing into binary files written as
open(‘sample.txt’, ‘rb’) or open(‘sample.txt’, ‘wb’).
When you call open(), the file object data returned is either a BufferedReader or a
Raw Files
A raw file type is used as the low-level building blocks for binary data and a text stream. The file
is opened by open (‘sample.txt’, ‘rb’, buffering=0 ).
Closing Files in Python
After carrying out all file operations, you have to close the file and free up the memory.
Computer memory is a limited resource and once not in use, you should deallocate the memory
by closing all opened files. To free up the memory resources, we use the close() method.
# file operations
sample_file = open (“sample.txt”, mode =‘w’, encoding = ‘utf-8’)
If an exception occurs while performing a file operation, the program will terminate without
closing the file. To prevent this from happening, you can implement Python Try and Finally calls
to catch all exceptions in the program.
sample_file= open (‘sample.txt’)
sample_file.close ()
With the try…finally method, you’re assured of proper closing of the file even when an
exception is raised. You can modify your program code using with statements. This ensures the
file is closed once the block of statements leaves the with statement. A with statement is highly
recommended as it provides a cleaner code and makes it easy to handle exceptions.
with open (‘sample.txt’, ‘r’) as my_file
my_file.read(“This code will automatically close your file!”)
num= 15
>>>print('The num value is:’, num)
The num value is: 15
The actual syntax of the print() function is print(*object, sep= ‘’, end=;\n’, file=sys.stout,
The object is the value to be printed, and the sep is a separator with an empty space character.
The end ensures all characters are printed. The file is the object where all data values are printed
with the default value being sys.stdout.
>>> print (2, 3, 5, 6, 7)
2, 3, 5, 6, 7
>>> print (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, sep=’*’)
>>>print (2, 3, 5, 6, 7,sep=’#’, end=’&’)
Output Formatting
If you want to make the output more attractive, you can use str.format () method on any string.
>>> a=10; b=15
>>> print (‘printing value of a is {} and b{}’.format (a, b))
Printing value of a is 10 and b is 15
The curly braces are placeholders. You can specify how the output is printed by using numbers
or tuple index.
>>> print (‘Welcome to {0}{1}’.format (‘Python’, ‘programming’))
Welcome to Python programming
>>> print (‘Welcome to {1} in {0}’.format (‘Python’, ‘programming’))
Welcome to programming in Python
The str or bytes-like object can also be used in a file to both read and write to the file. String files
opened in text mode can use StringIO in-memory stream. BytesIO is used to open files in binary
Python Input
Input operation allows us to take input data from the user. To do this, an input() function is used
followed by the string you want to display on the screen. The syntax is input([user data]) where
user data is the input string you want displayed on your screen. The user data can be optional.
>>> name= input (“Enter your name:”)
Enter your name: Faith
>>> name
In the above example, you have entered your name as a string.
Class Hierarchy
I/O streams are organized as a hierarchy of class during the implementation process. The streams
have an abstract base class (ABC), which specifies the various categories of the stream, and a
concrete stream class, which provides standard stream implementation.
The abstract base class supports the implementation of the concrete stream class by providing
various implementation methods. For example, bufferedIOBase supports unoptimized
implementation of readinto() and readline() methods.
At the top of I/O hierarchy is the IOBase base class ,which defines the basic interface to the
stream. The class doesn’t separate operation for reading and writing to a stream. Implementation
of abstract base class methods are allowed to raise unsupported operation.
RawIOBase ABC extends the functionality of IOBase. It handles reading and writing bytes into
the I/O stream. Subclasses of file I/O rely on RawIOBase to provide a file interface in the
machine file system.
BufferedIOBase is an abstract base class which handles buffering on a raw byte stream. The
BufferedReader and BufferedWriter subclasses are used to buffer readable, writeable, and both
read/write streams. Random access streams uses BufferedRandom as an interface buffer.
TextIOBase ABC is a subclass of IOBase and it handles text streams and both encoding and
decoding of text streams.
Importing Python OS Module
When writing complex programs in Python, it is essential to break the program into several
modules. A module is simply a file with various definitions and statements. For example, a
python file has filename followed by file extension. All Python files end with the extension .py.
A python definition inside a particular module can be imported into another python module. You
can also import the module into an interactive Python interpreter.
You can import modules into python interface by using the keyword import. For example, to
import the math module, we use import math.
>>> import math
>>> from math import pi
When you import the math module, all the definitions inside the module are available for our
disposal. This allows you to import specific attributes and functions using the ‘from’ keyword.
When importing modules, python locates the module definition from different places defined in
the sys.path which contains a list of directories.
The OS Module in Python allows you to perform various operating system functions. It provides
you with functions for creating a new directory (folder), deleting a directory, renaming the
directory, or accessing the contents of the directory.
These OS functions allows you to interface with the underlying operating system running on
your machine and perform various tasks.
Creating a Director with the OS Module
To create a new directory in Python, the mkdir() function from the os module is used.
>>> import os
>>>os.mkdir (“d:\\newdir”)
This created a new directory in the path specified by the string in the argument of the function.
Now open your drive D in Windows Explorer and locate ‘newdir’ folder created.
Switching Directories
You can switch from the current working directory to the new directory created and do all your
operations there. This can be done through chdir() function.
>>> import os
>>> os.chdir(“d:\\newdir”)
This will change your directory path to the new directory created. To know whether the current
working directory has changed, use getcwd().
>>> os.getcwd ()
The getcwd() doesn’t take any argument and it confirms directory path has changed by returning
the new directory path. Any file operation carried will be saved in this new directory.
Note: Directory paths are always relative. If you set the current directory to drive D and then to
newdir without indicating the preceding path, then the current working directory will change to
You can change the current directory to its original path by passing “..” as argument in the chdir
() function.
>>> os.chdir (‘d:\\newdir’)
>>> os.getcwd()
>>> os.chdir(‘..’)
>>> os.getcwd()
Removing a Directory
To remove an existing directory, the rmdir() function is used. This function deletes the specified
directory. For a directory to be removed, it must be empty. You cannot remove a current working
directory. In this case, newdir cannot be removed since it’s the current working directory. To
delete it, you have to change it from working directory, then delete it.
You can also list all the files and sub-directories within a particular directory using the listdir ()
function. If no directory is specified, then the files and directories in the current working
directory will be displayed.
The OS modules have a variety of functions you can use with the most common functions on
how to work with directories. Other functions include:
1. os.name
This function is used to retrieve the name and other credentials of the operating system your
Python program is running on.
>>> import os
>>> print (os.name)
2. os.popen()
This is a file object manipulation method that opens to a pipe or from a command. You can
either read or write to the file based on the specified file mode.
import os
# popen() is the same as open() function
fl = open(file, 'w')
fl.write("Python Programming OS Functions")
fl = open(file, 'r')
text = fl.read()
# popen() allows you to access the file directly through its pipe
fl = os.popen(file, 'w')
fl.write("Your first lesson")
// Output
Your first Lesson
3. os.close()
All files opened with os.popen() are closed with os.close() or close(), just like the normal open()
function. If you use os.close() on a file opened with open(), Python will throw TypeError.
Therefore we can use os.close or close() to close the above program.
4. os.error
This function raise an OSError in case of an invalid file or files that cannot be accessed by the
operating system despite having the correct path, name, and argument type.
5. os.rename()
It is used to change the name of a file. The function only works if the file exists and you have the
rights to change the file.
import os
os.rename(file, mkunew.doc)
OS Path Module in Python
This module has functions used to handle Python pathnames. There are different functions
supported by the module like retrieving path names, merging files, and normalizing functions
among others.
These functions take only strings and bytes as arguments. That is, you can only pass parameters
of string objects or bytes to the OS path functions. The returned file name or path is of the same
Functions of OS Path Module
1. os.path.basename (path): This function returns the file basename. That is, it returns
the file name based on the path to its location.
>>>#using basename ()
>>>import os
>>>output= os.path.basename (‘/users/dir.py)
>>>print (output)
2. os.path.dirname(path): This function returns the directory name from the specified
path. It doesn’t indicate the path name, only the name of the directory is returned.
>>>output= os.path.basename (‘/users/dir.py)
>>>print (output)
3. os.path.isdir(path): This tests whether a particular path is an existing directory or
>>> output= os.path.isdir (“c:\\windows”)
>>> print (output)
4. os.path.isabs(path): A function to confirm whether the specified path is absolute or
not. An absolute path is one that begins with a backslash in Windows and a forward
slash in Unix system.
>>>output= os.path.basename (‘/users/dir.py)
5. os.path.normalcase (path): In windows, this function converts the filename path into
lower case and the forward slash is converted to backward slash. The path remains
the same for Unix and Mac OS systems.
Both os and os.path modules provides you with a portable way of interacting with platform-
dependent functions and perform various input and output file operations.
Chapter Summary
File input and output processes are very important in the operation of I/O streams. In this
chapter, you learned:
● What makes up a file, why files are important in Python programming and file
● To understand the basics in reading and writing into the file, learn how to open and
close files as well as appending to a file.
● Different file processing modes and how to apply them in the manipulation of files.
● Various file functions and how to apply them in various file input/output operations.
● The import python os module and interact with various operating system dependent
● How to use python input to prompt you to enter data into the system.
● How to use the print() function to display your output and format the output based
on your needs.
● How to use os.path module to confirm the existence of a directory, create a new
directory , and change the directory path to make it the current working directory.
In the next chapter you will learn exception handling, how to use else clause and finally clause,
using exceptions for flow control and exception hierarchy.
An exception is any error that occurs during program execution. When an error occurs, a python
program generates an exception to handle the error and prevent the exit of the program. Python
has a variety of built-in exceptions that generate an error when something goes wrong in your
When an exception occurs, it forces the current process to stop and transfer the control to
the calling process until the error is handled. If the error is not handled, the program will crash.
Therefore, exceptions handle errors and any other special conditions within the program.
For example, function A calls function B while B calls function C . If an exception occurs
during execution of function C, function C passes the exception to function B which is then
passed to function A. Function C doesn't handle the exception but passes it to other functions. If
the error is not handled at function A, an error message will be generated and the program will
If you suspect a certain code will generate an error, it's necessary to create an exception to
handle the error.
Common Exception Errors in Python
● IOError: This error occurs when you cannot open a certain file.
● ImportError: An error is generated if Python cannot import or find the invoked
● ValueError: It occurs when the argument passed to a built-in function or operation
has the right data type but an inappropriate value.
● KeyboardInterrupt: This occurs when you press the keyboard interrupt key (Ctrl +
C or the Delete key)
● EOFError: This error happens when input() and raw_input() reach the end-of-file
(EOF) without reading any data.
Catching Exceptions in Python
Exceptions are handled using a try statement. If you have a critical condition or operation
that might result in exceptions, you can place the program code inside the try clause and the code
that handles the exception in the except clause. The operation carried out after the exception is
based on the program needs.
# statements for block operations
#if execution occur, execute this block of statements
#no exception, execute this block of statement
The else block is executed if no exception is raised in the try block.
Example: Python code to open a file and write into it without any exception
fl=open("samplefile.doc", "w")
fl.write("A sample file for exception handling!!")
print ('Error:No file available to read data')
print ('You have successfully written content in the file')
You have successfully written content in the file
Example 2: Opening a file where you don't have access permission
fl=open("samplefile.doc", "r")
fl.write("A sample file for exception handling!!")
print ('Error: No file available to read data')
print ('You have successfully written content in the file')
// Output
'Error: No file available to read data
The try-except statements catch all exceptions that occur in the program. This may not be a good
programming practice since the method only catches all errors but the programmer doesn't know
the root cause of the problem.
Argument of an Exception
Exceptions receive arguments which provides additional information the exception. This can be
done by passing a variable in the except clause.
except (exceptiontype, argument):
Statements based on the value of argument
no exception statement
If you're writing code to handle a single exception, you can pass a variable to the except
statement. If you have multiple exceptions, the variable is passed to the tuple of the exception.
The variable received either a single value or multiple values inform of tuple. The tuple will have
error number, error string and error location.
#function definition
def temp_convert ( var):
returnint (var)
except (valueError, argument):
print ('\nThe argument passed is not a number', argument)
Except Clause with Multiple Exceptions
Execute operation statements;
Except exception 1:
#block statements to handle exception
Except exception 2:
#block statement to handle exception
# no exception found, execute this code
A single try statement may have more than one except statements. This is of great importance if
the try block has several statements that throw different types of exceptions. You can also create
a generic except clause that allows you to handle different exceptions.
The block of code within the try clause is executed statement by statement. If an exception
occurs, the except block is executed and the remaining try code is skipped.
Errors are always caught in the try clause while the except clause is invoked to handle the error.
That is, if an error is encountered in try block, the execution of the try block is stopped and the
control transferred to the except block to handle the error.
Else Clause
Python program allows the use of else statements. These statements are used to instruct a
program to execute a specific block of code if no exceptions are found.
except LookupError as error:
print (error)
print (‘No error found: executing the else clause.’)
Since there is no exception when the code is run, the else clause is executed.
You can also insert the try block inside the else clause and catch any other exceptions.
Raising Exception
You can raise an exception in a program by using 'raise exception statement'. This breaks out the
current code block and return exception statements back until the exception is handled.
In Python, we create exceptions using the raise keyword followed by the name of the exception
Raise exception_name
When you raise an exception, it interrupts the normal flow control of the program. When this
happens, the Python interpreter looks for the code in its run-time-stack that can handle the
message. The search begins from the current program state up to the end of run-time-stack. The
execution process follow the order in which functions are called.
A try:except block is used to handle the exception.
The raise statement creates an exception object and leaves the program execution process to look
for the try statement with a matching except clause in its run-time-stack. The raise statement can
either divert a program execution if matching except clause is found or exit the program because
a matching except clause for handling exception wasn’t found.
The exception object has a message string to provide meaningful error messages. It also makes
it easy to add more attributes to the exception.
The try statement can also have a finally clause. The clause can be optional and whenever used,
it executes the program and free up the external resources. If you’re working with files on a
remote data center connected via a network or with a graphical user interface, you have to free
up the memory after execution.
You must clean up the resources once done no matter what. Closing of the file, disconnecting
from the network is always done in the finally clauses to guarantee you a safe execution.
fd= open("sample.txt",encoding = 'utf-8')
# performing a file operations
Exception Handling for Flow Control
As we have discussed earlier, exceptions occur due to conditions that can’t be handled by the
normal flow of the program. In this case, exceptions are normally classified as errors. Although
all errors are handled using exceptions in Python, not all exceptions are errors.
In normal flow-control of a Python program, instructions are executed one after the other using if
statements, loops, and function calls. In these three constructs, the program flow-control is as
In if statements, only one statement is executed at a time in a block of statements then the flow
control is transferred to the first statement or line after the if statement.
In loops, when the end of the loop is reached, the program’s flow-of-control loops back (is
transferred) to the start of the loop to test whether the loop needs to be executed again. If no
further execution is required inside the loop, then the flow of control is transferred to the first
statement after the loop.
If you call functions in Python, the flow control is transferred to the first statement of the called
function and executes the code. After function execution, the flow control is transferred to the
next statement line in the program.
Therefore, the flow-of-control is a sequential process because when a call is made, it always
executes the first statement in the program before proceeding to the next statement.
Example: Exceptions in flow control
Most classes use keyword exception in the baseException and Exception in its parent classes.
Subclasses uses the word error. A Python program inherits a series of abcError classes.
BaseException Class
The BaseException class is the base class of all built-in exceptions in Python program. A raised
Python exception should be inherited from other classes. The BaseException class takes in a
tuple of arguments passed during the creation of a new instance of the class. In most cases, a
single string value is passed as an exception which indicates the specific error message.
The class also includes with_traceback(tb) method to explicitly pass the ‘tb’ argument to the
traceback information.
Exception Class
This is one of the most inherited exception type classes. All the classes classified as errors are
subclass to the Exception class. Therefore, if you create a custom exception class, it should
inherit properties of the Exception class.
The Exception class has a variety of subclasses that handle the majority of errors in Python.
Some of these subclasses include:
1. ArithmeticError: This acts as a base class for various arithmetic errors, such as when
you’re trying to divide a number by zero.
2. AssertionError: This is an error generated when a call to [assert] statement can’t be
completed or it fails.
3. BufferError: In Python, applications have access to a low level memory stream in
the form of buffers. If the buffer memory fails, an error is generated: BufferError.
4. EOFError: This type of error is raised when an input () reaches the end of a file
without finding the specified file or any data.
5. ImportError: To perform advanced functions or work with complex programs in
Python, you have to import modules. If the import statement fails, an importError
will be raised.
6. LookupError: Just like in arithmeticError, a LookupError acts as the base class from
which is inherited by other subclasses. If an improper call is made to the subclass
then a LookupError is raised.
7. MemoryError: If a Python program runs out of memory or there is no enough
memory stream to run the application, a MemoryError is raised.
8. NameError: This an error that occur when you try to call unknown name or use an
identifier with an invalid name.
9. OSError: An error raised due to the failure of an operating systems
10. ValueError: It occurs if a method receives parameters of correct type, but the actual
value passed is invalid due to some reasons.
This occurs when the user presses Ctrl+C key combination. This creates an interrupt to the
executing script.
The generator is a particular iterator which simplify iteration process with constantly changing
values. It allows you to use the yield statement inside the generator code block. This type of
exception allow Python to generate a new value when a call to next() function is made. When
generator.close() method is invoked, a generatorExit instance is raised.
When you call sys.exit() method, a systemExit exception is raised. The sys.exit() function call
closes the current executing script and then close python shell. Since this is an exception, you
catch the exception before the scripts shuts down and exit by responding to the systemExit
exception immediately.
Chapter Summary
From this chapter, you learned:
● That an exception happens when a certain condition interrupts the normal flow-of-
control of a program.
● That if an exception is raised, Python first searches for a try:except block in the
program’s runtime stack to handle the exception. When the first statements in the
try:except block handle the exception, then the flow control is transferred to the next
line in the program.
● About common exception errors in Python and how to handle each of them.
● How to use the except clause and finally clause when handling exceptions
● About exception hierarchy
In the next chapter you will learn about graphics and image processing in Python as well as how
to import a simple 2D drawing module.
Python Graphics
To make graphics programming more fun, Professor John Zelle designed a custom simple
graphics library to make Python graphics as simple as possible for students. This library allows
you to generate a graphical output using simple lines of codes.
You have to download the graphics.py library in your machine before you can use it. Save it in
the same folder as the program you’re creating.
Test your installation and import graphics:
If no error message generates, your installation was successful, and you can go ahead and start
using the library.
Opening a Graphics Window
Open the code editor and enter the following code:
The GraphWin is a call to the system to open a new window while getMouse instructs the system
to active your mouse button. Save the command and run the code.
Drawing a Circle
To draw a circle, you have to call the circle, pass the parameter, and specify the point where the
circle should be drawn. The draw () function instructs the system to draw the circle in the
graphics window.
You can refill the circle with any color of your choice by calling:
>>> cir.setfill (‘red’)
You can also build other shapes into your graphics by making the same changes.
Turtle Graphics
A turtle graphics is a robotic turtle made of different shapes that mimics simple moves. Turtle
graphics is a great way of introducing graphics programming.
>>> import turtle
This allows you to import the module for handling turtle graphics.
Example: Assuming you have a turtle robot that initially has a starting point (0,0) in the x,y axis.
You can pass a command that will move it 10 pixels.
>>>turtle.forward (10)
When you run this code, it will display the robot moving 10 pixels in the direction it currently
faces, drawing a line as it moves. Give it another command to draw a circle.
>>> turtle.cirle(20)
This will change the robot image to a circle. The turtle library allows you to combine different
commands to draw intricate shapes and pictures.
The turtle module allows you to use various commands, classes and methods interactively when
running the module via the IDLE Python shell. The module provide primitive graphics in an
object oriented and procedural language simply because it uses tkinter for all underlying
Classes of object-oriented interface
1. TurtleScreen class uses the graphics window as the playground to draw turtles. The
tkinter.canvas and scrolledcanvas are arguments to the constructor class. Screen()
returns an object of turtleScreen subclass.
2. rawTurtle (Rawpen) defines an object that draws on a TurtleScreen. A subclass
Turtle is derived from RawTurtle.
Turtle Methods
There are various methods you can use to manipulate your graphics. They are classified into:
1. turtle motion (Move and draws methods, tell turtle’s state, setting and measurement
2. pen control (drawing control, color control, filing)
3. turtle state(visibility, appearance)
4. using events (onclick(), onrelease())
5. special turtle methods (clone(), get_poly())
Example: Moving the turtle to absolute position. If the pen face downwards, draw the line.
Example: Draw a circle centered at (0,0).
Image Processing
Today’s world is data driven and different organizations rely on the use of images and video data
to simplify processes. Almost 60% of graphics data in an application must be pre-processed.
That is, the images must be analyzed, processed, and manipulated before being put to good use.
Python provides you with a plethora of algorithms on how to handle images. Image processing
deals with various ways to handle image to image transformation. This involves both input and
output image transformation mechanisms.
A computer vision is a field that deals with how computers understand or gain high-level
information from a digital image or video.
An image processing algorithm accepts an image or a video as an input, processes the input, and
outputs the results as an image or a video. A computer vision algorithm, on the other hand,
processes the image or video inputs and constructively obtains meaningful information from
processed data.
Working with Images in Python
An image is any 2-dimensional object with x and y spatial coordinates.
To use images in Python, you have to install the standard library package to handle images. PIL
is one of the standard Python imaging library that provides Python interpreter with various image
manipulation capabilities.
Other image processing libraries include:
1. OpenCV: this focuses on obtaining real-time computer vision with applications
using 2D and 3D features, facial expression and recognition, robots, and human-
computer interactions among others.
2. Numpy and scipy library: Used mostly in image manipulation and processing
3. Scikit: This library provides multiple algorithms used in image processing.
4. Python Imaging Library (PIL): Used when you’re performing basic image
operations like resizing, rotation of image, using different image formats or creating
image thumbnails.
You can choose any Python library based on your image needs or what you want to do. In this
chapter, we will focus on creating a basic image processing in Python.
Install Required Library
Install the required library to your machine
Once you install the pil library, you have to import the image module from pil.
from pil import image
#opening an image
img=image.open (‘iphone.jpg’)
#rotate image to 90 degrees and show
// Output
If event A occurs and it matches the event description in the widget, then the associated handler
is called with the old object that describes that event.
When you run the code, it will create two frames, one at the top of the window and the other one
at the bottom of the window. Frames create invisible rectangles on the window. Try out the code
and see how python creates invisible frames for you to insert widgets.
The invisible rectangle is placed inside the rootWindow. If you pass an instance of rootWindow
inside the frame class, a frame is created to fit the size of the rootWindow. Once the frame is
created, rootWindow.mainloop() places the frame inside the window, where pack() can specify
where it should be placed, whether at the top or bottom. You can also use the ‘side’ argument to
place the fame anywhere you want inside the window.
Grid Layout
A grid layout is another way you can represent frames. It uses rows and columns to create
frames. When using grid layout, you can think of the window as a spreadsheet with rows and
columns to place your widget.
// Output
Defining a label as shown above will allow you to enter text into your window as shown above.
The created labels are placed in a grid layout by passing row and column number to the grid().
Calling rootWindow.grid_rowconfigure(2, minsize=20) creates an empty row in the window. In
the program, we have used row [0,1, and 3] and skipped row 2. If you don’t call the
grid_rowconfigure() function, it will put label 5 in row 2 even though you have specified o be
placed in row 3 as shown below.
Therefore, grid_rowconfigure() and grid_columnconfigure() will help space rows and columns
in your grid.
Python Asyncio Module
The Asyncio module provides an infrastructure for handling events in Python by writing a
single-threaded concurrent code using subroutines.
Any event-driven program should have an event loop function.
Using an Event Loop
This is a function used to handle all the events in a particular code. It loops along the entire
execution program and keep track of the incoming and execution of events. The module allow
only a single event to loop in any given process.
Methods used
Loop=get_event_loop(): This is an event loop for the current program in the current context.
Loop.call_later (time_delay,callback,argument): The method makes an arrangement for a
callback that is supposed to be made after the provided time_delay
Loop.call_soon (callback,argument): The method makes an arrangement for a call back
immediately. The callback should take place after call_soon() is returned and the control is taken
to the event loop.
Loop.time(): This method show the current time based on the events internal clock.
Asyncio.set_event_loop(): The current context to the loop is set based on event loop.
Asyncio.new_event_loop(): This creates and returns a new loop object.
Loop.run_forever(): This will run until a call to stop() is made.
// Output
Hello world
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, we are able to learn how to:
● Use the graphics library to create and manipulate images
● Use the turtle Python module to create graphical image
● Install the standard Python image library in a program
● Import an image from a particular library
● Work with images in Python and manipulate them
● Handle events and events-driven programming
● Use Tkinter in event-driven programming
● Work with the asyncio module
In the next chapter you will learn network and client server networking. At the end of the
chapter, you will be able to explain how communication takes place between a client and server
and how CGI applications communicate with each other.
Python programming provides network access through two levels: lower level access and higher
level access. You can access the basic socket support and its underlying operating system at the
lower level. This enables you to implement a client server network for both connection-oriented
and connectionless protocol.
The Python library provides high-level access to certain application level protocols like FTP,
HTTP, TCP, and others.
Socket Programming
A socket provides a network connection and acts as the backbone for networking. Sockets
transfer make information transfer between different programs and devices possible. For
example, whenever you open your browser to search for information, you're creating a
connection to the server for transfer of information.
Sockets can communicate within a process and exchange information between processes on the
same device or between processes in different devices.
Sockets in Python
Sockets acts as interior endpoints designed for sending and receiving data. When connecting to a
network, each network connection will have two sockets for connecting to the communication
device and program. Each socket has an IP address and a port.
The socket, or node, on one of the connected devices listens to a specific port with the IP address
while the other socket forms another connection. The server machine forms the listening socket
while the client reaches out to the server with various requests. Each device has 'n' number of
sockets determined by the port number used. Different ports use different protocols.
Some of these protocols and port numbers include:
The above port numbers and protocols form a socket module essential in network programming.
Socket Components
The socket library provides classes to handle a transport layer alongside an interface for
connecting with other devices and programs.
Some of these components include:
Serial number Term Description
1 Domain Domain protocol is used in
transport mechanism and uses
constant values like AF_INET
and PF_UNIX among others
From the above example, to create a socket, you have to first import the module. Then, use the
socket.socket function to create a server socket.
The listen () function allows connection to the server, with parameter 5 being the queue to
multiple simultaneous connections. You can pass any parameter to the function with the
minimum number being 0. If no parameter is specified, a default parameter zero is used.
The while loop accept all connections to the server. Clt and adr represent client object and
address respectively. The print statement only prints the address and the port number of the
connected device on the client socket. The clt.send () function is used to send clients data in
Example 2: Connecting to Google website
// Output
Successful creation of socket
Socket connection to Google is successful
On port ==
Sometimes a socket error occurs when connecting to the server. In this case, a socket error is
thrown, and for you to connect to the server, you have to use the IP address of the server.
To get the server IP address, you can type the following code in the command prompt:
$ping www.google.com
or use the Python program to obtain the IP address.
import socket
Print ip
Connection to Client Device
A client device is the computer that receives information or services from the server machine. In
a client-server architecture, the client requests for services or resources from the server and the
server provides the services to the client. For example, use your web browser like Google
Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to request a particular webpage from the web server.
Example: Client-side requests
This code imports a socket module and then creates the socket. Connect() creates a connection
between the client and server machine by specifying the hostname and the port number.
The recv() method is used by the client to receive information from the server. The information
is stored in a different variable message. The message is transferred in bytes.
Note: gethoname() method is used where the client and server are on the same machine.
Example: Python socket server connection using a local host IP address
This program binds the socket object to the local host using the port number 8080 which acts as
the socket server. When the client device connects to the server using the specified address, the
server will listen for the data requested and store it in the variable named ‘data’.
The program then logs the client data using the ‘print’ output operator, which sends a message
string to the client ‘Server Connection’.
On the client side:
The client socket connection code establishes a socket connection with the server. This only
happens when the server program is currently running.
Execution of Client Server Programs
To execute client server program, open a command prompt and navigate to where you have
created the client server program then type the following command:
py server.py
Server.py is the file name of the server. Once the server is running, you can execute a client
program. This is done by typing the following command in a new command prompt window:
py client.py
where the client.py is the filename of the client program.
When the client device calls for connect() to establish a connection with the server, it initiates a
three-way handshake. The three-way handshake is very important in socket communication as it
ensures the network connection is reachable from both sides. That is, the client can reach the
server and vice versa. The client and server exchange data using send() and recv() methods.
Communication Breakdown
The client and the server communicate with each other in the following ways:
If you’re using the loopback interface (IPV4 address or the IPV6 address::1), then the
data will not go beyond the host or touch the external network. The interface is always within the
Application programs rely on the loopback interface to communicate with other programs that
run on the host. This improves application security and isolation via the external network. Since
the communication happens within the host, there is no threat from external sources.
This type of communication is applied in an application server with its own private database. The
database is configured to be used by other servers or configured to listen for all connections on a
loopback interface only. Any other hosts on the network can’t connect to it.
If another IP address is used other than on the network, it will be bound on an Ethernet
interface connected to an external network. This allows you to connect to other hosts outside the
localhost network.
Multiple Communications
For the communication to go until the client receives all information, a while loop is used.
In the above program, the message will receive six bytes at each transfer. The program is not
terminated at the end since the actual file size transferred between the client and server is
unknown. To ensure the program terminates at the end, you can add the following code to the
client side.
On the server side, the close() method is used.
The above block code check the size of the information and print it in a buffer of two bytes at a
time. When the information transfer is completed, the connection is terminated.
Transferring Python Objects
Jut like other programming languages, Python socket programming enables you to transfer
objects such as tuples, data sets, and dictionaries. Transfer of objects is achieved through the
Python pickle method.
The pickle method is used during serialization or deserialization of objects in python.
Import pickle
Example=[1, 2, ‘abc’]
Msg=pickle.dumps (example)
Print (msg)
// Output
The example variable in serialized using the dump() function. The output of this program starts
with ‘b’ indicating the program is converted to bytes. You can also implement the pickle module
when you want to transfer objects between clients and the server.
How to Transfer Objects
The pickle module can allow you to transfer anything via the network. The program below will
enable you to transfer information from the server side to the client side device.
On the server side:
In this server-side program, variable y acts as the python object that is sent from the server to the
client machine. To send the message down to the client, the object is serialized using dumps ()
and then converted to bytes.
Client-side program to receive data:
// Output
Sending objects using socket programming in Python
The first while loop will help you keep track of the information sent—whether it is complete or
incomplete using complete_info—as well as know the length of the message received using
rec_msg. As the message is being received, it is printed in a buffer of 8 bytes. You can choose
any size you want to the buffer to be.
When the message is fully received, print received complete information then deserialize the
message using the loads() method.
Why You Should Use Sockets to Send Data
All internet based applications operate in real-time, thus a great need to implement sockets
programming in the networking code. Some of the apps that rely on socket programming
1. Chatting apps like WhatsApp, Slack, and WeChat.
2. Web pages with live notifications like Facebook, Twitter, eBay, etc.
3. IoT devices like Nest and August Locks.
4. Real-time data dashboards like use of Coinbase web page.
5. A multiplayer online game.
Python programming uses synchronous execution of programs; hence it was built to be more
robust and support socket programming.
Sockets allow data to be streamed (sent and received) at any time.
Python provides a socket class that makes it easy for the programmers to implement a socket
CGI Programming
Python programming is used in the implementation of Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
through the Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It has a set of standards that defines how
information is exchanged between a web user and an application program, that is, passing of
information between a webserver and a custom script.
If a user requests for information from a certain web page, the web server sends back the
requested information into the web page. The server device or program passes information into
all application programs that process data before sending back an acknowledgement message.
Passing information back and forth between the server and the application forms a common
gateway interface.
The HTTP server invokes a CGI script to allow processing of user inputs submitted via the
HTML <form> element. When a client makes a request, the server creates a script shell
environment where it stores information about the request, the client’s hostname, requested
URL, the message query string, and any other information requested. The server then executes
the script and sends the output results back to the client.
The input script is connected to the client and the server reads data from the input form this way
or pass the data submitted via the form through a query string which acts as part of the URL.
The CGI programs are dynamically written and generate user inputs that respond to input data or
a web page that interacts with the server software.
How Information Passing Works
1. When a user opens a web browser and click on a hyperlink to a particular webpage
or its Uniform Resource Locator (URL),
2. The browser contacts the HTTP server and demand for the URL.
3. The web server parses the URL of the requested page and look for the specific
filename of the requested information.
4. If the file is found, the request is sent back.
5. The web browser accepts the response back from the web server.
6. The response is either the received file or an error message to alert the user the file
was not found.
When you request for a specific directory, the HTTP server executes the program and displays
the output in your browser instead of sending back the file.
CGI Configuration
The Python CGI architecture works in the following ways:
1. Requires you to specify the user running the web server
2. Analyzes the server configuration and find out if it is possible to run the scripts in a
particular directory.
3. Analyzes file permission rights.
4. Makes sure the written scripts are clear, easily readable, and executable by the user
of the web browser.
5. Ensures the Python script’s first line represent the web server run by the interpreter.
Before you configure the cgi program, ensure the web server supports the cgi program and it is
well configured. CGI programs executed in the HTTP server are all in a pre-configured device.
The files are stored with an extension .cgi, but you can also store the files with the extension .py.
Python CGI Program Structure
The CGI scripts output has two parts: modules and functions. A black line separates each Python
The CGI Module
The Python cgi module helps debug scripts and find solutions to various situations. The module
can also help you to upload a file from a form. The script output results into two parts separated
by a black line. The module consists of a number of headers to define what kind of data is
following to the client. The header part instructs the clients to expect a certain type of data.
To use the module, you have to import it to your program.
>>>import cgi
Once you import the module, you can activate an exception handler to catch errors on the web
browser. The exception will give a detailed report in the web browser in an event of error.
>>> import cgitb
If you want to store the report in the file, you have to add the filename to store the report and
specify the file path.
>>> cgitb.enable (display=0, logdir=’path to the directory’)
CGI Header Section
You can save the header section as header.py and run the code. The output of this program will
This is HTML’s Body section
The Content-Type: text/html printed on the first line specifies the type of content to be displayed
by the browser. The above program is a basic CGI program using the HTML tags. The written
scripts can interact with external systems like RDBMS to exchange information.
All HTTP header section should be in the form of:
HTTP field Name: Field content
The #!/usr/local/bin/python3.6 indicates the location of Python installation. Then, import the cgi
and cgitb modules to handle any exception. Cgitb.enable() helps report errors.
The form variable is used to store the cgi class FieldStorage, thus, making the form function as a
data dictionary. The getvalue() function extracts the name supplied by the user in the input
HTML form. Use the print() to display the name of the user.
Components of HTTP Header
This table consists of common HTTP headers frequently used in CGI programming.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you learned about networks and client/server programming using sockets. A
Python program is able to provide a network access through both low- and high-level network
access. You also learned how:
● The lower level access provides you with basic support to socket programming as
well as allow you to implement both client and server network connections.
● The high level access is implemented through the HTTP,FTP, and TCP protocols.
● A socket in one of the connected devices listens to a specific port with the IP
address while the other socket forms another connection. Sockets in python
programming are designed for sending and receiving data between various devices
with each socket having an IP address and a port number.
● The various port numbers and protocols form a socket module.
● The different classes for handling transport layer and provide an interface to connect
to other devices.
● To import the socket module and how to connect to the server
● You can connect to google website
● Connect to a client device
● Communication takes place between the client server architecture.
● The importance of using sockets in sending data between devices in real-time.
● Basics of CGI programming
Python programming is an Object Oriented programming language that allows you to design,
develop, and implement robust programs. The programs use algorithms and information
processing tools to develop applications. Developing any program to solve a certain problem
requires that you first define the problem. Once you’re able to define the program, you can come
up with the program needs in terms of inputs and processes, which need to be followed in order
to come up with the solution to the problem.
Major programming languages use algorithms when coming up with solutions to solve problems.
An algorithm is a set of instructions that must be followed in order to perform a particular task or
solve certain problem. In computer programming, algorithms act as recipes that describe the
procedures necessary to achieve a set goal. You need to provide the input data taken by your
computer system for processing. Following these predetermined procedures will result in a
particular output. Algorithms in Python programming are intended to instruct Python interpreters
what needs to be done, and they do exactly that.
Programs designed in Python can be represented in the form of flow charts or use of English-like
statements known as pseudocode. Flow charts represent data in the form of inputs, processes,
and outputs. Inputs involve the use of computer hardware and software to enter data into the
Computer software is the term for programs designed to perform various tasks. These programs
are classified into applications software, system software, and programming languages. In this
chapter, we have focused on the use of programming languages, in particular, the Python
programming language, to develop and implement programs.
We learned how to use the Python interactive shell and how to execute a simple python script. In
our second chapter, we learned how to use Python strings. Strings are a built-in data type. We
have learned how to create a string of variables and how to access a single character from that
string. Another important feature you learned is string slicing, which allows you to return sub-
parts of a string in a certain sequence using built-in methods to manipulate strings.
Data sequences is another built-in data type that consists of a series of values held together by a
container. A sequence ensures various objects and values are organized in an efficient manner. It
consists of strings, lists, tuples, xrange objects, use of buffers, and byte arrays. As discussed in
the previous chapter, strings consists of an array of elements whereas a list is a group of elements
organized in a specific order.
Lists are essential in the implementation of sequence protocol. It enables you to easily add and
remove elements from a sequence. Tuples work similar to lists except that they’re immutable.
You can’t add, delete, or change elements created using tuples. Tuples prevents you from
making any accidental changes to your program as well as allow for fast execution of lists.
You also learned how to use string concatenation, check for string membership sequence, and
slicing. You learned various sequence methods used in manipulating data like len(), count(), and
index(). You are also now able to create sets and manipulate them using set functions.
The Python dictionary allows you to add, change, or remove elements from a dictionary.
Dictionary use a key and a value to make calls to a function. Elements in a dictionary are
organized to retrieve data elements using a key. Learn how to add elements to the dictionary and
also remove elements from a dictionary.
In Chapter Four, we learned how to use the math module to perform mathematical calculations.
The math module defines two common constants used in calculations: pi and Euler’s number.
Python properties are accessed via math.pi while the functions. Other constants used in Python
include inf and nan.
Python math functions support different classes in its standard library. These classes include:
numbers and numeric representations, power and logic functions, and trigonometric and angular
conversion functions. Each of these classes have functions which can perform a specific tasks.
Python random module uses pseudo-random number generator tool to generate random numbers
for use. The generated numbers are in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. Some of the functions used in
generating random numbers include randint(), randrange(), sample(), shuffle (), and choice(). In
this chapter, we discussed how to apply each of the random functions to generate random integer
numbers. We also discussed how you can apply randint () to determine a lucky draw in a game.
A Python seed () function is used to get random numbers. Then, the seed number is passed to a
pseudorandom algorithm that generates random sequence bytes. The pseudorandom generator
rely on previously generated values. The seed() initiates the pseudorandom number generator. It
uses the seeding value as the base when generating random numbers. If the seeding value is
unavailable, then it automatically uses the current date.
The seed value always indicates the previous value generated by the pseudorandom number
generator. It also saves the state of the random function in order to enable multiple execution of
random numbers.
The generated random is not secure; you can make the random numbers generated secure by
implementing a cryptography to securely generate pseudorandom numbers. This helps in making
your data more secure and prevent any unauthorized access to data.
We also discussed how to retrieve the current system state and how to restore the previous
system status using getstate () and setstate (), respectively. These functions determine the current
internal state of a random number generator, and this information is very important when
generating a sequence of data. With a program example, we saw how to record the current
internal state of a random number as well as restore the internal state to its previous state using
random.setstate ().
We are also able to generate Numpy.random numbers using arrays and random numbers using
unique IDs.
The date and time module helps in determining the date and time of the day. The date time
module has various functions with a wide range of information on the date object. From the date
and time module, we are able to define a datetime class inside the datetime module, and then use
the now() function to create an object with the current date and time.
The Python module keeps track of date and time in different ways. The datetime module keeps
track of the dates and time as well as converting the dates formats.
The datetime module allow you to manipulate the date and time using the date class, a timestamp
and using the time class. Other methods used in date manipulation include the datetime class,
strftime() to format date objects into string, and strptime() to change the datetime format. The
method creates a datetime object from the date and time string.
Timedelta objects are used to predict past and future dates. A timedelta object calculates the past
and future dates but doesn’t print the date or time. You can also work with different time zones
in your program by calling the PytZ module. Time module is also very important when working
with time in Python programs. The time module enables us to determine the number of days
elapsed since the epoch era.
Python manages time in floating point numbers (seconds). From our discussion, you can use the
time module to determine the number of seconds elapsed since epoch era. You can also
determine the current date and time based on specific format. Time can be represented based on
your physical location and it's called local time. The concept of time representation forms time
A time zone allows us to conform to specific standardized time within our religion and it is
defined using the Coordinated Universal Time, UTC. UTC is a standard for synchronizing and
coordinating the world’s time.
Python time can also be represented using data structures like tuples. We are able to discuss with
examples how you can use tuples to represent time. You are also able to learn how to use Python
time as an object with an example, how to convert time from seconds to objects, and how to
convert local time to string.
File processing is another important feature in Python programming. In this chapter, you learned
about various components of a file, how to use the file path to determine the file storage location,
and about various file operation processes.
You learned how to open a Python program and use various file operation modes to manipulate a
file. You can open buffered binary files the same way you open the normal files for
manipulation, except that the file object either returns a BufferedReader or BufferedWriter. You
also learned how to close files and free up memory resources.
When writing to a file, you can use ‘w’ when writing a character at a time or write() when
writing a string or block of statements. Similarly, the ‘r’ mode is used in reading a single
character in a file while the read() reads a string of statements. You can specify the number of
characters you need to access by modifying the read function with read (size).
File I/O operations provide you with built-in functions to manipulate files in Python. The file I/O
operations are classified into text I/O, binary I/O, and raw I/O. Each of these categories has a
concrete object or stream. And each of the stream objects can either be a read-only, write-only,
or read-write option.
A text I/O stream sends and receives string objects while a binary I/O stream accepts bytes-like
objects and generates byte objects applied on non-text data. Raw I/O is a low-level building
block for both binary and text streams.
The Python Print function is used to display output data on a standard output device like a
display unit or printer.
Python also allows you to import the os and OS.Path modules, which have a wide range of
functions to handle file operations and perform other functions of an operating system. The os
module can allow you to create a directory, rename or remove directory among other functions.
Sometimes, when making a call to an unavailable or invalid file, an error message is generated.
This error message can be handled by exceptions. An exception is any interruption of the normal
program flow caused by a certain condition or error. Whenever an error occurs, an exception is
thrown to catch the error. If the error is not handled immediately, it will result in the termination
or exit of the program.
Exceptions can occur due to various errors as discussed, and by knowing what kind of error you
may expect in your program, you can easily raise an exception. Exceptions can also be handled
using the try…except statements, else clauses, or try..finally clauses. When exceptions occur,
they affect the flow control of the program and the control is taken to the exception block before
resuming the normal execution of the program. We are also able to discuss different exception
classes and how each class hierarchy is applied.
Images and graphics are essential in today’s data driven world. A lot of modern applications rely
on the use of images and graphics to pass information. Python provides a variety of libraries you
can use to process images as well as manipulate image information.
There are various computer image processing algorithms that accepts image inputs and process
these inputs to meaningful information.
To use images in Python, you have to install standard library packages designed to handle image
processing. Some of the common image processing Python libraries include: OpenCV, scikit,
Numpy, Scipy, and the Python Imaging Library.
Based on your image processing needs, you can install the appropriate package. In this chapter,
we installed pil to handle various image manipulation techniques
Graphics is an important tool in Python programming when dealing with events. Importing the
graphics library allows you to draw various images and manipulate graphic images as well as
change the image color and type. You also saw how to use GUI features to carry out various
The graphical user interface provides you with onscreen widgets you can interact with to create
events. These events may result from either using labels to enter text, using textboxes, clicking
command buttons, using list boxes, and menus.
When handling event driven programs, you can import Python modules like Tkinter and Asyncio
that allow you to perform various tasks.
In our last chapter, we are able to learn about network and client/server programming using
sockets. A Python program is able to provide a network access through both low level and high
level network access. The lower level access provides you with basic support to socket
programming as well as allow you to implement both client and server network connections.
Socket programming acts as the network backbone for communication. It makes the transfer of
information between different devices and platforms possible. Sockets in Python programming
are designed for sending and receiving data between various devices, with each socket having an
IP address and a port number.
The socket module provides various classes to handle connections between the devices and other
programs. The various classes handle the transport layer and an interface for connecting devices.
To use the socket, you have to import it to your Python program using socket.socket(). This
allows you to import the library functions and ports used in creating client/server models and
ensures that connecting devices are able to establish communication.
You are able to connect to the server machine, access a website, and also connect to a client
device and execute client server programs. We were also able to discuss how communication
takes place between the client and server.
You learned how Python socket programming allows you to transfer objects through the pickle
method. You also now know the reasons why you should use sockets to send data and better
understand how some application programs like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter rely on
sockets to exchange data.
You also know how information is exchanged between your device (mobile phone or computer)
and the application program through CGI programming and how communication takes place.