Starch Free Food List PDF
Starch Free Food List PDF
Starch Free Food List PDF
This is an unofficial ‘Low Starch and Starch-Free Foods’ List. The starch
content in certain foods like apples or cauliflower can vary greatly
depending on the variety, region grown, and ripening time. This list is
meant to be a loose guide instead of a set of hard fast rules. Please
note that foods like nightshades, nuts, dairy are low-starch but can
often contribute to inflammation.
An iodine test will most accurately examine your fruits & veggies for starch content.
NOTE: In bold are the foods that generally test starch-free. If they are not in bold, it means that they might
have traces of plant starch, or their starchiness varies based on variety and growing methods.
You will have to customize a diet to fit your body through your own trial and error.