GC Computer (Eng)
GC Computer (Eng)
GC Computer (Eng)
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© Publisher
Edition - Second
Edition Year - 2023
Preface Index
Writer - SSGC
M.R.P.: 100/-
There are two main objectives of
Pictorial Presentation of various subjects
l Computer : An
Printed at - of General Studies. The First One - to Introduction 5-8
gain confidence in studying the entire s Computer s Meaning s Working System
Core Publishing Solution subjects in a short time. The Other One - s Full Form s Structure s Major functions
these facts should get imprinted on the s Working System of Computer Architec-
Contact : ture s Applications s Data and their types
brain of the readers. Consequently the
aspirants will be able to remember the l History of
Sam-Samayik facts within no time in the
Ghatna Chakra examination hall. Our aim is that an
Computer 9-24
s Evolution & Development of Computer
188A/128, Allenganj, Churchlane, aspirant should be able to solve at s Meaning, origin and innovation of
Prayagraj (Allahabad) - 211002 least two questions more from
Abacus s Napier Bones Device
each topic because of imbibing s Pascaline and Leibniz Calculator
Ph.: 0532-2465524, 2465525
this very effective pictorial s Father of Computer s Hollerith Census
Mob.: 9335140296 representation. Tabulator s ABC Computer s MARK-I
e-mail : ssgcald@yahoo.co.in A good book is one that s EDVAC s ENIAC s UNIVAC-I
Website : ssgcp.com depicts and imbibe happiness. q Classification of Development of
Computer s Based on Working Technol-
e-shop Website : shop.ssgcp.com While presenting this subject
ogy s Analog Computer s Examples of
matter, it has been kept in mind Analog Computer s Examples of Analog
Copyright 2020, by Sam-Samayik that only the important and Signal q Digital Computer and its
relevant facts should get a example s Hybrid Computer and its
Ghatna Chakra Private Limited. No
place in this presentation along example s Computers classified on the
Part of this publication may be with no factual error at all. basis of size and work s Mini Computer
reproduced or distributed in any Moreover only the and its use s Micro Computer and its use
Purvavalokan related facts s Personal Computer and its use and
form or by any means, electronic, development s Workstation and its use
have been incorporated here.
mechanical, photocopying, recording s Notebook Computer and its develop-
While presenting this book ment s Use, Type, Part, Advantage and
or otherwise or stored in database or before the readers, we have
Disadvantage of Tablet Computer
retrieval system without the prior worked hard to assay all key s Palmtop and Smartphone s Mainframe
written permission of publisher. facts with utmost accuracy. Computer and its use s Super Computer
Undoubtedly, we are in a and its speed measurement and use s Best
The program listings (if any) may five super computers s Exam Facts and
position to say that there is 99.9
be entered stored and executed in a percent accuracy or above. This
Interesting Facts s Super Computer in
India q Computers Classified on the basis
computer system, but they may book is well designed, handy,
of Hardware Usage s First Generation
not be reproduced for publication. and appropriate for revision Computer s Second Generation Computer
at the eleventh hours of the s Third Generation Computer s Fourth
examination with appropriate Generation Computer s Fifth Generation
design elements and a sense of Computer s Future Use s Next Generation
originality. Computer s Generation of Computer - At a
Writer glance
& Associates Despite all efforts to
make this book very efficacious, if l Components of
any doubt arises regarding facts,
Sudhakar Tiwari readers are always welcomed to
Computer System
Shubham Gupta
contact on our WHATSAPP 25-52
platform. You may WHATSAPP on q Hardware & Software
Asif Iqbal mobile number 8081655444. Your q Input Device
doubts will be resolved within 72 hours s Man Data Input Device s Software
compulsorily. Keyboard s Virtual Keyboard s On Screen
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Keyboard s Hardware Keyboard s Parts of Software q Types of software s System
Keyboard s Functions Keys s Special Purpose Software and its types s Operating System,
Keys s Characteristics of Mouse s Mouse, Language Translator and Device Driver
Trackball, Joystick s Light Pen, Touch Screen s s Compiler, Assembler and Interpreter
Source Data Input Device s Speech Recognition s q Difference between compiler and inter-
Sound Card, Microphone, Video Camera, Digital preter s Types of Operating System
Camera, Scanner q Source Data Automation q Development based s Serial Operating
s OCR, OMR, MICR, OBR, PCR s Storage System, Batch Operating System s Embedded,
Device and its types q Primary or Main Network and Distributed Operating System
Memory s ROM, PROM, E-PROM, EE-PROM s Multi Tasking and Multi Programming
q Temporary or Volatile Memory s RAM and Operating System s Open/Closed Source
its characteristics s Cache Memory s Secondary Operating System s Some Popular Operating
or Auxiliary Memory q Access Mode s Use and System s Microsoft Windows NT q Unix, Linux
Example of Sequential Access s Formulae of and Android Operating System s Application
storage capacity of Magnetic Tape s Example of Software (Special and General) s Example of
Direct Access s Magnetic Disk (Hard Disk, General Application Software q Processing,
Floppy Disk) s Optical Disk and its Example Spreadsheet, Presentation, Accounting and
s CD-ROM, CD-R/W, DVD, BD q Electronic DTP Software q Database, Graphics and CAD
Storage Device q Virtual Memory s Difference Software s Difference Between System Software
between Primary and Secondary memory, Storage and Application Software s Utility Software
Capacity and Access Time of Memory q Buffer q File Management Utility and Disk Manage-
Memory and its use q Spool/Spooling ment Utility q Software Package and its Use,
q Selection of Computer Memory for use Example and Definition s Other Software -
q Flash Memory, Memory Card q Processing Retail Software, Freeware, Group ware, Share
Device (CPU) and its structure s Computer's ware, Firmware, Software License, Install,
working system s Three parts of CPU Uninstall Program s Bug and Debug q Syntax
s Register/Memory Unit and its Function Error and Logic Error s Booting (Cold Boot and
s Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit Worm Boot) s Algorithm with Kernel and
s Factors affecting the speed of a CPU Example q Flowchart and Example
s Computer Clock, Word Length, Parallel q Flowchart Signs and Pseudo Code
Calculation s System Bus s Interaction between
CPU and other devices s Output Device l Languages of Computer
s Softcopy, classification of Monitor s LCD/TFT
Monitor, Projector, Hardcopy, Printer and its
Programs 68-71
classification s Printers by capacity, Single, Line, q Low Level Language (Machine and
Page Printer q Printers by style s Impact Printer, Assembly Language) q High Level Language
Dot Matrix Printer s Daisy Wheel Printer, Non- s Difference between Machine Language and
Impact Printer s Thermal and Inkjet Printer Assembly Language q Fortran, Pascal, Cobol,
s Laser Printer and Speaker Icon s Measurement Comal, Logo Basic, Prolog, Algol, C and C++
of Motherboard and Computer System Perfor- s Java s C Sharp, Lisp
mance s Throughput, Response Time and Turn
Around Time l Computer Network
l Computer Software 72-87
q Advantage of Network, Protocol q Types of
53-68 Protocol (TCP, IP, UDP SMTP, HTTP, FTP,
q Function, Use and Definition of Computer IMAP) s Bandwidth, Broadband, RS-32,
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Server s Node, Baud, Baseband q Methods of revolution s Telnet or Remote Login s Instant
Communication (Simplex and Duplex) messaging s Whatsapp, Telegram, Wechat,
s Communication Media (Wave and Wire) Facebook, Messenger, Internet, Telephony
q Microwave, Radiowave, Satellite s Video Conference, Chatting (Text, Voice,
s Bluetooth, Infrared, Wi-Fi, Li-Fi s Other Video) s Usenet, Newsgroup, E-Publishing s E-
wireless (WLL and WiMAX) s Twisted Pair commerce (B2B, B2C, C2C) s Internet Protocol
Cable and Co-axial Cable s Fibre Optics Cable, Television s Blog and Blogging and its types
Ethernet Cable s Data Transmission Service s Use of Internet in Education, Medical and other
(Dial-up Line, Leased Line, GSM, DSL, ISDN, fields s Social Networking Sites (Netiquette,
CDMA) and Wireless Broadband q Synchro- Flame, Flash, Youtube, Acronyms, Facebook,
nous and Asynchronous Transmission Twitter, Emoji) s Establishment year, Founder
q Multiplexing and its types (FDM, TDM, and Current CEO of some Important Social
WDM, CDM) q Switching Techniques Media.
(Circuit Switching, Message Switching and
Packet Switching) q Classification of l www and network
Computer Network (PAN, LAN, WLAN,
CAN, MAN, WAN) q Network Topology (Bus 104-112
Topology, Ring Topology, Star Topology, Mesh s www s Difference between internet and www
Topology, Tree Topology, Hybrid Topology) q s Internet Protocol Address s Seven Layers of
Internetworking Tools or Devices (Network OSI model s Major Tips of OSI Model s Benefits
Gateway, Bridge, Repeater, Router, Switch, of Web applications s Used Languages on www
Hub) q Network Interface Card and (HTML, XHTML, XML, Java Script, PHP, SQL)
Backbone Network q Internet, Intranet and s Versions of IP Address (IPv4 and IPv6) s Types
Extranet and Difference among them of IP Address (Private and Public IP Address)
s Classes of IP Address (Class A, Class B, Class C,
l What is Internet? Class D, Class E) s Domain Name System
(Geographic & Non-geographic) s URL q Web
88-103 Browser and its Example s Internet Explorer,
q Development of Internet (1960 to 1995) Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, UC Browser,
s Who governs the Internet? (Domain Name Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Lynx, Flock,
Register, ISOC, IAB, ICANN, IRTF, W3C and Netscape Navigator q Search Engine (Yahoo,
IETF) q Used Protocols on Internet (TCP/IP, Google, Ask.com, Orkut) q How Search
SMTP, FTP, HTTP, Telnet, Gopher) s Two Engine works s Crawling, Indexing, Ranking
versions of IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) and Retrieval s Examples of Search Engine
s Computer Network established by Government q Network & Data Security
of India (National Knowledge Network), State
Wide Area Network, Educational and Research l Microsoft Office
Network, National Information Centre Network
s Uses of Internet s Internet in India s Internet of 113-119
Things s E-mail and its benefit, loss and inventor
q Introduction q Data Management
s E-mail Service Provider s E-mail Address, User
Name, Domain Name s Parts of an E-mail
System q Features q MS Word q MS
message (Header, Message Body, Envelope) PowerPoint q MS Excel
s Address Book (Mailing List, Forwards, Drafts)
s Elements and types of E-mail message s Benefit l Some Famous IT people and their
and Loss of web based and pop based e-mail
s Security of e-mail message and internet
contribution 120
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Drishti An Introduction
2. Process
l Computer System ®
A computer with
additional hardware and
software together
is called a
computer system.
1. Input 3. Output
Computer &
0 its0 Meaning
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1111111111111111111111111
0 Charles Babbage Full Form
0 0 0 0The
0 0 meaning
0 0 0 0 0of0 the
0 0word
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (The
0 0 0Father of
1 of Computer
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Computer)
0 ↓
0 0000000000000000000000000
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Computer C Common
0 1111111111111111
0 0000000000000000000000000
1 ↓ O Operating
1 1111111111111111111111111
0 0 0 0 0 is derived from the English word
1 0000000000000000000000 M Machine
1 1111111111111111111111111
0 ↓
0 0000000000000000000000000 P Purposely
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Compute
0 1111111111111111 U Used for
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0↓0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1111111111111111111111111
T Technological and
0 0 which means to calculate so it is called a
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1↓1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E Educational
0 0 0000000000000000000000000
1 1 1 1 1 1 1Computer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R Research
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Structure of Computer
1 Major Functions 5
of Computer
2 4
Accuracy Secrecy
of Computer
Memory Versatility
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lUsed to
lUsed for lIt is used to
addition, information
subtraction, store data
as results
l Used for Input, and
Output, resource
multiplication after
storage. division, instructions
lUsed to enter l Process of start logical and
and stop data comparative
data operations Output
and instruction l Scrutinizing and Memory Unit
into a computer controlling of Unit
above processes Arithmetic
Logic Unit
Control Un
of Computer
A computer Hardware Ø Computers are seen everywhere around us, in all
consists of both spares of life.
is of no use
hardware and
Ø Computers have now become an indispensable
without software part of our lives.
software. and software cannot
Both are
equally be used without
important for the hardware.
working of School College Railways
computer system. Computer
Software is a Ø In Airlines Ø In Hospitals
The electronic general term
components of a used for computer
computer system that program
we can see and that control.
Airlines Hospitals
the operation
touch are called
of the
hardware. computer. Ø In Business such as Film Ø In Space
production Bank, etc.
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Computer is an electronic machine used for various types of mathematical
and logical operations. It takes input (instruction) from users and processes
(calculates) and provides output (result) accordingly.
Input t
Charles Babbage designed the
analytical engine which later
on proved to be the basis of modern Result
(i) 599
computer that’s why he is known as (ii) True
The Father of Computer (iii) False
↓ ↓ Ø Software
Example Example ↓
l Students' obtained marks l Students' address l A set of programs responsible for the successful
l Employees' salary implementation of various functions of the computer.
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History of Computer
3000 years ago
Evolution & Development of Computer
go Anc
ars a China ient
3 0 0 0 ye Bab
ut ylon
year credit to e
The History of computer starts from that time when man tried to calculate
very large numbers with the help of a device.
Today, we know it as Abacus.
It includes the Babylonian counting system, the Greek counting system, the
Roman counting system and the Indian counting sytem majorly.
An ancient
Wires and spherical beads
Used to count
are used in it
the numbers
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Used to work on Its other parts are able Able to add, subtract,
the principle of manufactured in to move right multiply and divide
clock and odometer 1642-1644 and left. quickly.
Born Inventions :
26 December, Analytical Engine,
1791 Difference Engine,
London, Died :
England 18 October, 1879
London, England
(Father of
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1889 A.D.
Ø Invention :
By American Mathematician Herman Hollerith
Ø Year in 1889
Ø Another Name -
Electromechanical Punchcard Machine
Ø Credit goes to Herman Hollerith for the invention of the Punchcard in the form of memory.
1939-1942 1944
ABC Computer MARK-I
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1944 1943-1946
Do you know?
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Full Form : Manufactured by Use Designed
Universal GEC The first commercial By John Mauchly
Automatic (General Electric computer UNIVAC-I and
Computer. Corporation) used for business and John Presper
in 1954. general purpose. Eckert.
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Classification of Computers
Development of classified on the basis of
Computer Working Technology
Data storage capacity
Classification of too low Physical quantities
Computer like-pressure,
quantities are
continuously temperature,
Ø Based on Working Technology change over speed, length,
(1) width, electric
(1) (3) Analog voltage, etc.
Analog Hybrid In this, the very cheap
Computer (2) Computer representation of
the data is done
Digital as a continuously Implemented
Computer changing quantity. on the principle
of analog signal.
Used in the field of science
(B) and engineering rather than
Ø Based on Size & Work using analog computers in
the home and office.
(2) Computer (3) 0
Micro Mainframe -1
Computer (4) Computer
Analog signal Analog computer
Examples of Analog Computer
(C) ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Ø Based on Hardware Usage
A Vehicle Voltmeter Petrol
(1) (2) simple speedo- pump
clock meter meter
First Second
Generation (3) Generation
Examples of Analog Signal
(4) Generation (5) ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Fourth Fifth
Generation Generation Air Earth Car's Spoken
blowing shaking speed Voice
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(2) (3)
Digital Computer and its example Mixed form of Designed for
digital and analog special work
Analog signal is
and processing
for calculation
and output
and its
Ø Binary digits (0 and 1) is used for calculation. Analog Signal Digital Signal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Digital Signal Hybrid Computer
Computers classified on the basis of Size and Work
Multiple persons are capable of
In passenger reservation,
working at the same time.
company, research and office, etc.
Mini Computer
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s It dev
essor elope
e r oproc it. d firs 8, 16
d sinc M i c IBM t by , 32
micro or 64 bit
Starte . sed in Com
1970 are u proce
are u sso
sed in rs
VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) and
ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) reduce the size of
microprocessor and increase the efficiency manifold
Smartphone (2) Notebook Computer
or Laptop
Micro Computer
and its use
Palmtop Netbook computer
Many Forms
Tablet Computer Workstation
Personal Computer
and its use and
Used Hardware PC Manufacturer Company
- PC
Keyboard, Monitor, IBM, Lenovo, Apple,
CPU, Memory and Company, Zenith, HCL, HP,
other hardwares Hewlett-Packard, Intel, etc.
Development of PC
l Developed in 1981. Microprocessor 8080 is used.
l Increased storage capacity by installing a hard disk drive.
l Nomenclatured PC-XT (Personal Computer Extended Technology)
l Nomenclatured PC-AT (Personal Computer Advanced Technology)
PC made by new microprocessor 80286 in 1984.
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Workstation and its use
Ø Due to being used in the Lap, it is also popular by the name laptop.
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l Used in Education, Health, Marketing
l Useful in reading books/newspapers, browsing
the web, generating reports, collecting data,
conducting surveys, project planning, online
learning, day-planning, etc.
Types Parts
Slate Tablet, Mini Tablet, (2e) -Stylus (a type of touch
Gaming Tablet, Booklet, pen), screen, external body,
Business Tablet, Phablet, Tablet battery, operating system,
2-in-1 or Hybrid Computer power button, volume
button and back button and
application software.
Advantages Disadvantage
It is cheap for using in l All features of
hand, carrying anywhere, computer are unavailable.
using without keyboard, l Unable to shoot
mouse, etc. selfies or videos.
l Fewer features, higher prices.
l Risk of touchscreen breakage.
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(2f) (2g)
Palmtop Smartphone
This is a mobile phone
Ø Characteristics
Ø Use - Useful in company, passenger-
Touchscreen, Web browsing, Wi-Fi,
reservation, research, etc.
Applications, Motion Sensor, Mobile Payment.
Ø Increase Use
the processing Used in large
capacity of two Mainframe
or more Computer
microprocessors Railway
by connecting
and its use Reservation,
them together. Defense,
Ø 32 or 64 bit
is used. Operating System Spacealogy, etc.
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Exam Facts
Ø The credit for the creation of the
world's first supercomputer goes to
Ø Company – Cray Research Company.
Ø Stablished – by Seymour Cray.
Ø Father of Super Computer –
Seymour Cray (Father of Super Computer)
Interesting Facts
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Ø PACE (Processor for Ø Its computing capacity is 1 Tera Flops (1 Tera = 1012) i.e. 10 trillion
Aerodynamic Computation calculations per second.
and Evaluation) Series' super
computer manufactured by
ANURAG (Advanced Ø The fastest supercomputer PARAM Yuva-II developed by C-DAC
Numerical Research and was built in 2013.
Analysis Group) Hyderabad.
Ø Computation capacity of PARAM Yuva-II is 524 Teraflops but at
present 529.4 Teraflops.
Ø It was built for DRDO Ø Such supercomputers are available only with seven countries of the
(Defence Research and world, America, Japan, China, Israel, Italy, Germany and India.
Development Organization).
Computers classified on the basis of Hardware Usage
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Operating System
Batch operating systems are used for key
roles in Industry and Business
Ø It is an Advantage
electronic device Ø Transistors are
made up of p and n (2) relatively light, small
types of
Second Generation and used to
This arrangement Computer consume less
is called Transistor. (1959-1965) electricity
Ø These are made of Ø Calculation time or
Silicon (Si) speed is in
and microsecond
Germanium (Ge).
1 ms = 10–6 sec
Used Language
Ø Mnemonic code used in
Used Hardware
High Level Assembly Language.
Ø Use of Transistors instead of
Ø High Level Language such as COBOL
Vacuum Tube.
(Common Business Oriented Language) and
Ø Use of Magnetic Tape and
FORTRAN (Formula Translator) used in
Magnetic disk for storage.
The Transistor was invented in 1947 by John Wardeen, William Shockley and Walter Bretton of Bell Laboratories.
Drawbacks Advantage
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Advantage Used Operating
Ø Calculation time is in Four omputer System
Pico second (PS)
ration Ø Development and use
1 ps = 10–12 sec Gene -1980 of MS-DOS, Microsoft
Ø Development of very 1971 Windows and Apple
small and handheld Operating System
computers using (Apple OS)
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Future Use
Ø Efforts to insert Artificial Intelligent
in the new computer are progressing
so that the computers can make their
own decisions.
Ø It is used in Voice Recognition
and Robotics.
Computer Ø DNA Computer
Preserving and processing the data by using
DNA or protein based biological material in
omplished due
l Energy in electric rays is acc place of Silicon and using copper salt will make
to the presen ce of elec tron s. possible the cheap construction of super
computers in future which is also called Bio
ted in the 0's and 1's Computer.
l These electrons are able to be coun
ly by mov ing rapi dly in their orbitals
positions simultaneous
of such computers
l By its use, the development Ø Chemical
g faster than
is going on, which will be workin Computer
sma ller and faster.
human brain and will be In this,
ry of matter whose chemical
l It will use the quantum theo properties
it (Quantum bit)
memory will be measured in Qub and
whereas in normal computer, concentration
memory is measured in bits. of the
substance to
be calculated
will be possible to built a
computer representing data by
different concentrations of
Ø Nano Computer
It is being envisaged to develop very small and large capacity
computers using nanotubes built at the nanoscale (1 ´ 10–9m)
diameter, in which the molecular structure of matter will be used.
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Quality/Faults Expensive, Expensive, Relatively small Relatively cheap Very fast and
Larger size, Relatively and cheap, fast and fast, high- very short
Higher energy small and easy to use capacity, easy
consumption, and fast to use
Greater chance
of errors
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n dri
Input Device
It is an electomechanical device. It makes the computer usable
by accepting data and instruction from the user.
Man Data
Device { Point & Draw Device
Pick Device
Audio Input Device
Source Data
Device { Video Input Device
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Mouse Scanner
& Draw Track Ball OCR
Joy Stick OMR
Device MICR
Light Pen
Pick OBR
Touch Screen
Voice Recognition
Audio Video Video Camera
Input Sound Card Input
Device Device Digital Camera
Man Data Input Device
(a)(i) Keyboard
¯ ¯
(I) Software Keyboard (II) Hardware Keyboard
¯ ¯
Virtual Keyboard On Screen Keyboard
l Virtual means pragmatic
l It is prepared by Software
l Its image (virtual picture) is taken
down on a surface and then used to
enter data or instructions into the
computer by touching any of its
buttons. l An application software.
l Advantage – There is no chance of l Keyboard is visible on computer screen.
wear and tear and no need for l It is used by using mouse, touchscreen or other pointing devices.
cleaning as there are no any l It is a variant of virtual keyboard.
mechanical parts l It is used for inserting data into tablets and smartphones.
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Function Keys
Hardware Keyboard
l Used to enter alphanumeric data into the computer and give instructions to the computer.
l Connection by PS-2 (Plug Station-2) Port of Keyboard and USB (Universal Serial Bus) port to the CPU.
of Special
Function Keyboard Purpose
Numerical Modifier
Key-pad Keys
End Up
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Parts of Keyboard
Ø Buttons located on the right side of the Ø Home – It is used to move the cursor
keyboard, similar to the calculator. to the beginning of a line, Ctrl+Home to the
beginning of the current page or document.
Ø Used for fast filling of numerical data.
Ø End – End is used to move the cursor to
Ø In this, Numerical lock with the end of a line or end of page, ctrl + End
0 to 9, ., +, –, * to the end of the current page or document.
and / and enter bottons are present.
Modifier Keys
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Return / Enter
It is used to execute the instructions
Tab Key
given to the computer,
It is used to move the cursor
to send the typed data on the screen
by jumping to a certain distance which can be
to the computer, to start
covered by ruler.
a new paragraph or line in MS word. It is used to select one of the options
available in a dialog box.
Do you know?
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Features of Mouse
Left Button Right Button
l Located on the left side of l Located on the right side of
the mouse. the mouse.
l It is used to perform click, l According to the software, it
double click, point or drag. is used for some special
functions such as opening
Ú dialog box or menu box,
Centre Button viewing properties, etc.
l Another name
Scroll Button, Roller
Button or Wheel Button
l Used to scroll up and down a
document or web page.
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It is an electro Its importance It is used for selecting menu Mouse was There are two
mechanical increased with commands, moving icons (drag invented in or three buttons
pointing input the use of GUI & drop), resizing windows, 1964 by Dr. right, left and
device. (Graphical User starting programs, selecting Douglas centre exist on
Interface). options, etc. Engelbart. the mouse.
i) (a)(v
(a)(ii It consists of a gear-
Lig )
all Thi ht P
ck B Aided shaped stick and a s ha
T r a
er nd- en
m put mputer click button on it, by inpu
t de
C o o poin
D- –C as which video games, wri
vice ting
CA C AM g used i
on c s used
& ri n f o
ign actu place o simulator training, draw mpute or
Des a nuf n r
ed M
vice puters
. robot control, etc. read ing pic screen
Aid ing de o m e works are performed
int op c f th c
a po in lapt ition o by selecting any icon
Pho od
to c es, etc
use os the .
mo s t he p oving or text. ligh
ell a
ge by m ving i
t t ar
han ter e us
It c i n m o in t ed
po ut his
l w itho . dev
er b
a l ace
b b i t s pl
ru from
Touch Screen
Blue light rays move around the surface of this input device,
when one touches anyone of the options available on the screen with the finger,
the speed of the rays gets affected and records the position by which the computer starts
processing. It is used in ATM, Smartphone, Tablet,
Information Kiosk, etc.
(b) (b)(i)
Source Data Input Device Speech Recognition
(i) Sound Card
Speech (iii)
Recognition Microphone Ø It is used to recognize the words spoken by
human and display them on computer screen after
converting them into text.
(iv) Camera Ø It is used to control the movements of
(vi) computers and other electronic devices by giving
Video Scanner
Camera verbal commands.
(vii) Ø In this system, a microphone converts voice
Source Data
into analog signal, again converts it into digital
data and then converts into text or command.
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(b)(ii) (b)(v)
Sound Card Digital
internal expansion card
Ø It is an audio card,
t of an audio signal
that provides the outpu
r the control of a
from a computer unde
computer program.
Microphone or Mic
Ø A digital camera or a digicam in short,
taking a video or still photograph or
both in digital form, capable of
converting photodiode optical
Microphone information into electrical waves,
popularly recording images through an electronic
known as Mike image sensor and transmitting it to a
or Mic.
(b)(iv) (b)(vi)
Video Camera
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Source Data Automation
Its construction mainly for inserting input into logistics and personal computer system.
Ø This input device is capable of reading
special signs, symbols or marks and Ø MICR stands for
making them usable by the computer. Magnetic Ink Character Reader / Recognition.
Ø Punch card is a hard and rigid paper Ø Its rapid use in cheques / drafts
card which is capable of storing data. issued by the Bank.
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Storage Device
¯ ¯
Floppy Hard
ROM Random Access Disk Disk
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ Magnetic
¯ ¯ Disk
Dynamic Static
RAM RAM Optical Electronic
Disk Storage
isk g
tD) Di ital V
a c sk er Zip
o mp D-R (D sat
VD ile Disk
C (C )
Blue (BD)
Disk HDD
¯ ¯
Disk Winchester
Flash Memory Memory Card
Pack Disk
CD-ROM (Pen drive) (Chip)
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The data stored l It is able to
in this store new
permanent PROM E-PROM programs by
memory are not removing
destroyed by l Full form is l It is able to (deleting) the
themselves and Programmable Read store new old programs by
can't be replaced Only Memory programs by high electric
them. It can only l It is programmed removing potential.
by optimized data by (deleting) old l Its use in
be read. Its full
special process. programs by research as flash.
name is Read
ultraviolet l Pen drive is its
Only Memory. l There are
rays. good example.
The information thousands of diodes
l Able to l Flash Memory
is able to remain present in it which are
store data has features of
in it even when capable of recording
even in both RAM and
the power supply the desired absence of ROM.
is turned off. information by fused power supply.
with high voltage.
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Ø The more bits of the word length in the memory, the higher will be the speed of data
transfer. Therefore, on increasing the word length in a machine, the speed increases.
It can be compared to a road. The wider the road, the higher the speed.
Ø Temporary Memory is called main, volatile and Ø All data and information stored in it are
primary memory. destroyed when power supply is turned off.
Ø It is an internal memory of computer. That is why it is called volatile memory.
Ø It is directly accessed by the processor (CPU).
Ø It is faster than secondary memory.
Ø Computer can't run without primary memory.
Ø It is a fast semiconductor
Characteristics of RAM memory made of microchip.
Cache Memory
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A fastest memory.
CPU Memory RAM
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1. The storage
Sequential capacity of Magnetic
Tape is multiplication of
density of the data
record and length of
3. 2. the tape.
Random Direct
ß Storage
Example Example Example
of of of Data Density
Sequential Direct Random (Byte per inch)
Access Access Access ´
Tape Length
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Ø Hard Disk
Ø It is a built-in round disk made of
polycarbonate plastic.
Ø One of its surfaces is coated with a
thin layer of Aluminium to convert light
and a laser beam is used to read or write
data on it. Hence, it is also called a Laser
l First Feature
Micro pit on the surface of the disk is
l Permanent and Auxiliary Memory. called pits and flat area between the Pits
l Disk made of metal or plastic. is called Lands.
l Iron oxide layer is used.
l Read/write head used for reading or writing. l Second Feature
l Capable of storing huge amount of data. Pits represent the binary digit 0 or
off and Lands represent the binary
digit 1 or on.
Ø Floppy Disk
l Examples
® CD (Compact Disk)
® DVD (Digital Versatile Disk)
® BD (Blue Ray Disk)
l Benefits
® Less chance of data being erased or changed.
® More storage capacity at less cost.
® Easy to transfer data.
® Less chance of disk wear since the Read.
l Circular Disk contained in a
write Head does not have physical contact
plastic square floppy. with the disk.
l A layer of magnetic material used
on the disk.
l Protected by a plastic square shell. l Drawbacks
l Divided into tracks and sectors. High chance of disk damage
l Each sector has 512 bytes of storage capacity. due to dust, dirt, fingerprint, etc.
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l In 50 GB storage space,
CD-RW 9 hours of High Definition
Ø Full Name l Compact Disk Re-writable Video (HDV) or 23 hours of
Ø Feature Standard Definition Video
l It can be read and written many times.
(SDV) is able to be stored.
Pictorial Representation 40 GS Drishti Computer : An Introduction
m com It is
em p a
so sy or ute typ
ex ftw ste y m r sy e o
or ecu are m i ana ste f
pr te pr n w ge m's
to another.
(Pen Drive)
im d i og h m
In the form of
storage device.
Flash Memory
Transferring data
Th y he s
Pictorial Presentation
th is s m m a
e e ys em a re
pu pro xe tem or in
t c c y.
t i
w m ng ss ti en e u
a l hic ain it w on ab
ar h a m en ith of les
ge u em ti ou a
r s o re t
m size er f ry ly i By
em a ee by n
or nd ls l w
y. fa ik h
be th ich
ste e
r c is t
It om me he
e s
fre dep s u mo ize
e s end nli ry Usage
pa s o mi
m t
em ce o n th ed.
M or f t e
pr er y. he
ev pro nd ss e Pos
e e in xe s
in ent mo due
sy by ry
memory card
In the form of
Camera, PDA,
Memory Card
ste the
Smartphone, etc.
In Mobile, Digital
(Multimedia Card)
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MB Byte 4 MB 4 GB 1600 GB 60 GB
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Buffer Memory
A temporary Sending a
storage area document to a
where buffer with high
the data to be speed capacity
printed is stored for before printing, is
a period of time. called spooling.
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Selection of
Computer Memory for Usage
Cache Memory
Storage Capacity
Access Time
Magnetic Disk
Optical Disk
Memory Card
Ø Selection of computer
memory is such a way –
Without slowing down the speed of data
processing, to achieve maximum
utility at low cost.
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Processing Device Working System of Computer (CPU)
An electronic Secondary or
Result or
Data and
microchip Auxiliary
Important CPU is called Memory
part of Heart or Brain
computer of computer
Output Unit
Input Unit
system Primary or
Main Memory
Computer is Used to
unable to control, instruct
work without and process all
CPU tasks. Control Unit
Processing (CU)
Another Part Able to
(CPU) transform data
CU, ALU and
into information Arithmetic
after processing Logic Unit
(Register) based on (ALU)
Another name CPU Able to execute
(Central Processing the operating
Unit) or Processor system and other Parts/Components of CPU
or Microprocessor programs.
Unit Three Parts of Unit
or CPU
Memory Unit
Arithmetic Logic Unit
for processing.
Register /
I/O Module Memory
and Its
I/O Device
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l To processor (ALU)'s l Among all the
functions or operations. softwares, hardwares and
their activities
l To input / output and other Storing
hardware like monitor, l Between Input /
printer, scanner, mouse, Fetching data from Output devices
keyboard, disk, etc. main memory and
storing them
Logic Unit (ALU) Logical Unit
Arithmetic l Equal to (=)
Unit l Less than (<)
Ø The important part of CPU is ALU.
l Greater than (>)
l Addition (+) Ø The actual execution of
instructions and data are l Less than or equal to (<)
l Subtraction (–) processed by ALU. l Greater than or equal to (>)
l Multiplication (×) Ø It is used to l Less than or
perform arithmetic does not equal to (<¹)
l Division (÷) and logical calculations. l Greater than or does
1 Ø ALU is divided 2 not equal to (>¹)
into two parts.
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etween C PU and other dev
Co-ordination b
Ø Generally, CPU is able to do fast
Ø Negative impact on computer's speed due
Two or more processors to slowing down of other devices.
are used to solve a single Ø Positive impact on computer's speed due to
problem. speeding up of other devices.
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Output Device w?
Ø Electromechanic Device Do you kno sured
m p u te r m onitor is mea
Ø Used to display the result processed by the of a co onitor, whic
Ø The size n gth of the m
CPU. ia g o n al le f a
based on the
d us, the size o
Ø Able to display the result as hard copy or ss ed in inches. Th ld
is usual ly ex p re es wide wou
soft copy.
in ch es lo n g and 9 inch
Ø Example – Monitor, Printer, Projector, monitor is 1 .
Speaker, Plotter, etc. be 15 inches
Output Device
¯ ¯
Soft Copy Hard Copy
(Which can be seen only) (Which can be both seen and touched)
¯ ¯
Display Unit or ¯ ¯
Monitor Printing Listening Unit
¯ Unit or Speaker
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Monochrome Gray-Scale Colour ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ Printer Plotter
¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ Impact Non-Impact Drum Flat Bed
CRT LCD Projector Printer Printer
(Cathode (Liquid Crystal Display) / ¯
Ray TFT ¯ ¯
Tube) (Thin Film Transistor) / Dot Daisy ¯
LED Matrix Wheel ¯ ¯ ¯
(Light Emitting Diode) Inkjet Laser Thermal
¯ ¯ Classification Monochrome Monitor
Vector CRT Rester CRT Ø Its display
¯ ¯ of Monitor
Three types of displayed with two
¯ monitor available colours
used in Hospitals based on its colour Ø One colour of the
background and
other one colour
Soft Copy of the visible object.
Ø Temporary output,
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Ø It is an output device which is
Ø Full Form – Cathode Ray Tube used to show any type of image or
video on a white poster or wall.
Ø Another Name – VDU (Visual Display Unit)
Ø It was invented in 1895 by
Ø Available like a picture tube of a TV Lumiere Brothers, Auguste and
Ø Phosphorus layer used on screen.
Base System Y deflect
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Printers by style
Impact Printer
e l e ctro Ø Used to print by pressing on paper and
t is a ice. ink ribbons, similar to a typewriter.
Ø I t dev
t p u he Ø Used to print electromechanically by
t o put t e
d striking on ribbon and paper.
e d on th
la y on Ø Single colour output available depending
p u t disp f o r mati on the colour of the ribbon.
out ital i
e n (dig G raph Ø Physical contact established among print
s c r e s ,
ge per.
Ima n pa
head, ribbon cartridge and paper during
like ) o py
t s , etc .
S o f t Co printing.
Tex ert Ø Effective printing on paper using ink
t o conv y.
U se d
a r d Cop ribbon.
into Ø Examples –
Dot matrix and daisy wheel printer.
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Ø In this, printing on
Daisy Wheel Printer paper by dots.
Non-Impact Printer
Ø No physical contact between
Ø A character is present on each petal. print head, cartridge and paper.
Ø Ink powder used inside
Ø The wheel is rotated at high speed by a motor. the cartridge.
Ø Its printing is good. Ø Missing ribbon in this.
Ø Multiple carbon copy can be printed simultaneously. Ø Printing is done by
spraying ink by electrical or
Ø In this, a plastic wheel is used similar chemical method.
to the Daisy flower shape.
Ø Faster speed and less noise.
Ø When the correct letter position is
reached at the printing position, it is Ø Both black and colour printing is
struck with a small hammer. possible.
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Advantage Disadvantage
Ø Low printing cost with good quality. Ø More expensive equipment.
Laser Printer
Mother Board
Ø It is the main Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
link to which all components are connected.
Ø Visible like printer
device. Ø Entire computers orgranized around it.
Ø Used to print vector
graphics. Ø CPU, RAM, ROM, HDD, etc. are connected on it.
Ø Plotter used
instead of toner. Ø Input unit, output unit, CD drive, sound
Ø Pen, pencil, card, video card, TV card, Graphics card,
marker or etc. are connected.
other writing
devices are used to Ø Expansion slots are available for future
draw continuous connections of hardware device.
lines on paper.
of Computer
Speaker Icon Main Circuit
Board of Computer
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Computer Software
l The number of useful processing performed by the computer per unit time.
Throughput l Used to measure the performance of hard drive, RAM,
Internet and network connections.
prepared by the program to complete the assigned task, checks it, identifies
programmer to make a
computer perform a and fixes the bugs and consider the possibilities arising
definite and specific task. during the implementation (processing).
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Types of Software
System Application Executable Program
Software Software l The software that gives the desired
result by executing by the computer
processor (CPU).
l The extension name of this file is .exe
l To follow the instructions of the
Utility program are run, execute, process,
Software operate.
Working implementation by
Application Software Application Software
Hardware Controlling By
Operating System
System Software
Hardware Hardware
¯ ¯ ¯
System Software Application Software Utility Software
¯ ¯ ¯
¯ ¯ ¯ Word Anti-virus
Operating Language Device Driver Processor Examples
System Translator Example Examples
Example Example Motherboard Spreadsheet
Windows Compiler, driver, Database program
Unix, Assembler, Keyboard Accounting File manager
Linux, Interpreter driver Pagemaker
Android, Printer driver Coreldraw
MAC OS Scanner driver Photoshop
Without it,
A set of programs designed to perform The sets of
the computer
It is the basic functions of a computer programs
is a lifeless are responsible
connected to system and make them functional.
machine. System for running the
Hardware computer,
and Functions intermediate function Use controlling
Application between the computer and user, the used for tasks, managing
Software function of preparing background computer resources.
for application software. hardware.
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l Source code is written by the programmer in a high level language which the computer is unable to
understand directly because the computer understands binary (0 and 1). For solving these types of
problems, language translator is used.
Compiler Interpreter
l A language translator
l A language translator l Like a compiler,
program. program.
interpreter is also a
l Used to translate High l Used for assembling
language translator
Level Language (HLL) (converting) the program
program into machine written in assembled
l Used to execute a
language. form or low level
program designed in a
l By translating the whole language into machine
program in one go, it is used high level language by
to indicate all mistakes (bugs) converting them into
l Used to convert
in line order. machine language.
assembly language as
l Used to create an l Used to run or execute
mnemonic code into
executable program by each line of the program
binary code.
compiling the entire source by converting them into
program or source code into machine language line by
an object program. line.
Assembly Language
(Source Code)
High Level Language Assembler High Level Language
¯ (Source Program)
Compiler Machine Language (Object Code) ¯
¯ Interpreter
Object Program ¯
Important Facts Program Implementation
l Linux is also a powerful l Linux is available for free while l Limited usage of Linux
operating system like Windows. Windows is available for paid. compared to Windows.
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Used to display all errors together. Used to display another fault by correcting
an error after displaying it.
Operating System Embedded
Operating System
Operating System
Development Batch
Based Operating System
Open/Closed Source
Operating System Network
Multiprogramming Operating System
Operating System
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Serial Operating System
l In this, one by one tasks Job 1 Job 1
(Processes or jobs) are executed
Job 2 Opera- Job 2 CPU
l After completion of a process
(job), another are executed. Job n Job n
l Now, its use is negligible.
Batch Operating System
l In this, organizing similar tasks (processes or jobs) as a batch
and executing them in groups.
l Payroll system, Bank statements.
l All computer resources available for execution of jobs.
l Very little CPU idle time.
l Difficult to debug.
l If one job falls, the other job has to be stopped to wait for an
unknown amount of time.
Job 1
Job 1,
Similar Job 2 Batch 1
Job 3,
Job 5
Job n Job n
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Embedded Device
Operating System Drivers
l Operating system to use
the processor located
inside an electronic device.
l Present (stored) in ROM Embedded
(Real Time
(Read Only Memory). Firmware Operating
l Used in home System
appliances like
microwave, washing
machine, DVD player, car
management system, Reference
traffic control, electronic Board Design
clock, etc.
Network Operating
Client 1 Client 2
l This operating system used
to run on a single server.
l Capable of managing data,
security, users, groups,
applications and other
networking tasks.
l On its private network,
access permission of sharing
files, printers, applications,
security and other functions.
l Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
2008, UNIX, LINUX, Mac OSX, BSD File Server
l Integration in new technology
and hardware system and centralized Client 3 Client 4
server security.
l Dependence on the central
location for expensive server,
more tasks.
Distributed CPU Disk CPU Disk CPU Disk
Operating System
l Capable of running various Memory Memory Memory
applications using multiple
processors and memories.
l Due to its use by many
users, its another name is
loosely coupled operating Distributed
system Operating
Benefit System
l When one system falls,
using the simplest of the other
systems are possible.
l Due to failure of the main CPU Disk CPU Disk
network, all communications stopped.
l Low availability due to being expensive. Memory Memory
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Multi Tasking Operating System
l Used to perform multiple tasks (more than one task).
l All the tasks can be edited simultaneously after the processor has given all the
running programs (tasks) for some time.
l Actually assigning time to different processes by the CPU.
l The tasks are completed so fast that the user feels that all the tasks are
happening simultaneously.
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Example Example
Linux, Google's Android OS Windows, Apple's iphone OS
Microsoft Windows
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l Used for Creating text document (Letter, Report,
Spreadsheet Books) Editing, Formatting, Checking grammar Desktop
Software spelling, Printing, etc.
l Used to classify and l
analyze mathematical Abbreviation is
and statistical data in Presentation Accounting DTP.
the form of table (Row Software Package l Used in the
and Column. l Used for l Used in work and
l Facility to create presentation of various practice of
graphs and charts. information in the financial
office, conference accounting,
l Used to create meeting, seminar, business l Used to
Ledger in Banks and etc. transactions enter and edit
Merchant l Example and general text data in a
establishments. MS Power Point, management. computer.
Presentation l Example
l Example l Example
Graphics, Libre Tally
MS Excel, Lotus, Smart Office Impress, etc. Microsoft
Suit, Open Office Calc, Publisher,
Libre Office Calc, Page Maker,
Apple Numbers, etc. Corel Draw,
Word Spreadsheet Presentation Database
Word Pad MS MS MS
MS Windows MS-Word Excel Power Point Access
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Database Cad Software
Software Full Form
Software l Used to built, l Computer Aided Design
l Used to store, modify modify and print l Used in engineering and specific
and classify data. graph, image, design, creating three dimensional
Example drawing, etc. (3-dimensional) design of map,
Example modifying and process
l MS Access, Oracle, understanding, etc.
l Paint Shop Pro,
Libre Office, Base, SQL Adobe Photoshop, Example
Server, etc. etc. Auto CAD, Auto Desk,
2. User interaction impossible User interaction possible due to
due to running in Backend. running in Frontend.
3. Able to run independently. Application Unable to run independently. For being
Software capable, system software is needed.
Utility Software
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¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
File Management Utility Security Disk Management Utility Backup
¯ Programs ¯ and
¯ ¯ (Anti ¯ ¯ ¯ Recovery
File Data/File Virus Disk Disk Disk Utility
Manager Compressor Utility) Formatting Fragmentation Cleaner
In case, the memory disk gets damaged, it is possible to store it on another
takes less time to transfer over l Used to View, Edit, Print, Move ,
the network. Example JPEG, Copy, Delete and Modify the Files
MP3, MPEG and Folders.
of loss of data.
Anti Virus
Utility Disk Cleaner
Software Utility is used to l Through this, it is possible to
disable viruses that cause increase the capacity of the memory
system failures disk by removing the impurities and
unnecessary programs and data.
Disk Formatting Management Disk Fragmentation
l Major functions like Utility l It enables faster disk speed by
checking all the sectors of recording all the files on the disk.
floppy, hard disk or optical disk, l Able to improve memory
identifying bad sectors, preparing management by arranging
address table and free space between different
optimizing OS, etc. stored files.
Software Package
l A group of software designed
for a specific purpose.
Another Name
l Software Suit Microsoft
l Integrated Software Office
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Other Freeware
Retail l It is available for personal
Software use without fee.
l Which is l Available for free on internet.
available for sale in l Its full rights (copyright)
the market and is available to manufacturer.
manufactured for
use by paying a l Only manufacturer has the
reasonable price. right to change the source code
not the user has.
l Unavailable for sale.
A utility software
developed for
Share Ware general purpose at Firmware
l Mixed form of software or
Software the convenience of
software and hardware.
l Used for a specific period of individuals. l Saves the hardware and
time, without fee. Example replaces it.
l Fee required for use after Online Chat, l Stored in permanent electronic
ending of the trial period. memory at the time of
E-mail, Voice Mail,
l Free available manufacture.
News group, l Software written in ROM,
on internet. Video Conferencing. PROM is its example.
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l The core point or part of the infrastructure of an operating system.
l Its main function is to establish a connection between software and hardware and
ensure the management items of equipment.
l Complete operating system based on the Kernel itself.
l Another Name – the source code of the software.
A set of
procedures designed
step by step to achieve
a desired result. l Able to
complete each
instruction in
l given time.
Its all Used to Small set l Each algorithm
instructions eventually
build of
must be Alogrithm terminates.
correct and ladders to instructions.
l At each
clear. solve the
completion, the
problems. desired result
must be achieved.
Logic required
to build a
Algorithm to print Step 4 : if A < 50 goto Step 2
all even numbers Step 1 : A = 2
Step 5 : if A > 50
from 1 to 50 Step 2 : Print A
Step 6 : Stop
Step 3 : A = A + 2
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Input A, B
Example Yes
of a flowchart to A>B
show a larger or
smaller number in
Print A Greater
two No
Print B Smaller
Process 1
Process 3
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Signs of Flowchart
The oval symbol used Start and the Used to represent logic or questions and their results
End the process. (Yes or No) one or more options possible on this.
The parallelogram used for Used to indicate the direction of the flow
input or output. from top to bottom or left to right.
Process Connectors
Pseudo Code
1. Start
2. Input A, B
Pseudo code to 3. Compare A and B
represent a larger
or smaller number 4. If A > B, Print A
in two numbers. 5. Else Print B
6. Stop
Pseudo Code
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Signs of Flowchart
The oval symbol used Start and the Used to represent logic or questions and their results
End the process. (Yes or No) one or more options possible on this.
The parallelogram used for Used to indicate the direction of the flow
input or output. from top to bottom or left to right.
Process Connectors
Pseudo Code
1. Start
2. Input A, B
Pseudo code to 3. Compare A and B
represent a larger
or smaller number 4. If A > B, Print A
in two numbers. 5. Else Print B
6. Stop
Pseudo Code
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(First pro l Di
d gra R sad
e d an m eq va
t a g
a n Generation l
M on for e uires ntag
a n rst ne. . i nst u t h a c a e
v e
Ad und ach speed
i Language) ruc ch di e typ h tas diffe
t f e k r
to by m ing deb ions ficult of m and ent
Ea able ocess l The only language of
ug by p y in ach dep
gin re
l cap t pr
s g, par unde ine. ends
F a computer is capable b m
y h odi ing p rstan
l of understanding. um fyin rog din
an. g, ram g
l Language written in binary (0 and 1). etc s,
l Computer is an electronic circuit which only
able to sense ON (1) or OFF (0).
l Another name for machine language is machine code.
l Computer processor is able to understand directly and execute
machine language.
l No translation software is required for this.
l Very fast program execution speed.
y l Dis
e e ver e n
(Second It a
a g
nt guag guag than
Generation i s s s pro dvan
a l o c t
v n n
Ad ly la ial la s in i
t l ma wer essin age
. Language) l a P c h t h g
b qu m rs ng rog ine an sp
sem llo gra ge. rro uag ra t
e d ms langu hat o ed
As to co e pro ngua ove e ore e w f
l se rit la em is m l pe ri ag
clo r to w chine and r age ine Re
q ma nd o tten i e.
a u c
sse ire hin th n th n
sie ma find langu mach l Mnemonic code mb me e. e ty is
Ea to bly han . le nt pe
l y composed of letters and
Ea ssemable guag t e har r for of se of
l A ad lan numbers (pre-defined words) d s
wa epa ara p
l re used for programming in this language. re. rat te
'ADD' to add 'SUB' to subtract, 'LD' to load data into memory, etc.
l Computer is unable to understand this language.
Therefore, a translator named assembler is used to translate
the mnemonic into binary language.
l Another name for a program written in an assembly
language is source program or source code.
l Capable of converting machine language to object program
by assembler software.
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l The language used in colloquial l Use on different computers without any changes.
and writing (similar to human l Easy to write, read and understand instructions.
language) is more close. l Easy to create program, find errors and modify.
l Easy to understand by the user. l Closer to colloquial language
l Each high level language, set of so a few errors are possible.
predefined words and grammar
rules. High Level
l Computer is unable to Language
understand these languages. Third Generation
l A translator 'Interpreter' or Language
'Compiler' is needed to make it l Requires a different interpreter or
understandable by the computer. compiler for each language.
l Example – Cobol, FORTRAN,
Basic, C, C++, Java, etc. l Conversion into machine language before use.
l English language is used to l Its processing speed is slow compared to
write these languages. machine language and assembly language.
Do You Know?
l FORTRAN, the first high level language was created in 1954
by John Backus of the IBM Company,
but its commercial Version was released in 1957.
s er a
in en
nta nd g
co e co
It es
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l Developed in 1958-1960 by John McCarthy.
l Functional Programming Language used in the processing of
non-statistical data with artificial intelligence.
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Computer Network
A group
of two or more Used to send
independent text, audio and
computers connected video data from one
together by different computer to
means of another.
Receiver Protocol
Benefits Protocol
of Network
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Types of
Internet Protocol User Datagram
Protocol (IP) Protocol (UDP)
l Used to transfer data l Used in some parts as the
from one TCP protocol.
computer to another. l It does not have capacity like
l A type of TCP.
Computer l The name of small size data
delivering to
Used to l UDP is
include the index and unable to recover
receiver's IP address in each of the it on being lost of the
datagram during
packets when split into multiple packets transmission.
during transferring data l Used to work together with the
IP protocol.
Control Protocol (TCP)
Simple Mail Transfer
l Internet Communication Protocol. Protocol (SMTP)
l Communication impossible without TCP.
l Used to allow connection
and data transfer l With it, POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)
between two also used.
l Both used for the same task.
TCP/IP are most
recover it when
l Where SMTP is
packets are
Used to
used to
send mails,
l Able to is
guarantee data also
delivery by used
arranging packets to
correctly. receive mails.
l Suitable to work
together with IP.
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l The world's first WAN developed by the l NICNET (National Information
Centre's Network), the network
defense department of America is ARPANET
connecting each district of India.
(Advance Research Project Agency – Network). l SWIFT (Society for Worldwide
l Established WAN in India for education is Interbank Financial Telecommunications)
ERNET (Education and Research Network). is linking banks internationally.
l The unit of
Nodes measurement of
l End point or the speed of data l The
terminal of various transmission. communication
computers l It is measured medium in which
connected to in bps-bits there is less
the network. per bandwidth
l Able to act second. available for
both sender data transfer
and The first l Another
receiver. name –
network Band.
which was
said Ethernet,
in 1973.
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Communication Methods
l Duplex communication
l A road on which system, a point-to-point system l Duplex
traffic can flow in consisting of two or more connected communication
both directions. parties or devices capable of system is able to do
communicating with each other in better performance
both directions. than Simplex.
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Unguided Media Guided Media
or Wireless (Wave) or (Wired Cable)
Communication media able to act as
a channel to connect various
® Microwave computing devices so that they can Twisted Pair Cable ¬
communicate with each other.
® Radiowave
Co-axial Cable ¬
® Satellite
Microwave Fibre Optics Cable ¬
® Bluetooth
l Communication established by ultra - high
frequency (300 MHz to 300 GHz) Ethernet Cable ¬
® Infrared electromagnetic transmission.
l Electromagnetic waves with
wavelengths between 1 mm and 1 m used.
l No solid medium required.
l Use of short length parabolic antenna
Radio l A repeater used between Satellite
Wave 20-30 km.
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Do You Know?
l The Fifth Generation or 5G or 5th Generation mobile phone service. Its speed is 4-5 gigabytes per second.
l Earlier, 4G (4th Generation) in which LTE (Long Term Evolution) and VoLTE
(Voice over Long Term Evolution) technology was used.
Foil Twisted
Braided or Shields Pairs
Jacket Foil Shield
Inner conductor
Outer conductor
Plastic cover (shield)
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Fibre Fibre
Coating Steel Strands
Copper Pipe
Strength Element
Cushion water-blocking
Layer barrier
Polyethylene Sheath
Ethernet Cable
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Transmission Service
l Full Form – Global System for Mobile
communication DSL
l Most prevalent standards for
mobile phone operation. l Full Form - Digital Subscriber Link.
l International Roaming facility available l Telephone line used for Digital Data
without changing the phone. Transmission.
l Done by GSM only at low cost through l Always connection of the computer to
SMS (Short Message Service). the network for this DSL Modem used.
l No need to dial to establish contact.
l ADSL – Asymmetrical Digital
ISDN Subscriber Link and SDSL –
Symmetrical Digital
l Full Form - Integrated Service Subscriber Link used for data
Digital Network.
l No need for modem due to digitally
data transmission.
l Transfer of voice, data and image
without noise.
l Talking is possible on phone even if CDMA
it is connected to the internet.
l Developed form of Dial-up Line.
l Full Form - Code Division
l Two channels of 64 Kbps (bearer lines) Multiple Access.
(total 128 Kbps) and delta channel of l Technology based on 3G (3rd Generation).
16 Kbps are used for commands l Used in mobile phone operation.
and data.
Broad Band
l Dial-up Line established and used like telephone line with the help of modem.
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Synchronous Asynchronous
Transmission Transmission
h two or m e analog or dig
b y whic a m e communic ital
ue n the s a t sig
q o io
ch ni
s f ull y n med nals
te ce s ium is a
or suc lement this techniq
d d to imp u e is m
. ble
t ho
e use u
e vic ltip
le x
Its Types
1. 2. 3. 4.
(Frequency (Time (Wavelength (Code
Division Division Division Division
Multiplexing) Multiplexing) Multiplexing) Multiplexing)
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¯ ¯ ¯
Circuit Switching Message Switching Packet Switching
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Space Division Time Division Virtual Circuit Datagram
Switches Switches Approach Approach
¯ ¯
Switched Virtual Permanent Virtual
Circuit (SVC) Circuit (PVC)
Source Address
Number Such a switching technique in which a
Size point to point physical connection is
Message Circuit established between two or more devices.
Switching (sender and receiver).
Destination Example - Telephone
l Store-forward technique used.
Source Address stored in network node.
Number are used to allow all l Message forwards to the next node when
Size computers connected to the communication channel is free (empty).
the network to share Example - e-mail
the available
Destination communication
Address l This also based on store-forward technique.
channels l Transmitting information or data by
dividing them into packets.
Source Address l Source and Destination Address, number
Packet of packets, size, etc. are displayed on each packet.
Switching l Different packets are likely to reach the
Size receiver at different times using different media.
Message l Finally converting the collected packets
back to the original information according
to the packet number.
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Classification of
Computer Network
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Bus Ring
Topology Topology
l All nodes of one cable l All nodes formed by
(Transmission Line) connected joining rings or loops
to each other. (two end points) to each other.
l Transmission to a particular l Each node is able to
address by dividing the data send and receive data from
into packets using the its nearest node.
Ethernet Protocol.
Methods of
different nodes or
l Characteristics of both Topology
star and bus topologies l A combination of
are present. two or more
l A host or hub like (other) topologies.
star topology and all nodes l It includes
like Bus topology Bus, Ring,
are connected Star, Mesh, etc.
by cable. topologies.
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Mesh Topology
l Building and maintenance is expensive.
l More cables or wires required.
l Requires a large number of input/output Loss
ports to connect all the devices present
in the network.
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You Know?
A mixer of different topologies
was used due to
their advantages and disadvantages of different
network topologies, which was
called Hybrid Network Topology.
Network Gateway l Used to maintain data
l Used to connect two filtering, signal,
networks or traffic, etc.
LANs using different l Two ports incoming and
protocols. outgoing are
l Another Name available.
Protocol l Used to transmit data by
Converter. checking data packets and
Repeater Router
l Used to send weak l Used to filter
signals over a long distance data based on IP address.
before they are destroyed to a l Its function is to deliver
certain extent by replicating and the data to the specified address
re-generating. Internetworking by the shortest and
l Useful in modifying the data Tools or fastest route.
signal through communication l Used to transmit
medium and sending it back
Devices data in
to the communication right direction through
medium. routing table.
Switch Hub
l Used to connect l Many ports
network devices and available in it.
segments l Used to send
among each other. data packets
l Used in coming from
Data Link Layer of one port to
all other ports.
OSI model.
l It is a function of
l MAC- Passive Hub to provide
Media Access Control a route for data.
is able to transfer data l In addition to the route of
you have to the data monitoring is the function
destination by of the Intelligent Hub.
reading Address. l The function of the
l Procedure Switching Hub is to
like a transmit the packet by
bridge. identifying the
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Difference between
Intranet Internet, Intranet
l A network established
within a private or institutional and Extranet
office that uses TCP/IP,
Gateway, Firewall or coding to Internet
prevent unauthorized person l Used by everyone.
from access. l No Username and
l Example of Virtual Private Network. Password required.
l Security depends on
Internet user's device.
l World's l Public Network.
Extranet Largest
l Able to Network net
l All computers Intranet
use by users
other than are connected l Firewall dependent
members to the l User name and Password
and staff of the Global Network. is required by only one
organization within l Full Form - organization.
a private or Interconnected l Private Network.
institutional Network.
office like an intranet. Extranet
l Users need a special l By more than one
Username and Password organization.
to use it. l User name, Password is
l Firewall dependent.
l Private network.
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Development of Internet
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Domain Name
l Organization providing domain
names for internet use.
l Used to provide a uniqe domain name
to each individual or organization
on internet.
l It is determined by ICANN
(Internet Society) (Country Code IRTF (Internet
l Non-profitable Top Level Domain). Research Task Force)
international organization l An institution used to
formed in 1992 to develop promote the investigation
and educate standards, & research, improvement in
protocols and policies internet's activity
of Internet. in the future.
(Internet (World
Architecture Wide Web
Board) Consortium)
l Rules l An
ICANN determined international IETF
(Internet by ISOC used organization (Internet
Corporation for the technical used to determine Engineering
for Assigned and engineering the standards for Task Force)
Names & development work the use of the l An
Numbers) required for the world wide web. institution
l Organization Internet. used to
established in promote
1998 to provide IP internet use
Address and Domain and develop their
Name and determine standards.
their standards.
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l Set of rules and standards used to enable errorless data exchange between
two or among more computers in any network.
l A set of rules and guidelines used for systematic and safe data transfer.
used on Internet
(Transmission (Hyper Text
Control Protocol / Two Transfer
Internet Protocol) versions of Protocol)
l TCP used to transmit l This protocol
data dividing it into IP Address used to
small packets l IPv4 Address transfer
l IP used to transmit Version 4 web pages
each packet by giving it a l IPv6 Address on www.
special address to destination. l Able to operate
Version 6
l TCP is used to the http used
resemble the packet before any
in the website on
correct orders at the web browser
SMTP FTP Telnet Gopher
(Simple Mail (File Transfer l This protocol l Protocol
Transfer Protocol) Protocol) is used to display software
l Protocol used to l Protocol used to data and files of used to
transfer email upload, download, local computer by search,
from the user's rename, move, copy, command line receive
computer to the delete large files interface on and display
server and again (Data, Text, local computer's documents
from the server Graph, Image, Audio monitor by executing from
to the & Video) on by Remote remote computer
client. server. computer. via internet.
Network established
National Knowledge by Government of Educational & Research
Network India Network
l Interconnection of educational l Network connecting
and knowledge-based main educational and
State Wide institutions among research institutions National
Area Network them by more together Information
l A network connecting than 1 Gbps established Centre Network
upto high speed capacity communication by l This NICNet network is
(2 Mbps) from the headquarters institutions. Government. useful in the development and
of the states and union territories of management of government
to the block level under e-governance India. websites connecting all states and
plan by Government of India. district headquarters in India.
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Uses of Internet
ssa ging
nt Me Entertainment
News Group
Internet Telephony
tting Usenet
E-Business E-Governance
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l Lack of affinity.
l Saving papers.
violent images.
multiple users.
or Video files.
Photo, Audio
l Use of
the virus.
l Ray Tomlinson
l Year - 1971
l First use of the @ symbol by Ray Tomlinson.
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E-mail Address
Email @ domain
User Name @
l A name given by the user. l Its name
at symbol Password
l A user name can be used only
once on e-mail server. which is
able to Password
l Maximum 64 characters is possible. join in (again)
l Case sensitive means using e-mail
Capital and Small automa-
Letters. e o tically.
N am is able t l Able Strength Password
m ain ver that t. to (Why?) Very weak (0/100) Generator
D the ser accoun f separate
of ail es o username
n ame de e-m the typ and
A v i l
l pro e to tel ge. domain
Ab l p a Mailbox Quota : 250 MB
l web name.
[username] @ [mysite].domainname.extension Create Account
Major websites
providing free
E-mail ccounts
64 255
Maximum Maximum www.hotmail.com
characters in characters in www.rediffmail.com
User Part Domain Part
name@outlook.in Letter from A to Z,
test.test@test.com digits from 0 to 9 and
amit..kr@example.com Special Symbols.
" "@example.org
mp No space h a rac ess
les C addr
o in l
add f an e - mai
ress -ma
il E-mail Address d in e
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of an
2. 3.
Message Body
l l
The envelop Header contains
contained the address sender, receiver,
of the sender and route to
the receiver. inbox and various
l l authentication
Currently, it is used Message body, information.
in header only. a part of the
message that
is used to
the message.
Important Facts
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Address Book
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Trial Copy – q ´
File Edit View Insert Format Tools Actions Help Reply
Send 01 l Received answer
of e-mail
To ...
Cc ...
BCc ... Important
Subject : Trial Copy E-mail Spam :
l Sending Junk Full Form
e-mail, Unsolicited CC : Carbon Copy
e-mail messages or BCc : Blind
advertisements. Carbon Copy
l Its main purpose is to
steal computer data.
Web Based
Available free Web Based e-mail Impossible to work
E-mail Account without internet connection.
POP based
Able to generate mail even offline
(without internet connection). Able to open e-mail only
on computers
that are connected
Low internet data usage even Benefit Loss to the internet service
when connected to internet of of provider's server.
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Security of an
Avoid opening Avoid sending personal Avoid replying to Always logout while
suspicious e-mails or information to spam e-mail closing the e-mail
attachments. e-mail. messages. account.
Do not share e-mail password with anyone but keep it safe and change it from time to time.
Internet Revolution
Telnet Messaging
l A form of online
chat that
l The facility of
using a remote computer enables instant
while sitting at your l live conversation
computer. Meaning between two or more
l For its use, the user must Telephone people on internet
have login Password l Network by sending a text
of the remote Used to message.
computer. provide
access data,
information and l In this, the message
resources located on a receiver is also able to
remote computer reply the
connected message immediately.
to the internet by a
local computer.
l It is useful in sending
Images, Audio, Video
Telnet Client Telnet Server files along with text.
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Free, cross-platform,
cloud-based, instant
messaging, video WeChat
calling and VoIP
An instant Developed
messaging and as Facebook
software Chat Use of soft phone application software
application. in 2008.
Use of Mic and Long distance l
Headphone/ conversation A type
l Speaker for possible at of Internet
Use of VoIP conversa- low service with
Messenger (Voice over tion. cost. the help of
Internet Protocol) which it is possible
for voice to make calls with the
The company transmission. help of internet even
revived in 2010 Useful for l without SIM card
and released as a chat and group Instead of ISP (Internet l
standalone chat. Service Provider), VoIP Able to work with the
iOS and Android Service Provider help of Internet
in August, 2011. used. protocol.
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With the help of Conversation between
computer and internet, two two or more people connected 3
to the internet through a
or more persons located at different
mic or keyboard.
places are able to communicate among
each other through live video and audio
medium as if they are sitting
together. 2
l Chatting used by
microphone and speaker.
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1. B2B
(Business to Business)
l Electronic business
between two
2. B2C 3. C2C
(Business (Consumer to
to Consumer)
Consumer) l Business between
l Electronic two consumers.
l Buying business l Doing
E-Commerce l Example
and selling not between Online
only objects and OLX (Online orders by
company l Operating any
services but also eXchange) consumer,
and business/
establishing contact consumer. Like - eBay, paying price
with customers and occupation Amazon, and delivering
merchants, advertising by using Online products
products and completing Shopping. to consumer's
basic infrastructure, etc. internet home by the
are its major tasks. services. company is
for Web Log.
l Posting contents on
Social Networking Site.
Internet Protocol Watching Live relay
l Idea, audio, video, photo, etc.
Television mentioned in the content.
l A system where
it is available Watching time
to broadcast television,
programmes at The Blog Blogger
watch them name is the
convenience. name
on computer of writing
and posting of content
using the internet. poster.
content is
l IPTv capable of Watching the program of blogging.
providing your choice through
VoD (Video on Demand) Another name
three types Online Diary
of facilities.
(Really Simple Syndication)
format and Word Press
Software are used to
and publish blog.
Blog ing
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l Ph
l A to Blog
In Personal Business / Corporate Blog
rt Blo
Micro Blog
It is used Combined Life Style /
l Multimedia
and of Business
post Blogs and Affiliate /
story, Personal
l V
Review Blog
idea and Blogs.
Food Blog
experience its Reverse Blog
own by bloggers. News / Travel Blog
Internet Internet
in in
Education Medical
ducting ital
l Con ment. y hosp
l Easanagement nsultation
govern rcial and l i ne.
L ow cos doctors
t co
co m m e s o n l ig n
g exam T, by foreg at home ords
bankin - CAT, GMA
s s i t t i n s' rec
l A vil, Bank,
i l Patientilable.
SAT , C v a
y, etc. easily a Help in new
Railwa l ons
l In inventi
l In ne
of onli scover
Justice and
l Facility r courses E a s y of di ity of
Law g f o l
trainin ftware, ailabil
l In sales tax and av edical
like so king, web y new m logy and
department networ logy, compan techno h manageme
l In Income Tax techno ry, etc. rese a r c
department secreta
l In agriculture
l In Aadhar Card, PAN ive et is
n g e m ent of L , Fees, U s e o f intern ravelling,
Card, Computerization a
l Arr es Admission ct, etc. l ir t
l In voting and censusing s s j e p o s s i ble in a g, telephone
Cla , 3-D P
ro vellin
l In meteorological Record ible by vario
us rail tra on, video
Uses department is poss ities oper ti encing, file
of l In engineering s
univer at home. confer , web
sitt i n g sharing asting, etc.
Internet department broadc
lIn marketing and
in other communication
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l Etiquette,
Netiquette or Internet +
l Expected and courteous
Flame behaviour used for Flash
l Use of undesirable exchanging information l Useful software
and derogatory parts by Video games.
during E-mail, Chatting,
by internet
users during e-mail, Video conferencing. l Software developed
chatting or by Macromedia company.
video conferencing. l Used to display, animation,
sound, interactivity, etc.
on web pages.
l Video sharing
by Google Inc. Acronyms
l Used for uploading l Abbreviations prevalent
video, downloading, The in computer communication
viewing, sending by term during news groups,
e-mail, commenting, etc. e-mail or chatting
l Initiation of Youtube 'Social Network' As-
in 2005 by three was coined in ASAP - As soon as Possible
employees 1954 by
of the Pay Pal company - FYI - For Your Information
Chad Hurley, J.A. Barnes IMO - In My Opinion
Steve chan BTW - By the Way
and LOL - Laugh Out Loud
Javed Karim. TIA - Thanks in Advance
ne Wo ac
t t er orking .
tw rld eb
o r ' s o T wi netw ite. gging
Ha sta kin la ok
g rg ial bs lo rt
r r
M Mar vard ted i fre est S oc e we cro b sho 0
cC k Z C n e s so
oll uc oll 200 ite cia l fre s mi send ly 14 tly
um ke eg 4 th l
e b a s e d a d to itia urren nds
E , r e i n e
l d
Op C uard usti rg, A uden
D e st y t U s f d c fri
l l U ets o s an s to ,
era hri o S n M nd ts. e r r rs
l ted s H av os rew tw racte racte ishe rs. rm
u er c a a e
ed Comby F ghes in, ovitz Emoji ch 0 ch ill w llow he te
all fo p ace , 28 w fo d t
ov r m any bo d e
e a . o l Other name an hiev S of .
r k k '
u t
co pto keep he w ng f
i Inc A 'SM rnet
m d r . Emoticon which is l t e
me mu ate, ing orld, iend In
ssa nity cre s formated by Emotion + icon.
on ge , c atin
lin s, ha g l Used to express emotions with
e g pla ttin
am yin g the help of letters and symbols
es. g
during e-mail and online chat.
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Some Important Social Media Foundation Year, Founders and Current CEOs
Name - Facebook
Establishment Year - 2004
1 Founder - Mark Zuckerberg,
Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum,
Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes.
Current CEO - Mark Zuckerberg
Name - Twitter
2 Establishment Year - 2006
l Able to open Homepage as soon as Founder - Jack Dorsey
you type www.facebook.com Current CEO - Parag Agrawal
on web browser.
l To create an account on it, user above
13 years of age must have an e-mail ID. Name - Youtube
Establishment Year - February 14, 2005
3 Founder - Chad Hurley,
Steve Chan, Javed Karim
Current CEO - Susan Wojcicki
Name - Instagram
Establishment Year - 2010
4 Founder - Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger
Current CEO - Kevin Systrom (Earlier),
Adam Mosseri (since 2021)
Name - Whatsapp
5 Establishment Year - February 24, 2009
Founder - Jan Koum and Brian Acton
Current CEO - Will Cathcart
l Twitter started in 2006
Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone,
Evan Williams, Name - Linkedin
Noach Glass. 6 Establishment Year - May 5, 2003
Founder - Reid Hoffman and his friends
Current CEO - Ryan Roslansky
Name - Quora
Establishment Year - June, 2009
7 Founder - Adam D'Angelo,
Charlie Cheever
Name - Telegram
8 Establishment Year - March, 2013
Founder - Pavel Durov, Nikolai Durov
Current CEO - Pavel Durov
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Use of TCP / IP protocol by internet between Fees payable to ISP for internet usage while
while use of HTTP Protocol by www. Internet free facility is available though www.
Protocol Adress
s of
l A
m e I P Addres
unique numeric address to to be sa .
identify each device (computer, server, printer, I m p ossible o computers computer by
l any tw ess to each er).
smartphone) connected to internet.
IP addr Provid
O b t aining rnet Service
l te
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Application Layer
Responsibility of the Host
Presentation Layer
The fifth number layer is used to
retransmit by availing a session
between two devices Data
when an error occurs in
data transmission.
Session Layer
The fourth number layer
is used to
transmit data packets Segments
by communication
between two computers.
Transport Layer
The third number layer
is used to transport
packet - group from source to Packets
Receiver destination by switching and routing
Network Layer
of the Network
(Media Layer)
Physical Layer
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Benefits of
Web Applications
l Full Form - Extensible Markup l Full Form - Personal Home Page.
Language. l Software language used in
l Language used to create web pages. development of Dynamic web pages.
l Its main function is to store data l The PHP language developed
and transfer it to another computer. in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf.
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Use of Use of
32 bit 128 bit
number number
Divided for for Divided by
by three dots (.) address address seven colons (:)
Abbreviation Abbreviation
IPv4 IPv6
Private IP A
Types of
Used to assign and protect IP Address Able to assign network
network routers of private Router by ISP and connect
home or office. to the Internet.
Class A Class B
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Domain Name
System - DNS 2
l Domain Name,
Not case
That is to type in any l Non-Geographic Domain :
Another Name - Generic Domain or
capital or small letters
Top Level Domain (TLD)
but got the same results. Example - .info - information
Example .co - company | .int - international
google.com or .gov - government | .org - organization
GOOGLE.COM .mil - military | .net - networking
yahoo.com or YAHOO.COM .com - commercial | .edu - educational
hotmail.com or
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1. Name of Protocol 1 2 3 4
2. Colon and two Slashes (://) 1 2 3 4 5
l l
3. Name of the Server Used in Each
typing into website
web browser's contains its
4. Directory Path address bar. own separate
URL of any web
5. Name of File page.
l A
Its main function is to specialized
find and obtain the address of any
desired information. website or web page
on www.
l Full Form - Uniform Pay special attention during
Resource URL typing capital and small
Locator letters because of
l case sensitive.
Possibility l
of words, Use
numbers of space URL Top Level
or in URL is ¯ Domain
punctuation impossible. Subdomain
¯ (TLD)
in it.
http:// www . google . com
¯ ¯
Hyper Text Domain
Transfer (name)
Internet Mozilla
Explorer Firefox
Web Browser
UC Browser
Example Example
Microsoft Conqueror
Lynx Opera Safari
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l A software
l Proficient in accessing program or application. l Able to run
web pages on internet l Used for finding websites, animated contents.
l Able to find and display accessing them, l Able to handle Text,
any types of websites. reading content, Images,
l Able to follow accessing, Links, Audio and
Hyperlink. etc. Video.
l Developed on January 7, Microsoft Edge
2003 by Apple Corporation. l Developed on
l Installed in Macintosh OS April 29, 2015 by
and useful for iphone Microsoft Corporation.
and ipad.
l Opera was developed Lynx
in 1995, l Developed as
is available in more than 40 Hyper Text Browser
languages. in 1992
by a group of University
of Kansas students.
l A closed web browser based
on Google Chrome which
is suitable for integrating
Netscape Navigator
Facebook, Twitter l Web browser popular in
and Youtube. the 1990s which was developed
l Flock was developed in by Netscape
2005 by Inc. Communication
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Search Engine
Yahoo Ask.com
1 2
Crawling Indexing
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Authentication of Confidentiality
By identifying the Network Security Confidentiality
person or party, required from
the authorized
unauthorized access
person is able to
to the transaction
information of personal or
secured by business related
User's Name and communication
Password. and information.
co I te bi
rre ac nclu gr
an sha ctn cur sion ity aila le
sib tion
d t re ess ac
h d y of Av s
Po rma ity on o
ac e re bet of i and o bi l rs
ce ce w nfo
ssi iv ee inf aila d pe
ble er n s rma av rize y.
by whi end tion o rt
an ch er a uth pa
yo is r
ne no fo
. t
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Microsoft Office
Microsoft office is as suite of applications designed to help with productivity
and completing common tasks on a computer
Text and
Managing Editing Header and
Files Files Footers
Organizing WYSIWYG
Mail Merge lists with (What you see is
Tables and what you get)
MS Office
MS Outlook MS Publisher
MS Infopath Design MS One Note
(.xsn) (.one)
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MS Word Bar
MS Word is a word
processing program with Located at the top of soleen or
all features. It helps in the document window
creating or working on
Components of Document Window Bar
l Title Bar l Standard Toolbar
l Menu Bar l Text Area Type Ø Normally found directly below
l Ruler l Horizontal Scroll Bar the title bar.
l Top Margin l Vertical Scroll Bar l File l Edit l View l Insert
l Document l Status Bar l Format l Tools l Table
l View Buttons l Formatting Toolbar l Window l Help
→ New → Creates a new word document.
Undo → Cancel or undo the last Select All → Selects all the content
operation of the page
Copy → Copy the selected text or Find → Finds some particulars Text
image to Clipboard on document
Paste → Pastes the copied or cut Replace → Replaces some text with
text or image Text on document
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1. Sentense Case :
Capitalizes the first
5. tOGGLE CASE : character in the sentence 2. Lower Case :
Converts uPPER CSAE to This converts all selected
Lower Case and vice versa characters to lowercase.
4. Title Case / Capitalize 3. Upper Case :
This Capitalizes the first Used to convert a text into Converts the selected
character of every word. uppercase or lowercase or both character to upper case.
Exam Facts
1. Minimum size of character in word file - 1 5. Minimum zoom - out value in zoom dialog box
2. Maximum size of character in word file - 1638 10%
Minimum font size in list box of a word file is
Minimum font size in list box a word file is 72
6. Maximum zoom - in value in zoom dialog box -
Ø Microsoft Power Point is developed by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin Co-orporation.
It is a Graphic Presentation Program. It is a Graphic Presentation Program.
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Status Bar
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel organizes all the data into rows and columns.
The arranged form of column and row is called worksheet.
Auto Complete
Selecting or
What if Features of filling
analysis MS Excel ranges
Information is not always word.
It can include number, figures and
calculations. For such calculation you need Worksheet Check
a special software called spreadsheet. linking Spelling
It is a computer application that consists
of multiple cells organized in the form Creating Charts
of rows and column.
MS Excel Basics
Workbook Worksheet
A file in MS Excel is called a Workbook
by default named as Book1, Book2, etc.
A workbook is made of many worksheets by
default named as Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.
You can rename them as you want.
Each individual box in the grid of a spreadsheet Every cell has a unique cell address.
is called a cell. It is the intersection point of a row The column and row heading are used to give
and a column. Cells are the foundation of any each cell a specific address.
spreadsheet as it is the basic unit e.g.: A1 (A→Column, 1→Row)
of a worksheet.
A cursor in Excel is called cell pointer The cell at the cell pointer position is called
because it always points to a cell. the active cell or the current cell.
The contents of this
cell be displayed on the formula bar.
Range of Cells
Keyboard Shortcut
Borders Ctrl + L → Apply or Remove the left border
Ctrl + R → Apply or Remove the right border
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