CNC Control of A Laser Cutting Machine
CNC Control of A Laser Cutting Machine
CNC Control of A Laser Cutting Machine
Abmaci - This article describes the design and construction of a low Laser cutting of metals i s enhanced with the action of a
power laser cutting machine with three degrees o f freedom for coaxial gas jet at high pressure (250 psig and above) which serves
applications such as wood, textile fabrics and the like. An available as a shear force that impels the melted material out of the cut. This
10 Watt laser gun is used to provide the cutting mechanism. process is called "melt shearing", and it leaves good quality edge
T h e results s h o w that such a m a c h i n e is f e a s i b l e a t a finish but with the presence of striations at different degrees.
reasonable cost for applications where speed and repeatability are Commonly oxygen is applied when cutting ferrous metals
more important than high precision and power generating an exothermic chemical reaction that releases almost 50%
of the total heat required in the process. Nitrogen is often applied
LASER CU?TLNG A T LOW POWERS (FUNDAMENTALS) when it is necessary to avoid oxide formation at the cut edges.
Laser cutting of materials is today a feasible and well studied Cutring of non-meials
process. Its usage in industry has grown steadily and with great
s u c c e s s f o r the past 20 years, specially in the manufacturing For the majority of non-metallic materials such as polymers,
industry where the majority of the large industrial lasers for cutting woods, ceramics and organic substances, the absorptivity at the CO2
are found. A large number of applications can be found for example laser wavelength (10.6 p m ) is very high, reaching close to 90% at
in the automobile, aircraft and other high-tech companies. room temperature. Therefore the p r o c e s s involved in cutting
It is also noticeable that in the last few years the laser market requires less energy density at an early stage than metal cutting.
has experienced a surprisingly large growth in the demand for small Laser cutting of non-metals involves three mechanisms in
sized low power lasers, i.e. ranging from 10 to 200 watts. This is which one of them becomes more dominant for a given nonmetallic
a consequence of becoming available at affordable prices and yet material. They are: melt shearing, vaporization a n d chemical
offering simple, safer and cheaper maintenance. When used in degradation. They determine the cut edge quality possible in every
conjunction with a CNC beam delivery system connected to P C case. A description of each process is given below:
units they are known as "Laser Desktops", because the physical
space required to carry the work is relative small compared with the M d i shearing : most thermoplastics (nylon, polystyrene etc.) are cut
large industrial units and yet the range of materials and applications quickly with a high q u a l i t y e d g e w h i c h m a y b e c o v e r e d by
attainable is still enormous. microscopic ripples associated with the melt ejection from the cut
zone. I n this process the CO2 laser generates a small molten pool
Cuiiing of Meials which is blown away by the gas jet acting coaxially with the beam.
The material ejected during cutting, by means of a inert gas jet, has
In metal cutting the laser beam focused at a very small spot the same chemistry as the material being cut and thus it experiences
diameter in the substratum causes the material to raise its temperature only a p h a x change from solid to liquid [2].
to the point at which a phase change from solid to liquid occurs. If
the optical power applied is pulsed and high enough, vaporization of Vaporizafion: polymethyl methacrylate (acrylic) and polyacetal are
the molten pool that gets formed will take place increasing the commonly laser cut by this mechanism. In the case of acrylic, it
pressure locally. In turn this will cause the ejection of the molten boils to give off a vapor of methyl methacrylate and the process is
material out of the pool. The melt leaves the area as droplets and the mostly a physical phase change from solid to liquid to vapor with
walls of the resulting blind hole solidify rapidly after the laser pulse minimal breaking of chemical bonds. The cut edge is of extremely
ends leaving a stressed zone which can then be linked to another by high quality and superior to flame polished or mechanically cut
the next pulse. Once the whole depth of the material has been drilled edges.
through, the laser beam can start IO move, delivering its power The vapor of methyl methacrylate formed when cutting
continuously or pulsed. A cutting front is then sustained, in which acrylic is highly absorptive of the laser radiation and can be ignited
the solid is melted and the molten material is forced out underneath by the beam. This has to be avoided as i t damages the surrounding
the sheet by means of a high pressure assist gas jet [ 11. acrylic. One way to prevent this is increasing the feed rate or the
Ferrous alloy sheets such as low carbon and stainless steels p r e s s u r e o f the assist gas. C u t t i n g polyacetal produces large
require optical power in amounts as high as 1 k W in order to be cut volumes of gaseous formaldehyde but the cut edge is flat, smooth
successfully. For high conductivity and reflectivity metals such a s and has a polished appearance similar to acrylic cuts.
copper and aluminum and their respective alloys the a m o u n t o f
power density to start a localized fusion zone is of the order o f 2 Chemical degradation: m o s t thermoset polymers, wood based
kW. Most metals und met:illic nlloys hnve high melting nnd boiling products. rubber products und epoxy resins a r e laser cut by this
points due to their strong metallic-type bonding, and once the metal mechanism. It involves the laser beam carrying out a large chemical
has been melted its viscosity and surface tension offer strong work during cutting (combustion . The energy delivered by the laser
resistonce to the motion o f the liquid out off the cutting front. f'
serves to mcxlify the integrity o the material by means of breaking
the chemical bonds. In wood cutting the large cellulose molecules
are reduced to their constituent parts of carbon and water vapor. The
2 36
cut edges generated by this mechanism tend to be flat and smooth Next the most important design and operational aspects of the
but covered in a fine layer of residual carbon dust. PVC is also cut prototype are discussed.
by this process, g i v i n g off highly toxic f u m e s of HCI while
polyurethane gives off HCN fumes [2]. Mechanical Design
W h e n c u t t i n g cellulosic materials (wood, fiberboard, T h e prototype has a welded metallic frame made o u t of
hardboard, paper etc.) the temperature in the zone can reach over square section tubes (2.5 mm thickness). Fastened to the frame are
2000PC depending in the density of the material.. The oxidation of three displacements units. Each accounts for one degree of freedom.
the carbon content is an exothermic process which supplies the cut Almost identical to each other, they differ mainly in the travel length.
front with energy. T h e quality of the cut edge is superior t o a The largest of the units is called the longitudinal displacement
mechanical one, being smooth and splinter free. This process tends unit, a n d i t lays horizontally. Attached to its moving plate i s the
to generate a carbon based smoke and residual carbon deposit on the second largest unit, which can be called the transverse displacement
cut edge. unit since it is laid horizontally in an orthogonal direction respect to
In summary a focused low power CO2 laser beam will the longitudinal unit. The moving plate in the transverse unit carries
produce a temperature raise at the focal spot due to the amount of the workpiece. T h e synchronized motion of the motors in both the
heat applied locally. The thermal gradient will be enough to Stan a longitudinal and transverse units allows to move the workpiece in a
phase change, the breaking of the molecule bonds or both; thus skewed horizontal direction.
inducing the melting, vaporization and chemical degradation of the The third displacement unit is the vertical displacement unit
material. The application of an inert assist gas at high pressure is which s u p p o r t s in its m o v i n g plate the focusing system. T h e
useful for removing the vapors and products of combustion out of focusing system has a travel range of 100 mm.
the cut zone hence increasing the depth of penetration of the cut and As s h o w n in Figure No. 2, in any displacement unit the
preventing, a s in the c a s e of polymers and woods, the sudden moving plate ib firmly attached to a screw bearing. A screw shaft
ignition of the fumes given off. connected directly to the stepper motor provides the thrust for the
motion of the moving plate. A maximum thrust of 20 kg. can be
Cuaingp a m e l e r s obtained, w h i c h is sufficient t o meet the requirements of t h e
The interaction time between the laser beam and the material The thread profile is a 2 mm square section which gives a
i s an important parameter to consider when cutting soft materials pitch of 4 mm. The pitch diameter of the screw shaft is 20 mm.
such cloth, textile fabrics and woods. The optimum velocity of the
beam relative to the surface (feed rate) controls the amount of energy CNC MicroController Syslem
delivered on the material. The amount of energy deposited must be
s u f f i c i e n t to v a p o r i z e a n d c h e m i c a l l y degrade the material, T h i s C N C MicroController System has been also used in
preventing a burning front to expand to the lateral sides of the cut. other non-conventional C N C applications by the principal author
Many non-metals combine low thermal conductivity with a such as a CNCmilling machine [SI and a C N C lathe (61. The most
high coefficient of expansion. For this reason, since at low feed relevant characteristics of this controller are given in Table No. 1.
rates the time exposure is longer, the localized heating by the laser is
higher and the material cutting would be less accurate and repeatable T A B L E NO. 1
and would present Severe burned edges. If the feed rate of the C N C M I C R O C O N T R O L L E R SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS
is set too high the cut front will not have enough exposure time to
penetrate the material completely and also the waste material will not
leave the interaction zone out of the bottom of the cut.
A schematic of the prototype that was built is shown in
Figure No. 1. The material or workpiece being cut moves on an X-
Y table, where each coordinate position is controlled by a stepper [Parallel Ports 16 (3 BO-P10) 1
' h e laser beam is generated separately and enters the cutting
machine pointing horizontally to the center of a beam deflector. The A Lo ic Diagram of the system is shown in Figure No.3.
ray then changes direction painting vertically towards the workpiece. The 8 N C MicroController System receives instructions from
Before striking the workpiece the laser beam passes through a a P C in a language with IS0 type commands. Almost all C N C
focusing fens in order to concentrale energy to be able to actually cut m a c h i n e s u n d e r s t a n d I S 0 c o m m a n d s a s it is an international
the material. standard.
The vertical position of the focusing lens respect to the The C N C monitor program receives one instruction at a time.
workpiece is controlled by a third stepper motor. This allows to cut After it has been executed a signal is sent to the PC to inform that
different thickness materials as well as to vary the cut width since the t h e C N C s y s t e m is r e a d y to e x e c u t e a n e w instruction. A n
focus point distance varies acut)rdingly. instruction is a a r e set of o n e or more characters that must b e
T h e motion of the stepper motors are synchronized by a interpreted by the monitor program before taking the proper action.
C N C system based on a Z80A microprocessor 131. Appropriate T h e m i c r o c o n t r o l l e r g e n e r a t e s the t i m i n g and s i g n a l
software was written for the interpolation of linear trajectories in the sequences which are output through the parallel ports to the power
X-Y plane based o n a n extension to the Rresenham algorithm amplification stage.
1411101. Power Amplificarion
T h e C N C system executes the instructions that it receives
from a conventional P C via an RS-232 connection. A simplified
language has been designed towards this effect, which is similar in T h e circuit shown in Figure N 4 was used to power each
nature to that used in commercial C N C laser-cutting machines. In of the six-lead, 180 stepshev, 5 Volt and 4 Amp current stepper
this manner more optimal and sophisticated cutting strategies can be motor working in full-step mode. It is a well documented and tested
developed on the P C side, and the corresponding lower level Is0 circuit [7][S]. T h e input sequence to the four inputs for smooth
i n s t r u c t i o n s c a n b e d o w n l o a d e d to the C N C control system operation is given in Table No 2.
afterwards. T h i s approach allows for a more economical C N C
control system relying o n the P C for any heavy computation
2 37
Moving Plate
2 38
TABLE No. 2 where wo corresponds to the laser spot radius at a cross section
STEPPER MOTOR M O T I O N INPUT SEQUENCE perpendicular to the propagation direction of the beam, where the
laser front is plane That is the focal plane obtained through the
focusing of a beam of wavelength A and external diameter Dl,
using a lens of focal length f . The radial propagation of a TEMoo
gaussian beam at any cross section parallel to the focal plane at a
distance z is given in ref. [9] by :
W O d 4 = WO[ 1 + [q2]"2
For reverse operation the input sequence must be executed
backwards. The input sequence is provided by a parallel port from
the microcontroller system. Next, a 1 T L signal coming from the From eq.( l ) , we see that a reduction in focal length gives a
z8O-PIOs is first amplified by a Darlington transistor pair and later smaller focal spot and therefore a high energy density and reduced
by a 3055 NF" power transistor. The output of the latter is wired to kerf width, which means that the cutting speed can be increased. But
a motor lead. For faster operation an additional resistance has been in the other hand a smaller focal length lens has a lower depth of
a d d e d t o the amplification s t a g e although this reduces overall focus making the process more susceptible to surface irregularities.
efficiency. A practical definition for the depth of focus of a TEh4oo beam may
be written as ref. [ 11:
Tbe NllC CO2 laser gun used in this experience consists of The mode of the laser beam also affects the ability of the lens
a slow axial flow optical resonator, D C excited and water cooled by to p r o d u c e a small focused spot, any variation away from the
means of a heat exchanger. The length of the resonator tube is 50 TEMoo gaussian cross section renders a larger spot radius thus
cm,its diameter is 5 mm and through it flows the active medium, a reducing the cutting speed [9].
mixture of CO1 , H e a n d N 2 which is provided from a tank that
contains the gas mixture at the ratio of (7,4:14,6:78).The D C power
Supply generates a maximum discharge of 15.000 volts between the EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
a n o d e a n d t w o c a t h o d e s inside the resonator and an electrical
current of 45 ma. T h e laser beam is emitted through the output- Using the NIIC gun and the beam delivery system already
coupler in continuous waves with a TEMoo gaussian profile and a 2 described, and in addition, the developed CNC XYZ machine and
m m external diameter. Its maximum power is 10 watts and its c o n t r o l s o f t w a r e , t h e a u t h o r s w e r e a b l e to p e r f o r m c u t t i n g
propagation direction is parallel to the horizontal plane. When the experiences with soft materials: soft wood, cloth. pasteboard and
shutter is off, the exit of the beam is blocked by a metal plate that textile mills. A 30 mm side squared contour was cut moving the x-y
reflects the beam towards a water cooled heat sink. When the shutter table relative to the fixed laser beam focused at its spot size.
is on, the plate is rotated by an electro-magnetic actuator allowing Evaluating eqs. (1) and (3), the spot radius and depth of focus
the beam to pass and exit the gun. respectively are 0.165 mm a n d 2.66". The square CUI w a s
performed by the following C N C program:
Deliwry system
WO =-
I[' D1 Even though at the time of the experience there was no high
pressure assist system gas available, the quality of the cuts obtained
appear good especially in textile mills and cloth noticing the lack of
debris. The edge cut obtained in soft wood is splinter free but shows
a notorious burned region which is minimized a1 the highest feed rate
of 4 "/sec. Pasteboard edge cut quality is the best obtained with
minimal bums. With all samples the repeatability and precision of
the cuts performed are acceptable.
The authors wish to thank CONlCYT for granting Project
No. 1940670 which has made possible this research.
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