ME Syllabus Iitk

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

1. MAN-001 Mathematics-1 BSC 4

2. PHN-001 Mechanics BSC 4

3. CEN-105 Introduction to Environmental Studies GSC 3

4. HS-001A Communication Skills (Basic) HSSC 2

5. HS-001B Communication Skills (Advance) HSSC 2

6. HSN-002 Ethics and General Awareness HSSC 2

7. MIN-101A Introduction to Mechanical Engineering DCC 2

8. MIN-103 Programming and Data Structure ESC 4
9. MAN-004 Numerical Methods BSC 4
10. PHN-008 Electromagnetic Theory BSC 4
11. MIN-104 Manufacturing Technology-I DCC 4
12. MIN-106 Engineering Thermodynamics DCC 4
13. MIN-108 Mechanical Engineering Drawing DCC 4

14. MTN-106 Material Science ESC 4

15. CEN-102 Solid Mechanics ESC 4

16. MIN-201 Kinematics of Machines DCC 4

17. MIN-203 Manufacturing Technology-II DCC 4

18. MIN-205 Fluid Mechanics DCC 4

19. MIN-291 Engineering Analysis and Design DCC 4

20. EEN-112 Electrical Science ESC 4

21. MIN-204 Machine Drawing DEC 4

22. MIN-206 Mechanics of Materials DEC 4

23. MIN-208 Theory of Production Processes DCC 4

24. MIN-210 Energy Conversion DCC 4

25. MIN-301 Dynamics of Machines DCC 4

26. MIN-303 Principles of Industrial Engineering DCC 4

27. MIN-305 Heat and Mass Transfer DCC 4

28. MIN-302 Machine Design DEC 4

29. MIN-304 Fluid Machinery DCC 4

30. MIN-305 Heat and Mass Transfer DCC 4

31. MIN-209 Thermal Engineering DCC 4

32. MIN-211 Theory of Machines DCC 4

33. MIN-212 Machine Design DCC 4

34. MIN-214 Engineering Economy DCC 4

35. MIN-216 Theory of Production Processes - I DCC 4


37. MIN-309 Theory of Production Processes - II DCC 4

38. MIN-310 Quality Management DCC 4

39. MIN-311 Operations Research DCC 4

40. MIN-312 Operations Management DCC 4

41. MIN-313 Work System Design DCC 4

42. MIN-320 Automobile Engineering DEC 4

43. MIN-321 Vibrations and Noise DEC 4

44. MIN-322 Principles of Lubrication Technology DEC 4

45. MIN-323 Design of Pressure Vessels and Piping DEC 4

46. MIN-324 FEM Applications in Mechanical Engineering DEC 4

47. MIN-325 Numerical Methods in Manufacturing DEC 4

48. MIN-327 Reverse Engineering DEC 4

49. MIN-328 Manufacturing System Analysis DEC 4

50. MIN-329 Computer Integrated Manufacturing DEC 4

51. MIN-330 Ergonomics DEC 4

52. MIN-331 Total Quality Management DEC 4

53. MIN-332 Industrial Hazards and Safety DEC 4

54. MIN-333 Industrial Management DEC 4

55. MIN-334 Facilities Design DEC 4

56. MIN-335 Concurrent Engineering DEC 4

57. MIN-336 Financial Management DEC 4

58. MIN-337 Processing of Non-Metals DEC 4

59. MIN-338 Measurement & Instrumentation DEC/DHC 4

60. MIN-339 Heat Exchangers DEC/DHC 4

61. MIN-340 Refrigeration &Air-conditioning DEC/DHC 4

62. MIN-341 Thermal System Design DEC/DHC 4

63. MIN-342 Environnemental Pollution & Control DEC 4

64. MIN-343 Power Plants DEC 4

65. MIN-344 Industrial Combustion DEC/DHC 4

66. MIN-345 Compressible Flow DEC/DHC 4

67. MIN-346 Waste Heat Recovery Systems DEC/DHC 4

68. MIN-349 Fire Dynamics DEC/DHC 4

69. MIN-352 Experimental Methods in Thermal Engineering DEC/DHC 4

70. MIN-354 Surface Engineering DEC 4

71. MIN-355 Building Ventilation&Air-conditioning GSEC 4

72. MIN-357 Combustion Science & Technology GSEC 3

73. MIN-359 Fundamentals of Sound and Vibration DEC 4

74. MIN-410 Product and Process Optimization DEC 4

75. MIN-411 Maintenance Techniques for Rotating DEC 4


76. MIN-412 Vehicle Dynamics DEC 4

77. MIN-413 MEMS DEC 4

78. MIN-415 Piping Technology DEC 4

79. MIN-416 Nonlinear Dynamics DEC 4

80. MIN-417 Energy and Variational Principles in Engineering DEC 4


81. MIN-445 Value Engineering DEC 4

82. MIN-500 Instrumentation and Measuring Systems DEC/DHC 4

83. MIN-502 Robotics and Control DEC 4

84. MIN-508 Advanced Automatic Controls DEC 4

85. MIN-509 Extended Finite Element Methods DEC 4

86. MIN-516 Artificial Intelligence DEC 4

87. MIN-523 Renewable Energy Systems DEC/DHC 4

88. MIN-524 Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer DEC/DHC 4

89. MIN-525 Solar Energy DEC/DHC 4

90. MIN-526 Advanced Gas Dynamics DEC/DHC 4

91. MIN-527 Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat DEC/DHC 4


92. MIN-528 Boundary Layer Theory DEC/DHC 4

93. MIN-529 Turbulent Flows PEC 4

94. MIN-530 Cold Preservation of Food DEC/DHC 4

95. MIN-531 Hydrodynamic Machines PEC 4

96. MIN-532 Renewable Energy Systems RASE 4

97. MIN-533 Refrigeration & Air-conditioning System Design DEC/DHC 4

98. MIN-534 Air-conditioning and Ventilation DEC/DHC 4

99. MIN-535 Cryogenic Systems DEC/DHC 4

100. MIN-536 Convective Heat & Mass Transfer RASE 4

101. MIN-537 I.C. Engines DEC/ DHC 4

102. MIN-539 Micro & Nano Scale Thermal Engineering PEC 4

103. MIN-540 Combustion DEC/DHC 4

104. MIN-541 Bio – fluid Mechanics PEC 4

105. MIN-542 Energy Management DEC/DHC 4

106. MIN-543 Fluid Power Engineering DEC 4

107. MIN-544 Design of Heat Exchangers DEC/DHC 4

108. MIN-545 Fuel Cells DCC/DHC 4

109. MIN-550 Advanced Machine Design DEC 4

110. MIN-551 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems DEC 4

111. MIN-553 Industrial Tribology DEC 4

112. MIN-554 Computer Aided Mechanism Design DEC 4

113. MIN-555 Experimental Stress Analysis DEC 4

114. MIN-556 Dynamics of Road Vehicles DEC 4

115. MIN-558 Fracture Mechanics DEC 4

116. MIN-559 Computer Aided Design DEC 4

117. MIN-560 Mechanics of Composite Materials DEC 4

118. MIN-561 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations DEC 4

119. MIN-562 Noise Control in Mechanical Systems DEC 4

120. MIN-563 Mechatronics DEC 4

121. MIN-565 Smart Materials, Structures and Devices DEC 4

122. MIN-566 Computer Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems DEC 4

123. MIN-567 Computer Graphics DEC 4

124. MIN-568 Advanced Robotics DEC 4

125. MIN-573 Design for Manufacturability DEC 4

126. MIN-574 Maintenance Management DEC 4

127. MIN-575 Product Design and Development DEC 4

128. MIN-576 Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control DEC 4

129. MIN-577 Industrial Automation DEC 4

130. MIN-578 Computer Aided Process Planning DEC 4

131. MIN-579 Information Systems & Data Management DEC 4

132. MIN-580 Welding Science DEC 4

133. MIN-581 Manufacturing Resources Management DEC 4

134. MIN-582 Flexible Manufacturing Systems DEC 4

135. MIN-583 Materials Management DEC 4

136. MIN-584 Operations Research DEC 4

137. MIN-585 Supply Chain Management DEC 4

138. MIN-586 Metal Forming DEC 4

139. MIN-587 Metal Casting DEC 4

140. MIN-588 Non-Traditional Machining Processes DEC 4

141. MIN-593 Non Conventional Welding Processes DEC 4

142. MIN-594 Safety Aspect of Welded Structures DEC 4

143. MIN-595 Failure Analysis of Welding Joints DEC 4

144. MIN-596 Automation and Application of Robotics in DEC 4


145. MIN-597 Welding Procedure for Specific Applications DEC 4

146. MIN-598 Weldability of Metals DEC 4

147. MIN-599 Surface Engineering DEC 4

148. MIN-205 Fluid Mechanics DCC 4


NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Department of Civil Engineering

1. Subject code: CEN-102 Course Title: Solid Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: ESC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective : To introduce the concepts of equilibrium and deformation in components,
and structures for engineering design.

10. Details of Course :

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Analysis of Stresses and Strains : Concept of stress, normal 08
stress and shear stress, nine Cartesian components of stress at a
point, sign convention and notation, equality of shear stresses
on mutually perpendicular planes and their planes of action,
stress circle; Concept of strain, normal and shear strain, two
dimensional state of strain, Poisson’s ratio, volumetric strain,
strain circle, Concept of strain energy
2. Stress-Strain Relationships : Hooke’s law and its application 02
to isotropic materials, elastic constants and their relationships,
plane stress and plain strain conditions.
3. Mechanical Properties : Uniaxial tension test to determine 02
yield and ultimate strength of materials, stress-strain diagram,
proof stress, ductile and brittle materials, hardness and impact
strength; Conditions affecting mechanical behaviour of
engineering materials
4. Members in Uniaxial State of Stress : Uniform cross-section 04
and tapered bars subjected to uniaxial tension and
compression, composite bars and statically indeterminate bars,
thermal stresses; Introduction to plasticity; S.E. under axial
5. Members Subjected to Axi-Symmetric Loads : Stresses and 02
strains in thin cylindrical shells and spheres under internal
pressure, stresses in thin rotating rings.
6. Members S ubjected t o Torsional L oads : Torsion of solid 02
and hollow circular shafts, stepped and composting shafts,
close-coiled helical springs subjected to axial loads, S.E. in
7. Members S ubjected t o Flexural L oads : Statically 15
determinate beams, support reactions, relationship between
load, shear force and bending moment, shear force and
bending moment diagrams; Theory of flexure for initially
straight beams, distribution of bending stresses across the
beam cross-section, principal stresses in beams; Equation of
elastic curve for the loaded beam, relationship between
bending moment, slope and deflection; Calculation of
deflection by integration, moment area and unit-load methods,
S.E. in flexure.
8. Members Subj ected t o Combined L oads : Short struts 02
subjected to eccentric loads, shafts subjected to combined
bending, torsion and axial thrust, concept of theory of failure.
9. Elastic S tability of C olumns : Euler’s theory of initially 02
straight columns, critical loads for different end condition of
columns, eccentric loading, columns with small initial
curvature, empirical formulae.
10. Stresses i n B eams (Advance T opics) : Composite beams, 03
Transformed section method, Bending of unsymmetric beams,
The shear-center concept.

11. Suggested Books :

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Gere, J.M. and Goodno, B.J., “Strength of Materials”, Indian 2009
Edition (4th reprint), Cengage Learning India Private Ltd.
2. Beer, F.P., Johuston, Jr., E.R., Dewolf, J.T. and Mazureu, D.E., 2009
“Mechanics of Materials”, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill.
3. Hibbeler, R.C., “Mechanics of Materials”, Sixth Edition, 2005
4. Crandall, S.H., Dahl, N.C. and Lardner, T.J., “An Introduction 1999
to the Mechanics of Solids”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill.
5. Timoshenko, S.P. and Young, D.H., “Elements of Strength of 2009
Materials”, Fifth Edition, (In MKS Units), East-West Press Pvt. (reprint)

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Electrical Engineering

1. Subject Code: EEN-112 Course Title: Electrical Science

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: ESC

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. O bjective: To i ntroduce t he s tudents t o t he f undamentals of E lectrical E ngineering

concepts o f ne twork analysis, principles o f el ectrical m achines, ba sics o f
electrical measurement and measuring instruments.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Energy Resources an d U tilization: Conventional a nd non - 5
conventional ene rgy r esources; Introduction to electrical ene rgy
generation from di fferent re sources, transmission, di stribution a nd
2. Network F undamentals: T ypes of S ources a nd e lements, 5
Kirchoff’s Laws, M esh a nd N ode A nalysis o f D .C. N etworks,
Network T heorems: T hevenin’s T heorem, N orton’s T heorem,
Superposition T heorem, M aximum P ower T heorem, S tar-Delta
3. A.C. F undamentals: C oncept of phasor, impedance and 4
admittance; Mesh a nd N ode a nalysis of A C networks; Network
theorems in AC networks; Active and reactive power in AC circuits;
Resonance in series AC circuits; Power factor correction.
4. Three-phase A.C . Circuits: A nalysis of 3 -phase ba lanced start- 2
delta circuits, Power in 3-phase Circuits.
5. Measurement of E lectrical Qu antities: M easurement of V oltage, 5
Current, and Power; Measurement of 3 phase power; Energy meters.
6. Single P hase T ransformer: Introduction to magnetic circuit 5
concepts, Basic constructional f eatures, ope rating pr inciple, pha sor
diagram, e quivalent c ircuit, vol tage r egulation; Eddy current a nd
Hysteresis losses, efficiency; Open circuit and Short Circuit tests.
7. D.C. Machines: Principle of operation, constructional features; Emf 5
and torque equations; Types of excitation; Generator characteristics;
Starting and speed control of D.C. motors.
8. AC Machines: Three-phase Induction Motor - Operating principle, 5
constructional f eatures, torque-speed ch aracteristics, starting and
speed c ontrol; S ingle-phase Induction M otor - Operating pr inciple,
constructional f eatures, t orque-speed characteristics, starting
9. Industrial A pplications an d C ontrol: V arious i ndustrial l oads, 6
traction, heating, lighting; C oncept o f pow er e lectronic control of
AC and DC motors.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Mukhopadhyaya P ., P ant A .K., K umar V . a nd C hittore D .S., 1997
“Elements of Electrical Science”, M/s Nem Chand & Brothers.
2. Vincent Del Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, P rentice 2002
Hall of India.
3. Dubey G. K., “ Fundamentals of E lectric D rives”, 2nd Ed., Narosa 2007
Publishing House.
4. Alexander C .K., S adiku M .N.O., “ Fundamentals of E lectric 2012
Circuits”, McGraw Hill, 5th Edition.
5. Chapman, S tephen, J., “Electric M achinery F undamentals”, 1985
McGraw Hill Book Company.
6. Hughes E dward, “Electrical & E lectronic T echnology”, Pearson 2002
Publishing, 8th edition.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mathematics

1. Subject Code: MAN-004 Course Title: Numerical Methods

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce various numerical methods to get approximation solutions.

10. Details of Course:

S.No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Error A nalysis: E xact a nd a pproximate nu mbers, R ounding of 3
numbers, Significant di gits, C orrect di gits, va rious t ypes of e rrors
encountered in computations, Propagation of errors.
2 Solution of system of l inear e quations: ( i) D irect me thods: G auss 8
elimination m ethod w ithout pi voting a nd with pi voting, LU-
decomposition method. (ii) Iterative methods: Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel
3 Roots of n on-linear e quations: B isection m ethod, R egula-Falsi 6
method, N ewton-Raphson m ethod, di rect i terative m ethod w ith
convergence criteria, Newton-Raphson method for solution of a pair of
non-linear equations.
4 Eigen val ues an d Eigen vectors: D ominant a nd smallest Eigen 3
values/Eigen vectors by power method.
5 Interpolation: F inite difference ope rator and their r elationships, 6
difference tables, Newton, Bessel and Stirling’s interpolation formulae,
Divided di fferences, Lagrange i nterpolation a nd N ewton’s di vided
difference interpolation.
6 Numerical d ifferentiation: F irst and s econd order de rivatives b y 4
various interpolation formulae.
7. Numerical i ntegration: Trapezoidal, S impsons 1/ 3rd and 3/ 8th rules 6
with e rrors a nd t heir c ombinations, G auss Legendre 2 -points a nd 3 -
points formulae
8. Solution of f irst an d s econd order or dinary differential eq uations: 4
Picard’s method, Taylor’s series method, Euler, Modified Euler, Runge-
Kutta methods and Milne’s method.
9. Case studies 2
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1 Gerald, C. F. a nd Wheatly, P. O.," Applied N umerical A nalysis", 6th 2002
Edition, Wesley.
2 Jain, M . K., Iyengar, S. R. K. and Jain, R. K., "Numerical M ethods f or 2000
Scientific and Engineering Computation", New Age Pvt. Pub, New Delhi.
3 Conte, S. D. and DeBoor, C., "Elementary Numerical Analysis", McGraw- 1982
Hill Publisher
4 Krishnamurthy, E . V. & S en, S . K., "Applied Numerical A nalysis", East 1998
West Publication.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MI-101A Course Title: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 115 PRS 00 MTE 35 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the field of mechanical engineering and its applications in analysis,
design, and manufacture of mechanical products and systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact

1. Overview of Mech anical E ngineering: Role of m echanical en gineers, 2
tools in ME, skills and abilities, ethics in engineering, intellectual property.
2. History of machines and mechanisms. 2
3. Design as a creative p roblem-solving p rocess: phases of de sign, de sign 4
philosophy, design for success, materials in design.
4. Electromechanical systems: Fundamentals of electromechanical s ystems, 2
the need for control systems.
5. Energy C onversion: History of e nergy conversion, overview of 5
thermodynamics, mechanical energy, work and power, energy conservation
and c onversion, he at e ngines and efficiency, sustainable ene rgy; Case
Study 1: I nternal-Combustion E ngines; Case S tudy 2: E lectrical P ower
Generation; Automobile Engineering.
6. Overview of F luid Mechanics: Properties of fluids, pressure a nd 3
buoyancy, laminar and turbulent flows, fluid flow in pipes, drag and lift.
7. Introduction to Manufacturing Processes: Casting, machining, welding. 8
8. Recent trends in mechanical engineering. 2
Total 28
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers Year of

No. Publication/
1. Wickert, J. a nd Lewis, K., “ An Introduction t o M echanical 2012
Engineering”, 3rd Edition, Cengage Learning
2. Kalpakjian, S ., S chmid, S. R ., “Manufacturing E ngineering and 2013
Technology”, 7th Edition, Pearson Education
3. Groover, M . P ., “ Automation, P roduction S ystems, a nd C omputer 2008
Integrated Manufacturing”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education
4. Bolton, W., “Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical 2010
and Electrical Engineering”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education
5. Bautista Paz, E., Ceccarelli, M., Echávarri Otero, J., Muñoz Sanz, J.L., 2010
“A Brief Illustrated History of Machines and Mechanisms”, Springer
6. Shigley, J., Mischke, C., Budynas, R. and Nisbett, K., “Shigley's 2008
Mechanical Engineering Design”, 8th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Cengel, Y., “Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer”, 2nd 2007
Edition, McGraw Hill
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-103 Course Title: Programming and Data Structures

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: ESC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the concepts of procedural and object oriented programming in C++
and its application to problem solving.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction t o P rogramming: Introduction t o computer s ystems; 4
Data representation; Basic idea of program execution at micro level;
Concept of flow chart and algorithms, algorithms to programs.
2. Basic Programming in C++: Constants, variables, expressions and 8
operations; Naming conventions and styles; Conditions and selection
statements; Looping and c ontrol s tructures; File I/O; H eader f iles,
string processing; Pre-processor directives such as #include, #define,
#ifdef, #ifndef; Compiling and linking.
3. Programming Through F unctional D ecomposition: Functions 10
(void and value returning); Parameters passing by value, passing by
reference, passing b y constant r eference; D esign of f unctions and
their i nterfaces ( concept of f unctional de composition), r ecursive
functions, f unction ove rloading a nd d efault a rguments; Library
functions; Scope and lifetime of variables.
4. Data Structures: Fixed size data structures --- arrays and structures; 8
Pointers and dynamic data, relationship between pointers and arrays,
function poi nters, d ynamic a rrays; Introduction t o d ynamic da ta
structures --- linked lists, stacks, queues and binary trees.
5. Object O riented Programming: Data hi ding, abstract da ta t ypes, 12
classes, access control; C lass impl ementation – default c onstructor,
constructors, c opy constructor, de structor, op erator overloading,
friend function; Object oriented design, inheritance and composition;
Dynamic binding and virtual functions; Polymorphism.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books /Publisher Year of

1. Dietel, H .M. and D ietel, P .J., “ C++ H ow t o P rogram”, 8t h E dition, 2012
Prentice Hall
2. Spephan Prata, “C++ Primer Plus”, 6th Edition, Pearson Education 2012
3. Venugopal, K . R ., R ajkumar, B . a nd R avishankar, T ., “Mastering 1997
C++”, Tata-McGraw Hill
4. Prinz, U .K. a nd Printz, P., “ A C omplete G uide t o Programming i n 2002
C++”, Jones and Bartlett Learning

NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-104 Course Title: Manufacturing Technology – I

2. Contact Hours : L: 2 T: 0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage : CWS: 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Both 7. Subject Area: Department Core (DCC)

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. O bjectives of Course: To familiarize students with the principles of sheet metal forming, material
removal and finishing operations.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact Hours

1 Introduction : Classification of di fferent m anufacturing pr ocesses, 2
application areas and limitations, selection of a manufacturing process
2 Sheet Met al Forming: Introduction t o s heet m etal f orming ope rations, 10
Types of presses, dr ives, O perations: s hearing be nding, s pinning,
embossing, blanking, c oining a nd deep dr awing. Die m aterials,
compound and progressive dies and punches. Construction details of die
set. Auxiliary equipments, safety devices.
3 Material Removal Processes: Classification of machining processes and 10
machine tool s. Tool’s ma terials, different t ypes o f c utting tool s,
Nomenclature o f s ingle point a nd m ulti poi nt c utting t ool. C oncept of
cutting s peed, f eed a nd de pth of c ut. Coolants. D rilling, Boring and
broaching m achines. Indexing he ad, m illing ope rations us ing s imple,
differential and compound indexing. Introduction to CNC Machines.
4 Abrasive Finishing: Operations and applications of surface, c ylindrical 6
and c entreless g rinding pr ocesses; dressing, t ruing a nd ba lancing of
grinding wheels; grading and selection of grinding wheels.
Total 28
List of Experiments:

S. No. Name of Experiment/Study

1. Study of turret lathe
2. Study of grinding machines, attachments and accessories
3. External threading on a given job on lathe machine
4. Internal threading on a given job on lathe machine
5. Taper turning on a given job on lathe machine
6. V-groove cutting on a gven job on lathe machine
7. Profile turning on a given job on lathe machine
8. Cutting teeth on a spur gear on milling machine
9. Helical milling on a given circular job
10. Slot cutting on a given job on milling machine
11. Shaping operation on cast iron job
12. Keyway cutting on a given job on slotting machine

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
1. DeGarmo, E. P, Black, J. T., Kohser, R. A. “ Materials and Processes in 1997
Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Limited
2. Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S. R, “Manufacturing Engineering and 2000
Technology”, Pearson Education
3. Groover, M. P., “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing”, John Wiley 2002
and Sons Inc.
4. Lindberg, R. A., “Processes and Materials of Manufacture”, Prentice 1990
Hall India Limited
5. Rao, P. N., “Manufacturing Technology (Vol. 1&2)”, Tata McGraw Hill 2009
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-106 Course Title: Engineering Thermodynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC/ESC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To familiarize the students with basic concepts of macroscopic thermodynamics.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Introduction t o t hermodynamic system, s urrounding, 3
state, process, properties, equilibrium, heat and work, Zeroth Law of
2. Properties of Pure Simple Compressible Substance: PvT surface, 6
Pv, T v, T P di agrams. E quation of s tate f or i deal a nd r eal ga ses.
Virial equation of state, van der Waal equation, use of steam tables
and Mollier diagram
3. First L aw of T hermodynamics: First l aw a pplication t o non -flow 7
processes s uch as i sochoric, i sobaric, i sothermal, a diabatic a nd
polytropic pr ocesses. Steady f low en ergy equ ation, f low w ork.
Application to various practical systems viz. no zzles, di ffuser,
turbines, he at e xchangers e tc. A pplication of energy e quation t o
transient flow problems.
4. Second L aw o f T hermodynamics: Second l aw, r eversible a nd 6
irreversible p rocesses, Clausius a nd K elvin P lanck s tatements,
Carnot cycle, corollaries of second law: thermodynamic temperature
scale, C lausius i nequality, e ntropy as a p roperty, pr inciple o f
increase of entropy. Calculation of entropy change.
5. Entropy an d E xergy: Entropy a nd i ts g eneration, e ntropy ba lance 5
for closed s ystem and for control vol ume, basic concepts of exergy
and i rreversibility, exergy for closed s ystem and c ontrol vol ume,
exegetic efficiency.
6. Gas-Vapour M ixtures and A ir-conditioning: Properties of ga s- 4
vapour m ixtures, a diabatic-saturation a nd w et-bulb t emperatures,
psychrometric chart, human comfort and air conditioning, various air
conditioning processes.
7. Gas and Vapour Power Cycles: Otto, Diesel, Dual, Stirling, Joule- 5
Brayton c ycle. T hermal ef ficiency and mean effective pr essure,
Rankine cycle.
8. Refrigeration C ycles: reverse C arnot c ycle, v apour c ompression 4
refrigeration cycle.

List of Experiments:

1. Study of P-V-T surface of H 2 O and CO 2 .

2. Determine P-T relationship for steam and verify Clausius Clapeyron equation.
3. Determine the calorific value of coal using Bomb calorimeter.
4. Analysing exhaust gases using Orsat apparatus.
5. Determine Relative Humidity and Specific Humidity of air using Sling Psychrometer and
Psychrometric Chart.
6. Determine COP of a vapour compression refrigeration unit.
7. Analysing different processes on an air conditioning unit.

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Borgnakke, C . a nd Sonntag, R .E., “ F undamentals of 2011
Thermodynamics,” Wiley India
2. Cengel, Y.A. a nd Boles, M .A., “ Thermodynamics an Engineering 2008
Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Moran, M .J. a nd S hapiro, H .M., “ Fundamentals of E ngineering 2010
Thermodynamics”, 4th Ed., John Wiley
4. Russel, L.D., Adebiyi, G. A.,“ Engineering Thermodynamics”, Oxford 2007
University Press
5. Arora, C.P., “Thermodynamics”, Tata-McGraw Hill 2001
6. Nag, P.K., “Engineering Thermodynamics”, Tata-McGraw Hill 2005

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-108 Course Title: Mechanical Engineering Drawing

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DCC/ESC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The cour se obj ective i s t o teach the ba sic c oncepts of Mechanical Engineering
Drawing t o t he s tudents. T he e mphasis i s o n t o i mprove t heir po wer of

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 General Instructions : Sheet Layout, Line Symbols and 1
Groups, Preferred Scales, Technical Sketching
2 Types of projections: Reference Planes and Quadrants, 2
Orthographic Projection
3 Projection of point and lines 3
4 Projection of plane figures 2
5 Projection of solids 2
6 Section of solid and development 2
7 Shape D escription(External): M ultiplanar R epresentation, 2
Systems of P rojection, S ketching o f O rthographic V iews
from P ictorial V iews, Conventional P ractices, Precedence
of Views , Precedence of Lines
8 Uniplaner R epresentation: S ketching o f P ictorial V iews 2
(Isometric and Oblique) f rom M ultiplaner O rthographic
9 Shape D escription ( Internal): S ectioning a s an A id t o 3
Understanding i nternal f eatures, P rinciples of S ectioning,
Types of Sections, Section Lines, Cutting Plane Lines and
Conventional Practices
10 Size D escription: D imensioning, T ools of D imensioning, 4
Size and Position Dimensions, Unidirectional and Aligned
Systems, Principle and Practices of Dimensioning,
11 Conventional R epresentation: R epresentation a nd 1
Identification of Common Machine Elements and Features
12 Introduction to Solid Modeling 4
Total 28

Practical Exercises:

Topics Practice
Classes of Two
Hour Duration
Projection of points and lines 04
Projection of plane figures 02
Projection of solids 03
Section and development 02
Sketching of Orthographic Views from Pictorial Views 04
Sketching of Pictorial Views (Isometric and Oblique) from Multiplanar 04
Orthographic Views, Missing Lines Exercise, Missing Views Exercise
Sectioning Exercise 02
Dimensioning exercise 02
Identification Exercise 01
Solid Modeling, orthographic views from solid models 04

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Technical Drawing, Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill, Dygdon 2003
and Novak, Macmillan Publishing Company
2. Engineering G raphics, A. M . C handra and S atish C handra, 2003
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
3. Engineering D rawing a nd G raphics T echnology, T .E. F rench, 1993
C.J. Vierck and R.J. Foster, McGraw-Hill Inc
4. Fundamentals of E ngineering D rawing, W .J. Luzadder, J . 1989
Warren and J.M. Duff, Prentice Hall International Editions
5. SP 46: 1988 E ngineering D rawing P ractice for S chools and -------
Colleges, Bureau of Indian standards
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-203 Course Title: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – II

2. Contact Hours : L: 2 T: 0 P: 4
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight :CWS: 0 PRS: 25 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Autumn
7. Pre – requisite: Nil
8. Subject Area: Departmental Core (DCC)
9. Objectives o f C ourse: Aim of thi s s ubject is de velop in-depth unde rstanding on
manufacturing processes n amely casting, w elding a nd f orming and i ntroduce none-
destructive examination methods.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact Hours

1 Foundry : Sand ca sting proc ess- Steps; Core; S and Testing; Molding 10
Processes, Gating system, Solidification Phenomena, Melting Furnaces, Special
casting m ethods - Centrifugal cast ing; P ermanent m old casting; H ot cha mber
and cold chamber d ie casting; Investment c asting; Shell mold casting; Plaster
mold casting; CO 2 mold casting.Casting design considerations, Casting defects
and remedies.

2 Welding: Classification of welding processes, electric arc, ISI classification of 12

coated electrodes, spe cial w elding methods: M MAW, G TAW, G MAW,
GMAW-CO 2 welding, submerged arc w elding, electro-slag w elding, electron
beam w elding, l aser b eam w elding, ul trasonic w elding, r esistance w elding,
welding defects, and arc blow.

3 None-destructive examination: Principle and application of common Non- 2

Destructive Examination Methods DPT,MPT and UT of Castings and

4. Forming : Forging, Rolling, Extrusion, Wire Drawing and Tube drawing, 4

Forging Defects and Remedies.

Total 28

11. Suggested Books:

S.No Name of Book / Authors / Publisher Year of

1 DeGarmoE.Paul, Black J.T., Ronald A. Kohser,Materials and Processes in 1997
Manufacturing;; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Limited-Delhi

2 Kalpakjian S., Schmid S.R. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology;; Pearson 2000
Education, Delhi

3 GrooverMikell P.,Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing;; John Wiley and Sons 2002


4 Lindberg R.A. Processes and Materials of Manufacture; Prentice Hall India 1990

5 Rao P.N. Manufacturing Technology; Tata McGraw Hill 1998


NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-205 Course Title: Fluid Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide the basic knowledge of fluid statics and dynamics.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: C ontinuum c oncept, p roperties of f luids, N ewtonian 3
and Non-Newtonian fluids.
2. Fluid S tatics: Pascal’s l aw, hydrostatic pr essure, pressure 5
measurement, manometer and m icro-manometer, pressure gauge;
Forces on pl ane and curved surfaces, centre of pressure, equilibrium
of s ubmerged a nd f loating bodi es, buo yancy, m etacentric he ight;
Fluids s ubjected t o c onstant l inear a cceleration a nd t o c onstant
3. Kinematics of F luid: Types of f low, Lagrangian and E ulerian 4
approach, path line, streak line and stream line, stream tube, stream
function a nd pot ential f unction, f lownet; D eformation of f luid
elements, vorticity and circulation.
4. Fluid D ynamics: Reynolds t ransport t heorem; Conservation 8
equations of mass, momentum and energy, Navier-Stokes, Euler and
Bernoulli equations; Forces due to fluid flow over flat plates, curved
vanes and in the bends, applications of Bernoulli equation.
5. Ideal F luid F low: Ideal f low i dentities, f low ove r ha lf bod y, 5
Rankine ova l, s tationary and r otating cylinders, M agnus ef fect,
d’Alembert’s paradox.
6. Viscous F low: Reynolds e xperiment, l aminar a nd turbulent f low, 6
plane P oiseuille f low, C ouette f low, H agen-Poiseuille f low; F riction
factor and M oody’s di agram, l osses i n pi pes and pi pe f ittings; Flow
over aerofoil, lift and drag, flow separation.
7. Dimensional A nalysis: Basic a nd de rived qua ntities, s imilitude a nd 4
dimensional analysis, Buckingham π – theorem, non -dimensional
parameters, model testing.
8. Flow Measurement: Flow measuring devices, Pitot tube, obstruction 3
flow me ters, principles of hot a nemometry and particle ima ge
9. Compressible F low: Propagation of s ound w aves, M ach num ber, 4
isentropic f low and s tagnation pr operties, one di mensional
convergent-divergent nozzle flow, normal shock.
Total 42


S. No. Name of Experiment

1. Experimental verification of Bernoulli's theorem
2. Impact of jet of a fluid on vanes
3. Calibration and determination of coefficient of discharge for
(1)Venturimter and (2) Orificemeter
4. Calibrate V and rectangular notch (or weir) and compare their performances
5. Flow visualization/patterns
6. Flow field investigation by using educational PIV setup

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Munson, B .R., Y oung, D.F., O kiishi, T .H., a nd R othmayer, A . P ., 2012
“Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics”, 7th Ed., John Wiley & Sons
2. Som, S . K ., B iswas, G . a nd C hakraborty, S ., “ Introduction t o F luid 2012
Mechanics and Fluid Machines”, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill
3. Massey, B .S. a nd W ard-Smith, J ., “Fluid Mechanics”, 9th Ed., C RC 2011
4. White, F.M., “Fluid Mechanics”, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill 2010
5. Yuan, S.W., “Foundation of Fluid Mechanics”, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall 1988
6. Streeter, V .L., W ylie, E .B., a nd B edford, K .W., “ Fluid M echanics”, 1998
9th Ed., McGraw-Hill

NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-208 Course Title: Theory of Production Processes

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight :CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Spring 7.Pre –requisite: NIL

8.Subject Area: DCC

9.Objectives of Course: This course is intended to impart fundamentals of the theory of various
manufacturing processes used in industry and fundamentals of tooling design
and metrology.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact Hours

1 Theory of Metal Cutting: Tool geometry, chip formation, chip control, 08

mechanics of s ingle poi nt orthogonal machining, t ool l ife, economics of
metal cutting.

2 Non-Conventional Machining Methods: Comparison with conventional 05

methods, principles and applications of ECM, EDM, ultrasonic, electron
beam and laser machining.

3 Jigs and Fixtures: Usefulness of Jigs and Fixtures, Design principles of 06

jigs and fixtures, Principles of location and clamping,Types locating and
clamping devices, Few simple design of Jigs and Fixtures : lathe, milling,
boring, s haping, br oaching, grinding, a ssembly a nd w elding f ixtures,
Economics of Jigs and Fixtures.

4 Metrology: Introduction, i nspection t ypes and principles, r adius and 06

taper measurement, measurement of screw threads and gears. Limits, fits,
and d imensional a nd g eometrical o r f orm t olerances, c omputer v ision
system ba sed measurement, coordinate m easuring machines,
measurement of f orm t olerances, measurement of surface roughness:
surface r oughness t erminology, di fferent m ethods of s urface r oughness

5 Foundry: Gating s ystem de sign, R isering de sign, p roduction of gr ay, 06

malleable and spheroidal graphite iron castings.

6 Welding: Weldability, s tructure in w eld and heat affected zones, 05

distortion and residual s tresses, welding of ca st iron, st ainless steel and
aluminum, hard facing.
7 Forming: I ntroduction of f orming proc ess an alysis m ethods ( slab 06
method, uniform deformation energy method, limit analysis), Analysis of
extrusion, rolling a nd f orging pr ocesses, forming de fects, f ormability &
workability, temperature & lubrication aspects in forming.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of


1 Ghosh, A ., a nd M allik, A .K., “ Manufacturing S cience” A ffiliated E ast- 1985

West press Pvt. Ltd.

2 Lal, G.K., “Introduction t o Mach ining S cience” N ew A ge International 1996


3 Gupta, I .C., “ Text B ook of E ngineering M etrology” D hanpatRai 2003

Publishing Co.

4 Heine, R .W., L oper, C .R., a nd R osenthal, P .C., “ Principles of Metal 1997

Casting”, 21st reprint, Tata McGraw-Hill

5 Kuo, S., “Welding Metallurgy”, John-Wiley & Sons Inc. 2003

6 Dieter, G.E., “Mechanical Metallurgy”, McGraw Hill Book Company 1988

Laboratory Work Outline:

Experimental studies on the cutting tool angle measurement, cutting tool grinding, use of dynamometers,
mechanical measurements etc.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-209 Course Title: Thermal Engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The c ourse i s de signed t o f amiliarize t he s tudents w ith f undamentals of

thermodynamics and heat transfer.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Introduction t o T hermodynamics, e xamples of
thermal pow er plants, refrigeration systems; D efinitions: s ystem, 2
boundary, s urroundings, c losed and open s ystems, pr operties,
processes, work and heat interactions.
2. Laws o f t hermodynamics: Zeroth l aw, concept of t emperature,
temperature s cales, methods of t emperature measurement; First la w
for c yclic pr ocess i n closed system, internal en ergy; First la w f or 8
open s ystem, s teady flow e nergy e quation ( SFEE), a pplication o f
SFEE for simple devices.
3. Properties of pure substance: Properties of pure substance, T-v, p-v
diagrams, properties o f s team, use of s team t ables, example 6
problems for use of steam tables.
4. Second l aw of t hermodynamics: Kelvin-Planck a nd C lausius
statements of s econd l aw of t hermodynamics, C arnot t heorem, 6
corollaries of C arnot t heorem f or absolute t emperature s cale,
5. Power C ycles: Rankine v apor pow er cycles on T -s di agrams, gas 6
power cycles, Otto, Diesel and Joule cycles, simple problems.
6. Refrigeration & A ir-conditioning: Working of s imple v apor
compression c ycle, r epresentation of va rious pr ocesses on p -h
diagram, air-conditioning principles, definitions of humidity, relative 6
humidity, wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures. Psychrometric chart,
representation of va rious a ir-conditioning pr ocesses on
psychrometric chart.
7. Heat Transfer: Introduction to different modes of heat transfer,
conduction, convection and radiation.
Conduction: Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 1D heat conduction
equation, different types of boundary conductions, thermal resistance,
composite wall for plane wall and cylindrical geometries. 8
Convection: Free and forced convection principles, important non-
dimensional numbers, correlations for Nusselt number.
Radiation: Basic laws of radiation, black body concept, emissivity,
absorptivity, reflectivity, transmissivity.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books /Publisher Year of

1. Cengel, Y. A. and Boles, M . A., “Thermodynamics: An Engineering 2011
Approach”, 7th Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Van Wylen G.J. a nd Sonntag, R.E., “Fundamentals of C lassical 2002
Thermodynamics”, 4th Edn., John Wiley & Sons
3. Rogers, G. and Mayhew, Y., “Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat 2002
Transfer”, 4th Ed., Addison-Wesley
4. Cengel, Y. A. and Ghajar, A. J., “Heat and Mass Transfer”, 4th Edn., 2011
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New Dehi
5. Incropera, F .P., Dewitt, D .P., Bergman, T . L. a nd A . S . Lavine, 2012
“Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer”, 7th Ed. (International Student
Version), John Wiley & Sons

12. List of experiments:

I – Applied Thermodynamics
(i) Flash point and fire point of and lubricants and diesel
(ii) Calorific value of coal using Bomb Calorimeter
(iii) Performance test on single cylinder diesel engine
II – Heat Transfer
(i) Thermal conductivity of metal rod
(ii) Natural convection over a heated vertical wall
(iii) Forced convection over a heated cylinder
(iv) COP of vapor compression refrigeration system

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-210 Course Title: Energy Conversion

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 120 PRS 20 MTE 20 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The objective of the course is to make the students aware of various energy
conversion systems, and the underlying principles on which they operate.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Vapor Power Systems: Brief description of vapor power system, 07
Rankine cycle, deviation of actual cycle from ideal cycle, principal
irreversibilities and losses, superheat and reheat, the regenerative vapor
power cycle, binary vapor cycles and cogeneration.
2 Boilers: Classification, fire tube boilers: Lankashire, Cornish, Cochran, 05
Locomotive; water tube boilers: Stirling, Babcox & Wilcox, package
type; boiler mountings and accessories, equivalent evaporation, boiler
efficiency, high pressure boilers: La Mont, Benson, Loeffler and Velox;
draught and chimney, performance of boiler, combustion of fuel, boiler
3 Nozzles and Diffusers: Type of nozzles and diffusers, equation of 05
continuity, sonic velocity and Mach number, momentum equation
entropy change, nozzle and diffuser efficiency, mass of discharge,
choked flow and shape of nozzle, critical pressure ratio, effect of
friction, supersaturated flow.
4 Steam Turbines: Types and application, impulse turbines 07
compounding, velocity diagrams, work output, losses and efficiency.
Reaction Turbine, velocity diagrams, degree of reaction, work output
asses and efficiency, constructional features and losses in steam turbine.
5 Condensers: Elements of a condenser unit, type of condensers, 03
Vacuum and condenser efficiencies, cooling towers.
6. Gas Turbines: Gas turbine cycles, intercooling, reheat and 06
regeneration, deviation of actual cycles from ideal cycles, combined
cycle power plants, velocity diagram, jet propulsion.
7. Internal Combustion Engines:
a. Classifications, working of two stroke & four stroke engines,
thermodynamics of fuel-air cycles, real cycles, various losses in actual 03
b. Combustion processes in SI engine and its various stages, spark
ignition, normal and abnormal combustion, knock preignition, 03
combustion stages in CI engines, ignition delay, types of combustion
systems. Fuels for SI and CI engines, their characteristics.
c. Emissions from SI and CI engines, supercharging and turbocharging, 03
cooling and lubrication, testing and performance of engines, modern
developments in IC engines.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1 Moran MJ & Shapiro HM. Fundamentals of Engineering 2000
Thermodynamics, John Wiley, (4th Edn.)
2 Wark K.Jr. & Donald E.R, Thermodynamics,.McGraw Hill, (6th Edn.) 1999
3 El-Wakil M.M., Power Plant Technology, McGraw Hill 1988
4 Roger Gordon & Yon Mayhew, Engineering Thermodynamics work 2001
and heat Transfer, Addison-Wesley, (4th Edn.)
5 Cengel Y.A. & Boles M.A, Thermodynamics an Engineering 2002
Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, (3rd Edn.)

12. List of Experiments

1. Two stroke variable engine study and trial

2. Determination of the constant speed characteristics of the Indec Diesel Engine
3. To draw the valve timing diagram of the Black Stone Diesel engine and study.
4. Determination of the heating value of fuels using bomb calorimeter.
5. Flash point and fire point of and lubricants and diesel
6. Calorific value of coal using Bomb Calorimeter

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-214 Course Title: Engineering Economy

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To e xpose t he s tudents t o i n va rious m ethods of c omputation, c ost analysis and
replacement studies, which are the essential tools for an Industrial engineer.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Nature and purpose of engineering economy studies, 3
functions of engineering e conomy, physical and e conomic l aws,
consumer and producer goods.
2. Interest an d Depreciation: Productivity of c apital, nominal a nd 11
effective i nterest, interest f actors, C AF, P WF, S PWF, S CAF, S FF,
and C RF, deferred annuities, perpetuities and capitalized cost,
equivalence, gradient f actors G PWF a nd G USF, Classification of
depreciation, methods of computing depreciation, economic life and
mortality data, capital recovery and return.
3. Industrial Costing and Cost analysis: Classification of costs: direct 7
material, direct labour and overheads, fixed and variable cost, semi-
fixed cost, increment, di fferential a nd m arginal c ost, sunk c ost a nd
its r easons, direct and i ndirect cos t, prime cos t, factory cos t,
production c ost a nd t otal c ost. B reak-even analysis, two a nd t hree
alternatives, graphical solution, break-even charts, effects of changes
in fixed and variable co st, minimum c ost a nalysis, economic or der
quantity, effect of risk and uncertainty on lot size.
4. Replacement St udies: Reason of r eplacement, evaluation of 7
proposals, replacement be cause o f i nadequacy, excessive
maintenance, declining efficiency, obsolescence; MAPI formula.

5. Cost E stimation and R isk an alysis: Difference be tween cos t 10

estimation a nd c ost a ccounting, qualifications of a n estimator,
estimating pr ocedure, estimate of m aterial cos t and labour cos t,
Estimation of c ost i n machining, f orging, w elding a nd f oundry
operations. Introduction to risk analysis, measures of risk, techniques
of risk analysis; RAD and CE approach.
6. Economy S tudy Patterns: Basic economy s tudy patterns and their 4
comparison, effect of taxation on economic studies.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Ardalan, A ., “Economic and Financial A nalysis for E ngineering and 1999
Project Management”, CRC Press
2. Grant, E.L., Grant, W., and Leavenworth, R.S., “Principles of 2001
Engineering Economy”, 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc
3. Eschenbach , T .G., “ Engineering E conomy by Applying T heory t o 2003
Practice ( Engineering T echnology)”, 2nd Ed., Oxford U niversity
Press, USA
4. Blank, L.T., a nd Tarquin, A .J., “ Engineering E conomy”, 2005
McGraw-Hill Inc.
5. Hartman, J.C., “Engineering E conomy a nd t he D ecision-Making 2006
Process”, Prentice Hall Inc.
6 Theusen Gerald J., Fabrycky W.J., Engineering Economy, PHI 2008
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-216 Course Title: Theory of Production Processes – I

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight :CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Spring

7. Pre –requisite: NIL 8. Subject Area: DCC

9. Objectives o f C ourse: This c ourse i s i ntended t o i mpart f undamentals o f t he theory of m achining,

advanced machining, finishing processes besides tooling design and metrology.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contact Hours
1. Theory of Mac hining: S ingle poi nt a nd m ulti-point m achining, c hip 11
formation: mechanism, chip types, chip control, tool geometry: single
point, specifications in different sy stems, selection of t ool a ngles,
orthogonal a nd ob lique m achining, c utting t ool geometry, mechanics of
single point orthogonal machining: Merchant’s circle, force, velocity, shear
angle, a nd pow er c onsumption r elations, c utting t ool w ear a nd t ool l ife:
wear m echanisms, wear cr iterion, Taylor’s t ool life e quation, facing t est,
variables affecting tool life; Machinability and its measures, economics of

2. Advanced Man ufacturing Processes: Process p rinciple, e quipment, 11

analysis and applications of adv anced machining proc esses su ch as
Abrasive J et Mach ining, Ultrasonic Machining, Water Jet M achining,
Electro Chemical Ma chining, Chemical Mac hining, Electro-Discharge
Machining, Wire Electro Discharge Machining, Electron Beam Machining,
and Laser Beam Machining, rapid prototyping and rapid tooling:
introduction o f s olid-based ( FDM, L OM), liquid-based (SLA, SGC),
powder-based (3DP, BPM) RP processes.

3. Finishing and Superfinishing Processes: Principles a nd a pplications of 4

honing, s uperfinishing, lapping, pol ishing, buf fing, pe ening, a nd

4. Metrology: Introduction, inspection types and principles, radius and taper 9

measurement, measurement of scr ew t hreads a nd gears. Limits, fits, and
dimensional an d geometrical or form t olerances, computer v ision system
based measurement, coordinate measuring machines, measurement of form
tolerances, measurement of sur face r oughness: surf ace r oughness
terminology, different methods of surface roughness measurement
5. Jigs and F ixtures: Usefulness of Jigs and Fixtures, Design principles o f 7
jigs and fixtures, Principles of location and clamping, T ypes locating and
clamping devices, Few simple design of Jigs and Fixtures : lathe, milling,
boring, s haping, br oaching, g rinding, a ssembly a nd w elding f ixtures,
Economics of Jigs and Fixtures..

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. DeGarmo, E.P., Black, J.T., Kohser, R.A., “Materials and Processes in 1997
Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall of India

2. Ghosh, A., and Mallik, A.K., “Manufacturing Science” Affiliated East-West 1985
press Pvt. Ltd.

3. Lal, G .K., “ Introduction to M achining S cience” N ew A ge International 1996


4. Chua, C .K., and L eong, L .F., “ Rapid Prototyping: P rinciples a nd 1997

Applications in Manufacturing” John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

5. Gupta, I.C., “Text Book of Engineering Metrology” DhanpatRai Publishing 2003


NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-303 Course Title: Principles of Industrial Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS:0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To acquaint the students to the tools and techniques of industrial engineering.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Industrial Engineering: Introduction to industrial engineering. 6
Functions of or ganization, E lements of or ganization, Principles of
organization, Types of organization and their selection.
2. Plant L ayout and M aterial H andling: Site s election, types of 8
layout, factors a ffecting l ayout, plant bui lding, flexibility a nd
expandability, Principles of material handling, types and selection of
materials handling equipment’s.
3. Production Planning and Control: Functions, forecasting, routing, 8
operations pl anning; G antt c hart, work or der, dispatching a nd
follow-up; CPM and PERT techniques.
4. Inventory C ontrol: Scope, purchasing and s toring, economic l ot 4
size; ABC Analysis.
5. Quality C ontrol: Statistical qua lity control, control c harts f or 10
variables and attributes: X bar, R, p & c charts, Concepts &Scope of
TQM a nd QFD.Acceptance S ampling: Consumers r isk, P roducers
risk, LQL, AQL, OC curves, Types of sampling plans, AOQ, ATI.
6. Work Study: Scope, work measurement and method study, standard 6
data, ergonomics and its industrial applications.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Mitra, A., “Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement”, John 2008
Wiley & Sons, Inc,
2. Russell, R .S., Taylor, B.W.,“Operations M anagement”, Pearson 2003
3. Jocobs, C.A., “ Production a nd Operations M anagement”, Tata 1999
McGraw Hill
4. Groover,M.P.,“Automation, P roduction S ystems a nd C omputer- 2001
Integrated Manufacturing”, Pearson Education
5. Maynard, H.B.,“Industrial Engineering Handbook”, McGraw Hill 2001
6. BesterfieldD.H. et al ., “Total Q uality M anagement:, Pearson 1999

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-304 Course Title: Fluid Machinery

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2/2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To pr ovide t heoretical a nd pr actical know ledge of va rious f luid m achines and
their performance.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction : Classification, E uler’s t urbomachinery e quation, a erofoil 10
and cascade theory, impulse and reaction principle, specific speed
2. Hydraulic T urbines : Classification, P elton, F rancis, K aplan, p ropeller 08
and bul b t urbines, ve locity t riangles, pow er a nd e fficiency c alculations,
draft tube, cavitation, Thoma’s cavitation factor, governing of impulse and
reaction turbines.
3. Rotodynamic Pumps, Fans & Compressors : Classifications, centrifugal, 08
mixed a nd a xial f low pum ps, ve locity t riangles; Head, pow er and
efficiency calculations, system l osses and system he ad, i mpeller s lip and
slip factors, H ydraulic design of fans and compressors, i nternal and s tage
efficiency, stalling.
4. Performance C haracteristics of R otodynamic Ma chines: Head, 06
capacity and power m easurement, performance characteristics, operating
characteristics, model testing, similarity la ws, Muschal or c onstant
efficiency curves.
5. Hydro-static Pumps : Principle of positive displacement pumps, working 06
principle of r eciprocating pum ps, i ndicator di agram, s lip, e ffect f riction
and acceleration, air vessels, t wo t hrow and t hree t hrow pum ps. C onstant
and variable delivery, internal and external gear pumps, vane pumps, screw
pumps, radial piston pumps, rotary piston pumps.
6 Hydraulic T ransmission D evices: Fluid c oupling and t orque converter, 04
hydraulic jack, press, crane, pressure accumulator and intensifier.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Earl Logan, Turbomachinery: Basic theory and applications, CRC Press 2009
2. Lal, J., Hydraulic Machine; Metropolitan Book Co. 2007
4. Gopal Krishnan & Prithviraj, A treatise on Turbomachines; scitech 2002
publications (India) pvt. Ltd
5. Douglas, J., F., Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education Ltd. 2005
6. Som & Bisswas, Introduction to fluid Mechanics, Tata McGrawhill 2nd 2004

12. List of Experiments:

(i) Performance characteristics of Pelton Turbine

(ii) Performance characteristics of Francis Turbine
(iii) Performance characteristics of axial flow Turbine
(iv) Study of a jet reaction principle
(v) Performance characteristics of ram pump
(vi) Performance characteristics of centrifugal pump

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-305 Course Title: Heat and Mass Transfer

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DCC/M

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objectives of Course: The course has been designed to impart basic understanding of heat
and m ass t ransfer m echanisms a nd t o e nable t he s tudents t o a pply t hese i n s olving r eal

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact Hours
1 Introduction: Mode of he at t ransfer, c onduction, c onvection and 02
2 Conduction: Fourier, s , l aw, t hermal c onductivity of m atter and ot her 12
relevant pr operties, he at di ffusion e quation, bounda ry and i nitial
conditions. O ne –dimensional s teady- state conduction t hrough pl ane
wall, c ylinder a nd s phere, c onduction w ith t hermal e nergy generation,
heat t ransfer from extended surfaces. T wo- dimensional s teady-state
conduction through plane wall.
3 Convection: Velocity, t hermal and c oncentration bounda ry l ayers a nd 08
their s ignificance, l aminar a nd t urbulent flow, c onvection t ransfer
equations, boundary layer similarity and normalized convection transfer
equations, heat and mass t ransfer analogy, Reynolds analogy, effect of
turbulence, convection i n e xternal a nd i nternal flow, f ree c onvection,
boiling and condensation.
4 Heat ex changers: Heat ex changers t ypes, overall he at t ransfer 05
coefficient, analysis of parallel-flow, counter flow, multipass and cross-
flow he at ex changers, effectiveness – NTU method, c ompact he at

5 Radiation: Fundamental concepts, radiation intensity and its relation to 10

emission, i rradiation a nd r adiosity, bl ackbody radiation, P lanck
distribution, W ien’s di splacement l aw, S tefan- Boltzmann l aw, s urface
emission, s urface a bsorption, r eflection, a nd t ransmission, ki rchhoff’s
law, g ray s urface. R adiation e xchange be tween surfaces, vi ew f actor,
blackbody radiation exchange, radiation exchange between diffuse gray
surfaces in an enclosure.
6 Diffusion Mas s T ransfer: Fick’s l aw of di ffusion, mass dif fusion 05
equation, bounda ry and initial c onditions, m ass diffusion w ithout a nd
with homogeneous chemical reactions, transient diffusion.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Fundamental o f H eat an d Mass T ransfer, Incropera and D ewitt, 5t h E dn., 2002
John Wiley & Sons
2 Heat Transfer A Practical Approach, Cengel, 4th Edn, Tata McGraw-Hill 2011
3 Heat Transfer, Holman J.P., Ninth Edn. Tata McGraw –Hill 2007
4 Heat Transfer, Ozisik, 2nd Edn. Tata McGraw-Hill 1987

NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-309 Course Title: Theory of Production Processes-II

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 0 3 Practical - -

4. Relative Weight : CWS 20 PRS 20 MTE 20 ETE 40 PRE - -

5. Credits: 0 4 6. Semester: √ X X

Autumn Spring Both

7. Pre –requisite: NIL 8. Subject Area: DCC

9. O bjectives of Course: This c ourse i s intended to i mpart fundamentals of the t heory of

casting, welding and forming processes and powder metallurgy.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contact Hours

1. Theory of Casting: Cooling and solidification of castings, cooling curves, 12
nucleation and dendrite formation, , design of gating and risering system in
ferrous and nonferrous foundry practice, production of gray, malleable, and
spheroidal graphite iron castings, mechanization in foundry equipments.

2. Theory of Welding: Thermal effects in welding, structure in weld and heat 10

affected z ones, d istortion and r esidual stresses, w eldability, w eld qua lity,
welding of c ast iron, s tainless steel a nd a luminum, hard f acing, br azing,
soldering, and adhesive bonding.

3. Theory of Forming: Mechanics of materials: elastic and plastic behavior, 10

concept of stress and strain and their types, Mohr’s stress and strain circle
in 2-D a nd 3 -D, s tress and s train t ensor, hydrostatic a nd deviatoric
components, elastic st ress-strain r elations, s train e nergy, a nisotropy of
elastic b ehavior; Theory o f P lasticity: true s tress an d strain, flow curve,
concept of anelastic, hysteresis, and visco-elastic behavior, Bauschinger
effect, Tresca and Von-Mises y ield criteria, anisotropy i n yielding,
octahedral n ormal and shear s tresses and st rains, invariants of stress an d
strains, flow rules or plastic stress-strain relations.

4. Analysis of Forming Processes:Slab method, uniform deformation energy 6

method, limit a nalysis, analysis of d rawing, e xtrusion, r olling, f orging,
deep dr awing, a nd be nding, f orming de fects, f ormability & w orkability,
temperature & lubrication aspects in forming.
5. Powder Metallurgy: Theory of pow der metallurgy, manufacture of metal 4
powders, s intering, s econdary ope rations, p roperties of f inished pa rts,
design considerations and applications.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of


1. DeGarmo, E.P., Black, J.T., Kohser, R.A., “Materials and Processes in 1997
Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall of India

2. Heine, R .W., L oper, C .R., a nd R osenthal, P .C., “ Principles of Metal 1997

Casting”, 21st reprint, Tata McGraw-Hill

3. Kuo, S., “Welding Metallurgy”, John-Wiley & Sons Inc. 2003

4. Dieter, G.E., “Mechanical Metallurgy”, McGraw Hill Book Company 1988

5. Ghosh, A., and Mallik, A.K., “Manufacturing Science”, Affiliated East-West 1985
Press Pvt. Ltd.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-310 Course Title: Quality Management

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE : 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To impart a wareness r egarding qu ality, i ts i mportance, measurement and
applications in design, manufacturing and final inspection of product.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Different de finitions, di mensions, a nd aspects of 7
quality; T raditional a nd modern vi ews of quality c ontrol; D ifferent
Philosophies b y quality Gurus, seven basic and new quality control
2. Statistical Process C ontrol: Theory and a pplications of control 12
charts, controls charts for variables: charts for averages, ranges, and
standard d eviation, control c harts f or a ttributes: p a nd c c harts,
fraction de fective a nd num ber of de fects pe r uni t, different
adaptations of c ontrol c harts, manufacturing pr ocess va riability,
manufacturing process capability and tolerances.
3. Acceptance Sa mpling: Concept of ac ceptance s ampling, sampling 7
by attributes: s ingle and doubl e s ampling pl ans; Construction a nd
use of OC curves.
4. Total Q uality M anagement: Concept a nd philosophy, scope, 10
applications, implementation, quality function de ployment, six
sigma, process capa bility, just-in-time phi losophy, quality ci rcles,
quality system and Introduction to ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.
5. Reliability: Concept a nd de finition, m easurement a nd t est of 6
reliability, design for r eliability, concepts of maintainability a nd
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Grant,E., a nd Leavenworth, R ., “ Statistical Q uality C ontrol”, 1996
2. Mitra, A., “Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement”, John 2008
Wiley & Sons, Inc,
3. Juran,J.M., “Quality Control Handbook”, McGraw-Hill 1988
4. Besterfield, D .H., B esterfield – Michna, C ., B esterfield, G ., a nd 1999
Besterfield-Sacre,M., “Total Quality Management”,Pearson Education
5. Montgomery, D.C.,“Introduction to Statistical Quality Control”,John- 1996
Wiley & Sons Inc.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-311 Course Title: Operations Research

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The cou rse covers deterministic a nd probabilistic mode ls w ith emphasis on
formulation of problems for scientific and quantitative analysis.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Origin a nd de velopment of ope rations r esearch, 2
general m ethodology o f O R, applications of O R t o i ndustrial
2. Linear P rogramming: Different t ypes of m odels, formulation of 13
linear pr ogramming p roblems ( LPPs), pr oduct-mix pr oblems,
deterministic mode ls, graphical s olution. Simplex a lgorithm,
computational procedure in simplex method, applications of simplex
technique to industrial problems. Duality and its concept, dual linear
programming, application of elementary sensitivity analysis
3. Linear O ptimization T echniques: Integer pr ogramming pr oblems 15
(IPPs), assignment mod els: ma thematical f ormulation, methods of
solutions, transportation pr oblems: m ethods of obt aining opt imal
solution de generacy i n t ransportation pr oblems, transshipment
4. Game P roblems: Introduction a nd s cope o f game pr oblems i n 6
business a nd i ndustry, min-max c riterion and optimal s trategy,
solution of t wo-person z ero-sum g ame, game pr oblem as a s pecial
case of linear programming.
5. Queuing Problems: Queuing systems and concepts, classification of 6
queuing situations; Kendall’s notation, solution of queuing problems,
single channel, single stage, finite and infinite queues with Poisson
arrival and exponential service time, applications to industrial
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Taha,H.A., “An Introduction t o O perations Research”, 6th Ed., 2001
Prentice Hall of India
2. Panneerselvam R., Operations Research, PHI 2011
3. Hillier, F.J., Lieberman, G.J., “Introduction t o Operations R esearch” 2001
7th Ed., Holden Day Inc.
4. Gross, D., and Harris, C.M., “Fundamentals of Queuing Theory”, 2 nd 1985
Ed., John Wiely & sons, NY
5. Cheema, D.S., “Operation Research”, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 2005
6 Wagner, H.M., “Principles of Operations Research”, Prentice Hall of 1980

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-312 Course Title: Operations Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The c ourse i s de signed t o pr ovide know ledge a bout t he s hop f loor a nd r esource
management activities in a manufacturing organization.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Types and characteristics of m anufacturing s ystems, 3
concept of manufacturing cell, system planning and design.
2. Operations Sc heduling: Concepts, loading, s cheduling a nd 8
sequencing, single processor scheduling, flow shop scheduling, job-
shop scheduling, scheduling criteria; Gantt charts
3. Project Management: Project management techniques; Introduction 5
to C PM a nd P ERT techniques, activities and events, conventions
adopted in drawing networks, graphical representation of events and
activities, dummy activities, identification of critical activities.
4. Materials Planning an d C ontrol: Field and scope, materials 10
planning; I nventories-types and classification; A BC ana lysis,
economic l ot s ize, E OQ m odel, lead t ime a nd r eorder poi nt,
inventory c ontrol s ystems, modern t rends i n pur chasing, store
keeping, store operations; Introduction to MRP and MRP-II, bills of
material; Introduction to ERP.
5. Zero I nventory S ystems: Introduction t o t he ne w m anufacturing 5
concepts; JIT, lean manufacturing and agile manufacturing, pull and
push systems of production; Kanban system.
6. Capacity P lanning: Definition of c apacity, capacity pl anning, 7
capacity r equirement pl anning, capacity available and required,
scheduling order.
7. Supply Chain M anagement: Introduction – understanding s upply 4
chain, supply chain pe rformance, supply chain d rivers and obs tacles,
planning demand and supply in a supply chain.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Russell, R .S., and Taylor, B.W., ‘Operations M anagement”, Pearson 2003
2. Jocobs, C.A., “Production a nd O perations M anagement”, Tata 1999
McGraw Hill
3. Ramamurthy, P. “Production and Operations Management”, New Age 2002
4. Adam J r., E .E., and Ebert, R.J., “Production a nd O perations 2001
Management Concept, Models, and Behaviour”, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall
of India
5. Buffa, E .S., and Sarin, R.K., “Modern P roduction / O perations 1994
Management”, John Willey & Sons
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE:Department of Mechanical andIndustrialEngineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-313 CourseTitle: Work System Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practiceal 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS 20 ETE 20 PRE0

MTE: 30

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre– requisite:Nil

9. Objective:To introduce concepts, techniquesandtools for work study and Ergonomics

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Productivity: Concept, obj ectives, Factors affecting productivity, 06
Productivity m easurement, c auses of l ow p roductivity, T ools and
techniques to improve productivity, work study and productivity

2. Work St udy: Purpose, s cope a nd d evelopments, hum an a spects, 04

techniques of work study and their scope

3. Method St udy: Objectives a nd s cope, recording t echniques: ope ration 14

process charts, flow process charts, two hand process chart, activity chart,
other c harts, their a nalysis, flow di agram, string di agram, critical
examination t echniques, de velopment, i nstallation and maintenance of
improved m ethods, P rinciples of m otion e conomy, M icro M otion s tudy,
Therbligs, m otion a nalysis, pr eparations of m otion f ilm a nd i ts a nalysis,
SIMO charts, memo-motion study, cyclegraph and chronocyclegraph
4. Time Study: Scope and obj ectives, concepts of measurement o f w ork i n 12
units of t ime, T echniques of w ork m easurement, s top w atch t ime s tudy,
allowances and c alculation of s tandard t ime, s tandard t ime a nd i ts
applications, W ork s ampling a nd i ntroduction t o P redetermined motion
time systems
5. Ergonomics: Introduction t o i ndustrial e rgonomics, c onstituents a reas of 06
ergonomics, m an-machine s ystem, a nthropometry and ergonomics,
metabolism a nd or ganization of w ork, e rgonomic a spects i n de sign of
controls and displays and their layout, light and vibration consideration in
ergonomically de signed s ystem, working c onditions a nd e nvironment,
ergonomics and safety
Total 42
11. SuggestedBooks:
S. No. NameofAuthors / Books /Publisher Year of
1. Introduction to Work Study by ILO. 2005

2. Barnes, R.M., “Motion and Time Study”, John Wiley & Sons. 1980

3. McCormick, E.J., “Human Factors in Engineering and Design”, TMH. 1976

4. Bridger, R.S., “Introduction to Ergonomics”, CRC Press. 2008

5. Murrel, K.F.H., “Ergonomics”, Longsman. 1971


NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-325 Course Title: Numerical Methods in Manufacturing
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To e xpose t he s tudents to i n va rious num erical m ethods a nd m odeling t ools t o

model and simulate manufacturing and materials processing operations.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Numerical Methods: Introduction, Linear 8
equations, N on-linear e quations, Functional a pproximation,
Numerical di fferentiation, Numerical int egration, Ordinary
differential equations, Partial differential equations, Finite difference
method, F inite e lement method, F inite vol ume method, O rthogonal
collocation, Boundary integral method, Optimization
2. Mathematical Model D evelopment: Introduction, F luid f low 8
phenomenon, Heat transfer, Diffusion and mass transfer, Multiphase

3. Modeling of C asting & S olidification P rocess: Fundamentals of 10

casting a nd s olidification pr ocess, H eat f low i n s olidification,
Solidification of mus hy z ones, Finite e lement s imulation of
solidification problems, M odeling a nd f ormulation of c asting
problems, case studies, Macro-modeling of solidification; Numerical
approximation m ethods, D iscretization of g overning equations,
Solution of discretized equations, Application of macro-modeling of
4. Modeling of Met al F orming Processes: Introduction, Plasciticity 10
fundamentals: von Mises yield criterion, Tresca yield criterion, Flow
rule, Generalised stress & generalised strain increment, Plastic
anisotropy, Anisotropic yield criterion, Plastic i nstability, Process
modeling: Uniform e nergy m ethod, s lab m ethod, s lip-line f ield
method, upper bound method, Visioplasticity method, Finite element
method, Application of finite element method, Eulerian rigid-plastic
FEM formulation for plane strain rolling, Governing equations

5. Modeling of Welding Processes: Weld pool he at & fluid f low, 6

Modeling of f luid d ynamics & c oupled phe nomenon i n a rch w eld
pools, finite e lement analysis of w elding r esidual s tress &
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Ilegbusi, O lusegun J ., Iguchi, M ., W anhsiedler, W ., “Mathematical 2000
and P hysical M odelling of M aterials P rocessing O perations”,
Chapman & Hall/ CRC Press
2. Stefanescu, D . M ., “Science and Engineering of C asting 2002
Solidification”, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers,
3. Lal, G. K., Dixit, P. M., Reddy, N. Venkata., "Modelling Techniques 2011
for Metal Forming Processes", Narosa Publishimg House,
4. Gupta S antosh K , N umerical M ethods f or E ngineers, N ew A ge 2009
International (P) Limited Publishers,

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-327 Course Title: Reverse Engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To t each s tudents va rious t ools a nd t echniques us ed f or t he reverse

engineering processes and applications.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Scope and tasks of RE, Process of duplicating, 6
Definition and use of Reverse Engineering, Reverse Engineering as a
Generic Process
2. Tools and Techniques for RE: Object scanning: contact scanners, 14
noncontact scanners, destructive method, coordinate measuring
machine, Point Data Processing: preprocessing and post processing of
captured data, geometric model development, construction of surface
model, solid model, noise reduction, feature identification, model
3. Rapid Prototyping:Introduction, current RP techniques and 12
materials, Stereo Lithography, Selective Laser Sintering, Fused
Deposition Modeling, Three-dimensional Printing, Laminated Object
Manufacturing, Multijet Modeling, Laser-engineered Net Shaping,
Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, Rapid Manufacturing
4. Integration:Cognitive approach to RE, Integration of formal and 6
structured methods in reverse engineering, Integration of reverse
engineering and reuse.
5. Legal Aspects of Reverse Engineering: Introduction, Copyright Law 4
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Biggerstaff T. J., “Design Recovery for Maintenance and Reuse”, 1991
IEEE Corporation.
2. Katheryn, A. Ingle, “Reverse Engineering”, McGraw-Hill. 1994
3. Aiken Peter, “Data Reverse Engineering”, McGraw-Hill. 1996
4. Linda Wills,“Reverse Engineering” ,Kluiver Academic Publishers. 1996
5. Donald R. Honsa , “Co-ordinate Measurement and reverse 1996
engineering”, American Gear Manufacturers Association

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-328 Course Title: Manufacturing System Analysis
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To t each s tudents va rious t ools a nd t echniques us ed f or t he p erformance

analysis of manufacturing systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Definitions of m anufacturing with i nput-output 4
model, Definition of system, Basic problems concerning systems and
system design procedure, Modes of manufacturing – job/batch/flow
and multi-product, small-batch manufacturing.
2. System M odeling Issues: Centralized v ersus distributed c ontrol; 8
Real-time vs . discrete event c ontrol; F orward vs . ba ckward
scheduling approaches w ith finite/infinite c apacity loa ding;
Modeling of absorbing states and deadlocks, conflicts, concurrency,
and synchronization etc.
3. System M odeling Tools an d Techniques: Introduction t o 15
mathematical modeling, optimization, and simulation; Issues related
with Deterministic a nd Stochastic mode ls, continuous a nd di screte
mathematical mode ling methods-Discrete ev ent, Monte C arlo
method; B asic C oncepts of M arkov C hains a nd P rocesses; T he
M/M/1 and M /M/m Q ueue; M odels of m anufacturing s ystems-
including tr ansfer line s a nd flexible ma nufacturing s ystems,
Introduction to Petri nets.
4. Performance A nalysis: Transient a nalysis of m anufacturing 15
systems, Analysis of a f lexible ma chining c enter; P roduct f low
analysis; R ank or der c lustering; P rocess flow c harting; M RPI& II,
Kanban, O PT, J IT-Pull a nd J IT-Push, Line o f ba lance, E ffects of
machine f ailure, set-ups, a nd ot her di sruptions on s ystem
performance; C alculation of p erformance m easures-throughput, i n-
process i nventory, du e da tes, M TL, C apacity, a nd M achine
utilization etc.; C ritique of hi gh inventory, long lead time s ystems;
Shop floor control issues.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Askin, R .G., and S tandridge, C .R., “Modeling a nd A nalysis of 1993
Manufacturing Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
2. Gershwin, S ., “Manufacturing S ystems E ngineering”, P rentice-Hall 1994
3. Hitomi, K., “Manufacturing Systems Engineering”, Taylor & Francis 1998
4. Viswanadham, N ., and N arahari, Y., “Performance M odeling of 1992
Automated Manufacturing Systems”, Prentice-Hall of India
5. Hopp, W .J., and S pearman, M .L., “Factory P hysics: Foundation of 1996
Manufacturing Management”, McGraw Hill Inc.
6. Chang, T .C.,Wysk, R .A., and W ang, H .P., “Computer A ided 1998
Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall Inc.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial

1. Subject Code: MIN-329 Course Title: Computer Integrated


2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight : CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil
9. Objective: T o pr ovide k nowledge and d etails of t he m eans of c omputer a ided
manufacturing and various functions supporting the automated manufacturing.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Introduction t o m anufacturing s ystems a nd t heir pe rformance 04
analysis; Introduction t o a utomation; Introduction t o c omputer i ntegrated
manufacturing (CIM).
2 Numerical C ontrol (NC): Introduction, num erical c ontrol – its gr owth and 10
development, c omponents of N C s ystem, i nput de vices, c ontrol s ystems –
point t o poi nt, s traight c ut, a nd c ontinuous pa th NC, ope n l oop a nd closed
loop NC s ystems, NC i nterpolations – linear, circular, helical, parabolic and
cubic interpolation, applications of NC systems, merits and demerits.
3 Extensions of N C: Concepts of c omputer numerical c ontrol ( CNC), 06
machining center, and direct numerical control (DNC), and their advantages.
4 Robotics: Robot a natomy a nd r elated a ttributes, r obot c ontrol s ystems – 06
limited sequence, playback with point to point, playback with continuous and
intelligent control; End effectors – gripper, tools; Sensors in robotics – tactile
sensors, pr oximity, opt ical s ensors a nd m achine vi sion; A pplications of
industrial robots, robot programming.
5 Material H andling a nd S torage: Overview of m aterial ha ndling 06
equipments, a utomated m aterial ha ndling equipments – AGVs, c onveyor
systems, pe rformance a nalysis of m aterial ha ndling s ystems, a utomated
material storage systems – ASRS and carousel storage, analysis of automated
storage systems.
6 Manufacturing Support Functions: Introduction to group technology (GT), 10
computer a ided pr ocess pl anning ( CAPP), m aterial r equirement pl anning
(MRP), capacity planning, scheduling etc.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
/ Reprint
1 Groover, M . P ., “ Automation, P roduction s ystems and C omputer 2007
Integrated Manufacturing”, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall.
2 Singh, N ., “ Systems A pproach t o C omputer Integrated Design and 1996
Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons.
3 Chang,T.-C., W ysk,R. A . and W ang, H .-P. “ Computer A ided 2005
Manufacturing”, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall.
4 Rembold,U., N naji,B. O . a nd S torr A., “ Computer Integrated 1994
Manufacturing”, Addison Wesley.
5 Besant,C. B. a nd Lui,C. W . K ., “ Computer A ided D esign and 1991
Ellis Horwood Ltd.
6 Rao,P. N ., T iwari,N. K . a nd K undra,T.K., “ Computer A ided 1993
Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill.
7 Koren, Y. “Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems”, McGraw Hill. 1983
8 Lynch, M., “Computer Numerical Control for Machining”, McGraw-Hill. 1992
9 Sava,M. a nd P usztai,J., “ Computer N umerical C ontrol P rogramming”, 1990
Prentice Hall.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-330 Course Title: Ergonomics
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The m ain objective o f t he c ourse i s t o i mpart a n unde rstanding of t he man-

machine s ystem. The co urse de als w ith the s tudy of t he di fferent as pects of
physiology and psychology in the work system design.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Introduction a nd r elevance t o w ork s ystem de sign, 8
importance of e rgonomics i n pr esent d ay s cenario, D efinition &
fundamentals of ergonomics:, historical perspectives, objectives and
2. Anthropometry: Human bod y, a nthropometrics, postures; S tand, 12
sitting, squatting a nd c ross-legged pos tures, anthropometric
measuring t echniques, bod y s upportive de vices, ve rtical a nd
horizontal work surface, design of an ergonomic chair
3. Human f actors: Behavioral a spects, c ognitive i ssues, mental w ork 4
load, human error
4. Ergonomic Design: Design methodology and criteria for designing, 12
design for i mproving oc cupational s afety a nd reduction i n f atigue
and di scomfort, work s ystem de sign, e nvironmental f actors, vi sual
issues in design, case studies
5. Case s tudies: D esign modifications in existing pr oducts f rom the 6
ergonomics point of view
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Singh, S (Edt), Ergonomics Interventions for Health and Productivity, 2007
Himanshu Publications, Udaipur, New Delhi
2. Chakrabarti D., Indian Anthropometric Dimensions for ergonomic 1997
design practice, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad
3. Salvendy G. (edit), Handbook of Human Factors and ergonomics, 1998
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
4. Dul, J. and Weerdmeester, B. Ergonomics for beginners, a quick 1993
reference guide, Taylor & Francis
5. Green, W.S. and Jordan, P .W, Human Factors in Product Design, 1999
Taylor & Francis

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-331 Course Title: Total Quality Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective:To development unde rstanding on t ools, t echniques a nd t he phi losophies

concerning t he a pplication of t he T otal Q uality M anagement ( TQM) in m anufacturing a nd
service industry.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Fundamentals: Evolution of Q uality: Inspection, Q uality C ontrol, 10
Quality Assurance and Total Q uality M anagement, Customer-
Orientation: Internal & E xternal C ustomer C oncept, Quality
Philosophies of Deming, Juran, Crosby, Ishikawa, Taguchi; Tools and
improvement cycle ( PDCA). Life cycle approach t o qua lity costs
prevention; A ppraisal and F ailure costs. V arious T QM m odels.
Relationship between quality and environment.
2. Human R esources Management: Organizational, Communicational 6
and T eam r equirements. Types of t eams, Quality circles,
Empowerment, Human resource policies in TQM, Group dynamics
3. Tools and Techniques 10
Seven QC tools (Histogram, Check sheets, Ishikawa diagrams, Pareto,
Scatter di agrams, Control c harts), Quality Function Deployment,
Statistical process control, Process capability, J IT and Elimination of
waste, Total P roductive M aintenance, 5-S. T aguchi’s c oncept of
quality loss function.
4. Systems an d P rocedure: Importance, S tandardization ( National a nd 8
International) Quality Systems, Quality Manuals, Quality Information
Systems a nd doc umentation, A uditing, B asics of ISO-9000 a nd ISO
14000: Relevance and misconceptions.
5. Implementation: Quality s trategy a nd pol icy, M otivation and 8
leadership t heories. C ontinuous vs br eakthrough i mprovements,
Management of c hange, Q uality award m odels a nd r ole of s elf-
assessment, Benchmarking, Implementation barriers, TQM practices.

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Besterfield, D C and Besterfield C Total Quality Management,
Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi
2. Mohanty R P and Lakhe R R Handbook of Total Quality
Management, Jaico Publishers
3. Berk, J. and Berk, S. Total Quality Management: Implementing
Continuous Improvement. New York: Sterling Publishing
4. Logothetis, N. Managing forTotal Quality. New York: Prentice Hall
5. Bossert, J. L. Quality Function Deployment – A Practitioner’s
Approach, NY: Marcel Dekker
6. Taguchi, G., A. Elsayed, and T. Hsiang Quality Engineering in
Production Systems, NY: McGraw Hill

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-332 Course Title: Industrial Hazards and Safety
2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight : CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE:0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC
8. Pre – requisite: Nil
9. Objectives of Course:
The course is planned in such a manner that the students can build on the foundation laid
in the basic course on Industrial Hazards and Safety. The course will highlight in detail
various Industrial Hazards with emphasis on different types of safety measures.

10. Details of Course:

S.No Particulars Contact

Noise, properties of sound, occupational damage, risk factors, sound
measuring instruments, noise control programmes. Ionizing radiation, types,
effects, monitoring instruments, control programmes, OSHA standard - non-
ionizing radiations, effects, types, radar hazards, microwaves and radio-
waves, lasers, TLV- cold environments, hypothermia, wind chill index, 9
control measures- hot environments, thermal comfort, heat stress indices,
acclimatization, estimation and control.
Recognition of chemical hazards- types, and concentration, Exposure vs.
dose, TLV - Methods of evaluation, process or operation description, field 9
survey, sampling methodology, Air Sampling instruments, Types,
Measurement Procedures, Instruments Procedures, Gas and Vapour monitors,
dust sample collection devices, personal sampling. Methods of Control -
Engineering Control, Nuclear hazards, Disposal of nuclear wastes, Safety
measures In nuclear plants
Classification of Biohazardous agents – examples, bacterial agents, rickettsial
and chlamydial agents, viral agents, fungal, parasitic agents, infectious
diseases - Biohazard control Programmes, employee health Programmes-
laboratory safety programmes-animal care and handling-biological safety 9
cabinets – building design. Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders –carpal
tunnel syndrome (CTS) - Tendon pain-disorders of the neck- back injuries.


Concept and spectrum of health - functional units and activities of
occupational health services, pre - employment and post-employment medical
examinations - occupational related diseases, levels of prevention of diseases,
notifiable occupational diseases, their effects and prevention. Industrial
toxicology, local, systemic and chronic effects, temporary and cumulative
effects, carcinogens entry into human systems. 8

Man as a system component – allocation of functions – efficiency –
occupational work capacity – aerobic and anaerobic work – evaluation of
physiological requirements of jobs – parameters of measurements – 7
categorization of job heaviness – work organization – stress – strain – fatigue
– rest pauses – shift work – personal hygiene.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S.No Name of Book / Authors / Publisher Year of

1 “Hand book of Occupational Safety and Health”, National 1982
Safety Council, Chicago.

2 “Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety”, Vol. I and 1985

II, International Labour Office, Geneva,

3 “Occupational Safety and Health Management” by Thomas J. 1989

Anton, 2nd Ed.
4 “Occupational Safety Management and Engineering” by Willie 2001
Hammer and Dennis Price, ISBN: 0-13-896515-3

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-333 Course Title: Industrial Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This course introduces the study of equilibrium and deformation in components,
and structures for engineering design.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Basic conc epts of m anagement, scientific 10
management, types of management.
2. Organizational Structures: Types of o rganizations, Functions a nd 12
objectives of i ndustrial or ganizations, O wnership of Industries;
Proprietorship, partnership, joint stock companies, public and private
undertakings, c o-operative or ganizations, c omparison of di fferent
organization structures.
3. Personnel Management: Functions, w age and s alary 10
administration, j ob e valuation, satisfactory wage pl an, merit r ating
and evaluation plans.
4. Industrial Sa fety: Occupational s afety, en gineering safety de sign 10
and safety programmes; Safety aspects in work system design,
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. J. Russell (Joseph Russell) Smith, “ The E lements of Industrial 2012
Management”, HardPress
2. Rieske, D avid W ., A sfahl a nd C . Ray, “ Industrial S afety and Health 2009
Management”, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall Professional Technical Ref.
3. Gavriel S alvendy, “ Handbook of Industrial E ngineering: T echnology 2001
and Operations Management”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
4. Herman B . H enderson, Albert E . Haas, “ Industrial O rganization a nd 1961
Management F undamentals”, Industrial P ress, T he U niversity of

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-334 Course Title: Facilities Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To i mpart t he kno wledge a bout fundamentals of di fferent aspects o f facility

location, facility layout, and material handling for an enterprise.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours
1. Factory Planning: Introduction, factors to be considered 2
2. Plant L ocation and S ite S election: Levels of pl ant l ocation, rural, 8
urban and s uburban l ocation of pl ants, factors i nfluencing t he pl ant
location, optimum plant location, location theories.
3. Plant Layout: Introduction of production system, scope, objectives, 10
importance, and types of plant layout, characteristics of a good plant
layout, factoring affecting pl ant l ayout, procedure of d eveloping a
plant l ayout, installation a nd e valuation of pl ant l ayout, optimum
plant layout.
4. Group T echnology:Definition, objectives, planning, part f amilies 10
and machine cell formation, evaluation of machine cells, types of GT
layout, benefits of GT, implementation of GT.
5. Line B alancing: Definitions, heuristic and analytical m ethods of 5
balancing the assembly and production line, single and mixed model
line balancing, alternatives to line balancing.
6. Materials Hand ling: Definition, scope, objectives, principles, 7
importance, factors in ma terials ha ndling pr oblem, analysis of
materials ha ndling, types and selection of m aterials handling
equipment’s, a ids a nd t echniques i n m aterials ha ndling e quipment
selection.Planning o f ma terial flow, advantages o f pl anned m aterial
flow, flow pl anning pr inciples, flow pa tterns, analysis of m aterial
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Francis, R.L., McGinnis, L.F., and W hite, J.A.,“Facility Layout a nd 2004
Location: An Analytical Approach”, Prentice Hall of India
2. Meyers, F .E., and S tephens, M.P., “ Manufacturing Facilities D esign 2000
and Material Handling”, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
3. Groover,M.P.,“Automation, P roduction S ystems a nd C omputer- 2001
Integrated Manufacturing”,2nd Ed., Pearson Education Inc. Delhi
4. Sule,D.R.,“Manufacturing Facilities-Location, Planning, and Design”, 1984
PWS Publishing Company
5. Tompkins,J.A., White, J.A.,Bozer,Y.A.,Frazelle, E.H.,Tanchoco, J.M., 1996
and Tervino,J.,“Facilities Planning”,2nd Ed., John Willey & Sons

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-335 Course Title: Concurrent Engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To m ake t he l earners a ware on t he i mportance, c oncept, t ools a nd

techniques of concurrent engineering.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Concurrent engineering concepts, sequential versus 8
concurrent en gineering, importance of concurrent e ngineering,
benefits of concurrent engineering.

2. Design f or M anufacturing and A ssembly: Mathematical 13

modeling be tween de sign a nd m anufacturing, design f or
manufacturing and assembly approach, concurrent product design,
material ba lance equ ation, cost e quation, average m anufacturing
lead time.
3. Design f or X : Design for qua lity, pseudo m easure of pr oduct 13
optimality, quality function deployment, improvement in unit cost
and quality of manufactured products.

4. Implementation an d C ase St udies: Difficulties a ssociated with 8

performing concurrent engineering, life cycle costing, case studies.

Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Andreasen, M .M., K ahler, S ., Lund, T ., a nd S wift, K ., “ Design for 1988
Assembly”, Springer Verlag
2. Molloy, O., Tilley, S., and Warman, E.A., “Design for Manufacturing 1998
and Assembly C oncepts, A rchitectures and Implementation”,
Chapman & Hall
3. Wang, B.,“Integrated Product, P rocess a nd Enterprise D esign”, 1997
Chapman & Hall
4. Benhabib, B ., “ Manufacturing D esign, P roduction, A utomation and 2003
Integration”, Marcel Dekker Inc.
5. Huang, G .Q., “ Design for X C oncurrent E ngineering Imperatives”, 1996
Chapman & Hall
6. Boothroyd, G ., D ewhurst, P ., a nd Knight, W., “ Product D esign f or 2002
Manufacture and Assembly”, Marcel Dekker Inc.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-336 Course Title: Financial Management

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide de tailed i nsight of t he f inancial r equirements i n i ndustriesbesides

techniques of financial planning, control and managerial decisions.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Nature an d Sc ope: Function of f inance, jobs and objectives of a 12
financial manager, various forms of business organizations,
sourceof f inances: s hort te rm f inances- term c redit, accrued
expenses and deferred income, bank f inance for w orking c apital;
long t erm finances- common s hares, r ight i ssues, debentures,
preference shares, lease financing, term loan.
2. Financial A ccounting:Purpose, f unctions, di fference be tween 8
financial and management accounting,Purpose, objective of
Financial Statement Analysis, ratio analysis: types of ratio, liquidity
ratio, leverage ratio, profitability ratios, and activity ratios.
3. Cost: Nature a nd c lassification of c osts i n a m anufacturing 8
company, costing concepts, cost a llocation,Break-even analysis
(BEA), ope rating l everage, effect of ch ange i n pr ofit, utility a nd
limitation of BE Analysis.
4. Capital B udgeting (CB): Meaning, i mportance and di fficulties o f 8
CB, kinds of capital budgeting decisions, cash in flow and out flow
estimates. Capital structure,Concepts, needs, d etermination, a nd
dimension of w orking c apital m anagement, estimation of w orking
capital needs, financing current assets.
5. Financing and D ividend D ecision: Meaning a nd m easure of 6
financial l everage, effect on t he s hare hol ders return, dividends,
dividend pol icy, practical cons ideration, constraints of pa ying
dividends, advantages and disadvantages of bonus shares etc.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Bose, D.C., “Fundamental of Financial Management”, Prentice Hall 2006
2. Martin, K ., S cott J r., P., “ Financial M anagement P rinciples and 2006
Applications”, 10th Ed., Academic Internet Publishers
3. Higgins, R .C., “ Analysis f or F inancial M anagement”, 8th Ed., 2005
4. Brigham, E .F., a nd E hrhardt, M .C., “ Financial Management: T heory 2004
and P ractice w ith T homson O NE”,11th Ed., South-Western College
5. Horne, J.C.V., “Financial Management Policy”, Pearson 2004

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-337 Course Title: Processing of Non-Metals
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The ma in objective of the c ourse is to impa rt an und erstanding o f t he

manufacturing science and engineering of non-metals.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours
1. Introduction: Classification of engineering materials and processing 3
techniques, structure and properties of non-metals
2. Processing of Glass and ceramics : Glass structure and properties, 10
glass me lting a nd forming, glass a nnealing, C eramic pow der
preparation, s ynthesis o f ce ramic powders, f abrication of ceramic
products from powders: pressing, casting, vapour phase t echniques,
sintering, finishing, machining. ceramic coatings
3. Processing of Plastics: thermoplastics and thermosets, Processing of 8
Plastics: E xtrusion. Injection m oulding. T hermoforming.
Compression m oulding. T ransfer m oulding. G eneral be havior of
polymer melts, Machining of plastics
4. Processing of p olymer matrix composites: Classification of 10
composite ma terials, properties of composites hand l ay-up,
autoclaving, f ilament w inding, pul trusion, c ompression m olding,
pre-pegging, s heet m olding compounds e tc., pr ocess c apability and
application areas of various techniques
5. Ceramic matrix composites: mechanical pr operties of ce ramic 6
matrix c omposites, di fferent pr ocessing t echniques f or c eramic
matrix c omposites, process c apability a nd applications of va rious
6. Secondary p rocessing of c omposite materials: Need of s econdary 5
operations, di fferent t ype of s econdary ope rations, m achining a nd
drilling of non-metals, machining induced damage, different methods
of reducing the damage on account of secondary processing
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Kalpakjian, S .,“Manufacturing P rocesses f or E ngineering M aterials,” 1997
3rd Ed., Addison – Wesley
2. Strong,A.B., “ Plastics: Materials and Processing,” Pearson Prentice 2006
3. Mathews, F.L., and R awlings,R.D., “ Composite M aterials: 1999
Engineering and Science,” Woodhead Publishing
4. Peters S.T. “Handbook of Composites”, 2nd Ed., Chapman Hall 1998
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-338 Course Title: Measurement & Instrumentation

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objectives of Course: The course is designed to give the undergraduate students the basic
knowledge about the measurement systems and its components. F urther, the various other
issues related to above aspects have been discussed.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours

1 Generalized C onfiguration of Meas uring System : Functional el ements of a

basic measuring s ystem; different t ypes of measurands, description of functional
elements. Input-output c onfiguration of a m easuring s ystem. Interfering a nd
modifying inputs; methods for correction for interfering and modifying inputs.

2 Characteristics of Instruments : Objective of studying the characteristics of the

instruments. S tatic c haracteristics – accuracy, pr ecision, e rror, s ensitivity,
hysterisis, threshold, drift, span, static s tiffness etc. D ynamic C haracteristics –
time dom ain a nd f requency dom ain c haracteristics t erms. Input-output
Impedance’s a nd m eaning of i mpedance m ismatching. C oncept of m echanical

3 Measurement S ystem Behaviour : Description of mathematical model f or the

generalized configuration of a m easurement s ystem. Response cha racteristics of
the s ystem – Amplitude, f requency a nd ph ase r esponse. O rder of t he s ystems,
response of z ero, f irst a nd s econd or der s ystems t o s tep, r amp a nd s inusoidal
inputs. Transfer function method to study the response of the system.

4 Uncertainty Analysis : Classification of e rrors systematic errors, random

errors, illegitimate e rrors a nd statistical a nalysis of e xperimental da ta,
computation of maximum and rss error .
5 Principles of Transduction and Transducers : Description of va rious t ypes
of t ransduction pr inciples. T ransducers ba sed on va riable r esistance, variable
inductance, variable capacitance and piezo-electric effects. Displacement
transducers - wire w ound pot entiometers, LVDT, s train g ages, s train g age
designation s ystem. D iaphragm t ype P ressure Transducers a nd other pressure
measuring t echniques. D esign of acc elerometers and their appl ications.
Temperature and flow measurement techniques, ultrasonic measurements. Signal
conditioners - filters, low, high, band pass and charge amplifiers.

6 DAS an d S ignal A nalysis : Data a cquisition system vi a c omputers. T he

components of Data ac quisition system, D AS Hardware, s election criteria for
choosing a DAS. Techniques for signal analysis.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of

No. Publication

1 Doeblin E O , a nd Dhanesh N M , “ Measurements S ystem A pplication a nd 2011

Design”, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill

2 Mechanical Measurement; Beckwith and Buck; Wesley; 2002

3 Theory a nd Design f or Mechanical M easurements; R ichard S . F igiliola, 4th 2005

Edn., Wiley India

4 Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements; James W. Dally, W.F. Rilley 2003

and K.G. McConnel; John Wiley (2nd Edn.)

5 LAB View Manual 2012


NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Departmentof Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-339 Course Title: Heat Exchangers

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Graduate level course on Heat and Mass Transfer and Fluid Mechanics.

9. Objective: The cour se h as be en designed to make t he s tudents capa ble t o select an d design
various types of heat exchangers used in industries.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction:Heat ex changer t ypes and construction,heat t ransfer and f luid 6
flow fundamentals.
2 Types of heat exchangers: Derivations for counter flow and parallel flow heat 6
exchangers, LMTD and ε-NTU method, double pipe heat exchangers, crossflow
heat exchangers, shell-and-tube heat exchangers, TEMA standards.
3 Design S trategy:General de sign considerations a nd a pproaches, design 8
strategies,material selection and fabrication processes, cost estimation,optimum
4 Design of S ingle P hase H eat E xchangers: Liquid t o l iquid, g as t o g as a nd 6
liquid to gas heat exchangers.
5 Design of T wo P hase H eat E xchangers:Steam ge nerators, 6
condensers,principle of cooling towers.
6 Design of C ompact H eat E xchangers: Definition, t ypes, de sign pa rameters, 8
design calculations for liquid-air heat exchangers.
7 Introduction to micro, nano and PCB type heat exchangers, familiarization with 2
heat exchanger design softwares, computer aided design.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Year of
No. Author(s) /Title / Publisher Publication/
1 Shah, R. K. and Seculic, D. P.,“Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design”, 2012
Wiley India.
2 Kakac, S. and Liu, H., “Heat Exchangers: selection, rating and thermal 2012
design” CRC Press.
3 Hesselgreaves, J.E.,“Compact Heat Exchangers: selection, design and 2001
4 Kays, W. M. and London, A. L., “Compact Heat Exchangers”, Krieger 1998
Publishing Company.
5 Webb,R. L. and Kim, N.H.,“Principles of Enhanced Heat Transfer”, Taylor 2005
& Francis.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-340 Course Title: Refrigeration &Air-conditioning

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To i ntroduce t he ba sic pr inciples of r efrigeration a nd a ir c onditioning pr ocesses a nd

relevant e quipment a ssociated w ith t he pr ocess. Load c alculation i n a n a ir-
conditioning system.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Review of ba sics t hermodynamics a nd hi story of 1
refrigeration and air-conditioning
2 Air cycle refrigeration :Carnot Cycle; Bell Coleman Cycle; Aircraft 4
Refrigeration: S imple C ycle, Boor S trap cycle, Regenerative Cycle,
Reduced Ambient cycle, DART.
3 Refrigerants : Important r efrigerants a nd t heir pr operties; l eak 2
detection; ch arging o f r efrigerants, selection of r efrigerant
compressors. CFCs and Ozone Hole; Ozone-safe Refrigerants, Global
Warming and refrigerants.
4 Vapour Compression Cycle : Carnot vapor compression C ycle; T-s 7
and P -h di agrams of va pour c ompression r efrigeration c ycle;
Departure of act ual va por com pression cycle f rom t heoretical c ycle.
Compressor vol umetric efficiency. Analysis of actual c ycle, second
law a nalysis of v apour c ompression c ycle. E ffect of s uction a nd
discharge pr essure, s ubcooling a nd s uperheating on pe rformance.
Compound va pour c ompression s ystem w ith i ntercooling f or s ingle
and multiple evaporator. Cascading.
5 Vapour A bsorption R efrigeration S ystems : Aqua-ammonia 3
absorption r efrigeration s ystem; Lithium br omide-water a bsorption
systems; pr operties of a qua-ammonia s olution, p -t-x cha rt; ent halpy
concentration chart. Three fluid Electrolux system.
6 Water Refrigeration :Introduction; Principle of Operation; Steam Jet 2
Refrigeration; C entrifugal R efrigeration; M erits a nd Demerits of
steam jet refrigeration; Characteristics of Steam Jet Refrigeration
7 Non-conventional R efrigeration S ystems : Vortex a nd Pulse T ube 2
Refrigeration Systems; Thermoelectric Refrigeration Systems
8 Psychrometrics : Introduction t o A ir c onditioning; P sychrometric 6
processes: e vaporative c ooling, humindifier e fficiency; cooling a nd
dehumidification b y c hilled w ater s pray and c ooling c oils; b ypass
factor; chemical dehumidification; sensible heat factor; apparatus dew
point. Elements of comfort air conditioning.
9 Infiltration an d V entilation : Basic con cepts ant t erminology; 4
Driving m echanism of i nfiltration and ventilation; Indoor air quality;
natural ve ntilation; R esidential a ir le akage; R esidential ve ntilation;
Residential ventilation requirements.
10 Cooling L oad C alculations : Introduction; H ealth a nd comfort 8
criterion; T hermal C omfort; D esign conditions; E stimation of he at
loss and heat gain in a building: HB and RLF method.
11 Space A ir D istribution : Room a ir di stribution; tot al, static a nd 3
velocity pressures; f riction l oss i n duc ts; d ynamic los s in ducts; air
duct de sign: e qual f riction m ethod, s tatic r egain m ethod, ve locity
reduction method.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1 Stoecker, W.F., and Jones, J.W., “ Elementary R efrigeration & A ir 2002
conditioning”, McGraw Hill
2 Dosset, R.J., Principles of Refrigeration, Pearson Education Asia 2002
3 Arora, C.P.,“Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, Tata-McGraw Hill 2005
4 Prasad, M ., “ Refrigeration a nd A ir c onditioning”, New A ge 2005
5 ASHRAE Handbook (Fundamentals) 2013

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Departmentof Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-341 Course Title: Thermal System Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This c ourse provides t he ba sic unde rstanding of m odeling a nd designingthe

thermal systems like power plant, HVAC etc.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction:Thermal s ystems, engineering de sign, workable a nd op timal 4
2 Design C riteria:Maximum efficiency a nd e nergy c onservation, minimum 8
cost/losses, multi-criteria, functional reliability of system components.
3 Modeling and S imulation of T hermal S ystems: Types o f m odels w ith 12
examples,mathematical modeling of processes and components, system models,
identification of operating variables; simulation techniques.
4 Optimization: Maximum a nd m inimum c onditions, optimization parameters, 12
levels of opt imization, mathematical r epresentation of pr oblem, optimization
procedures including introduction to some non-traditional methods.
5 Economic C onsiderations:Present a nd future w ork f actors, gradient f actors, 6
rates of return, life cycle cost.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Year of
No. Author(s) /Title / Publisher Publication/
1 1999
Hodge, B. K.and Taylor, R. P.,“Analysis and Design of E nergy S ystems”,
Prentice Hall.
2 Suryanarayana, N. V. and A rici,O.,“Design and S imulation of T hermal 2004
Systems”, Penguin Books Ltd.
3 2007
Jaluria, Y.,“Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems”, CRC Press.
4 1998
Burmeister, L.C., “Elements of Thermal Fluid Systems”, Prentice Hall.
5 1996
Bejan, A., Tsaatsaronis,G. and Moran, M.,“Thermal D esign and
Optimization”, Wiley.
6 Stoecker, W. F., “Design of Thermal Systems”, Tata McGraw Hills. 2011
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
1. Subject Code: MIN-342 Course Title: Environnemental Pollution & Control

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight : CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Both

7. Pre – requisite: Nil

8. Subject Area: DEC

9. Objectives of Course:
Objective of t he c ourse is t o expose s tudents a bout t he pol lution c aused b y t he t hermal pow er
plants, a utomobiles a nd t ransport s ystems; a nd pos sible c ontrol m easures t o reduce t he
environmental pollution.
10. Details of Course:
S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction : Nature and extent of pollution problem, types of pollution. 2
2 Air P ollutants : Air po llutants, o xides of ni trogen, s ulphur ox ides, pa rticulate
matter, oraganic compounds, carbon monoxide; their harmful effects. 4
3 Air Pollution S ources : Stationary s ources, e mission from stacks, m obile 6
sources, pollutant formation in SI and CI engines and gas turbines.
4 Air P ollution C ontrol : Stack emission control, inertial de vices, electro-static
propitiators, pa rticulate s crubbers, dr y and w et m ethods, f ilters. IC E ngine 10
pollution control devices, thermal reactors, catalytic converters, particulate traps.
5 Thermal Pollution : Nature of t hermal pol lution; effect of t hermal pol lution on
ecology, thermal plume, regions of plume, parameters relevant to thermal plume 10
and their l imit. Mechanics of conde nser w ater discharge from t hermal pow er
6 Global Atmospheric Changes : Green house ef fect, green house ga ses,
Ozone depletion and control. 8
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control; Kenneth Wark, Cecil F. Warner, Wayne 1997
T. Davis; Prentice Hall(3rd Edn.) ; ISBN-10: 0673994163 ,
ISBN-13: 978-0673994165
2 Internal C ombustion E ngine F undamentals; J ohn B enjamin H eywood; 1989
McGraw Hill; ISBN-10: 0071004998, ISBN-13: 978-0071004992
3 Energy and the Environment; Robert A. Ristinen, Jack P. Kraushaar; Wiley; 2005
(2nd Edn.); ISBN-10: 0471739898, ISBN-13: 978-0471739890
4. Air P ollution Control E ngineering; Norman C. Pereira, Norman C. Pereira, 2004
Wei Yin Chen (Editors); Springer-Verlag; ISBN: 1588291618,
ISBN-13: 9781588291615
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN- 343 Course Title: Power Plants

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Both 7. Pre-requisite: Nil

8. Subject Area: DEC

9. Objectives of Course: To explain the working methodology of different power plants

being used for generation of electrical energy.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars
1. Introduction: Energy sources for generation of electric power, energy policy 4
of India, present status and future trends, major power plants in India.
2. Thermal Power Plants: Selection of site, general layout of the plant, major 8
components- Boilers, E conomisers, Super-heaters, A ir pr e-heaters, fuels,
fuel a nd a sh h andling equipment’s, High pressure B oilers, steam tur bines,
station heat balance and plant efficiency.
3. Diesel Power Plant: Diesel engine, engine performance and operation, super 4
charging, Diesel Electric power plant layout.
4. Gas T urbine P ower Plants: Gas t urbine pow er pl ants, basic c ycles, cycle 4
calculation, the ideal and real operating cycles, components and layout.
5. Hydro P ower Plants: Classification of h ydro-plants, selection of s ite, rain 6
fall a nd run off, calculation of s torage capacity, plant l ayout, estimation of
power available, selection of hydraulic turbines and their governing.
6. Nuclear P ower P lants: Introduction, Atomic s tructure a nd radio-activities 6
nuclear r eactions, binding e nergy, Nuclear R eactors, Types of r eactors,
Pressurized water r eactors, boiling h eater r eactors, Heavy w ater-cooled a nd
moderated (CANDU) r eactor, Gas-cooled r eactors, Liquid m etal c ooled
reactors, Indian Nuclear power installations, comparison between Nuclear and
Thermal plants.
7. Non-Conventional P ower Plants: Geothermal power pl ants, Tidal po wer 4
plants, Wind power plants, solar power plants, M.H.D. Generators, OTEC
8. Power Plant E conomics & en vironmental as pect: Plant investment c osts, 6
fixed charges, Operation cos t, energy cos t, depreciation a nd ope rating c osts
on t he s election of e quipments, incremental cos t, comparison of f ixed a nd
operating costs, greenhouse effect, thermal pollution, other pollutants.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
S. No. Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication /
1. Black & Veatch, “Power plant Engineering”, CBS Publisher. 2005
2. El-Wakil, M.M., “Power plant Technology”, McGraw-Hill Book Co. 2002
3. Nag, P.K., “Power plant engineering”, Tata MacGraw Hill. 2008
4. Modern Power Station Practical, CEGB, Pergamon Publisher. 1992
5. Norris & Therkelsen, “Heat Power”, McGraw Hill. 1999
6. Rust, J.H., “Nuclear Power Plant Engineering”, Haralson Pub. Co. 1999
7. Potter, P.J., “Power Plant Theory & Design”, Kreiger Publishing Co. 1994

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-344 Course Title: Industrial Combustion

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: -

9. Objective: The c ourse de als w ith the pr inciples unde rlying the i ndustrial c ombustion
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Industrial Combustion, requirements and applications
2. Combustion Fundamentals :
i Thermodynamics of Combustion:
Combustion S toichiometry, evaluating e nthalpy of r eacting s ystems,
enthalpy of f ormation, energy b alance f or r eacting s ystems, enthalpy
of r eaction and heating va lues. Adiabatic flame t emperature.
Equilibrium c riteria, chemical pot ential, equation of r eaction
equilibrium, equilibrium constant, equilibrium composition and flame 6
ii Chemistry of Combustion
Rate l aws and reaction orders, elementary r eactions, reaction
Molecularity, temperature and pressure de pendence of r eaction rate,
Arrhenius law, chain reactions, and reaction mechanisms. Combustion
characteristics of hydrocarbons. NO x formation and its control. 7

iii Flame Processes:

Different t ypes of f lames, laminar f lame s tructure, laminar flame
speed, effect of va rious chemical and physical p arameters on flame
speed, Flammability Limits, Stability Limits.
Turbulent P remixed F lames: A pplications, T urbulent F lame S peed,
Structure of T urbulent F lames, F lame S tabilization, T urbulent
Nonpremixed Flames.

3. Gas Fired Furnaces & Boilers

Gas f ired furnaces, Energy Balance and Efficiency, Fuel S ubstitution, Gas
burners, Classifications, Design factors, Heat Transfer From Burners
4. Oil fired Furnaces & Combustion Systems
Spray formation and droplet behavior, droplet size distribution, Fuel
Injectors, Oil fired systems, Spray combustion in furnaces and boilers.
Emissions from oil fired furnaces and boilers 6

5. Coal Fired Combustion Systems :

Combustion m echanism of s olid f uels, G rate bur ning s ystems, t raveling
vibrating grate spreader stokers, pulverized coal burning systems, Fluidized
bed combustion, atmospheric pressure fluidized bed combustion systems,
circulating and pr essurized fluidized bed systems. Emissions f rom g rate
burning systems, pulverized coal and fluidized bed combustion boilers.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:a

S. No. Name of Authors /Books /Publisher Year of

1. Ragland, K. W. and Bryden, K. M., “Combustion Engineering,” CRC 2011
2. Baukal, C. E., “Industrial Burners Handbook” CRC Press; 2003

3. Fawzy, E .M. a nd Saad, E . H ., “ Fundamentals and T echnology o f 2002

Combustion,” CRC Press
4. Basu, P., K. C., Jestin L ouis, “Boilers a nd Burners D esign a nd 1999
Theory,” Springer
5. Glassman, I. and Yetter, R. “Combustion 4th E dition”, Academic 2008
6. Oka S., “Fluidized Bed Combustion”, Marcel & Dekker 2004
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-345 Course Title: Compressible Flow

2 Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To i mpart know ledge of c ompressible f lows e ssential f or t he de sign of nozzles,

gas turbines, blowers, compressors, aero-planes, rockets and automobiles.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Velocity o f s ound, distinction be tween 4
incompressible, c ompressible, s ubsonic, s upersonic, t ransonic a nd
hypersonic flows; Mach number, Mach angle and Mach cone.
2. One Dimensional Isentropic Flow: General features, adiabatic and 8
isentropic flow of a perfect gas, choking in isentropic flow, operation
of noz zles unde r va rying pr essure r atios, a pplications of i sentropic
3. Normal S hock Wave s: Distinction be tween nor mal a nd obl ique 9
shock w aves, governing r elations o f t he nor mal s hock, R ankine-
Hugoniot r elations, f ormation of s hock w aves, ope rating
characteristics of convergent-divergent nozzles.
4. Viscous C ompressible F low: Governing equations, a diabatic 6
viscous flow in constant area ducts, Fanno lines.
5. Frictionless C ompressible F low: Governing e quations, full 7
potential e quation, f low t hrough c onstant area duc ts with he at
transfer, Rayleigh lines.
6. Steady I sothermal Flow i n L ong Pipe-lines: Governing equations 4
and features of steady isothermal flow in long pipelines.
7. Simulation: Introduction to CFD tools for simulation of compressible 4
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Author(s) / Title / Publisher Year of

1. Liepmann, H .W., a nd Roshko, A ., “ Elements of G as D ynamics”, 2002
Dover Publications
2. John, J.E.A., and Keith, T.G., “Gas Dynamics”, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall 2006
3. Anderson J r., J .D., “ Modern C ompressible F low: W ith H istorical 2012
Perspective”, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Zucrow, M .J., a nd H offman, J .D., “ Gas D ynamics”, J ohn Wiley & 2001
5. Rathakrishnan, E., “Gas Dynamics”, 4th Ed., Prentice-Hall of India 2012
6. Oosthuizen, P . H . a nd Carscallen, W . E . “ Introduction t o 2013
Compressible Fluid Flow”, 2nd Ed. , CRC Press

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-346 Course Title: Waste Heat Recovery Systems
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Basic course on Heat transfer

9. Objective: The c ourse de als w ith t he s ources of w aste he at, a nd e quipment us ed f or t he

utilization of waste heat.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction : Waste Heat, Sources of waste heat, high temperature 5
heat recovery applications, waste heat recovery calculations.
2. Recuperators: G as t o gas h eat ex changers, recuperators, rotary 12
regenerator, air pre-heaters, Heat pipe exchangers.
3. Regenerators: Gas or liquid to liquid Regenerators, Finned tube heat 12
exchangers, shell and tube he at ex changers, waste he at boi ler, Heat
4. Viscous Compressible Flow: Governing equations, adiabatic viscous 6
flow in constant area ducts, Fanno lines.
5. Economics: W aste H eat recovery e conomics general con cepts, case 5
studies, examples
6. Case Studies: Case Studies of some industrial problems. 8
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of

No. Publication
1 Goldstick R .J.& T humann A ., “Principles of W aste H eat R ecovery” 2008
Faimont Press, Digitised Version
2 Ganapathy, V ., “ Industrial B oilers a nd he at r ecovery generators. D esign 2002
applications and calculations.” CRC
3 Olszewski M., “Utilization of Reject Heat”, Marcel & Dekker Inc. 1980

4 Matsula K ., K anasha, Y., F ushimi, C ., S utsummi K a nd K ishimoto, A ., 2013

“Advanced energy savings and its applications in Industry”, Springer
5 Goldstick R .J.& T humann A ., “ Waste H eat R ecovery H andbook,” , 1986
Fairmont Press
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-349 Course Title: Fire Dynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce students to the fundamental concepts of fire dynamics a base-level
understanding of t he pr incipals of f ire d ynamics, c ompartment f ire a nd s moke
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Fuels and combustion processes; physical chemistry of 3
combustion in fires; summary of the heat transfer equations of
conduction, conection and radiation
2 Premixed Flames: Limits of flammability; structure of premixed 6
flame; heat loss and measurement of burning velocity; variation of
burning velocity with composition, temperature, pressure, suppressant
and turbulence.
3 Diffusion Flames and Fire Plumes: Laminar and turbulent jet 7
flames; flames from natural fire: buoyant plume, fire plume, upward
flow; interaction of fire plume with compartment boundaries; effect of
wind on fire plume
4 Steady Burning of Liquids and Solids: Burning of liquids: pool fire, 4
burning of liquid droplets; burning of solids: synthetic polymers,
wood, dusts and powders
5 Frictionless Compressible Flow: Governing equations, full potential 6
equation, flow through constant area ducts with heat transfer,
Rayleigh lines.
6 Ignition and Spread of Flames: Ignition of liquids and solids; Flame 5
spread over liquids and solids;.
7 Pre-flashover an d Post-flashover C ompartment F ire: Growth of 6
flash-over: n ecessary c onditions; ve ntilation r equirements; f actors
affecting t ime t o f lashover a nd fire growth; fully de veloped fire
behavior; t emperature i n f ully de veloped fire; f ire r esistance and fire
8 Production and Movement of Smoke: Production and measurement 5
of s moke pa rticles; test f or s moke pr oduction pot ential; s moke
movement; smoke control systems
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1. Drysdale, D.“Introduction to Fire Dynamics”, John Wiley 2011
2. Karlsson, B., Quintiere, J., “Enclosure Fire Dynamics”, ‎James; CRC 2000
3 Quintiere, J.G.,., “Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena”,John Wiley 2006
4 Gorbet, G.E., and Pharr, J.L, Fire Dynamics; Pearson Education 2010

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-352 Course Title: Experimental Methods in Thermal


2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objectives of Course: The course is designed to give the undergraduate students the basic
knowledge about the measurement systems and its components. F urther, the various other
issues related to above aspects have been discussed.
10. Details of Course:
S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Generalized C onfiguration of M easuring S ystem : Functional el ements of a
basic measuring s ystem; different t ypes of measurands, description of functional
elements. Input-output c onfiguration of a m easuring s ystem. Interfering a nd
modifying inputs; methods for correction for interfering and modifying inputs.
2 Characteristics of Instruments : Objective of studying the characteristics of the
instruments. S tatic c haracteristics – accuracy, pr ecision, e rror, s ensitivity,
hysterisis, threshold, drift, span, static s tiffness etc. D ynamic C haracteristics –
time dom ain a nd f requency dom ain c haracteristics t erms. Input-output
Impedance’s a nd m eaning of i mpedance m ismatching. C oncept of m echanical
3 Measurement S ystem Behaviour : Description of mathematical mod el for the
generalized configuration of a m easurement s ystem. Response cha racteristics of
the s ystem – Amplitude, f requency and pha se r esponse. O rder o f t he s ystems,
response o f z ero, f irst a nd s econd o rder s ystems t o s tep, r amp and s inusoidal
inputs. Transfer function method to study the response of the system.
4 Uncertainty Analysis : Classification of e rrors systematic errors, random
errors, ille gitimate e rrors a nd s tatistical a nalysis o f e xperimental da ta,
computation of maximum and rss error .
5 Principles of Transduction and Transducers : Description of va rious t ypes
of t ransduction pr inciples. T ransducers b ased on va riable r esistance, variable
inductance, variable c apacitance and piezo-electric effects. Displacement
transducers - wire w ound pot entiometers, LVDT, s train gages, s train ga ge
designation s ystem. D iaphragm t ype P ressure Transducers a nd ot her pressure
measuring techniques.
6 Flow Meas urement: Flow vi sualization, shadowgraph; s chlieren and 06
interferometric t echniques; Pitot s tatic tube s; hot w ire a nemometers; Laser
Doppler velometer; flow measurements using coriolis effect.
7 Temperature an d H eat F lux Measurement: Thermoelectric s ensors; el ectric 05
resistance s ensors; the rmistors; r adiations p yrometers; T emperature me asuring
problems in flowing fluids, dynamic compensation.
8 DAS an d Signal A nalysis : Data a cquisition system vi a c omputers. T he
components of D ata ac quisition system, DAS Hardware, selection criteria f or
choosing a D AS. T echniques f or s ignal a nalysis. S ignal c onditioners - filters,
low, high, band pass and charge amplifiers.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of

No. Publication
1 Doeblin E O , a nd D hanesh N M , “ Measurements S ystem A pplication a nd 2011
Design”, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill
2 Mechanical Measurement; Beckwith and Buck; Wesley; 2002
3 Theory and Design for Mechanical M easurements; R ichard S. Figiliola, 4th 2005
Edn., Wiley India
4 Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements; James W. Dally, W.F. Rilley 2003
and K.G. McConnel; John Wiley (2nd Edn.)
5 Eckert R G and Goldstein R J, “Measurements in Heat Transfer”, 2nd Ed., 1986
6 Goldstein, R. J.,"Fluid Mechanics Measurement”, Hemisphere Publishing 1983
7 LAB View Manual 2012

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-354 Course Title: Surface Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: GSEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of surface related phenomena and technologies.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Concept and importance, classification of surface 3
modification techniques, advantages and their limitations.
2. Surface D egradation: Causes, types and consequences of surface 8
degradation, forms of wear: adhesive, abrasive, surface fatigue,
corrosive, fretting, and erosive wear, classical governing laws related
to wear, techniques to evaluate wear damage.
3. Materials for Surface Engineering: Materials characteristics, their 9
importance in surface engineering, wear resistant materials, selection
of materials for engineering the surfaces for specific applications,
structure and property relationship of coatings system, new coating
concepts including multi-layer structures, functionally gradient
materials (FGMs), intermetallic barrier coatings and thermal barrier
4. Surface Modification T echniques: Principles and application of 12
weld surfacing: SMAW, SAW, GMAW, thermal spraying: flame
spraying, electric arc spraying, plasma spraying, detonation gun
spraying, and high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) spraying; electro
deposition and electro less coatings, ion implantation, chemical
vapour deposition (CVD) and physical vapour deposition (PVD).
5. Laser and M icrowave a ssisted S urface Engineering: Laser 6
cladding, alloying, glazing, laser and induction hardening, heat
treatment of steel and remelting by laser; microwave glazing,
microwave cladding.
6. Characterization an d Quality Assurance: Importance, introduction 4
to different characterization techniques: physical, mechanical, and
functional characterizations, surface finish, microhardness and
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Burakowski, T., and Wierzchon, T.,“Surface Engineering of Metals: 1999
Principles, Equipment, Technologies”, CRC Press.
2. Burnell-Grey, J.S. and Datta, P.K. (eds), “Surface Engineering 1996
Casebook”,Woodhead Publishing Limited.
3. Grainger, S., and Blunt, J. (eds.), “Engineering coatings-design and 1998
application”, Abington Publishing.
4. Rickerby, D.S., and Matthews, A., (eds), “Advanced Surface 1991
Coatings: a Handbook of Surface Engineering”, Blackie.
5. Holmberg, K., and Matthews, A., “Coatings Tribology: Properties, 1994
Techniques and Applications in Surface Engineering”, Elsevier
Science B.V.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-355 Course Title: Building Ventilation&Air-conditioning

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: GSEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the students to the areas of air-conditioning and ventilation in buildings;
fenestration and transmission of air in the buildings.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: History of refrigeration and air-conditioning; trends in 1
modern buildings for thermal comfort, pollution free environment and
indoor traffic management
2 Vapour C ompression C ycle : Carnot vapor compression Cycle; T-s 6
and P-h diagrams of simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle;
Compressor volumetric efficiency. Effect of suction and discharge
pressure, subcooling and superheating on performance.
3 Psychrometery: Psychrometric properties, psychrometric chart, 5
simple and computerized psychrometrics, psychrometric processes;
Appreciation of indoor and outdoor conditions for a space in summer
and winter.
4 Air C onditioning Processes: Summer and winter air-conditioning 6
processes; Sources of thermal load in summer and winter using Load
Estimation Chart; Sensible Heat Factor (SHF). Evaporative Cooling
5 Infiltration an d V entilation: Driving mechanism of infiltration and 5
ventilation; Indoor air quality; natural ventilation; Residential air
leakage; blower door test; Residential ventilation; Residential
ventilation requirements.
6 Fenestration: Fenestration components; determination of energy 4
flow; U-factor; solar heat gain and visible transmission; shading;
visual and thermal controls; air leakage; day lighting; selecting
fenestration: condensation resistance, occupant comfort and
7 Building Cooling Load Calculations: Internal heat gain; system heat 6
gain; ventilation load; cooling and heating load estimate;
psychrometric calculations for heating and cooling load.
8 Transmission and Distribution of Air: AHU;Room air distribution; 5
friction loss in ducts; dynamic loss in ducts; air duct design; space air
9 Design C onditions: Comfort air conditioning and effective 4
temperature; comfort chart; choice of supply design conditions;
Climate design conditions; generating design day data; clean spaces.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1 Stoecker, W.F., and Jones, J.W., “Elementary Refrigeration & Air 2002
conditioning”, McGraw Hill
2 Dosset, R.J., Principles of Refrigeration, Pearson Education Asia 2002
3 Arora, C.P., “Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, Tata-McGraw Hill 2005
4 Prasad, M., “Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, New Age 2005
5 ASHRAE Handbook (Fundamentals) 2013

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-357 Course Title: Combustion Science & Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: GSEC

8. Pre-requisite: -

9. Objective: The cour se d eals w ith the principles of combustion and t heir applications t o t he
combustion systems..

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction:
Importance o f C ombustion, applications, br ief ove rview of 2
combustion generated pollution

2. Thermodynamics of Combustion:
Combustion S toichiometry, enthalpy of f ormation, enthalpy of
reacting s ystems, energy balance f or r eacting systems, enthalpy of
reaction and heating values. Adiabatic flame temperature. Equilibrium
criteria, equilibrium c onstant, equilibrium c omposition and flame
temperature. 6

3. Chemistry of Combustion
Rate l aws and reaction orders, elementary r eactions, reaction
Molecularity, temperature and pressure de pendence of r eaction rate,
Arrhenius law, chain reactions, and reaction mechanisms. Steady state
and pa rtial e quilibrium a pproximations. G eneral ox idative a nd
explosive c haracteristics of f uels, c hain br anching a nd explosion
criteria, Explosion limits of H ydrogen-O 2 CO-O, h ydrocarbon –O 2
system, NO x formation and its control 8

4. Flame Processes:
Rankine H ugonoit R elations, D eflagration a nd Detonation D ifferent
types of flames, laminar f lame s tructure, l aminar f lame s peed, ef fect
of va rious che mical a nd physical p arameters on flame s peed,
Flammability Limits, Stability Limits. Quenching a nd Flash Back,
Design of Burners
Turbulent P remixed F lames: A pplications, T urbulent F lame S peed,
Structure of T urbulent F lames, F lame S tabilization, T urbulent
Nonpremixed Flames.
Combustion Process in SI engines 10
5. Diffusion Flames:
Applications of di ffusion f lames, s tructure of di ffusion f lames,
Burke and Schumann development.
Burning of condensed Phases, liquid droplet combustion in quiescent
environment, effect of convection, spray combustion.
Combustion in CI engines
6 Combustion Generated Emissions:
Environmental consideration of combustion, Formation of NO x and
its c ontrol, Particulate ma tter, SO x, Staged bur ner, catalytic
converters, particulate traps 8
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books /Publisher Year of

1. Glassman, I. and Yetter, R. “Combustion,” 4th E dition, A cademic 2008
2. Turns, S. R., “An Introduction t o C ombustion, c oncepts a nd 2011
applications,” 3rd edition, McGraw Hill

3. Kuo, K. K., “Principles of Combustion,” 2nd edition, John Wiley 2005

4. Ragland, K. W. and Bryden, K. M., “Combustion Engineering,” CRC 2011
5. Baukal, C. E., “Industrial Burners Handbook”, CRC Press; 1999
6. Fawzy E . M ., a nd S aad E . H ., “Fundamentals a nd T echnology of 2002
Combustion” , Elsevier

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


1. Subject Code: MIN-445 Course Title: Value Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To impart ba sic knowledge of va lue engineering i n or der t o s earch f or the ke y
areas of improvement in products, processes, services and systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Value engineering concepts, advantages, applications 5
in product development, process improvement, service improvement
and system design, problem recognition, role in productivity
2. Analysis o f F unctions: Anatomy of f unction, use, a ntique, c ost, 10
esteem and exchange values, primary ve rsus s econdary v ersus
tertiary/unnecessary f unctions, functional a nalysis: F AST ( Function
Analysis S ystem T echnique) a nd qua ntitative e valuation of i deas,
case studies.
3. Value Engineering Techniques: Selecting products and operations 18
for VE action, timing; VE programmes, determining and evaluating
functions(s), assigning r upee e quivalents, developing a lternate
means t o r equired f unctions(s), decision m aking f or opt imum
alternative, use of decision matrix, make or buy decisions, measuring
profits, reporting results and follow up.
4. Implementation: Action plan, record progress, report pr ogress, 3
review meetings, problems in implementation, human factors.
5. Managing VE: Level of VE in the organization, size and skill of VE 6
staff, small pl ant V E a ctivity ma nagement s upports; A udit of
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Miles, L.D., “Techniques of V alue A nalysis a nd E ngineering”, 1989
Eleanor Miles Walker
2. Park, R.J. “Value Engineering : A Plan for Invention”, St. Lucie Press 1999
3. Michaels, J.V., and Wood, W.P., “Design to Cost”, Wiley Interscience 2004
4. Tufty, H .G., “ Compendium on V alue E ngineering”, T he Indo 1983
American Society
5. Jagannathan, “Getting More at Less Cost”, Tata McGraw Hill 1992
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-500 Course Title: Instrumentation and Measuring Systems

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS: 20 PRS: 20 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course is intended for the post graduate students of mechanical
engineering disciplines to give them a thorough understanding of a measuring system,
different transduction principles, error analysis response etc. and various other issues
related to instrumentation system.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Significance of M easurement an d I nstrumentation: Introduction; 5
generalized c onfiguration a nd f unctional s tages of m easuring s ystems. T he
transducer a nd i ts e nvironment; a n ove rview; s ensing p rocess and ph ysical
laws. Types o f m easurement pr oblems. Transducer classification and their
modeling; information, energy and incremental models
2 Characteristics of Instruments: Objective of studying the characteristics of 3
the instruments. Static characteristics, Static Calibration, design and selection
of components of a measuring system.
3 Dynamic R esponse of I nstruments: Mathematical m odel of a m easuring 5
system, response of general form of i nstruments t o various t est i nputs; t ime-
domain and frequency domain analysis.
4 Errors in Measurement and Its Analysis: Causes and types of experimental 4
errors; s ystematic a nd r andom e rrors. U ncertainty analysis; c omputation of
overall un certainty; estimation for d esign a nd selection for a lternative te st
5 Transducers an d T ransduction P rinciples: Developments i n s ensors, 8
detectors a nd t ransducer t echnology; di splacement t ransducers; f orce, t orque
and motion sensors; pi ezoelectric t ransducers; capa city t ype t ransducers;
Strain gage transducers; accelerometers, pressure transducers based on elastic
effect of volume and connecting tubing.
6 Data A cquisition an d Signal P rocessing: Systems f or da ta a cquisition a nd 5
processing; modules and computerized data system; digitization rate; time and
frequency domain representation of signals, and Nyquist criterion.
7 Flow Meas urement: Flow vi sualization, shadowgraph; s chlieren and 6
interferometric t echniques; Pitot s tatic tube s; h ot w ire anemometers; Laser
Doppler velometer; flow measurements using coriolis effect.
Temperature and Heat Flux Measurement: Thermoelectric sensors; electric 6
resistance sensors; thermistors; radiations pyrometers; Temperature measuring
problems in flowing fluids, dynamic compensation.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1. Doeblin E O , and D hanesh N M , “ Measurements S ystem Application and 2011
Design”, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill
2. Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements; Richard S. Figiliola, 4th 2005
Edn.; 2005, Wiley India
3. Harry L T ., “Transducers i n Mechanical and Electronic D esign”, Marcel 1986
Dekker, CRC Press
4. Marangoni R D and Lienhard J H, “Mechanical Measurements by Beckwith 2006
T G”, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall
5. Eckert R G and Goldstein R J, “Measurements in Heat Transfer”, 2nd Ed., 1986
6. Goldstein, R. J.,"Fluid Mechanics Measurement”, Hemisphere Publishing 1983
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-501 Course Title: Computer Aided


2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight : CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge and details of the means of computer aided manufacturing
and various functions supporting the automated manufacturing.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Introduction t o m anufacturing s ystems a nd t heir pe rformance 04
analysis; Introduction t o a utomation; Introduction t o c omputer i ntegrated
manufacturing (CIM).
2 Numerical C ontrol (NC): Introduction, num erical c ontrol – its gr owth and 10
development, c omponents of N C s ystem, i nput de vices, c ontrol s ystems –
point t o poi nt, s traight c ut, a nd c ontinuous pa th NC, ope n l oop a nd closed
loop NC s ystems, NC i nterpolations – linear, circular, helical, parabolic and
cubic interpolation, applications of NC systems, merits and demerits.
3 Extensions of N C: Concepts of c omputer numerical c ontrol ( CNC), 06
machining center, and direct numerical control (DNC), and their advantages.
4 Robotics: Robot anatomy a nd r elated a ttributes, r obot c ontrol s ystems – 06
limited sequence, playback with point to point, playback with continuous and
intelligent control; End effectors – gripper, tools; Sensors in robotics – tactile
sensors, pr oximity, opt ical s ensors a nd machine vi sion; A pplications of
industrial robots, robot programming.
5 Material H andling a nd S torage: Overview of m aterial ha ndling 06
equipments, a utomated m aterial ha ndling equipments – AGVs, c onveyor
systems, pe rformance a nalysis of m aterial ha ndling systems, automated
material storage systems – ASRS and carousel storage, analysis of automated
storage systems.
6 Manufacturing Support Functions: Introduction to group technology (GT), 10
computer a ided pr ocess pl anning ( CAPP), m aterial r equirement planning
MRP (MRP), capacity planning, scheduling etc.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
/ Reprint
1 Groover, M . P ., “ Automation, P roduction s ystems and C omputer 2007
Integrated Manufacturing”, 3 Ed., Prentice-Hall.
2 Singh, N ., “ Systems A pproach t o C omputer Integrated D esign and 1996
Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons.
3 Chang, T .-C., W ysk, R. A . a nd W ang, H .-P. “ Computer A ided 2005
Manufacturing”, 3 Ed., Prentice Hall.
4 Rembold, U ., N naji, B . O . a nd S torr A ., “ Computer Integrated 1994
Manufacturing”, Addison Wesley.
5 Besant, C . B . a nd Lui, C . W. K ., “ Computer A ided D esign a nd 1991
Ellis Horwood Ltd.
6 Rao, P . N ., T iwari, N . K . a nd K undra, T .K., “ Computer A ided 1993
Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill.
7 Koren, Y. “Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems”, McGraw Hill. 1983
8 Lynch, M., “Computer Numerical Control for Machining”, McGraw-Hill. 1992
9 Sava, M . a nd P usztai, J., “ Computer N umerical C ontrol P rogramming”, 1990
Prentice Hall.
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-502 Course Title: Robotics and


2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T:1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3-

3 Practical 0-

4. Relative Weight :CWS 20 PRS 20 MTE 20 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre–requisite: NIL

9. Objectives of Course: To get exposure about basic robot kinematics, dynamics, control and

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction: D efinition, Structure, C lassification a nd S pecifications of 02
Robots, Industrial Robots.
2 Robot Elements and Control: Manipulators, Drives, Sensors, End Effectors, 5
Configuration, F orce/Torque R elationship, T rajectory P lanning, P osition
Control, Feedback System, Digital Control
3 Modeling of R obots: Coordinate F rames, M apping a nd T ransformation; 10
Direct K inematic M odel; Inverse K inematics; M anipulator D ifferential
Motion; Static Analysis; Jacobian
4 Manipulator D ynamics: A cceleration of a r igid bod y, m ass di stribution, 10
Newtons e quation, i terative N ewton E uler d ynamic f ormulation, Lagrangian
formulation of manipulator dynamics, Bond graph modeling of manipulators,
Trajectory Planning.
5 Linear and Non Linear Control of Manipulators: control law partitioning, 10
trajectory f ollowing c ontrol, multi input multi out put c ontrol s ystems,
Cartesian based control scheme.
6 Force Control of manipulators: hybrid position/force control 03
7 Robot P rogramming: Robot P rogramming for M anufacturing a nd O ther 02
Applications, Robot Integration with CAD and CAM.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
1 Craig John J., “Introduction to robotics: Mechanics & Control”, Addison-Wesley 1986
2 Niku S aeed B., Introduction t o R obotics: Analysis, S ystems, Applications, P HI, 2001
New Delhi
3 Schilling R. J., “Fundamentals of Robotics Analysis and Control”, Prentice Hall 1990
4 Mittal R. K. and Nagrath I. J., “Robotics and Control”, Tata McGraw Hill, New 2003
5 Ghosal A shitava, “ Robotics: F undamental C oncepts a nd A nalysis”, Oxford 2006
University Press
6 Merzouki R ., S amantaray A. K ., P athak P .M., Bouamama B . O uld, Intelligent 2013
Mechatronic Systems: Modeling, Control and Diagnosis, Springer

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-508 Course Title: Advanced Automatic Controls

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight : CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce the advanced concepts of state space approach in control system
stability, c ontrollability and obs ervability i ssues a nd s ynthesis of i ndustrial c ontrol
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact Hours
1 Mathematical Mod els of L inear S ystems: Linear s ystems and state 4
equations, l inearization of non l inear e quations, l inearizing f unctions,
linearizing differential equations
2 Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, linear dependence and independence, 4
bases, c hange of ba sis, rank a nd de generacy, n orms, G ram-Schmidt
orthonormalization, subspaces and projection theorem
3 State V ariable A nalysis: S tate va riable r epresentation, c onversion of 6
state va riable m odel t o t ransfer f unction, c haracteristic e quation,
eigenvalues, eigen- vectors, c onversion of t ransfer f unction t o
canonical state variable models, solution to state equations,
4 Stability o f C ontrol Systems: B ounded i nput, bounde d out put 6
stability, zero input and asymptotic stability of continuous data system,
Lyapunov s tability, Lyapunov’s di rect m ethod, e xternal s tability,
relationship between stability types
5 Controllability and O bservability: C ontrollability t ests f or LTI 5
systems, m odal controllability a nd obs ervability, c ontrollability a nd
observability of time varying systems, discrete time systems
6 System Realizations: Minimal realization, specific realization, Markov 4
parameters, balanced realizations
7 State F eedback an d Observers: S tate f eedback for S ISO s ystems, 5
multivariable canonical forms and feedback, observers, state estimator-
multivariable case
8 Optimal Control and Estimation: The principle of optimality, optimal 5
9 Pole Placement an d M odel Matching: U nity f eedback c onfiguration, 3
implementable tr ansfer f unction, multi va riable unity feedback system,
multivariable model matching
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/Reprin
1 Ogata, K., “Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India. 2002
2 Raven, F.H., “Automatic control Theory”, McGraw Hill. 1995
3 Kuo, B.C., “Automatic Control System”, 5th, Prentice Hall of India. 1995
4 Chen, C .T., “ Linear S ystem T heory & D esign”, 3 rd Edition, O xford 1999
University Press.
5 Harrison, H.L. and Bollinger, J. G., “Automatic Controls”, International 1970
Text Book Company.
6 Bay, J.S., “Fundamentals of Linear State Space Systems”, McGraw Hill. 1999
7 Norman, S.N., “Control Systems Engineering”, John Wiley and Sons. 2003

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-509 Course Title: Extended Finite Element Methods

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory:3 Practical:0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 00

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. O bjective: To introduce the recent de velopments in field of finite element a nalysis for a
better engineering design.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact

1 Basic C oncepts of F inite E lement Met hods: Introduction, w eighted 4
residual and weak formulations, variational methods, numerical problems.
2 Finite Element in 1-D: Basis steps of finite element analysis, Applications 6
to solid mechanics, heat transfer and fluid flow problems.
3 Finite E lement in 2 -D: S ingle va riable p roblems in 2-D, a pplications t o 8
solid m echanics a nd he at t ransfer pr oblems, num erical i ntegration, hi gher
order shape functions, plane stress and plane strain problems.
4 Basics of Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM): Brief introduction, 8
partition of uni ty finite e lement me thod (PUFEM), generalised finite
element me thod (GFEM), introduction t o X FEM, bl ending elements,
concept of level sets and enrichment
5 Engineering Applications: XFEM on element l evel: s hape f unctions, 8
displacement, strain, element s tiffness ma trix, XFEM f or weak and s trong
discontinuities e .g. e.g. s tatic cracks, c rack growth, bi -materials, phase
change problems.
6 Advanced C oncepts of X FEM: C oncept of ph antom node s, t racking t he 8
crack path, embedded elements, interface elements, introduction to cohesive
zone m odels, embedded el ements, crack initiation/propagation, smeared
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors /Books /Publisher Year of

No. Publication/Reprint
1 Rao, S .S., “ The F inite E lement M ethod i n E ngineering”, 4 th Ed., 2005
Elsevier Science.
2 Reddy, J.N., “An Introduction to Finite Element Methods”, 3 rd Ed., 2005
Tata McGraw-Hill.
3 Fish, J ., a nd B elytschko, T ., “ A F irst C ourse i n Finite E lements”, 2007
John Wiley and Sons.
4 Chaskalovic J ., F inite E lement M ethods f or E ngineering S ciences, 2008
5 Mohammadi, S ., “ Extended F inite E lement M ethod”, B lackwell 2008
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-511A Course Title: Modeling and Simulation

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory Practical

4. Relative Weightage: CWS PRS MTE ETE PRE

5. Credits: 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To cover concepts, techniques and tools for modeling and simulation of
thermal systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours
1. Introduction to Modeling: Concept of system, continuous and discrete 2
systems, types of models, steps in simulation study.
2. Mathematical P reliminaries: Review of ve ctor cal culus, Cartesian 6
tensors, ve ctor s paces a nd l inear t ransformations; Interpolation a nd
extrapolation; Numerical differentiation and integration.
3. Discrete and Continuous systems: Continuous and discrete systems from
fluid mechanics and heat t ransfer; C haracteristics of di screte s ystems, 6
eigenvalue p roblems; C haracteristics of continuous s ystems b ased on
differential equations; Inverse problems.
3. Mathematical M odeling of T hermal P rocesses: C onservation l aws, 10
mass, m omentum a nd e nergy b alance; C lassification of governing
equations, boundary conditions; Dimensional analysis, model development
for va rious t hermal pr ocesses a nd s ystem; D ynamics of t hermo-fluid
4. Simulation of T hermal S ystems: Numerical m ethods f or s olution of 12
partial and ordinary differential equations; Numerical solution of linear and
nonlinear a lgebraic e quations; N umerical s imulation of s teady s tate a nd
dynamic systems.
5. Optimization of Thermal S ystems: Introduction t o opt imization, 6
formulation of obj ective f unction, c onstrained single a nd m ultivariable
optimization, dynamic integer and geometric programming.
Total 42

Laboratory C omponent: Students w ill be r equired t o de velop m athematical m odels a nd

computer programs for numerical simulation of various thermal systems.

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
1. Jaluria, Y., “Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems”, 2nd Ed., CRC
2. Bejan, A., Tsatsaronic, G., and Moran, M., “Thermal Design and
Optimization”, John Wiley & Sons.
3. Close, C. M., and Frederick, D. K., “Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic
Systems”, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Jaluria, Y. “Computer Methods for Engineering with MATLAB
Applications”, 2nd Edition, CRC Press.
5. Press, W. H., Teukolsky, S. A., Vetterling, W. T. and Flannery, B. P.,
“Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing”, Third Edition, 2007
Cambridge University Press
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-511B Course Title: Modeling and Simulation

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To cover concepts, techniques and tools for modeling and simulation of thermal

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Systems and models, examples of models, models for systems and 4
2 Physical m odeling: Principles of ph ysical m odeling, b asic r elationship, bond 4
graphs, and computer aided modeling.
3 Mathematical m odeling: Estimating t ransient r esponse, s pectra a nd f requency 6
functions, parameter estimation in dynamic models, system identification as a tool
for model building.
4 Numerical m ethods: Ordinary di fferential e quations ( ODE); Euler’s M ethod, 12
Trapezoidal M ethod, Runge–Kutta M ethod, P redictor–Corrector M ethod, B oundary
Value Problems, Shooting Method, Finite Difference Method, Elliptic partial differential
equations (PDE), Parabolic PDE ( Explicit Forward Euler Method, Implicit B ackward
Euler Method, Crank–Nicholson Method, Two-Dimensional Parabolic PDE), Hyperbolic
PDE (Explicit Central Difference Method, Two-Dimensional Hyperbolic PDE)
5 Simulation and Simulation application: Numerical prototyping as modeling for 10
design a nd s ynthesis us ing c omputational t ools, Introduction t o t echniques f or
validation of mode ls, Simulation of e lectromechanical, thermo-mechanical,
hydraulic and pneumatic elements.
6 Modeling an d S imulation f or Optimization: Introduction t o t he c oncept of 6
optimization, t he ba sic t erminology and not ations; m odeling pr ocess; a nd
illustration w ith m odeling of e ngineering pr oblems. G raphical s olution process;
problems with – bounded (single or multiple) and unbounded solutions. Local and
global opt ima; ne cessary and s ufficient opt imality conditions f or unc onstrained
and constrained multivariate functions.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Gordon, G., “System Simulation”, Prentice Hall. 1978
2 Lennart, L. and Torkel, G., “Modeling of Dynamic Systems” Prentice Hall. 1994
3 Bhonsle, S .R. a nd W einmann, K .J., “ Mathematical M odeling f or D esign of 1998
Machine Components”, Prentice Hall.
4 D'Souza, A .F., a nd G arg, V .K., “ Advanced D ynamics: M odeling a nd 1983
Analysis”, Prentice-Hall.
5 Mukherjee, A ., K armaker, R . and Samantaray, A .K., “ Bond G raph i n 2007
Modeling, Simulation and Fault Identification”, I & K International.
6 S. S. Rao; Engineering Optimization; 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2009
7 K. Deb; Optimization for Engineering Design; Prentice Hall of India. 2005
8 K. D eb; M ulti-objective O ptimization using E volutionary A lgorithms; John 2003
Wiley & Sons.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-515 Course Title: Manufacturing Systems Analysis

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. O bjective: To teach students various tools and techniques used for the performance analysis
of manufacturing systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Definitions of m anufacturing w ith i nput-output m odel, 4
definition of s ystem, basic pr oblems c oncerning s ystems a nd s ystem de sign
procedure, modes of manufacturing – job/batch/flow and multi-product, small-
batch manufacturing.
2 System Modeling Issues: Centralized versus distributed control; Real-time vs. 8
discrete eve nt cont rol; Forward vs . ba ckward s cheduling a pproaches w ith
finite/infinite c apacity l oading; Modeling of a bsorbing s tates and de adlocks;
Conflicts; Concurrency, and synchronization etc.
3 System M odeling Tools an d Techniques: Introduction to mathematical 15
modeling, optimization, and simulation; Issues r elated with deterministic a nd
stochastic models; C ontinuous and di screte m athematical m odeling m ethods -
discrete ev ent, monte carlo m ethod; Basic concepts of Markov chains and
processes; The M/M/1 and M/M/m queue; Models of manufacturing systems -
including t ransfer l ines and f lexible m anufacturing s ystems, introduction t o
Petri nets.
4 Performance Analysis: Transient analysis of manufacturing systems, analysis 15
of a f lexible m achining cent er; Product f low a nalysis; Rank or der c lustering;
Process flow charting; MRPI & II, kanban, OPT, JIT-pull and JIT-push, line of
balance, effects of m achine f ailure, set-ups, a nd ot her di sruptions on s ystem
performance; Calculation of pe rformance m easures - throughput, i n-process
inventory, due dates, M TL, capacity, and machine utilization etc.; Critique of
high inventory, long lead time systems; Shop floor control issues.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1. Askin, R. G ., a nd S tandridge, C. R ., “ Modeling a nd Analysis of 1993
Manufacturing Systems”, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Gershwin, S. “Manufacturing Systems Engineering”, Prentice-Hall. 1994
3. Hitomi, K., “Manufacturing Systems Engineering”, Taylor & Francis. 1998
4. Viswanadham N . a nd Narahari Y. “Performance M odeling of 1992
Automated Manufacturing Systems”, Prentice-Hall
5. Hopp, W. J., and Spearman, M. L., “Factory Physics : Foundation of 1996
Manufacturing Management”, McGraw Hill.
6. Chang, T.-C., W ysk, R. A . a nd Wang, H .-P. “Computer A ided 2005
Manufacturing”, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-516 Course Title: Artificial Intelligence

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This course is designed to provide basic knowledge of artificial intelligence. The
emphasis is on the teaching of various techniques on know ledge representation and search
engines with important applications of AI.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Overview of History and Goals of AI: Artificial Intelligence -- Definition, 3
components, scope, a nd application areas; Turing's t est; Review of A I
success and failure.
2 State Spaces, Production Systems, and Search: State space representation 8
of pr oblems; Problem s olving us ing s earch; Definition a nd e xamples of
production systems; Heuristic s earch t echniques i .e. generate-and-test, hill
climbing, best-first search, constraint satisfaction and mean-ends analysis.
3 Knowledge Representation: Definition of knowledge; Issues in knowledge 9
representation; Procedural vs declarative knowledge a nd t heir
representation; Predicate logic, production rules, semantic nets, and frames;
4 Reasoning and I nference S trategies: Forward vs backward r easoning; 10
Depth first, breadth first, min-max etc.; Non-monotonic r easoning;
Symbolic r easoning un der unc ertainty; Probability a nd Baye’s t heorem;
Certainty factors, Dempster-Shafer theory; Fuzzy logic etc.
5 Expert Systems and their Applications: Justification, structure, knowledge 12
sources; Expert knowledge acquisition; Expert system languages; E S
building tools/shells; Applications of AI in CAD, CAPP, process selection,
GT, M RP II, adaptive c ontrol, robotics, process c ontrol, fault di agnosis,
failure analysis, etc.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
1 Rich, E., Knight, K. and Nair, S. B., “Artificial Intelligence”, 3rd 2010
Ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
2 Russell, S . a nd N orvig, P ., “Artificial Intelligence: A M odern 2009
Approach”, 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall.
3 Dean, T. L., Allen, J., and Aloimonos, Y. “Artificial Intelligence: 1995
Theory and Practice”, Benjamin/Cummings P ublishing
4 Genesereth, M . R . and N ilsson, N ., “ Logical F oundations of 1987
Artificial Intelligence”, Morgan Kaufmann.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-517 Course Title: Automated Materials Handling Systems

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce various a utomated m aterial ha ndling e quipment a nd their


10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction of M aterial H andling: Overview of M HE, consideration 04
in M HS de sign, twenty principles of material handling, the unit load
2 Material T ransport S ystems: Industrial trucks, automated guided 06
vehicle systems, monorails a nd other rail guided vehicles, conveyor
systems, cranes and hoists.
3 Evaluation a nd S election of M aterial H andling L ayout: D esign of 14
bins and hoppers – flow patterns, measurement of flow properties, design
methods, f eeders, di schargers, s ilos, c hutes a nd g ates; Bulk material
sampling a nd w eighing s ystems, blending of bul k m aterials,
transportation interface – rail and water. monitoring and control.
4 Analysis of M aterial T ransport S ystems: Rate of de liveries, required 06
number of vehicles, economics of material handling systems.
5 Automated S torage & Retrieval S ystems ( AS/RS): Functions of 12
AS/RS, operations of AS/RS, A S/RS components, types of A S/RS,
design of an AS/RS, system throughput, size parameters determination of
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
/ Reprint
1 Allegri, T. H., “Material Handling Principles and Practice”, Krieger 1992
Publishing Company.
2 Meyers, F. E. and Stephens, M. P. “Manufacturing Facilities Design 2000
and Material Handling”, Prentice Hall.
3 Adam, N. D., Brown, T. W ., R owland, V. D. and Misenheimer, F. 1996
P., “ Warehouse & D istribution A utomation H andbook”, M cGraw-
4 Tompkins, J. A ., W hite, J. A ., B ozer, Y. A. a nd Tanchoco, J. M, 2010
“Facilities Planning”, 4th Ed., John Willey & Sons.
5 Sule, D. R., “Manufacturing F acilities-Location, P lanning, a nd 2008
Design”, 3rd Ed., CRC Press.
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-520 Course Title: Advanced Thermodynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To impart knowledge of the advanced aspects of classical thermodynamics.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact Hours
1. Review of I and II Laws of Thermodynamics: Transient flow analysis, 5
entropy balance, entropy generation.
2. Exergy Analysis: Concepts, exergy balance, exergy transfer, exergetic 9
efficiency, exergy analysis of power and refrigeration cycles.
3. Real Gases and Mixtures: Equations of state, thermodynamic property 6
relations, residual property functions, properties of saturation states.
4. Thermodynamic Properties of Homogeneous Mixtures: Partial molal 8
properties, chemical potential, fugacity and fugacity coefficient, fugacity
relations for real gas mixtures, ideal solutions, phase equilibrium, Rault’s
5. Reacting Systems: I and II law analysis of reacting systems, absolute 14
entropy and the third law, fuel cells, chemical energy, exergetic efficiency
of reacting systems, chemical equilibrium, equilibrium flame temperature.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

1. Wark, K., “Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers”, John Wiley & Sons. 1995
2. Bejan, A., “Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons. 2006
3. Annamalai, K. and Puri, I.K., “Advanced Thermodynamics Engineering”, 2001
CRC Press.
4. Moran, M. J., and Shapiro, H. N., “Fundamentals of Engineering 2007
Thermodynamics”, 6th Ed., John Wiley & Sons
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-521 Course Title: Advanced Fluid Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge on advanced analytical tools for fluid flow analysis.

10. Details of Course:

S.No. Contents Contact Hours
1. Review of Basic Concepts: Concept of continuum, types of fluid, tensor 3
2. Basic Laws in Integral Form: Reynold’s transport theorem, mass, 5
momentum and energy equations in integral form and their applications.
3. Differential Fluid Flow Analysis: Continuity equation, Navier-Stokes 7
equations and exact solutions, energy equation.
4. Ideal Fluid Flow Analysis: Two dimensional flow in rectangular and polar 8
coordinates; Continuity equation and the stream function; Irrotationality and
the ve locity potential f unction; V orticity a nd c irculation; P lane pot ential
flow a nd t he c omplex pot ential f unction; S ources, s inks, doubl ets a nd
vortices; Flow over bodi es and d ’Alembert’s pa radox; Aerofoil t heory and
its application.
5. Low R eynolds N umber F low: A pproximation o f N avier-Stokes e quation, 4
approximate s olutions of Navier-Stokes equation, S tokes and Oseen flows,
hydrodynamic theory of lubrication.
6. Large R eynolds N umber Flow: Prandtl’s bounda ry l ayer e quations, 8
Blasius s olutions, F alkner-Skan s olutions, m omentum i ntegral e quation,
Halstein and Bohlen method, thermal boundary layers.
7. Compressible Fluid Flow: One dimensional isentropic flow, Fanno and 7
Rayleigh flows, chocking phenomenon, normal and oblique shocks.

11. Suggested Books:

S.N. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
1. Kundu, P. K., and Cohen, I. M., “Fluid Mechanics”, 4th Ed., Academic 2008
2. Panton, R. L., “Incompressible Flow”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons. 2005
3. Murlidhar, K., and Biswas, G., “Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics”, 2005
2nd Ed., Narosa Publishing House.
4. Batchlor, G.K., “Introduction to Fluid dynamics”, Cambridge University 2000
5. White, F. M., “Viscous Fluid Flow”, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill. 2006
6. Munson, B. R., Young, D. F., and Okiishi, T. H., “Fundamentals of Fluid 2009
Mechanics”. 6th Ed., John Wiley & Sons.
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-522 Course Title: Advanced Heat Transfer

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: It provides the knowledge of advanced techniques for analysis of heat

transfer processes in thermal systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours
1. Heat C onduction: F ourier’s l aw, t hermal c onductivity of m atter, he at 12
diffusion e quation f or i sotropic a nd a nisotropic m edia, bounda ry and
initial conditions; One-dimensional steady-state conduction through plane
wall, c ylinder a nd s phere, c onduction w ith t hermal e nergy generation,
heat t ransfer f rom e xtended s urfaces, r adial f ins a nd f in opt imization;
Multidimensional-dimensional s teady-state he at c onduction; T ransient
conduction – lumped capacitance method and its validity, plane wall and
radial s ystems w ith c onvection, s emi-infinite s olid, muti-dimensional
transient heat conduction.
2. Heat Convection: Boundary layers concepts, laminar and turbulent flows, 11
conservation e quation, non -dimensional a nalysis, bounda ry l ayer
equations, R eynolds a nalogy f or t urbulent f lows; F orced c onvection
inside t ubes a nd duc ts – correlations f or l aminar a nd t urbulent f orces
convection; F orced c onvection ove r e xterior s urfaces – bluff bodi es,
packed be ds, t ube bundl es i n c ross f low, f ree j et; N atural c onvection;
Combined f ree and f orced convection; C ombined c onvection a nd
3. Heat Transfer with Phase Change: Nucleate, film and pool boiling, 5
boiling in forced convection; Filmwise and dropwise condensation; Heat
4. Thermal R adiation: Fundamental c oncepts, r adiation i ntensity a nd i ts 10
relation to emission, irradiation and radiosity, blackbody radiation, Planck
distribution, Wien’s di splacement la w, Stefan-Boltzmann l aw, s urface
emission, surface absorption, reflection, and transmission, Kirchoff’s law,
gray s urface; R adiation exchange be tween surfaces, Poljack’s and
Gehbart’s m ethods a nd vi ew f actor, bl ackbody r adiation e xchange,
radiation e xchange be tween di ffuse gray s urfaces i n a n e nclosure w ith
absorbing and emitting media; Flame Radiation, solar Radiation.
5. Numerical M ethods i n H eat T ransfer: Finite di fference m ethod for 4
numerical simulation of steady state and transient heat transfer problems,
iterative m ethods f or s olution of m ulti-dimensional pr oblems, time
integration methods.

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
No. Publication/Reprin
1. Kreith, F. and Bohn, M. S., “Principles of Heat Transfer”, 6th Ed., 2007
Thomson Learning.
2. Burmeister, L. C., “Convective Heat Transfer”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons. 1993
3. Kays, W. M., Crawford, M. E., and Weigand, B., “Convective Heat and 2004
Mass Transfer”, 4th Ed., McGraw Hill.
4 Ozisik, M. N., “Heat Conduction”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons. 1993
5. Siegel, R., and Howell, J. K., “Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer”, Taylor & 2002
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-523 Course Title: Gas Turbines and Compressors

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: It is intended to give a thorough understanding of gas turbines,

compressors, gas turbine cycles, energy and fluid flow dynamics, and power
plants based on gas turbines.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Development, classification and field of application of gas turbines. 3

2. Gas T urbine C ycles: Ideal and actual c ycles, multi-stage compression, r eheating, 6
regeneration, combined and cogeneration.

3. Energy Transfer an d F luid F low C haracteristics: Energy t ransfer b etween fluid 6

and rotor, axi-symmetric flow in compressors and gas turbines.

4. Centrifugal C ompressors: Principles of ope ration, c ompressor l osses, a diabatic 6

efficiency, slip factor, pressure c oefficient, pow er uni t, de sign c onsideration f or
impeller and diffuser systems, performance characteristics.

5. Axial F low C ompressors: Elementary t heory, vortex t heory, de gree o f r eaction, 6

simple de sign, elementary air-foil t heory, i solated airfoil and cascade t heory, three
dimensional f low, stages, stage ef ficiency an d overall ef ficiency, p erformance

6. Turbines: Axial f low and r adial f low t urbines, i mpulse a nd r eaction t urbines, 10
fundamental r elations a nd ve locity t riangles, elementary vor tex the ory, limiting
factors i n t urbine de sign, a pplication of a irfoil t heory t o t he s tudy o f f low t hrough
turbine bl ades, a erodynamic a nd t hermodynamic de sign c onsiderations, bl ade
materials, blade attachment and blade cooling.

7. Gas Turbine Power Plants: Fuel and fuel feed systems, combustion systems-design 5
considerations a nd f lame s tabilization, r egenerator t ypes a nd de sign, gas t urbine
power plant performance and matching, applications.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
No. Publication
1. Saravanamuttoo, H .I.H., R ogers, G.F.C., C ohen, H . a nd Straznicky, P .V., “Gas 2008
Turbine Theory”, 6th Ed., Pearson Prentice Hall.
2. Bathie, W. W., “Fundamentals of Gas Turbines”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons. 1995
3. Boyce, M. P., “Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook”, 3rd Ed., Gulf Professional 2006
4. Lefebvre, H. and Ballal, D. R., “Gas Turbine Combustion”, 3rd Ed., CRC Press. 2010

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-524 Course Title: Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course has been designed to give a thorough understanding of basic mechanism involved
in two phase flow and heat transfer with special emphasis on boiling and condensation

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction : Types of flow; volumetric concentration; void 05
fraction; volumetric flux; relative velocity; drift velocity; flow
regimes; flow maps; analytical models.
2. Homogeneous F low: One dimensional steady homogeneous 08
equilibrium flow; homogeneous friction factor; turbulent flow friction
3. Separated Flow: Slip; Lockhart-Martinelli method for pressure drop 07
calculation; pressure drop for flow with boiling; flow with phase
4. Drift Flow Model: General theory; gravity flows with no wall shear; 08
correction to simple theory; Armond or Bankoff flow parameters.
5. Boiling: Regimes of boiling; nucleation; gas nucleation in bulk liquid; 07
growth of bubbles; motion at a heating surface; heat transfer rates in
pool boiling; forced convection boiling; heat transfer correlations;
maximum heat flux or burnout; metal boiling.
6 Condensation: Nusselt theory; boundary layer treatment of laminar 07
film condensation; experimental results for vertical and horizontal
tubes; condensation inside a horizontal tube, condensation outside a
horizontal tube.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher
No. Publication/
1. Wallis, G.B., “One Dimensional Two Phase Flow,” McGraw Hill 1969
2. Butterworth, D. and Hewitt, G.F., “Two-phase Flow and Heat 1977
Transfer”, Oxford
3. Collier, J.G., “Convective Boiling and Condensation,” McGraw Hill 1982
4. Rohsenow, W.M., Hartnett, J.P. and Ganic, E.N. (Ed.), “Handbook of 1998
Heat Transfer Fundamentals,” McGraw Hill
5. Tong, L. S. and Tang, Y.S., “Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-phase 1997
Flow,” Taylor & Francis
Whalley, P.B., “Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer,” Oxford Press 1996
6. Whalley, P.B., “Boiling, Condensation, and Gas-Liquid Flow,” 1987
Clarendon Press, Oxford
7. Chisholm, D., “Two-phase Flow in Pipe Lines and Heat Exchangers,” 1969
Longman Inc. New York.
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-525 Course Title: Solar Energy

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of solar energy with respect to its availability,

utilization and economic viability.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact
1. Introduction: Energy demand and supply, energy crisis, conventional and non- 2
conventional energy resources, solar energy applications.
2. Solar radiation: Sun, solar radiations, attenuation by atmosphere, solar radiation on 6
earth, measurement, presentation and utilization of data.
3. Heat transfer concepts: Radiation characteristics of surface and bodies, absorbance, 6
reflectance and transmittance, selective surface, sky radiation and wind convection.
4. Flat plate collectors: General description of flat plate collectors, general 8
characteristics, performance, short term and long term performance, design.
5. Focusing collectors: General description of focusing solar collectors, concentrators, 5
receivers and orienting systems, general characteristics, performance, materials,
6. Energy storage: Energy storage in solar process system, different types of storages, 5
characteristics and capacity of storage medium, solar pond.
7. Solar heating and cooling: Passive heating and cooling, nocturnal radiations, green 4
house concept, ponds, active heating and cooling, solar water heaters, absorption
cooling, combined solar heating and cooling systems, performance, economics of
solar heating and cooling.
8. Solar Process Modeling: Solar process systems and components, component 2
models, system models.
9. Solar Photovoltaics: Description and principle of working, performance 4
characteristics, efficiency of solar cells, module design, PV systems, applications.


11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publisher Year of
1. Duffie, J .A. a nd B eckman, W .A., “ Solar E ngineering of T hermal P rocesses”, 4th 2013
Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Soteris A . K alogirou, " Solar E nergy E ngineering: P rocesses and S ystems", 2009
Academic Press
3. Goswami, D.Y., K reith,F., a nd K reider J ., “ Principles of S olar E nergy”, 2nd Ed., 2000
Taylor & Francis
4. Sukhatme, S.P. and Naik, J.K., “Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and 2009
storage”, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw - Hill Education
5. Garg, H .P., & Prakash, J .,“Solar E nergy : Fundamentals a nd A pplications”, Tata 2012
McGraw - Hill Education
6. Tiwari, G .N.,“Solar E nergy Fundamentals, Design, M odelling a nd Applications”, 2002
Narosa publishing House
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-526 Course Title: Advanced Gas Dynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide knowledge of advanced topics in gas dynamics related to shock

waves, perturbations and methods of characteristics.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Basic E quations: Application of the general differential e quation o f c ontinuity, 6
momentum a nd e nergy t o c ompressible i nviscid f luids, c ompressible B ernoulli
equation, irrotational flow, velocity potential and stream function.

2. Shock Waves in Supersonic Flow: A review of normal shock relations, Mach waves, 7
equations f or f inite s trength obl ique s hock waves, R ankine-Hugoniot r elations,
extended Prandtl relation, hodograph shock polars, reflection and interaction of shock,
curved shocks.

3. Small Perturbation T heory: Linearization, s mall pe rturbation e quation, pr essure 9

coefficient, s ubsonic f low pa st a w ave s haped wall, ge neral s olution of s upersonic
flows, supersonic flow past a wave – shaped wall, elements of supersonic thin aerofoil

4. Similarity Rules: Similarity r ules be tween two-dimensional s ubsonic c ompressible 6

flows a nd i ncompressible f lows, G othert r ule, P randtlGlauert r ule, a pplication t o
supersonic flows.
5. Hodograph M ethod f or Subs onic F low: Hodograph e quations f or t wo-dimensional 7
subsonic f lows, C haplygin’s e quation, t he t angent g as a pproximation of Karman a nd
Tsien f or s ubsonic f lows, K arman-Tsien formula f or p ressure c orrection, c omparison
with Prandtl-Glauert rule
6. Method of Characteristics f or S upersonic F low: Method of cha racteristics f or t wo 7
dimensional s upersonic f lows, t he c haracteristic c urves, e quation of hodog raph
characteristics, characteristics network, computational methods.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Author(s) / Title / Publisher Year of

No. Publication
1. Anderson J r., J .D., “Modern C ompressible Flow: W ith Historical P erspective”, 3 rd 2012
Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Liepmann, H.W. and Roshko, A., “Elements of Gas Dynamics”, Dover Publication. 2002
3. Rathakrishnan, E., “Applied Gas Dynamics”, John Wiley & Sons. 2010
4. John, J. E. A. and Keith, T. G., “Gas Dynamics”, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall. 2006
5. Zucker, R. D. and Biblarz, O., “Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics”, 2nd Ed., John 2002
Wiley & Sons.
6. Oosthuizen, P. H. and Carscallen, W. E. “Introduction to Compressible Fluid Flow”, 2013
2nd Ed. , CRC Press
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-527 Course Title: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of the basic tools for numerical simulation of fluid flow and
heat transfer processes.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Conservation e quations; M ass, m omentum a nd e nergy equations; 3
Conservative forms of the equations and general description.

2. Classification and O verview of Numerical Methods: Classification into various types 3

of e quations -- parabolic el liptic and hyperbolic; B oundary and i nitial c onditions;
Overview of numerical methods.

3. Finite Difference M ethod: Introduction, finite difference approximations, Taylor series 5

expansion, pol ynomial f itting, a pproximation of bounda ry conditions, a pplications t o
conduction and advection-diffusion problems.

4. Finite Volume Method: Basic methodology, finite volume discretization, approximation 4

of s urface a nd vol ume integrals, i nterpolation m ethods – central, upw ind a nd h ybrid
formulations and comparison for convection-diffusion problem.

5. Finite E lement M ethod: Introduction t o R ayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin and least s quare 4

methods, interpolation functions, one and two dimensional elements, applications.

6. Methods of Sol ution: Solution of f inite difference e quations, iterative me thods, matrix 4
inversion methods, ADI method, operator splitting, fast Fourier transform, applications.
7. Time integration Methods: Single and multilevel methods; predictor-corrector methods; 4
stability analysis; Applications to transient conduction and advection-diffusion problems.

8. Numerical G rid G eneration: Basic i deas, t ransformation a nd m apping, uns tructured 3

grid generation.

9. Navier-Stokes E quations: Explicit a nd implicit me thods; S IMPLE type me thods; 4

fractional step methods

10. Phase Change Problems: Different approaches for moving boundary, variable time step 4
method, enthalpy method.

11. Turbulence m odeling: Reynolds a veraged N avier-Stokes e quations, R ANS m odeling, 4

DNS and LES.

Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
No. Publication
1. Anderson, D .A., T annehill, J .C. a nd P letcher, R .H., “ Computational F luid 2011
Mechanics and Heat Transfer”, 3rd Ed., Taylor & Francis
2. Anderson, J.D., Jr., “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, McGraw Hill. 1995
3. Ferziger, J. H. and Peric, M., “Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics”, 3rd Ed., 2003
4. Versteeg, H. and Malalasekra, M., “An Introduction to Computational Fluid 2007
Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method”, 2nd Ed., Pearson Education
5. Reddy, J. N. and Gartling, D. K., “The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer and 2010
Fluid Dynamics”, 3rd Ed., CRC Press.
6. Chung, T. J., “Computational Fluid Dynamics”. 2nd Ed., Cambridge University 2010
7. Patankar, S. V., “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, Taylor and Francis 1980
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-528 Course Title: Boundary Layer Theory

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course is intended to provide of boundary layer in fluid flow and to inapt
a clean clear physical understanding analytical ability for prediction; investigation and
control of the boundary layers.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Ideal and r eal fluids, the con cept of bounda ry l ayer; Navier- Stokes 6
equations, t he l imiting c ases of l ayer a nd s mall R eynolds num ber, e nergy equation;
Exact solutions of N-S Equation
2 Laminar B oundary L ayer E quation: Two di mensional e quations; di splacement and 8
momentum thickness; general properties of the boundary layer equations; skin friction.
3 Similarity solutions: Wedge f low a nd its pa rticular c ases; f low pa st a cylinder; tw o 6
dimensional flow in straight channel
4 Approximate M ethods: Karman-Pohlhausen m ethods; N umerical m ethods; A xially 6
symmetrical boundary layer: Circular jet; body of revolution; Manglers transformation
5 Stability of laminar flow: Transition to turbulence; Turbulent flow fundamentals 4
6 Boundary L ayer C ontrol: Different me thods; f law over a flat pl ate w ith uniform 4
7 Turbulent Boundary Layer: Two-dimensional e quation; P randtl’s mixing la yer 4
theory; K arman’s h ypothesis; U niversal ve locity distribution; f low ove r a f lat pl ate;
skin friction drag.
8 Thermal Boundary layer: Two-dimensional equations; forced and natural convection 4
over flat plate; natural convective flow over a vertical plate; effect of Prandt’l number.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Schlichting H., “Boundary Layer Theory”, Springer-Verlag 2004
2. Rozenhead L., “Laminar Boundary Layers”, Dover Publications 1988
3 Hinze J.O., “Turbulence”, McGraw Hill 1975
4 Kays W.M. and Crawford M.E., “Convective Heat & Mass Transfer”, McGraw Hill 1993
5. Wellty J., Wicks C.E. and Wilson R.E., “Fundamentals of Momentum Heat and 2007
Mass Transfer”, John Wiley & Sons
6 White F M, “Viscous fluid flow” 3rd Edition;McGraw hill co. 2011
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-529 Course Title: Turbulent Flows

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Fluid Mechanics

9. Objective: To provide essential physical understanding and analytical, experimental,

modeling and computational tools for the analysis of turbulent flows.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars
1. Introduction: Introduction to turbulence and equations of fluid motion. 3
2. Statistical descriptions of turbulent flows: random nature of turbulence, random 5
variables, probability distributions, and averaging techniques.
3. Experimental techniques for measurement of turbulent flows: hot-wire and hot- 5
film anemometry, laser Doppler Velocimetry, and Particle image velocimetry.
4. Dynamics of turbulence: scales of turbulent motion, energy cascade, Kolmogorov 7
hypothesis, structure function, two-point correlations, Fourier modes and velocity
5. Homogeneous and isotropic turbulence: implications of isotropy, energy decay, 5
energy spectrum, homogeneous shear flows.
6. Anisotropic turbulence: wall bounded flows (channel flow, pipe flow, boundary 7
layers) and free shear flows (jets and mixing layers), coherent structures.
7. Turbulence modeling: RANS modeling, eddy viscosity models, algebraic Reynolds 5
stress models and near-wall models.
8. Direct numerical simulation and large eddy simulation: filterning, subgrid scale 5
models (smagorinsky and dynamic models), LES in wave number space.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
S. No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publisher Publication
/ Reprint
1. Pope, S.B., “Turbulent Flows”, Cambridge University Press. 2000
2. Bernard, P., and Wallace, J.A., “Turbulent Flow“, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2002
3. Libby, P. A., “An Introduction to Turbulence”, Taylor & Francis. 1996
4. Mathieu, J., and Scott, J., “Introduction to Turbulent Flow”, Cambridge University 2000
5. Biswas, G., and Eswaran, V., “Turbulent Flows”, Narosa Publishing House. 2002
6. Piquet, J., Richards, J.A., Jia, X., “Turbulence Flows: Models and Physics”, Springer- 2001
7. Tennekes, H., and Lumley, J.L., “A First Course in Turbulence”, MIT Press. 1972
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-530 Course Title: Cold Preservation of Food

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To expose students to the various aspects of cold preservation techniques for the
perishable commodities. Topics on N ewer techniques of Food Preservation have
also been included.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Necessity of f ood p reservation; general t echniques; 05
cold preservation of food.

2. Biological A spects: Live a nd de ad f oods; bi ology o f food pr oducts 10

such a s f ruits, ve getables, m ilk, m eat a nd f ish; e ffect of t emperature
on f ood i ngredients; r espiration r ates of f ood products; c ontrolled
atmospheric storage; diseases and deterioration of foods.

3. Cold P reservation of Food: Short and l ong t erm p reservation; 09

methods of chilling, freezing and freeze drying; heat and mass transfer
analysis of cooling and freezing.
4. Cold S torages: Necessity a nd pr esent s tatus i n t he c ountry ; s ite 10
selection, bui lding c onstructional f eatures, l oad calculation,
equipment, selection, safety consideration, insurance and management
of c old s torages; s torage of s ome i mportant f ood pr oducts; m odem
trends in cold storage practices.
5. Refrigerated Food H andling: Preparation f or cooling/ f reezing; 08
packaging of f oods; m odes of t ransportation l and, s ea a nd a ir; t heir
thermal, load and equipment; marketing of refrigerated food.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1 StoeckerW.F.,”Refrigeration and Air-conditioning”, McGraw Hill 2002
2. Moravek J ., “ Air C onditioning S ystems: P rinciples, E quipment, a nd 2000
Service”, AHRI, , Prentice Hall
3 “ASHRAE Handbooks”, ASHRAE. 2013
4 Wang, S . “Handbook o f A ir C onditioning a nd Refrigeration”, T ata 2000
McGraw Hill Education
5. Arora, C.P., “ Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, Tata-McGraw Hill 2005

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-531 Course Title: Hydrodynamic Machines

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS:0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To expose s tudents t o various s trategic i ssues related t o H ydrodynamic machine

such as Turbines, Pumps etc.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Basic f luid m echanics of t urbo-machinery; t he t orque- 8
momentum a nd t he head- momentum equations; one -dimensional t heory and
its limitations; two- dimensional theory of flow through axial and radial-flow
machines; three-dimensional effects.
2 Classification o f Hydrodynamic m achines: Classification of t urbines a nd 2
pumps, various forms of runners.
3 Impulse T urbines: General t heory of i mpulse m achines; pe rformance 8
characteristics; de sign of r unner; buc ket s hape a nd s ize; de sign of noz zles;
regulation mechanisms; penstock design.
4 Reaction T urbines: General t heory of reaction machines; p erformance 10
characteristics; t ypes; F rancis and K aplan t urbines; r unner de sign; bl ade
design; design of the spiral casing; guide vanes and draft tube design; theory of
cavitation flows in hydrodynamic runners.
5 Hydrodynamic Pumps: Classification of pum ps and v arious forms of p ump 8
impellers; g eneral t heory of cent rifugal pum ps; pe rformance characteristics;
design of casings and diffusers; cavitation effects in impellers.
6 Hydrodynamic T ransmissions: General f eatures; pr imary and secondary 6
units of t he s ystems; f luid c ouplings a nd t orque c onverters; general t heory;
performance characteristics; basic design considerations;
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Author(s) /Title / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1. Logan, E., Turbomachinery: Basic theory and applications, CRC Press 2009
2. Gopalakrishnan, G ., A Treatise on T urbomachines, S citech P ublication, 2002
3 Dixon, S., L., Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of turbomachinery, 2005
5th Ed., Elsevier
4 Stepanoff, A ., J ., Centrifugal & A xial F low pu mps: Theory, de sign and 1957
Application, John Wiley
5. Daugherty, R., L., Hydraulic turbines with a chapter on Centrifugal 1920
pumps, McGraw-Hill
6. Karassik, I., J., Pump Handbook, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill International 2001
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Departmentof Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-532 Course Title: Renewable Energy Systems

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: RASE

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This c ourse w ill provide an ex posure r egarding R enewable E nergy Systems
towards sustainable development of the society.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Energy and development, energy demand and availability, energy crisis, 6
conventional a nd non -conventional sources, r enewable a nd non-renewable en ergy
resources, environmental i mpact of c onventional e nergy us age, basic con cepts of he at
and fluid flow useful for energy systems.
2 Solar E nergySystems: Solar r adiations da ta, solar energy collection, storage and 7
utilization, solar w ater he ating,solar air h eating,solar power ge neration,solar
refrigeration and air conditioning, solar energy system economics.
3 Micro A nd S mall H ydro E nergy S ystems: Resource as sessment of m icro and small 6
hydro power, micro, mini and small hydro power systems, economics, pump as turbine,
special engines for low heads, velocity head turbines, hydrams, water mills.
4 Biomass Energy Systems: Availability of biomass- agro, forest, animal, municipal and 6
other residues; Bioconversion technologies; cooking fuels, biogas, producer gas, power
alcohol from biomass; Power generation,internal engine modifications and performance,
system economics.
5 Wind Energy Systems: Wind data, horizontal and vertical axis wind mills, wind farms, 6
performance and economics of wind energy.
6 Geothermal Energy S ystems: Vapor dom inated, l iquid dom inated a nd pe trothermal 3
systems; Hybrid systems.
7 Energy from t he O ceans: OTEC s ystems, open and closed types; W ave ene rgy 4
conversion systems; Tidal energy conversion systems.
8 Integrated E nergy Systems: Concept of i ntegration of c onventional a nd non - 4
conventional en ergy resources and systems; i ntegrated energy s ystem de sign and
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Year of
No. Author(s) /Title / Publisher Publication/
1 Duffie, J.A. a nd B eckman, W.A., “ Solar Engineering of T hermal
Processes”, John Wiley.
2 Bungay, H.R., “Energy, the Biomass Option”, John Wiley. 1981
3 Fowler, K.M., “Energy & Environment”,McGraw Hill. 1984
4 Sukhatme, S .P. a nd N ayak, J .K., ” Solar Energy: pr inciples of t hermal
collection and storage”, McGraw Hill.
5 Boyle, G., “Renewable E nergy – Power for a S ustainable Future”, 2nd Ed.,
Oxford University Press.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-533 Course Title: Refrigeration & Air-conditioning System Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the students the basic design principles of refrigeration and Air conditioning
equipment and component such as evaporators, condensers, capillary tubes, expansion valves,

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Load C alculations: Solar heat gains through structures; review of 3
refrigeration and air conditioning load calculations.
2 Refrigeration S ystems: Vapour compression; multiple evaporator 6
and compound compression system with and without inter cooling;
dual compressors; cascade systems; Vapour absorption system-
Solid carbon dioxide; principle of production; three stage system with
water and flash inter-cooler; pressure snow chambers; regenerative
liquid; binary system.
3 Compressors: Performance characteristics and capacity control of 5
reciprocating, rotary and centrifugal compressors; screw compressors;
hermetically sealed units; analysis of centrifugal compressors.
Compressor Design.
4 Condensers: Water —cooled and air-cooled condensers; overall heat 5
transfer coefficients; fouling factor; performance characteristics and
design; performance and heat transfer processes in evaporative
5 Evaporators: Flooded and dry expansion type evaporators, liquid 4
chiller, overall performance of evaporators and design of evaporators.
6 Expansion D evises: Capillary tubes; system design factors; pressure 4
and temperature distribution; ASHRAE simplified calculation
Expansion valves; operation and performance calculation of
thermostatic expansion valve; application of constant pressure
expansion valve.
7 Thermal Comfort:Human thermoregulation; energy balance; thermal 3
exchange with environment
8 Indoor E nvironmental H ealth an d A ir C ontaminants:Airborne 5
contaminants: particles, gaseous contaminants, outdoor air ventilation
and health;
9 Pressure D rop an d H eat T ransfer: Two phase flow; flow regimes; 4
maps; pressure drop in evaporator and condensers; Martinelli relation
10 Applications an d Sys tem D esign: Ice manufacture; Design of 3
refrigerated ware houses. datacentre and clean room.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1 StoeckerW.F.,”Refrigeration and Air-conditioning”, McGraw Hill 2002
2. Moravek J., “Air Conditioning Systems: Principles, Equipment, and 2000
Service”, AHRI, , Prentice Hall
3 “ASHRAE Handbooks”, ASHRAE. 2013
4 Wang, S.“Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration”, 2000
TataMcGraw Hill Education
5. Arora, C.P., “ Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, Tata-McGraw Hill 2005

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-534 Course Title: Air-conditioning and Ventilation

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the students the basic physiological principles, comfort charts, air conditioning
systems and the design of piping and ducts.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Psychrometery: moist air properties; mass transfer and evaporation 6
of water into moist air; theory of psychrometer; correlation of w.b.t.
with temperature of adiabatic saturation; Lewis number; construction
of psychrometric chart.
2 Physiological P rinciples: Comfort; thermal interchanges with 4
environment; physiological body regulatory processes against heat or
cold ; high and low temperature hazards; extreme environmental
conditions; heat stress index; ASHRAE comfort standards.
3 Simultaneous H eat an d M ass T ransfer: Direct contact transfer 6
equipment; simple air washer and indirect evaporative cooling contact
mixture principle; enthalpy potential; basic equation for direct contact
transfer equipment; graphical and analytical methods for heat and
mass transfer analysis of air washers with heated and chilled water
sprays; cooling towers.
4 Extended S urface H eat T ransfer A pparatus: Cooling and 8
Dehumidifying coils, Design of finned surfaces, Adsorption cooling
5 Ventilation: Necessity; ventilation standards; natural and mechanical 6
ventilation; forces for natural ventilation; general ventilation rules;
advantages of mechanical ventilation; various methods; ejector
systems ; determining ventilation requirement; use of decay equation.
6 Air C leaning: Physical and chemical vitiation of air; permissible 4
concentration of air contaminants; mechanical and electronic air
cleaners; dry and wet filters; air sterilization; odour control.
7 Steam H eating Systems: Elements of steam, water and warm-air 4
heating systems; radiators and convectors. Design of an year-round air
conditioning system.
8 Piping and D ucts: Pressure drops in piping and fittings; design of 4
water and refrigerant piping; Air conditioning duct design methods.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1 Stoecker, W.F., and Jones, J.W., “Elementary Refrigeration & Air 2002
conditioning”, McGraw Hill
2 Dosset, R.J., Principles of Refrigeration, Pearson Education Asia 2002
3 Arora, C.P.,“Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, Tata-McGraw Hill 2005
4 Prasad, M., “Refrigeration and Air conditioning”, New Age 2005
5 ASHRAE Handbook (Fundamentals) 2013

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-535 Course Title: Cryogenic Systems

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the student to the field of low temperature engineering (cryogenics)
which ha s a pplications i n r ocket pr opulsion, e lectronics, bi ological a nd medical
science, food preservation, mechanical design and etc.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Introduction, H istorical ba ckground, P resent a rea 4
involving cryogenics
2 Low T emperature Properties of E ngineering Materials: 4
Mechanical pr operties, Thermal pr operties, Electrical and Magnetic
Properties, Properties of cryogenic fluids
3 Gas-Liquefaction Sys tem: Joule-Thomson ef fect, Adiabatic 6
expansion, S imple Linde-Hampson s ystem, P recooled Linde-
Hampson s ystem, Linde dua l-pressure s ystem, Cascade s ystem,
Claude system, Kapitza system, Collins helium liquefaction system,
4 Critical C omponents of L iquefaction Sy stem: Effect of he at 6
exchanger effectiveness on system performance, Effect of compressor
and expander efficiency on s ystem pe rformance, Effect of h eat
transfer to the system
5 Cryogenic Refrigeration System: Philips refrigerator, Importance of 6
regenerator e ffectiveness for P hilips re frigerator, Gifford-McMohan
6 Measurement S ystems f or L ow T emperatures: Temperature 4
measurement, Flow rate measurement, Liquid level measurement.
7 Cryogenic S torage an d t ransfer S ystems: Cryogenic f luid s torage 4
vessels, insulations, cryogenic transfer systems
8 Vacuum T echnology: Importance of V acuum t echnology in 8
cryogenics, F low r egimes i n va cuum s ystems, C onductance i n
vacuum s ystems, C alculation of pum p-down t ime f or a v acuum
systems, C omponents o f a va cuum s ystems, Mechanical va cuum
pumps, Diffusion pum ps, Ion pum ps, C ryopumping. Vacuum gauges
and valves.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1. Barron R.F.,”Cryogenic Systems”, Oxford University Press 1985
2. Timmerhaus K .D. a nd Flunn T M ,”Cryogenic P rocess E ngineering”, 1989
Plenum Press
3. Fundamentals of Cryogenic Engineering, PHI 2010
4. Cryogenic Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis Ltd 1999
5. Cryogenic Mixed Refrigerant Processes, Springer-Verlag New York 2008
6. Kays, W.M., and London, A.L., “Compact Heat Exchangers”, Krieger 1998
Publishing Company.
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-536 Course Title: Convective Heat & Mass Transfer

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: RASE

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course discusses exclusively the various aspects of the convective heat
and mass transfer.
10. Details of Course:
S. Particulars Contact
1. Introduction: Concepts and Conservation Principles & Laws, Differential 9
formulations of the basic laws: Equations of continuity, Equation of
momentum, energy, mass & Entropy.
2. Approximate Solutions: Integral Equation, Laminar Boundary Layers, 8
Laminar Heat Transfer in Ducts
3. Natural/Free convection: Internal & External Flow, Dimensional Analysis 8
& Similarity Principles
4. Turbulence fundamentals & Turbulence Boundary layer flow 5
6. Boiling & Condensation 4
7. Convective Mass Transfer & Molecular Diffusion 4
8. Simultaneous Heat & Mass Transfer 4
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S.No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1. Kays, W . M ., C rawford, M . E ., a nd W eigand, B . “ Convective H eat a nd M ass 2005
Transfer”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Latif M Jiji, “Heat Convection”, 2nd Edn,, Springer 2009
3. Bejan, A, Convection Heat Transfer, 3rd Edn, John Wiley & Son Inc 2004
4. Kakac, S and Yener, Y, Convective Heat Transfer, 2nd Edn, CRCPress 1995
4. Burmeister L.C., “Convection Heat Transfer”, John Wiley & Son Inc. 1993
5. Arpaci, V. S.,and Larsen, P. S., “Convection Heat Transfer”, Prentice Hall, Inc. 1984
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-537 Course Title: I.C. Engines

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/ DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Undergraduate level course on Engineering Thermodynamics

9. Objective: The course is advanced level course of IC Engines and deals with the
analysis of engine processes

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Introduction and Historical Perspective. 2

2 Thermodynamic an alysis of I C Engines C ycle: Properties of w orking f luid, 7

thermodynamic charts, and unburned mixture charts burned mixture and, fuel air cycle
analysis, Real cycles, availability analysis of engine processes.
3 Gas E xchange Processes: Inlet a nd exhaust pr ocesses i n t he f our s troke cycle, 11
volumetric efficiency quasi-static and dynamic effects, flow through valves.
Scavenging in the two- stroke cycle engines scavenging parameters and models, actual
scavenging pr ocesses, f low t hrough por ts. S upercharging a nd t urbocharging, ba sic
relationships, c ompressors, t urbines c haracteristics, m atching of c ompressor, t urbines
and engine characteristics.
4 Combustion in SI Engines: Essential features of the process, thermodynamic analysis 6
of S I e ngine c ombustion, c ombustion pr ocess characterization, c yclic va riations i n
5 Combustion in Compression: Ignition Engines: Essential features of process, types of 8
diesel c ombustion s ystems, phe nomenological model of compression- ignition engine
combustion. F uel s pray be haviour, s pray s tructure, a tomization, s pray pe netration
droplet size distribution, spray evaporation, ignition delay.
6 Pollutant Formation an d C ontrol: Nature a nd e xtant of pr oblem, N itrogen Oxides. 8
Kinetics of NO formation, NO x formation in spark- ignition engines, NO x formation in
CI engines. Carbon monoxide, Unburned hydrocarbon emissions. Particulate emissions
exhaust gas treatment, catalytic converters, three way catalysts, particulate traps.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Heywood J.B., “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill 1988
2. Stiesch, G., “Modeling Engine Spray and Combustion Processes”, Springer-Verlag. 2003
3 Ferguson C.R.,”Internal Combustion Engines”, John Wiley 2000
4 Oppenheim, A.K., “ Combustion in Piston Engines” Springer 2004
5. Pundir, B.P., “ I C Engines Combustion and Emissions” Narosa 2010
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-538 Course Title: I.C. Engine Combustion Processes

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Course on I.C. Engines at U.G. level / MI 537

9. Objective: The course is intended to expose the students to the most widely used
mathematical models for in-cylinder spray and combustion processes. These processes
are most important for fuel economy and pollutant emissions.
10. Details of Course:
S. Particulars Contact
1. Essential features of combustion process in S.I. and C.I. engines, Flame structure and 4
speed, spray structure, auto ignition
2. Engine Combustion Modeling – An overview 2
3. Modeling Fluid Motions in Engines, intake jet flow, swirl generation during induction 6
squish, prechamber flows, crevice flow and blow by
4. Modeling Flame Propagation and Heat Release in Engines, laminar burning speed, 8
flame propagation relations, heat release in diesel engines, zero dimension burning
rate function free gas jet theory, packet models
5. Knock, fundamentals, kinetic modeling of hydrocarbon combustion, autoignition, 6
knock models
6. Modeling Spray, spray equation, droplet kinematics, spray atomization, droplet 8
breakup droplet/droplet and spray wall interactions, fuel vaporization
7. Modeling pollutant formation in SI and CI engines, Models for NOx, CO and soot 8
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1. Wood, H., “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1988
2. Stiesch, G., “Modeling Engine Spray and Combustion Processes”, Springer-Verlag. 2003
3. Merker, G. P, “Simulating Combustion,” Springer 2006
4. Sirignano, W. A., “Fluid Dynamics and Transport of Droplets & Sprays”, 2000
Cambridge University Press
5. Warnatz, J., Mass, U., and Dirbble, R. W.,“Combustion: Physical and Chemical 2001
Fundamentals, Modeling and simulation, Experiments, Pollutant Formation”,
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-539 Course Title: Micro & Nano Scale Thermal Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Course on Fluid Mechanics, Heat & Mass Transfer

9. Objective: To provide understanding of heat transfer and fluid flow at the micro-and
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Particulars
1. Introduction: Basic statistical thermodynamics, quantum theory, and kinetic theory, Photon 5
and electron transport processes.
3. Thermal characteristics: Thermal properties at the nano scale –heat capacity & thermal 5
conductivity, Thermoelectricity and applications.
4. Microfluidics: Intermolecular forces, states of matter, liquid and gas flows, continuum 8
assumption, governing equations, Constitutive relations, slip theory, surface tension and
interfacial energy, Young-Laplace equation, wetting and contact angles, capillary flows,
Electrokinetic flows.
5. Convection heat transfer: Fundamentals, Laminar convection –Internal flow, Boiling and 6
condensation, Single-phase heat transfer in micro channels, Two-phase flow heat transfer in
micro channels continued.
6. Radiation heat transfer: Fundamentals of thermal radiation, Radiative properties of nano 6
materials, Nano photonics and applications.

7. Sensors: Microscale thermal sensors and actuators, Nanofluids, Micro fluidic component: 8
micro pump, micro valve, micro flow sensor, micro mixture
8. Micro Fabrications: Micro fabrication techniques, Photolithography, Etching, Oxidation, 4
spin coating, micro molding, polymer micro fabrication
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
Year of
S. No. Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication
/ Reprint
1. Zhuomin, M.Z., “Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill. 2007

2. Nguyen, N.T., Werely, S.T., “Fundamental & application of micro fluidics”, Artech House 2002
3. Brian Kirby, “Micro- and Nano scale Fluid Mechanics: Transport in Micro fluidic Devices 2010
”, Cambridge University Press.

4. Zhuomin, Z., “Microscale Energy Transport”, MacGraw hill co. 2007

5. Tien, C.L., Majumdar, A., and Gerner, F.M., “Microscale Energy Transport”, Taylor 2003
& Francis.
6. Celata, G.P., “Heat Transfer and Transport Phenomena in Microscale”, Begell House. 2004
7. Kakac, S., Vasiliev, L.L., B ayazitoglu, Y ., Y ener, Y ., “ Microscale H eat T ransfer: 2005
Fundamentals and Applications”, Springer-Verlag.
8. Madou, M.J.,” Fundamental of Micro fabrication”, CRC press. 2005
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-540 Course Title: Combustion

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To expose students to the basic principles involved in the combustion

phenomenon and to enhance their understanding of various practical combustion systems
and problems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Importance of combustion, combustion equipment hostile fire problems, 2
pollution problems arising from combustion.
2 Thermodynamics of Combustion: Enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of reaction, heating 6
values, f irst a nd s econd l aw a nalysis of r eacting s ystems, c hemical e quilibrium,
equilibrium composition, adiabatic and equilibrium flame temperature.
3 Kinetics of C ombustion: Law of m ass act ion, reaction rate, simple and complex 8
reactions, r eaction or der a nd m olecularity, Arhenius Law, activation e nergy, C hain
reaction s teady s tate and pa rtial e quilibrium a pproximations. C hain e xplosion,
Explosion limits and ox idation c haracteristics of hydrogen, c arbon monoxide a nd
4 Flames: P remixed F lames: structure and pr opagation of f lames i n ho mogeneous gas 12
mixtures; simplified Rankine Hugoniot relations; properties of hugoniot curve; analysis
of deflagration and detonation branches, properties of Chapman Jouguet wave. Laminar
flame s tructure; t heories of f lame pr opagation a nd c alculation of f lame s peeds, f lame
speed measurements. Stability limits of la minar f lames; flammability limits a nd
quenching di stance; bu mer de sign. M echanisms of f lame s tabilization i n l aminar a nd
turbulent f lows; f lame que nching. D iffusion f lames; c omparison of d iffusion w ith
premixed flame. Combustion of gaseous fuel jets Burke and shumann development.
5 Burning of C ondensed P hase: General m ass b urning considerations, c ombustion of 6
fuel droplet i n a qui escent and convective environment. Introduction t o c ombustion of
fuel sprays.
6 Ignition: Concepts of i gnition, c hain i gnition, t hermal s pontaneous i gnition, f orced 4
7. Combustion G enerated P ollution & its Control: Introduction, ni trogen ox ides 4
thermal f ixation of a tmospheric ni trogen pr ompt N O, t hermal N O x formation a nd
control i n combustors Fuel N O x and c ontrol , p ost —combustion de struction of N O x ,
Nitrogen di oxide c arbon m onoxide oxi dation — quenching , h ydro carbons, s ulphur
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1. Glassman, I..,”Combustion”, 4th edition Academic Press 2008
2. Turns, S . R ., “ An Introduction t o C ombustion, c oncepts a nd a pplications,” 3r d 2011
edition, McGraw Hill
3 Kuo, K. K., “Principles of Combustion,” 2nd edition, John Wiley 2008

4 Law, C.K., “Combustion Physics,” Cambridge University Press 2006

5. Williams F.A.,”Combustion Theory”, Addison Wesley 1993
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-541 Course Title: Bio – fluid Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Fluid Mechanics

9. Objective: To provide an understanding fluid dynamical phenomena in biological
systems in general, and human physiological system (such as cardio-vascular,
pulmonary, ocular, renal and musculo-skeletal) in particular.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Particulars
1. Introduction: Overview of basic anatomy and physiology from fluid flow perspective. 4
2. Review of basic equations and constitutive models: mass and momentum 4
conservation, models for non-Newtonian fluids.
3. Blood rheology and mechanics of circulation: composition, structure and flow 7
properties of blood, structure, flow and pressure characteristics of the blood flow in
cardio-vascular system, flow of non-Newtonian fluids in elastic tubes.
4. Arterial wave propagation: oscillatory and pulsatile flow, pulse waves, behaviour at 7
bifurcations, wave propagation in flexible tubes.
5. Flow through the pulmonary system: structure and function of pulmonary system, 5
fluid exchange processes, fluid mechanics of breathing.
6. Flow and lubrication in musculo-sketetal system: hemodynamics of red blood cells, 5
synovial fluid in joints.
7. Flow through the porous media: oxygen diffusion from blood to tissues, flow in 5
ocular and renal system.
8. Computational biofluid mechanics: computational methods for flow and wave 5
propagation through elastic tubes, flow through porous media
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
Year of
S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Publication
/ Reprint
1. Fung, Y. C., “Biomechanics: Circulation”, Springer-Verlag. 2010
Chandran, K . B ., Y oganathan, A .,and R ittgers, S ., “Fluid M echanics i n t he H uman 2005
Circulation”, Pearson Education.
Humphrey, J. D., and Delange, S. L., “An Introduction to Biomechanics”, Springer- 2004
Fournier, R . L. L., “Basic T ransport P henomena i n B iomedical E ngineering, CRC 2011
press, 3rd Edition.
5. Mazumdar, J. N., “Biofluid Mechanics”, World Scientific. 1992
Pedley, T . J ., “ Fluid M echanics o f Large Blood V essels”, C ambridge University 2008
Caro, C . G ., P edley, T. J ., S chroter, R . C ., S eed, W . A ., “ Mechanics of t he 2012
Circulation”, Cambridge University Press.
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-542 Course Title: Energy Management

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge of concepts and techniques required for energy

10. Details of Course:
S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Energy scenario, various forms of energy, energy management and 3
its importance, recent trends in energy conservation.
2 Energy Auditing and Instrumentation: Definition, methodology, analysis of past 8
trends (plan data), closing the energy balance, laws of thermodynamics, measuring
instruments, portable and online instruments.
3 Energy Economics: Simple payback period, time value of money, IRR NPV, life 6
cycle costing, cost of saved energy, cost of energy generated.
4 Monitoring an d T argeting: Defining m onitoring and t argeting, elements of 4
monitoring a nd t argeting, da ta a nd i nformation, a nalysis t echniques, e nergy
consumption, production, cumulative sum of differences.
5 Energy Efficiency in T hermal U tilities: Boilers, steam s ystem, f urnaces 10
insulation and refractories, FBC boilers, cogeneration, waste heat recovery.
6 Energy Efficiency in electrical U tilities: Electrical s ystems, electric mot ors, 11
compressed air system, HVAC and refrigeration systems, fans and blowers, pumps
and pumping systems, cooling towers, lighting system, diesel generating system.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1. Witte, L .C., S chmidt, P.S., B rown, D .R.,”Industrial E nergy M anagement a nd 1988
Utilization”, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. Springer-Verlag
2. Clive Beggs, "Energy: Management, Supply and Conservation", Routledge 2012
3. Capehart, B.L ., T urner, W.C., K ennedy, W.J., “ Guide t o E nergy M anagement”, 7th 2011
Ed., Fairmont Press.
4. Turner, W.C. and Doty, S., “Energy Management Handbook”, 7th Ed., Fairmont Press. 2009

5. Kreith, F . a nd Y ogi G oswami, D ., “ Handbook of Energy E fficiency a nd R enewable 2007

Energy”, CRC Press.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-543 Course Title: Fluid Power Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide the basic knowledge of hydraulic and pneumatic power systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction : Types of Fluid power control systems and its components, Physical 05
properties of hydraulic fluids and governing equations
2. Pumps and Valves : Classification, Working and performance of gear, vane, piston 08
pumps and their s election, P ressure i ntensifiers, Direction control v alves, Pressure
control valves, Flow control valves, Servo valves, Pressure switches,
3. Hydraulic A ctuators: Linear a nd r otary a ctuators, G ear, va ne a nd pi ston 05
motors, Performance of Hydraulic motors, Hydrostatic transmission
4. Hydraulic Circuit Design and Analysis: Control of single-acting and 04
double-acting cylinders, Study of various circuits like regenerative, unloading
counterbalance, speed control etc., maintenance of hydraulic circuits.
5. Pneumatic Control Systems: Air preparation and components, Compressors 05
and conditioners, Air control valves and actuators.
6 Pneumatic C ircuit D esign an d A nalysis: Design c onsiderations, P ressure 04
and energy loss, Basic pneumatic systems, Vacuum and accumulator systems,
Circuit analysis.
7 Fluid Logic Control System: Principles, Basic fluidic devices, fluid, sensors, 05
Boolean algebra, fluidic control of fluid powers systems.
8 Electrohydraulic Servo Control System : Electric components and controls, 06
Dual c ylinder s equence ci rcuits, Electro h ydraulic s ervo s ystem a nd t heir
analysis, Programmable logic controllers.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Author(s) / Title / Publisher Year of

No. Publication/
1 Anthony E sposito, F luid P ower w ith A pplications, 6t h E dition, P earson 2007
Prentice Hall, New Delhi
2. S. R . M azumdar, Oil H ydraulic S ystems- Principles and Maintenance, 25th 2012
Reprint, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi
3. Dudley A., Pippenger and John J. P ease, Basic Fluid Power, Prentice Hall 1987
Inc., New Jearsy.
4. S. R. Mazumdar, Pneumatic Systems- Principles and Maintenance, 28 th Reprint 2012
Tata McGrawHill New Delhi
5 Introduction to Fluid Logic - E.C. Fitch & J.B. Surjaatmadja, McGraw-Hill 1978
Inc, USA
6 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems- W. Bolton, Butterworth and Heinemann, 1997

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Departmentof Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-544 Course Title: Design of Heat Exchangers

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This course will pr ovide a t horough unde rstanding o f c onstruction, design,
performance and testingof Heat Exchangers.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Fundamentals of heat t ransfer and f luid flow i n he at t ransfer pa ssages; 4
Classification, constructional de tails, two a nd multi-fluid he at e xchangers, e xtended
2 Design of Heat Exchangers: Engineering design,steps for designing, feasible/workable 12
design,optimum design, economics, probabilistic approach t o design,sizing a nd rating
problems; LMTD and ε-NTU approach of design,design of tubular, shell &tube, finned
(radial and longitudinal), regenerative and compact heat exchangers.
3 Optimum Design: Criteria for optimisation of heat exchangers, constraints, feasible and 12
optimum de sign, opt imization ba sed on volume, weight, cost, entropy ge neration a nd
thermoeconomics; Brief i ntroduction t o s ome t raditional and non-traditional
optimisation techniques.
4 Performance B ehaviour: Design vs.simulation, steady state 8
performance,effectiveness,transient performance, fouling, non-uniformities in
temperature and flow,effect of property variation, three-fluid/ multifluid heat exchanger
5 Testing: Steady s tate a nd transient te sting te chnique, j & f c haracteristics, empirical 6
relations, experimental vs. numerical approach.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Year of
No. Author(s) /Title / Publisher Publication/
1 Kays, W .M., a nd London, A .L., “ Compact Heat E xchangers”, K rieger 1998
Publishing Company.
2 Rosenhow, W.M., H artnett, J.P. and C ho, Y.I., “ Handbook of H eat
Transfer”, McGraw Hill.
3 Kraus, A.D., Aziz, A. a nd W elty, J.R., “Extended Surface H eat T ransfer”,
4 Rao, S.S., “Optimization theory and applications”, 3rdEd. John-Wiley. 1996
5 Hesselgreaves, J.E., “Compact H eat E xchangers: s election, design and
operation”, Pergamon Press.
6 Webb,R. L. andKim,N. H., “Principles of Enhanced Heat Transfer”, Taylor
& Francis.
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-545 Course Title: Fuel Cells

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical:0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce the basics of fuel cell operation and their applications.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction: Basic pr inciple a nd ope ration of H ydrogen f uel c ells, t ypes of 4
fuel cells.
2. Fuel Cell Thermodynamics: Free energy change of a chemical reaction, heat 8
of r eaction, r eversible and ne t out put vol tage, t heoretical fuel cell e fficiency,
effect of pressure
3. Fuel C ell E lectrochemistry: E lectrode ki netics, Butler-Volmer e quation, 6
voltage losses, cell potential-polarization curve, fuel cell efficiency.
4. Transport Mech anisms: F uel c ell c harge t ransport, e lectron c onductivity of 9
metals, ionic conductivity of polymer electrolytes, fuel cell mass transport- fuel
cell mass balance, diffusive and convective mass transports, heat transfer – fuel
cell energy balance, heat management
5. Fuel Cell C omponents: M aterials, pr operties, pr ocesses, membrane, 9
electrodes, bipolar plates, stack design, hydrogen and oxygen supply s ystems,
PEM fuel cell
6. Fuel Cell A pplications: A utomobiles, s tationary pow er, fuel cells and 6
hydrogen economy, medium and high temperature fuel cells
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of
No. Publication
1. Barbir, F., “PEM Fuel Cells: Theory and Practice”, Academic Press. 2005
2. Larminie, J. and Dicks, A., “Fuel Cell Systems Explained”, John Wiley & Sons. 2003
3. Spiegel, C ., “ PEM F uel C ell Modeling a nd S imulation us ing M ATLAB”, 2008
Academic Press.
4. Sammes, N. M., “Fuel Cell Technology – Reaching towards commercialization”, 2006
5. Gregor, H., “Fuel Cell Technology Handbook”, CRC Press. 2003
6. Srinivasan, S., “Fuel Cells – From Fundamentals to Applications”, Springer. 2006
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-550 Course Title: Advanced Machine Design

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course is intended to train the graduates in methods of failure analysis and
design of machine parts against likely failures, using advanced concepts and also to design
for reliability.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Review of failure theories, their scope of applications under different 12
loading a nd e nvironmental c onditions, H ertzian c ontact s tresses a nd t heir e ffect on
load carrying cap acities of m embers, effect of s mall i nelastic s trains a nd residual
stresses on load carrying capacity, the ory o f limit de sign; M achinery c onstruction
2 Designing against Fracture: Linear elastic fracture mechanics approach, theories of 10
brittle fracture, fundamental aspects of crack growth and fractures, use of fracture in
3 Designing agai nst F atigue an d C reep: Causes and interpretation of f ailures, 10
influence of va rious f actors, l ow c ycle a nd hi gh c ycle f atigue, c umulative da mage
theories, acoustical a nd the rmal f atigue, corrosion and fretting f atigue, pi tting of
gears, f atigue s trength of j oints, c omponents a nd structures; c reep be havior; t he
mechanical equation of state, an elastic and plastic creep, rupture theory, analysis of
tensile cr eep data, creep i n high t emperature l ow c ycle f atigue, creep analysis o f
thick walled cylinders and rotating discs.
4 Design f or R eliability: Application of s tatistics to material p roperties, f atigue and 10
reliability, early chance and wear out f ailures, reliability p rediction against cha nce
and wear out failures, probabilistic approach to design and its comparison with safety
factor approach, reliability prediction of series, parallel and stand by systems.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Faupel, J.H., and Fisher, F.E., “Engineering Design”, Wiley-Interscience. 1981
2 Burr, A.H., “Mechanical Analysis and Design”, Elsevier. 1982
3 Smith, N., “Advances in Creep Design”, Applied Science. 1971
4 Bazovsky, I., Reliability Theory & Practice, Courier Dover Publications. 2004
5 Haugen, E.B., Probabilistic Approach Design, John Wiley. 1968
6 Yotaro Hatamura and Yoshio Yamamoto, “The Practice of Machine Design”
Oxford University Press. 1999
7 Kai Cheng, “Machining Dynamics: Fundamentals, Applications and 2008
Practices” Springer.

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-551 Course Title: Dynamics of Mechanical Systems

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: T o i mpart know ledge of pr inciples g overning t he m otion of m echanical

systems and to develop their skills in analysis and control of their motion.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Basic concepts: Inertial coordinate system, fundamental laws of motion, mechanics 4
of pa rticles and s ystem of pa rticles, principles o f l inear and an gular m omentum,
work-energy principles.
2 Lagrangian d ynamics: Degrees o f freedom, ge neralized c oordinates a nd 10
generalized forces, holonomic and non-holonomic constraints, Lagrange’s equation
from d’Alembert’s principles, application of Lagrange’s equation for conservative
and non -conservative a utonomous s ystems w ith hol onomic a nd non -holonomic
constraints, applications to systems w ith very s mall di splacements a nd i mpulsive
motion; H amilton principle f rom d’ Alembert’s p rinciple, Lagrange equation f rom
Hamilton’s principle.
3 Multi-body d ynamics: S pace a nd f ixed body c oordinate systems, c oordinate 15
transformation matrix, direction cosines, Euler angles, Euler parameters, finite and
infinitesimal r otations, time de rivatives of tr ansformations ma trices, a ngular
velocity and acceleration vectors, equations o f mot ion of mul ti-body s ystem,
Newton-Euler equations, planer ki nematic a nd dynamic an alysis, kinematic
revolute joints, joint reaction forces, simple applications of planer systems.
4 Stability o f m otion: F undamental c oncept i n s tability, a utonomous s ystems a nd 7
phase pl ane pl ots, Routh’s c riteria f or s tability, Liapunov’s m ethod, Liapunov’s
stability theorems, Liapunov’s function to determine stability of the system.
5 Control system dynamics: Open and close loop systems, block diagrams, transfer 6
functions and characteristics equations, proportional integral and derivative control
actions and their characteristics.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Ginsberg, J.H., “Advanced Engineering Dynamics”, Harper and Row. 1988
2 Meirovitch, L., “Methods of Analytical Dynamics”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1970
3 Harold J osephs and R onald H uston, “Dynamics of M echanical S ystems”, 2002
CRC Press.
4 Katsuhiko Ogata, “System Dynamics”,4th Ed., Prentice Hall; 2003
5 Robert L. W oods and Kent L . Lawrence, “Modeling a nd S imulation of 1997
Dynamic Systems”, Prentice Hall.
6 Ramin S . E sfandiari and B ei Lu, “Modeling a nd A nalysis of D ynamic 2010
Systems”, CRC Press.
7 Dean C. Karnopp, Donald L. Margolis, and Ronald C. Rosenberg, “System 2006
Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems”, 4th Ed., Wiley.
8 Richard A. Layton, “Principles of Analytical S ystem D ynamics” (Mechanical 1998
Engineering Series), Springer.

NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-552 Course Title: Advanced Mechanics of Solids

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage :CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objectives of Course: The course aims at providing advanced concepts in behavior of solids
under va rious l oading c onditions a nd t o t rain t he gr aduates i n a nalyzing t he r esulting
stresses and deformations.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact
1 Mathematical P reliminaries: S calars, vectors a nd matrix va riables, index 4
notation a nd t he r elated r ules, C artesian t ensors a nd t heir a lgebra, co-
ordinate t ransformation, t ransformation r ules for t he nth order t ensors,
elements of t ensor cal culus and the r elated theorems ( divergence, Stokes’
and G reen’s), p rincipal va lue t heorem, eigenvalues a nd e igenvectors,
invariants of a 2nd order tensor.
2 Kinetics of D eformation: Types of forces ( point, s urface a nd bod y), 8
traction ve ctor, s tate of stress a t a poi nt, C auchy’s r elation a nd i ts pr oof,
conservation of linear and angular momentum, stress equilibrium equations,
symmetry of s tress t ensor, s tress t ransformation, pr incipal s tresses a nd t he
associated planes, 3D Mohr’s c ircle r epresentation, pl anes of m aximum
shear, octahedral pl anes, h ydrostatic and deviatoric s tress, first and second
Piola-Kirchoff stress tensors and their properties.
3 Kinematics of D eformation: M aterial and spatial co -ordinates, E ulerian 8
and Lagrangian de scription of m otion; de formation a nd di splacement
gradients, Green-Lagrange and Almansi strain tensor; Cauchy’s small strain
tensor a nd t he rotation t ensor, geometrical i nterpretation of s train
components a nd s ign c onvention, pr incipal s trains a nd di rections, s train
invariants, octahedral strain, maximum shear strain, volumetric strain, strain
compatibility equations.
4 Constitutive Modeling: Thermodynamic principles, first and second law of 8
thermodynamics, Generalized Hooke’s l aw f or isotropic m aterials, elastic
constants a nd t heir r elations, a nisotropic, h yperelastic and vi scroelastic
material mode ls, strain hardening, constitutive r elations f or e lasto-plastic
materials, flow and hardening rules.

5 Boundary Value P roblems i n L inear E lasticity: F ield e quations a nd 6

boundary c onditions, N avier e quations, B eltrami-Michell st ress
compatibility conditions, 2D approximations (plane stress and plane strain)
and solution strategies.
6 Variational P rinciples in S olid M echanics: E lements of va riational 8
calculus, e xtremum of a f unctional, E uler-Lagrange equation a nd i ts
application, t ypes o f bounda ry c onditions, pr inciple of vi rtual w ork,
Principle of total potential energy and complementary potential energy, Ritz
method, time-dependent problems and Hamilton’s principle for continuum.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of

No. Publication
1 Sadd, M .H., “ Elasticity T heory Applications and Numerics”, Elsevier 2005
Academic Press.
2. Boresi, A .P., S idebottom, O . M ., “ Advanced Mechanics o f M aterials”, 5 th 2007
Ed., John Wiley and Sons
3 Singh, A.K., “Mechanics of Solids”, PHI Learning Private Limited 2011
4 Timoshenko, S .P., a nd G oodier, J.M., “ Theory of E lasticity”, 3 rd Ed., 2004
McGraw Hill
5. Srinath, L.S., “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”,Tata McGraw Hill 2009
Education Private Limited
6. Fung, Y.C., “ Foundations of Solid Mechanics”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1965
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-553 Course Title: Industrial Tribology

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The c ourse has be en de signed t o give a n und erstanding of t ribological

phenomena, industrial lubricants and additives.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Tribological c onsideration, na ture of s urfaces a nd t heir c ontact. 10
Introduction, ph ysico-mechanical pr operties of s urface l ayer; Geometrical
properties of s urfaces, method of s tudying s urface; C ontact of s mooth s urfaces,
contact of rough surfaces. Role of friction, laws of static friction, causes of friction;
Adhesion. A dhesion t heory, l aws of rolling friction, f riction o f m etals a nd
nonmetals, f riction m easurement; W ear de finitions, t ypes of w ear, m echanism of
wear, factors affecting wear behavior, measurement of wear a brief introduction of
wear test equipments, wear in plastics.
2 Industrial L ubricants an d T heir A dditives: Functions of l ubricants, t ypes of 8
lubricants a nd t heir i ndustrial us es; S olid lubricants a nd t heir f unctions, l iquid
mineral lubr icants, s ynthetic l iquid l ubricants, greases, p roperties of l iquid a nd
grease lubricants, viscosity, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian lubricants, temperature
and pr essure d ependence m easurement, ot her p roperties of l ubricants; Lubricant
additives, ge neral pr operties and selection for m achines and processes; O il
reclamation and preventive maintenance for lubricants.
3 Fluid-Film Lubrication: Fluid m echanics concepts, e quations of c ontinuity a nd 7
motion; G eneralized R eynold’s equation w ith i ncompressible a nd c ompressible
lubricants; H ydrodynamic l ubrication, Tower’s e xperiment, finite bearings, partial
journal be arings, s olution of f inite be arings us ing G alerkin, f inite di fference a nd
4 Dynamically l oaded j ournal b earings: Solution of t he g eneralized R eynold’s 7
equation f or i nfinite a nd s hort be aring, l oad c arrying c apacity, S ommerfield
numbers, j ournal centre locus, w hirling; H ydrostatic l ubrication-- basic c oncepts,
applications, c ompensated t hrust a nd j ournal b earings a nd t heir s olution us ing
FEM, c ontrolling f low w ith r estrictors, de sign of r estrictors f or compensated
5 Gas L ubrication: Types of g as be arings an d their cha racteristics; R eynolds 5
equation f or i so-thermal, polytropic a nd adiabatic s upporting gas f ilms;
Introduction to porus bearing permeability, solution of thrust and journal bearings.
6 Bearing Design an d Selection of Bearings: Comparative performance o f various 5
modes of l ubrication, a nd be aring s election; D esign o f s lideway be aring and
hydrostatic t hrust be aring, f ixed t ype h ydrodynamic a nd h ydrostatic j ournal
bearings, materials for sliding bearings; Bearing types, selection of rolling elements
bearing, bearing life, bearing load, bearing selection.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books/ Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Conner, J .J. a nd B oyd, J ., “ Standard H andbook of Lubrication Engineering”, 1968
McGraw Hill.
2 Stachowiak, G. and A W Batchelor, A. W ., “Engineering Tribology”, 3 rd Ed, 2005
3 Khonsari, M. M. and Booser, E. R., “Applied Tribology: Bearing Design and 2008
Lubrication”, 2nd Ed, Wiley.
4 Kudish, I . I . and C ovitch, M . J., “ Modeling a nd A nalytical M ethods i n 2010
Tribology”, Chapman and Hall/CRC.
5 Bhushan, B., “Principles and Applications of Tribology”, Wiley. 1999
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-554 Course Title: Computer Aided Mechanism


2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The c ourse a ims a t pr oviding t he ba sic c oncepts of analysis a nd de sign o f


10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: R eview of conc epts r elated to kinematic an alysis o f m echanisms, 6
degrees of freedom, Grashof’s and Gruebler’s criteria, transmission and deviation
angles, mechanical advantage.
2 Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms: Type, number and dimensional synthesis, 8
spacing of a ccuracy poi nts, C hebyshev pol ynomials, pa th m otion a nd f unction
generation, graphical synthesis with two, three, and four prescribed positions and
3 Analytical Synthesis Techniques: complex number modeling, dyad and standard 8
form e quation, F reudenstein’s e quation for t hree poi nt f unction generation,
coupler curves, Robert’s law, cognates of linkages.
4 Path Curvature T heory: F ixed a nd m oving centrode, i nflection poi nts and 8
inflection circle, Euler-Savary equation, Bobillier and Hartmann’s construction.
5 Dynamic Force A nalysis: Introduction, i nertia f orces i n l inkages, ki netic-static 6
analysis by superposition and matrix approaches and its applications, introduction
to spatial mechanisms.
6 Software usages: Modelling, analysis and synthesis of various mechanisms using 6
software packages
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books/ Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Hall, A.S., “Kinematic and Linkage Design”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1978
2 Sacks, E. and Joskowicz, L., “ The Configuration Space Method for Kinematic 2010
Design of Mechanisms”, MIT Press.
3 Erdman, A. G. and Sandor, G. N ., “ Mechanism D esign: A nalysis a nd 1996
Synthesis”, 3rd Ed, Prentice Hall.
4 Shabana, A. A., “Computational Dynamics”, 3rd Ed., Wiley. 2010
5 Shabana, A . A ., “Dynamics of M ultibody S ystems”, 2nd Ed., Cambridge 2003
University Press.
6 Eckhardt, H. D., “Kinematic Design of Machines and Mechanisms”, McGraw- 1998
7 Sandor G.N., and Erdman A.G., “Advanced Mechanism Design: Analysis and 1984
Synthesis Vol.2”, Prentice Hall Inc
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-555 Course Title: Experimental Stress Analysis

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course aims at providing fundamental concepts and applications of the
most conventional experimental stress analysis methods used in practice.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Importance of experimental methods and their scope, whole field and 2
point by point methods.
2 Photoelasticity: Nature of light, photoelastic effect and polarized light, permanent 8
and temporary birefringence, types of polariscopes and their basic elements, optics
of plane and circular polariscope, isoclinics and isochromatics, stress optic law and
secondary p rincipal s tresses; P hotoelastic mode l ma terials the ir pr operties a nd
selection, preparation of models, transition from model to prototypes, measurement
of r elative r etardation a nd f ringe or der, c ompensation t echniques, s eparation of
principal s tresses b y obl ique i ncidence, s hear di fference and num erical i ntegration
of Laplace’s equation.
3 Photoelastic methods: Calibration methods and determination of stress trajectories 4
from is oclinic da ta; Basic e lements of thr ee d imensional phot oelasticity, stress
freezing a nd s licing the model a nd interpretation of the r esulting f ringe patterns,
fringe s harpening a nd f ringe multiplication techniques; P hotoelastic m ethods to
determine stress intensity factors.
4 Birefringent C oatings: Surface s tress de terminations us ing bi refringent c oatings, 6
sensitivity o f bi regringent c oatings; R einforcing, t hickness a nd ot her e ffects o f
photoelastic c oatings; Separation of pr incipal s tresses; B irefringent c oating
materials and applications; Photoelastic stress and strain gauges.
5 Scattered L ight P hotoelasticity: S cattering phe nomenon a nd p olarization 5
associated w ith s cattering, s cattered l ight t echnique t o s olve ge neral t hree
dimensional problem; Scattered light polariscope.
6 Moire M ethod of S train A nalysis: M oire phe nomenon a nd f ormation of M oire 5
fringes; Geometric and displacement approach for in-plane problems, Moire grating
production, printing and photography.
7 Brittle C oatings: Introduction, coating s tresses; B rittle c oating failure the ories; 6
Factors af fecting analysis of coa ting d ata; C rack patterns du e t o direct and
relaxation l oading; R efrigeration t echnique, calibration m ethods a nd scope of
application of brittle coating method.
8 Digital I mage Processing: F ringe mul tiplication, fringe thi nning a nd fringe 6
clustering t hrough da ta acquisition b y DIP m ethods; P hase s hifting, po larization
stepping and Fourier transform techniques phase unwrapping and optical enhanced
tiling, use of c olour i mage pr ocessing t echniques f or da ta acquisition i n di gital
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Phillips, E .A., D urelli, A .J. a nd T sao, C .H., “Analysis of S tress and Strain”, 1958
McGraw Hill.
2 Daily, J.W. and Riley, W.F., “Experimental Stress Analysis”, McGraw Hill. 1991
3 Durelli, A.J. and Riley, W.F., “Introduction to Photomechanics”, Prentice Hall. 1965
4 Frocht, M.M., “Photoelasticity (Vol. I and II)”, John Wiley. 1948
5 Ramesh, K., “Digital P hotoelasticity: Advanced Techniques and Applications”, 2000
6 James W. Dally and William F. Riley, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, College 2005
House Enterprises.
7 James F . Doyle, “ Modern Experimental S tress A nalysis: C ompleting the 2004
Solution of Partially Specified Problems”, Wiley.
8 Pramod K. Rastogi, “Photomechanics”( Topics in Applied Physics),Springer. 2000

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-556 Course Title: Dynamics of Road Vehicles

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: T o pr ovide f undamental e ngineering pr inciples unde rlying t he c ontrol,

stability, handling and cornering behavior of road vehicles.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction t o Vehicle D ynamics: V arious ki nds of ve hicles,motions, 4
mathematical mode lling methods; M ultibody s ystem a pproach a nd Lagrangian
formulations, methods of investigations, stability concepts.
2 Mechanics of Pneumatic Tyre: Tyre construction, physics of tyre traction on dry 10
and w et s urfaces, t yre f orces a nd m oments, S AE r ecommended pr actice, r olling
resistance of tyres, ride properties of tyres.
3 Performance Characteristics: Equation of motion and maximum tractive effort, 8
aerodynamic f orces a nd m oments, ve hicle p ower pl ant a nd t ransmission
characteristics, pr ediction of ve hicle pe rformance, ope rating f uel e conomy,
braking performance, antilock braking systems.
4 Handling and St ability Characteristics: S teering ge ometry; s teady state 8
handling characteristics, steady state response to steering input, transient response
characteristics di rectional s tability, effects o f t yre f actors, suspension, braking
and vehicle parameters on stability and handling.
5 Vehicle Ride Characteristics: Human response to vibration, vehicle ride models, 7
road surface profile as a random function; frequency response function, evaluation
of vehicle vertical vibration in relation to ride comfort criterion.
6 Experimental T esting: Instruments f or ve hicle m easurements, r ecording a nd 5
evaluation m ethods, t est m ethods a nd m easurement pr ocedures f or vehicle
dynamics, i nterpretation of t est r esults and correlation between measured va lues
and subjective evaluation of the vehicle handling.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1. Wong, J.Y., “Theory of Ground Vehicles”, John Wiley. 2001
2. Gillespie, T.D., “Fundamental of Vehicle Dynamics”, S.A.E. 1992
3 Rao, V. D., “Road Vehicle Dynamics”, SAE International. 2008
4 Rajesh, R., “Vehicle Dynamics and Control”, Springer. 2005
5 Hans, T., “The Dynamics of Vehicles on R oads and on T racks”, Taylor and 2003
6 Barnard, R . H., “ Road V ehicle Aerodynamic D esign: An Introduction”, 2 nd 2001
Ed., Mechaero Publishing.
7 Wong, J. Y., “Theory of Ground Vehicles”, 4th Ed., Wiley. 2008

NAME OF DEPTT/CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-557 Course Title: Finite Element Methods

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: NIL

9. O bjective: To pr ovide t he ba sic c oncepts of f inite e lement m ethod a nd i ts a pplications t o

wide range of engineering problems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Basic Concepts: Introduction, Weak formulations, Weighted residual 8
methods, V ariational f ormulations, w eighted r esidual, c ollocation,
subdomain, l east s quare a nd G alerkin’s m ethod, di rect m ethod,
potential energy method
2. One-Dimensional A nalysis: B asis s teps, discretization, element 8
equations, l inear a nd qu adratic s hape f unctions, assembly, l ocal a nd
global s tiffness m atrix a nd i ts pr operties, b oundary c onditions,
applications t o s olid m echanics, h eat and fluid mechanics problems,
axisymmetric problems
3. Plane T russ: Local and global coor dinate s ystems, stress 3
calculations, example problems
4. Beams: Introduction, E uler-Bernoulli be am element, numerical 3
5. Scalar Field Problems in 2-D: Triangular and rectangular elements, 10
constant s train triangle, is oparametric formulation, hi gher or der
elements, six node triangle, nine node quadrilateral, master elements,
numerical int egration, c omputer impl ementation, Numerical
7. Plane Elasticity: R eview of equations of elasticity, stress-strain and 4
strain-displacement relations, plane stress and plane strain problems
8. Bending of E lastic P lates: R eview of cl assical pl ate t heory, plate 6
bending elements, triangular and rectangular el ements, Shear
deformation plate theory, numerical problems
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1. Huebner K.H., Dewhirst, D. L., S mith, D. E., and B yrom, T. G., “The 2001
Finite Element Method for Engineers”, 4th Ed., John Wiley and Sons
2. Rao, S . S ., “ The F inite Element M ethod i n Engineering”, 4 th Ed., 2005
Elsevier Science
3. Reddy, J.N., “An Introduction to Finite Element Methods”, 3rd Ed., Tata 2005
4. Fish, J., and Belytschko, T., “A First Course in Finite Elements”, 1st Ed., 2007
John Wiley and Sons
5. Chaskalovic J., “Finite Element Methods for Engineering Sciences”, 1 st 2008
Ed., Springer

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-558 Course Title: Fracture Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: T o i ntroduce t he m echanics of a nisotropic m aterial, a nd pr ovide

insight int o different f ailure me chanisms t ypical of a nisotropic a nd
heterogeneous systems

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics: Introduction to the realm of fracture and 5
back ground hi story o f de velopment of fracture m echanics; D iscrepancy
between theoretical and real s trength of m aterials, conventional f ailure criteria
based on stress concentration and characteristic brittle failures, Griffith’s work.
2 Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) Based Design Concepts: Crack 10
deformation m odes a nd ba sic c oncepts, c rack t ip s tresses a nd de formation,
stress intensity factor (SIF) and its criticality in different modes, superposition
of S IFs, LEFM de sign concept applications; C oncept of energy release r ate,
equivalence of energy release rate and SIF.
3 Fracture t oughness: Fracture t oughness a nd its l aboratory de termination 10
procedure, test s pecimen size r equirement et c.; E ffect of t emperature and
loading rate on fracture toughness; Fatigue and fatigue crack propagation laws,
fatigue life calculations under constant and variable amplitude loading, mixed-
mode fatigue crack propagation.
4 Strain E nergy Density Failure C riterion: Introduction, vol ume s train energy 7
density, basic hypothesis and application of energy density based failure criteria
for two and three dimensional linear elastic crack problems.
5 Elastic P lastic F racture Mech anics B ased D esign C riteria: D esign criteria 10
for non -brittle ma terials; pl astic z one c orrections, crack opening di splacement
(COD), J-contour integral and crack growth resistance (R-curve) concepts.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Gdoutos, E.E., “ Fracture Mechanics: An Introduction”, 2nd Ed., Springer. 2005
2 Broek, D., “Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics”, 3rd Ed., Springer. 1982
3 Kumar, P., “Elements of Fracture Mechanics”, Wheeler Publishing. 1999
4 Anderson, T. L., “Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications”, 3 rd 2005
Ed., CRC Press.
5 Shukla, A., “Practical Fracture Mechanics in Design”, 2nd Ed., CRC Press. 1989
6 Bazant, Z. P . a nd C edoliin, L., “ Stability of S tructures: E lastic, Inelastic, 2010
Fracture and Damage Theories”, World Scientific Publishers.

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-559 Course Title: Computer Aided Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring7. Subject Area: PCC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objectives of C ourse: T he c ourse a ims a t pr oviding t he ba sic c oncepts a nd elementary

tools of CAD.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: The design process, elements of CAD 01
2 Principles of Software Design: Characteristics of good software, data structures, 03
algorithm de sign, f low c hart, coding, t op-down pr ogramming, modular
programming, structural coding, testing of the software.
3 Computer Graphics: Graphics display, transformations, visualizations, computer 03
4 3D M odeling an d V iewing: C oordinate s ystems, s ketching a nd s ketch pl anes; 03
Modeling aids and tools; Layers, grids, clipping, arrays, editing.
5 Curves Modeling: Analytical and synthetic curves, curve manipulations. 07
6 Surface Mod eling: Surface representation and surface ana lysis, analytical and 07
synthetic surfaces, surface manipulations, NURBS.
7 Solid M odeling: G eometry and t opology, s olid e ntities, s olid representation, 07
fundamental of solid modeling, half spaces, boundary representation, constructive
solid geometry, sweeps, solid manipulations.
8 Features: Feature entities, feature r epresentation, three di mensional s ketching, 03
parametrics, relations, constraints, feature manipulation.
9 Mass properties: Geometric and mass properties evaluation, assembly modeling, 04
product data exchange
10 Optimization t echnique: S ingle va riable opt imization, multi-variable 04
optimization, Johnson’s method of optimum design, genetic algorithm.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Zeid, I., “Mastering CAD/CAM”, Tata McGraw Hill. 2007
2 Onwubiko, C ., “ Foundation of C omputer A ided D esign”, West P ublishing 1989
3 Hsu, T . R . a nd S inha, D . K ., “ Computer A ided D esign: A n Integrated 1991
Approach”, West Publishing Company.
4 Dimarogonas, A. D., “Computer Aided Machine Design”, Prentice Hall. 1988
5 Mortenson, M. E., “ Geometric Modeling”, 3 Ed., Industrial Press. 2006

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-560 Course Title: Mechanics of Composite Materials

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the mechanics of anisotropic material and to provide insight

into different failure mechanisms typical of anisotropic and heterogeneous systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: C omposite m aterials, characteristics, classification, advantages 2
and typical problems.
2 Unidirectional L amina: Introduction, l ongitudinal s trength a nd s tiffness, 6
transverse strength and stiffness, failure modes, thermal expansion and transport
3 Short Fibre Composites: Theories o f s tress t ransfer, m odulus and s trength of 4
short fibre composites.
4 Analysis o f a n O rthotropic L amina: H ook’s l aw, s tress-strain relation for 6
lamina w ith an arbitrary or ientation, strength of a la mina s ubjected to biaxial
stress field.
5 Analysis of Laminated C omposites: C lassical la mination theory, thermal 12
stress in laminates.
6 Special D esign C onsiderations: A nalysis a fter ini tial f ailure, inter-laminar 8
stress, free edge effect, design of joints, elementary fracture mechanics concepts
related to composite materials.
7 Experimental C haracterization: Uni -axial te nsion test, compression test, in- 4
plane shear test, three and four point bending test, determination of interlaminar
shear strength.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Agarwal, B .D. a nd B routman, L.J., “ Analysis a nd P erformance of F ibre 2006
Composites”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons.
2 Jones, R.M., “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, Taylor & Francis. 1998
3 Ashbee, K .H.G. and A shbee, H.G., “ Fundamental P rinciples of F ibre R einforced 1993
Composites”, 2nd Ed., CRC Press.
4 Daniel, I.M. a nd Ishai, O ., “ Engineering M echanics of C omposite 2007
Materials”, 2nd Ed., Oxford University Press.
5 Christensen, R .M., “ Mechanics of C omposite Materials”, Dover 2005
6 Kaw, A. K., “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, 2nd Ed., CRC Press. 2005

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-561 Course Title: Advanced Mechanical Vibrations

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. O bjective: T o p rovide de tail know ledge a bout nonl inear a nd random vi bration w ith
fault diagnosis of machinery.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Review of free and forced vibrations with and without 3
2 Isolation: Vibration isolation and transmissibility; U n-damped 4
vibration absorbers.
3 Multi d egree of f reedom s ystem: G eneralized coordinates and 12
coordinate coupling; O rthogonality o f modes, F ree and forced
vibration of m ulti-degree of f reedom s ystems w ith a nd w ithout
viscous damping; Lagrange’s equation; Holzer’s m ethod. S olution of
Eigen value problem, transfer matrix and modal analysis.
4 Stability criterion: Self ex cited vibrations; C riterion of s tability; 4
Effect of friction on stability.
5 Non linear vibration: Free vibrations with non-linear spring force or 5
nonlinear d amping; P hase pl ane; E nergy curves; Lienard’s graphical
construction; Method of isoclines.
6 Vibration of c ontinuous s ystem: Vibrations of s trings; F ree a nd 6
forced l ongitudinal vi brations of pr ismatic ba rs; R itz a nd G alerkin
7 Random vi bration: Mathematical de scriptions of s tochastic 4
processes; S tationary and e rgodicity; Gaussian r andom pr ocess,
correlation functions and power spectral density.
8 Diagnostic t echniques: Introduction t o di agnostic m aintenance a nd 4
signature analysis.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Rao, S.S., “Mechanical Vibrations”, 4th Ed., Pearson Education. 2007
2 Meirovitch, L., “Fundamental of Vibrations”, Mc-Graw Hill. 2001
3 Inman, D.J., “Vibration and Control”, John Willey & Sons. 2002
4 Tamadonni, S. and Kelly, G.S., “Mechanical Vibrations”, Mc-Graw Hill. 1998
5 Rao, J. S., “Vibration Condition Monitoring of Machines”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill. 2006

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-562 Course Title: Noise Control in Mechanical Systems

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage :CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart fundamental knowledge of the subject on noise control problems in

mechanical systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: S ound v s noise; Time a nd f requency dom ain r epresentation, 6
hearing mechanism -- assessment of noise, its units, human response to noise of
different t ypes- stead, fluctuating and impulsive, ph ysiological effects of noi se,
control of noise, need, concepts and options, and its relation to vibrations.
2 Homogeneous Wave E quation: L inearized wave equation, acoustic v elocity 6
potential acoustic impedance, plane wave propagation, intensity, energy d ensity
and pow er, S imple S ource m odels, m onopole, dipole, qua drupole and linear,
effect of proximity of rigid boundaries, directivity patterns.
3 Inhomogeneous Wave E quation a nd A erodynamic N oise T heory: E ffect of 7
solid bodi es i n f low, vortex f low; R ay A coustics-- propagation of s ound
outdoors, di vergence, excess at tenuation factors, effects of w ind, temperature
gradient a nd t urbulence a nomalous pr opagation, s hadow z ones, ground a nd
terrain effects, harriers, cuttings and elevation.
4 Wave-Structure Interaction: Sound radiation from plates infinite and bounded; 6
radiation r atio, s ound t ransmission t hrough l ayered m edia, b ehavior o f i nfinite
and finite panels, coincidence phenomena and design curves, sound transmission
loss, f luid l oading on s tructure, i mpact noi se, i ntroduction t o s tatistical ene rgy
5 Instrumentation: Sound m easuring equipment, microphones, pr eamplifiers, 5
sound level meters, recorders, frequency analysers statistical measurements, FFT
6 Noise C ontrol P rinciples: C ontrol s trategies a nd limitations, integrated 8
approach t o l ow noi se d esign, t ypical m echanical noi se s ources, m echanism of
noise g eneration– vibration, i mpact, f low e xcitation, c ontrol of s olid bor ne a nd
air-home noi se, c oncept of impe dance mis match, filters, silencers, damping,
enclosure, absorbers, active noise control principle.
7 Case Studies: Noise control in reciprocating and rotating machinery, and fluid 4
flow s ystems: e .g., g ears, be aring, pi ping s ystems, a utomobiles, a ircrafts,
refrigeration and air conditioning systems elements, machine tools, presses etc.,
environmental noise control and receiver protection.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Faulkner, L.L, “Handbook of Industrial Noise Control”, Industrial Press. 2001
2 Lyon, R.H., “Machinery Noise and Diagnostics”, Butterworths. 1995
3 Norton, M .P., “ Fundamentals N oise a nd Vibration A nalysis”, C ambridge 1989
University Press.
4 Rahn, C. D ., “Mechatronic C ontrol of D istributed N oise a nd V ibration”, 2001
5 Fuller, C. C., Elliott, S.J., and Nelson, P. A., “Active Control of Vibration”, 1996
Academic Press.
6 Moser, M., Zimmermann, S. and Ellis, R ., “ Engineering A coustics: A n 2009
Introduction to Noise Control”, 2 Ed., Springer.

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-563 Course Title: Mechatronics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject A rea:


8. Pre–requisite: Nil
9. Objective: T he c ourse d eals w ith ba sic pr inciples of M echatronics i nvolving s ensors,
actuators, control systems, and microprocessor systems.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Definition of mechatronics, measurement system, control systems, 2
microprocessor based controllers, mechatronics approach.
2 Sensors and T ransducers: Sensors and transducers, performance t erminology, 7
photoelectric t ransducers, f low t ransducers, op tical s ensors and transducers,
semiconductor l asers, selection of s ensors, mechanical / el ectrical s witches,
inputting data by switches.
3 Actuators: Actuation systems, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, process control 5
valves, rotary act uators, mechanical act uation systems, electrical a ctuation
4 Signal C onditioning: S ignal c onditioning, filtering di gital s ignal, multiplexers, 4
data a cquisition, digital s ignal pr ocessing, pulse m odulation, data pr esentation
5 Microprocessors an d Mi crocontrollers: Microcomputer s tructure, 8
microcontrollers, applications, programmable logic controllers.
6 Modeling and Sys tem R esponse: M athematical mode ls, bond g raph m odels, 9
mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and thermal systems, dynamic r esponse of
systems, transfer function and frequency response, closed loop controllers.
7 Design an d Mech atronics: I nput/output s ystems, computer ba sed m odular 7
design, system v alidation, remote m onitoring a nd c ontrol, designing, possible
design s olutions, detailed case s tudies of mechatronic s ystems used in
photocopier, automobile, robots.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Bolton, W., “Mechatronics”, Longman. 1999
2 Alciatore, D. G. and H istrand, M. B ., “Introduction to M echatronics”, Tata 2003
McGraw Hill.
3 Shetty, D . and R ichard, A .K., “ Mechatronics S ystem D esign”, P WS P ub. 1997
4 Mahalik, N ., “ Principles, C oncept a nd A pplications: Mechatronics”, 2003
Tata McGraw.
5 Bishop, R.H. “Mechatronics Handbook”, CRC Press. 2002
6 Bolton, W., “Mechatronics: A Multidisciplinary Approach”, 4 th Ed., Prentice 2009
7. Merzouki R., Samantaray A. K., Pathak P.M., Bouamama B. Ould, Intelligent 2013
Mechatronic Systems: Modeling, Control and Diagnosis, Springer
NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-565 Course Title: Smart Materials, Structures and Devices

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge on analysis of smart materials for various applications

such a s s ensors, a ctuators a nd controllers w ith reference t o v arious s tructures a nd
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Intelligent Mat erials: P rimitive f unctions of int elligent ma terials; Intelligence 2
inherent in materials; M aterials int elligently ha rmonizing w ith humanity;
Intelligent biological materials.
2 Smart Materials an d S tructural S ystems: A ctuator m aterials; Sensing 4
technologies; Microsensors; Intelligent systems; Hybrid smart materials; Passive
sensory smart structures; Reactive actuator-based smart structures; Active sensing
and reactive smart structures; Smart skins.
3 Electro–Rheological F luids: S uspensions a nd e lectro, reheological fluids; T he 4
electro- rheological phenomenon; Charge migration mechanism for the dispersed
phase; Electro rehological fluid actuators.
4 Piezoelectric Ma terials: Ba ckground; P iezoelectricity; Industrial pi ezoelectric 3
materials; Smart materials featuring piezoelectric elements.
5 Shape Me mory Mat erials: B ackground on s hape m emory alloys; A pplications 4
of s hape m emory alloys; C ontinuum a pplications: s tructures a nd machine
systems; D iscrete a pplications; Impediments to applications of s hape me mory
alloys; Shape memory plastics.
6 Fiber Optics: Overview; Light pr opagation i n a n opt ical f iber; E mbedding 3
optical fibers in fibrous polymeric thermosets; Fiberoptic strain sensors.
7 The Piezoelectric Vibrations Absorber Systems: Introduction; The single mode 7
absorber, t heory, de sign s olution, e xtension i ncluding vi scous m odal da mping,
the electromechanical coupling coefficient, inductance, experimental results; The
multimode a bsorber, de rivation of t ransfer f unction, de sign s olution, s elf-tuning
absorber, performance function, control scheme.
8 Modeling of Shells: Derivation of the basic shell equations, equation of motion, 10
equations for specific geometries and cylindrical shell.
9 Modeling of plates and beams: Plate equations and beam equations. 5
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1 Gandhi, M. V. a nd T hompson, B. S., “Smart M aterials and structures”, 1992
Chapman & Hall.
2 Banks, H. T., Smith, R. C. a nd Q ang, Y. W., “Smart M aterial s tructures: 1996
Modeling, Estimation and Control”, John Wiley & Sons.
3 Gabbert, U. a nd T zou, H. S., “Smart S tructures and Structronic S ystem”, 2001
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4 Preumont, A., “ Vibration C ontrol of A ctive S tructures”, K luwer A cademic 2002
5 Cheng, F. Y., Jiang, H. and Lou, K., “Smart Structures: Innovative Systems for 2008
Seismic Response Control”, CRC Press.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code:MIN-566 Course Title: Computer Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objectives: To i ntroduce computer-based de sign t ools for ana lyzing t he ki nematics and
dynamics of mechanical systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Introduction to mechanical systems analysis. 2
2 Kinematic M odeling: Modeling t he k inematics of mechanical systems; 4
Vector loop methods, vector chain methods.
3 Solution o f K inematic M odels: S olution of kinematic models f or 8
displacements, velocities, accelerations; Direct analytical solutions of
position, velocity, acceleration problems; Numerical solution of position
problem; Matrix method solutions of velocity and acceleration problems.
4 Dynamic Mod eling: M odeling t he dynamics of mechanical systems; 6
Newton-Euler methods t o define dynamic constraints be tween forces,
moments, and accelerations, energy methods to define dynamic constraints
between input and output links.
5 Solution of Dynamics Models: Solution of inverse dynamics models for 14
joint-link forces and torques, solution of forward dynamics models using
numeric integration, model formulation i nto standard format fo r solution,
Euler’s method of integration, R unge-Kutta methods of integration,
modeling and analysis of the Trebuchet mechanism.
6 Advanced D ynamic A nalysis & S imulation: Bond graph m odeling o f 8
dynamic s ystems, generation of s ystem e quations, c ausality, and
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Norton R., “Design of Machinery”, McGraw-Hill 1992
2 Palm W. J., “Introduction to MATLAB 6 for Engineers”, McGraw- 2000
3 Nikravesh, P . E ., “ Computer-Aided Analysis of M echanical 1988
Systems”, Prentice Hall.
4 Haug, E . J ., “Computer A ided A nalysis a nd O ptimization of 1984
Mechanical System Dynamics”, Springer-Verlag.
5 Mukherjee, A., Karmaker, R. and Samantaray, A.K., “Bond Graph in 2007
Modeling, Simulation and Fault Identification”, I & K International.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-567 Course Title: Computer Graphics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course aims is to provide the basics of Computer Graphics needed for CAD/
CAM applications.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Role of Computer Graphics in CAD/CAM, configuration 04
of g raphic w orkstations, m enu de sign a nd G raphical U ser Interfaces
(GUI), customization and parametric programming.
2 Geometric Transformations and Projections: Vector representation of 08
geometric entities, homogeneous coordinate systems, fundamentals of 2D
and 3D t ransformations: R eflection, t ranslation, r otation, s caling, a nd
shearing, various types of projections.
3 Curves: Modeling pl anar a nd s pace c urves, a nalytical a nd s ynthetic 08
approaches, non-parametric and parametric equations.
4 Surfaces: Modeling of bi-parametric f reedom s urfaces, Coons, Bezier, 08
B-spline, and NURBS surfaces, surface manipulation techniques.
5 Geometric Mod eling: Geometric mod eling techniques, wireframe 10
modeling, solid modeling: B-Rep, CSG, hybrid modelers, feature based,
parametric and variational modeling.
6 Data Structure i n C omputer G raphics: Introduction t o pr oduct da ta 04
standards and data structures, data-base integration for CIM.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Rogers, D. F., a nd A dams, J. A., “Mathematical E lements f or 1989
Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill.
2 Faux, I. D. and Pratt, M. J., “Computational Geometry for Design and 1979
Manufacture”, Ellis Horwood Ltd.
3 Mortenson, M. E., “ Geometric Modeling”, 3 Ed., Industrial Press. 2006
4 Zeid, I., “CAD/CAM: Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill. 1998
5 Choi, B. K., “Surface Modeling for CAD/CAM", John Wiley & Sons 1991

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-568 Course Title: Advanced Robotics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To i mpart k nowledge of robotic vi sion s ystems, r obot m odeling, t rajectory

planning, manipulator control, and design and control issues of mobile robots, space robots

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Review, forward and inverse kinematics, dynamics 02
2 Robots with Flexible Elements: Robots with Flexible Joints, Robots with 04
Flexible Links
3 Parallel M echanisms an d R obots: Definitions, T ype S ynthesis o f 06
Parallel Mechanisms, Kinematics, Velocity and Accuracy Analysis,
Singularity A nalysis, Workspace A nalysis, Static A nalysis a nd Static
Balancing, Dynamic Analysis, Design
4 Mobile Robots: 08
Wheeled m obile rob ots: mobile r obot ki nematics, M obility of W heeled
Robots, S tate-Space M odels of W heeled M obile R obots, W heeled R obot
Structures, sensors for mobile robots, planning and navigation
Legged r obots: Analysis of C yclic W alking, C ontrol of B iped R obots
Using Forward Dynamics, Biped Robots in the ZMP Scheme, Multilegged
Robots, Performance Indices
5 Cooperative M anipulators: Kinematics and Statics, Cooperative T ask 03
Space, Dynamics and Load Distribution, Task-Space Analysis, Control
6 Advanced R obots: Modeling and control of s pace r obots, unde rwater 06
7 Control of M anipulators: Manipulator c ontrol pr oblem; Linear a nd non 04
linear control schemes; PID control scheme; Force control.
8 Image P rocessing an d Analysis with V ision S ystems: Acquisition of 05
images, digital images, image processing techniques, noise reduction, edge
detection, i mage a nalysis, obj ect r ecognition b y f eatures, application of
vision systems
9 Fuzzy Logic Control: Crisp values v/s fuzzy values, fuzzy sets: Degrees 04
of m embership a nd t ruth, f uzzification, f uzzy inference rule ba se,
defuzzification, s imulation of f uzzy l ogic controller, a pplication of f uzzy
logic in robotics
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors/ Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Niku, S . B., “Introduction t o R obotics: A nalysis, S ystems, 2001
Applications”, Prentice Hall.
2 Angeles, J., “ Fundamentals of R obotic M echanical S ystems: 2003
Theory, Methods and Algorithms”, Springer
3 Craig, J. J., “ Introduction t o R obotics: Mechanics & Control”, 1989
Addison Wesley.
4 Siegwart, R., N ourbakhsh, I. R ., “Introduction t o A utonomous 2004
Mobile Robots”‎ , MIT Press.
5 Xu, Y. and Kanade, T., “Space Robotics: Dynamics and Control”, 1993
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
6 Robotics, V ision a nd C ontrol: F undamental A lgorithms i n 2013
MATLAB, Springer
7 Siciliano, B runo, Khatib, O ussama, H andbook of R obotics, 2008
8 Merzouki R., Samantaray A. K., Pathak P.M., Bouamama B. Ould, 2013
Intelligent M echatronic S ystems: M odeling, C ontrol a nd
Diagnosis, Springer
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-569 Course Title: Expert Systems Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To cover c oncepts, t echniques a nd tools f or de veloping e xpert s ystems f or

various engineering systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: O verview: E volution and c haracteristics of know ledge-based 02
2 Introduction to E xpert S ystem L anguages: CLIPS ( C l anguage i ntegrated 06
production system) and JESS (java expert system shell).
3 Pattern Matching: Basic and advanced pattern matching techniques. 04
4 Modular D esign an d C ontrol: Salience, phases and control f acts, modules 04
and execution control
5 Knowledge R epresentation: Productions, s emantic ne ts, s chemata, f rames, 04
logic and set.
6 Methods of I nferences: Inference r ules, r esolution s ystem, forward a nd 04
backward chaining.
7 Reasoning under U ncertainty: Hubert Dreyfus " From S ocrates t o E xpert 12
Systems: T he Limits a nd Dangers o f C omputational R ationality" -- CSUS
Library vi deo c ollection, h ypothetical r easoning a nd ba ckward i nduction,
temporal r easoning and M arkov c hains, unc ertainty i n i nference c hains;
Probability-based techniques: Objective probability, experimental probability,
subjective probability, Bayes' theorem, inexact or heuristic reasoning; Inexact
reasoning: uncertainty and rules, certainty factors, Dempster-Shafer theory.
8 Design of Expert Systems: Approximate reasoning, fuzzy expert systems. 06
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
No. Publication/
1 Giarratano, J . C . and Riley, G. D., “Expert S ystems: P rinciples and 2004
Programming”, 4th Ed., Course Technology.
2 Gonzalez, A ., a nd Dankel, D., “ The E ngineering of K nowledge- 1994
Based Systems”, Prentice Hall.
3 Jackson, P ., “ Introduction t o E xpert Systems”, 3rd Ed., Addison 1998
4 Akerkar, R . and Sajja, P ., “Knowledge-Based Systems”, Jones & 2009
Bartlett Publishers.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-573 Course Title: Design for Manufacturability

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS MTEETE

0 25 PRE 50 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To i ntroduce s tudents a bout i nter-relationship be tween va rious d esign,

manufacture and assembly related activities.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Introduction to Design for Manufacturability (DFM), 10
fundamentals of manufacturing technology and t he interrelationship
between design and manufacturing p rocesses. Organizational
changes in DFM.
2. Concurrent E ngineering: Need f or con current en gineering, 8
industrial practices of concurrent engineering.
3. Automation: Automation of design and manufacturing functions in 7
CIM, computer aided process planning, Design for X, approaches to
4. Design Knowledge Representation: Design, manufacturing, and re- 10
design considerations, D esign a nd m anufacturing know ledge
5. Evaluation o f M anufacturability: E valuation of t he 10
manufacturability o f a part de sign, va rious m ethods f or d efining
manufacturability index, interpretation of MI value.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of
1. Boothroyd G ., D ewhurst P ., a nd K night W ., “ Product D esign f or 2002
Manufacture and Assembly”, 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker.
2. Bralla J. G., “Design for Manufacturability Handbook”, 4th edition, 1998
McGraw Hill.
3. Huang G. Q., “Design for X: Concurrent Engineering Imperatives”, 1996
Chapman & Hall.
4. Kusiak A., “Concurrent Engineering: Automation, Tools, and 1993
Techniques”, Wiley.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-574 Course Title: Maintenance Management

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage :CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Both 7.Subject area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To expose students about the various policies, strategies, and schedules of maintenance
applicable in Indian Industries.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Importance of maintenance, Objectives, duties, functions and 04
responsibilities of maintenance engineering department, Organization and structure
of maintenance systems.
2 Maintenance Policies and Planning: Maintenance strategies, advantages and 06
disadvantages of each strategy, Planned maintenance procedure, advantage of
planned maintenance, Scientific maintenance, Safety in maintenance.
3 System Reliability: Quantitative estimation of reliability economies of introducing a 06
standby unit into the production system, Optimum design configuration of a
series/parallel system, Breakdown time distribution.
4 Maintenance Activities: Optimal overhaul/repair or replacement policies for 04
equipment subject to breakdown, Budgeting and control, Production maintenance
5 Replacement Decisions: Economic models, block replacement policy, age 08
replacement policy, replacement policies to minimize downtime, Economics of
preventive maintenance.
6 Maintainability and Availability: Economics of maintainability and reliability, 08
Maintainability increment, Equipment and mission availability.
7 Maintenance Organization: Computer applications in maintenance management, 06
automatic chalk out equipment kits capabilities and limitations, Management
information system for maintenance.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1 Dhillon B.S., “Engineering Maintenance: a Modern Approach”. 1 edition, CRC. 2002
2 Kelly A., “Maintenance Planning and Control”, Butterworth-Heinemann.Ltd, 1983
3 Niebel B.W., “Engineering Maintenance Management”, Marcel Dekker, New 1994
4 Cliffton R. H.,“Principle of Planned Maintenance”, McGraw Hill Inc. New York. 1983
5 Heintzelman J. E., “Handbook of Maintenance Management”, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1976
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code:MIN-575 Course Title: Product Design and Development

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: T o e xpose t he s tudents t o the c oncept of de sign f or X , c oncurrent e ngineering, r everse

engineering, and rapid prototyping techniques.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Product Design: Traditional and modern design processes; Organization 06
objectives; Innovation, creation, and diffusion techniques; Evaluation of
new product ideas – functional, technological, ecological, legal.
2 Product Mod eling and R everse E ngineering:Wireframe modeling; 08
Surface m odeling – boundary representation; S olid m odeling – CSG;
Concept of reverse engineering.
3 Product D ata E xchange: N eutral f ile formats f or pr oduct d ata 06
exchange–DXF, IGES, STEP.
4 Concurrent Engineering:Concept of concurrent engineering; Design for 10
X; D esign for ma nufacturability ( DFM); D esign for a ssemblability
(DFA); Design for reliability (DFR); Design for quality (DFQ).
5 Rapid P rototyping M ethods: Liquid b ased R P m ethods – 12
stereolithography a pparatus ( SLA), s olid g round c uring ( SGC), s olid
creation s ystem ( SCS), e tc.; S olid ba sed R P m ethods: F used de position
modeling ( FDM), l aminated obj ect m anufacturing ( LOM), e tc.; Powder
based R P m ethods– selective l aser s intering ( SLS), 3D pr inting ( 3DP),
ballistic particle manufacturing (BPM), etc.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1 Andrearsen, M. M ., a nd H ein, L., “Integrated Product 1987
Development”, Springer.
2 Huang, G. Q., “Design for X: Concurrent Engineering Imperatives”, 1996
Chapman and Hall.
3 Chitale, A . K . a nd G utpa, R . C ., “ Product D esign a nd 1997
Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall.
4 ZeidI., “CAD/CAM: Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill. 1998
5 Mortenson, M. E., “ Geometric Modeling”, 3 Ed., Industrial Press. 2006
6 Boothroyd G ., D ewhurst P ., a nd K night, “ Product D esign f or 2002
Manufacture and Assembly”, 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker.
7 Chua, C . K and. Leong, K . F., “Rapid P rototyping: P rinciples a nd 1997
Applications in Manufacturing”, John Wiley & Sons.

NAME OF DEPTT.CENTER: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-576 Course Title: Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T:1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE: 50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce various components of numerically controlled machine tools and

their application in automated manufacturing systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Machine Tool Design: General requirements; Electrical and hydraulic 16
drives of machine tools; Layout of gear boxes; Hydraulic, electric and
mechanical stepless speed regulations; Design and analysis of guideways; Bed;
Column and Spindle.
2 Numerical Control (NC): Introduction to numerical control; Components of 04
NC systems; Open and close loop NC; Types of numerical control: Point-to-
point, straight cut, and continuous path NC; Drives and controls; NC-tape
coding standards.
3 NC Part Programming Methods: Structure of NC part program; NC word 10
formats; Introduction to G and M codes; Manual programming methods;
Computer-assisted programming methods; APT part programming.
4 Extensions of NC: Concepts of CNC, machining center, and DNC; CNC and 04
DNC efficiency; Tooling for NC/CNC.
5 CNC Part Programming: Tool motion commands; Tool length offset; Cutter 08
diameter compensation command; fixed cycle command; Scaling; rotation;
Mirror image; Macros programming etc.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1. Mehta N. K.,” Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control”, 3 rd 2012
Edition Tata McGraw Hill
2. Koren Y., “Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems”, McGraw 1983
3. Rapello R. G. “Essentials of Numerical Control”, Prentice Hall Inc. 1986
4. Chen S, and Lin J., “Computer Numerical Control: From 1994
Programming to
5. Sava M., and Pusztai J., “Computer Numerical Control Programming”, 1990
6. Rao P. N., Tewari N. K, and Kundra T. K., “Computer Aided 1993
7. Steve K. and Gill A., “ CNC Technology and Programming”, McGraw 1997

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-577 Course Title: Industrial Automation

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage :CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DHC/DEC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This course aims to expose the students to the concepts of automation theory and its
applications in various fields of manufacturing.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Basic Concepts: Introduction of Mechanization and Automation, Classification and 06
Strategies of Automation, Reasons for and Arguments against Automation.
Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic, and Pneumatic Devices and Controls
2 High Volume Manufacturing or Hard Automation: Automated Flow Lines, Types of 06
Automatic Transfer Mechanisms, Design and Fabrication Considerations, Analysis of
Automated Flow Lines.
3 Assembly Automation: Assembly Systems and their Types, Manual Assembly Lines 16
and Line Balancing, Automated Assembly Lines and their Types, Automatic
Assembly Transfer Systems, Automatic Feeding and Orienting Devices:- Vibratory
and Mechanical Feeders and their types, Orientation of Parts, Performance and
Economics of Assembly Systems, Feasibility Study for Assembly Automation.
4 Design for Assembly: Design for Manual Assembly, Design for High-Speed 04
Automatic Assembly, Design for Robot Assembly
5 Flexible Automation: Introduction of Group Technology (GT), Steps in Implementing 06
GT, Part Families and Machine Cell Formation, Introduction of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems (FMS).
6 Programmable Automation: Brief Introduction of Numerical Control (NC), Computer 04
Numerical Control (CNC), Machining Centers, Programmable Robots, Direct
Numerical Control (DNC), and Adaptive Control.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
1 Groover M.P., “Automation, Production systems and Computer Integrated 2005
Manufacturing”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall.
2 Boothroyd G., “Assembly Automation and Product Design”, 2nd Edition, Marcel 1992
Dekker CRC.
3 Boothroyd G., Dewhurst P., Knight W. and Marcel Dekker, “Product Design for 2002
Manufacture and Assembly”, 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis.
4 Boothroyd G., Poli C., Murch L. E., “Automatic Assembly”, Marcel Dekker, 1982
New York.
5 Tergan V., Andreev I. and Lieberman B., “Fundamentals of Industrial 1986
Automation”, 1st Edition, Mir Publishers.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE:Department of Mechanical and Industrial


1. Subject Code: MIN-578Course Title: Computer Aided Process Planning

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE ETE

25 PRE50 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester:Both 7. Subject Area: DEC

8. Pre– requisite: Nil

9. O bjective: To impart knowledge on the integration of design and manufacturing
functions leading to the concepts of process planning.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction: t raditional pr ocess pl anning, product de sign e valuation, 5
various steps in process planning.
2. Group Technology: Introduction, advantages, part families, classification 10
and coding systems, production flow analysis, design of machine cells.
3. Concepts R elated to P rocess P lanning: M achinability d ata s ystem, 5
cutting condition optimization.
4. Automated Process P lanning: A dvantages of a utomated pr ocess 12
planning, various a pproaches t o pr ocess pl anning; V ariant pr ocess
planning, its f eatures a nd different s tages, di fferent va riant s ystems;
Generative and semi-generative pr ocess pl anning, its f eatures, design
strategies, planning, modeling and coding scheme, decision mechanisms;
Process capability analysis, intelligent process planning system; Artificial
intelligence -- overview a nd application i n pr ocess pl anning; V arious
recent process planning systems; Case studies.
5. Interfaces of P rocess P lanning: I ntegrating w ith l oading, s cheduling, 10
MRP II, and capacity planning and other shop floor functions.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
1. Chang, T.C. and Wysk, R.A, “An Introduction to Automated Process 1985
Planning”, Prentice-Hall.
2. Gallagher, C.C a nd K night, W.A., “ Group T echnology: P roduction 1986
Method in Manufacturing”, Ellis Horewood.
3. Nilsson, N.J., “Principles of Artificial Intelligence”,Springer Verlag. 1982
4. Cornelius,L.T, “Computer A ided and Integrated M anufacturing 2003
Systems: M anufacturing P rocesses”, W orld S cientific P ublishing

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-579 Course Title: Information Systems & Data Management

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area : DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To expose the students to various information systems and to familiarize with data based
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction: role of information system, the function of information system, 4
determination of informational need.
2. Information processing concepts: historical perspective, today’s status, systems 10
approach and analysis, concepts of data and information, data collection, data or
information, data and information storage, data processing and information
generation, transmission of data and information and the information economics of
3. Information system analysis: overview of system, management and formal 14
information systems, hierarchical and system approach to information systems design
and their applications, tailoring the information system to meet specific information
requirements using filtering monitoring, interrogative and external methods.
4. Data base management system: introduction to data base concepts, difference between 14
a file system and a data base systems, goals of DBMS including data independence
consistency, data security and integrity; DBMS models, hierarchical network and
relation, data description and query language, physical database design, case studies,
system R, Ingress, IDMS etc.; introduction to distributed database, concurrency
control bases recovery etc.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
1. Henry Luces C., “Information Systems Concepts for Management”, McGraw Hill 1978
International Book Co.
2. Burch J.G. and Strater F. R., “Information Systems Theory and Practice”, 1989
Hamilton Publishing Co.
3. Walker D. W., “Computer Based Information System An Introduction”, 1989
Pergamon Press.
4. Cardenas A. F., “Database Management Systems”. 1985

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-580 Course Title: Welding Science

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To expose the students to the field of Welding Engineering and to let them understand the
concepts, processes, affecting parameters related to welding. The course deals with fundamentals of arc
welding processes, metal transfer and weldability of metals as well.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Welding as compared with other fabrication processes, Classification of 02
Welding Processes
2 Physics of Welding Arc: Welding arc, arc initiation and maintenance, voltage 10
distribution along the arc, cathode and anode drops, Arc column, Thermionic and non
thermionic cathode, Theories of cathode and anode mechanisms, arc characteristics,
arc efficiency, heat generation at cathode and anode Effect of shielding gas on arc,
isotherms of arcs, arc blow.
3 Metal Transfer: Mechanism and types of metal transfer in various arc welding 04
processes, factors controlling melting rate in various welding processes.
4 Welding Power Sources: Basic characteristics of power sources for various arc 05
welding processes, arc length regulation in mechanized welding processes,
Transformer, rectifier and generators, Duty cycle and power factor, Static and
dynamic characteristics of power sources.
5 Welding Processes: Critical review of MMA; TIG. MIG and CO 2 welding processes, 12
plasma arc, submerged arc welding, electro- gas and electro-slag welding; resistance
welding. Theory and mechanism of solid state welding; technique and scope of
friction welding, diffusion welding; cold pressure welding and ultrasonic welding,
scope and application of electron beam and laser welding processes.
6 Heat Flow in Welding: Calculation of peak temperature; width of Heat Affected 04
Zone; cooling rate and solidification rates; weld thermal cycles; residual stresses and
their measurement; weld distortion and its prevention.
7 Weldability of Metals: Effects of alloying elements on weld ability, welding of plain 05
carbon steel, stainless steel, Cast Iron and aluminium.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
1 “Welding Handbook”, 7th Edition-Volume l to 5, American Welding Society. 1982
2 Houdlecroft P.T., “Welding Process Technology”, Cambridge University Press. 1977
3 Udin H, Fruk F and Wulff J, “Welding for Engineers”, John Wiley. 1978
4 Rossi E., “Welding Technology”, Mc-Graw Hill. 1969
5 Baldev, R., “Welding Technology for Engineers”, ASM International 2006
6 Bowditch, W.A., Bowditch M. A., Bowditch, K. E., “Welding Technology 2009
Fundamentals”, 4th Edition, Goodheart-Willcox Pub.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-581 Course Title: Manufacturing Resources Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To i ntroduce va rious t ypes of resources i n manufacturing s ystems, their i mportance an d

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: P roduction a s i nput out put s ystem; R esources of 5
production; Forecasting and resources planning.
2. Material Management: D efinition a nd s cope; F unctions; T ypes o f 7
materials; A nalytical s tructure of inv entory mode ls; M aterial
requirement pl anning (MRP); Inventory control s ystems; P urchase
management; S torekeeping and issue o f materials; M aterial
handling; Just in Time (JIT) and Kanban systems.
3. Human R esources Man agement: Objective; f unction; 10
organizational pl anning a nd de velopment; s taffing pol icies a nd
process; t raining and executive de velopment; w age and salary
policies a nd administration; mot ivation; e mployee s ervices;
employee r ecord; l abor r elations; c ollective ba rgaining; pe rsonnel
4. Production M anagement: D irect and indirect; M achines and 10
equipment pl anning; j igs a nd t ools pl anning, m aterial ha ndling
equipment pl anning; P lanning of l and, r oads, bu ilding, w arehouses
etc.; G eneral vs s pecial pur pose e quipment; Economic a nalysis;
Equipment r eplacement; C apital r esources pl anning; M ethod of
allocation of resources.
5. Production Information Management: Management of production 10
technology; information systems; Management Information Systems
(MIS); Strategic Information System (SIS); Information networking;
Parts oriented production information systems.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Hitomi K ., “ Manufacturing S ystem E ngineering”, 2nd E dition, V iva 1996
2. Hitomi K, “Manufacturing Systems Engineering: A Unified Approach 1996
to Manufacturing Technology, Production Management and Industrial
Economics”, 2nd Edition, CRC Press.
3. Groover, M. P., “Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, 2010
Processes, and Systems”,4th Edition, Wiley
4. Gary Dessler, “Personnel Management”, 4th Edition, Reston 1988
5. Nauhria R. N. and Rajneesh Prakash, “Management of Systems”, 1995
Wheeler Publishing.
6. Thomas Vollman E., William Berry L. and Clay Whybark D., 1997
“Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems”, 5th Edition, Galgotia

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial


1. Subject Code: MIN-582 Course Title: Flexible Manufacturing Systems

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage : CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 0


5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the concepts of flexibilities and its importance in batch
manufacturing, va rious t ypes of F MS c onfigurations a nd t heir pl anning a nd
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction: Definition and classification of ma nufacturing s ystems, 7
fundamentals of automated production cycle, ne ed of flexibility, con cept
of flexibility, various types of flexibility, measures of flexibility.
2. Flexible M anufacturing System ( FMS) T ype: Introduction of FMS, 10
definition of F MS, t ypes of FMS, applications of FM S, FMS
configuration, FMS host operator interface.
3. FMS Planning an d C ontrol: Functional r equirements of F MS 14
equipments, f unctions of F MS hos t c omputer, hos t s ystem de sign,
planning, scheduling of FMS, FMS simulation, Databases in FMS, GT in
FMS, cell design and layout design, CAPP in FMS.
4. Material h andling in F MS: Material ha ndling pr inciples i n F MS, 6
applications of robots in FMS.
5. Case St udies: Cases o n FMS ins tallation a nd imp lementation –acceptance 5
testing and maintenance
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1. Groover, M. P ., “ Automation, P roduction S ystem a nd C IM”, 2nd
Ed., 2000
Prentice Hall.
2. Rankey, P., “Design a nd Operations of F MS”, North-Holland 1983
3. Warnecke, H. J. (Ed.), “Flexible Manufacturing System”, Springer. 1985
4. Bonetto, R., “FMS in Practice”, North Oxford Academic Publishers. 1988

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTER: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-583 Course Title: Materials Management

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The aim of this course is to introduce to the students the basic concepts of purchase and
supply of materials for the production process in an industry.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Operating environment:, scope, and issues 04
2 Material Requirement Planning: Introduction, Bills of material, Material 06
requirement plans and planning process.
3 Capacity M anagement: Definition of capacity, capacity planning, Capacity 06
requirement planning, capacity available and required, Scheduling order, make plan
4 Production A ctivity and Control: Data requirements, order preparation, 06
scheduling, load leveling, Scheduling bottlenecks, production reporting.
5 Purchasing, forecasting, and Inventory fundamentals: 16
Establishing specifications, selecting suppliers, price determination, demand
management, demand forecasting, principle of forecasting, forecasting techniques,
seasonality, tracking the forecast, inventory and flow of materials, supply and
demand pattern, functions of inventories, ABC, VED and FSN system of selective
inventory, EOQ, variation of EOQ models, period order quantity, quantity discount.
6 Just i n t ime M anufacturing: JIT philosophy, JIT environment, Manufacturing 04
planning and control in JIT environment, MRP, Kanban, theory and constraints.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1 Handfield R.B. and Nichols E.L., Jr “Introduction to Supply Chain 1999
Management”, Prentice-Hall Inc.
2 Bowersox D. J. and Closs D. J., “Logistical Management: The Integrated 1996
Supply Chain Process”, McGraw-Hill, New York.
3 Leenders M.R. and Fearon H.E., “Purchasing and Materials Management”, 11th 1997
Edition, Irwin Burr Ridge, Illinois.
4 Arnold J. R. T. and Chapman S. N., “Introduction to Materials Management”, 2001
4th Edition, Pearson Education Asia.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-584 Course Title: Operations Research

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage :CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To expose the students to various optimization techniques for· formulating and solving
various industrial problems and to develop their skills to design production and services unit as a whole.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction: definition and scope of OR; techniques and tools; model formulation; 2
general methods for solution; classification of optimization problems; optimization
2. Linear optimization models: complex and revised simplex algorithms; duality 12
theorems; sensitivity analysis; assignment, transportation and transshipment models;
traveling salesman problem as an assignment problem; integer and parametric
programming; goal programming.
3. Game problems: minimax criterion and optimal strategy; two person zero sum game; 6
games by simplex dominance rules.
4. Waiting line problems: classification of queuing situations; Kendall's notation, 8
Poisson arrival with exponential or Erlang service time distribution; finite and infinite
queues; optimal service rates; application of queuing theory to industrial problems.
5. Dynamic programming: characteristic of dynamic programming problems (DPPs); 6
Bellman's principle of optimality; problems with finite number of stages; use of
simplex algorithm for solving DPPs.
6. Non- linear programming: one dimensional minimization methods; unconstrained 8
optimization techniques; optimization techniques- characteristics of a constrained
problem; indirect methods; search and gradient methods.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
1. Taha H. A., “An Introduction to Operations Research”, 6th Edition, Prentice hall of 2001
2. Hillier F. J. and Lieberman G.J., “Introduction to Operations Research”, 7th 2001
Edition Holden Day Inc.
3. Loomba N.P., “Linear Programming”, 2nd Edition, Mcmillan Publishing Inc. New 1976
4. Wagner H. M., “Principles of OR with Applications to Managerial Decisions”, 2nd 1975
Edition, Prentice Hall.
5. Giffin, Walter G., “Queueing Basic Theory and Applications”, Grid Inc., Ohio. 1978

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-585 Course Title: Supply Chain Management

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage : CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide an insight into functioning and networking of supply chain decisions for the
success of a business. The course will provide foundation for design, analysis and performance
metrics and to frame a sound supply chain network in the country.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Understanding supply chain, supply chain performance; supply chain 4
drivers and obstacles.
2 Planning Demand and Supply in a Supply Chain: Demand forecasting in supply 12
chain, aggregate planning in supply chain, planning supply and demand; managing
predictable variability, Economic Order Quantity Models, Reorder Point Models,
Multi-echelon Inventory Systems.
3 Planning and Managing inventories in a S upply Chain: Managing economies of 6
supply chain, managing uncertainty in a supply chain, determining optimal levels of
product availability.
4 Transportation, N etwork D esign an d I nformation T echnology: Transportation 10
aspects in a supply chain, facility Decision, Network design in a supply chain,
Information technology and its use in supply chain.
5 Coordination i n Supply Chain a nd effect of E - Business: Role of Coordination 10
and E-business in a supply chain; financial evaluation in a supply chain.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
Year of
S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Publication/
1 Hopp W. J., Spearman M. L. and Irwin, “Factory Physics: Foundations of 1996
Manufacturing”, McGraw-Hill Inc. New York.
2 Viswanadham N., “Analysis of Manufacturing Enterprises”, Kluwer Academic 2000
Publishers, UK.
3 Sridhar Tayur, Ram Ganeshan and Michael Magazine (editors), “Quantitative 1999
Models for Supply Chain Management”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, UK.
4 Handfield R.B. and Nochols E.L.Jr., “Introduction to Supply Chain 1999
Management”, Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood- Cliff, New Jersey.
5 Viswanadham N. and Narahari Y., “Performance Modeling of Automated 1998
Manufacturing Systems”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
6 Chopra S. and Meindel P., “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and 2002
Operation”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
7 Shapiro J. F., Duxbury Thomson Learning, “Modeling the Supply Chain”, 2001
Duxbury Thomson Learning Inc., Duxbury, Pacific Grove.
8 Levi D. S., Kaminsky P. and Levi E. S., “Designing and Managing the Supply 2000
Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies”, McGraw Hill Inc. New York.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-586 Course Title: Metal Forming

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage : CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The course aims to explain the advanced scientific theoretical aspects of metal forming processes.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction: stress/strain, strain-rate characteristics of materials, yield criteria of 9
metals, c1assification of metal working processes, formability and theory of sheet
metal working, friction and lubrication in metal working operation, theories of
friction and lubrication; assessment of friction at interface.
2. Process analysis: various methods of analyzing the metal working processes (slip- 3
line field theory; upper bound solution; stab methods).
3. Mechanics of forming processes: rolling- determination of rolling pressure, roll 20
separating force, driving torque and power, and power loss in bearings; forging-
determination of forces in strip forging and disc forging; drawing- determination
of force and power, determination of maximum allowable reduction; deep drawing
force analysis, analysis of tube drawing process with fixed and moving mandrel,
tandem tube drawing; bending- determination of work load and spring back;
extrusion- determination of work load from stress analysis and energy
consideration, power loss, hydrostatic extrusion; punching and blanking- mode of
metal deformation and failure, two-dimensional deformation model and fracture
analysis, determination of working force.
4. Hydrostatic extrusion: comparison with conventional extrusion; pressure required to 4
extrude, variables affecting the process.
5. High speed forming: classification, comparison of low and high speed forming operation 6
problems in high speed forming operation, introduction to high forming process such as
explosive forming, electrical and mechanical high speed forming techniques.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
Year of
S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Publication/
1. Rowe, and Geoffrey W, “An Introduction to Principles of Metal Working”, St. 1965
Martin Press.
2. Avitzur B., “Metal Forming Analysis”, Mc Graw Hill. 1980
3. Polukhin V.P., “Mathematical Simulation and Computer Analysis of Thin Strip 1975
Rolling Mill”, MIR Publishers.
4. Jhonson W.and Meller P.B., “Plasticity of Mechanical Engineers”, Van Nostrand. 1983
5. “High Velocity Working of Metals”, ASTME. 1964
6. Ghosh A. and Mallik A. K., “Manufacturing Science”, Affiliated East-West. 2000

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-587 Course Title: Metal Casting

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage : CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To explain the advanced scientific theoretical aspects of metal casting processes.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction: Features of casting problem, a survey and scope of foundry industry. 3
Solidification: Solidification of pure metals and al1oys, nucleation and growth in 8
alloys, solidification of actual castings, progressive and directional solidification,
2. centerline feeding resistance, rate of solidification, Chvorinov's Rule, electrical analog
of solidification problem; Fluidity- measurement of fluidity, effects of various
parameters on fluidity
Risering an d G ating S ystem: Riser design, risering curves, NRL method of riser 5
design, feeding distance, risering of complex casting, risering of alloy other than steel,
3. recent developments in riser design by the application of geometrical programming;
Gating systems and their characteristics, the effects of gates on aspiration, turbulence
and dross trap, recent trends.
Pattern and Casting Design: Pattern design, recent developments in pattern design, 9
4. materials and construction; Casting design considerations- review of casting design,
recent trends.
Melting, Molding and C ore Making Processes: Selection and control of melting 6
furnaces, boiling, refining and pouring, recent trends in cupola design; Review and
critical comparison of various established processes, recent developments e.g. low
5. pressure and ferrous die casting, high pressure molding, full mold process, flaskless
molding, hot and cold box molding, ceramic shell molding, V-process, continuous
casting, squeeze and pressed casting, Nishiyama process, Shaw process, Anitoch
process etc.
Internal S tresses, Defects and Sur face F inish: Residual stresses, hot tears and 7
6. cracks in castings, stress relief, defects and their causes and remedies, various
parameters affecting surface finish and related defects e.g. rough casting, sand bum-
on sand bum-in and metal penetration, facing and washes, mold wall movement,
vapor transpol1 zones, expansion scabbing etc; Gases in metal- methods of
elimination and control of dissolved gases in castings.
Testing, Inspection and Quality Control: Testing of sand, recent developments e.g. 4
mulling index, moldability index, compactability; deformability; Review of X-ray and
gamma ray radiography, magnetic particle, die penetrant and ultrasonic inspection,
use of statistical quality control in foundry.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publisher Year of
1. Flinn R.A., “Fundamentals of Metal Casting”, Addison Wesley Inc., Reading. 1963
Heine R.W, Loper C.R. and Rosenthal P.C., “Principles of Metal Casting”, Tata 1997
Niebel B.W., and Draper A.B., “Modern Manufacturing Process Engineering”, 1990
McGraw Hill.
4. “Metals Handbook-Metal Casting”, ASM. 1985
5 Beeley, Peter R. , “Foundry Technology”, Butterworth-Heinemann. 2001
6 Jain, P. L., “Principles of Foundry Technology”, Tata Mc. Graw-Hill. 1999
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
1. Subject Code: MIN-588 Course Title: Non-Traditional Machining Processes

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 ; T: 1 ; P: 0 ;

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical - -

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 2 5 PRS - - MTE 2 5 ETE 5 0 PRE - -

5. Credits: 0 4 6. Semester: Both

7. Pre – requisite: NIL 8. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

9. Objectives of Course: This course covers the details of various non-traditional/unconventional or
advanced machining processes (AMPs).

10. Details of Course:

S. Particulars Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Types of advanced manufacturing processes; Evolution, need, and 02
classification of advanced machining processes (AMPs).
2 Mechanical Type AMPs: USM, Rotary Ultra Sonic Machining (RUM), AJM, WJM, 08
AWJM processes - Process principle and mechanism of material removal; Process
Parameters; Process Capabilities; Applications; Operational characteristics;
3 Advanced F ine F inishing Process: Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM), Magnetic 06
Abrasive Finishing (MAF), Magneto Rheological Abrasive Finishing (MRAF) -
Process principle; Process equipment; Process Parameters; Process Capabilities;
Applications; Limitations.
4 Chemical Type AMPs: Process principle and details of Chemical Machining (CHM), 04
Photo-Chemical Machining (PCM), and Bio-Chemical Machining (BCM) processes.
5 Electro Chemical T ype A MPs: ECM - Process principle; Mechanism of material 06
removal; Process Parameters; Process Capabilities; Applications
6 Thermal T ype A MPs: EDM, Wire Electro Discharge Machining (WEDM), LBM, 08
EBM, IBM, PAM processes – Process principle and mechanism of material removal;
Process parameters and characteristics; Surface finish and accuracy, Process
Capabilities; Applications; Limitations.
7 Derived an d H ybrid A MPs: Electro Stream Drilling (ESD), Shaped Tube Electro 08
Machining (STEM), Electro Chemical Honing (ECH), Electro Chemical Deburring
(ECDE), Electro Chemical Discharge Machining (ECDM) - Process Parameters;
Process Capabilities; Applications; Limitations, Introduction to form machining.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors / Publisher Year of
No. Publication
1. Pandey P. C., Shan H. S. "Modern Machining Processes", , 1977
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi (ISBN 0-07-096553-6)
2. Ghosh A., Mallik A. K., "Manufacturing Science", 1985
Affiliated East-West Press Ltd, New Delhi
3. Benedict G. F., "Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes", 1987
Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York (ISBN 0-8247-7352-7)
4. McGeough J. A.,"Advanced Method of Machining", 1988
Chapman and Hall, New York (ISBN 8842-0412-31170-5)
5. Mishra P. K., "Nonconventional Machining", 1997
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN 81-7319-138-7)
6. Jain V. K.,"Advanced Machining Processes", 2002
Allied Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN 81-7764-294-4)
7. “Machining Data Handbook: Vol. 2”, Machinability Data Center, (3rd edition), 1980
Metcut Research Associates Inc., Ohio

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE : Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-593 Course Title: Non Conventional Welding Processes
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

25 25 50 0 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS MTE ETE PRS PRE

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: nil

9. Objectives: The a im of t he c ourse i s t o p rovide t heoretical a nd pr actical de tails of va rious no n-

conventional w elding/joining pr ocesses a nd t echniques i ncluding hi gh e nergy d ensity welding

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Resistance Welding: Principle of contact resistance; calculation of current, time and 10
voltage f or s pot w elding, choice of e lectrode material; e lectrode s hapes; s hunt
current; s hop t ests f or soundness of s pot w elds, s eam, pr ojection, but t and f lash
welding; selection of welding and other process details; stud welding; power sources
for resistance welding.
2. High P ower D ensity W elding P rocesses: Electron Beam ( EB) w elding in different 4
degrees o f va cuum, a pplications; Laser w elding; pr inciple o f ope ration; l aser
materials, applications.
3. Solid State Welding Processes : Fundamental principles of various non- conventional 8
pressure w elding processes and t heir applications; friction, explosive, di ffusion and
ultrasonic welding; induction welding.
4. Special Topics: Soldering; brazing and braze welding; welding of plastics. 5
5. Cutting a nd S urfacing : Plasma a nd thermal cutting a nd surfacing o perations; 8
parameters; consumables; and equipment; arc and gas gouging.
6. Safety M easures i n Welding: Various s afety m easures f or co nventional and non - 7
conventional w elding pr ocesses. Gas cylinder colour codes; storage and
transportation of g ases; pr otection f rom f ire a nd e xplosions. P rotection a gainst
electric s hocks a nd s hort c ircuiting; c hemistry a nd m echanism of f ormation of
fumes; effect of fumes; radiations and noise on welder’s health; eye flash, skin burn,
heat exhaustion and other diseases; protective devices such as exhaust hoods, booths,
shields, goggles, screens, clothing and ear covers; safety during welding in confined
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors/ Books/ Publisher Year of

1. “Welding Handbook”, Vol. 2 & 3, 9 th Edition, American Welding Society. 2003
2. “Metals Handbook”, Vol. 6, American Society of Metals. 1993
3. “Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding”, Lincoln Electric Co., USA. 2004
4. Tylecote R.F., “The Solid phase welding of Metals”, Edward Arnold Pub. 1968
5. Richard Little L., “Welding and Welding Technology”, McGraw Hill. 1976

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-594 Course Title: Safety Aspect of Welded Structures

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. Objectives of Course: Objective of this course is to provide knowledge of safety of welded structure
primarily in reference to various consequences of stress and strain state, loading conditions and susceptible
mode of fracture. The course is also intended to cover different methods of safety analysis of welded
structure using fracture mechanics concepts.

10. Details of Course:

S. NO. Contents Contact
1. Basis of S afety C oncept: Definition of safety and definition of safety concept; Basic 8
mechanism of failure of components; Brittle and ductile fracture; Collapse fatigue fracture
mechanism and representations at sub-microscopic and macroscopic levels through
Mohr’s Circle; Specific problems of safety related to weldments; Definition and safety
relevance of weld imperfections.
2. Conventional M ethods f or S afety A nalysis: Concepts of strength and toughness of 8
engineering materials; Determination and consequences of stress and strain state; Material
- stress and strain state embitterment, their reasons and consequences; Effects of notches,
stress state in notched component, safety analysis and assessment of notched components
using notch theory; Semi quantitative Fracture Analysis Diagrams (Pellim’s FAD);
limitations of conventional methods.
3. Fracture Mechanics: Concepts of stress-strain state of cracked components; Introduction 9
and basic principles of fracture mechanics; Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM);
Stress intensity factor; Determination of fracture toughness.
4. Methods for S afety A nalysis: ASTME:399 method; Limitations of LEFM; Modified 9
LEFM (ASTME 1820); General yielding criterion; Plastic Limit Load Calculations
(PLLC); Principles of Two Criteria Approach (TCA); Failure assessment diagram (CEGB
Report R-6); Mechanism of cyclic crack growth; Paris law; Modifications of Paris law;
Effects of temperature and environment; Elastic plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM);
Stable crack growth; COD concept (CTOD BS: 5762); R-curve technique; Instability
5. Application of S afety C oncepts to Welded St ructures: Material imperfections and 8
stress states in weldments; Quality - degradation in welded structures; CODE
requirements; Case studies as examples of failures; Design and service requirements for
engineering structures fabricated by welding i.e. welded structures.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Books/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
1. Anderson T. L., “Fracture Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications”, 3rd 2000
Edition, Taylor & Francis Group.
2. Farahmand Bahram.,”Fracture Mechanics of Metals, Composites, Welds and 2000
Bolted Joints”, Hardcover, Kluwer Academic Publishers .
3. Broek D., “Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics”, Martinus Nijhoff. 1982
4. Latzko D.G.H, “Post Yield Fracture Mechanics”, 2nd Edition, Elsevier 1984
Applied Science Publication.
5. Maddox S.J., “Fatigue of Welded Structures”, 2nd Edition, Woodhead 1991
6. Gurney T.R.,“Fatigue of Welded Structures”, Cambridge University Press. 1979
7. Chell G.G.,“Development of fracture Mechanics”, Elsevier Applied Science 1979

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-595 Course Title: Failure Analysis of Welding Joints

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To pr ovide basic know ledge fundamental caus es of failure and general
procedure of failure analysis.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact

1. Fundamental So urces o f Failure: Deficiencies in design, m aterial 8
and processing errors, improper service condition, residual stresses
2. Tools f or failure an alysis: Fault tr ee di agram, Failure mode a nd 6
effective analysis, Weibull distribution, Pareto diagram
3. General P ractice in F ailure A nalysis: O bjective, c ollection of 6
background data, selection o f s amples; S election, c leaning a nd
preservation of f ractured surface, identification of m ode of failure,
approach f or failure a nalysis, a scertaining c auses of f ailure, r eporting
4. Examination of Fractured Components: Preliminary examination of 6
fractured surface, equipment used for preliminary ex amination,
preservation of failure re cords, Identification of Mode of
Failure: Classification, specific characteristics, distinction between
different t ype of fractures, factors a ffecting mode of f racture and
5. Analysis of t he C auses of F ailure: Chemical analysis, 10
optical microscopic examination, u se o f scanning el ectron
microscope, m icro pr obe a nalyser a nd X -ray d iffraction e tc.
Correlation of weldment failure of different materials developed using
various welding processes including repair welding
6. Application o f F racture M echanics i n F ailure Analysis:
Physical meaning of K Ic , J IC and CTOD with reference to fracture
control, fracture analysis in the light of fatigue crack growth rate
behaviour o f m aterial, residual l ife assessment . Ca se s tudies o f
failure in different components such as pressure v essel and nuclear
reactor. 6

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Becker, W. T. and Shipley, R. J. “Metals Handbook, Failure
Analysis and Prevention”, Volume 11, ASM International. 2002
2. Hutchings, F. R. and Unterweiser, Paul M., “Failure Analysis, The
British Engineering Technical Report”, ASM International. 1981
3. Robert H. and Bhadeshia H. H.K.D.H. “Steels: Microstructure and
Properties”, 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann. 1995
4. “Metals Handbook, Fractography”, Volume 12, ASM International. 1992
5. Das A. K., “Metallurgy of Failure Analysis”, Special Indian
Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill. 1997
6 Besterfield, D C and Besterfield C (1999), Total Quality Management,
Pearson Education Asia, 2002
7 Andrew K. S. and Albert H. C. Tsang, “Maintenance, replacement, and
Reliability”, Taylor & Francis. 2006
8 Dhillon B.S., “Engineering Maintenance: a Modern Approach”. 1st
Edition, CRC. 2002

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE : Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code:MIN-596 Course Title: Solid State Joining Processes
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: 25 PRS 0 MTE
25 ETE 50 PRE 0
5. Credits: 4 6. Semester : Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objectives: The aim of the course is to provide theoretical and practical details of solid
state welding/joining processes and their significance in manufacturing.

10. Details of Course:

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Joining defined; Fundamental forces involved in joining; Mechanical 8
fastening and integral attachment: using mechanical forces; Adhesive
bonding: using chemical forces; Welding: using physical forces;
Overview of fusion and solid state welds; Fundamental principles of solid
state welding processes; Classification of solid state/non-fusion welding
2. Adhesive bonding as a joining process; General description of adhesive 8
bonding; Cementing and mortaring as an adhesive joining process; The
functions of adhesives; Mechanisms of adhesion; Failure in adhesive-
bonded joints; Adhesive joint designs; Design criteria and analysis of
adhesive joints.
3. Friction welding process; application of friction welding process; friction 8
welding process parameters; radial and orbital friction welding; direct
drive and inertia drive friction welding; study of friction welds; joint
quality of friction welds.
4. Overview of friction stir welding (FSW) process principles; welding tools 10
used for FSW; Parameters’ effects; Materials used with
FSW;thermomechanical aspect of FSW; Plastic deformation in relation to
material properties; Material flow and property relationships of the
resultant FSW joint, friction stir processing (FSP), process parameters of
FSP; Application of FSW and FSP processes.
5. Diffusion joining processes: conventional diffusion, deformation 8
diffusion, resistance diffusion & continuous seam diffusion welding;
diffusion brazing; braze welding, combined forming and diffusion
welding; solid-state deposition welding processes. Pressure non-fusion
welding processes: cold welding processes, pressure gas welding process,
forge welding process; Roll welding; Explosion welding process.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Author (s)/ Book/ Publisher Year of

1. Messler Robert W. Jr., “Joining of Materials and Structures”Elsevier 2004
2. Messler Robert W. Jr., “Principles of welding”WILEY-VCHVerlag 2004
GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
3. “Friction stir welding From basics to applications” Edited by Daniela 2010
Lohwasser and Zhan Chen,Woodhead Publishing India Pvt. Ltd.
4. “Welding Handbook”, Vol. 2 & 3, 9thEdition, American Welding 2003
5. Richard Little L., “Welding and Welding Technology”, McGraw 1976
6. TylecoteR.F., “The Solid phase welding of Metals”, Edward Arnold 1968
Pub. Ltd.

NAME OF DEPTT/CENTER: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-597 Course Title: Welding Procedure for Specific Applications

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage : CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the students to the field problems of welding and provide details for solving

10. Details of Course:

S.No. Contents Contact

1. Introduction an d E conomic C onsideration: Groove geometry and weld metal 6
deposition rates for different welding processes; Welding cost estimation; Standard data
for cost estimation; Comparative cost study for various welding procedures.
2. Welding of O ffshore C onstructions: Requirement of offshore construction welding; 6
Problems in underwater welding; Various underwater welding techniques.
3. Welding o f Lo w Te mperature C ontainment P lants: Materials used for cryogenic 6
applications; Problems of welding; Welding processes and procedures used for cryogenic
4. Welding of P ressure V essels: Materials used for construction of pressure vessels; 6
Processes and procedures for pressure vessels welding; Requirement of various codes.
5. Repairing of Castings: Specific problems in repairing of castings of various materials; 6
Welding methods used for repairing and reclamation.
6. Micro joining Techniques: Various techniques used for joining of electronic circuitry 6
and other micro joining applications.
7. Corrosion i n We ldments: Various types of corrosion; Factors affecting corrosion; 6
Minimization of susceptibility to corrosion; Corrosion testingand stress corrosion
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Books/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
1. Peter Thomas, “Welding Process Technology”, Houldcroft Technology. 1977
2. “Developments in Micro joining”, TWI, Abbington, Cambridge U.K 1983
3. “Welding Hand Book” Vol. 3 and 4, 9th Edition., AWS 2001
4. “Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels”, ASME 1977
5. Yahalom J. and Aladjan A., “Stress corrosion Cracking”, SN Publishers 1980
6. Nixon, J.H.,“Underwater Repair Technology”, Gulf Professional Publishing 2000
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-598 Course Title: Weldability of Metals

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6.Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The a im of thi s c ourse i s t o pr ovide t he fundamental unde rstanding on weldability of

metals of c ommercial i mportance like s teels, cast ir on and Aluminum besides various pr oblems
encountered their r emedies a nd p recautions t o be und ertaken dur ing the w elding of t he above
mentioned metals.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contact
Contents Hours
1. Fundamentals : Weldability, definitions, factor af fecting t he w eldability o f s teel 4
Carbon e quivalent, solidification of w eld metal; he at a ffected zone ( HAZ), factors
affecting properties of HAZ, gas-metal, slag-metal and solid state reactions in welding
and t heir i nfluence on soundness of w eld j oint, common metal s ystem a nd their
weldability: work hardenable, precipitation hardenable and heat treatable alloys
2. Weldability of Plain Carbon Steels: Various grade of pl ain-C steels, factors affecting 6
Weldability, viz., Carbon c ontent, section thickness, Mn/S r atio, phosphorus
concentration, microstructure of w eld a nd H AZ, cold cracking and lamellar, tearing
gas porosity, mechanism, causes and prevention of defects in plain –C steel welds,
3. Weldability of S tainless a nd Heat R esisting S teels: properties of stainless s teels 8
affecting w eldability, common types of s tainless s teel austenitic, martensitic, ferritic
and PH s teel and their w eldability, problems in welding of s tainless s teel and their
remedy, weld de cay, s igma pha se f ormation, k nife l ine c racking, s tress c orrosion
4. Weldability o f H SLA S teels: Common grades of hi gh s trength l ow a lloy (HSLA) 6
steels, effect of various alloying elements on weldability, factors affecting weld-metal
and H AZ P roperties, problems a nd de fects encountered i n welding, post w eld he at
treatment of HSLA steels
S. No. Contact
5. Weldability of C ast Irons: Common g rades of c ast i rons, carbon e quivalent i n c ast 6
irons, factors affecting weldability of cast irons, approaches for welding of cast irons
common problems encountered during the welding of cast and their remedy.
6. Weldability of A luminium A lloys: Physical m etallurgy of h eat t reatable and work 6
hardenable aluminium a lloys, properties of a luminium a lloys a nd weldability,
solidification cracking, hydrogen induced porosity, partial melting zone and liquation
cracking, HAZ softening, precautions in the welding of age hardenable alloy.
7. Weldability of Copper Alloys: Common copper alloys, properties of copper alloys and 6
weldability, effect of various alloying element of weldability, problem in welding of
heat treatable and none-heat treatable copper alloys and their remedy.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books/ Authors/ Publisher Year of

1. Lancaster J F., “Metallurgy of Welding”, Allen & Unwin Co. 2000
2. Castro R. and Cadenet J. J . de., “ Welding M etallurgy of S tainless a nd he at- 1975
resisting steels”, Cambridge Uni. Press.
3. “Welding, Brazing and soldering”, Vol. 6, ASM International, ASM, Ohio. 1993
4. Kou S., Welding metallurgy, 2nd edition, Wiley Publications 2003
5. Hrivnák, I., “Theory of Weldability of Metals and Alloys”, Elsevier Science 1991
6. Gene Mathers, “Welding of Aluminium and alloys”, Wood Head Pub. UK. 2002

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN – 599 Course Title: Surface Engineering

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage : CWS 25 PRS - MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre – requisite: Nil

9. O bjective: The c ourse w ill hi ghlight the different s urface d egradation phe nomena,
importance of the surface engineering techniques, their benefits and limitations. Selective
characterisation techniques f or qua lity as surance of en gineered surfaces w ill be

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Concept a nd Importance, classification of s urface modi fication 3
techniques, advantages and their limitations.
2 Surface Degradation: Causes, types and consequences of surface degradation, 10
Forms of w ear – adhesive, a brasive, s urface f atigue, c orrosive, f retting a nd
erosive w ear, Classical governing laws related to wear, techniques to eva luate
the wear damage.
3 Materials f or S urface E ngineering: Materials characteristics, their 9
importance i n surface engineering, wear r esistant ma terials, selection of
materials f or en gineering t he s urfaces f or s pecific appl ications, New coating
concepts i ncluding m ulti-layer s tructures, functionally gradient ma terials
(FGMs), intermetallic barrier coatings and thermal barrier coating.
4 Coating based Su rface Modification T echniques: Principles a nd a pplication of 8
weld s urfacing: S MAW, S AW, G MAW, T hermal s praying – flame s praying,
electric arc s praying, p lasma s praying, d etonation g un s praying a nd high
velocity oxy fuel spraying Electro deposition and electro less coatings.
5 Diffusion bas ed Surface Modification T echniques: Ion impl antation, 4
chemical va pour de position ( CVD) a nd ph ysical va pour de position ( PVD),
carburizing, nitriding, plasma nitriding, cyaniding.
6 Irradiation b ased an d Laser A ssisted S urface E ngineering (LASE) 4
Techniques: Laser c ladding, a lloying, glazing, l aser a nd i nduction ha rdening,
heat treatment of steel and remelting by laser / TIG. Microwave glazing.
7 Characterisation an d Quality Assurance of E ngineered S urfaces: 4
Importance, Different c haracterisation t echniques – physical, mechanical and
functional c haracterisations, s urface f inish, microhardness, s trength a nd
tribological characterisations.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S.No Name of Author (s)/ Book/ Publisher Year of
1 Burakowski T. and Wierzchoń T., “Surface E ngineering of M etals: 1999
Principles, Equipment, Technologies”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
2 Burnell-Gray J.S. and Datta P.K. (eds.), “Surface E ngineering 1996
Casebook”, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
3 Grainger, S. and Blunt J. (eds.), “ Engineering c oatings - design and 1998
application”, Abington Publishing, Cambridge, England.
4 Rickerby D. S . a nd M atthews A. (eds), “Advanced Surface C oatings: a 1991
Handbook of Surface Engineering”, Blackie, London.
5 Holmberg K. and Matthews A., “Coatings Tribology: Properties, 1994
Techniques and A pplications i n Surface E ngineering”, Elsevier S cience
B.V., Amsterdam.
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-601 Course Title: Additive Manufacturing

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T:0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage :CWS 15 PRS 25 MTE 20 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre–requisite: CAD

9. O bjectives of C ourse: T he a im of this subject i s t o e stablish a br oad c oncept of t he

effective and creative applications of addi tive m anufacturing t echnologies i n
different stages of time based new product development.

10. Details of Course:

1 Classification of additive manufacturing (AM) processes. AM based 10
rapid pr ototyping (RP) S ystems l ike S tereo-lithography, F used
Deposition M odeling ( FDM), Selective Laser Sintering (S LS),
Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM), 3-D Printing, LENS etc.
2 Role of a dditive m anufacturing a nd r apid pr ototyping i n pr oduct 12
design and de velopment. S olid m odeling t echniques f or a dditive
manufacturing with comparison, advantages and disadvantages.
3 Process planning for rapid prototyping, STL file generation 08
Defects in STL files an d repairing a lgorithms, S licing a nd va rious
slicing procedures.
4 Accuracy is sues in additive ma nufacturing, Properties of me tallic 10
and non -metallic addi tive m anufactured surfaces, S tress induced i n
additive m anufacturing ( AM) p rocesses. Surface r oughness
problem i n r apid p rototyping, P art deposition or ientation and
issues l ike a ccuracy, s urface f inish, bui ld t ime, s upport s tructure,
cost etc.,
5 Rapid tooling techniques such as laminated metallic tooling, direct 02
metal laser sintering, vacuum casting etc.
Suggested reading
S.No Name of Book / Authors / Publisher Year
1 Chua, C .K., L eong, K .F., R apid P rototyping: P rinciples a nd 2000
Applications in Manufacturing, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
2 Pham, D .T., D emov, S .S., Rapid M anufacturing: T he T echnologies 2001
and A pplications of R apid P rototyping a nd R apid T ooling, S pringer-
Verlag London Limited.
3 Hopkinson, N., Hague, R .J.M. and D ickens, P .M., Rapid 2005
Manufacturing a nd Industrial R evolution f or t he D igital A ge, J ohn
Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester.
4 Gebhardt, A., Rapid Prototyping, Hanser Gardner Publications, 2003
Inc., Cincinnati
5 Noorani, R., Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications, John 2006
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey.
6 Gibson, I., Software Solutions for Rapid Prototyping, 2002
Professional Engineering Publication Ltd
7 Patri, K. V., and Weiyin, Ma, Rapid Prototyping - Laser- 2003
based and Other Technologies, Kluwer Academic Publishers, U.S.A.
8 Mortenson, M.E., Geometric Modelling, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1997
9 Saxena, A., Sahay, B., Computer Aided Engineering Design, 2005
Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi.
10 Zeid, I., Mastering CAD/CAM, Tata McCraw Hill. 2006

Practical work
Assignments on va rious a spects of g eometric m odeling, f abrication of pr ototype,
programming assignments and project work.

NAME OF DEPTT. /CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-603 Course Title: Finite Element Method for Thermal Engineering

2. Contact Hours : L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory Practical

4. Relative Weight: CWS PRS MTE ETE PRE

5. Credits: 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. O bjective: To i ntroduce t he r ecent d evelopments i n f ield of f inite e lement a nalysis for a be tter
engineering design.
10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact

1 Basic C oncepts of F inite E lement Methods: Introduction, va riational
methods, collocation method, subdomain method, Galerkin’s method, least 4
squares method.
2 Finite E lement in 1 -D: B asis s teps of f inite element analysis, linear
element, notation, weighted functions, weighted residual integral, boundary 8
condtions, g lobal m atrix, G alerkin’s f ormulation, A pplications t o f in
problem, fluid flow problems.
3 Finite Element in 2-D: Single variable problems in 2-D, types of elements,
triangular and rectangular el ements, iso-parametric conc ept, higher or der
elements, numerical integration and computer implementation, higher order 10
shape functions, boundary conditions, Galerkin’s formulation, applications
to conduction and convection heat transfer problems, plane stress and plane
strain problems.
4 Time de pendent f ield pr oblems: Galerkin’s m ethod, c onsistent a nd
lumped f ormulations, finite di fference s olution i n t ime, num erical 6
oscillations, e xample p roblem f rom he at t ransfer a nd f low pr oblems,
computer implementation
5 Flow p roblems: G overning e quations f or continuity, m omentum a nd
energy c onservations, ve locity-pressure f ormulation, ve locity-vorticity 8
formulation, finite e lement impl ementation for the s olution of N avier-
Stokes e quations, E ulerian ve locity c orrection m ethod, a pplication t o t wo-
dimensional pr oblem, pr essure bo undary c ondition, c omputer
6 Non-linear p roblems: Non-linear elasticity, n on-linear the rmo-physical
properties, i mplementation of G alerkin’s m ethod f or non -linear he at 6
conduction e quation, a pplication of N ewton-Raphson m ethod a nd ot her
methods for non-linear heat transfer and flow problems.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Authors /Books /Publisher Year of

No. Publication/Reprint
1 Segerlind, L. J ., “ Applied F inite E lement A nalysis”, 2 nd
Ed., J ohn 1984
Wiley and Sons.
2 Reddy, J.N., “An Introduction to Finite Element Methods”, 3 rd Ed., 2005
Tata McGraw-Hill.
3 Rao, S .S., “ The F inite E lement M ethod i n E ngineering”, 4 th Ed., 2005
Elsevier Science.
4 Zienkiewicz, O. C., Taylor, C., and Nithiarasu, P., “Finite Element 2005
Method for Fluid Dynamics”, 6th Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann.
5 Bathe, K. J., “Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis”, 1982
Prentice Hall.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-604 Course Title: Fire Dynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory Practical

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 PRS MTE ETE PRE

5. Credits: 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce students to the fundamental concepts of fire d ynamics a base-level

understanding of t he pr incipals of f ire d ynamics, c ompartment f ire a nd smoke

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Fuels and combustion processes; physical chemistry of 3
combustion i n f ires; s ummary of t he h eat t ransfer e quations of
conduction, conection and radiation
2 Premixed Fl ames: Limits of f lammability; s tructure of p remixed 6
flame; he at l oss and measurement of bu rning v elocity; va riation of
burning velocity with composition, temperature, pressure, suppressant
and turbulence.
3 Diffusion F lames and Fire Plumes: Laminar a nd t urbulent j et 7
flames; f lames f rom na tural f ire: buo yant pl ume, fire pl ume, upward
flow; interaction of fire plume with compartment boundaries; effect of
wind on fire plume
4 Steady Burning of Liquids and Solids: Burning of liquids: pool fire,
burning of l iquid dr oplets; bur ning of s olids: s ynthetic pol ymers, 4
wood, dusts and powders
5 Frictionless Compressible Flow: Governing equations, full potential 6
equation, f low t hrough c onstant a rea du cts with he at t ransfer,
Rayleigh lines.
6 Ignition and Spread of Flames: Ignition of liquids and solids; Flame 5
spread over liquids and solids;.
7 6
Pre-flashover and Post-flashover Compartment Fire: Growth of flash-
over: necessary conditions; ventilation requirements; factors affecting time
to flashover and fire growth; fully developed fire behavior; temperature in
fully developed fire; fire resistance and fire severity.
8 5
Production and Movement of Smoke: Production and measurement of
smoke particles; test for smoke production potential; smoke movement;
smoke control systems
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

Year of
Author(s) / Title / Publisher Publication/
1. Drysdale, D. “Introduction to Fire Dynamics”, John Wiley 2011
2. Karlsson, B., Quintiere, J., “Enclosure Fire Dynamics” , ‎James; CRC 2000
3 Quintiere, J.G.,., “Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena”, John Wiley 2006
4 Gorbet, G.E., and Pharr, J.L, Fire Dynamics; Pearson Education 2010

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Mechanical and Industrial


1. Subject Code: MIN-605 Course Title: Friction and Wear

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory : 03 Practical : 0.

4. Relative Weight: CWS : 25 PRS : 0 MTE : 25 ETE : 50 PRE : 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area:


8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To impart knowledge on concepts of friction and wear of engineering


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Concept of a surface and surface topography of 4
engineering surfaces; Interaction between contacting surfaces,
concept of elastic and plastic deformation, Hertz’s contact theory;
Concept of surface forces – electrostatic forces, capillary forces and
van der Waal forces.
2. Friction: Concept and laws of friction; Theories of friction, rolling 5
friction, sliding friction, Coulomb model, junction growth, asperity
deformation, stresses in friction; Temperature in friction.
3. Friction and Engineering Materials: Friction of metallic materials, 7
ceramics, polymers and lamellar solids.
4. Assessment and Control of Friction: Assessment of co-efficient of 4
friction, measurement of friction force and contact temperature,
assessment of surface forces, tribometer and atomic force
microscope (AFM); Lubricants in reducing friction..
5. Wear: Concept of wear of engineering surfaces; Types of wear; 5
Sliding wear, dry and lubricated wear of surfaces, chemical wear.
6. Wear Mechanisms: Abrasion; Adhesion; Erosion; Fatigue; 7
Corrosion; Other forms of wear.
7. Wear Characteristics of Engineering Materials: Wear of metallic 6
materials, ceramics, composites and polymers.
8. Wear estimation and Control: ASTM standards for estimation of 4
wear of engineering surfaces; Modification of functional surfaces for
minimization of wear, selection of materials and techniques.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers Year of

No. Publication/
1. Rabinowicz, E., “Friction and Wear of Materials”, John Wiley and 1965
Sons, Inc., New York.
2. Hutchings, I.M., “Tribology: Friction and Wear of Engineering 1992
Materials”, Edward Arnold, London.
3. Rigney, D.A.(ed.), “Fundamentals of Friction and Wear of Materials”, 1981
American Society for Metals, Ohio, USA.
4. Zum Gahr, K. H., “Microstructure and Wear of Materials”, Elsevier, 1987
5. Burnell-Gray, J. S. and Datta, P.K. (eds.), “Surface Engineering 1996
Casebook”, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
6. Dowson, D., “History of Tribology”, Longman, London. 1978
7. Bowden, F. P. and Tabor, D., “The Friction and Lubrication of 1964
Solids”, Part I & II, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
8. Takadoum, J., “Materials and Surface Engineering in Tribology”, John 2008
Wiley and Sons, Inc., London.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-606 Course Title: Numerical Methods in Manufacturing

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To e xpose t he s tudents to i n va rious numerical m ethods a nd m odeling t ools t o

model and simulate manufacturing and materials processing operations.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Numerical Methods: Introduction, L inear 8
equations, N on-linear e quations, Functional a pproximation,
Numerical di fferentiation, Numerical int egration, Ordinary
differential equations, Partial differential equations, Finite difference
method, F inite e lement method, F inite vol ume method, O rthogonal
collocation, Boundary integral method, Optimization
2. Science Base of Mathematical Model Development: Introduction, 8
Fluid flow phenomenon, Heat transfer, Diffusion and mass transfer,
Multiphase flow

3. Modeling of C asting & S olidification P rocess: Fundamentals of 10

casting and solidification process, H eat f low in solidification,
Solidification of mus hy z ones, Finite e lement s imulation of
solidification problems, M odeling a nd f ormulation of c asting
problems, case studies, Macro-modeling of solidification; Numerical
approximation methods, D iscretization of g overning equations,
Solution of discretized equations, Application of macro-modeling of
4. Modeling of Met al F orming Processes: Introduction, Plasciticity 10
fundamentals: von Mises yield criterion, Tresca yield criterion, Flow
rule, Generalised stress & generalised strain increment, Plastic
anisotropy, Anisotropic yield criterion, Plastic i nstability, Process
modeling: Uniform e nergy m ethod, s lab m ethod, s lip-line f ield
method, upper bound method, Visioplasticity method, Finite element
method, Application of finite element method, Eulerian rigid-plastic
FEM formulation for plane strain rolling, Governing equations
5. Modeling of Welding Processes: Weld pool he at & fluid f low, 6
Modeling of f luid d ynamics & c oupled phe nomenon i n a rch w eld
pools, finite e lement analysis of w elding r esidual s tress &
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Ilegbusi, O lusegun J ., Iguchi, M ., W anhsiedler, W ., “Mathematical 2000
and P hysical M odelling of M aterials P rocessing O perations”,
Chapman & Hall/ CRC Press
2. Stefanescu, D . M ., “Science and Engineering of C asting 2002
Solidification”, Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers,
3. Lal, G. K., Dixit, P. M., Reddy, N. Venkata., "Modelling Techniques 2011
for Metal Forming Processes", Narosa Publishimg House, 2011
4. Gupta S antosh K , N umerical M ethods f or E ngineers, N ew A ge
International (P) Limited Publishers, 2009

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-607 Course Title: Processing of Non-Metals

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 125 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: The ma in objective of the c ourse is to impa rt an und erstanding o f t he

manufacturing s cience and engineering of non -metals. The cour se de als with
the s tudy of t he b asic n ature of di fferent non -metals and the m anufacturing

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Classification of engineering materials and processing 3
techniques, structure and properties of non-metals
2. Processing of G lass: Glass s tructure and pr operties, g lass m elting 3
and forming, glass annealing
3. Processing of cera mics: Ceramic pow der preparation, s ynthesis of 7
ceramic po wders, f abrication of c eramic pr oducts f rom pow ders:
pressing, casting, v apour pha se t echniques, s intering, f inishing,
machining. ceramic coatings
4. Processing of Plastics: thermoplastics and thermosets, Processing of 8
Plastics: E xtrusion. Injection m oulding. T hermoforming.
Compression m oulding. T ransfer m oulding. G eneral be havior of
polymer melts, Machining of plastics
5. Processing methods of p olymeric matrix composites: 10
Classification of composite materials, properties of composites hand
lay-up, a utoclaving, filament w inding, pul trusion, c ompression
molding, pr e-pegging, s heet m olding compounds e tc., pr ocess
capability and application areas of various techniques
6. Ceramic matrix composites: mechanical pr operties of ce ramic 6
matrix c omposites, di fferent pr ocessing t echniques f or c eramic
matrix c omposites, pr ocess c apability a nd a pplications of va rious
7. Secondary p rocessing of c omposite materials: Need of s econdary 5
operations, di fferent t ype o f s econdary ope rations, m achining a nd
drilling of non-metals, machining induced damage, different methods
of reducing the damage on account of secondary processing
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Kalpakjian, S .,“Manufacturing P rocesses f or E ngineering M aterials,” 1997
3rd Ed., Addison – Wesley
2. Strong,A.B., “ Plastics: Materials and Processing,” Pearson Prentice 2006
3. Mathews, F.L., and R awlings,R.D., “ Composite M aterials: 1999
Engineering and Science,” Woodhead Publishing
4. “Handbook of Composites”ed. By S.T. Peters, 2nd Ed., Chapman Hall 1998
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
1. Subject Code: MIN-608 Course Title: Product and Process Optimization

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: PEC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This c ourse will introduce to t he s tudents, the basic conc epts, techniques a nd
applications of engineering optimization in a comprehensive manner.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hrs
1. Introduction t o Design O ptimization: The design process; b asic 2
terminology and notations.
2. Optimum Design P roblem F ormulation: The pr oblem f ormulation 3
process; and illustration with examples.
3. Graphical Optimization: Graphical solution process; problems with – 3
bounded (single or multiple) and unbounded solutions.
4. Optimum D esign C oncepts: Local and global opt ima; ne cessary and 6
sufficient opt imality c onditions f or unc onstrained a nd c onstrained
multivariate functions.
5. Linear P rogramming Methods f or O ptimum D esign: Basic 4
concepts; simplex method; two-phase simplex method; post-optimality
6. Numerical methods f or U nconstrained an d C onstrained O ptimum 6
Design: Gradient-based and direct s earch m ethods; Sequential l inear
and quadratic programming.
7. Multi-objective Optimization: Fundamental shift from single-objective 4
optimization; Pareto-set and Pareto-optimal Front.
8. Evolutionary T echniques f or O ptimization: Genetic algorithms; 6
Differential Evolution Algorithms; Ant colony Optimization; and Particle
Swarm Optimization.
9. Advanced t opics on O ptimum D esign: Meta m odels f or de sign 4
optimization; de sign of e xperiments; di screte de sign with orthogonal
arrays; robust design approach; reliability-based design optimization.
10. Practical ap plications of op timization: Illustration on engineering 4
problems with single and multiple objectives.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. S. S. Rao; Engineering Optimization; 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2009
2. K. Deb; Optimization for Engineering Design; Prentice Hall of India. 2005
3. K. Deb; Multi-objective Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms; 2003
John Wiley & Sons.
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Physics

1. Subject Code: PHN-001 Course Title: Physics Department

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: None

9. Objective: To familiarize students with the basic principles of mechanics

10. Details of Course:

S.No. Contents Contact Hours

Vectorial representation of f orces and moments- Vector O peration-Concepts of
Particles a nd R igid bod ies – Composition o f c oncurrent f orces in pl ane f ree b ody
Diagram – Equilibrium of R igid bodi es i n Two and three dimensions-Moment of a
force about a point and about an axis-Couple moment-Reduction of a force system to
a force and a couple
Definition Moment of Inertia for areas-Parallel axis theorem –Perpendicular axis
theorem-Moment of inertia for composite area-product of inertia form an area-
mass moment of inertia
Laws of c oulomb f riction- Coefficient o f Friction-Dry F riction-sliding
Friction-Ladder friction-Belt friction – Rolling Resistance.
Principle of vi rtual w ork f or a p article and r igid bod y-condition f or
equilibrium f or a c onservative s ystem, stability-particle d ynamics in
rectangular c oordinate, c ylindrical coordinate a nd i n t erms of pa th va riables-
General motion of system of particles-
Work E nergy M ethod-Conservation of E nergy-Impulse a nd M omentum
Relation-Impulsive Force-Impact force-Conservation of momentum – Moment
of Momentum Equation.
Translation and rotation of rigid bodies- Derivative of a vector fixed in moving
reference-General relationship between time derivative of a vector for different
references-Moment of momentum equation-kinetic energy of rigid body-work
and energy r elations-Euler’s e quation of m otion-Three di mensional m otion
about a fixed point
List of experiments:

1. Study of magnetic field of a pair of coils in Helmholtz arrangement

2. Determination of e/m
3. Determination of first excitation potential of a gas by Frank-Hertz experiment
4. Determination of Stefan’s constant
5. Determination of Planck’s constant by radiation
6. To study and verify Malus’ law
7. Study of Polarization of light using quarter wave plate
8. Determination of Brewster’s angle at glass-air interface
9. Determination of with of a slit by single-slit diffraction pattern
10. Four probe method of finding resistivity of semiconductor
11. Quinck’s Method for determining mass susceptibility
12. Wavelength of Na light by Newton’s ring method

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Title/Authors/Publishers Year of

1. Shames I .H. a nd Rao G.K., “Engineering Mechanics-Statics an d 2006
Dynamics” ,4 Edition, Pearson Education
2. Beer F.P and Johnson E.R., “Vector Mechanics for Engineers- Statics and 2010
Dynamics”,9 Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
3. Pytel A. and Kiusalaas J., “ Engineering Mechanics: Statics” 3 rd Edition, 2010
Cengage Learing
4. Pytel A. and Kiusalaas J., “ Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics”3rd Edition 2010
Cengage Learing
5. Hibberler R .C a nd G upta A ., E ngineering M echanics,”, 12 th Edition, 2012
Pearson Education
6. Meriam J .L. and Kraige L.G., “Engineering Mechanics: S tatics”, 6 th 2012
Edition, John Willey and Son,s
7. Meriam J .L., and Kraige L.G., “Engineering M echanics: D ynamics”, 6th 2012
Edition , John Willey and Son’s

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE : Department of Physics

1. Subject Code: PHN-008 Course Title: Electromagnetic Theory

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory : 3 Practical : 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE : 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: None

9. Objective: To impart basic concepts of electromagnetism and their applications in engineering.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Vector A lgebra: Cartesian, C ylindrical a nd S pherical c oordinate 9
Systems, C onstant c oordinate s urfaces, D el operator, Gradient,
Divergence of a Vector and Divergence Theorem, Curl of a vector and
Stokes theorem, Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian in the three
coordinate S ystems, Laplacian of a s calar, Scalar & Vector Fields,
Classification of Vector fields.
2 Electrostatics: Coulomb’s l aw, electric f ield int ensity du e to 11
continuous charge distribution, Gauss’s law & its applications, electric
potential, t he l ine i ntegral, e lectric di pole a nd f lux l ines, e nergy
density i n an electrostatic f ield, electrostatic di scharge. Current and
current density, m etallic c onductors, c onductor pr operties a nd
boundary conditions, pol arization i n di electrics, nature o f D ielectric
materials an d r elated b oundary c onditions, capacitance.Electrostatic
boundary-value pr oblems, Laplace’s a nd P oisson’s e quations,
Uniqueness t heorem, G eneral pr ocedure f or s olving Laplace’s a nd
Poisson’s equation.
3 Magnetostatics: 11
Biot-Savart’s l aw, Ampere’s ci rcuital l aw, Applications of A mpere’s
law, Magnetic flux a nd m agnetic f lux de nsity, Scalar and vector
magnetic potentials.Magnetic dipole, Force due to Magnetic field on a
differential current el ement, force be tween two di fferential cur rent
elements, Force and torque on a closed circuit, The nature of magnetic
materials, M agnetization a nd pe rmeability, Magnetic bounda ry
conditions, I nductors, inductances, Magnetic ene rgy, M agnetic
circuits, Potential e nergy and force on ma gnetic ma terials, magnetic
4 Time va rying electric and m agnetic f ields an d electromagnetic 11
Faraday’s l aw, t ransformer, E MF, DC m otors, displacement cur rent,
Maxwell’s e quations f or time va rying f ields, electromagnetic w ave
equation i n f ree s pace, pl ane waves i n f ree space, pol arization,
Poynting ve ctor and power as sociated with electromagnetic w aves,
plane w aves i n l ossless, hom ogeneous, a nd isotropic di electric,
reflection and t ransmission of plane w aves at dielectric i nterface,
normal a nd obl ique i ncidence, pl ane w aves i n good c onductors, s kin
depth. Microwaves and their applications in telecommunication, radar,
and heating.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. William H H ayt, J r., and John A. “Engineering Electromagnetics”, 2005
Buck, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 7th Ed.
2. Matthew N.O. S adiku,”Elements of E ngineering E lectromagnetics” , 2003
Oxford University Press, 3rd Ed.
3. Nannapaneni N arayan Rao, “Elements of E ngineering 2000
Electromagnetics”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 4th Ed.
4. D.J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, Prentice Hall, 3rd Ed. 2000

1. Subject code: CEN-105 Course Title: Introduction to Environmental Studies

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 15 PRS: 0 MTE: 35 ETE: 50 PRE: 00
5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: GSC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of environmental pollution and its control.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Overview: Environment and Natural Processes; Development (Resource 6
Utilization & Waste Generation); Environmental issues; Concept of
Sustainable Development; Issues affecting future development
(population, urbanization, health, water scarcity, energy, climate change,
toxic chemicals, finite resources etc.); Environmental units
2. Air –Water interaction: (Liquid phase-gas phase equilibrium) Henry’s 3
Law Constant with units, Dimensionless Henry’s Law Constant
3. Water –Soil Interaction: Carbonate System (Alkalinity and buffering 9
capacity); Major ions in water; Natural Organic Matter (NOMs); Water
quality parameters; Physical processes (Mass Balance): Spatio-temporal
variation in quality of river water, lake water, ground water; Water
quality standards
4. Wetlands, water treatment and wastewater treatment . 6
5. Air resources: Atmosphere; Air pollutants; Emissions and control of air 9
pollutants; Atmospheric meteorology and dispersion; Transport of air
(global, regional, local); Air/ atmospheric stability; Plume shape;
Gaussian modeling; Air quality standards
6. Land pollution and solid waste management 3
7. Ecosystem: Structure and function; Energy flow in ecosystem; Material 3
flow in ecosystem; Biodiversity and ecosystem health; Bio-amplification
and bio-magnification
8. Hazardous Waste: Definition; Classification; Storage and management; 3
Site remediation; Environmental Risk: assessment, and management
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers Year of Publication/

1. Davis M. L. and Cornwell D. A., “Introduction to Environmental 2008
Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York 4/e
2. Masters G. M., Joseph K. and Nagendran R. “Introduction to 2007
Environmental Engineering and Science”, Pearson Education, New
Delhi. 2/e
3. Peavy H. S., Rowe D.R. and Tchobanoglous G., “Environmental 1986
Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New York
4. Mines R. O. and Lackey L. W. ““Introduction to Environmental 2009
Engineering”, Prentice Hall, New Yark
5. Miheicic J. R. and Zimmerman J. B. “ Environmental Engineering: 2010
Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design” John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Humanities & Social


1. Subject Code: HS-001A Course Title: Communication Skills (Basic)

2. Contact Hours: L: 1 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: HSS

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective:
The course intends to build the required communication skills of the students having
limited communicative abilities, so that they may communicate effectively in real-life

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Understanding the Basics of Communication Skills: Listening, Speaking, 01
Reading & Writing, Scope and Importance

2. Grammar & Composition: Time and Tense, Agreement, Active-Passive, 05

Narration, Use of Determiners, Prepositions & Phrasal Verbs

3. Vocabulary Building & Writing: Word-formation, Synonyms, Antonyms, 02

Homonyms, One-word Substitutes, Idioms and Phrases, Collocations,
Abbreviations of Scientific and Technical Words
4. Introduction to Sounds (Vowels & Consonants) Organs of Speech, Place 02
and Manner of Articulation, Stress & Intonation, Listening Comprehension
(Practical Sessions in Language Laboratory)
5. Speaking, Countering Stage-fright and Related Barriers to Communication. 02

6. Reading and Comprehension: Two lessons to be identified by the 02


Total 14

List of Practicals:

1. Ice-breaking Exercises
2. Assignments on Time and Tense, Agreement, Active-Passive
3. Laboratory Session on Narration, Use of Determiners, Prepositions & Phrasal
Verbs, Revisionary Exercises & Quiz
4. Laboratory Session on Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms
5. Assignments and Practice Sheets on One-word Substitutes, Idioms and Phrases,
Collocations, Abbreviations of Scientific and Technical Words
6. Laboratory Session on Practice of sounds, Intonation and Stress, Listening
7. Individual presentation, debates, Extempore & Turncoats
8. Exercises in Composition and Comprehension

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Murphy, Raymond. Intermediate English Grammar, New Delhi, 2009
Cambridge University Press.
2. Quirk, Randolph & Sidney Greenbaum. A University Grammar of 2009
English, New Delhi, Pearson.
3. McCarthy, Michael & Felicity O’ Dell. English Vocabulary in Use, 2010
New Delhi, Cambridge University Press
4. Jones, Daniel. The Pronunciation of English, New Delhi, Universal 2010
Book Stall.
5. Birchfield, Susan M. Fowler’s Modern English Usage, New Delhi, 2004

6. Llyod, Susan M. Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. 2010

New Delhi: Penguin.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Humanities & Social

1. Subject Code: HS-001B Course Title: Communication Skills

2. Contact Hours: L: 1 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4. Relative Weight: CWS 25 PRS 00 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 2 6. Semester: Autumn/Spring 7. Subject Area: HSS

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective: The course intends to train the learners in using both verbal and non-verbal
communication effectively.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1. Advanced Communication Skills: Scope, Relevance, & Importance 01

2. Soft Skills: Interpersonal Communication; Verbal & Non-verbal, 03

Persuasion, Negotiation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming

3. Communication and Media (Social and Popular),The Social and 04

Political Context of Communication, Recent Developments and
Current Debates in Media
4. Cross-cultural and Global Issues in Communication: Race, Ethnicity, 03
Gender & Diaspora

5. Rhetoric and Public Communication, Audience Awareness, Emotionality 03

Total 14
List of Experiments:

1. Discussion on the Process of Communication in Personal and Professional Life

2. Group Discussion, Case Studies and Role-Play
3. Assignments on E-mail Etiquette, Social Networking, Blog Writing, Discussions
on Current Issues
4. Non-Verbal Communication in Cross-Cultural Situations, Case Studies, Group
Discussions and Readings on Topics Related to Race, Ethnicity , Gender and
5. Individual Presentations (Audience Awareness, Delivery and Content of Presentation)

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Rentz, Kathryn, Marie E. Flatley & Paula Lentz. 2012
Lesikar’s Business Communication CONNECTING IH A DIGITAL
WORLD, McGraw-Hill, Irwin
2. Bovee, Courtland L & John V. Thill. Business Communication 2010
Today. New Delhi, Pearson Education
3. McMurrey, David A. & Joanne Buckley. Handbook for Technical 2009
Writing, New Delhi, Cengage Learning.
4. Jones, Daniel. The Pronunciation of English, New Delhi, Universal 2010
Book Stall.

5. Allan & Barbara Pease. The Definitive Book of Body Language, 2004
New York, Bantam

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

1. Subject Code: HSN-002 Course Title: Ethics and Self-awareness

2. Contact Hours: L: 01 T: 0 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 2 Practical 0

4.Relative Weight: CWS:25 PRS:0 MTE:25 ETE:50 PRE:0

5. Credits: 02 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: HSSC

8. Pre-requisite: NIL

9. Objective: To introduce the concepts pertaining to ethical and moral reasoning and action and
to develop self - awareness.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction: Definition of Ethics; Approaches to Ethics: 1
Psychological, Philosophical, Social.

2 Psycho-social t heories of m oral d evelopment: View of Kohlberg; 3

Morality and Ideology, Culture and Morality, Morality in everyday

3 Ethical C oncerns: Work Ethics and Work Values, Business Ethics, 3

Human values in organizations.

4 Self-Awareness: Self Concept: Johari Window, Self and Culture, Self 4

Knowledge, Self-Esteem; Perceived Self-control, Self-serving bias,
Self-presentation, Self-growth: Transactional Analysis and Life Scripts.

5. Self D evelopment: Character strengths and virtues, Emotional 3

intelligence, Social intelligence, Positive cognitive states and processes
(Self-efficacy, Empathy, Gratitude, Compassion, and Forgiveness).

Total 14

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of Publication

1. Hall, Calvin S., Lindzey, Dardner., & Cambell, John 1998
B.,“Theories of Personality”,Hamilton Printing Company.

2. Car Alan, “Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness 2004

and Human Strengths”, Brunner-Routledge.

3. Leary M.R., “The Curse of Self: Self-awareness, Egotism 2004

and the Quality of Human Life”, Oxford University Press.

4. Louis P. P., “The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in 2007

Ethics and Literature”, Oxford University Press.

5. Corey, G., Schneider Corey, M., & Callanan, P., “Issues 2011
and Ethics in the Helping Professions”, Brooks/Cole.

6. Snyder, C.R., Lopez, Shane, J., & Pedrotti, J.T., “Positive 2011
Psychology” Sage, 2nd edition.


NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

1. Subject Code: MTN-106 Course Title: Materials Science

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: ESC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To familiarize the students with fundamentals of materials science.

10. Details of the Course:

Sl. No. Contents Contact Hours

1 Introduction to crystallography 10
Bonding in Solids: Ionic, Amorphous and Crystalline, Single crystal
and Polycrystalline material, Polymorphism, Lattice, Unit cell,
Bravais lattice, Types of crystals, Linear and Planer densities, Voids
in crystalline structures, Ceramic crystal structures, Crystal defects
(Point, Line ,Surface and Volume defects)
2 Principles of alloy formation 7
Solid solution, Hume-Rothery rules, Binary phase diagrams: Gibbs
phase rule, lever rule, cooling curves, Invariant reactions, Types of
Binary phase diagrams (Isomorphous, Eutectic, Partial-Eutectic
systems), Iron-Iron carbide phase diagram
3 Plastic deformation 5
Elastic and Plastic deformation and Strain hardening with respect to
Stress-Strain Curve, Plastic deformation by Slip: Slip system,
Critical resolved shear stress, Frank-Read source Work hardening
and dynamic recovery, Strengthening Mechanisms, Recovery,
Recrystallization and Grain growth, Cold and hot working

4 Mechanical Properties 10
Hardness Test (Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell and Microhardness
Tests) Tensile Test (Engineering stress-strain curve: Y.S, U.T.S,
work hardening, ductility, resilience and toughness, True stress-
strain curve, Ductile and brittle fracture), Impact Test (Charpy and
Izod specimens, Ductile – brittle transition, effect of carbon on
ductile-brittle transition in plain carbon steels) Fatigue Test (Fatigue
testing apparatus, S-N Curve for ferrous and non-ferrous, Fatigue

fracture (transgranular fracture), Methods of improving fatigue life,
Creep Test: Creep curve, Creep fracture, Material consideration for
high temperature use.
5 Heat Treatment 6
Purpose of Heat treatments, Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium
Nucleation, Grain growth and Kinetics , TTT and CCT diagrams
Common heat treatments like Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening
and Tempering, Hardenability: Jominy end-quench test, Hardenability
curves, Martempering and Austempering, Surface hardening
(carburizing, Nitriding, Flame and Induction hardening).
6 Ceramic, Composite and Polymeric Materials 4
Ceramics: Types of ceramics, Fabrication and Processing of
Ceramics: (i) Glass forming processes (ii) Particulate forming
processes (iii) Cementation, Composites : Advantages of composites,
Constituents of composites, Applications of composites
,Classification of composites: Based on matrix and reinforcement,
Polymers: Hydrocabon and Polymer molecules, Molecular shape and
structure, Molecular configuration, Thermoplastic and Thermosetting
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Name of Authors / Books / Publishers Year of

1. Callister W.D., “Materials Science and Engineering” Wiley India (P) 2010
Ltd. ISBN:978-81-265-21-43-2
2. Raghavan V.,”Materials Science and Engineering- A first Course,” 2011
5th edition, ISBN:978-81-203-2455-8
3. Askeland D.R., “The Science and Engineering of Materials, 5th 2006
edition, ISBN: 978-81-315-0321-8


NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-201 Course Title: Kinematics of Machines

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide basic concepts of ki nematic an alysis of m achines and machine


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Objective of ki nematic a nalysis of me chanism,
classification of links , pa irs, Basic t erminology a nd kinematic
symbols, ki nematic c hains, pl ane m otion; constraints a nd d egrees of 7
freedom, m echanism a nd m achines, i nversion of m echanisms along
with their practical applications.
2. Motion Analysis of Mechanisms: Kinematic quantities a nd their
relationships, a bsolute a d r elative m otions, a nd t heir ve ctor
representation, instantaneous cent ers of m otion, K ennedy Arnold’s
theorem; r elative v elocity method, m ethod o f i nstantaneous c enters,
resolution a nd or thogonal ve locity m ethods; A cceleration a nalysis,
Significance of Coriolis component of acceleration in mechanisms and
its de termination, mathematical analysis of s lider cr ank mechanism,
special graphical methods
3. Motion synthesis: Introduction t o s ynthesis of m echanisms,
Graphical m ethods of Synthesis, Chebyshev s pacing, t wo pos ition
synthesis, a pplication t o f our ba r m echanism , a nalytical s ynthesis
using complex algebra , Freudensteins method.
4. Applied Linkages: Radial eng ines and master cr ank, straight line
motion a nd i ndicator m echanisms, steering me chanism, quick return
mechanism, intermittent mot ion generating mechanisms, Geneva 5
mechanism, analog c omputing m echanisms, va rious t ypes of
ingenious mechanism and their functioning.
5. Cams; Classification of di fferent t ypes of c ams, t ypes of m otion
curves and their analytical expressions, graphical construction of cam
profiles for different t ypes of follower, pressure angle and cams with
specified contours.
6. Gears: Classification and Basic t erminology, Fundamental l aw of
gearing, geometric a nd ki nematic c onsiderations f or va rious t ooth
profiles, the cycloidal and involute profiles , standards in tooth forms, 7
spur g ears and other t ypes of g ears; G ear tr ains, S imple, compound
and epicyclic gear trains and their applications.
7. Flexible connectors: Advantages a nd di sadvantages of be lt dr ives,
Kinematic analysis of flat belt and V- Belt drives.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Martin, G .H., “Kinematics and Dynamics o f Machines”, 3 rd E d., 1982
2. Ghosh, A, and Mallik, A.K., “Theory of Mechanisms and Machines”, 2003
2nd Ed., Affiliated East-West Press Pvt.Ltd.
3. Bevan, T ., “Theory of M achines”, 3rd Ed., CBS P ublishers a nd 2003
4. Vicker, J.J., Shigley, J.E. and Penock, G.R., “Theory of Machines and 2003
Mechanisms”, 3rd Ed., Oxford University Press
5. Hannah, J., and Stephens, R.C., “Mechanics of Machines : Elementary 2004
Theory and Examples”, 4th Ed., Viva Books
6 Norton, R.L., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery”, Mc Graw 2009

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

1. Subject Code: MIN-291 Course Title: Engineering Analysis and Design
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 15 PRS MTE

15 30
ETE 40

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7.Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: None

9. Objective: This course aims to describe the role of analysis in engineering design and enhance critical
thinking and design skills

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Design, Mechanical E ngineering Design, Different 4
Phases of the Design Process
2. Engineering Analysis: role of analysis, the design spiral, Computer 10
Aided engineering analysis: visualization, analysis and redesign,
Statistical Considerations, safety and reliability
3 Reverse engineering: Introduction, applications 4
4 Learning from Failure: V arious f ailure c ase s tudies, Failure of 8
machine components
5. Engineering Design: projects for design of machine elements 8
6 Aesthetics i n E ngineering D esign, w ritten and or al pr esentation, 6
7 Engineering Ethics, team work. 2
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1 J. L . Y owell, and D. W .Carlson,, E ds., Introductory E ngineering 2011
Design: A Projects-Based Approach, Third Edition
2. A. H. Burr and J. B. Cheatham, Mechanical Analysis and Design, 2 1997
nd Ed., Prentice Hall,
3. J. R . D ixon, D esign Engineering: Inventiveness, A nalysis and 1980.
Decision Making, TMH, New Delhi,
4 Budynas−Nisbett , Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, 2006
Eighth Edition
5 Mike W. Martin, Roland Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, 2004
McGraw-Hill 4 edition

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-301 Course Title: Dynamics of Machines

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: MI-201

9. O bjective: To i ntroduce t he s tudents t o va rious c oncepts r elated t o dynamic an alysis of


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Force Analysis of Mechanisms: Review of basic principles of statics, 10
Concept of f ree bod y and i ts e quilibrium, T ransmission of f orces i n
machine elements, static force analysis, friction effects, forces on gear
teeth; D’Alembert’s principle, dynamic force analysis of mechanisms,
force analysis of cam and follower mechanism, equivalent dynamical
systems, dynamic ana lysis of r eciprocating engines, practical
examples from actual machines.
2. Flywheels and Governors: Turning moment diagram, Fluctuation of 6
energy a nd s peed, coefficient o f f luctuation of s peed, us e of c rank
effort diagram, calculation of flywheel size; Advantages of governors,
Analysis of di fferent t ypes of g overnors, effect of sleeve friction,
characteristic of governors, controlling f orces c urves, s ensitivity,
hunting phenomena in governors, stability, governor effort and power.
3. Balancing: Balancing of r otating m asses in single plane and i n 4
different p arallel pl anes, balancing of s lider cr ank mechanisms,
balancing of i n-line, V - and l ocomotive engines, p rinciples of
balancing machine.
4. Friction Devices: Advantages a nd di sadvantages of be lt dr ives 6
system, belt drive system, friction in pivots and collars, power screws,
plate and cone clutches, band and block brakes.
5. Gyroscope: Motion of r igid bod y in 3 - dimensions, Angular 2
momentum, Gyroscopic a ction, e quation f or r egular pr ecession a nd
gyroscopic torque, applications of gyroscope
6. Mechanical Vibration: Basic te rminology r elated to vibrations; 14
Conservative s ystems; F ree vi brations of s ystems w ithout and w ith
damping; E quilibrium a nd e nergy m ethods f or determining na tural
frequency of vibratory system; Rayleigh’s method, Free vibrations of
system w ith vi scous d amping, ove r da mped, c ritically and unde r
damped systems, logarithmic decrement; Forced vibrations of systems
with viscous damping, equivalent viscous damping; Impressed forces
due t o unba lanced m asses a nd e xcitation of s upports, vi bration
isolation, transmissibility, w hirling of s haft; Introduction to multi
degree o f freedom s ystem vi brations: D iscrete a nd c ontinuous
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Vicker, J .J., S higley, J .E., a nd P ennock, G .R., “ Theory o f M achines 2003
and Mechanisms”, 3rd Ed., Oxford University Press
2. Rao, J. S. “Theory of Machines”, New Age pub 2007

3. Norton, R.L., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery”, Mc Graw 2009

4. Grover, G.K., “Mechanical Vibrations”, 7th Ed., Nem Chand & Bros. 2003
5. Thomson, W.T., “ Theory of V ibration w ith Applications”, 3 rd Ed., 2003
CBS Publishers and Distributors
6. Vinogradov, O ., “ Fundamentals of K inematics a nd D ynamics of 2000
Machines and Mechanisms”, CRC Press

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-211 Course Title: Theory of Machines

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the basic concepts of kinematics and dynamics of machines.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Objectives of ki nematic ana lysis of m echanism, Plane 4
motion, ki nematic c oncept of l inks, ki nematic c hains, ba sic
terminology and d efinitions, i nversions of m echanisms along w ith
their applications.
2. Motion and Force Analysis: Absolute a nd relative mot ions, 15
kinematic a nd d ynamic qua ntities a nd t heir relationships, ve ctor
diagrams; Instantaneous cent er of m otion, velocity and acceleration
polygons, concept of Coriolis component of acceleration; concepts of
free bod y a nd i ts e quilibrium, review of ba sic pr inciples of s tatics,
static f orce ana lysis, friction effects, dynamic f orce ana lysis,
equivalent dynamical systems.
3. Power Transmission using Gears and Belts: Classification and 10
basic terminology, Fundamental law of gearing, involute tooth profile
and its kinematic considerations, spur gears, standards in tooth forms;
Gear tr ains: S imple, compound and epicyclic gear tr ains; K inematic
design o f pul leys, flat a nd V-belts, transmission, efficiency of po wer
4. Clutches and Brakes: F riction be tween pi vot a nd c ollars, pl ate a nd 4
cone clutches, analysis of band and block brakes.
5. Balancing: Balancing of rotating masses in one and different parallel 4
6. Mechanical Vibrations: Basic terminology related to vibrations, free 5
and forced vibrations without and with damping
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

Martin, G.H., "Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines", 2nd Ed.,
1 McGraw-Hill 1982
Norton, R.L., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery”, Mc Graw 2009
2 Hill
Massie, H.H., and Reinholtz, C.F., "Mechanisms and Dynamics of
3 Machinery, 4th Ed., John Wiley & Sons 1987
Vicker, J.J., Shigley, J.E., and Pennock, G.R., :Theory of Machines
4 and Mechanisms:, 3rd Ed., Oxford University Press 2003
Hannah, J., and Stephens,R.C.,"Mechanics of Machines : Elementary
5 Theory and Examples",4th Ed., Viva Books 2004
6. Vinogradov, O ., “Fundamentals of K inematics and Dynamics of 2000
Machines and Mechanisms”, CRC Press

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-212 Course Title: Machine Design

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 4 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: MIN-108; CEN-102; MI-211

9. Objective: The s tudent i s e xposed t o ba sic pr inciples of m echanical de sign a nd their

applications to the c ommon mechanical e lements along w ith f undamental
concepts of Machine drawing practice.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

Machine Design
1. General: Introduction t o de sign pr ocedure, design r equirements, 16
review of force analysis concepts. Factor of safety concepts, concept
and mitigation of stress concentration, motor selection.
2. Dynamic Loading: Cyclic l oading, endurance l imit, fatigue f ailure 6
3. Component Design: Rivets, w elds a nd threaded f asteners, knuckle 20
and cotter j oints, design and force analysis of s pur gears, design of
shafts and shaft couplings.
Total 42
Machine Drawing Practice 2 x 21
Detachable Fasteners: Specifications of screw threads and threaded
fasteners, foundation bolts.
Permanent fastenings: Rivets a nd r iveted J oints, types of w elds
and welded joints, and representation of welds on drawings.
Assembly Drawings: Review of sheet preparation: Boundary lines,
zones, t itle bl ock. R evision pa nel; P arts List, N umbering o f
components a nd a ssociated de tail dr awings. Assembly dr awing

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Shingley, J .E., M ischke, C .R., “ Mechanical E ngineering Design (in 2006
S.I. Units)”, 6th Ed., Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Juvinall, R.C., M arshek, K .M., “ Fundamentals of M achine 2006
Component Design”, 4th Ed., John Wiley
3. Mahadevan, K ., and B ., Reddy, “Design Data H and Book”, CBS 2003
4. Sidheswar, N., “Machine Drawing”, McGraw-Hill 2004
5. Giesecke, F.E., M itchell, A ., S pencer, H .C., H ill, I.L., Dygdon, J .T., 2008
Novak, J .E., a nd Lockhart, S .D., “ Technical D rawing”, 13th Ed.,
Prentice Hall

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MI-354 Course Title: Automatic Controls

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce the basic principles of control theory and its applications along with
the methods of stability analysis and synthesis of industrial control systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Particulars Contact Hours

1. Introduction: I ntroduction t o a utomatic c ontrol systems, ope n l oop
and c losed loop systems, servomechanism, de sign pr inciples of
control systems.
2. Mathematical Model of Physical System: Transfer f unctions,
linearization of non-linear functions, linearization of operating curve,
block diagrams and block diagram algebra, modeling in frequency and
time dom ain, translation a nd r otational m echanical c omponents,
electrical c omponents, s eries a nd pa rallel c ombinations, c ompactors
for r otational a nd l inear m otions, i ntegrating de vices, h ydraulic
servomotor, temperature and speed control systems.
3. Transient Response Analysis: First a nd s econd or der s ystems
response t o s tep, pul se, r amp a nd s inusoidal i nputs, hi gher or der
systems, Routh's Criteria.
4. Error Analysis and Introduction to system Optimization: Steady
state er rors, Static er ror coefficient, dynamic er ror coe fficients, error
criteria, introduction to system optimization.
5. Control Action: Proportional c ontrol, i ntegral c ontrol, de rivative 8
control, c ombination of c ontrol a ctions a nd t heir e ffect on s ystem
performance, t wo pos ition c ontrol, i ndustrial c ontrol s ystems us ing
various control actions.
6. Control System Analysis: S tability of control s ystems, root l ocus
techniques, root l ocus plots of s imple t ransfer f unctions, s tability
analysis and t ransient r esponse f rom r oot l ocus; f requency response
analysis, logarithmic pl ots, stability a nd r elative stability analysis on
Bode plots, experimental determination of transfer function.
7. Design and Compensation techniques: Introduction of pr eliminary
design consideration, l ead a nd l ag compensation, c ompensation, l ag- 4
lead c ompensation, s ummary o f c ontrol s ystem c ompensation
methods, practical examples.
8. Control System Analysis Using State Variable Method: S tate
variable representation, conversion of state variable model to transfer
function, conversion of transfer function to canonical state of variable 4
models, s olution t o s tate equations, c oncept of c ontrollability a nd
observability, signal f low g raph, equivalence be tween transfer
function and state variable representations.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Katsuhiko, O., “Modern Control Engineering”, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall 1996
2. Raven, F.H., “Automatic control Theory”, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill 1995
3. Kuo, B .C., “ Automatic C ontrol S ystem”, 5th Ed., Prentice H all of 1995
4 Nise, N.S., "Control Systems Engineering” 5th Ed., Willey 2008

5. Chen, C .T., “ Linear S ystem T heory & Design”, 3 rd Ed., Oxford 1999
University Press
6. Gopal, M ., “ Control S ystem: P rinciples a nd Design”, 2 nd Ed., Tata 1997
McGraw Hill

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-322 Course Title: Principles of Lubrication Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To de velop t he understanding of t ribological phe nomena and fluid-film


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Brief history of tribology, Tribological Considerations
in t he de sign of m achine e lements, role o f wear, f riction and
lubrication, geometrical pr operties of s urfaces, m ethod of s tudying
surface; C ontact o f s mooth surfaces, contact o f rough s urfaces; R ole
of friction, laws of static friction, cause of friction; Bowen & Tabor’s 10
theory of fri ction, l aws of r olling f riction, f riction of m etal a nd
nonmetals, friction measurement; Wear definition, types of wear, wear
mechanism, a br ief i ntroduction of w ear t est e quipments, w ear i n
2. Industrial Lubricants and their Additives: Functions of lubricants;
Types of lubricants and their industrial uses; Solid lubricants and their
functions, l iquid m ineral l ubricants, s ynthetic l iquid lubricants,
greases, properties o f l iquid and grease l ubricants; V iscosity,
Newtonian a nd non -Newtonian l ubricants, Electrorheological,
Magnetorheological a nd m icropolar l ubricants, temperature and
pressure d ependence of vi scosity, ot her p roperties of l ubricants;
Lubricant additives, general properties and selection for machines and
processes; Oil reclamation and preventive maintenance for lubricants.
3. Fluid-Film Lubrication: Equations of c ontinuity and m otion;
Generalized R eynold e quation w ith i ncompressible a nd c ompressible
lubricants; l ubrication r egimes, S tribeck c urve; Hydrodynamic
lubrication; T ower's e xperiment, f inite j ournal b earings, s olution of
finite be aring us ing Galerkin m ethod, f inite di fference a nd FEM,
significance of flow restrictors in compensated bearings.
4. Bearing Design and selection of Bearings: Comparative
performance of va rious modes of l ubrication, a nd be aring s election;
Design of s lider bearings and hydrostatic journal bearing, fixed type
hydrodynamic a nd h ydrostatic j ournal be arings, materials f or sliding
bearings; Bearing types, selection of rolling elements bearing, bearing
life, dynamic load rating, bearing selection.
Some case studies related to tribological failures in machines 4
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1 Balling, J., "Introduction to Tribology", Wykeham 1976
Rowe, W .B., " Hydrostatic a nd Hybrid B earing D esign", 2nd E d.,
2 Butterworth-Heinemann. 1983
Khonsari, M .M., a nd Booser, E.R., " Applied T ribology: Bearing
3 Design and Lubrication", 2nd Ed., John Wiley and Sons 2001
Gross, W., Matsch, L., Castelli, V., Eshel, A., Vohr, J., and Wildman,
4 M., "Fluid Film Lubrication", John Wiley and Sons 1980
Hamrock, B.J., J acobson, B .O., a nd s teven, R .S., " Fundamentals of
5 Fluid Film Lubrication", 2nd Ed., Marcel Dekker 2004
Mang, T ., and D resel, W ., " L ubricants a nd L ubrication", 2nd Ed.,
6 John Wiley and Sons 2007
Cameron A ., “ The P rinciples of L ubrication”, Longmans G reen a nd 1966
7 Co. Ltd., London,

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-411 Course Title: Maintenance Techniques for Rotating

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: Provide a comprehensive understanding of the various types of rotating equipment

and f ocus on m aximizing t he e fficiency, r eliability, a nd l ongevity of r otating e quipment b y
providing an understanding of the characteristics, selection criteria, common problems and repair
techniques, preventive and predictive maintenance.

10. Details of Course

S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction to t heory a nd pr actice of m aintenance, ope rating pol icy a nd effective 8
maintenance, ope rating pr actices t o r educe m aintenance w ork, r eports f rom
maintenance, op erating c haracteristics of r otating e quipments a nd t he d iagnostic
techniques and inspections required for critical components of rotating equipment
2. Maintenance policies and strategies: Breakdown, preventive, predictive and proactive 6
maintenance, components of effective preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance,
economics of preventive maintenance
3. Maintenance of rotating equipment: Bearings - Plain bearings, rolling e lement 14
bearings, gear dr ives an d spe ed reducers, rotating sha fts an d flywheel, pu mps –
centrifugal and positive displacement, turbines – steam and gas
4. Advanced Maintenance: Condition monitoring a nd its types, t echniques of c ondition 10
monitoring – analysis of vibrations, temperature and lubricating oil
5. Testability and prognostics, Case studies. 4
Total 42
11. Suggested Books

S. Name of Authors/ Books Year of

No. Publication
1. Lindley R . H iggins, R . K eith M obley, M aintenance E ngineering H andbook, 2008
McGraw Hill, 7th Edition
2. Lorenzo F edele, Methodologies a nd Techniques f or Advanced M aintenance, 2011
3. Philip K iameh, P ower P lant E quipment Operation a nd M aintenance G uide, 2012
McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition
4. Collacott, R .A., “ Mechanical F ault D iagnosis and Condition Monitoring”, 1977
Chapman & Hall
5. Davies, “Handbook of Condition Monitoring- Techniques and Methodology”, 2006

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-412 Course Title: Vehicle Dynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To provide fundamental engineering principles underlying the control, stability,

handling and cornering behavior of road vehicles.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics: V arious ki nds of ve hicles; 4
motions; mathematical modelling methods; methods of investigations.
2. Mechanics of Pneumatic Tyre: T yre c onstruction; ph ysics of t yre 10
traction on d ry and w et s urfaces; t yre forces and moments; S AE
recommended practice; rolling r esistance of t yres; r ide pr operties of
3. Performance Characteristics: E quation of m otion a nd m aximum 8
tractive effort; aerodynamic forces and moments; vehicle transmission
characteristics; prediction of ve hicle pe rformance; br aking
performance; antilock braking systems.
4. Handling and Stability Characteristics: S teering geometry; s teady 8
state ha ndling c haracteristics; s teady s tate r esponse to steering input ;
transient response characteristics; directional stability.

5. Vehicle Ride Characteristics: Human response to vibration; vehicle 7

ride m odels; r oad s urface p rofile as a r andom f unction; f requency
response function; e valuation of v ehicle v ertical vibration i n r elation
to ride comfort criterion.
6. Experimental Testing: Instruments f or ve hicle m easurements; 5
recording a nd e valuation m ethods; t est m ethods a nd m easurement
procedures for vehicle dynamics; interpretation of test results.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Wong, J.Y., “Theory of Ground Vehicles”, John Wiley. 2008
2. Gillespie, T.D., “Fundamental of Vehicle Dynamics”, S.A.E. 1992

3. Rao V. Dukkipati, “Road Vehicle Dynamics”, SAE International 2008

4. Hans True, “The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and on Tracks”, 1st 2003
Ed., Taylor and Francis,

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-323 Course Title: Design of Pressure Vessels and Piping

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: CEN-102

9. Objective: The course introduces design aspects for pressure vessels and pipings.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Industrial pressure vessels and piping systems. Type of 4
failures of pressure vessels and piping systems. Safety of an Industrial
2. Design Aspects of Pressure Vessel and Piping: General t heory of 12
membrane st resses, stresses i n cylinders a nd s pheres s ubjected t o
internal and external pressure.
Dilation of pr essure ve ssels, a uto-frettage a nd s hrink f it s tresses,
mono-block a nd w ire-wound c ylinders, thermal s tresses a nd their
significance. D esign o f bottoms a nd r oofs a nd cylindrical ve ssels,
discontinuity stresses in vessels, deformation and stresses in flanges.
3. Fracture Mechanics Concepts and Design Application. 4
4. Construction Features of Pressure Vessels: Construction f eatures 6
of pressure vessels, localized stresses and their significance, welded
joints, bolted joints, theory of reinforced openings.
5. Relevant National and International Design Codes and Their 2
6. Importance of Stress and Flexibility Analysis of Piping System: 8
Analysis of st resses d ue t o static and dynamic loa ds, thermal
stresses; Flexibility analysis for single and multi-plane configuration,
Expansion joints and anchorages.
7. Design Features of Piping System: Pipe fittings, elbows and flange 4
design, w all t hickness de termination, branched c onnections. P iping
network analysis.
8. Selection of Pipe Materials and Economical Considerations in 2
Piping Design.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Harvey, “Pressure Vessel Design”, Van Nostrand 1963
2. Gascoyne, “Analysis of Pipe Structures for Flexibility”, Pitman 1959
3. Barsom, J .M., R olfe, S .T., “ Fracture and Fatigue C ontrol i n 1999
Structures”, 3rd Ed., Butterworth Hcinemann
4. Joshi, M.V., “Process Equipment Design”, Macmillan India Ltd. 1985
5. Smith, P . “ The F undamentals of P iping D esign ( Process P iping 2007
Design) (v. 1) , Gulf Publishing Company.
6. Smith, P . & Botermans, R ., “ Advanced P iping D esign”, G ulf 2008
Publishing Company.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-415 Course Title: Piping Technology

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25

1 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7.Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: CEN-102

9. Objective: The course deals with the various aspects concerning the piping technology.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Design/Analysis of Piping System: Industrial, sub-sea & 18
underground pi ping s ystems. D esign and s tress analysis of pi ping
system. Pipe f ittings, e lbows and f lange de sign, stresses i n elbows
and flanges. Failure t heories, N ational a nd International c odes.
Branched connections. P iping ne twork a nalysis. Design calculation
of w all t hickness a nd w orking pr essure. U se of FEM a nd s oftware
tools. Pipeline s izing, Design c riterion; le ast annual c ost criterion,
velocity criterion, Pressure drop criterion,

2. Vibration Problem in Piping System; Experimental Tests on 8

Piping System/Components: Vibration a nalysis of pi ping s ystem,
Determination of n atural f requency, d amping a nd m ode s hape.
Design of e xperiments f or pi ping s ystem. E stimation of l eakage of
piping connections/joints.
3. Pipeline Machinery, Operation & Control: Description of various 6
components, m ethods f or c ontrol s trategies. Field m etering and
regulating f acilities, pr essure s urges, A nti-surge c ontrol, C oriolis
mass f low m easuring t echniques, P igging, e xamples of pi gging
operation. Linear a nd n onlinear pi pelines. P ipeline i nstallation a nd
maintenance equipments. Structural supports of piping system.
4. Joining Techniques and Quality Control of Pipelines: Welding 4
techniques/processes, welding pr ocedures a nd e quipments, Various
techniques f or i nspection a nd t esting, weld d efects, U nderwater
welding i n O ffshore constructions, G MA w elding, S MA welding,
Shrouded m etal a rc w elding, D ry und er w ater welding, V isual a nd
NDT t echniques f or i nspection a nd t ools f or quality c ontrol o f
pipelines. Maintenance techniques. Cleaning of pipe internal surface.
5. Prevention of Corrosion in Pipelines: Corrosion pr ocess, V arious 4
types of c orrosion i n pi pelines, T echniques f or t he pr evention of
corrosion, Anti-corrosive protective coatings, Cathodic protection of
pipelines, Internal i nspection a nd C orrosion m onitoring.
Recommended piping materials.
6. Well Head Installation & Water Injection: Introduction, 4
definition, water i njections, water s ources, treatment f or s ea w ater
injection, e quipments, m aterial f or c onstructions, design
specifications, s ources of i njected w ater, f ilters, de -oxygenation,
Water injection pumps.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Harvey,“Pressure Vessel Design”, Van Nostrand 1963
2. Gascoyne,“Analysis of Pipe Structures for Flexibility”, Pitman 1959
3. Joshi, M.V.,“Process Equipment Design”, Macmillan India Ltd. 2009
4. Sahu, G .K., “ Handbook of P iping D esign”, N ew A ge International 2008
5. Bausbacher, E. &Hunt, R.“Process Plant Layout and Piping Design”, 1993
Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131386298.
6. Smith, P . & Botermans, R ., “ Advanced P iping D esign”, G ulf 2008
Publishing Company.
7. Smith, P . “ The F undamentals of P iping D esign ( Process Piping 2007
Design), Gulf Publishing Company.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-320 Course Title: Automobile Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce f unctional de tails a nd r equirements of va rious c omponents in


10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Power Unit: Engine c lassification, engine pe rformance 8
characteristics, description of power unit, fuel supply system, hybrid
vehicles, engine lubrication.
2. Transmission: Transmission r equirement, standard t ransmission 7
system, fluid transmission system, automatic tr ansmission,
performance requirements and gear ratios, tractive resistance.
3. Steering: Different t ypes of s teering s ystems, performance 4
requirements, power steering.
4. Vehicle Dynamics: Stability analysis of vehicle, stability on c urved 3
5. Braking Systems: General br aking requirements, weight tr ansfer 4
during braking, mechanical brakes, hydraulic brakes, vacuum brakes,
power brakes.
6. Chassis and Suspension: Loads on the frame, general consideration 4
of s trength a nd s tiffness, engine m ounting, various s uspension
systems including active suspension, shock absorbers.
7. Pneumatic Tyres: Tyre-pavement interaction f orces and m oments, 2
SAE terminology, tyre wear.
8. Electrical System: Ignition s ystem, c onventional a nd electronic, 4
lighting, auxiliary electrical equipment, wiring diagrams.
9. Maintenance: Preventive m aintenance, trouble s hooting, tuning a nd 3
adjustment of power unit.
10. Air Pollution: Pollution due to vehicle e mission, exhaust e mission 3
control systems, effect of design and operating conditions.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Authors /Books Year of

1. Crouse, W .A., a nd A nglin, D .L., “ Automotive M echanics”,10th Ed., 2007
2. Stockel, M .W., a nd Stockel, M .T., “Auto Mechanics F undamentals”, 1982
5th Ed., The Good Heart – Willcon Company
3. John B . H eywood, Internal c ombustion e ngine f undamentals, 1988
4. Heitner, J., “Automotive Mechanics”, 2nd Ed., East-West Press 1999
5. Heisler, H., “A dvanced Vehicle T echnology”, 2 nd Ed., B utterworth- 2002
6. Limpert, R., “Brake Design and Safety”, 2nd Ed., SAE International 1999
7. Reimpell, J., Stoll, H., and Betzler, J.W., “The Automotive Chassis”, 2001
2nd Ed., SAE International

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-410 Course Title: Product and Process Optimization

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: This c ourse will introduce to t he s tudents, the basic conc epts, techniques a nd
applications of engineering optimization in a comprehensive manner.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact

1. Introduction to Design Optimization: The design process; b asic 2
terminology and notations.
2. Optimum Design Problem Formulation: The pr oblem f ormulation 3
process; and illustration with examples.
3. Graphical Optimization: Graphical solution process; problems with – 3
bounded (single or multiple) and unbounded solutions.
4. Optimum Design Concepts: Local and global opt ima; ne cessary and 6
sufficient opt imality c onditions f or unc onstrained a nd constrained
multivariate functions.
5. Linear Programming Methods for Optimum Design: Basic 4
concepts; simplex method; two-phase simplex method; post-optimality
6. Numerical methods for Unconstrained and Constrained Optimum 6
Design: Gradient-based and direct s earch m ethods; Sequential l inear
and quadratic programming.
7. Multi-objective Optimization: Fundamental shift from single-objective 4
optimization; Pareto-set and Pareto-optimal Front.
8. Evolutionary Techniques for Optimization: Genetic a lgorithms; 6
Differential Evolution Algorithms; Ant colony Optimization; and Particle
Swarm Optimization.
9. Advanced topics on Optimum Design: Meta m odels f or de sign 4
optimization; de sign of e xperiments; di screte de sign with orthogonal
arrays; robust design approach; reliability-based design optimization.
10. Practical applications of optimization: Illustration on engineering 4
problems with single and multiple objectives.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of
1. S. S. Rao; Engineering Optimization; 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2009
2. K. Deb; Optimization for Engineering Design; Prentice Hall of India. 2005
3. K. Deb; Multi-objective Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms; 2003
John Wiley & Sons.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-324 Course Title: FEM Applications in Mechanical Engineering

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: CEN-102, MIN- 205

9. Objective: This course expounds on the basic principles of the finite element method and its
application to solve a few representative mechanical engineering problems related
to solid mechanics, heat-transfer, and fluid mechanics.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Underlying pr inciples o f the f inite e lement a nalysis; 02
application examples and versatility; basic steps in FEA.
2. Mathematical Preliminaries: Principle of virtual work; Ritz method; 07
weighted residual; collocation and Galerkin methods; classification of
partial di fferential equations a nd t he c orresponding m echanical
engineering a pplications; Poisson’s, L aplace’s, di ffusion a nd w ave
equation; review of governing equations in solid and fluid mechanics.
3. One Dimensional Problems: discretization, c oncept o f s hape 08
functions, natural coordinates; element equations; assembly; boundary
conditions; s olution of assembled m atrix e quations; a pplications to
solid mechanics, heat and fluid mechanics problems.
4. Trusses: P lane tr uss, local a nd global c oordinate s ystems; s tress 04
calculations; te mperature e ffect on truss me mbers; s olution of
practical problems.
5. Beams: Euler-Bernoulli beam element 04
6. Two Dimensional Problems: Plane s tress and plane s train 08
formulation; tr iangular a nd rectangular e lements; is operimetric
formulation; a xisymmetric pr oblems; computer impl ementation;
steady-state heat conduction
7. Finite Element Analysis of Time-dependent Problems: 05
Discretization of e quation of mot ion; ma ss a nd stiffness ma trices;
eigenvalue p roblem; m ode-shapes and natural f requencies; t ime-
integration methods.
8. Computer Implementation of Finite Element Analyses: 04
Introduction to commercial p ackages a nd the ir c apabilities;
demonstration of the modeling and solution process for representative
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Cook, R .D., Malkus, D.S., a nd P lesha, M .E., “ Concepts and 1989
Applications of F inite E lement A nalysis”, 3nd Ed., J ohn W iley &
2. Bathe, K.J., “Finite Element Procedures”, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall. 1996
3. Seshu, P ., “ Textbook of F inite E lement A nalysis”, 1 st Ed., P rentice 2003
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Reddy, J .N., “ An Introduction t o t he F inite E lement A nalysis”, 3 rd 2005
Ed., McGraw-Hill Education (ISE Editions).
5. Zienkiewicz, O.C., and Taylor, R.L., “The Finite Element Method for 2006
Solid and Structural Mechanics”, 6th Ed., Elsevier Ltd.
6. Logan, D.L., “A First Course in the Finite Element Method”, 4 th Ed., 2007
Thomson Canada Ltd.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-413 Course Title: MEMS

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: CEN-102

9. Objective: This course introduces the science of MicroElectroMechanical Systems, actuation

and s ensing m echanisms a t t he microscale, and conveys i deas r elated t o the
mechanical analysis of MEMS and basics of the microfabrication techniques.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours
1. Introduction: Introduction t o M EMS; hi storical pe rspective; 02
application examples; course motivation.
2. Preliminaries of Continuum Mechanics: Continuum h ypothesis; 07
governing e quations of elasticity; the rmo-elasticity; r eview o f f luid
dynamics pr inciples; Navier-Stokes equation; E uler e quation;
fundamentals of e lectromagnetism; M axwell’s e quations;
electrostatics; ma gnetostatics; d imensional ana lysis and scaling l aws
of forces at the microscale; different actuation and sensing techniques
used at the microscale.
3. MEMS Sensors and Actuators: Pressure s ensors; accel erometers; 10
gyroscopes; R F M EMS devices; M EMS r esonators; s witches; di gital
micro mirror d evices: pr inciple of op eration and mathematical
4. Mechanical Analysis of Electrostatically Actuated MEMS 15
Devices: Static ana lysis; s pring constant f or beams; el ectrostatic
actuation; pa rallel-plates mode l; tor sional pl ate actuator; c omb dr ive
actuator; shape of a deformed be am under electrostatic a ctuation;
moderately l arge de flection analysis of fixed-fixed beams; d ynamic
analysis; mechanisms of e nergy di ssipation; a ir da mping
fundamentals; s queeze film da mping; R eynold’s e quation; dynamics
response of beam-type actuators under electrostatic loading.
5. Introduction to Microfabrication Techniques: Basic pr ocess t ools; 08
oxidation; sputter deposition; chemical-vapor deposition; lithography;
etching; adva nced process t ools: a nodic bondi ng; s ilicon di rect
bonding; SU-8 phot osensitive e poxy; N onlithographic f abrication
processes: laser machining, electrodischarge machining.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Pelesko, J.A., and Bernstein D.H., “Modeling MEMS and NEMS”, 1st 2002
Ed., Chapman and Hall CRC
2. Beeby, S ., E nsell, G ., K raft, M ., a nd W hite N., “ MEMS Mechanical 2004
Sensors”, 1st Ed., Artech House, Inc.
3. Bao, M., “Analysis and Design Principles of MEMS Devices”, 1st Ed., 2005
Elsevier B.V.
4. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak ( Editor), “ The M EMS Handbook”, 2 nd Ed., 2006
Taylor and Francis.
5. Adams, T .M., a nd Layton, R .A., “ Introductory MEMS: F abrication 2010
and Applications”, Springer New York.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-417 Course Title: Energy and Variational Principles in

Engineering Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: MAN-001, PHN-001, CEN-102

9. Objective: This c ourse i ntroduces t he e lements o f energy methods a nd va riational calculus

together with their application to solve mechanical engineering problems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Motivation and Mathematical Preliminaries: Role of e nergy 08
methods; historical perspective; review of vectors and vector calculus;
basic e quations i n s olid m echanics; i ndex not ation; c onservation of
linear a nd angular momentum; s tress tensor; ki nematics of
deformation; strain tensor; constitutive laws.
2. Introduction to the Calculus of Variations: The va riational 07
operator; concept of a functional; extremum principles; functionals of
one independent variable; functionals of two independent variables.
3. Basic Notions of Energy Methods: Virtual work; tot al pot ential 06
energy a nd complementary pot ential e nergy; s tability c riteria;
Castigliano’s Theorem I; Castigliano’s Theorem II; Betti and Maxwell
reciprocity theorems.
4. Energy Methods for the Static Analysis of Deformable Solids: 11
Analysis of de formable m embers s uch a s l ongitudinal ba rs, E uler-
Bernoulli be ams, m embranes a nd pl ates unde r s tatic l oading
conditions us ing va riational pr inciples; s eparation of na tural and
essential boundary conditions; introduction to Ritz, weighted residual,
and Galerkin methods; Introduction to the finite element method.

5. Energy Methods in Structural Dynamics: Hamiltonian and 10

Lagrangian dynamics; pr inciple of le ast a ction; E uler-Lagrange
equation; c onservative and non -conservative s ystems; d ynamics o f
non-deformable bodi es; s tability criterion; d ynamics of de formable
bodies: l ongitudinal vi bration of r od, t ransverse vibration of s trings
and Euler-Bernoulli beams.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Langhaar, H .L., “ Energy M ethods i n A pplied Mechanics”, 1 st Ed., 1962
John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
2. Shames, I.H., and Dym, C.L., “Energy and Finite Element Methods in 1991
Structural Mechanics”, 1th Ed., New Age International Publishers
3. Reddy, J .N., “ Energy P rinciples a nd V ariational M ethods i n A pplied 2002
Mechanics”, 1st Ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
4. Berdichevsky, V.L., “Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics- 2009
I: Fundamentals”, 1st Ed., Springer
5. Berdichevsky, V.L., “Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics- 2009
II: Applications”, 1st Ed., Springer

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-321 Course Title: Vibrations and Noise

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce t he ba sic c oncept of t heory of vibrations and noise c ontrol i n

mechanical systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Introduction: Simple H armonic m otion, F ourier a nalysis, 2
Conservative systems.
2. Systems Having Single Degree of Freedom: Free vi brations of 12
systems w ithout damping, equilibrium a nd e nergy m ethods f or
determining na tural f requency; R ayleigh’s method; Equivalent
systems, s ystems w ith c ompound s prings, shaft of di fferent
diameters; Free vi brations of s ystem w ith vi scous da mping, over
damped, c ritically a nd unde r da mped systems, logarithmic
decrement; Coulomb a nd s tructural da mping; Forced vi brations of
systems w ith vi scous da mping, equivalent vi scous da mping, power
consumption i n vi brating s ystem, impressed f orces due t o
unbalanced m asses and e xcitation of s upports, vibration isolation,
transmissibility, commercial is olators; Vibration isolation us ing E R
3. Vibration Measuring Instruments: Principle of f requency, 2
displacement, velocity and acceleration measuring i nstruments,
distortion effect.
4. Systems with two Degrees of Freedom: Free undamped vibrations, 4
static a nd d ynamic coupling, principal m odes of vi bration,
undamped d ynamic vi bration a bsorber, centrifugal pe ndulum
5. Multi-Degree of Freedom Systems: Influence c oefficients, eigen 4
values and eigen vectors, matrix iteration; Dunkerley and Rayleigh’s
6. Whirling of Shafts: Whirling of li ght f lexible ve rtical/horizontal 2
shaft w ith a n unba lanced di sc a t t he c entre of i ts l ength w ith a nd
without damping.
7. Continuous Systems: Vibration of s trings, free lon gitudinal 4
vibrations of pr ismatic ba rs, torsional vi brations of c ircular s hafts,
lateral vibrations of uniform beams.
8. Noise Control in Mechanical System: Review of Fundamentals: 12
Noise a nd vi bration m easurement units, l evels, de cibels, s pectra.
Objective/Subjective n oise m easurement-scales; Addition a nd
subtraction of decibles; Frequency analysis bandwidths; Relationships
for t he m easurement of free field s ound propagation; The di rectional
characteristics of sound sources; Sound power models.
Industrial N oise and V ibration C ontrol: B asic s ources of i ndustrial
noise a nd vi bration, ba sic i ndustrial noi se a nd vi bration c ontrol
methods; The economic factor; Sound transmission from one room to
another a coustic e nclosures, a coustic ba rriers, s ound a bsorbing
materials; Vibration c ontrol pr ocedures; Fault de tection f rom noi se
and vibration signals.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Grover, G. K., “Mechanical Vibrations”, 3rd Ed., Nem Chand 2003
2. Rao, J . S. a nd Gupta, K., “Theory and P ractice of M echanical 1999
Vibration”, 2nd Ed., New Age International Publishers
3. Smith, J ., and Whaley, W ., “Vibration of M echanical and Structural 1994
Systems with Microcomputer Applications”, 2nd Ed., Harper and Row
4. Thomason, W .T., “ Theory of V ibrations w ith Applications”, 5th Ed., 1997
Prentice Hall
5. Timoshenko, “Vibration P roblems i n E ngineering”, 2nd Reprint 2007
Ed.,Wolfenden Press,
6. Norton, M.P., and Karcazub, D.G., “Fundamentals of N oise a nd 2003
Vibration A nalysis f or Engineers”, 2nd Ed., Cambridge U niversity

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-416 Course Title: Nonlinear Dynamics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Both 7. Subject Area: DEC/DHC

8. Pre-requisite: Nil

9. Objective: To introduce t he ba sic c oncept of t heory of vibrations and noi se c ontrol i n

mechanical systems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Concepts in dynamical systems: phase s pace, f ixed poi nts, 4
stability, Poincaré map etc.
2. Basic theorems in system dynamics: P oincaré-Lyapounov, 7
Hartmann-Grobmann, Center Manifold, Review of KAM Theorem
3. Perturbation theory: s ecular t erms, resonance i n perturbation 7
theory, Gronwall lemma, error estimation in approximation methods
4. Applications in ODE's: Duffing oscillator, forced oscillations, limit 7
cycles; Lorentz equations
5. Applications in PDE's: nonl inear di ffusion; a mplitude e quations; 7
nonlinear wave equations - Burgers, KdV & NLS equations and their
wave solutions, solitons, compactons
6. Chaos: The logistic equations and the route to Chaos 4
7. Fractals: Fundamental concepts in Fractals and Chaos 4
8. Nonlinear wave equations 2
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Nayfeh, A., Perturbation Methods, Wiley. 1978
2. Wiggins, S ., Introduction t o A pplied N onlinear D ynamical S ystems 1992
and Chaos, Springer-Verlag, NY, 1992.
3. Lichtenberg, A . J . & L ieberman, M . A ., R egular a nd C haotic 1992
Dynamics, Springer-Verlag, NY.
4. Hao Bai-Lin, Chaos, World Scientific, Singapore. 1984
5. Kahn, P. B. & Zarmi Y., Nonlinear Dynamics – Exploration Through 1998
Normal Forms, Wiley, NY.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN–359 Course Title: Fundamentals of Sound and Vibration

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: GSEC

8. Pre–requisite: Nil

9. Objective of Course: The objective of the course is to teach the fundamentals of sound and
vibration t o t he f uture engineers a nd d evelop ability t o apply t hese pr inciples t o r eal l ife

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Fundamental concepts: Fundamentals of a pplied m echanics, sound 3
and vi bration f ields, longitudinal w aves i n gases a nd l iquids,
diffraction, models in room acoustics, geometrical acoustics, waves in
solid media, frequency a nalysis of s ound, levels and decibel, filters,
band pass, octave and third octave filters, summation of sound fields,
interference a nd f requency components, summary of impor tant
2. Influence of Sound and Vibration: Ear and hearing, ear’s function, 3
measures o f he aring, measures o f noi se, speech and masking,
influence of noise on man, hearing injuries, hearing protection, sound
quality, effects of s hock a nd vi bration, machinery and vehicle
vibration, effects on man, international s tandards, regulations a nd
recommendations on m achine, vehicles, work environment, buildings
and on external noise, summary of important formulas.
3. Signal Analysis and Measurements Techniques: Mathematical 3
fundamentals, fourier m ethods i n s ound a nd vi bration, measurement
systems, summary of important formulas.
4. Wave Equation in Fluids: Wave equation in a source free medium, 4
general and ha rmonic solutions f or f ree one di mensional w ave
propagation, sound intensity, energy and energy density, general and
harmonic s olutions f or f ree s pherical w ave propagation, sound
intensity, summary of important formulas.
5. Fundamentals of Vibrations: Mechanical pow er, linear s ystems of 7
one, t wo a nd m ulti-degree of f reedom s ystems, damping, frequency
response, mechanical-electrical circuits.
6. Reflection, Transmission and Standing Waves: Reflection and 3
transmission of pl ane waves, eigen-frequencies and eigen m odes i n
enclosed spaces (rooms), summary of important formulas.
7. Wave Equation in Solids: Introduction, wave propagation in infinite 4
and semi-infinite media, quasi-longitudinal waves in beams, bending
waves in beams and plates, summary of important formulas.
8. Room Acoustics: Energy m ethods, room a coustics, acoustic 3
absorbers, sound t ransmission t hrough w alls, summary of impor tant
9. Sound Generation Mechanisms: Monopoles, dipoles, quadra 3
poles, influence of bou ndaries, live s ource, sound r adiation f rom
vibrating s tructures, point e xcited plates, flow generated noi se,
summary of important formulas.
10. Vibration Isolation: Types, general com ments, measures and 6
prediction of vibration isolation, prediction models, rigid and flexible
foundations, general expression, case studies.
11. Sound in Ducts: Principals f or s ound r eduction, insertion a nd 3
transmission loss, sound pr opagation i n duc ts, introduction t o
silencers, helmholtz resonator, case studies.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of
1. Abom, M., “Sound and Vibration”, KTH, Stockholm 2006
2. Rao, J .S., and G upta, K ., “Theory and Practice of M echanical 1999
Vibrations”, New Age International ( Pvt ) Ltd
3. Fahy, F.J,. and Walker, J.G., “Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration”, E 1998
and FN, Spon
4. Kinsler, L.E., Frey, A.R., Coppens, A.B., and S anders, J.V., 1982
“Fundamentals of Acoustics”, John Wiley
5 Grover, G.K., “Mechanical Vibrations”, Nem Chand & Bros. 2003
NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-302 Course Title: Machine Design

2. Contact Hours : L: 4 T: 0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.) : Theory 4 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 6 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre–requisite: MIN-206, MIN-301

9. Objectives of Course: The student is exposed to basic principles of mechanical design and
applications of t hese pr inciples t o the com mon mechanical el ements us ed in general
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1. General: 14
Introduction t o de sign pr ocedure; de sign r equirements; r eview of f orce a nalysis
concepts; materials selection for design.
Types of f ailures; theories of f ailures and their applications; f actor of safety concepts,
statistical considerations in design; Motor selection and matching of machinery.
Causes o f st ress co ncentration; st ress conc entration factors; m itigation of st ress
2. Dynamic loading: 05
Cyclic loading, endurance limit, effects of type of loading, size and surface finish; notch
sensitivity; r eliability c onsiderations; G oodman and Soderberg di agrams; c umulative
fatigue damage.
3. Design of Machine Elements: 31
Design of k eys, threaded f asteners an d power screws, belt and chain drives;; coil
springs. Design of welded joints
Design of spur, helical and worm gears; design of shafts; analysis of forces and bearing
reactions; selection of rolling elements bearings. Design of clutches & brakes.

4. Principles of Machinery Construction: 06

Support a nd retainment of r otating a ssemblies, s peed a nd m otion changing de vices,
casting and weldment design, machine frame and housing design,
Design of k eys a nd c ouplings; riveted a nd w elded j oints; de sign of be vel g ears;
corrosion and wear considerations in design
Total 56

Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of
1. Mechanical Engg. Design, Shigley and Mitchke, McGraw Hill 2003
2. Machine Design, Robert L. Norton, Pearson Education Asia 2001
3. Fundamentals of Machine component design, Juvinall and Marshek, John Wiley 2002
4. Design Data Hand book, Mahadevan and Balaveera Reddy, CBS Publishers 2003
5. Machine Design. Paul H. Black & O. E. Adams. McGraw Hill 1981

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-204 Course Title: Machine Drawing

2. Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 4

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 4 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 0 PRS 25 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: MIN-108

9. Objective: This c ourse aims a t ma king the s tudents well ve rsed with the dr awing pr actices
for common machine elements, assembly drawings and blue-print reading.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Detachable Fasteners: Screw t hreads, approximate a nd 4
conventional r epresentations; Specifications; T hreaded fasteners;
Types, f orms, s tandard, a nd s pecifications; D rawing o f t emporary
connections; F oundation bol ts; L ocking D evices; Classification,
principles of ope ration, s tandard t ypes and their pr oportions. S haft
Couplings; Common types, standard proportions for some couplings.
2. Permanent Fastenings: Rivets; Standard f orms a nd pr oportions, 4
Riveted J oints, C ommon t ypes of j oints, t erminology, proportions
and r epresentation; W elds; Types of w elds a nd welded j oints, e dge
preparation, specifications, and representation of welds on drawings.
3. Assembly Drawings: Review of s heet pr eparation, b oundary l ines, 6
zones, t itle bl ock, revision panel, Parts List; Numbering of
components and associated detail dr awings; Assembly dr awings of
various m achine s ub-assemblies and assemblies f rom de tail
drawings, sketched and actual machine components.
4. Components Drawing: Limits, Fits, and Tolerances o f Size and 6
Form; Types and Grade, Use of Tolerance tables and specification of
tolerances, Form and Cumulative T olerances; T olerance
Dimensioning; General T olerances; S urface qua lity s ymbols,
terminology and r epresentation on dr awings, correlation of
tolerances and surface quality with manufacturing techniques.
5 Introduction t o A UTOCAD, us e of A UTOCAD f or a ssembly and 4
component drawings
6 Introduction t o S olid modeling s oftware, us e of s olid m odeling 4
software f or assembly a nd c omponent d rawings, generation of
different views from solid models.
Total 28

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. French, T .E., V ierck, C .J., F oster, R .J., “ Engineering D rawing and 1993
Graphic Technology”, 14th Ed., McGraw Hill Science/Engg./Math,
2. Giesecke, F .E., M itchel, A ., S pencer, H.C., H ill, I.L., D ygdon, J .T., 2008
Novak, J .E., a nd Lockhart, S .D., “ Technical D rawing”, 13 th Ed.,
Prentice Hall
3. Sidheswar, N., “Machine Drawing”, McGraw Hill 2004
4. Goutam Pohit, G outam G hosh, M achine D rawing w ith A utoCAD, 2007
5. SolidWorks 2012: A Tutorial Approach, Prof. Sham Tickoo, 1988
CADCIM Technologies
6 SP 46: 1988 Engineering Drawing Practice for Schools and Colleges, 2012
Bureau of Indian standards

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department

1. Subject Code: MIN-206 Course Title: Mechanics of Materials

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 2/2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 15 PRS 15 MTE 30 ETE 40 PRE 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Spring 7. Subject Area: DCC

8. Pre-requisite: CEN-102

9. Objective: To introduce the methods and tools of mechanics of material for the analysis for
various types of engineering problems.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact Hours

1. Three Dimensional State of Stress and Strain: Stress and strain 6
tensor, stress a nd s train transformations, pr incipal s tress a nd s train,
Octahedral planes and stresses.
2. Elastic Strain Energy and Energy Methods: Elastic strain energy 13
due to normal and shear stress, strain energy of a three dimensional
principal st ress s ystem, dilatational a nd distortional s train energy,
strain energy due to axial, bending and torsional loads; Strain energy
and c omplimentary energy t heorems, C astigliano’s t heorems,
theorem of virtual work, theorem of least work, reciprocal theorems,
application of energy m ethods for determining s lope and de flection
in beams and twists in shafts, unit load method.
3. Theories of Elastic Failure: Modes of f ailure, t he ne cessity and 3
significance o f a f ailure t heory, s tatement of various t heories of
failure a nd t heir application, g raphical r epresentation, c omparison
and limitations of various failure theories, safety factors.
4. Curved Beams: Beams of large initial curvature, location of neutral 4
axis, di stribution of s tresses a cross s ections h aving rectangular,
circular and trapezoidal shapes.
5. Statically Indeterminate Beams: Conditions of s tatical 6
indeterminacy, d egree o f i ndeterminacy, analysis of bui lt-in be ams
using i ntegration, s uperposition a nd a rea-moment m ethods,
application of energy methods.
6. Unsymmetrical Bending: Symmetrical a nd nonsymmetrical be am 5
cross-sections a nd t heir properties, p roduct and second m oment o f
area, principal s econd moments of ar ea, Mohr’s ci rcle of s econd
moments of a rea, be nding of s ymmetrical be am w ith s kew l oad,
bending o f be ams ha ving uns ymmetrical c ross-section, l ocation of
neutral ax is, shear cent er and i ts l ocation determination for thi n-
walled open-sections.
7. Axi-symmetrical Problems: Stresses and di splacements i n thick 5
cylindrical shells subjected to internal and external pressure, press fits
and laminated construction, thick spherical shells. Stresses in rotating
cylinders a nd t hin r otating di sc, di sc ha ving uniform s trength i n
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. No. Name of Books / Authors Year of

1. Boresi, A.P., and Schmidt, R.J., “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”, 2002
6th Ed., John Wiley & Sons
2. Hearn, E.J., “Mechanics of Materials”, 3rd Ed., Pergamon 2003
3. Timoshenko, S.P., and Gere, J.M., “Mechanics of Materials”, 2nd Ed., 2002
CBS Publishers
4. Srinath, L.S., “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”, 3rd Ed., Tata McGraw 2009
5. Ugural, A.C., “ Advanced S trength and A pplied E lasticity”, 5th Ed., 2012
Pearson Education Inc.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Mathematics Department

1. Subject Code: MAN-001 Course Title: Mathematics I

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory 3 Practical 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS 1 25 PRS MTE

00 ETE
25 PRE
50 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: None

9. Objective: To provide essential knowledge of basic tools of Differential Calculus, Integral

Calculus , Vector Calculus and Matrix Algebra for degree students.

10. Details of Course:

S. No. Contents Contact
1. Matrix Algebra: Elementary operations and their use in getting the Rank, Inverse 8
of a matrix and solution of linear simultaneous equations. Orthogonal, Symmetric,
Skew-symmetric, Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian, Normal & Unitary matrices and
their elementary properties. Eigen-values and Eigenvectors of a matrix, Cayley-
Hamilton theorem, Diagonalization of a matrix.
2. Differential Calculus: Limit, Continuity and differentiability of functions of two 12
variables, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous equations, Tangent plane and normal.
Change of variables, chain rule, Jacobians, Taylor’s Theorem for two variables,
Error approximations. Extrema of functions of two or more variables,
Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers
3. Integral Calculus: 12
Review of curve tracing and quadric surfaces, Double and Triple integrals,
Change of order of integration. Change of variables. Gamma and Beta functions.
Dirichlet’s integral. Applications of Multiple integrals such as surface area,
volumes, centre of gravity and moment of inertia..
4. Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, gradient, divergence, curl and their 10
physical meaning. Identities involving gradient, divergence and curl. Line and
surface integrals. Green’s, Gauss and Stroke’s theorem and their applications.
Total 42

11. Suggested Books:

S. Year of
No. Name of Authors/ Books/Publishers Publication/Reprint
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th edition, John 2011
Wiley and Sons, Inc., U.K.
2. R.K. Jain and S.R.K. Iyenger, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2005
2nd Edition, Narosa Publishing House.
3. M.D. Weir, J. Hass, F.R. Giordano, Thomas’ Calculus, 11th Edition, 2008
Pearson Education.

NAME OF DEPTT./CENTRE: Department of Physics

1. Subject Code: PHN-001 Course Title: Mechanics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2

3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0

5. Credits: 4 6. Semester: Autumn 7. Subject Area: BSC

8. Pre-requisite: None

9. Objective: To familiarize students with the basic principles of mechanics

10. Details of Course:

S.No. Contents Contact Hours

Vectorial representation of f orces an d moments- Vector Operation-Concepts of
Particles and R igid b odies – Composition of c oncurrent f orces i n pl ane f ree bod y
Diagram – Equilibrium of R igid b odies i n T wo a nd t hree di mensions-Moment of a
force about a point and about an axis-Couple moment-Reduction of a force system to
a force and a couple
Definition Moment of Inertia for areas-Parallel axis theorem –Perpendicular axis
theorem-Moment of inertia for composite area-product of inertia form an area-
mass moment of inertia
Laws of c oulomb f riction- Coefficient of F riction-Dry F riction-sliding
Friction-Ladder friction-Belt friction – Rolling Resistance.
Principle o f vi rtual work for a pa rticle and rigid body-condition f or
equilibrium f or a c onservative s ystem, stability-particle dyna mics i n
rectangular coordinate, cylindrical c oordinate a nd i n t erms of pa th va riables-
General motion of system of particles-
Work E nergy M ethod-Conservation of E nergy-Impulse a nd M omentum
Relation-Impulsive Force-Impact force-Conservation of momentum – Moment
of Momentum Equation.
Translation and rotation of rigid bodies- Derivative of a vector fixed in moving
reference-General relationship between time derivative of a vector for different
references-Moment of momentum equation-kinetic energy of rigid body-work
and e nergy r elations-Euler’s e quation of motion-Three di mensional m otion
about a fixed point
List of experiments:

1. Study of magnetic field of a pair of coils in Helmholtz arrangement

2. Determination of e/m
3. Determination of first excitation potential of a gas by Frank-Hertz experiment
4. Determination of Stefan’s constant
5. Determination of Planck’s constant by radiation
6. To study and verify Malus’ law
7. Study of Polarization of light using quarter wave plate
8. Determination of Brewster’s angle at glass-air interface
9. Determination of with of a slit by single-slit diffraction pattern
10. Four probe method of finding resistivity of semiconductor
11. Quinck’s Method for determining mass susceptibility
12. Wavelength of Na light by Newton’s ring method

11. Suggested Books:

S.No. Title/Authors/Publishers Year of

1. Shames I .H. a nd Rao G .K., “Engineering M echanics-Statics a nd 2006
Dynamics” ,4 Edition, Pearson Education
2. Beer F.P and Johnson E.R., “Vector Mechanics for Engineers- Statics and 2010
Dynamics”,9 Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
3. Pytel A. and Kiusalaas J., “ Engineering Mechanics: Statics” 3 rd Edition, 2010
Cengage Learing
4. Pytel A. and Kiusalaas J., “ Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics”3rd Edition 2010
Cengage Learing
5. Hibberler R .C a nd G upta A ., E ngineering M echanics,”, 12 th Edition, 2012
Pearson Education
6. Meriam J.L . and Kraige L.G., “ Engineering M echanics: S tatics”, 6th 2012
Edition, John Willey and Son,s
7. Meriam J .L., a nd K raige L .G., “ Engineering M echanics: D ynamics”, 6 th 2012
Edition , John Willey and Son’s

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