Coca-Cola Company vs. Bisleri International Pvt. LTD.: 2.3.14. Famous Case Law
Coca-Cola Company vs. Bisleri International Pvt. LTD.: 2.3.14. Famous Case Law
Coca-Cola Company vs. Bisleri International Pvt. LTD.: 2.3.14. Famous Case Law
publication or by prior use or in any other way. The Design should
be significantly distinguishable from the already registered
Designs existing in the public domain.
2.4.2. Acts and Laws to Govern Industrial Designs
In India, Industrial Designs are governed under ‗The Designs
Act‘, 2000 ( and ‗Design
Rules‘, 2001 (, which
have been amended from time to time in 2008, 2013, 2014 and
2019. The Design should include the following characteristics:
It should be novel and original.
It should be applicable to a functional article.
It should be visible on a finished article.
There should be no prior publication or disclosure of the
A list of Industrial Designs can be accessed from
design-12121488. Some of the famous Industrial Designs are
mentioned below:
Coca-Cola Bottle - The contoured-shaped glass bottle of the Coca-
Cola Company is marvelled as a master showpiece in the field of
industrial design. It was designed in 1915 and is still a cynosure for
all eyes.
Piaggio Vespa - Piaggio is an Italian company famous for
manufacturing Vespa scooters. These scooters are sold worldwide
since 1940s. The structural design of the scooter is pleasing to the
eyes. This two-wheeler has a painted steel body concealing the
engine, driver‘s feet rest comfortably on a flat floorboard, the front
vertical portion comprising of a handle, breaks and speedometer has
ample space for hands‘ grip and also provides protection from
incoming wind air.
iPhone - It is a highly popular mobile phone manufactured by
American company ‗Apple Inc‘. The sleek, handy and rectangular
body is pleasing to the eyes. The corners are round and smooth. The
features, such as on/off and speech volume, are easy to operate.
Mini Cooper - Mini Cooper is an automobile car manufactured by
the British Motor Corporation in the later part of the 20th century. It
is a small size car. Its shape has been designed in a unique manner
so as to provide plenty of space (nearly 80%) for passenger seating
and luggage storage.
Rocking Wheel Chair - It is a sleek, circular-shaped chair which
provides smooth rocking motion. There is a provision for a
headlight in the upper part of the chair.
Juicy Salif - It is a citrus juice squeezer and considered an iconic
structural design. The alumina-based body has been moulded in the
shape of a fish called as a squid.
2.4.3. Design Rights
The Design registration also confers a monopolistic right to the
Proprietor by which he can legally exclude others from reproducing,
manufacturing, selling, or dealing in the said registered Design
without his prior consent. The Design registration is particularly
useful for entities where the shape of the product has aesthetic value
and the entity wishes to have exclusivity over the said novel and
original Design applied to its product(s) or article(s).
2.4.4. Enforcement of Design Rights
Once the applicant has been conferred with the rights over a
specific Design, he has the right to sue the person (natural/entity) if
the pirated products of his registered design are being used. He can
file the infringement case in the court (not lower than District Court)
in order to stop such exploitation and for claiming any damage to
which the registered proprietor is legally entitled. The court will
ensure first that the Design of the said product is registered under
the Designs Act, 2000. If the Design is found not registered under
the Act, there will not be legal action against the infringer. If the
infringer is found guilty of piracy or infringement, the court can ask
him to pay the damage (₹ 50,000/-) in respect of infringement of
one registered Design.
2.4.5. Non-Protectable Industrial Designs in India
Any Industrial Design which is against public moral values.
Industrial Designs including flags, emblems or signs of any
Industrial Designs of integrated circuits.
Any Design describing the ‗process of making of an article‘.
Industrial Designs of – books, calendars, certificates, forms and
other documents, dressmaking patterns, greeting cards, leaflets,
maps and plan cards, postcards, stamps, medals.
The artistic work defined under Section 2(c) of the Copyright
Act, 1957 is not a subject matter for registration for Industrial
Designs, such as:
o Paintings, sculptures, drawings including a diagram, map,
chart or plan.
o Photographs and work of architecture.
o Any other work related to artistic craftsmanship.
Industrial Designs does not include any Trademark (The
Designs Act, 2000).
2.4.6. Protection Term
The outer ‗Shape or Design‘ of a product makes it more
appealing and acts as the value-adding factor to the product.
Therefore, there is a need to protect one‘s creation from being used
by third parties‘ without consent from the original creator. The
registered Designs are protected for 10 years in India and can be
extended by 5 years after making a renewal application.
2.4.7. Procedure for Registration of Industrial Designs Prior Art Search - Before filing an application for
registration of Industrial Designs, it is prudent to ensure that the
same or similar Design has not been registered earlier. This search
can be carried out using various search engines, such as:
Design Search Utility (CGPDTM)
Global Design Database (WIPO)
Hague Express Database (WIPO)
Design View (EUIPO) (
83 Application for Registration - Once the applicant is
satisfied that his Design is novel and significantly distinguishable
from other Designs, he can proceed with filing an application for
Design registration. The application for registration of Design can
be filed by an individual, small entity, institution, organization and
industry. The application may be filed through a professional patent
agent or legal practitioner. If the applicant is not a resident of India,
an agent residing in India has to be employed for this purpose. The
applicant submits the registration application at the Design Office
Deputy Controller of Patents & Designs, Patent Office, Intellectual
Property Office Building, CP-2 Sector V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-
After the application has been filed, an officer (examiner)
analyses the application for qualifying the minimum standards laid
down for eligibility criteria for registration. In case of any query, the
same is sent to the applicant and he is supposed to respond within 6
months from the objection raised. Once the objections are removed,
the application is accepted for registration. The particulars of the
application, along with the representation of the article, are
published in the Official Journal of Patent Office
( If no objection is
received from the public, the Design is registered. After the
registration of the Design, the applicant becomes the proprietor of
the Design and is conferred with the exclusive right to apply that
Design to the article belonging to the class in which it is registered.
The applicant puts up a request for issuance of a certificate of
registration (for an Industrial Design). A flow chart of the
registration process is mentioned below:
Figure 2.10: Flowchart for the process of Design registration.
2.4.10. Cancellation of the Registered Design
The registration of a Design may be cancelled at any time. The
petition has to be filed in Form-8 with prescribed fee to the
Controller of Designs. The application can be made on the
following grounds:
Design has already been registered.
Design has been published in India or elsewhere before the date
of registration.
Design is not novel and original.
It is not a Design under Clause (d) of Section 2.
2.4.11. Application Forms
There are a total of 24 forms pertaining to Industrial Designs.
A list of important forms is mentioned below.
Application for entry
of name of proprietor
6. Form-11 500 1,000 2,000
or part proprietor in
the Register.
Request for
7. correction of clerical Form-14 500 1,000 2,000
Request for certified
8. Form-15 500 1,000 2,000
Application for
9. rectification of Form-17 500 1,000 2,000
10. Notice of opposition. Form-19 100 200 400
parameters, the graph depicts a similar pattern (more or less) with
the highest numbers observed in 2019-20 for Designs filed (12,268),
examined (13,644) and registered (14,272).
Figure 2.11: Industrial Designs profile (India)
for the period 2010-20).
tempered by the Apple Company to match the dimensions and
features of the controversial Designs. So the counsel for Samsung
Electronics blamed Apple of submitting false and misleading
evidence to the court and the company countersued the Apple
Company in Seoul, South Korea; Tokyo, Japan; and Mannheim,
Germany, United States District Court for the District of Delaware,
and with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) in
Washington D.C. The proceedings continued for the 7 years in
various courts. In June 2018 both companies reached for a
settlement and Samsung was ordered to pay $539 million to Apple
Inc. for infringing on its patents.