Inventory Master Items Attributes Oracle EBS R12

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Item Attributes Listed by

Group Name
Oracle EBS R12 Inventory

Arslan Jaml - ERP

Item Attributes List by Group Names .............................................................................................. 7
Main Attribute Group ....................................................................................................................... 7
 Primary Unit of Measure ....................................................................................................... 7
 User Item Type........................................................................................................................ 7
 Item Status.............................................................................................................................. 7
 Conversions ............................................................................................................................ 8
Inventory Attribute Group ............................................................................................................... 8
 Inventory Item ........................................................................................................................ 8
 Stock Able ............................................................................................................................... 8
 Transactable ........................................................................................................................... 8
 Revision Control..................................................................................................................... 8
 Reservable .............................................................................................................................. 9
 Lot Expiration (Shelf Life) Control ....................................................................................... 9
 Shelf-Life Days ....................................................................................................................... 9
 Lot Control ............................................................................................................................ 10
 Starting Lot Prefix ................................................................................................................ 10
 Starting Lot Number ............................................................................................................ 10
 Cycle Count Enabled........................................................................................................... 10
 Negative Measurement Error ............................................................................................. 10
 Positive Measurement Error .............................................................................................. 11
 Serial Generation ................................................................................................................. 11
 Starting Serial Prefix ............................................................................................................ 12
 Starting Serial Number ....................................................................................................... 12
 Locator Control .................................................................................................................... 12
 Restrict Sub inventories ..................................................................................................... 12
 Restrict Locators.................................................................................................................. 12
Bills of Material Attribute Group ................................................................................................... 13
 BOM Allowed ........................................................................................................................ 13
 BOM Item Type ..................................................................................................................... 13
 Base Model ........................................................................................................................... 13
 Engineering Item (Oracle Engineering only) .................................................................... 14

Costing Attribute Group ................................................................................................................. 14
 Costing Enabled ................................................................................................................... 14
 Inventory Asset Value ......................................................................................................... 14
 Include in Rollup .................................................................................................................. 14
 Cost of Goods Sold Account .............................................................................................. 14
 Standard Lot Size ................................................................................................................. 14
Purchasing Attribute Group ........................................................................................................... 15
 Purchased ............................................................................................................................. 15
 Purchasable .......................................................................................................................... 15
 Use Approved Supplier ....................................................................................................... 15
 Allow Description Update .................................................................................................. 15
 RFQ Required ........................................................................................................................ 15
 Outside Processing Item .................................................................................................... 16
 Outside Processing Unit Type ............................................................................................ 16
 Taxable ................................................................................................................................... 16
 Receipt Required (Three-Way Invoice Matching) ........................................................... 16
 Inspection Required (Four-Way Invoice Matching) ........................................................ 16
 Default Buyer ........................................................................................................................ 17
 Unit of Issue .......................................................................................................................... 17
 Receipt Close Tolerance ..................................................................................................... 17
 Invoice Close Tolerance...................................................................................................... 17
 UN Number ........................................................................................................................... 18
 Hazard Class......................................................................................................................... 18
 List Price ................................................................................................................................ 18
 Market Price .......................................................................................................................... 18
 Price Tolerance ..................................................................................................................... 18
 Rounding Factor ................................................................................................................... 18
 Encumbrance Account ....................................................................................................... 19
 Expense Account ................................................................................................................. 19
 Asset Category ..................................................................................................................... 19
Receiving Attribute Group.............................................................................................................. 19
 Receipt Date Action............................................................................................................. 19

 Receipt Days Early ............................................................................................................... 20
 Receipt Days Late ................................................................................................................ 20
 Over receipt Quantity Control Action ............................................................................... 20
 Over receipt Quantity Control Tolerance ......................................................................... 21
 Allow Substitute Receipts .................................................................................................. 21
 Allow Unordered Receipts ................................................................................................. 21
 Allow Express Transactions ............................................................................................... 21
 Receipt Routing .................................................................................................................... 21
 Enforce Ship-To .................................................................................................................... 21
Physical Attribute Group ................................................................................................................ 22
 Weight Unit of Measure....................................................................................................... 22
 Unit Weight ........................................................................................................................... 22
 Volume Unit of Measure ..................................................................................................... 22
 Unit Volume .......................................................................................................................... 22
 Container .............................................................................................................................. 22
 Vehicle ................................................................................................................................... 22
 Container Type ..................................................................................................................... 22
 Internal Volume.................................................................................................................... 22
 Maximum Load Weight ....................................................................................................... 22
 Minimum Fill Percentage .................................................................................................... 22
General Planning Attribute Group ................................................................................................. 23
 Inventory Planning Method ................................................................................................ 23
 Planner .................................................................................................................................. 23
 Make or Buy........................................................................................................................... 23
 Min-Max Minimum Quantity ............................................................................................... 23
 Min-Max Maximum Quantity .............................................................................................. 23
 Minimum Order Quantity .................................................................................................... 24
 Maximum Order Quantity ................................................................................................... 24
 Order Cost ............................................................................................................................. 24
 Carrying Cost Percent ......................................................................................................... 24
 Source Type (Replenishment)............................................................................................ 24
 Source Organization ............................................................................................................ 24

 Source Sub inventory .......................................................................................................... 25
 Safety Stock Method ........................................................................................................... 25
 Safety Stock Bucket Days................................................................................................... 25
 Safety Stock Percent ........................................................................................................... 25
 Fixed Order Quantity ........................................................................................................... 26
 Fixed Days’ Supply ............................................................................................................... 26
 Fixed Lot Multiplier .............................................................................................................. 26
MPS/MRP Planning Attribute Group ............................................................................................. 26
 Planning Method .................................................................................................................. 26
 Forecast Control .................................................................................................................. 27
 Exception Set ........................................................................................................................ 27
 Pegging................................................................................................................................... 28
 Shrinkage Rate ..................................................................................................................... 28
 Round Order Quantities ...................................................................................................... 28
 Acceptable Early Days ........................................................................................................ 29
 Repetitive Planning ............................................................................................................. 29
 Overrun Percentage............................................................................................................. 29
 Acceptable Rate Increase .................................................................................................. 30
 Acceptable Rate Decrease ................................................................................................ 30
 Calculate ATP ....................................................................................................................... 31
 Reduce MPS .......................................................................................................................... 31
 Planning Time Fence ........................................................................................................... 31
 Planning Time Fence Days ................................................................................................. 32
 Demand Time Fence............................................................................................................ 32
 Demand Time Fence Days .................................................................................................. 33
 Release Time Fence ............................................................................................................ 33
 Release Time Fence Days ................................................................................................... 34
Lead Times Attribute Group ........................................................................................................... 34
 Preprocessing....................................................................................................................... 34
 Processing............................................................................................................................. 34
 Postprocessing..................................................................................................................... 34
 Fixed ....................................................................................................................................... 34

 Variable.................................................................................................................................. 34
 Cumulative Manufacturing ................................................................................................ 34
 Cumulative Total .................................................................................................................. 35
 Lead Time Lot Size ............................................................................................................... 35
Work In Process Attribute Group ................................................................................................... 35
 Build in WIP ........................................................................................................................... 35
 Supply Type ........................................................................................................................... 35
 Supply Sub inventory .......................................................................................................... 35
 Supply Locator ..................................................................................................................... 36
Order Entry Attribute Group .......................................................................................................... 36
 Customer Ordered ............................................................................................................... 36
 Customer Orders Enabled.................................................................................................. 36
 Shippable .............................................................................................................................. 36
 Internal Ordered................................................................................................................... 37
 Internal Orders Enabled ..................................................................................................... 37
 OE Transactable ................................................................................................................... 37
 Pick Components ................................................................................................................ 37
 Assemble to Order ............................................................................................................... 37
 ATP Components ................................................................................................................. 38
 Ship Model Complete.......................................................................................................... 38
 Check ATP ............................................................................................................................. 38
 ATP Rule ................................................................................................................................. 38
 Picking Rule .......................................................................................................................... 38
 Collateral Item ..................................................................................................................... 38
 Default Shipping Organization........................................................................................... 38
 Returnable ............................................................................................................................ 39
 RMA Inspection Required ................................................................................................... 39
Invoicing Attribute Group............................................................................................................... 39
 Invoiceable Item .................................................................................................................. 39
 Invoice Enabled .................................................................................................................... 39
 Accounting Rule ................................................................................................................... 39
 Invoicing Rule ....................................................................................................................... 40

 Tax Code ................................................................................................................................ 40
 Sales Account....................................................................................................................... 40
 Payment Terms ..................................................................................................................... 40
Service Attribute Group ................................................................................................................. 40
 Support Service.................................................................................................................... 40
 Warranty ................................................................................................................................ 41
 Coverage................................................................................................................................ 41
 Service Duration .................................................................................................................. 41
 Billing Type ............................................................................................................................ 41
 Serviceable Product ............................................................................................................ 41
 Service Starting Delay ......................................................................................................... 41

Item Attributes List by Group Names
Main Attribute Group
Following are the Main attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Primary Unit of Measure

This is the stocking and selling unit of measure. Any necessary conversions are based on this
unit of measure. This attribute is not updatable. The default primary unit of measure for new
items is defined using the INV: Default Primary Unit of Measure profile option. The primary unit
of measure is the default for invoices and credit memos entered in Oracle Receivables. Oracle
provides several types by default at installation. These types correspond to the item templates
also provided. Select one of these values, or one you defined with the Item Type window

 User Item Type

Oracle provides several types by default at installation. These types correspond to the item
templates also provided. Select one of these values, or one you defined with the Item Type

 ATO model
 Finished good
 Freight
 Inventory Type
 Kit
 Model
 Option Class
 Outside processing item
 PTO model
 Phantom item
 Planning
 Product Family
 Purchased item
 Reference item
 Subassembly
 Supply item

 Item Status
Item status codes set or default the values for attributes under status control. User-defined
status codes control certain item attributes designated as status attributes

 BOM Allowed
 Build in WIP
 Customer Orders Enabled
 Internal Orders Enabled
 Invoice Enabled

 Transactable
 Purchasable
 Stock able

 Conversions
Both Use both item-specific and standard unit of measure conversions. If you defined an
item-specific and a standard conversion for the same unit of measure, the item-
specific conversion is used.
Item Use only unit of measure conversions unique to this item.
Standard Use only standard unit of measure conversions. If you want to use only standard
conversions do not create item specific conversions

Inventory Attribute Group

Following are the Inventory attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Inventory Item
Indicate whether to stock and transact this item in Oracle Inventory. You must turn this option on
if you want to enable the following item attributes: Stock able, BOM Allowed, Transactable, and
Build in WIP.

This is an item defining attribute. If you turn this option on, the item is automatically assigned to
the default category set for the Inventory functional area

 Stock Able
Indicate whether to stock this item in Inventory. You can set this attribute only when you turn on
the Inventory Item option. Turning this option on enables you to set the Transactable item

This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code

 Transactable
Indicate whether to allow Inventory transactions. You can set this attribute only when you turn
on the Stock able option. This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code.
Note: Oracle Order Entry uses this along with Stock able and Returnable to determine which
authorized returned items can be physically received into inventory.

 Revision Control
Indicate whether to track inventory balances by revision. If you turn this option on you must
specify an existing revision number for issues and receipts.

Attention: You cannot change revision control when an item has quantity on hand. If Revision
Control is controlled at the Master Item level, the check for on-hand quantity is against the sum
of on-hand quantities in all child organizations.

Note: For Oracle Order Entry, if profile option OE: Reservations is Yes, you can specify a
revision at order entry or scheduling, or let Pick Release use Inventory picking rules to determine
the revision when the order is picked. If the profile option is No, you must enter a revision at ship

 Reservable
Indicate whether you can create material reservations. You can reserve an item only when you
have sufficient inventory.
Note: Reservation control for a sub-inventory overrides reservation control for an item. In other
words, if an item is reservable but a sub-inventory is not, the item quantity in that sub-inventory
is not reservable
Note: Oracle Order Entry recognizes this attribute only if profile option OE: Reservations is Yes.
Then, Order Entry allows reservation of the item during order entry or scheduling and
automatically creates any necessary reservations when the item is released for picking.
Attention: You cannot turn reservation control off if reservations exist.

 Lot Expiration (Shelf Life) Control

Lot Expiration control governs how long items in a given lot remain available.

Shelf-life Specify a number of days for all lots of an item, beginning on the day you create the
days lot by receiving the item. You receive a warning message that the lot expires after the
specified number of days.
No Shelf-life control not established for this item
User- Specify an expiration date as you receive each lot. You receive a warning but are not
defined prevented from using the lot after expiration

 Shelf-Life Days
Enter the number of days each lot is active. At receipt, the expiration date is determined by
adding the shelf-life days to the system date (includes the day you define the lot). This is used
only when you choose Shelf-life days for Lot Expiration Control.

 Lot Control
No control Do not establish lot control for the item.

Full Track inventory balances by lot number. You must specify a lot number for issues
control and receipts.

Note: For Oracle Order Entry, if profile option OE: Reservations is Yes, you can specify a lot at
order entry or scheduling, or let Pick Release use Inventory picking rules to determine the lot
when the order is picked. If the profile option is No, you must enter a lot at ship confirmation.

You can establish lot number control only for an item that has no quantity on hand. If Lot
Control is controlled at the Master Item level, the check for on-hand quantity is against the sum
of on-hand quantities in all child organizations.

Attention: Oracle Work in Process recognizes either lot control or serial number control for an
item--but not both. You cannot transact an item into Work in Process if it has both lot and serial
control defined.

 Starting Lot Prefix

Enter a starting prefix for all lot numbers you define for this item. When Lot Number
Generation is at item level in the organization parameters, this prefix is used when you define a
lot number.
 Starting Lot Number
Enter a starting numeric suffix for this item only. When Lot Number Generation is at item
level in the organization parameters, this starting numeric suffix is used when you create a lot
number. Thereafter, this number is incremented for each succeeding lot.

 Cycle Count Enabled

Turn this option on for automatic cycle count scheduling

 Negative Measurement Error

Enter the percentage of negative variance acceptable before cycle count creates an adjustment
transaction. Your physical cycle count can be less than the quantity on hand by an amount less
than or equal to this percentage.
For example, suppose quantity on hand is 100 and negative tolerance is 10%. Inventory
does not create an adjustment for physical counts between 90 and 100 units. This means the
quantity on hand remains 100 units. For physical counts under 90 units, Inventory creates an
adjustment, changing the quantity on hand to the physical count.

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 Positive Measurement Error
Enter the percentage of positive variance acceptable before cycle count creates an adjustment
transaction. Your physical count can be greater than the quantity on hand by an amount less
than or equal to this percentage.
For example, suppose quantity on hand is 100 and positive tolerance is 10%. Inventory
does not create an adjustment transaction for physical counts between 100 and 110 units. This
means the quantity on hand remains 100 units. For physical counts over 110 units, Inventory
creates an adjustment, changing the quantity on hand to the physical count.

 Serial Generation
At Create and assign serial numbers when you receive the item. Thereafter, for
inventory any material transaction, you must provide a serial number for each unit.

At sales order Create and assign serial numbers when you issue (ship) the item against a
issue customer sales order. (Internal requisition orders do not require a serial
number when you ship the item.) If you receive an item on an RMA (return
material authorization), you must specify the same serial numbers you created
at sales order issue. All other material transactions for this item bypass serial
number information.
No control Serial number control not established for this item. All material transactions
involving this item bypass serial number information.
Predefined Assign predefined serial numbers when you receive the item. Thereafter, for
any material transaction, you must provide a serial number for each unit.

You can change back and forth between certain options under the following conditions:

Change back and forth between When

Dynamic entry at inventory Predefined serial numbers Any Time

Dynamic entry at sales order No serial number control Any Time
Dynamic entry at inventory No serial number control Item has no on-hand
receipt quantity
Dynamic entry at sales order Predefined serial numbers Item has no on-hand
issue quantity
Predefined serial numbers No serial number control Item has no on-hand

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Dynamic entry at inventory Dynamic entry at sales Item has no on-hand
receipt order issue quantity

 Starting Serial Prefix

Enter a starting alpha prefix for all serial numbers you define. You must enter a value when you
choose Predefined and when Serial Generation is at item level in the organization parameters.
This prefix is used when you define your serialized units.

 Starting Serial Number

Enter a starting numeric suffix for all serial numbers for this item only. You must enter a value
when you choose Predefined and when Serial Number Generation is at item level in the
organization parameters. This starting numeric suffix is used when you define your serialized
Thereafter, this number is incremented for each succeeding serial number.

 Locator Control
Dynamic entry Define locators when you use them, either as you receive or ship
No control Locator control not established.
Prespecified Define locators before you use them.

Note: In Oracle Order Entry, if profile option OE: Reservations is Yes, Order Entry uses
Inventory picking rules to assign the locator to an item being shipped.
Note: Locator control for an organization or for a sub-inventory overrides locator control for an
Attention: You cannot change locator control when an item has quantity on hand.

 Restrict Sub inventories

Indicate whether to restrict transactions of this item to or from a sub-inventory specified in a list
you define with the Item/Sub-inventory Information window
This option must be turned on if you choose to restrict locators.

 Restrict Locators
Indicate whether to restrict transaction of this item to or from a locator specified in the list you
define with the Item/Sub-inventory Information window. You cannot restrict locators unless you
also restrict sub-inventories.

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Bills of Material Attribute Group
Following are the Bills of Material attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes
when defining or updating items.

 BOM Allowed
Allows you to define a bill of material for an item, or to assign the item as a component on a bill.
This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code.

 BOM Item Type

This attribute is controlled at the Master level only.
Select a type to control bill functionality. You must enter a value here if BOM Allowed is turned

Model This item's bill of material lists option classes and options available when you place
an order for the model item.
Option This item's bill of material contains a list of related options. Option classes group like
Class options together. Oracle Order Entry does not allow ordering of classes outside a
Planning This item's bill of material contains a list of items and planning percentages. A
planning item can represent a product family or demand channel. Its bill of material
facilitates master scheduling and/or material planning. The total component planning
percentages on a planning bill can exceed 100%. Oracle Order Entry does not allow
ordering of Planning bills.
Product This item can be used as a product family for planning at an aggregate level.
Standard Any item that can have a bill or be a component on a bill, except planning, model, or
option class items. Standard items include purchased items, subassemblies, or
finished products.

 Base Model
This attribute is controlled at the Master level only.
Displays the model from which an ATO configuration was created. In Oracle Order Entry, you can
place an order for an ATO model, choosing from the list of options. Oracle Bills of Material

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creates a new configuration item, bill, and routing that captures the chosen options. The
configuration item lists the ordered model item as its base model.

 Engineering Item (Oracle Engineering only)

Indicates that the item was created using Oracle Engineering. This attribute is not updatable.

Costing Attribute Group

Following are the Costing attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Costing Enabled
Indicate whether to report, value, and account for any item costs. For example, you might
disable costing for reference items, or for invoice only (non-stock) items that you never ship and
never hold in inventory.
Attention: Organizations using average costing always maintain their own item costs, regardless
of the control level set for the Costing Enabled attribute.
This is an item defining attribute. If you turn this option on, the item is automatically assigned to
the default category set for the Oracle Cost Management functional area.

 Inventory Asset Value

Indicate whether to value an item as an asset in inventory. Turning this option off indicates an
expense item.

 Include in Rollup
Indicate whether to include an item in the cost rollup.

 Cost of Goods Sold Account

This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter a general ledger account to use as a source for the Cost of Goods Sold Account. The
default cost of goods sold account is set when you define organization parameters.

 Standard Lot Size


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Enter the standard lot size Oracle Bills of Material uses to calculate assembly lead times. Oracle
Cost Management uses this value to calculate unit costs for sub-elements with a Lot basis type.
This lot size is separate from the lead time lot size.
Purchasing Attribute Group
Following are the Purchasing attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Purchased
Indicate whether to purchase and receive an item. Turning this option on allows you to set
the Purchasable attribute.
This is an item defining attribute. If you turn this option on, the item is automatically assigned to
the default category set for the Oracle Purchasing functional area.

 Purchasable

Indicate whether to order an item on a purchase order. You can set this only when purchased is
turned on.

Turning Purchasable off allows you to temporarily restrict the ability to buy.

This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code.

 Use Approved Supplier

Indicate whether to use only approved suppliers. If you turn this option on, Oracle Purchasing
prevents you from approving a purchase order for an item if you do not use an approved

 Allow Description Update

Indicate whether to allow updates to the item description on a purchasing document line for an

 RFQ Required

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Indicate whether to require an item quotation when requesting an item. Oracle Purchasing
defaults this value on requisition lines for this item. Leave this field blank if you want Inventory
to use the value defined in the Purchasing Options window for transactions involving this item.

 Outside Processing Item

Indicate whether you can add the item to an outside processing purchase order line. You can
turn this option on only if purchased is also on.
In addition, this option controls whether you can attach an item to a resource in the Resource

 Outside Processing Unit Type

Select an option to determine the quantity of an outside processing item you requisition,
purchase and receive:
Assembly: You purchase an outside processing item based on the number of assemblies you
ship to the supplier.
Resource: You purchase an outside processing item based on the number of assemblies times
the resource usage rate or amount.

 Taxable
Indicate whether the supplier charges a tax. Oracle Purchasing uses the taxable status together
with the tax code you associate with a location to determine whether a purchase order
shipment is taxable, and what the tax code that applies to this shipment is. Leave this field blank
if you want Inventory to use the value defined in the Purchasing Options window for
transactions involving this item.

 Receipt Required (Three-Way Invoice Matching)

Indicate whether you must receive an item before you can pay the invoice. Leave this field blank
if you want Inventory to use the value defined in the Purchasing Options window for
transactions involving this item.

 Inspection Required (Four-Way Invoice Matching)


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Indicate whether to inspect an item upon receipt from the supplier, before paying the
corresponding invoice. Leave this field blank if you want Inventory to use the value defined in
the Purchasing Options window for transactions involving this item.

 Default Buyer
Enter the buyer assigned to purchase an item. Oracle Purchasing displays the buyer you enter
here as the suggested buyer for a requisition.

 Unit of Issue
Enter the unit of measure you typically use to issue the item from inventory. Oracle Purchasing
uses this as the default for internal requisition lines sourced from inventory.
You use units of issue to round order quantities, minimizing shipping, warehousing, and
handling costs. The unit of issue must be the same for all units of measure belonging to the
same unit of measure class as the primary unit of measure.

 Receipt Close Tolerance

Enter the percentage tolerance Oracle Purchasing uses to automatically close purchase order
shipments. Oracle Purchasing automatically closes a shipment when your unreceived quantity is
within the quantity tolerance percentage of the shipment.
For example, if the original shipment quantity is 50, and you enter 10 here (10%), Oracle
Purchasing automatically closes the shipment for receiving when you receive 45 or more.
Closed for Receiving is a status change only. You can receive additional items against the
shipment later.

 Invoice Close Tolerance

Enter the percentage tolerance Oracle Purchasing uses to automatically close purchase order
shipments. Oracle Purchasing automatically closes a shipment when your un-invoiced quantity
is within the quantity tolerance percentage of the shipment.
For example, if the original shipment quantity is 50, and you enter 10 here (10%), Oracle
Purchasing automatically closes the shipment for invoicing when you invoice match 45 or more.
Closed for Invoicing is a status change only. You can invoice match additional items against the
shipment later.

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 UN Number
Enter the United Nations identification number. Oracle Purchasing uses UN numbers to identify
specific materials (hazardous materials, for example) for international trade purposes.

 Hazard Class
Oracle Purchasing uses hazard classes to identify categories of hazardous materials for
international trade purposes.

 List Price
Enter the value that Oracle Purchasing uses as the default price on a purchase order, requisition,
RFQ, or quotation.
Oracle Receivables uses this value as the default unit selling price on a transaction. Note that
this is the original inventory item price used by Purchasing and therefore should be used as a
guide only.

 Market Price
Enter the market value for an item. Oracle Purchasing copies the market price to the purchase
order lines you create.

 Price Tolerance
Enter the price tolerance percent, the maximum price percentage over the normal price range
for an item. For example, if the tolerance percent is 5, the maximum acceptable price on a
purchase order is 5% over the requisition price. Any purchase order price 5% above the
requisition price is unacceptable, and you cannot approve the purchase order.

 Rounding Factor
Enter a number between 0 and 1. This factor determines how to round the quantity on an
internal requisition that results from conversions between the requisition line unit of measure
and the item's Unit of Issue. This factor ensures that the unit of issue resolves to an integer,
rather than a fractional amount.

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For example, suppose the requisition line unit of measure is each, and the unit of issue is dozen.
For an internal requisition of 20 each, Oracle Purchasing converts the order quantity to 1.75
dozen. With a rounding factor of 0.6, Oracle Purchasing rounds up the order quantity to 2
dozen. (Rounding factor of 0.75 also rounds up to 2 dozen.) With a rounding factor of 0.8,
Oracle Purchasing rounds down to 1 dozen.
Oracle Purchasing either performs rounding automatically or advises you of the suggested
quantity depending how you set your purchasing options.

 Encumbrance Account
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the default encumbrance account Oracle Purchasing uses when an item is received. If the
item encumbrance account does not exist, Oracle Purchasing uses the sub-inventory account.
You encumber, or reserve against funds, when the purchase requisition or purchase order is
approved. When you deliver into a sub-inventory you reverse the encumbrance. The total
receipts plus encumbrances equals your total funds spent.

 Expense Account
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the default inventory account for expense items. This attribute is used only
when Inventory Asset Value is turned off. Oracle Purchasing debits this account when you
receive an item into inventory only if the item is being expensed. If you receive into an expense
sub-inventory, Oracle Purchasing uses this account first; if you do not define the account here,
Oracle Purchasing uses the expense account you assigned to the sub-inventory.

 Asset Category
Enter the asset category to which the item belongs. Oracle Assets uses this to classify your fixed
assets. All assets in a category share default information, such as the accounts used when you
post to the general ledger. You can enter this field only if you use Oracle Assets.

Receiving Attribute Group

Following are the Receiving attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Receipt Date Action


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None: No receipt date exception enforced.
Reject: Reject receipts when the receive date is outside the range defined by Days Early
Receipt Allowed or Days Late Receipt Allowed.
Warning: Display a warning message if you attempt to receive an item outside the range
defined by Days Early Receipt Allowed or Days Late Receipt Allowed, but perform the receipt,

 Receipt Days Early

Enter the number of days before the promise date you can receive an item without warning or
rejection. For example, if you enter 3 and the promise date is a Friday, you can receive the item
on Tuesday.
Note that Oracle Purchasing uses regular calendar days (including weekends and holidays) in
this calculation.
If the promise date does not exist, Oracle Purchasing uses the need by date.

 Receipt Days Late

Enter the number of days after the promise date you can receive an item without warning or
rejection. For example, if you enter 2 and the promise date is a Monday, you can receive the
item on Wednesday.
Note that Oracle Purchasing uses regular calendar days (including weekends and holidays) in
this calculation.
If the promise date does not exist, Oracle Purchasing uses the need by date.

 Over receipt Quantity Control Action


None No over tolerance enforced.

Reject Reject receipts over the tolerance quantity. You receive an error message and are
prevented from receiving quantities exceeding the order quantity by more than
the Quantity Received Tolerance percent.
Warning A warning message displays if you accept receipts over the quantity determined by
the Over receipt Quantity Control Tolerance percent, but does perform the receipt.

20 | P a g e
 Over receipt Quantity Control Tolerance
Enter the quantity received tolerance percent, the maximum acceptable over-receipt
percentage, used by the Over receipt Quantity Control Action attribute. For example, if the
tolerance percent is 5, then the acceptable quantity on a receipt transaction is within 5% of the
quantity you order on a purchase order line. Any quantity more than 5% over the order quantity
is unacceptable.

 Allow Substitute Receipts

Indicate whether to allow receipt of defined substitutes in place of this item. You define valid
substitutes with the Item Relationships window.
Leave this field blank if you want Inventory to use the value defined in the Receiving Options
window for transactions involving this item.

 Allow Unordered Receipts

Indicate whether you can receive an item without a purchase order. If this option is on, you can
later match the receipt to the appropriate purchase order. If this option is off, all receipts for an
item must have a corresponding purchase order. Leave this field blank if you want Inventory to
use the value defined in the Receiving Options window for transactions involving this item.

 Allow Express Transactions

Indicate whether you can deliver all distributions for this item with one data entry transaction if
the quantity to deliver equals the purchase order line balance. If this option is turned off, you
must deliver individual distributions separately. Leave this field blank if you want Inventory to
use the value defined in the Receiving Options window for transactions involving this item.

 Receipt Routing

Direct At receipt, deliver an item directly to its location.

Inspection Receive an item first, inspect it, then deliver.
Standard Receive an item first, then deliver without

 Enforce Ship-To

21 | P a g e
Select an option to control whether the supplier can deliver to a location that differs from the
ship-to location defined on the purchase order:

None No ship-to location enforced.

Reject Prevent receipt of items not received to their purchase order ship-to location.
Warning Display a warning message if you attempt to receive an item to a location that differs
from the purchase order ship-to location, but perform the receipt, anyway.

Physical Attribute Group

Following are the Physical item attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes
when defining or updating items.

 Weight Unit of Measure

Enter a weight unit of measure

 Unit Weight
Enter the weight for one unit of the item in the Weight Unit of Measure

 Volume Unit of Measure

Enter a volume unit of measure

 Unit Volume
Enter the volume for one unit of the item in the Volume Unit of Measure.

 Container
Select Container to identify items that are containers used for shipping sales orders.

 Vehicle
Select Vehicle to identify items that are vehicles used for shipping sales orders.

 Container Type
For items identified as containers, enter the container type.

 Internal Volume
Enter the internal volume of the container or vehicle in the same UOM as the Unit Volume. This
attribute is used by shipping to calculate container capacity restrictions.

 Maximum Load Weight

Enter the maximum load weight of the container or vehicle in the same UOM as the Unit

 Minimum Fill Percentage

Enter the minimum fill percentage under which the container or vehicle should be used.

22 | P a g e
General Planning Attribute Group
 Inventory Planning Method
Select an option for organization level planning.

Min-max You define a minimum quantity that you want on hand. When you reach this
quantity, you reorder. You also define a maximum on-hand quantity that you do not
want to exceed.
Not No planning method used.
Reorder The reorder point is calculated based on the planning information you define for this
point item.

 Planner
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the material planner assigned to plan this item. You must define planner codes for your
organization before updating this attribute.

 Make or Buy
Select the option that applies to items with Inventory Item set to Yes. The Planner Workbench
uses this to default an appropriate value for implementation type.

Make Usually manufactured. The Planner Workbench defaults the implementation

type Discrete job. The planning process passes demand down from manufactured items
to lower-level components.
Buy Usually purchased. The Planner Workbench defaults the implementation type
to Purchase Requisition. The planning process does not pass demand down from
purchased items to lower-level components.
Attention: You must also set Purchasable to Yes to create purchase requisitions and purchase
orders. If you also set Build in WIP to Yes, you can use the Planner Workbench to implement
planned orders as discrete jobs.
 Min-Max Minimum Quantity
Enter the quantity minimum for min-max planning. If an item is min-max planned, the Min-Max
Planning Report suggests a new order when quantity drops to the min-max minimum.

 Min-Max Maximum Quantity

Enter the quantity maximum for min-max planning. If an item is min-max planned, the Min-Max
Planning Report suggests an order that brings on-hand up to the min-max maximum.

23 | P a g e
 Minimum Order Quantity
Enter the minimum order quantity or repetitive rate (units per day). Planning algorithms
(reorder point, min-max, MPS, and MRP) use this to modify the size of planned order quantities
or repetitive daily rates. For discrete items, when net requirements fall short of the minimum
order quantity, planning algorithms suggest the minimum order quantity. For repetitive items,
when average daily demand for a repetitive planning period falls short of the minimum order
quantity, planning algorithms suggest the minimum order quantity as the repetitive daily rate.
For example, use this to define an order quantity below which it is unprofitable to build the

 Maximum Order Quantity

Enter the maximum order quantity or repetitive rate (units per day) of the item. Planning
algorithms (reorder point, min-max, MPS, and MRP) use this to modify the size of planned order
quantities or repetitive daily rates. For discrete items, when net requirements exceed the
maximum order quantity, planning algorithms suggest the maximum order quantity. For
repetitive items, when average daily demand for a repetitive planning period exceeds of the
maximum order quantity, planning algorithms suggest the maximum order quantity as the
repetitive daily rate. For example, use this to define an order quantity above which you do have
insufficient capacity to build the item.

 Order Cost
Enter the fixed cost associated with placing an order of any quantity.

 Carrying Cost Percent

Enter the percentage used to calculate the annual carrying cost. This is the percentage of the
unit cost that represents your internal cost to stock one unit for one year.

 Source Type (Replenishment)

Inventory Fill requisition requests by creating internal requisitions that become internal sales
orders, to pull stock from existing inventory.
Supplier Fill requisition requests by creating purchase requisitions that become purchase orders,
procuring the item from a supplier.

 Source Organization
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.

Optionally enter the organization from which an internal requisition draws the item. This applies
only when Inventory is the replenishment source type.

You can choose organizations that meet the following criteria:

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o the item is assigned to the source organization

o the source organization uses the same set of books as the current organization (the
organization in which you are defining the item)

o the source organization has a valid inter-organization relationship with the current

The source organization can be your current organization if the item is MRP planned and you
choose a non-nettable Source Sub-inventory.

 Source Sub inventory

This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the sub inventory within the source organization from which an internal requisition draws
the item. This applies only when Inventory is the replenishment source, and only when you
specify a source organization. For MRP planned items, you must enter a non-nettable source
sub inventory when the source organization is the current organization.

 Safety Stock Method

Select an option to plan use of fixed or dynamically calculated safety stock quantities. You must
choose non-MRP planned if the Inventory Planning Method attribute is set to Not planned.

MRP Calculate safety stock as a user-defined percentage (Safety Stock Percent) of the
planned average gross requirements for a user-defined number of days. For discrete items, the
percent user-defined number of days is the Safety Stock Bucket Days. For repetitive items,
the user-defined number of days is the repetitive planning period. Note that safety
stock for an item varies as the average gross requirements varies during the planning
Non-MRP Calculate safety stock using methods defined by the Enter Item Safety Stocks
planned window. You can use mean absolute deviation or user-defined percentage of
forecasted demand.
For Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning and Supply Chain
Planning, these safety stock quantities are fixed. The Snapshot portion of the planning process
loads them, and they do not vary during the planning process itself.

 Safety Stock Bucket Days

Enter the number of days to dynamically calculate safety stock quantities. The planning process
multiplies the Safety Stock Percent by the average gross requirements and divides by the
number of days you enter here.

 Safety Stock Percent


25 | P a g e
Enter the percent to dynamically calculate safety stock quantities for the item. The planning
process multiplies this percent by the average gross requirements and divides by the Safety Stock
Bucket Days.

The planning process uses this attribute when you set Safety Stock to MRP planned percent.

 Fixed Order Quantity

Enter the quantity used to modify the size of planned order quantities or repetitive daily rates.
When net requirements fall short of the fixed order quantity, the planning process suggests the
fixed order quantity. When net requirements exceed the fixed order quantity, the planning
process suggests multiple orders for the fixed order quantity.
For discrete items, use this attribute to define a fixed production or purchasing quantity. For
repetitive items, use this attribute to define a fixed production rate. For example, if your
suppliers can provide the item in full truckload quantities only, enter the full truckload quantity
as the fixed order quantity.

 Fixed Days’ Supply

Enter the number of days used to modify the size and timing of planned order quantities. The
planning process suggests planned order quantities that cover net requirements for the period
defined by this value. The planning process suggests one planned order for each period. For
example, use this to reduce the number of planned orders for a discrete component of a
repetitive item.

 Fixed Lot Multiplier

Enter the fixed lot multiple quantity or repetitive rate (units per day). Planning algorithms
(reorder point, min-max, MPS, and MRP) use this to modify the size of planned order quantities
or repetitive daily rates.
When net requirements fall short of the fixed lot size multiplier quantity, planning algorithms
suggest a single order for the fixed lot size multiplier quantity. When net requirements exceed
the fixed lot size multiplier quantity, planning algorithms suggest a single order that is a multiple
of the fixed lot size multiplier.
MPS/MRP Planning Attribute Group
Following are the MPS/MRP Planning item attributes and their possible values. You set these
attributes when defining or updating items.

 Planning Method

26 | P a g e
Select the option that Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning uses to
decide when to plan the item:

Not planned The item does not require long-term planning of material requirements. Choose
this option for high volume and/or low-cost items that do not warrant the
administrative overhead of MRP; typically, dependent demand items.
MRP Choose this option for non-critical items that do not require manual planning
planning control, typically dependent demand items.
MPS You master schedule the item and require manual planning control. Choose this
planning option for items with independent demand, items that are critical to your business,
or items that control critical resources.
MRP/DRP Choose this option when you want both MRP and DRP planning for the item.
MPS/DRP Choose this option when you want both MPS and DRP planning for the item.
DRP Choose this option when you have multiple organizations for which you are
Planned exercising Distribution Requirements Planning for the item.

You cannot select Not planned if the Pick Components attribute is turned on.
 Forecast Control
Select an option to determine the types of demand you place for the item. This guides the key
processes of two-level master scheduling: forecast explosion, forecast consumption, planning,
production relief, and shipment relief. This is appropriate only for items that are models, option
classes, options, or mandatory components of models and option classes.

Consume You forecast demand directly, rather than by exploding forecast demand.
Consume and You forecast demand directly, explode forecast demand, or use a combination
derive of both methods.
None You place sales order demand but do not forecast demand.

 Exception Set
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the name of the planning exception set that groups together the sensitivity controls and
exception time periods for item-level planning exceptions for the item. The item-level planning
exceptions include: overcommitted, shortage, excess, and repetitive variance. The planning
process uses this attribute to decide when to raise planning exceptions for the item.
Since different items may require different sensitivity controls and exception time periods, you
can define multiple planning exception sets and assign different sets to different items. In other

27 | P a g e
cases, where many items require the same sensitivity controls and exception time periods, you
can associate the same set to multiple items.

 Pegging
Enter the pegging option.

Soft Pegging This option allocates supply to demand based on the Reservation Level option
set in the MRP Plan options.

End Assembly This option traces the end assembly the item is pegged to at the top of the bill of
Pegging material. Even if you do not select end assembly pegging, you can still calculate
and view end assemblies on-line.

End Choose this option for both soft pegging and end assembly pegging.
Soft Pegging

Hard Pegging This option allocates supply to demand based on the Reservation Level option
set in the MRP Plan options. This pegs supply to demand and demand to supply
by project at all levels of a bill of material. This allows you to pre-allocate supply
to demand and generate planned orders based on the plan level options.

End Choose this option for both hard pegging and end assembly pegging.

None This option disables project material allocation, end assembly pegging, and full

Attention: You must use the memory-based planner to calculate end assembly pegging.

 Shrinkage Rate
Enter a factor that represents the average amount of material you expect to lose during
manufacturing or in storage. The planning process inflates demand to compensate for this
expected loss. For example, if on average 20% of all units fail final inspection, enter 0.2; the
planning process inflates net requirements by a factor of 1.25 (1 / 1 - shrinkage rate).

 Round Order Quantities

Indicate whether the planning process uses decimal or whole number values when calculating
planned order quantities or repetitive rates. When this option is turned on, decimal values

28 | P a g e
round up (never down) to the next whole number. The planning process carries any excess
quantities and rates forward into subsequent periods as additional supply.

 Acceptable Early Days


Enter the number of days before which the planning process will not reschedule orders. The
planning process only suggests rescheduling out if:

the new calculated order date is later than the original order due date plus the
acceptable early days
the new calculated order is does not violate the order of current scheduled
For example, if the original order due date is 10-JUN, and Acceptable Early Days is 3, the
planning process not suggest rescheduling if the new due date is less than or equal to 13-JUN.
When rescheduling does not occur (because of Acceptable Early Days), a second order, due
before the first, will not be rescheduled past the first order.

This lets you reduce plan nervousness and eliminate minor reschedule recommendations,
especially when it is cheaper to build and carry excess inventory for a short time than it is to
reschedule an order.

This applies to discrete items only. For repetitive items, use Overrun Percentage.

 Repetitive Planning
Indicate whether to plan material requirements in repetitive daily rates. The planning process
suggests repetitive schedules you can implement using the Planner Workbench. Turn this option
off to plan material requirements in discrete quantities. The planning process suggests planned
orders you can implement as discrete jobs or as purchase requisitions.

 Overrun Percentage

Enter a percentage the planning process uses to suggest new daily rates. The planning process
only suggests a new daily rate if the current rate exceeds the suggested rate by more than the
acceptable overrun amount.

The acceptable overrun amount is calculated by multiplying this percentage by the suggested
daily rate. For example, if the suggested daily rate is 100/day, and Overrun Percentage is 10, the
planning process only suggests a new rate if the current rate is greater than 110/day (100/day +
100/day x 10%).

29 | P a g e
This lets you reduce plan nervousness and eliminate minor rate change recommendations,
especially when it is cheaper to carry excess inventory for a short time than it is to administer the
rate change.

This attribute applies to repetitive items only. For discrete items, use Acceptable Early Days.

 Acceptable Rate Increase


Enter the amount the planning process uses to increase current daily rates inside the planning
time fence. The planning process does not suggest a new daily rate greater than the current daily
rate plus the acceptable rate increase amount.

The acceptable rate increase amount is calculated by multiplying this value by the current daily
rate. For example, if the current daily rate is 100/day, and the Acceptable Rate Increase is 10, the
planning process does not suggest a new daily rate that is greater than 110/day (100/day +
100/day x 10%).

If you do not enter an Acceptable Rate Increase, the planning process assumes no upper limit to
the new daily rate it can suggest inside the planning time fence. If you enter zero, the planning
process assumes it cannot suggest any rate greater than the current daily rate inside the planning
time fence.

This lets you minimize disruption to shop floor schedules by restricting short term rate change
suggestions. This applies to repetitive items only.

 Acceptable Rate Decrease


Enter the amount the planning process uses to decrease current daily rates inside the planning
time fence. The planning process does not suggest a new daily rate less than the current daily rate
minus the acceptable rate decrease amount.

The acceptable rate decrease amount is calculated by multiplying this value by the current daily
rate. For example, if the current daily rate is 100/day, and the Acceptable Rate Decrease is 10,
the planning process does not suggest a new daily rate that is less than 90/day (100/day - 100/day
x 10%).

If you do not enter an Acceptable Rate Decrease, the planning process assumes no lower limit to
the new daily rate it can suggest inside the planning time fence. If you enter zero, the planning
process assumes it cannot suggest any rate less than the current daily rate inside the planning
time fence.

This lets you minimize disruption to shop floor schedules by restricting short term rate change
suggestions. This applies to repetitive items only.

30 | P a g e
 Calculate ATP
Indicate whether to calculate and print available to promise (ATP) on the Planning Detail
Report, using the following formula:

ATP = Planned production - committed demand

Planned production = planned orders, scheduled receipts (purchase orders, jobs, and
repetitive schedules), suggested repetitive schedules, nettable quantity on hand.
Committed demand = sales orders, component demand (from planned orders, discrete
jobs, suggested repetitive schedules, and lot expirations). Committed
demand does not include forecasted demand.

Attention: ATP calculated by the planning process is not related to ATP information
calculated and maintained by Oracle Inventory. As such, planning ATP does not consider
ATP rules from the Available to Promise Rule window, and is not related to the ATP
information displayed in the View Item Available to Promise Information window.

 Reduce MPS

Select an option to decide when to reduce master production schedule (MPS) quantities to zero.

If Oracle Work in Process and Oracle Purchasing are installed, you get automatic production
relief when you create a discrete job, purchase requisition, or purchase order. In this case, you
would typically set this attribute to None.

If you do not have automatic production relief, you may select one of the following options to
reduce MPS quantities and avoid overstating your supply.

None Do not reduce order quantities on the MPS.

Past due Reduce order quantities on MPS entries to zero when the entry is past due.
Demand time Reduce order quantities on MPS entries to zero when the due date moves
fence inside the demand time fence.
Planning time Reduce order quantities on MPS entries to zero when the due date moves
fence inside the planning time fence.

 Planning Time Fence


Choose one of the following options to determine a point in time inside which certain restrictions
on planning recommendations apply. For discrete items, the planning process cannot suggest
new planned orders or rescheduling existing orders to an earlier date. For repetitive items, the

31 | P a g e
planning process can only suggest new daily rates that fall inside the acceptable rate increase and
decrease boundaries. For items having a WIP Supply Type of Phantom, Oracle Master
Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning ignores the planning time fence.

A time fence increases manual control of the plan, minimizing short term disruption to shop floor
and purchasing schedules.

Calculate the planning time fence as the plan date (or the next workday if the plan is generated
on a non-workday) plus:

Cumulative mfg. lead time The cumulative manufacturing lead time for the item.
Cumulative total lead time The total manufacturing lead time for the item.
Total lead time The total lead time for the item.
User-defined The value you enter for Planning Time Fence Days.

 Planning Time Fence Days

Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning calculates the planning time
fence as the plan date (or the next workday if the plan is generated on a non-workday) plus the
value you enter here. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning uses
this value when Planning Time Fence is User-defined.

 Demand Time Fence

Select an option to determine a point in time inside which the planning process ignores forecast
demand and considers only sales order demand when calculating gross requirements. This
reduces the risk of carrying excess inventory. For items having a WIP Supply Type of Phantom,
Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning ignores the demand time
Attention: Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning also uses the
demand time fence when loading master schedules. The demand time fence is calculated as the
start date of the master schedule load plus one of the following options.

Calculate the demand time fence as the plan date (or the next workday if the plan is generated on
a non-workday) plus:

Cumulative mfg. lead time The cumulative manufacturing lead time for the item.
Cumulative total lead time The total manufacturing lead time for the item.
Total lead time The total lead time for the item.
User-defined The value you enter for Demand Time Fence Days.

32 | P a g e
 Demand Time Fence Days
Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning calculates the demand time
fence as the plan date (or the next workday if the plan is generated on a non-workday) plus the
value you enter here. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning uses
this attribute when Demand Time Fence is User-defined.

 Release Time Fence


Choose an option to determine a point in time inside which planned orders for discretely planned
items are automatically released as WIP jobs or purchase requisitions. The planned orders must
meet the following auto-release criteria:

o the new due date lies within the auto-release time fence

o the lead time is not compressed

o the orders are for standard items (will not release models, option classes, and
planning items)

o the orders are not for Kanban items

o the orders are for DRP planned items in a DRP plan, MPS planned items in an
MPS plan, or MRP planned items in an MRP plan
o the release time fence option is defined as anything other than do not auto-
release, do not release (Kanban), or Null
o DRP, MPS, and MRP plans must be run with the Memory-based Planning Engine

Auto-release of repetitive schedules is not applicable for repetitively planned items. No material
availability check is performed before WIP jobs are released.

Calculate the release time fence as the plan date (or the next workday if the plan is generated on
a non-workday) plus:

Cumulative mfg. lead time The cumulative manufacturing lead time for the item.
Cumulative total lead time The total manufacturing lead time for the item.
Total lead time The total lead time for the item.
User-defined The value you enter for Release Time Fence Days.
Do not auto- release The item cannot be auto-released

33 | P a g e
Do not release (Kanban)For Kanban items, prevent release of planned orders manually or

 Release Time Fence Days

Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning calculates the release time
fence as the plan date (or the next workday if the plan is generated on a non-workday) plus the
value you enter here. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Oracle Supply Chain Planning uses
this value when Release Time Fence is User-defined.
Lead Times Attribute Group
Following are the Lead Times attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Preprocessing
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the days you must add to purchasing or manufacturing led time to place an order.
 Processing
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the days required to procure or manufacture an item. For manufactured assemblies,
processing days equals manufacturing lead time.

 Postprocessing
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the days required to receive a purchased item into inventory from the initial supplier
receipt. You cannot enter a value if the Make or Buy attribute is set to Make.

 Fixed
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the days required to make an assembly independent of order quantity, such as setup or
teardown time.

 Variable
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the time to produce one additional unit of an assembly. Total lead time is variable lead
time multiplied by order quantity, plus fixed lead time.
 Cumulative Manufacturing
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.

34 | P a g e
Enter the manufacturing lead time of an assembly (in days) plus the largest adjusted cumulative
manufacturing lead time of its components, where each is adjusted by subtracting the operation
lead time offset. Purchased items have no cumulative manufacturing lead time.

This attribute can be calculated and updated by rolling up cumulative lead times with Oracle
Bills of Material.

 Cumulative Total
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the total lead time of the assembly plus the largest adjusted cumulative total lead time of
its components, where each is adjusted by subtracting the operation lead time offset.
This attribute can be calculated and updated by rolling up cumulative lead times with Oracle
Bills of Material.

 Lead Time Lot Size

Enter the quantity used to compute processing lead time (as well as fixed and variable lead
times). The default value is the item's standard lot size or, if a standard lot size is not defined,
the default is 1.
Work In Process Attribute Group
Following are the Work in Process attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes
when defining or updating items.

 Build in WIP
Indicate whether to create discrete jobs or repetitive assemblies in Oracle Work in Process.
This attribute must be turned off if the Inventory Item attribute is turned off or if the BOM Type
attribute is not set to Standard.
This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code.

 Supply Type
Select a supply type for components.

 Supply Sub inventory


This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.

Enter the primary sub-inventory from which to issue (push) or backflush (pull) an item to work
in process.

35 | P a g e
 Supply Locator
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the supply locator from which to issue (push) or backflush (pull) an item to work in
process. You can also define a WIP supply locator for any bill that uses this item; the bill supply
locator overrides the supply locator you define here. You must enter a WIP supply sub-inventory
before you can enter a locator.
Order Entry Attribute Group
Following are the Order Entry attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Customer Ordered
Indicate whether to allow an item to be ordered by external customers. You can add any
customer orderable items to price lists in Oracle Order Entry. This attribute must be turned off if
the BOM Item Type attribute is set to Planning.
If you turn this attribute on, you can temporarily exclude an item from being ordered by
turning Customer Orders Enabled off.
This is an item defining attribute. If you turn this attribute on, the item is automatically assigned
to the default category set for the Oracle Order Entry functional area.

 Customer Orders Enabled

Indicate whether an item is currently customer orderable. If you turn this attribute on you can
specify the item in the Enter Orders window in Oracle Order Entry.
You can initially define an item with Customer Ordered Item turned on and Customer Orders
Enabled turned off. This means prices can be defined for the item, but no orders can be placed
for it.
This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code.

 Shippable
Indicate whether to ship an item to a customer. Shippable items are released by Oracle Order
Entry's Pick Release program, creating confirmable shipping lines, and are printed on the pick
slip. A warning is issued if you change the value of this attribute when open sales order lines

36 | P a g e
This attribute must be turned off if the BOM Item Type attribute is set to Planning.

 Internal Ordered
Indicate whether to allow an item to be ordered on an internal requisition.
If you turn this attribute on, you can temporarily exclude an item from being ordered on an
internal requisition by turning Internal Orders Enabled off.
This is an item defining attribute. If you turn this attribute on, the item is automatically assigned
to the default category set for the Oracle Purchasing functional area.

 Internal Orders Enabled

Indicate whether you can currently order an item internally. If you turn this attribute on, you
can specify the item on an internal requisition, if Internal Ordered Item is also on.
If you turn Internal Ordered Item on, you can temporarily exclude an item from being ordered
on an internal requisition by turning this attribute off.
This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code.

 OE Transactable
Indicate whether demand can be placed for an item by Oracle Order Entry, and whether
shipment transactions are interfaced to Oracle Inventory. Most items with Shippable turned on
also have OE Transactable turned on. For items you do not ship, you may still want OE
Transactable turned on if you use the items in forecasting or planning. If you also want to
reserve the item, turn Reservable on. A warning is issued if you change the value of this
attribute when open sales order lines exist. You cannot turn this attribute off if demand exits.

 Pick Components
Indicate whether an item has a bill of material with options, classes, or included items picked
from finished goods inventory. Pick-to-order items must have this attribute turned on.
Assemble-to-order items and items without a bill of material must have this attribute turned off.

 Assemble to Order
Turn this attribute on if an item is generally built for sales order demand; a final assembly work
order is created based on sales order details.
An item cannot have Pick Components turned on and this attribute turned on at the same time.

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 ATP Components
Indicate whether to include, in available to promise checking, additional components in the bill
of material for ATO and PTO items. These components are included in ATP checking if Check
ATP for the component is turned on.
 Ship Model Complete
Indicate whether any configuration derived from this model can ship only when all required
quantities of all configuration components (options or included items) are available.
If you turn this attribute on, the Pick Components attribute and the profile option OE:
Reservations must be Yes; the BOM Item Type attribute can be Model or Standard.

 Check ATP
Select Check Material Only, Check Material and Resources, Check Resources Only, or None to
indicate whether to check available to promise and/or capable to promise information when
placing demand.
This attribute also determines whether you can view component ATP information for material
requirements in Work in Process.

 ATP Rule
Enter a user-defined available to promise rule. ATP rules define supply and demand sources,
time-fence parameters, and available-to-promise calculation methods. You can give ATP rules
meaningful names, such as ATO ATP Rule.
If there is no ATP rule for the item, the organization's default ATP rule is used.

 Picking Rule
Enter the picking rule that defines the order in which sub-inventories, locators, lots, and
revisions are picked.

 Collateral Item
Indicate whether the item is collateral. When you register collateral as a promotion in Oracle
Sales and Marketing, you can link it to the item you define here. Then you can use Oracle Sales
and Marketing to include this collateral item in a fulfillment request for a contact or a mass
mailing. Oracle Sales and Marketing displays a list of valid collateral when creating a fulfillment
request or mass mailing, based on the items you define with this flag.

 Default Shipping Organization

Enter the Oracle Order Entry primary shipping organization. This organization defaults to the
Enter Orders window if Item is the source attribute of the Warehouse object in the standard

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value rule set for the order. This organization defaults to the Enter Returns window if a receiving
warehouse is not defined on the customer or order type.

 Returnable
Indicate whether to allow customers to return an item. If an item is returnable, you can enter it
on the Returns window in Oracle Order Entry. Order Entry uses this attribute along
with Stackable and Transactable to determine which authorized returned items you can
physically receive into inventory.

 RMA Inspection Required

Indicate whether inspection is required for items returned by the customer. The item then must
be separately transferred to inventory. Credits are never automatically generated by Oracle
Order Entry for customer return items awaiting inspection.

Invoicing Attribute Group

Following are the Invoicing attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Invoiceable Item
Indicate whether to include an item on an Oracle Receivables invoice. If you turn this option on,
you can temporarily exclude from invoicing when Invoice Enabled is turned off. This option
must be on if Invoice Enabled is on.
 Invoice Enabled
Indicate whether to activate an item for invoicing in Oracle Receivables. If Invoiceable Item is
turned on, you can temporarily exclude from invoicing by leaving Invoice Enabled turned off.
If you turn this option on, the item appears in the Invoice Entry item list of values in Oracle
Receivables. If you turn this feature off, the item does not appear in the list of values and Auto
Invoice rejects the item.
This attribute is optionally set by the Item Status code.

 Accounting Rule

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Enter an accounting rule to identify special revenue recognition rules for an item, such as
recognizing revenue over time. See: Defining Invoicing and Accounting Rules, Oracle
Receivables Reference Manual, Release 10.

This attribute is for reference information only.

 Invoicing Rule
Enter an invoicing rule to determine the period in which you send an invoice when you recognize
revenue over time (using accounting rules). See: Defining Invoicing and Accounting
Rules, Oracle Receivables Reference Manual, Release 10.

This attribute is for reference information only.

 Tax Code
Enter a tax code to use when calculating tax based on location and tax codes. You assign specific
rates to a Tax Code in the Other Tax Rates window. See: Defining Other Tax Rates, Oracle
Receivables Reference Manual, Release 10.

 Sales Account
This attribute is controlled at the Organization level only.
Enter the general ledger account Oracle Receivables uses to record revenue when you bill the
customer. If Auto Accounting is based on items, accounting entries are created at that time.
See: Defining Auto Accounting, Oracle Receivables Reference Manual, Release 10.

 Payment Terms
Enter a valid payment terms code. This attribute is for reference information only.
Service Attribute Group
Following are the Service attributes and their possible values. You set these attributes when
defining or updating items.

 Support Service
Indicate whether the current item represents a service.
The following dependencies exist for Support Service items:

Can be: Invoiceable, OE Transactable, Internal Ordered, and BOM Allowed (only
for Warranty items).
Cannot Inventory Item, Serviceable Product, Stock able, Transactable, Bukid-In-WIP, Cycle

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be: Count Enabled, Purchased, Shippable, Returnable, or Check ATP.

 Warranty
Indicate whether service is automatically included with the current item when it is ordered. If
you turn this option on, the warranty is included on the bill of material for the item. You can
include warranty service only if the item is under serial number control.

 Coverage
Enter the coverage schedule you want to associate with the current support service. A coverage
schedule defines the days during the week and hours during each day that customers may
contact your support organization to request the current service. You can choose any coverage
schedule you have already defined. You can define additional coverage schedules using the
Coverage Schedules window in Oracle Service.

 Service Duration
Enter a positive number to indicate how long the current service lasts. The number you enter
here along with the duration period (in other words, Month, Year) provide defaults when you
order the current service using Oracle Order Entry. You can select any period you have defined
as a unit of measure as long as that unit of measure is associated with your Time unit of
measure class. You indicate which class is the time unit of measure class by setting the profile
option Service: Time Unit of Measure Class.

 Billing Type
Indicate whether the customer is charged for any of the following:

Material Material usage expenses your support organization incurs while providing the current
Labor Labor expenses your support organization incurs while providing the current service.
Expense Incidental expenses your support organization incurs while providing the current

 Serviceable Product
Indicate whether the current item is serviceable. If you turn this option on, Support
Service must be turned off because an item cannot be both serviceable and servicing. When you
turn this option on, you can order service for the item using Oracle Order Entry.

 Service Starting Delay

Enter a positive number indicating how many days after shipment of the current item service
should start. When service is ordered for the current item, the service may be started on a
specific date or on a date that is determined only after the item ships. If service starts after the
item ships, Oracle Service determines the start date by adding the starting delay you enter here
to the item's shipment date.

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