Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
NLN Strategic Plan Goal I Leader in Nursing Education: Enhance the NLNs national and international impact as the recognized leader in nursing education Goal II Commitment to Members: Build a diverse, sustainable, member-led organization with the capacity to deliver our mission effectively, efficiently, and in accordance with our values. Goal III Champion for Nurse Educators: Be the voice of nurse educators and champion their interests in political, academic, and professional arenas. Goal IV Advancement of the Science of Nursing Education: Promote evidence-based nursing education and the scholarship of teaching. NLN AFFILIATION GUIDELINES I. Promote and utilize the products and services of the NLN, including but not limited to: Nursing Education Standards, Faculty Development Programs, Nursing Education Research, and Nursing Supply Data Assessment & Evaluation Tests (NLN Goal II) B. Present award for Community Project Seed Grant: a) call for abstract in letters to deans and directors b) review abstracts in c) Notify Participants d) present award at Lamplighter banquet and announce at annual meeting B. Annual Meeting-Spring a) October-- President or Chair of Awards Committee b) JanuaryAwards Committee c) February -- Chair of Awards Committee d) Spring meeting-President or Designee ALN OBJECTIVES 1. Promote NLN Products and Services STRATEGIES A. Invite NLN representatives to Annual Meeting IMPLEMENTATION A. When: Early fall for spring meeting Person Responsible: Designee of President (Chair Annual Meeting Committee) A. When: Annual Meeting Spring Person Responsible: Chair of Annual Meeting PROGRESS Stephen Hetherma, Director, Test Development at NLN will be attending the Annual meeting April 13, 2008. Abstract of the following were published and presented in 2007: Reitha Cabaniss received the Community Project Seed Grant for Promoting Special Equestrians in Our Local Community. Dr. Marsha Adams & Ms. Becky Edwards received the Excellence in Teaching award for Simulation at the Capstone: A Mark of Teaching / Learning Excellence Call for abstracts for 2008 has been communicated by Pat Reeves.
A. Publish abstract of the previous years winner of seed grant monies at ALN annual meeting and/or on the web site
II. Participate in the securing of funds at the local/state level to promote faculty development and quality nursing education at the constituent level (NLN Goal IV)
1. Provide continuing education programs to promote improvements in nursing education and practice.
A. Offer continuing education programs in conjunction with Annual Meeting B. Call for poster sessions and invite schools to present positive outcomes from the previous year A. Send recognition notes to new and renewing members monthly B. Establish annual budget
A. When: Annual Meeting Spring Person Responsible: Chair of Annual Meeting B. Fall prior to Annual Meeting Person Responsible: Chair of Annual Meeting A. Monthly Person Responsible: Membership Director B. Annually Person Responsible: Treasurer A. Monthly Person Responsible: Membership Director B. Annually Person Responsible: President or Designee C. Ongoing Person Responsible: Members of ALN, efforts coordinated by Executive ALN Board (ASNA Convention- Sept., FACES- Spring, other organizations such as AONE or BRONE) D. Ongoing Person Responsible: Members of ALN, efforts coordinated by Executive ALN Board
A. Send reminder notices to members with dues expiring B. Provide membership application forms for deans and directors meeting each year C. Recruit at nursing meetings
1A. April 12-13, 2007 10.5 Contact hours offered. PreConference: Transforming Technology in Nursing Education and shaping Nursing Education with Technology the following day. 1B. Posters were presented at the Annual Meeting. 2A. Notes are sent to new and renewing members upon renewal. 2B. An annual budget is established and presented to membership in the Spring. 3A. Reminder notices are sent. 3B. Membership application forms are taken to Deans and Directors meeting each year. 3C. There is recruitment at each of the listed meetings.
3D. Students are recruited each year for the Annual Meeting, especially for Poster presentations.
III. Serve as a monitor for public policy issues related to education of nurses at the constituent level (NLN Goal III)
A. Collaborate with other professional nursing organizations in Alabama to improve health care, the image of nursing, and nursing education
A. Make a financial contribution to the Alabama State Nurses Association Legislative Day Activities B. Provide representation from ALN to: 1) Alabama State Nurses Association Convention 2) Alabama Association of Nursing Students Convention 3) AONE State Convention 4) ALAHA Annual Convention 5) Alabama Council of Administrators of Professional Nursing Education Programs A. Support members interested in pursuing elected/appointed ALN/NLN positions
B. Ongoing 1) September Person Responsible: President or Designees 2) Fall Person Responsible: ALN Representative to AANS 3, 4, and 5) Fall and/or Spring Person Responsible: President or Designees A. Ongoing Person Responsible: Executive Board
A representative from ALN attends each of these meetings. The President is now a member of the Coalition for Nursing in the State of Alabama.
IV. Identify, recruit, engage, and develop members for constituent and national leadership work groups and task forces. (NLN Goal II) V. Develop alliances at the constituent level to advance quality nursing education (NLN Goal I)
1. Recognize ALN nurse educators , as well as other nursing colleagues, as valuable resources for professional development and/or contribution A. Promote excellence in teaching and health care delivery practices
A call for Nominations goes out in January each year prior to the Annual Meeting.
A. Annual Meeting Person Responsible: Chair of Awards Committee Time Frame of Process: 1) invite a call for abstracts in October to Schools of Nursing and other health related organizations 2) review abstracts in January and notify recipient in February B. Annual Meeting Person Responsible: Chair of the Annual Meeting
The call for nominations for the Teaching in Excellence award has been sent out for 2008. It will be posted on the web site as well.
B. Publish abstracts of previous year's winners of Excellence in Teaching Awards at ALN annual meeting and/or the web site.
Abstracts of the winner for 2007 was published in the folder for the Annual Meeting April 2007.
B. Arrange for publicity in winners local paper C. Participate in the Alabama Board of Nursing Nominating Committee to select potential nominee names to the governor for Board vacancies
A. Lamplighter Banquet Person Responsible: Chair of Lamplighters Banquet Time Frame of Process: 1) call for nominations to employers in early January 2) notify Award recipients in February 3) present awards at LL banquet held the night before Annual Meeting in Spring B. Following Banquet Person Responsible: Chair of Lamplighters Banquet C. Fall Person Responsible: President or Designee
11 awards were presented at the Lamplighter Banquet in April 2007. The call for nominations has gone out for 2008.
Information was sent to each of the award winners hometown newspapers to be published in 2007. Gretchen McDaniel represents the ALN on the Board of Nursings Nominating Committee. $300.00 is donated to the AANS on a yearly basis.
A. Make financial contribution to the Alabama Association of Nursing Students' Annual Convention B. Sponsor AANS Student Involvement Award
A. Spring Person Responsible: ALN Representative to AANS and Treasurer B. Fall ALN Representative to AANS and Treasurer
Part of the $300.00 donation given each year goes for this.
VI. Serve as a channel of communication between NLN and the members of ALN and among ALN members. (NLN Goal I)
A. Develop and maintain current e-mail list of members and supporters of ALN as well as other health care groups B. Design and implement a process for maintaining ALN Web page in a current state C. Seek opportunities to speak about the ALN to all Schools of Nursing in Alabama
A. Ongoing Person Responsible: Membership Director B. Ongoing Person Responsible: . President and Designees B. Ongoing Person Responsible: President and Designees
This list is maintained by Mary Lee Bressie Member Chair. The ALN Web page can be found at:
ALN President-Regina Bentley has spoken this year at AU and AUM School of Nursing. Other members of the Board have spoken at their respective schools of nursing.