English Literature Timeline
English Literature Timeline
English Literature Timeline
English Literature
Timeline Timeline
The Classical Period 1200-455 BCE III. CLASSICAL ROMAN PERIOD
(200 BCE-455 CE)
(1200-800 BCE) After nearly 500 years as a Republic, Rome slid
Greek legends were passed along orally, including into a dictatorship under Julius Caesar and finally
Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey. This is a into a monarchial empire under Caesar Augustus
chaotic period of warrior-princes, wandering sea- in 27 CE. This later period is known as the Roman
traders, and fierce pirates. Imperial period. Roman writers include Ovid,
Horace, and Virgil. Roman philosophers include
II. CLASSICAL GREEK PERIOD Marcus Aurelius and Lucretius. Roman
(800-200 BCE) rhetoricians include Cicero and Quintilian. IV. PATRISTIC PERIOD
Greek writers, playwrights, and philosophers include (c. 70 CE-455 CE)
Gorgias, Aesop, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Euripides, Early Christian writers include Saint
and Sophocles. The fifth century (499-400 BCE) in Augustine, Tertullian, Saint Cyprian, Saint
particular is renowned as The Golden Age of Greece. Ambrose and Saint Jerome. This is the
This was the sophisticated era of the polis, or period when Saint Jerome first compiled
individual City-State, and early democracy. Some of the Bible, Christianity spread across
the world's finest art, poetry, drama, architecture, Europe, and the Roman Empire suffered
and philosophy originated in Athens. its dying convulsions.
I. THE OLD ENGLISH (ANGLO-SAXON) PERIOD 455 CE-1485 CE The Medieval Period
(428-1066 CE)
The so-called "Dark Ages" occurred after Rome II. THE MIDDLE ENGLISH PERIOD
fell and barbarian tribes moved into Europe. (c. 1066-1450 CE)
Franks, Ostrogoths, Lombards, and Goths settled
in the ruins of Europe, and the Angles, Saxons, This often tumultuous period is marked by the
and Jutes migrated to Britain displacing native Middle English writings of Geoffrey Chaucer, the
Celts into Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Early Old "Gawain" or "Pearl" Poet, the Wakefield Master,
English poems such as Beowulf, The Wanderer, and William Langland. Other writers include
and The Seafarer originated sometime late in the Italian and French authors like Boccaccio,
Anglo-Saxon period. Petrarch, Dante, and Christine de Pisan.
The War of the Roses ended in England with Queen Elizabeth saved England from both
Henry Tudor (Henry VII) claiming the throne. Spanish invasion and internal squabbles at
Martin Luther's split with Rome marks the home. Her reign is marked by the early works
emergence of Protestantism, followed by Henry of Shakespeare, Marlowe, Kyd, and Sidney.
VIII's Anglican schism, which created the first
Protestant church in England. Edmund Spenser IV. CAROLINE AGE
is a sample poet. (1625-1649)
III. JACOBEAN PERIOD John Milton, George Herbert, Robert Herrick,
(1603-1625) the "Sons of Ben" and others wrote during the
The Jacobean Era was the period in English and Scottish history reign of Charles I and his Cavaliers.
that coincides with the reign of James VI of Scotland who also
inherited the crown of England in 1603 as James I.
English Literature
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