NCR Final q3 Eng7 m1

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Department of Education

7 National Capital Region


Third Quarter – Module 1
Using Correct and Appropriate Multimedia Resources
in Writing Recounts

Writer: Rose Ardyth M. Bagkus

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas
Layout Artist: Shiela Mae A. Cancino

City of Good Character
What I Need to Know

Hello, Grade 7 learners! In this first module for the 3rd grading period, you
will learn how to:
Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources when orally giving information,
instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal or factual
recounts (EN7OL-IV-e-3.10)
You can say that you have understood the lesson in this module if you can
1. define what a recount is;
2. cite the roles multimedia play in creatively presenting information,
instruction, explanation, and action;
3. use multimedia resources in verifying information, instruction, explanation,
and action as evidence in recounts;
4. relate the correct and appropriate type of recount and multimedia resources
with the events or situations they verify;
5. criticize the relevance and authenticity of multimedia resources utilized in
providing evidence to validate stories; and
6. develop and collate multimedia resources in presenting personal or
historical events in one’s life.

What I Know

Read the paragraph below to answer the following questions. Write the letters of
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
As president, Magsaysay opened the gates of Malacanang to the common
people. He also went out to all parts of the islands, even to the remotest barrios
to find out for himself what the people needed and to solve their problems as best
as he could. He went by plane, by car, by jeep, and even long distances just to
be with the people he wished to serve. But his term as president was short-lived.
He died in a plane crash and the entire nation mourned his death. (Magsaysay
is My Guy, Testing Reading Power I)
1. What did the president leave after his death?
a. a clean record b. much debts
c. much money d. much work undone
2. What is the cause of his death?
a. assassination b. heart attack
c. lingering illness d. plane crash

City of Good Character
3. How would you describe the length of his presidency?
a. just right b. quite long c. too short d. very long
4. Who mourned for his death?
a. his family b. his own mates
c. his party d. the whole nation
5. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to compare Magsaysay to other Philippine presidents
b. to entertain the audience with fantastic stories of Magsaysay’s life
c. to persuade the current president to follow Magsaysay’s footsteps
d. to recall the legacy of Magsaysay’s life and leadership

Lesson Using Correct and Appropriate

Multimedia Resources in Writing
1 Recounts

What’s In

If President Ramon Magsaysay lived during your time, which platforms will
document his life up until his last day? Look for at least 10 responses in the word
search puzzle below. From these responses, select 5 timely platforms that might
be utilized to document the last hours of his life combining text, graphics, audio,
and video and with the use of a computer. Write your responses on a separate
sheet of paper.

City of Good Character
10 words I found:

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
The five timely platforms I have noted are:
1. 2.
3. 4.
Unscramble the emboldened letters to formulate the word:
The five timely platforms I have noted are examples of
U M A L D I T E M I resources.
My answer:

What’s New

A. Before Reading Activity

Are there any changes that occurred as you transitioned from childhood to
adolescence? Use the Venn diagram below to compare your traits as a child and
as a teen.

City of Good Character
B. During Reading Activity
Read the excerpt from the text entitled There is a Teenager in the House by
Kerima Polotan-Tuvera.
There is a teenager in the house. Until a few years ago, he was my son.
But when he turned thirteen, he also became this tall stranger with pimples
around his nose.
For nearly two years now, there’s been an undeclared war between him
and me. He wins the skirmishes, but he loses the battles. He may get his
way every now and then, but he knows that I make the big decisions. I am
always tempted to punish him, and I am sure he has always thought of
fighting back. We are, suddenly to each other, two people who don’t like such
other very much. He has ideas that shocked me, and I have standards that
appall him.
Once or twice, we manage to rediscover each other. After a heated
argument over why he should roll up his beddings and pick up his soiled
clothes and study his lessons, this teenager and I looked into each other’s
eyes. I searched for the baby I woke up for each dawn, thirteen years ago. I
do not know what he looks for in my face, but he finds it there because he
smiles. The anger vanishes between us although the issue is not solved.
Strewn on the floor each morning will be his bedding. Close by, like the
molting of the snake, are the algebra lessons undone, the comic books well-
thumbed, the messy bathroom.

C. Post Reading Activity

Answer the following questions by writing the letter of your choice in a
separate sheet of pad paper.
For numbers 1-2, look for your answers inside the box below.
a. daughter b. father c. mother d. son
1. Who is the speaker in the narrative?
2. Who was the other character cited in the narrative?
3. How would you describe the relationship between the two central characters
in the narrative?
a. authoritative b. difficult c. easy d. permissive
4. What type of recount was presented above?
a. factual b. imaginative c. literary d. personal
5. Should the speaker document this part of the narrative into multimedia,
which document would candidly explain her point?
a. childhood photos b. digital scrapbook
c. illustration of untidy room d. wordy Facebook post

City of Good Character
What is It
Multimedia in Recounts
Every person has a story to tell. Whether the stories are about real or unreal
people, events, and ideas, our human nature is inclined to share or listen to
stories. Stories about real people, events, and ideas, also called recounts or
nonfiction narratives, take many different forms but include well-defined conflicts
and resolutions, real and amusing characters, and a myriad of literary strategies
like dialogue and suspense. Examples of recounts are as follows:
1. A personal narrative or autobiographical essay reports events in the
writer’s life and may talk about a significant experience or relationship to
the writer being the central character. It has a clearly defined focus and
shares the reasons for actions and consequences.
2. A biographical narrative, on the other hand, conveys information about
someone else’s life. It may be a description of an important period,
experience, or relationship with a person, and it is presented from the
writer’s point-of-view.

3. A blog is an online journal that may include personal narratives, reflections,

opinions, and other types of comments. With the help of multimedia, a blog
may also reflect genres other than nonfiction.

4. A diary or journal entry is where writers take account of their personal

thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Diaries are often kept for many years
and revisited by their writers, in awe of the multitude of collective memories
throughout the years.

5. An eyewitness account is a nonfiction concerned with a historical or

important event where the writer is the narrator and reflects on the relevance
of the event in history. With the writer as a narrator, taking on center stage
is the event, not the writer himself or herself.

6. A memoir highlights meaningful scenes from the writer’s life, especially

moments of a significant decision or a personal discovery. Peering into
another person’s memoir may help the readers gain a better understanding
of the paths they took in life.

7. A reflective essay shares observations and insights of the writer in response

to personal experiences or experiences of other people around them. This
essay appears often as features in magazines and newspapers.

City of Good Character
Integrating multimedia (the use of a computer to present and combine text,
graphics, audio, and video allowing the user to navigate, interact, create, and
communicate) to present recounts engages readers to look keenly at a personal or
historical event with the following guidelines in mind:
1. Utilize a computer to coordinate what you see and hear, and to communicate
2. Use links in accessing or presenting the information.
3. Explore navigational tools that allow you to access and present a web of
connected information.
4. In the absence of web connection, look for ways to gather, process, and
communicate information and ideas.
5. Most importantly, observe social media etiquette. Avoid sharing the recount
of your personal activities that may cause harm to you and to other people’s

What type of recount mainly utilizes multimedia to retell events in one’s life?

What’s More
Activity 1: Mark the Weeks’ Highlights!
For modular learners: For online learners:
● On a separate sheet of paper, ● On your social media account
create a short mock social (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.),
media post of 5 or more write the significant things
paragraphs, narrating the that happened to you during
significant things that the last two weeks.
happened to you during the Screenshot your final outputs
last two weeks. or send a link for your
teacher to review.

Activity 2: Document the Weeks’ Highlights!

Provide documentation for the significant things that happened to you for
the last two weeks. You may provide documentation using the following media:
For modular learners: For online learners:
● photos ● photos
● illustrations ● video/audio recording
● links of videos (e.g. news
report, songs, videos
containing similar experience
as yours, etc.)

City of Good Character
Rubric for Evaluation
Excellent Good Fair
(5 points) (4 points) (3 points)
Introduction: demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
all the criteria only 2 of the only 1 of the
1. gives the setting;
in the first criteria in the criteria in the
2. answers wh-questions; and
column first column first column
3. introduces the topic
Body demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
all the criteria only 2 of the only 1 of the
1. writes using the first-
in the first criteria in the criteria in the
person point-of view;
column first column first column
2. provides relevant
supporting details written
chronologically; and
3. writes in the past tense
Conclusion demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
all the criteria only 2 of the only 1 of the
1. includes a personal
in the first criteria in the criteria in the
reflection, clearly stating
column first column first column
his/her emotions about the
2. links back to the
introduction; and
3. uses appropriate
transitional marker to
conclude the written text
Vocabulary Organization, demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
Grammar all the criteria only 2 of the only 1 of the
in the first criteria in the criteria in the
1. uses correct punctuation;
column first column first column
2. uses a wide range of
vocabulary; and
3. observes correct sentence
structure, spelling,
mechanics, and
Multimedia Used demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
all the criteria only 2 of the only 1 of the
1. shows relevance to events
in the first criteria in the criteria in the
column first column first column
2. engages audience to read
the recount; and
3. uses varying themes/
media in documenting
events that happened
within two weeks

City of Good Character
What I Have Learned
Summarize your insights on this module using the graphic organizer on the
following page. Write your response on a separate sheet of paper.

What I Can Do

Triple Matching Type: Match the situation that needs recounting on column A
with the type of recount that calls for it in column B and the best multimedia
source as a means of verification. Write the letter and the number of your response
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A boy has been accused of stealing a. biographical I. audio
a woman’s purse. narrative recording
2. A former politician turned journalist b. blog II. social media
shares his insights on the recorded post
malicious phone call between a
politician and a cabinet secretary.
3. A girl shares a brief personal c. diary III. photos
experience in Facebook of her
attendance in a K-pop male group
named EXIT.
4. A learner enumerates her d. eyewitness IV. slides
grandmother’s experiences during account presentation
World War II in an online class.
5. A teacher chronicled her bittersweet e. reflective V. video
experiences as a teacher in a rural essay recording

City of Good Character
Read each item carefully to select the letter of the correct answer. Write your
responses on a separate sheet of paper.
For items 1-3, refer to the table below.
Situation I. A student got a II. The former barangay
failing mark during chairman Bayani
the second quarter. Bagumbayan
Her parent sent a reflected on his
personal message to achievements and
the teacher inquiring failures as town
about the matter. leader of Barangay
Question for items 1-2: Choices for items 1-2:
Which type of recount
a. blog b. diary
must be used in this
c. eyewitness account d. memoir
1. _____ 2. _____
Question for item 3: Choices for item 3:
Which multimedia
a. audio recording b. graphs
resource is best for
c. photographs d. video recording
both situations?
3. _____
For items 4-7, identify what type of recounts are presented in the following
excerpts. Choose for the letters of your answers inside the box below.
a. biographical narrative b. blog
c. personal narrative d. reflective essay
4. Happy New Year, friends! All of us have experienced an unexpected 2020, but
in life's uncertainties, our God remains faithful. I've counted some (Counting all
of them would probably fill out your entire timeline!) of the great blessings I've
received this year to remind us all that our God continues working in us and
through us even in the seemingly dimmest times of our lives. From our family
to yours, we pray that you'll have an amazing 2021 ahead of you. (Au Bagkus,
5. I have not seen Ligao in two years and there is another year ending and the
prospects of visiting this town I call home are as remote as ever. The last time I
went there was in ’62, on the eve of a departure that meant crossing an ocean
for faraway places and that visit had been made on something deeper than
impulse, squeezed in between passports and vacation shots – and yet, once in
Ligao, what did I really do? I stayed only twelve hours, just long enough to pick
up half a dozen blooms from my aunt’s garden and jump into a tricycle for the
familiar ride to the municipal cemetery where my father lies buried. (Kerima
Polotan, Small Town Filipinos)

City of Good Character
6. In the past five years, an explosion of technological breakthroughs in
neuroimaging using a variety of high-tech imaging devices to peek inside the
brain has given researchers their first glimpse of what depression, anxiety and
even schizophrenia look like at the cellular level. This could lead to more effective
treatments for this debilitating mental illness. (Neuroimaging Offers Picture of a
Troubled Brain, Philippine Prevention, 2002)
7. When Margarito Gallano “Ito” Kish was a teenager growing up in San Pablo
Laguna, he lived with his school-teacher, mother, and sister in a small house
that leaked when it rained. He slept on the same run-down sofa for 20 years.
(Small-town Boy, Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2002)
8. Chef Lagro wanted the subscribers on his website to learn his recipe for tinapa
spaghetti. Which multimedia resource would be most appropriate to access to
follow the chef’s step-by-step cooking?
a. audio b. illustration c. photo d. video
9. Francheska Francisco is to give an oral report of the history of colonialism in South
and West Asia. Which multimedia resource could she use in her task?
a. graph b. music c. photo d. slide presentation
10. Santiago Sarmiento moved from Manila to Marikina and documented his daily
experiences in a notepad. Which nonfiction narrative, do you think, did he use
to note such experiences?
a. autobiography b. diary c. memoir d. vlog

Additional Activities
I Remember the Days… Write a short recount of a minimum of 4-5 paragraphs,
retelling events using one of the prompts inside the box. For the mode of
submission and rubrics for evaluation, please refer to the activities in What’s More
on pages 6-7.
1. a sporting or other event you 2. a time that you did something
watched special with your family
3. a time that you did something 4. a time that you excelled/did
special with your friends something really well
5. an older person’s experience during 6. how your mother met your father
World War II/EDSA Revolution
7. somebody’s achievements—a hero 8. the most difficult choice you ever
or athlete or political figure had to make
9. your funniest event 10. your most embarrassing time
Which type of recount did you use in your activity? Explain your answer.

City of Good Character

Read the following items carefully. Select the letters of the correct answer
and write them on a separate sheet of pad paper.

For numbers 1-5, read the text below to answer the following items. Look closely
at the words printed in italics.

One balmy July evening as I sat writing, insects whirled and hummed
around me. Suddenly, a butterfly glided to a landing on a paper before me.
I continued writing, but my pen detoured around the tiny creature so as not
to disturb its fascinated contemplation of the brilliantly lit paper.
When I came to the end of the page, I hesitated. Brush the butterfly
away? No, I decided to look more closely at this living jewel with a magnifying
How, I wondered, can a creature be so tiny and yet so complicated?
How did the chrysalis gather the basic materials necessary for its own
evolution and then transform them into eyes, legs, feelers, and wings? Those
wings, especially, made me think. Their pastel colors, arranged with such
geometric perfection – where do they come from? On this tiny body, scarcely
as big as a grain of rice, are colors that equal or surpass those of the works
of our greatest painters. (Fr. Marcel-Marie Dumarais, OP, God or Chance)

1. Which creature did the writer encounter in this excerpt of the recount?
a. baboon b. bee c. bird d. butterfly
2. What type of recount is illustrated in the excerpt?
a. autobiography b. diary c. memoir d. reflective essay
3. If transformed into a social media post, what type of recount would this
passage be?
a. biography b. blog
c. eyewitness account d. personal narrative
4. Which multimedia resource would fail to aid in conveying the message of
the recount?
a. audio b. graphics c. photos d. videos
5. Which verb should consistently be used in recounts?
a. future b. linking c. past d. present

City of Good Character
For items 6-10, read the passage below to answer the following items.
It is odd, but in our family, love always began with a fall of some form
or another. This thought occurred to me when my own first love began. I
spent one night foolishly thinking about this, but the cocks crowed and
Mother woke up to prepare Father’s breakfast, and still, I had no answer.
When Grandfather was still alive, he used to tell us, between coughs,
what happened to him, one day when he was fifteen. He was sleeping on the
bank of the river after swimming when suddenly a strong wind came. It
shook the coconut tree nearby, and fruit, like a wooden rolling pin, fell
straight on his left shoulder. Grandfather screamed with pain, and his cry
was so loud and terrible that several girls bathing around the bend of the
river draped their sarongs about them and rushed to where he was. One of
the girls helplessly held her sarong in her hands and in her excitement and
fright, did not know what to do with it. When Grandfather saw her, he forgot
his pain quickly, and a year later, she became Grandmother. (Celso
Carunungan, Like a Big Brave Man)
6. What type of recount could this passage come from?
a. biographical narrative b. eyewitness account
c. personal narrative d. reflective essay
7. Which event in the writer and the other character’s life in this passage takes
the spotlight?
a. falling in love b. getting into an accident
c. preparing the breakfast d. thinking out loud
8. Which literary technique is evident in the second paragraph of the recount?
a. dialogue b. foreshadowing c. hyperbole d. suspense
9. Which recount could have Grandfather used to document his dramatic
rescue back then?
a. autobiography b. diary c. eyewitness account d. memoir
10. How could this excerpt and the rest of the passage be incorporated in
multimedia should the writer use this excerpt as his entertainment speech
in a reunion or family gathering?
a. audio-video presentation b. photographs
c. slide presentation d. video recording

For numbers 11-15, read the article below to answer the following items.

On November 15, 1935, the Filipino people took the penultimate

step to independence with the inauguration of the Commonwealth of
the Philippines. Only two months prior, on September 16, a million Filipinos
had trooped to the polls to elect their two highest officials—the President and
Vice President. This was the first time in the history of the nation that a
Filipino would finally sit as Chief Executive and hold office in Malacañang

City of Good Character
Senate President Manuel L. Quezon and his running mate Senate
President pro tempore Sergio Osmeña were elected as President and Vice
President, while voters elected representatives for the new unicameral
National Assembly and for local positions. (The Commonwealth of the

11. Which type of recount is presented in this passage?

a. autobiography b. biography
c. eyewitness account d. vlog
For items 12-13, refer to the choices inside the word pool.

a. illustration b. line graph c. photographs d. Venn diagram

12. Which multimedia resource could supplement the emboldened sentence as
13. Which multimedia resource could supplement the italicized sentence as
14. How relevant is this recount to the Filipino history?
a. It was the first time that Filipino people were given a chance to vote.
b. It was the first time that Filipino women were given a chance to vote.
c. It was the first time that the Philippines was liberated from Spain.
d. It was the first time that the Philippines was liberated from the USA.
15. Who was elected as the Chief Executive of the Commonwealth of the
a. Benigno C. Aquino III b. Jose P. Laurel
c. Manuel L. Quezon d. Rodrigo R. Duterte

What I Know
Ferrer, Concordia C. et. al. (2008). Testing reading power I: reading exercises
for speed, comprehension and development of values. Saint Mary’s
Publishing Corporation: Sta. Cruz, Manila
What’s New
English across continents I (2010). Diwa Learning Systems, Inc.: Makati
What Is It
Writing coach: writing and grammar for the 21 st century (2012). Pearson
Education, Inc.: New Jersey
Defining multimedia. University of Delaware. Retrieved January 23, 2021

City of Good Character
What’s More
Alabastro, Susana T. and T.G. Panelo (2003). E-Way to Better
Communication I: Worktext in English. J.C. Palabay Enterprises: Marikina
Heights, Marikina City
Recount writing rubric. Retrieved January 22, 2021 from
Alabastro, Susana T. and T.G. Panelo (2003). E-Way to Better
Communication I: Worktext in English. J.C. Palabay Enterprises: Marikina
Heights, Marikina City
English across continents I (2010). Diwa Learning Systems, Inc.: Makati
Additional Activities
Recount writing prompts. Retrieved January 25, 2021 from
Payawal-Gabriel, Josefina and E. M. Martires (2002). English I. St.
Bernadette Publications, Inc.: Quezon City
The Commonwealth of the Philippines. Retrieved January 25, 2021 from

Answer Key

City of Good Character
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rose Ardyth M. Bagkus (NHS)

Editor: Jovy D. Enriquez (SNNHS)
Internal Validator: Janet S. Cajuguiran (EPS – English)
Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)
Layout Artists: Shiela Mae. A. Cancino (SRNHS)
Janice B. de Guzman

Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Janet S. Cajuguiran
Education Program Supervisor – English

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor – LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character

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