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Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199

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Accident Analysis and Prevention

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Spatial regression analysis of traffic crashes in Seoul

Kyoung-Ah Rhee a,1 , Joon-Ki Kim b,∗ , Young-ihn Lee a,1 , Gudmundur F. Ulfarsson c,2
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, Main Campus, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, National Infrastructure Research Division, 224 Simin-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 14067,
Republic of Korea
University of Iceland, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hjardarhagi 2-6, IS-107 Reykjavik, Iceland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Traffic crashes can be spatially correlated events and the analysis of the distribution of traffic crash
Received 31 May 2015 frequency requires evaluation of parameters that reflect spatial properties and correlation. Typically this
Received in revised form 26 August 2015 spatial aspect of crash data is not used in everyday practice by planning agencies and this contributes to
Accepted 26 February 2016
a gap between research and practice. A database of traffic crashes in Seoul, Korea, in 2010 was developed
at the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) level with a number of GIS developed spatial variables. Practical spatial
models using available software were estimated. The spatial error model was determined to be better
Spatial econometrics
than the spatial lag model and an ordinary least squares baseline regression. A geographically weighted
Policy analysis
Transportation planning
regression model provided useful insights about localization of effects.
Spatial data The results found that an increased length of roads with speed limit below 30 km/h and a higher ratio
Traffic analysis zone (TAZ) of residents below age of 15 were correlated with lower traffic crash frequency, while a higher ratio
Spatial correlation of residents who moved to the TAZ, more vehicle-kilometers traveled, and a greater number of access
points with speed limit difference between side roads and mainline above 30 km/h all increased the
number of traffic crashes. This suggests, for example, that better control or design for merging lower
speed roads with higher speed roads is important. A key result is that the length of bus-only center lanes
had the largest effect on increasing traffic crashes. This is important as bus-only center lanes with bus
stop islands have been increasingly used to improve transit times. Hence the potential negative safety
impacts of such systems need to be studied further and mitigated through improved design of pedestrian
access to center bus stop islands.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction methods and the frontier of research (Mannering and Bhat, 2014).
The handling of spatial correlation is one area with a considerable
Traffic crash risk may vary significantly across similar, or even gap between practice and research. Spatial analysis requires large-
identical, road geometry and conditions. This heterogeneity is due scale spatial data in a format amenable for geographic information
in part to traffic crashes being spatiotemporal occurrences which system (GIS) analysis. The location of this study is the City of Seoul,
are likely not independent across space. A spatial analysis of traffic Korea, which is a large, dynamic city with enormous amounts of
crashes allows for the consideration of various spatial factors affect- data. The infrastructure for spatial analysis by GIS has recently been
ing crash occurrence. Furthermore, it can be determined whether established in Seoul.
spatial factors can be controlled for or not, and if spatial factors can This paper presents an investigation aiming to put the standard
enhance the development of effective planning, policy or engineer- models of spatial analysis into practice—acknowledging that there
ing solutions to reduce traffic crashes. are even more advanced methods available—to demonstrate the
There have been important improvements in analytic methods use of newly available spatial datasets. Second, this study aims to
for traffic crash analysis but there is still a gap between practical identify factors affecting traffic crashes in Seoul based on spatial
analysis to guide development of new effective projects to reduce
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +82 31 380 0484. Previous studies on spatial characteristics of traffic crashes have
E-mail addresses: lka1974@snu.ac.kr (K.-A. Rhee), kimjoonki@krihs.re.kr identified or suggested various spatial variables related to traf-
(J.-K. Kim), yilee@snu.ac.kr (Y.-i. Lee), gfu@hi.is (G.F. Ulfarsson). fic crashes. Some variables have clear trends in different studies
Fax: +82 2 871 8847. conducted in various regions. Population and traffic volume vari-
Fax: +354 525 4362.

0001-4575/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199 191

ables, e.g., annual average daily travel (Venkataraman et al., 2013) lower income level when other risk factors are controlled. Aguero-
and vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) (de Guevara et al., 2004; Aguero- Valverde and Jovanis (2006) also reported that a higher ratio of
Valverde and Jovanis, 2006; Hadayeghi et al., 2003; Karlaftis and persons under the poverty level was indicative of a higher number
Tarko, 1998; Quddus, 2008), reflect exposure and were positively of traffic crashes. Noland and Quddus (2004) and Quddus (2008)
correlated with frequency of traffic crashes. So is also pedes- used wards of census-level as their unit of analysis, and Noland
trian exposure an important factor for crash frequency in dense (2003) analyzed the 50 states of the U.S. to reach the previously
urban areas (Lam et al., 2013). Crash occurrence increased as mentioned conclusion. Huang et al. (2010) criticized that the effect
the road length increased (Levine et al., 1995; de Guevara et al., of low income level on traffic safety has not yet been clearly
2004; Aguero-Valverde and Jovanis, 2006; Hadayeghi et al., 2003; explained, and expected that in general the residents of wealth-
Karlaftis and Tarko, 1998; Quddus, 2008; Venkataraman et al., ier regions will be less likely to engage in risky activities, thereby
2014b). Higher traffic signal density and AADT occupancy ratio leading to safer environment in those areas.
of trucks led to increased number of crashes (Huang et al., 2010; The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a practical pro-
Siddiqui et al., 2012). cedure for a policy analysis of traffic crashes which accounts for
The trends of several variables, however, remain unclear. Degree spatial correlation in a major metropolis. For the procedure to be
of urbanization (Noland and Quddus, 2004) and the ratio of vol- practical, data available at the TAZ level is used and standard spa-
ume to capacity (Hadayeghi et al., 2003), which are proxy variables tial regression methods in available software are applied. This paper
for traffic congestion, have been found negatively correlated to will systematically test the major effects discussed above and local
crash severity. Shefer and Rietveld (1997) maintained that poli- features using spatial models and data from Seoul.
cies aimed at reducing traffic congestion may lead to unexpected
consequences in terms of traffic safety. Studies have suggested
that improving road geometrics affects traffic crashes and fatalities 2. Data
(Noland, 2003; Noland and Quddus, 2004; Noland and Oh, 2004;
Venkataraman et al., 2011). Some studies have suggested that a Seoul is the capital of Korea and its center of politics, economy,
higher speed limit has an effect on major traffic crashes due to the society, and culture. Geographically, the area of Seoul is 605.27 km2
behavior of some drivers to go faster than the speed limit (Siddiqui and the longitudinal distance is 30.3 km. Although Seoul accounts
et al., 2012). for only 0.6% of the total area in South Korea, more than one
In terms of demographic indices, more crashes occurred in areas fifth of the Korean population, 10.4 million people, populate the
with higher population density (de Guevara et al., 2004; Levine metropolitan city. In Seoul, 39,743 traffic crashes were recorded in
et al., 1995; Hadayeghi et al., 2003) and greater pedestrian exposure 2010, with 390 casualties and 34% of the crashes resulting in serious
(Yao et al., 2015), whereas less densely populated regions expe- injuries.
rienced a higher ratio of traffic crashes leading to severe injuries The objective of this research is to contribute to a practical
(Noland and Quddus, 2004). To rationalize this result, it is nec- analytic process for planning agencies. The unit of analysis was
essary to understand the relationships among population density, therefore the standard traffic analysis zones (TAZ) of Seoul. There
traffic volume, and traffic crashes. In general, it may be expected are 423 TAZs in the city and the available data for them is shown
that higher population density increases traffic volume and this in Table 1. Recent research on the appropriate geographical unit
in turn increases traffic conflicts and consequently the number of of analysis for traffic safety was reviewed, especially Siddiqui et
traffic crashes. However, increased traffic volume leads to conges- al., (2012), Abdel-Aty et al. (2013), Wang and Kockelman (2013),
tion, which reduces speed differences among the vehicles and may and Lee et al. (2014). Lee et al. (2014) pointed out that the size of
decrease the likelihood of fatality in a crash. On the other hand, some TAZs is too small for macroscopic safety analysis and sug-
areas with low population density and traffic volume have a lower gested a new zoning method, the so-called traffic safety analysis
number of traffic crashes, but the speed difference among the vehi- zone (TSAZ), which is based on merging multiple TAZs into a single
cles will be greater such that traffic crashes may be more severe larger TSAZ using specific rules. Lee et al. (2014) found that using
when they occur. This shows that population density or traffic vol- TSAZs yields a better statistical fit than using regular TAZs. How-
ume variables cannot be used alone to determine the risk of traffic ever, the use of more sophisticated areas than the regular TAZs
crashes. is not immediately practical due to numerous data sources being
Socio-demographic data has often been included in research, for only available for the TAZs. It would presently require imputation
example age, gender and level of education distributions of the pop- or interpolation of data to change the unit of analysis. The TAZs in
ulation. Some studies report that a higher ratio of the population Seoul are somewhat large. The minimum area of TAZs (0.09 mi2 )
aged 75 years or older leads to a lower number of traffic crashes, in Seoul is larger than the minimum TAZ (0.021 mi2 ) but smaller
while others report increases in casualties (Karim et al., 2013; than the minimum TSAZ (1.51 mi2 ) in the study of Lee et al. (2014).
Huang et al., 2010; Noland and Quddus, 2004; Aguero-Valverde Due to the relatively large size of TAZs in Seoul, there was no TAZ
and Jovanis, 2006). Various conclusions were drawn from variables without crash and TAZs without a severe crash in Seoul are only 3
related to younger drivers. Variables related to trip generation have (0.7%). However, in the study by Lee et al. (2014) there are 341 TAZs
been included in the form of trip production and attraction for each (30.6%) and 71 TSAZs (14.2%) without a severe crash.
trip purpose and amount of attracted traffic per unit area (Naderan Since the size of the TAZs varies considerably in Seoul it is nec-
and Shahi, 2010). However, not all trip production or attraction was essary to account for the differences in size in the models using
always positively correlated with traffic crashes. size-dependent variables. This study had the land area of each TAZ,
Main socio-economic variables considered in prior research vehicle-kilometers-traveled in a year, the number of subway and
were income levels, ratio of households without a vehicle, and transit stops, along with various other data which capture the effect
unemployment rate. More impoverished regions had higher traffic of the size of the TAZs. These variables are tested in the models.
crash frequencies whereas crashes involving pedestrians occurred This research deals with the limitation of geocoding crashes
less frequently in regions with high unemployment rate or high into TAZs by using a GIS system. The Korea Road Traffic Authority
income levels and more frequently in regions with higher young (KoROAD) manages the crash database under the Traffic Safety Act,
adult population density (Noland and Quddus, 2004; Quddus, 2008; which is called TAAS (Traffic Accident Analysis System). The TAAS
LaScala et al., 2004). Loukaitou-Sideris et al. (2007) asserted that database is based on GIS and all crashes have (x, y) location coor-
the risk of a pedestrian traffic crash is higher in regions with dinates accurate enough to specify the travel direction on major
192 K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199

Table 1
Data description.

Variables Mean Min Max S.D.

Crash Number of all crashes 93.96 1 544 67.18

Number of fatal and severe injury crashes 34.95 0 179 23.96
Number of minor injury crashes 59.01 1 365 44.32

Traffic Area of TAZ (km2 ) 1.43 0.23 12.69 1.59

Vehicle-kilometers traveled (VKT) 208,878 2302 3,003,142 267,285
Number of subway stations and bus stops 23 1 83 13
Trip production for automobiles in TAZ (vehicles/day) 12,575 1631 112,025 10,996
Number of crosswalks in TAZ 76 1 359 49
Number of school zones in TAZ 2.36 0 8 1.56

Road network Ratio of road length in TAZ to total length (%) 2.74 0.06 7.54 1.37
Road length with posted speed 30 km/h (centerline m) 2461 0 13,521 1915
Road length with posted speed 50 km/h (centerline m) 1054 0 11,828 2010
Road length with posted speed 60 km/h (centerline m) 3020 0 18,340 2314
Length of central bus-only lane (lane m) 627 0 4302 804
Length of major arterial (centerline m) 1342 0 10,458 1592
Total lane meters (lane m) 24,757 3756 91,726 12,793
Number of access points where speed limit difference with mainline is over 30 km/h 4 0 85 11
Number of major 3-legged signalized intersections 10 0 87 10
Number of major 4-legged signalized intersections 4 0 25 4
Number of major 5-legged signalized intersections 0 0 3 0

Demographic Population 23,139 809 49,837 8596

Number of households 8277 274 18,924 3104
Number of employees in TAZ 10,629 700 141,960 16,154
Population ratio younger than 15 years old (%) 13.68 5.41 21.73 2.83
Population ratio older than 64 years old (%) 10.00 5.11 17.79 2.25
Population ratio under poverty limit (%) 1.68 0 19.54 2.15
Population ratio of males (%) 49.14 42.37 60.52 1.69
Population ratio of those moving to TAZ in year (%) 17.97 10.52 62.66 5.00

Socio-economic & neighborhood Household income, monthly average (decile) 4.36 2.50 8.74 1.28
Number of elementary and lower schools 19 0 101 12
Mixed land use index (0–1) 0.33 0.05 0.63 0.10
Ratio of large planned condominium/apartment (APT) complexes in TAZ (%) 52.24 0 100.00 30.50
Price of land ($/m2 ) 2638 40 16,512 1805

roads. Therefore, it is straightforward to aggregate crashes accu- 0 denoting homogeneous land use and 1 denotes mixed land use.
rately for each TAZ since their boundaries lie on the centerlines Land use in Seoul was classified into five categories (residential,
of major roads. This does, however, mean that on the boundary, commercial, industrial, entertainment, and green) in calculating
crashes in one direction are in one TAZ and crashes in the other the MLI.
direction are in another TAZ. This is a limitation in terms of identi- Household income is the monthly average income of a house-
fying a crash location that is systematic across all lanes and for both hold. Income is classified into 10 groups. The mean of 4.36 in Table 1
travel directions but specific location is not the purpose of analysis means the monthly average household income is about $4360.
for aggregated crashes in an entire TAZ. The ratio of large condominium/apartment complexes (APT
Trip production in each TAZ was collected from the Seoul areas) in each TAZ is the area ratio of large condominium/apartment
Metropolitan Household Travel Survey. Vehicle-kilometers trav- complexes within the TAZ. Of the various housing types (e.g.,
eled (VKT) within each TAZ were estimated from the transportation single-family detached house, multi-family attached housing, and
demand analysis software package Emme/3. To improve the VKT apartment buildings) in Seoul, APT areas, such as so-called new
estimation, traffic volume and speed data collected annually at towns, often lead to improvement in the traffic environment. Seoul
major locations in Seoul were used in the adjustment of the trans- contains both older areas that developed naturally over a number
portation demand estimate. of years as well as planned, high-density new towns. The relation-
Road and safety facility data and a base map were obtained from ship of such changed spatial environment with traffic crashes was
the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Seoul TOPIS (Transport therefore also investigated.
Operation and Information Service). Similar to the crash data, the
road lengths (centerline meters), number of major crossroads, and 3. Methods
number of safety facilities were grouped by TAZ.
Data such as population, dwelling type, employment, land use, Spatial autocorrelation occurs when events occurring at dif-
land price, and household income were obtained from the Seoul ferent but nearby locations are correlated. This is quite likely to
statistics database. occur for traffic crashes within a city. Spatially autocorrelated data
The definitions of most variables are straightforward and similar should not be analyzed by normal regression analysis as the corre-
to previous studies but a few require more explanation. We use the lation violates the basic assumption of ordinary least squares (OLS)
number of access points where speed limit differs from that of the regression. A straightforward spatial regression analysis uses a spa-
main road by over 30 km/h in absolute value. It is expected that tial weight matrix and maximum likelihood estimation in order to
the connection of two roads with significant speed difference will minimize this bias (Anselin and Griffith, 1988; LeSage, 1998, 1999;
increase the probability of unexpected traffic events and lead to a LeSage and Pace, 2009).
higher frequency of crashes. In a typical current investigation by a transportation or plan-
The mixed land use index (MLI) denotes the extent of mixed use ning agency, OLS is used on the number of crashes or the crash
of land (Kockelman, 1997). The value of MLI is between 0 and 1, with rate. Crashes are discrete, non-negative integer values so it would
K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199 193

be more appropriate to use a count model. Many such models have The GeoDa 1.5.37 beta (Anselin, 2005) software was used for the
been developed and described in the literature. The Poisson and analysis.
negative binomial models are the most basic but a whole typology An even more sophisticated approach would develop a spa-
of such models is available. The advanced model variants are not in tial count model. The primary such model in the literature is the
general use at planning agencies although work is underway to put conditional autoregressive model (Quddus, 2008), which is even
them into more practice (Venkataraman et al., 2014a). The count available for multivariate settings (Wang and Kockelman, 2013)
models are especially useful when considering small areas, such as where multiple dependent variables can be modeled simultane-
1 km road sections or intersections, with time windows up to one ously, e.g., multiple severity categories. There is still a practical gap
year since then the crash frequency is typically low. However, when before these advanced methods can be put into general use at agen-
using large areas on an annual basis, with dozens of crashes, the cies. These models require Bayesian estimation methods such as the
practical benefits of count models become lesser and even negligi- Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, which means a greater effort
ble. OLS is therefore still being actively used by agencies to model is needed for specification and estimation of these models. As the
crash frequencies in large areas over long time periods. research advances, such methods can hopefully soon be made more
This work intends to meet agencies where they are and there- practical for everyday agency use.
fore begins with OLS as the basis and the dependent variable, Yi , is OLS assumes the regression coefficients of the explanatory
the natural logarithm of the total number of traffic crashes in each variables are the same in all locations of the analyzed area. The
TAZ in one year. Since no TAZ in this data set has zero crashes, the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) (Fotheringham et al.,
use of the natural logarithm does not pose problems due to zeros. 2002) relaxes this constraint by allowing each regression coeffi-
The logarithm was taken for normality reasons and to ensure a cient to vary as a function of location. GWR has a smaller residual
non-negative crash frequency. Spatially autocorrelated extensions and less spatial dependence than OLS, is consistent with the data,
of OLS have now become standard to many software packages and and can be used to visually analyze spatial variation thanks to recent
are textbook material. incorporation in GIS (DeMers, 2004; LeGates 2005; Lo and Yeung,
Spatial dependence can be denoted as in Eq. (1) (Anselin and 2002). The GWR is described by Eq. (4), where i is the TAZ:
Griffith, 1988). TAZ locations i and j are affected by values of neigh-
yi = ˇ0i + ˇ1i x1i + ˇ2i x2i + . . . + ˇki xki + εi . (4)
boring regions. In a time series the influence is unidirectional and
one-dimensional but in space the effect is bidirectional and two- The GWR regression is performed here using a Gaussian form
dimensional, kernel with a fixed bandwidth such that all regression points con-
  tain the same number of sample points. It is known that GWR
Yi = f Yj , where i, j = 1, . . ., n; i =
/ j, (1)
is affected more by the bandwidth than the form of the kernel
and Yi is the natural logarithm of the number of crashes in TAZ i (Fotheringham et al., 2002). The appropriate bandwidth may be
in one year. Spatial heterogeneity can be represented by Eq. (2), calculated by minimizing the cross validation (CV) value, which
which implies that regression coefficients on dependent variables is the difference between the observed and the estimated value,
change with TAZ location i (LeSage, 1999; LeSage and Pace, 2009). or by minimizing AICc, which additionally considers the complex-
εi is an unobserved error term assumed to be independently and ity of the model. The bandwidth was calculated using AICc in this
identically distributed normal(0, 2 ), study. The GWR is performed using the GWR 4.0 software pack-
age (Nakaya, 2009).Moran’s I (Moran, 1950) is used to test if the
Yi = Xi ˇi + εi where i = 1, . . ., n. (2) model residuals are spatially clustered. Moran’s I near +1 means
that regions with high values are spatially near each other, and
The form of the general spatial model is (Anselin and Griffith,
Moran’s I near −1 means that regions with high and low values
are evenly distributed. The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) method was
Y = W1 Y + Xˇ + , used to test if spatial autocorrelation still exists after removing the
spatial effect in the spatial lag model and the spatial error model.
  The Corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) (Hurvich
 = W2  + ε where ε∼MVN 0,  2 In , (3)
et al., 1998) was used to compare the goodness of fit of the mod-
where Y , the dependent variable, is a (n × 1) vector of the nat- els. The best fit among the models is indicated by the lowest AICc.
ural logarithm of crashes in the n TAZs in a year, X is a (n × k) The AICc is useful for comparing models that use different explana-
matrix of k explanatory variables,  and  are spatial autoregres- tory variables in models of the same dependent variable. In general,
sive coefficients, W1 and W2 are (n × n) spatial weight matrices, models are regarded as not significantly different when their dif-
 is the unobserved error term which now can possibly incorpo- ference of AICc values is less than 4 (Charlton and Fotheringham,
rate spatial correlation through its first term, ε is a (n × 1) vector of 2009).
unobserved error terms, identically and independently distributed, It is examined whether categorizing traffic crash frequency by
MVN denotes the multivariate normal distribution, In is the (n × n) severity is important in this work. Venkataraman et al. (2013)
identity matrix. investigated various groupings of crash outcomes using random
In Eq. (3), the model becomes a spatial lag model (SLM) when parameter negative binomial models and found that this was
the spatial weight matrix of the error term (W2 ) is 0, and a spatial important. The number of all crashes was divided into those
error model (SEM) when the spatial weight matrix of the depen- that result in fatal or severe injuries and those that result in
dent term (W1 ) is 0. In the SLM, a dependent variable in a particular minor injuries. Such models were estimated using OLS and a log-
region is subject to spill-over effects from the dependent variable likelihood test was used to test the significance of classifying the
in neighboring regions. This effect is realized by the spatial weight crash frequencies by severity. Since a spatial regression model
matrix, (W1 ). Similarly, in the SEM model the error in one region is based on OLS results in bias, a Jacobian matrix was created by con-
dependent on the error in neighboring regions through W2 . Here, sidering spatial dependence, and this is included in the likelihood
the spatial weight matrices W1 and W2 are defined using the rook function (Ord, 1975). Therefore, maximum likelihood estimation is
method of the spatial contiguity matrix proposed by Anselin and used and a log-likelihood value is estimated despite the method
Griffith (1988). The rook method defines neighbors such that if a being a linear analysis.
part of the boundaries of two regions is shared, the correspond- To statistically test if the separate modeling of crashes by sever-
ing element of the spatial weight matrix, Wij , is 1 but 0 otherwise. ity is significant a chi-square log-likelihood test is used. The test
194 K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199

Table 2
Results for models of all crashes.

Dependent variable: ln(all crashes) Models


Spatial lag coefficient,  – 0.224‡ (0.058) –

Spatial error coefficient,  – – 0.341‡ (0.066)
Constant 1.604‡ (0.490) 0.655 (0.521) 1.426‡ (0.494)

Ln(vehicle-kilometers traveled) 0.127‡ (0.041) 0.137‡ (0.039) 0.154‡ (0.040)

Population ratio under 15 year old (%) −0.043‡ (0.013) −0.041‡ (0.012) −0.051‡ (0.013)
Population ratio of those moving to TAZ in the year (%) 0.018‡ (0.006) 0.017‡ (0.006) 0.018‡ (0.006)

Socio-economic and neighborhood

Household income, monthly average (decile) 0.076‡ (0.026) 0.061† (0.025) 0.091‡ (0.030)
Number of elementary and lower schools 0.012‡ (0.003) 0.012‡ (0.003) 0.010‡ (0.003)
Dummy for APT area (1 if ratio of large planned condominium/apartment complexes in TAZ is over 70%, otherwise 0) −0.155† (0.074) −0.157† (0.071) −0.145† (0.072)
Mixed land use index (MLI) (0:scattered–1:mixed) 1.622‡ (0.280) 1.397‡ (0.273) 1.373‡ (0.297)

Road network
Number of subway stations and bus stops 0.015‡ (0.002) 0.015‡ (0.002) 0.015‡ (0.002)
Ratio of road length with posted speed under 30 km/h versus total road length (%) −1.566‡ (0.603) −1.432† (0.582) −1.345† (0.612)
Ratio of length of central bus lane versus total road length (%) 4.808‡ (1.463) 4.690‡ (1.412) 4.822‡ (1.498)
Number of access points with over 30 km/h absolute difference in posted speed limit 0.011‡ (0.003) 0.010‡ (0.003) 0.010‡ (0.003)

Number of TAZs 423 423 423

Spatial Weight Matrix – Contiguity matrix (Rook)
Moran’s I of residuals 0.146‡ 0.039 −0.008
R2 0.49 0.51 0.53
AICc 713.523 700.845 691.391
Log-likelihood at convergence −344.761 −337.422 −333.696

Standard errors are in parentheses. Level of significance: all with p-value greater than 90%, † > 95%, and ‡ > 99%. Coefficients that were not significant at the 90% p-value were
restricted to zero and omitted from the model.

Table 3
Results for models of fatal and severe injury.

Dependent variable: ln(fatal and severe crashes) Models


Spatial lag coefficient,  – 0.220‡ (0.057) –

Spatial error coefficient,  – – 0.334‡ (0.067)
Constant 0.238 (0.451) 0.163 (0.464) 0.407 (0.455)

Ln(vehicle-kilometers traveled) 0.145‡ (0.038) 0.151‡ (0.036) 0.164‡ (0.037)

Population ratio under 15 year old (%) −0.035‡ (0.012) −0.033‡ (0.011) −0.041‡ (0.012)
Population ratio of those moving to TAZ in the year (%) 0.015‡ (0.005) 0.013‡ (0.005) 0.015‡ (0.005)

Socio-economic and neighborhood

Household income monthly average (decile) 0.073‡ (0.024) 0.057‡ (0.023) 0.082‡ (0.027)
Number of elementary and lower schools 0.009‡ (0.002) 0.010‡ (0.002) 0.008‡ (0.002)
Dummy for APT area (1 if ratio of large planned condominium/apartment complexes in TAZ is over 70%, otherwise 0) −0.149† (0.068) −0.155‡ (0.065) −0.148† (0.066)
Mixed land use index (MLI) (0:scattered–1:mixed) 1.393‡ (0.258) 1.218‡ (0.252) 1.226‡ (0.274)

Road network
Number of subway stations and bus stops 0.015‡ (0.002) 0.015‡ (0.002) 0.015‡ (0.002)
Ratio of road length with posted speed under 30 km/h versus total road length (%) −1.762‡ (0.556) −1.656‡ (0.537) −1.698† (0.563)
Ratio of length of central bus lane versus total road length (%) 3.888‡ (1.347) 3.800‡ (1.301) 3.869‡ (1.379)
Number of access points with over 30 km/h absolute difference in posted speed limit 0.010‡ (0.003) 0.010‡ (0.003) 0.009‡ (0.003)

Number of TAZs 423 423 423

Spatial Weight Matrix – Contiguity matrix (Rook)
Moran’s I of residuals 0.148‡ 0.046 −0.007
R2 0.51 0.53 0.54
AICc 644.072 632.055 622.124
Log-likelihood at convergence −310.036 −303.027 −299.062

Standard errors are in parentheses. Level of significance: all with p-value greater than 90%, † > 95%, and ‡ > 99%. Coefficients that were not significant at the 90% p-value were
restricted to zero and omitted from the model.

statistic that compares the constrained all crashes model with the by adding the number of parameters in the fatal & severe and injury
unconstrained two models for fatal & severe crashes and injury models and subtracting the parameters in the all crashes model.
crashes is (Ulfarsson and Mannering, 2004): The null hypothesis of there being no improvement due to the sep-
LR = −2 LLall crashes − LLfatal& severe − LLinjury .(5) aration by severity was rejected. Therefore, the total number of
The LR statistic follows a chi-squared distribution with degrees crashes was broken down into dependent variables for the severity
of freedom equal to the number of constraints, which can be found categories fatal and severe injury on one hand and minor injury on
K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199 195

Table 4
Results for models of minor injury crashes.

Dependent variable: ln(minor injury crashes) Models


Spatial lag coefficient,  – 0.265‡ (0.056) –

Spatial error coefficient,  – – 0.402‡ (0.063)
Constant 1.013† (0.502) 0.027 (0.513) 0.815‡ (0.503)

Ln(vehicle-kilometers traveled) 0.131‡ (0.042) 0.143‡ (0.040) 0.164‡ (0.041)

Population ratio under 15 year old (%) −0.046‡ (0.013) −0.043‡ (0.012) −0.056‡ (0.013)
Population ratio of those moving to TAZ in the year (%) 0.020‡ (0.006) 0.018‡ (0.006) 0.019‡ (0.006)

Socio-economic and neighborhood

Household income monthly average (decile) 0.073‡ (0.026) 0.054† (0.026) 0.093‡ (0.031)
Number of elementary and lower schools 0.013‡ (0.003) 0.013‡ (0.003) 0.011‡ (0.003)
Dummy for APT area (1 if ratio of large planned condominium/apartment complexes in TAZ is over 70%, otherwise 0) −0.152† (0.075) −0.150† (0.072) −0.128† (0.073)
Mixed land use index (MLI) (0: scattered–1: mixed) 1.783‡ (0.287) 1.476‡ (0.278) 1.414‡ (0.305)

Road network
Number of subway stations and bus stops 0.015‡ (0.002) 0.015‡ (0.002) 0.015‡ (0.002)
Ratio of road length with posted speed under 30 km/h versus total road length (%) −1.508† (0.618) −1.330† (0.590) −1.164† (0.622)
Ratio of length of central bus lane versus total road length (%) 5.390‡ (1.499) 5.181‡ (1.432) 5.254‡ (1.528)
Number of access points with over 30 km/h absolute difference in posted speed limit 0.012‡ (0.003) 0.010‡ (0.003) 0.011‡ (0.003)

Number of TAZs 423 423 423

Spatial Weight Matrix – Contiguity matrix (Rook)
Moran’s I of residuals 0.173‡ 0.042 −0.011
R2 0.50 0.51 0.55
AICc 734.376 714.806 702.709
Log-likelihood at convergence −355.188 −344.403 −339.355

Standard errors are in parentheses. Level of significance: all with p-value greater than 90%, † > 95%, and ‡ > 99%. Coefficients that were not significant at the 90% p-value were
restricted to zero and omitted from the model.

the other hand, which were then analyzed in separate models for TAZs with higher monthly average household income have more
the OLS, SEM and SLM models. The GWR, however, was performed crashes. This is opposite of what is often found (Noland et al., 2004;
only using the all crashes combined to demonstrate its usefulness Quddus, 2008; LaScala et al., 2004; Loukaitou-Sideris et al., 2007).
for location analysis and mapping. Although Aguero-Valverde and Jovanis, 2006 reported that a higher
ratio of persons under the poverty limit increases the number of
traffic crashes, this variable was not significant for Seoul. When
the effect of other variables was controlled, a higher ratio of per-
4. Results sons in poverty actually reduced the number of crashes. This may
be due to special characteristics of Seoul. Seoul has a high popula-
The results of the OLS, SEM, and SLM regressions for all crashes, tion density and an expansive public transportation system. Public
fatal and severe injury, and minor injury are presented in Tables 2–4 transit use may be higher in lower income areas reducing exposure
respectively. Considering Tables 2–4, VKT, which represents expo- to traffic crashes. Lower income areas are older with smaller roads
sure, was linked with increased frequency of traffic crashes as and lower speeds. High income areas are better served with higher
expected. Since both the dependent variable and VKT were in nat- speed roads, and this may be captured in this result. The mixed land
ural logarithm form, the regression coefficient of VKT represents use index of Seoul is high such that distinctions between areas with
the elasticity directly. The effect was inelastic but with VKT having high average household income and areas with high ratio of persons
a slightly larger elasticity in the spatial models than in OLS. When under poverty may not always be clear at the TAZ level. Similarly the
VKT increases by 1%, the traffic crashes increase by 0.127% in OLS, distinctions of residential areas and commercial areas are unclear
0.137% in SLM, and 0.154% in SEM. This seems low compared to the at the TAZ level. As a result, the relevant variables affected traffic
typical effect of ADT on crashes in roadway sections which is typi- crashes differently compared to other studies and the possible com-
cally closer to being 1:1 (see for example, Khattak et al., 2002). The plexity of the cause suggests more detailed analysis of this effect
reason may be that this is an overall vehicle kilometers traveled could be beneficial.
measure for an entire TAZ in one year, derived from a Emme/3 sim- A larger number of elementary education institutions in a TAZ
ulation, calibrated on observed values, which may have a weaker was linked with more traffic crashes. This was determined to be due
link to overall traffic crashes in a TAZ than average daily trips have to increase of exposure, including pedestrian exposure. Pedestrian
on crashes in specific roadway sections. exposure has been found important for crash analysis in urban areas
A high ratio of the TAZ population below 15 years old reduced (Lam et al., 2014).
crashes but a high ratio of newly moved-in population increased A dummy variable that has a value of one when the ratio of
crashes slightly. The population less than 15 is mainly children high density condominium/apartment complexes to other housing
that attend nursery, kindergarten, and elementary school. Traf- types is over 70% was shown to reduce the number of traffic crashes.
fic crashes would decrease since the younger population is still In Seoul, some aged areas have an inferior road environment. Such
under the protection of their parents and they could benefit from areas experience improvement in road environment when condo-
more traffic safety facilities in family oriented areas. Seoul has a minium/apartment complexes are built in new town projects, and
large population of people who are renters, and because the newly road alignment and safety facilities are improved as well. Traffic
moved-in population is less familiar with the nearby environment into the condominium/apartment complex areas is also controlled
they are more likely to be exposed to unexpected situations which and limited to residents and guests, with low speed limits inside
could explain the result.
196 K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199

Table 5
Results of the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR): all crashes.

Dependent variable: ln(all crashes) Mean Min Max

Constant 0.718043 −0.95075 2.101054

Ln(vehicle-kilometers-traveled) 0.18792 0.054926 0.344342

Population ratio under 15 year old (%) −0.03571 −0.09096 −0.00535
Population ratio of those moving to TAZ in the year (%) 0.023451 0.009407 0.039869

Socio-economic and neighborhood

Household income monthly average (decile) 0.074492 −0.03155 0.143158
Number of elementary and lower schools 0.014302 0.006988 0.025695
Dummy for APT area (1 if ratio of large planned condominium/apartment complexes in TAZ is over 70%, otherwise 0) −0.18614 −0.33702 −0.03711
Mixed land use index (MLI) (0:scattered–1:mixed) 1.574178 0.938504 2.222473

Road network
Number of subway stations and bus stops −2.14378 −3.8073 −0.73195
Ratio of road length with posted speed under 30 km/h versus total road length (%) 0.014583 0.009598 0.018399
Ratio of length of central bus lane versus total road length (%) 3.613787 −1.10223 7.154756
Number of access points with over 30 km/h absolute difference in posted speed limit 0.009933 0.005038 0.014473

Bandwidth 281.000
Moran’s I (residual) 0.187 (Z-value: 6.71)
Moran’s I (Std. residual) 0.059 (Z-value: 2.23)
R2 0.57
Log-likelihood at convergence −306.239
AICc 703.563

the complexes. Therefore, a higher ratio of apartment complexes is to increased traffic crash occurrence. The statistical significance of
linked to a reduction in the number of traffic crashes in the TAZ. this variable and the number of public transportation sites merits
Regions with MLI near one had more traffic crashes. Of the discussion. Both variables are nodes of movement of people and
socioeconomic variables MLI was shown to have the biggest impact vehicles, and they both create situations in which the expectancy
on crash frequency. It may be because MLI near one leads to larger of the driver and the pedestrian are not met in the real space. This
attraction of population and traffic that affects exposure to traffic suggests the need for further local analysis of the design of these
crashes beyond what is captured by VKT. This may also be impor- locations and ways to mitigate the safety risk.
tant since there is no direct measure of pedestrian exposure (Yao When the goodness-of-fit of the OLS, SLM, and SEM are com-
et al., 2015). pared in terms of AICc, the SEM had the highest goodness-of-fit
A larger number of subway stations and bus stops were found followed by SLM and then OLS. The LR test also showed that SLM
to increase traffic crashes. Bus stop and subway stations induce and SEM had higher goodness-of-fit. If such traffic crash models
activities of people, and an increase of such nodes would increase are analyzed by OLS instead of spatial regression, there is a dan-
the possibility of conflict between pedestrians and vehicle traf- ger of over- or underestimating the effect of variables on traffic
fic, and for the bus stops, between buses and other vehicles and crashes. For example, the effect of VKT and road lengths with speed
pedestrians. limit below 30 km/h was underestimated and the effect of MLI was
An increased ratio of road lengths with speed limit below overestimated in OLS when compared with the spatial regression
30 km/h is significantly linked with fewer traffic crashes; show- models.
ing that low speed limit areas are beneficial from a traffic crash As shown in Table 3, the crash model for fatal and severe injuries
frequency standpoint. Traffic safety is proposed to be included in shows a larger effect of VKT and road lengths with speed limit below
long-term transportation planning (Washington et al., 2006), so it 30 km/h compared to the model with all crashes (Table 2), whereas
is important to realize that policy to reduce traffic congestion by the effect of MLI and length of central bus-only lane decreased. 
increasing road width and speed limits may threaten road safety and , which denote the effect of neighboring space, were both
(Shefer and Rietveld, 1997). lower in the fatal and severe injury models compared to the model
The length ratio of a central bus-only lane had the biggest effect with all crashes combined (Table 2). When the regression coeffi-
on the number of crashes in the models examined in this study. cient values were considered as absolute values in the fatal and
This may be because pedestrians jaywalk to reach or depart the severe injury model, the effect of the central bus-only lane length
bus stop island in the middle of the road to catch the bus. Generally was the strongest, indicating possible negative safety consequences
these are located on large multilane roads. Another reason may of this transit improvement.
be confusion by unfamiliar drivers or inattentive drivers since the In the minor injury model in Table 4, the effect of neighboring
occurrence of the bus-only lane and associated bus stop islands can space increased by 20 to 30% compared to the previous two models,
be unexpected to drivers and it can perhaps conflict or be confused and the effect of the MLI and the central bus-only lane variables
with left turn lanes. This is an important limitation to placing bus- increased. When the absolute values of the regression coefficients
only lanes in the center of a two-way road with bus stops on a were considered in this model, the effect of the central bus-only
center island. This has been done as a way to improve bus service lane length was the strongest, followed by the MLI, and the ratio of
in congested corridors. This result shows that the safety experience roads with speed limit over 30 km/h.
of these corridors needs to be studied further, including the use
of pedestrian exposure metrics (Lam et al., 2013, 2014; Yao et al.,
4.1. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) results
The number of access points with absolute speed limit difference
The results for the all crashes GWR model are presented in
over 30 km/h between the side road and mainline was found linked
Table 5. The GWR results are now used to visually confirm that
K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199 197

Fig. 1. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) coefficient estimates on the number of access points with speed limit difference over 30 km/h.

Fig. 2. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) coefficient estimates on the length ratio of central bus lane in all crashes model.

the effect of independent variables is significantly different for dif- correlated (Wheeler and Tiefelsdorf, 2005) or because of the GWR’s
ferent locations within Seoul. Since the GWR estimates individual method for estimating standard errors (Hadayeghi and Persaud,
regression equations for all 423 TAZs, only the mean, minimum, 2010). Standard errors in a GWR may be roughly estimated because
and maximum of the regression coefficients for each independent of reuse of the data at multiple TAZs (Congdon, 2003).
variable in each TAZ are presented in Table 5. Locations with higher-than-average statistics can be grouped
The traffic exposure, ln(VKT), increases traffic crashes in all TAZs. to develop a suggested area plan for improving traffic safety. Fig. 1
But some variables, such as household income and the length ratio shows the estimated coefficients for each TAZ depending on the
of central bus-only lanes, are not always the same in the local TAZ access points with speed limit difference over 30 km/h. Consider-
models. Also the significance of some variables became lower in the ing that the average regression coefficient for this variable is 0.01,
GWR. The reason is that the data in individual TAZs may be locally the southern regions (C and D) are more sensitive to this variable
198 K.-A. Rhee et al. / Accident Analysis and Prevention 91 (2016) 190–199

compared to the northern regions (A and B). Fig. 2 shows the change The number of access points with a large speed differential was
in the regression coefficient estimate of the central bus-only lane linked to increased crashes. This suggests that access by low speed
length ratio for each TAZ. From this result, traffic crashes that occur facilities to higher speed roads needs to be better controlled, either
in the eastern regions are more affected by central bus-only lanes by limiting this access or with design improvements, for example,
compared to the western regions (A and C). to improve merging. A more localized study would be necessary to
From these differences in the effect of explanatory variables determine the best countermeasure in each case.
for different TAZs, it is possible to establish a localized strategy Assigning risk to areas based on the number of traffic crashes
to improve traffic safety. For example, TAZs in region C should alone will lead to error in policy decision making. A variable that
improve the environment of access points with large speed limit has an overall effect on a large region may be negligible at a local
difference while region D should improve the environment near its level. The spatial environment and its interaction may vary signifi-
central bus-only lanes, based on the GWR analysis. cantly within local regions. In other words, although the number of
crashes may be the same in two areas, their potential risk may differ
depending on the environment. Therefore, to determine high-risk
regions, it is necessary to capture local effects using a multivari-
5. Conclusion ate approach and to account for the spatial heterogeneity of traffic
crashes in addition to the number of crashes that occurred.
A practical procedure for investigating traffic crashes in a large The application of spatial analysis of traffic safety is still in its
metropolitan area using now standard spatial regression models early stages at planning agencies. It will be more actively applied
was tested for Seoul. In terms of goodness-of-fit based on AICc with further developments in data collection, computer technology
and the LM test, the spatial error model performed better than and implementation of new models being researched. As methods
the spatial lag model and the OLS model. It is therefore recom- advance, it will be helpful to achieve institutional standardization
mended to use the spatial error model for such applications. The of the unit of analysis in order to harmonize traffic safety analy-
Jarque–Bera test of homogeneity was, however, rejected; showing sis and transportation planning. Recent studies have focused on
that the spatial regression models did not eliminate heteroskedas- optimizing the spatial aggregation unit with the aim to not only
ticity. It is noted that more sophisticated count model frameworks address traffic safety policy in a retrospective manner but to estab-
using Bayesian estimation exist and have received considerable lish a system that integrates safety analysis with the transportation
research. Such models may soon become more practical. The mod- planning stage (Abdel-Aty et al., 2013) in order to provide proac-
els presented in this paper are already practice-ready based on tive guidance. To meet agencies where they are at, this work has
typical data and software available to cities and planning agen- analyzed traffic crashes at the TAZ level, which is the spatial unit
cies. The results confirm that crash data is spatially correlated and used in transportation planning. Further study is required to iden-
should not be analyzed using OLS. Biases were noted when com- tify the optimal aggregation unit for analyzing the characteristics
paring the OLS and the spatially correlated models. of traffic crashes in Seoul and elsewhere, and how this unit can be
The GWR model accounts for spatial heterogeneity but the integrated with transportation planning.
goodness-of-fit was not significantly improved in terms of log-
likelihood and AICc values compared to the spatial error model.
The GWR model is, however, expected to be useful for identify-
ing and selecting TAZs based on where safety can be improved the
This paper was developed as part of the project ‘Safe Envi-
most since GWR creates a visual overall picture of the entire area
ronment against Traffic Accidents’ funded by the Korea Research
as a function of a particular variable.
Institute for Human Settlements.
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