Baker AyutthayaRisingLand 2003

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Ayutthaya Rising: From Land or Sea?

Author(s): Chris Baker

Source: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies , Feb., 2003, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), pp.
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of Department of History,
National University of Singapore

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Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 34 (1), pp 41-62 February 2003. Printed in the United Kingdom.
? 2003 The National University of Singapore

Ayutthaya Rising: From Land or Sea?

Chris Baker

Ayutthaya rose as a maritime power with involvement down the peninsula and in the
China trade. Early Ayutthaya resembled coastal polities of the archipelago more than
hinterland states of the mainland. Over the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Ayutthaya
changed by absorbing people, political structures, and cultural practice from the north.

In recent years, scholars of Southeast Asian history have highlighted the difference
between hinterland and coastal states. In the early historiography, Ayutthaya rose as a
hinterland state, heir to the traditions of Sukhothai and Angkor. More recently it has
become viewed as a hybrid of the two types, but still one which emerged initially in the
hinterland mode and only later became a commercial power. This essay assembles the
evidence for viewing early Ayutthaya as a maritime state, and examines the implications
for the nature of early Ayutthaya and the interpretation of its history.

The historiography of Ayutthaya

The division between hinterland and coastal states in Southeast Asia in the early pre
modern era (roughly twelfth to fifteenth centuries) has long been recognised. The
hinterland rulers extracted resources from the land and the forests by the command of
manpower. They built walled cities to provide protection, accumulated sacred goods to
attract pilgrims and devotees, and raided outlying areas and competing centres to carry
away people. They elaborated law codes, recruitment systems and complex social
hierarchies to manage manpower, and they have left behind both monuments and
records. By contrast, the rulers of the coastal centres were oriented toward trade, looking
outwards to the oceans and often to China as the centre of commercial demand and
political legitimation. Some copied aspects of China's tribute system in their own
relations with subordinate centres. Their capitals were cosmopolitan settlements. They
paid little attention to land administration or religious splendour and left little to
posterity in the form of either written documents or durable architecture.
In the conventional story of Thai history, Ayutthaya is the successor to Sukhothai. In
David Wyatt's classic account, Ayutthaya also inherited much from Angkor and 'less than
sixty years after [its] foundation ... was on the verge of becoming a major power in the
interstate relations of mainland Southeast Asia'.1 In these versions, Ayutthaya from the
start is a hinterland state with territorial ambitions.
Chris Baker is an independent researcher. He can be contacted by e-mail at With
thanks to Charnvit Kasetsiri, Michael Vickery, Thongchai Winichakul, Geoff Wade and the Journal's reader
who corrected many of my original mistakes and misjudgements. Thanks to Yoneo Ishii and B.J. Terwiel
for help with sources.
1 David K. Wyatt, A short history of Thailand (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984), p. 68; Wyatt
describes Ayutthaya under Ramathibodi I (r. 1351-69) as 'an uneasy alliance between Tai manpower from

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the western portions of the state, Khmer prestige and statecraft from Lopburi and the eastern provinces,
and Chinese (and other Asian) commercial power concentrated at the center in the port capital' (p. 67).

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The two major studies of early Ayutthaya over the past generation - Char
Kasetsiri's The rise of Ayudhya (1976) and Srisakara Vallibhotama's Say am prath
- also stressed the territorial frame. In Charnvit's original version (adjusted late
be discussed below) the rise of the Ayutthayan kingdom was a process of terr
agglomeration carried forward by the competing ambitions of local lords. Th
muang (Ayutthaya, Lopburi and Suphanburi) were forged into a federation un
ruling family. This confederation then developed a ring of outlying cities an
absorbed Sukhothai and neutralised Angkor, emerging as the dominant power
Chaophraya basin.2 In Srisakara's study, the motor of history is a process of in
anthropological complexity. Trade networks become more complex and popula
become more mixed in both economic function and ethnic background, while
forms evolve to manage this complexity. By this process, society moves from h
to village (ban) to muang and finally to prathet (state, country) and anachak (ki
The emergence of Ayutthaya is a climactic event in this process, the transition
anthropological stage, the foundation of ratcha-anachak Say am - the baseline of
history.3 In their different ways, both Charnvit and Srisakara pictured the eme
Ayutthaya as a process of territorial aggrandisement, and portrayed Ayutthaya
inception as a land-based state inheriting elements from the hinterland Tai mu
from Angkor.
Since then, Ayutthaya's role as a commercial power has received increasing attention.
Atsushi Kobata and Mitsuyu Matsuda made available translations from the Ryukyu
archives on early trade between Japan and Ayutthaya, and Iwao Seiichi and Yoneo Ishii
published analyses of this trade.4 Dhiravat na Pombejra mined the Dutch archives,
resulting in a string of publications on Ayutthaya as a commercial port.5 Suebsaeng
Promboon described Siam's tribute trade with China, and recently Geoff Wade has
looked at the early stage in more detail.6 The Ayutthaya Historical Study Centre, opened
in 1990, has highlighted Ayutthaya as a 'port city'. Two recent collections on Ayutthaya's
relations with the rest of Asia portray it as a great commercial city of its era.7 In two
articles published in the 1990s, Charnvit restated his account of Ayutthaya's rise with
much greater attention to the role of trade. He concluded that its early role as a port,
2 Charnvit Kasetsiri, The rise ofAyudhya: A history of Siam in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries (Kuala
Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1976).
3 Sisak Wanliphodom [Srisakara Vallibhotama], Say am prathet [Country of Siam] (Bangkok: Matichon,
1991), pp. 279-80.
4 Atsushi Kobata and Mitsuyu Matsuda, Ryukyuan relations with Korea and South Sea countries: an
annotated translation of documents in the Rekidai H?an (Kyoto: Atsushi Kobata, 1969); Iwao Seiichi,
'Japanese foreign trade in the 16th and 17th centuries', Acta Asi?tica, 30 (1976): 1-18; and idem.,
'Reopening of the diplomatic and commercial relations between Japan and Siam during the Tokugawa
period', Acta Asi?tica, 4 (1963): 1-31; Yoneo Ishii, 'The Rekidai H?an and some aspects of the Ayuthayan
port polity in the fifteenth century', Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, 50 (1992): 81
5 See, for example, Dhiravat na Pombejra, Court, company and campong. Essays on the VOC presence in
Ayutthaya (Ayutthaya: Ayutthaya Historical Studies Centre, 1992).
6 Suebsaeng Promboon, 'Sino-Siamese tributary relations, 1282-1853' (Ph.D. diss., University of
Wisconsin, 1972); Geoffrey P. Wade, 'The Ming Shi-lu (veritable records of the Ming Dynasty) as a source
for Southeast Asian history, 14th to 17th centuries' (Ph.D. diss., University of Hong Kong, 1994).
7 Ayudhya and Asia, ed. Kajit Jittasevi (Bangkok: Thammasat University Press, 1995); From Japan to
Arabia: Ayutthaya's maritime relations with Asia, ed. Kennon Breazeale (Bangkok: Foundation for the
Promotion of Social Sciences and Humanities Textbooks Project, 1999).

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involvement in the China tribute trade and development of a trading bureaucracy gave
Ayutthaya its 'unique characteristic' as 'both a hinterland and a maritime kingdom'.8
In this essay, I wish to push Charnvit's thinking a little further. He still stresses that
Ayutthaya rose as a hinterland-style power on the basis of 'wet-rice cultivation and
control of manpower', arguing that the drying of the swamps in the Chaophraya Delta
made possible an expansion of rice production between the eleventh and fourteenth
centuries. This provided support for a large army which, after 1350, rapidly conquered
and incorporated neighbouring territories, making Ayutthaya 'a very powerful land
based state'. The resulting access to the products of the hinterland along with the
readiness to host a Chinese merchant community then 'turned it into an important
center for maritime trade'.9 In other words, for Charnvit Ayutthaya began as a hinterland
power - the successor to Sukhothai and Angkor - and later developed the commercial
dominance which gave the city its special 'hybrid' strength.
This essay will take a closer look at the maritime background of Ayutthaya, in
response to a suggestion made over twenty years ago by Michael Vickery.10 The argument
is that it makes more sense to see Ayutthaya as a maritime power which subsequently
developed as a territorial power, rather than vice versa. This has implications for how we
imagine early Ayutthaya as a society and polity. It also suggests some reinterpretation of
the subsequent landmark events in early Ayutthayan history - the Trailok reforms, the
wars with Lanna and the sack of 1569.

Xian and Ayutthaya

In the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, several port centres competed
to gain larger shares of the trade ceded by a declining Srivijaya. One of these appears in
the Chinese records for the first time in 1282/3 as 'Xian (also transliterated as 'Hsien' or
'Sien'). In the past this was identified as Sukhothai, perhaps operating through a
subordinate port on the Gulf of Siam; however, this identification is no longer tenable.11
In the 1280s, the Chinese court included Xian on a list of maritime kingdoms spread
across the peninsula, Sumatra, Lanka, and southern India to which it decided to send
envoys to demand submission.12 In 1296, Zhou Daguan located it fifteen days' travel
southwest from Angkor, which suggests the lower delta rather than Sukhothai.13 A
Canton gazetteer from 1297-1307 recorded that the 'Country of Xian controls Shang

8 Charnvit Kasetsiri, 'Ayudhya: Capital-port of Siam and its Chinese connection in the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries', Journal of the Siam Society [henceforth JSS], 80, 1 (1992): 75-9; idem., 'Origins of a
capital and seaport. The early settlement of Ayutthaya and its East Asian trade', in Breazeale ed., From
Japan to Arabia, pp. 55-79.
9 Ibid., pp. 55, 62-4, 76-8; Charnvit, 'Ayudhya: Capital-port of Siam', p. 75.
10 Michael Vickery, 'A new tamnan about Ayudhya', JSS, 67 (1979): 176-7.
11 Geoff Wade, 'The Ming shi-lu as a source for Thai history - fourteenth to seventeenth centuries',
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 31, 2 (2000): 257, fn. 13. Subsequent citations for Wade refer to this
article rather than his dissertation cited above. On the identification with Sukhothai, see Charnvit,
'Ayudhya: Capital-port of Siam', p. 76.
12 Gordon H. Luce, 'The early Syam in Burma's history, a supplement', JSS, 47,1 (1959): 61, 76.
13 Zhou Daguan, The customs of Cambodia (Bangkok: Siam Society, 1992), p. xviii. On the
correspondence between Georges Coed?s and Paul Pelliot concerning this account, see Michael Vickery,
'Coed?s' histories of Cambodia', Silpakorn University International Journal, 1, 1 (2000): 61-108. Zhou's
reference is still problematic since Ayutthaya is actually northwest of Angkor.

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shui Su-gu-di.'14 'Su-gu-di' is clearly Sukhothai, and hence 'Xian' is not Sukhothai. 'Shang
shui' may be another place-name, or may indicate literally that Su-gu-di was 'up-river'
from Xian. The Mingshi reports that 'Xian was later divided in two countries, Lavo and
Xian. In Xian the soil is barren and not suitable for agriculture. The terrain of Lavo is a
fine, level plain and most of the plantations yield good crops, and Xian depended on
them for supplies.'15 Sukhothai was not barren, and was not likely to have imported rice
upstream from Lavo (Lopburi). Ma Huan, the recorder of the Zheng He voyages under
the Ming, reported in 1433 that Xian was poor for agriculture because the land was 'wet
and swampy'; it may have been 'barren' because it was located at the edge of a seaboard
Xian was clearly located close to the gulf, either as one muang or as a confederation.17
Perhaps the best candidate is Ayutthaya, or the muang which existed on the site prior to
its legendary foundation in 1351. There are traces of an earlier Khmer-style settlement to
the east of the island which contained the later city. Wat Phanan Choeng, adjacent to this
site, is dated by the Luang Prasoet chronicle to 1324/5.18 The Sukhothai monk Sumana
visited Ayutthaya in search of religious texts around the 1320s before travelling on to Sri
Lanka.19 The first Chinese envoy visited Xian in 1370; the names of kings cited in the
Chinese records from this point onwards leave no doubt that the polity referred to is
Apart from Xian, the Chinese scribes also knew about 'Su-men-bang' (probably
Suphanburi) and 'Luo-hu' (Lavo, Lopburi) and recognised that there was some
relationship between them. Xian and Luo-hu were often written as a yoked pair, 'Xian
14 Tatsuro Yamamoto, 'Thailand as it is referred to in the Da-de Nan-hai zhi at the beginning of the
fourteenth century', Journal of East-West Maritime Relations, 1 (1989): 50-1. Yamamoto stresses that
'control' implies 'commercial or economic superiority', not necessarily political dominance.
15 Adapted from Robert S. Wicks, Money, markets, and trade in early Southeast Asia: The development of
indigenous monetary systems to AD 1400 (Ithaca: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 1992), pp.
177-8; Tilemann Grimm, 'Thailand in the light of official Chinese historiography: A chapter in the
"History of the Ming Dynasty"', JSS, 49, 1 (1961): 2.
16 Ma Huan, Ying-yai sheng-lan. 'The overall survey of the ocean's shores', tr. J. V G. Mills (Bangkok: White
Lotus, 1997), p. 103. However, another of the Zheng He scribes, Fei Xin, reported that 'the fields are level
and fertile, the grain is mostly abundant and ripe'; Fei Hsin [Fei Xin], Hsing-ch'a sheng-lan, The overall
survey of the star raft, tr. J. V. G. Mills (Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 1996), p. 42. According to geologists, the
sea level around 4000 BCE was 4 metres above the present level, placing the site of Ayutthaya under water;
the sea then retreated in phases to approximate its current level by around 500 CE. The area around the
Chaophraya probably remained marshy for some time, and was still being drained when the first
European descriptions were written in the sixteenth century; P. Pramojanee and T. Jarupongsakul,
'Evolution of landforms and the site of ancient cities and communities in lower Chaophraya plain', in Kajit
ed., Ayudhya and Asia, pp. 15-35.
17 Yoneo Ishii draws attention to a line (Syangkayodhapura kimuta ngDharamanagari) from the Javanese
text De?a-warnana, which Stuart Robson has translated as 'the Siamese of Ayodhya and also of
Dharmanagari', suggesting that 'Siam' described a larger unit than Ayutthaya alone; Yoneo Ishii, 'A
reinterpretation of Thai history with special reference to the pre-modern period', keynote address at the
8th International Conference on Thai Studies, Nakhon Phanom, 9-12 January 2002. Wade notes that a
Chinese representation of 'Krung Ayutthaya' appears in the Chinese records in 1444 as a title of Siam's
ruler and later in 1554 as the polity's name ?Ming shi-lu as a source', p. 259).
18 Charnvit, 'Ayudhya: Capital-port of Siam', p. 77; The royal chronicles of Ayutthaya, tr. Richard D.
Cushman [henceforth RCA] (Bangkok: Siam Society, 2000) (Luang Prasoet version, henceforth LP), p. 10.
19 Prasert na Nagara and A. B. Griswold, 'King L?daiya of Sukhodaya and his contemporaries', reprinted
in their Epigraphic and historical studies (Bangkok: Siam Society, 1992), pp. 326, 337, 340.
20 Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a source', pp. 257-8.

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luo(-hu)' - a term used by the Chinese (along with 'Xian') to refer to Ayutthaya/Siam
until the nineteenth century. Accounts dated 1349 variously record that 'Xian submitted
to Luo-hu' or 'Xian brought Luo-hu to submission.' The confusion is probably the result
of copying error. A 1374 record mentions a 'prince of Su-men-bang' who is 'heir to the
king of the country of Xian-luo-hu'.21 Clearly the three towns of Suphanburi, Lopburi,
and Ayutthaya were closely related; Charnvit has ingeniously reconstructed their
connections. Of the three, Suphanburi and Lopburi had the deeper histories, which may
explain why Ayutthaya was called by the Arabs and Malays 'Shahr'un-nuwi', 'the new

Xian and the peninsula

From the end of the thirteenth century, Xian contested for a share of post-Srivijayan
regional trade. It sent expeditions south, provoking other powers to protest to China,
which in 1295 forbade it to attack Malayu and Jambi.23 Northern Sumatra chronicles
report attacks by 'Siam' on the pepper entrepot at Samudra-Pasai in the early fourteenth
century. The Pasai chronicle records that 'in all some hundred boats large and small' were
sent for the attack, and describes a climactic battle extending over two months and
ending with a massacre of the invading army. The Sejarah Melayu has a different version,
with the 'Siamese' forces arriving 'in the guise of traders' and abducting the Pasai ruler to
their capital where he was put to work 'to tend the palace fowls' until a Pasai noble
negotiated his release.24 In the early fourteenth century, Temasek (probably Singapore)
also came under the influence of'Siam', which attacked it shortly before 1332 and then
plundered the straits. Arab geographers describe Temasek as the southern extent of the
coast of Siam.25 In 1349, the Chinese traveller Wang Dayuan reported that 'the people [of
Xian] are much given to piracy; whenever there is an uprising in any other country, they
at once embark in as many as a hundred junks with full cargoes of sago, and start off and
by the vigour of their attack they secure what they want'.26
At the end of the fourteenth century, Xian/Ayutthaya's influence on the lower
reaches of the peninsula began to diminish, but slowly. In 1392, its vassal ruler was

21 Ibid., pp. 257, fn. 13, and 259.

22 A. H. Hill, 'Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai. A Romanised version with an English translation, an introduction
and notes', Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [henceforth JMBRAS], 33, 2 (1960):
3-215. The Mingshilu also mentions another (possible) place which may be 'Ming Tai' or 'Mentai' (?
Muang tai) as part of the same political network. There may also be 'new' and 'old' versions/locations of
this place; perhaps this 'newness' indicates places whose rulers (and followers) shifted location; see Wade,
'Ming shi-lu as a source', pp. 259-60; and Yamamoto, 'Thailand as it is referred to', p. 52. Charnvit's study
of the connections among the three places is in Rise of Ayudhya, ch. 5.
23 E. Thadeus Flood, 'Sukhothai-Mongol relations: A note on relevant Chinese and Thai sources (with
translation)', JSS, 57, 2 (1969): 224; Georges Coed?s, The Indianized states of Southeast Asia, ed. Walter F.
Vella and tr. Susan B. Cowling (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1968), pp. 204-7; Luce, 'Early Syam:
A supplement', p. 90.
24 Hill, 'Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai', p. 127; C. C. Brown, 'The Malay annals translated from Raffles MS 18',
JMBRAS, 25, 2 (1952): 45-7.
25 Gerald R. Tibbetts, A study of the Arabic texts containing materials on South-East Asia (Leiden and
London: Brill, 1979), p. 240; Kenneth R. Hall, Maritime trade and state development in early Southeast Asia
(Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1985), p. 240. On the attack, see O.W. Wolters, The fall ofSrivijaya
in Malay history (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1970), p. 79.
26 W W Rockhill, 'Notes on the relations and trade of China with the eastern archipelago and the coasts
of the Indian Ocean during the fourteenth century', T'oungPao, 16 (1915): 100.

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thrown out of Temasek and, according to Tom? Pires, Siam sent a Pattani man to exact
revenge. In the subsequent squabble, a Malay prince settled at Melaka, which over the
following decades came to dominate the straits and inherited much of the power of
Srivijaya. Initially, though, it still had to recognise Ayutthaya, and the Sejarah Melayu
records that Melaka's founder Paramesawara had to flee north from a Siamese attack.27 In
1404, Iskander of Melaka sent tribute to Ayutthaya, and later Melaka sent another
mission there to get food supplies.28 In 1407 the Siamese again raided Sumatra, Pahang
and Melaka, and took away the official Chinese seals, provoking another Chinese rebuke.
The Chinese set up a stone tablet defining Melaka's status after which, according to Fei
Xin, Xian 'did not dare to disturb' Melaka.29
Ayutthaya does not seem to have been greatly deterred, however, as in 1419 the
Chinese again warned it against sending troops to Melaka, and two years later its ruler
'offered tribute of local products in contrition for the crime of having attacked' the Malay
kingdom.30 Ma Huan, who probably visited Ayutthaya in 1421/2, recorded that 'they like
to practise fighting on water, [and] their king constantly despatches his commanders to
subject neighbouring countries'. He also noted that Melaka 'paid an annual tribute of
forty Hong of gold; [and] if it were not [to pay], then Xian-luo would send men to attack
it'.31 In 1431, Melaka complained to the Chinese court that Ayutthaya 'had long wanted
to invade their country.. .They requested that the Court send persons to instruct the king
of Siam to no longer oppress or mistreat their country.'32 In the same year, a Ryukyu ship
reported of Palembang that 'the King [of Siam] had punished the previous chief and had
put a new chief in power'.33
Reports of Ayutthaya's activities on the peninsula fade from the Chinese records
after the 1430s, but other sources show that it continued to lay claims to suzerainty over
Melaka and the lower peninsula. In 1445/6, according to the Malay annals, Ayutthaya
demanded that Melaka submit tribute, and responded to the refusal by sending 'a vast
army' overland to attack. The annals describe the attack as a failure, with the Ayutthayan
forces abandoning wooden items of baggage which sprouted to form forests north of the
city. The Thai chronicles mention 120,000 prisoners from an expedition to 'Pathai
Kasem', which Geoffrey Marrison suggested may refer to the Kasim river at Melaka.34 In
1455/6, the Ayutthaya chronicle states 'an army was assembled and sent to seize Malacca',
but the Malay annals claim the force retreated after the Melakans started fires to simulate
a much larger complement of defending troops.35 Immediately after this, Melaka sent a
27 Wolters, Fall of Srivijaya, p. 109; Brown, 'Malay annals', p. 55; Geoff Wade, 'Melaka in Ming dynasty
texts', JMBRAS, 70, 1 (1997): 43.
28 Wolters, Fall ofSrivijaya, pp. 154-5.
29 Fei Hsin, Hsing-ch'a sheng-lan, pp. 53-4; Grimm, 'Thailand in the light', p. 7; Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a
source', p. 273.
30 Ibid., p. 273.
31 Ma Huan, Ying-yai sheng-lan, pp. 107-8. Fei Xin phrased the same information slightly differently: 'The
customs are violent and fierce: they particularly respect bravery. They invade and despoil neighbouring
regions.... and are practised and skilful at fighting on water' (Hsing-ch'a sheng-lan, pp. 42-3).
32 Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a source', pp. 273-4.
33 Kobata and Matsuda, Ryukyuan relations, p. 65.
34 RCA (LP), p. 16; Brown, 'Malay annals', pp. 64-6; Geoffrey E. Marrison, 'The Siamese wars with Malacca
during the reign of Muzaffar Shah', JMBRAS, 22, 1 (1949): 61-3. Michael Vickery, however, insists the
location is in the western Khmer region; see his 'The 2/K.125 Fragment, a lost chronicle of Ayutthaya', JSS,
65,1 (1977): 64.
35 RCA (LP), p. 16; Brown, 'Malay annals', p. 68; Marrison, 'Siamese wars with Malacca', pp. 63-4.

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tribute mission to China and a mission of peace to Ayutthaya; the latter's reply pointedly
addressed the Melakan ruler as a subordinate. But in the Malay annals, peace is made: the
Melaka envoy helps Ayutthaya in a war on a neighbouring country, is rewarded with the
gift of a princess, and returns to Melaka with a Siamese envoy who is warmly received.
Over the next few years, Melaka took control of Pahang and the Ayutthayan attacks
appear to have ceased, but Tom? Pires, writing in the 1510s, noted that the two Malay
kingdoms had finally rebelled against Ayutthayan domination 22 years earlier.36
The annals and Chinese records stress the political aspects of Ayutthaya's
involvement on the peninsula. Pires' account from the end of this period indicates the
scale and variety of the Siam-Melaka trade before the Portuguese arrival. 'Up to thirty
junks a year' carried Siamese rice, dried salted fish, arak, and vegetables to Melaka. In
addition, 'From Siam come lac, benzoin, brazil, lead, tin, silver, gold, ivory, cassia fistula
... vessels of cast copper and gold, ruby and diamond rings ... a large quantity of cheap
coarse Siamese cloth.' On the return journey to Siam, the junks carried

male and female slaves, which they take in quantities, white sandalwood, pepper,
quicksilver, vermilion, opium, azernefe, cloves, mace, nutmeg, wide and narrow
muslins, and Kling cloths in the fashion of Siam, camlets, rosewater, carpets, brocades
from Cambay, white cowries, wax, Borneo camphor, pachak which are roots like dry
rampion, [and] gall-nuts (gualhas).37

Ayutthaya transferred its attention to the west coast of the peninsula. By the 1460s
Tenasserim was under its influence, and four inscriptions from 1462-4 record the
Ayutthayan ruler conferring titles on nobles and senior monks there. In 1488/9, an
Ayutthayan army captured Tavoy.38 These ports gave Ayutthaya access to the Indian ocean
and beyond. The fifteenth-century Persian historian Abd-al Razzaq recorded that the
traders of Ormuz visited both Tenasserim and 'Shahr-i-nao'.39 After the Portuguese
capture of Melaka in 1511, Duarte Barbosa collated information from the sea captains
and envoys sent out to explore the region. He reported that the Ayutthaya ruler
controlled ports on both sides of the peninsula - especially Tenasserim, Mergui, Kedah
and Selangor - to which ships from Arabia and Bengal brought copper, quicksilver,
vermilion, cloth, silk, saffron coral and opium. In the 1550s Jo?o de Barros included the
west coast ports of Tavoy, Mergui, Tenasserim, Rey Tagala (near Martaban) and Cholom
(possibly Salang, modern Phuket) among Ayutthaya's tributaries. He also grouped
Ayutthaya along with China and Vijayanagar as the three great powers of Asia.40

Xian and China

Before the mid-fourteenth century, various cities on the gulf sent missions to China.
Lavo sent four between 1289 and 1299, while Xian sent eight between 1292 and 1323.
Missions also arrived from Phetchaburi in 1294 and Suphanburi in 1374. In 1299, the
36 Brown, 'Malay annals', pp. 70-2; Muhammed Haji Salleh, 'Ayudhya in Sejarah Melayu', in Kajit ed.,
Ayudhya and Asia, pp. 126-32; Tom? Pires, The Suma oriental of Tome Pires, tr. and ed. A. Cortes?o
(London: Hakluyt Society, 1944), vol. 1, p. 108; Marrison, 'Siamese wars with Malacca, p. 65.
37 Pires, Suma oriental, pp. 107-8.
38 Michael Vickery, 'The Khmer inscriptions of Tenasserim: A reinterpretation', JSS, 61, 1 (1977): 51-70;
RCA(LP), p. 18.
39 Tibbetts, Study of the Arabic texts, p. 99.
40 J. J. de Campos, 'Early Portuguese accounts of Thailand', JSS, 32 (1940): 9.

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Xian envoy petitioned for special marks of favour ('saddles, bridle-bits, white horses and
golden-threaded garments') on grounds of earlier precedent. The request was turned
down, but it suggests Xian already had big ideas about itself.41
In 1368 the newly established Ming dynasty, concerned by an adverse balance of
trade draining away silver, and by increasing difficulties in controlling rich merchants
and foreigners in the port cities, banned private trade and funnelled everything through
the tribute system. Only tribute missions were allowed to trade, and only recognised
states were permitted to offer tribute. Over the next century, Xian/Ayutthaya exploited
these new arrangements to become the Chinese authorities' favourite trading partner.
The Mingshi lists forty-four 'customary trading articles' from Xian, more than for any
other port. These included exotic animals (black bear, white monkey, six-legged tortoise,
elephant), aromatics, textiles and pepper.42 Particularly after the authorities imposed a
tighter passport system of regulation to reduce tribute missions and squeeze imports, the
Ayutthayan traders developed business outside the official lines. An Ayutthayan ship
wrecked off Hainan in 1374 was 'suspected to be (just) a foreign merchant' because there
was no official manifest and many of the items were not on the approved list.43 In 1457
and 1481 Xian traders were rebuked for privately purchasing salt and children outside
the tribute framework.44
However, Ayutthaya paid enough attention to the niceties of official trade to ensure
these (mutually profitable) indiscretions were overlooked. Ayutthayan traders were
specifically exempted from prosecution, and the Mingshi reported that 'Xian-luo is the
most familiar' of the 167 ports with which the Chinese transacted. Xian was the first to
be given one of the new Chinese certificates of trade in 1383 (followed by fourteen other
places). The Taizu emperor (r. 1370-98) considered that only Ayutthaya and the Khmer
were well-behaved, and rejected missions from several other ports.45 In the early fifteenth
century, Ayutthaya asked to be supplied with the Chinese new set of official weights and
measures for local use. Damaged ships were repaired or replaced in Chinese ports. In
1480, the emperor sent the Xian ruler a set of red-dragon robes, which Wade notes 'was
very unusual in Ming foreign relations and suggests a relationship of some closeness'.46
Siam sent 68 tribute missions to China between 1369 and 1439, far more than the
Chinese stipulation of one every three years, and more than any other port (Champa
came second with 58).47 The private trade included the aromatics and exotics which were
the staples of tribute, but also textiles and slaves. From China, Ayutthaya imported luxury
fabrics, porcelain, medicines and currency (copper cash and paper money). The amounts
were significant: in 1387, the Xian envoys brought six tonnes of pepper and sixty of
41 Luce, 'Early Syam in Burma's history', pp. 140, 143, 187; Wicks, Money, markets and trade, p. 178;
Grimm, 'Thailand in the light', pp. 8-10; Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a source', pp. 285-7; Charnvit, Rise of
Ayudhya, pp. 79-81,111-13; Flood, 'Sukhothai-Mongol relations', p. 225; Luce, 'Early Syam: A supplement',
p. 90.
42 Wicks, Money, markets and trade, p. 180; Charnvit, 'Ayudhya: Capital-port of Siam', p. 11.
43 Wicks, Money, markets and trade, p. 181; Grimm, 'Thailand in the light', p. 4.
44 Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a source', p. 270.
45 Grimm, 'Thailand in the light', pp. 5-6; Takeshi Hamashita, 'Ayudhya-China relation [sic] in the tribute
trade system through Ryukyu trade network', in Kajit ed., Ayudhya and Asia, pp. 49-77; Wolters, Fall of
Srivijaya, p. 66.
46 Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a source', p. 272.
47 Anthony Reid, 'Documenting the rise and fall of Ayudhya as a regional trade centre', in Kajit ed.,
Ayudhya and Asia, pp. 5-14.

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sapanwood. By the 1490s, according to Wade, the private trade 'appears ... to have far
outstripped the formal, official trade'.48 Through its deft exploitation of the Chinese
official system and its lacunae, Ayutthaya emerged as the dominant trading centre on the
Chinese settlements appeared in most of the ports (and political centres) of the
region following the expansion of Chinese trade from the eleventh century onwards.
Zhou Daguan attested to the presence of Chinese in both Angkor and Champa, and G.
William Skinner suggested there were communities in all the gulf ports before the
thirteenth century.49 In 1282, some 200 Song refugees fled to the gulf and the Mongol
Yuan dynasty sent a mission to Xian to recover them. In 1289, a Chinese official fleeing
the Mongol army took up residence at Xian, suggesting it was a known place of refuge.50
Chinese adopted the image in Ayutthaya's Wat Phanan Choeng as a place of pilgrimage,
and when the Ayutthaya ruler built Wat Ratburana in the 1420s, Chinese and Arabic
merchants made donations to the project, and deposited records and religious objects in
the crypt.51
The most elaborate of the several foundation myths of Ayutthaya also has a Chinese
connection. Exiled from home for sexual misadventures, the son of a 'king of several
provinces in China' travels with a fleet of junks to the peninsula, establishes first
Langkasuka and then Ligor (present-day Nakhon Si Thammarat), achieves mercantile
success, marries the Chinese emperor's daughter, and then moves gradually north to
found Kui, Phetchaburi, Bangkok and other places before establishing Ayutthaya. This
story is intercut with two other staples of the tamnan (religious or folk history) tradition:
a Buddhist layer, including the Buddha's visit to Siam and prediction of Ayutthaya's
glory; and a Brahmanic layer with a rishi (ascetic or hermit) identifying the site, guiding
the founder through various magical processes and quelling the local naga spirit. The
additional 'Chinese layer' is perhaps best read as a legendary account of the importance
of the Chinese in the foundation and development of all the port-cities of the gulf,
especially Ayutthaya. The son-in-law relationship to the emperor is invoked to explain
'why the kings of Siam are singularly privileged in being allowed to send their junks to
Canton and ambassadors to the Chinese kings'.52

Founding Ayutthaya
Charnvit and Srisakara imagine early Ayutthaya as a land-oriented state, a natural
successor to Sukhothai and Angkor. In fact, however, it seems to have emerged among the
port towns on the upper gulf coast and its associated estuaries. It was active in trade and
maritime tribute collection along the peninsula to the south for at least half a century
before its official foundation at 7.40 a.m. on Friday, 4 March 1351 (as indicated in the
Ayutthaya chronicles). Indeed it seems to have been successful in demanding submission
and tribute from ports on the peninsula from the late thirteenth to the late fifteenth

48 Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a source', pp. 270-1.

49 G. William Skinner, Chinese society in Thailand: An analytical history (Ithaca: Cornell University Press,
1957), pp. 1-2.
50 Charnvit, Rise of Ayudhya, p. 66; Wade, 'Ming shi-lu as a source', p. 257, fh. 1; Ishii, 'Reinterpretation of
Thai history'.

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The new post-Srivijaya trading centres that appeared on the peninsula and around
the archipelago had a distinctive political form. The rulers were more likely to be
merchants than warriors, and wealth (that is, commercial success) rather than lineage
was the key credential for claiming power. Their capitals were usually situated on the
lower reaches of rivers, where they could dominate the flow of exotic trade goods from
the interior. They built armies to command the trade routes from the interior and to
discourage rival neighbours. Their livelihood was based on trade, and they showed little
interest in controlling the land or peasantry of the interior except perhaps for an adjacent
area needed for food supplies for their cosmopolitan populations. They showed only
limited interest in religious leadership, and invested little in resplendent monuments,
leaving little or nothing to posterity as inscriptions. Kenneth Hall characterises the
appearance of one such state (Samudra-Pasai) in its own chronicle as a 'cosmopolitan
urban centre on the edge of jungle', while Jan Wisseman Christie describes the Majapahit
capital as 'little more than a series of large royal and elite compounds with attached
religious monuments, surrounded by a cluster of large villages'.53
It seems likely that Xian began in this model, though perhaps with one variation: it
was also a religious centre, owing to the long history of Buddhism in the area and the
Khmer influence at Lavo/Lopburi. A thirteenth-century account of 'Chen-li-fu' -
probably a nearby coastal state - mentioned that people 'tend to follow the law of the
Buddha', while Ma Huan in the 1420s observed that the ruler of Xian-luo was 'a firm
believer in the Buddhist religion' and that 'the people who become priests and nuns are
exceedingly numerous'.54
The seven different stories which Charnvit recounts about U Thong, Ayutthaya's
legendary founder, variously identify him as a Chinese adventurer, a ruler of one of the
other muang around the head of the gulf, or a Tai prince migrating southwards from the
hinterland muang.55 Ma Huan adds another possibility by identifying the Xian ruler as
being 'of the So-li race', possibly meaning a south Indian (Chola); this seems unlikely but
perhaps substantiates an exotic origin. It is impossible to adjudicate which if any of these
stories has more truth. The tale of a Chinese adventurer (summarised above) has strong
parallels with the foundation myths of many trading port polities in the archipelago,
where a Chinese or other merchant arrives in a 'fully laden ship', establishes the polity,
founds its wealth and becomes ruler of a kingdom which 'was, in the final analysis, a
commercial venture'.56
The variety of foundation myths suggests that Ayutthaya began as a trading power
whose dominant figures had little interest in history and that these stories accumulated
later when the city became a territorial power whose rulers needed a history and
genealogy. Inconsistencies in the records of the early dynastic chronology also hint that
it was reconstructed later, when such matters became important. It is tempting also to
read the variety of foundation stories as a reflection of the city's cosmopolitan nature,
53 Hall, Maritime trade and state development, p. 215; Jan Wisseman Christie, 'States without cities:
Demographic trends in early Java', Indonesia, 52 (October 1991): 23-40. For an overview of post-Srivijaya
developments, see Wolters, Fall ofSrivijaya, ch. 1.
54 O.W. Wolters, 'Ch?n-li-fu, a state on the Gulf of Siam at the beginning of the 13th Century', JSS, 48, 2
(1960): 2; Ma Huan, Ying-yai sheng-lan, p. 103.
55 Charnvit, Rise of Ayudhya, ch. 4.
56 Pierre-Yves Manguin, 'The merchant and the king: Political myths of Southeast Asian coastal polities',
Indonesia, 52 (October 1991): 41-54.

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with local (Dvaravati-Mon, Khmer), immigrant Tai, Chinese and other maritime exotic
(Indian, Malay) elements. Ma Huan noted there was a Chinese population in Xian, but
also 'five or six hundred families of foreigners' in 'Shang Shui' (which may be a place
name, or may again just mean up-river). A century later, Pires described Ayutthaya as
very cosmopolitan, with settlements of'Arabs, Persians, Bengalees, many Klings, Chinese
and other nationalities'.57
Ma Huan also left the first description of Xian:

The houses of the populace are constructed in storeyed form; in the upper [part of
the house] they do not join planks together [to make a floor], but they use the wood
of the areca-palm, which they cleave into strips resembling bamboo splits; [these
strips] are laid close together and bound very securely with rattans; on [this platform]
they spread rattan mats and bamboo matting, and on these they do all their sitting,
sleeping, eating and resting.... The men dress their hair in a chignon, and use a white
head-cloth to bind round the head [and] on the body they wear a long gown. The
women also pin up their hair in a chignon, and wear a long gown.... It is their custom
that all affairs are managed by their wives; both the king of the country and the
common people, if they have matters which require thought and deliberation -
punishments light and heavy, all trading transactions great and small - they all follow
the decisions of their wives, [for] the mental capacity of the wives certainly exceeds
that of the men.... The customs of the people are noisy and licentious.58

The description has the feel of a modest and slightly rowdy port town; the
prominent role of women suggests a trading centre rather than a militarised court. Both
Ma Huan and Fei Xin mention religious practice, but describe no imposing religious
structure. Ma Huan's description of the ruler is also strikingly modest:

The house in which the king resides is rather elegant, neat and clean.... As to the
king's dress: he uses a white cloth to wind round his head; on the upper [part of his
body] he wears no garment; [and] round the lower [part he wears] a silk
embroidered kerchief, adding a waist-band of brocaded silk gauze. When going about
[the king] mounts an elephant or else rides in a sedan-chair, while a man holds [over
him] a gold-handed umbrella made of chiao-changleaves, [which is] very elegant.59

Chinese descriptions of other peninsula states (and Zhou Daguan's description of

the Angkor ruler) include great palaces, large processions and much gold ornamentation.
The Xian ruler's abode is no more than 'elegant, neat and clean'. His clothing seems little
different from the average, and he travels around with only one umbrella.
Ma Huan also gave some impression of the scale of Xian. He wrote that'the country
is a thousand li in circumference, the outer mountains steep and rugged, the inner land

57 Pires, Suma oriental, p. 104; Ma Huan, Ying-yai sheng-lan, p. 106. Mills identifies 'Shang shui' as
Lopburi but this is unlikely given the consistent Chinese usage of 'Luo-hu' for that muang. Ma Huan
locates Shang Shui 'over two hundred //' (about 61 miles) to the north-west, which is almost exactly right
for Chainat. Nakhon Sawan is a little further, but may be a better bet because of its strategic location and
its background as a Khmer-influenced place since at least the twelfth century; David K. Wyatt, 'Relics,
oaths and politics in thirteenth-century Siam', Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 32, 1 (2001): 9-14.
58 Ma Huan, Ying-yai sheng-lan, pp. 103, 104, 107.
59 Ibid., p. 103.

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wet and swampy'. According to the Ayutthaya chronicle, around 1420 the ruler app
three sons to rule Suphanburi, Siracha (or San), and Cha?n?t.60 An oval cent
Ayutthaya, stretching from the Chaophraya estuary up to Cha?n?t, and inc
Suphanburi to the west and Lopburi to the east, would roughly match Ma
thousand li (about 560 kilometres). This was probably the extent of Xian/Ayutth
the early fifteenth century.

From port city to territorial power

Ayutthaya had two very specific roles in China's trade. First, it was a supplier
exotic goods (aromatics, animals, ornaments) demanded in the Chinese luxury ma
Second, it acted as an entrepot or distribution centre for China's exports of silk, ceram
and other manufactures. Initially, the first role was more important, but China's
over its chronic trade imbalance and silver drain meant that Ayutthaya's real v
became its willingness to act as an export distribution centre. These commercia
underlay Ayutthaya's political strategy. To increase the supply of exotic goods fro
forest and hills, it needed influence in the interior. To act as an effective entrep
needed to develop distribution routes, especially across the neck of the peninsula
westward-oriented markets of the Indian Ocean. Initially the first ob
predominated, but once Europeans barged into the trading networks along the so
arc from India through Melaka to the archipelago, Ayutthaya's transit rol
alternative northern trans-isthmian route grew in importance. These two objec
underlay Ayutthaya's evolution from trading state to territorial power.
While Xian was aggressive with maritime attacks down the peninsula throug
thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, the only record of land-based aggression is
attack on Angkor in the 1290s when, according to Zhou, 'whole villages [had] bee
waste' and 'universal military service was required'.61 This relatively pacific pic
changes in the 1370s, when Xian turned its attention to the north. Ayutthaya
probably pursuing the strategy adopted by all river-mouth states of exerting in
over the hinterland to secure flows of export goods. The muang nua or 'northern
(Phitsanulok, Sukhothai, Sawankhalok/Chaliang, Kamphaengphet, etc.) w
important source of trade goods, as were the areas beyond.62 ('Northern' in this c
refers to the northern-central region, as opposed to the culturally and linguist
distinct Northern Thai kingdom of Lanna centred at Chiang Mai.) Ma Huan indi
in the 1420s that there were trade routes that led north all the way into Yunnan 'by a
entrance'. Ralph Fitch in the 1580s noted that 'to Iamahey [Chiang Mai] come m
marchants out of China and bring great store of muske, golde, siluer and many
things of China works'. Jo?o de Barros recorded of Siam that 'the little manufacture t
is, such as silver and precious stones, comes from the Kingdom of Chiangmai'.63
Most historians have described Ayutthaya's military exploits in terms of 'con
and 'absorption'; the reality seems a lot more subtle. This northern thrust develo
60 RCA (LP), p. 15; Chainat is not necessarily the modern location of this toponym.
61 Zhou Daguan, Customs of Cambodia, pp. 65, 71.
62 See 'Translation of Jeremias van Vliet's Description of the kingdom of Siam by L. F. van Raven
JSS, 1 (1910): 27, 67.
63 Ma Huan, Ying-yai sheng-lan, p. 106; J. Horton Ryley, Ralph Fitch, England's pioneer to In
Burma (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1899), p. 171; Da Asia de Jo?o de Barros, quoted in Thai
Portugal: 476 years of friendship, 2nd edn (Bangkok: Embassy of Portugal, 1987), p. 48.

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four stages. In the first, which extended over the last three decades of the fourteenth
century, Ayutthaya raided northwards, apparently with the main aim of seizing
manpower. In 1371/2, Borommaracha 'obtained all the northern cities', meaning
Sukhothai and outlying muang. 'Obtained' did not mean submission and control,
however, and he ventured north again in 1373/4, 1375/6, 1376/7 and 1378/9, with
varying degrees of success. In 1375/6 he 'brought back a great many families' from
Phitsanulok, and in the following year captured 'many thao, phraya, troops, khun and
m?n. In 1386/7, Borommaracha's troops attacked Chiang Mai and Lampang but 'were
unsuccessful'.64 Around 1390 the Ayutthayan army defeated Chiang Mai, and left only an
'appropriate' number of people in the city while 'the remaining men and women were
forcibly removed, by families, south'.65 This concentration on people-raiding suggests
Ayutthaya needed more manpower to staff the army required for its transition from
maritime to territorial power.
Intharacha (r. 1409-24) used Ayutthaya's trading links to compensate for the
manpower deficit. According to the Van Vliet chronicle, 'he loved weapons so much that
he sent various missions with junks to other countries to buy weapons'. Among the goods
brought by the Ryukyu ships was sulphur for gunpowder.66 As noted above, Ayutthaya
also imported people from both China and the lower peninsula. In the early fifteenth
century, during the second stage of its northward expansion, Ayutthaya reached some
accommodation with the northern cities. In 1419/20 it seized an opportunity when the
Phitsanulok ruler died and 'all the northern cities were in confusion'. On this occasion,
the chronicles mention no seizure of people but specify that the local rulers 'came out
and paid homage'. Although Ayutthaya does not seem to have established any more
permanent control, it repeated the exercise of demanding submission at regular intervals.
In 1431/2 an Ayutthayan army attacked Angkor, carried away people and religious
treasures, and installed a Thai prince as ruler.67
By the 1440s Ayutthaya could draw on the military resources of the northern cities.
In the third stage of its expansion, it used these resources to attack farther north into
Lanna. In 1442/3 and 1444/5, the Ayutthayan forces attacked Chiang Mai with help from
the ruler of Chaliang-Sukhothai.68 Although defeated, this additional force would
eventually prove decisive. The chronicle accounts of these years are confusing because of
ambiguities in the dynastic succession, as well as possible muddling of stories. According
to the Luang Prasoet chronicle, Chiang Mai attacked the northern cities in 1451/2 and
again in 1461/2. In 1462/3, an Ayutthaya general 'led his forces to Sukhothai and reduced
the city to submission as before'.69 According to the Chiang Mai chronicle, the Ayutthaya

64 RCA (LP), p. 11 (1371/2); p. 12 (1375/6,1386/7); the Thai terms designate ranks of various kinds.
65 RCA (British Museum version [henceforth BM]), p. 13. This attack appears only in the later chronicles
and may be a spurious invention according to Michael Vickery, 'Cambodia after Angkor. The chronicular
evidence for the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries' (Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1977), pp. 384-93. However,
the Chiang Mai chronicle has an (undated) attack by 'southerners' towards the end of the chronicle's
account of the reign of Kuna, who probably died in 1400. In this account 'the Southerners were broken,
and fled back to the South'; The Chiang Mai chronicle [henceforth CMC], ed. and tr. David K. Wyatt and
Aroonrut Wichienkeeo (Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 1995), p. 66.
66 Van Vliet, Short history, pp. 62-3; Hamashita, 'Ayudhya-China relation', p. 62.
67 RCA (LP), p. 15; Vickery, 'Cambodia after Angkor', pp. 491-2.
68 RCA(LP),r>. 16; CMC, p. 79.
69 RCA (LP), pp. 16-17.

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king Borommatrailokanat (Trailok, r. 1448-88) attacked Chiang Mai in 1457/8, 145

and 1461/2 but was forced to withdraw each time.70 Troops from Sukhoth
Kamphaengphet fought on the Ayutthaya side. Around 1460, Trailok move
headquarters from Ayutthaya to Phitsanulok, and appears to have remained there f
rest of his reign. In 1474/5, according to the Ayutthaya chronicle, Tilok of Chiang Ma
1441-87) 'asked to establish friendly relations'; the Chiang Mai version of this enc
is hidden behind tales of magic and trickery. The Ayutthaya chronicle records a b
Chaliang which concludes with Chiang Mai's submission. This battle was subseque
glorified in an epic poem, Lilit Yuan phai.71
In the fourth stage, Ayutthaya's armies ranged over a broader area. They att
Nan in 1486/7, fortified Phichai in 1490/1, raided as far as Phrae twice in 1508-1
attacked Lampang in 1515/6. Some time after Trailok's death in Phitsanulok in 148
royal headquarters was relocated back to Ayutthaya. But in the 1520s, a royal son was
to rule as upparat (something like a crown prince) in Phitsanulok, establishing a p
that continued for the next seventy years.72
Around this time Ayutthaya's commercial role shifted, as did its military strategy
the 1490s, private Chinese trade exceeded tribute trade and 'a great efflux of C
trading junks' began to arrive in Southeast Asian ports.73 In 1511 the Portuguese captu
Melaka and used their domination of the straits to control the routes running f
China through the archipelago to India and Arabia. These efforts pushed Asian t
to find alternative routes, particularly via the gulf and portage over the peninsu
earlier aftershocks of Mongol expansion in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuri
also have shifted trade from land-based routes down to the coast. Ayutthaya beca
important entrepot for redistributing Chinese exports to the peninsula, archipelag
Indian Ocean.
Against this background, the focus of Ayutthaya's aggression changed. After taking
Tavoy and Tenasserim between 1460-90, it controlled the portage of the peninsula. In the
reign of Ramathibodi II (r. 1491-1529), trade opened up with southern India. From the
1530s, Ayutthaya's military exploits on the upper peninsula brought it into conflict with
Pegu.74 This zone replaced the north as the main area of military conflict over the next
Ayutthaya continued to use its maritime access to build its military power. By the
1540s, the army included 'Luzons', Borneans, Cham, Javanese, and Minangkabau.
Ferdinand Mendes Pinto, who was a good observer but over-enthusiastic with numbers,
70 CMC, pp. 85-90.
71 RCA (LP), p. 17; CMC, pp. 93-7. On the poem, see Lalana Siricharoen, Khumu lilit Yuan phai [Guide
to the Yuan phai poem] (Bangkok: Aksornwithaya, 1975); Cholada Rungraklikhit, Wannakhadi Ayutthaya
ton ton: laksana ruam lae itthiphon [Early Ayudhya poetry: characteristics and influences] (Bangkok:
Chulalongkorn University, 2001), pp. 59-77.
72 RCA (LP), pp. 18-19; CMC, pp. 102, 104-5.
73 J. V Mills, 'Arab and Chinese navigators in Malaysian waters in about A.D. 1500', JMBRAS, 47, 2
(1974): 1-82.
74 On these developments see RCA (LP), p. 18; Vickery, 'Khmer inscriptions of Tenasserim'; van Vliet,
Short history, pp. 68-9; Sunet Chutintharanon [Sunait Chutintaranond], 'Suk Chiang Kran' [Battle of
Chiang Kran], in his Phama rop Thai: waduai kansongkhram rawang Thai kap Phama [Burmese fighting
Thai: regarding war between the Thai and the Burmese] (Bangkok: Matichon, 1999), pp. 145-69; Victor B.
Lieberman, Burmese administrative cycles: Anarchy and conquest, c. 1580-1760 (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1984), pp. 25-32.

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reckoned that 'foreign mercenaries from different nations' numbered 70,000, or one
sixth of the army. Portuguese mercenaries had arrived in Ayutthaya by 1522/3, were used
in campaigns against Lanna in the 1530s, and numbered perhaps 60 by 1549.75 The
armies increased steadily in size. In the Lilit Yuan phai, Ayutthaya's total forces are given
as 30,000. In 1551, 50,000 men plus a naval force were despatched to campaign in
Cambodia according to the chronicle. The Portuguese observer de Barros estimated in
the 1550s that Ayutthaya could mobilise a million men.76

Political geography
Ayutthaya had become a territorial power, but we need to be careful about what
exactly that meant. Territorial models of Ayutthaya's growth talk of the city 'absorbing'
or 'integrating' outlying areas, and delight in drawing maps with far-flung borders.
Certainly Ayutthaya sent armies to fight battles in the hinterland; these seem to have been
targeted quite closely at areas which were vital to its trading position - first the
northward corridor, and later the portage route over the gulf. Of course, warfare was not
totally limited to commercial ends: aggression creates warrior aristocracies which have
their own dynamic and momentum. But military might seems to have been used to
maintain commercial access and render glory, rather than establishing any firmer forms
of control. Accounts of this period - such as the Yuthisathian story of Sukhothai
switching its allegiance from Ayutthaya to Lanna in the 1450s, or the Lilit Yuan phai epic's
narrative of political alignments during the Ayutthaya-Lanna wars - stress the
subordination of warrior prince to warrior prince ('loyalty') rather than control over
territory, and portray a very fluid political environment in which loyalties were short
term.77 Despite the apparent great triumph over Lanna in the 1470s, neither victor nor
vanquished recorded any formalisation of the subordination, let alone any 'integration'
of the northern kingdom into Ayutthaya. Ten years after the defeat of Angkor, the
Ayutthayan prince governing Angkor was dislodged by a local revolt, possibly -
according to Vickery - led by another fugitive adventurer prince from the Ayutthayan
The relations between Ayutthaya and the northern cities were especially delicate. In
the traditional historiography, these cities were 'absorbed' by Ayutthaya in 1438.
However, this assertion is based on a very ambitious reading of an elliptical line in the
chronicle: 'In 800 [of the Chulasakaratera].. .Prince Ramesuan [the future King Trailok],
who was his [referring to Borommaracha II, r. 1424-48] young son, went to Phitsanulok.
At that time tears of blood were seen to flow from the eyes of the Lord Buddha, the Holy
King of Victory [Phra Chinnarat}\ As Vickery has remarked, Ramesuan may have been as
young as seven, so construing this as a military-diplomatic takeover may be unlikely.79

75 Campos, 'Early Portuguese accounts of Thailand', pp. 7, 23; Ferdinand Mendes Pinto, The travels of
Mendes Pinto, ed. and tr. Rebecca D. Catz (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1989), p. 416.
76 RCA (BM), p. 29; Campos, 'Early Portuguese accounts of Thailand', p. 13.
11 Cholada, Wannakhadi Ayutthaya, p. 76; A. B. Griswold, 'Notes on the art of Siam, No. 6: Prince
Yudhisthira', Artibus Asiae, 26 (1963): 215-29.
78 Vickery, '2/K.125 Fragment', pp. 56-61.
79 RCA (LP), p. 15; Vickery, '2/K.125 Fragment', p. 76. The 'absorption' of the northern cities is
mentioned in A.B. Griswold and Prasert na Nagara, 'A fifteenth-century Siamese historical poem', in
Southeast Asian history and historiography, ed. C. D. Cowan and O. W Wolters (Ithaca and London: Cornell
University Press, 1976), p. 130.

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Besides, such an interpretation argues that the Luang Prasoet chronicle here uses a
metaphorical code which is not obvious elsewhere.
Ayutthaya certainly appears to have become powerful, yet one of the odd featu
the chronicular record is that the northern cities never react against Ayutthaya's attac
by sending a force down to batter the city. Could this be simply because we are u
reliant on chronicles composed in Ayutthaya, probably a century later, and desig
track its own rise? No chronicle has survived from the northern cities, but what i
is that the ruling families of those cities were far from crushed. Again the lack o
records or tamnan is a problem, but the places themselves tell a sto
Chaliang/Sawankhalok and Kamphaengphet were large and flourishing centres in
sixteenth century. Kamphaengphet was refortified with high brick walls and ram
while Chaliang was ringed with a lat?rite wall accommodating gun placements. B
cities were embellished with new complexes of temples in the style of a royal c
(these are not precisely dated by inscriptions, but the style indicates the fifteen
seventeenth centuries). Outside both places spread large areas which are now dotte
the ruins of small wat which presumably were community temples, attesting to a
population. Chaliang also had a large ceramics industry which initially manufact
tiles and roof ornaments for temple construction but later expanded into product
crockery for wide export through Asian trade.80
The rulers of the northern cities were still kings, and their traditional royal
were still in use through the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.81 Their ca
retained much of their splendour and attraction. Phitsanulok, which overshado
Sukhothai because of its strategic location on the north-south route, was the axis
Chiang Mai/Ayutthaya rivalry and the effective capital (or sub-capital) of Ayuttha
over a century. Pires recorded that the ruler of Kamphaengphet 'has many fighting m
Inside his own territory he is like the King of this land.' De Barros, who summ
Portuguese knowledge of Siam in the mid-1500s, relayed that the largest cast ima
Siam was at Sukhothai and that it was embellished with gold leaf on the upper
and coloured decoration below. Ayutthaya as yet had nothing to rival this in si
splendour.82 Ramesuan's 1438 visit to Phitsanulok could well have been a pilgrimag
'tears of blood' shed by the Phra Chinnarat image were probably a m?gico-relig
event, not a metaphor of defeat.
In the 1550s Jo?o de Barros wrote a description of Siam based on reports of
traders, seamen and mercenaries who had spent time there. He presented th
territory as two separate kingdoms. The first, including Ayutthaya and the gulf
Barros called 'Muantay', which is clearly muang Thai (a name still used to design
present-day Thailand). The second he called 'Chaumua', which seems to be chao neu
'northern people', equivalent to the northern cities, among which he speci
80 Thida Saraya, Muang Sisatchanalai (Bangkok: Muang Boran, 1994); Sanghkalok-Sukhothai-Ay
and Asia, proceedings of a seminar, Bangkok, 22-3 November 2002; Michael Vickery, 'The old
"Chaliang" - "Sri Satchanalai" - "Sawankhalok": A problem in history and historiography', JSS
(1990): 15-29; Don Hein and Mike Barbetti, 'Sisatchanalai and the development of glazed stonew
Southeast Asia', Siam Society Newsletter, 4, 3 (1988): 8-17.
81 Mahathammaracha in Phitsanulok, Phaya Chaliang in Chaliang/Sawankhalok, Phaya Ram
Sukhothai and Phaya Saen Soi Thao in Kamphaengphet; Vickery, '2/K.125 Fragment', pp. 73-7.
82 Pires, Suma oriental, p. 101; Campos, 'Early Portuguese accounts of Thailand', p. 12; Thail
Portugal, p. 46.

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mentioned Sukhothai and Sawankhalok. He also noted that this second kingdom was
'more correctly speaking' called 'Si?o' or Xian/Siam. Some Portuguese maps from this era
also show 'Odia' and 'Sian' as separate places, with 'Sian' to the north.83
Beyond these two kingdoms de Barros described a periphery of dependencies
including the tributary ports on the west of the peninsula (by this time, claims to the
Melaka area had been abandoned); the 'Lao' kingdoms of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, and
Lane Xang; and a wild area beyond populated by fierce, horse-riding, tattooed,
cannibalistic 'Gueos'. This political geography is roughly congruent with the description
in the Kot monthianban (Palatine law), with one important exception: the de Barros
account distinguishes between two separate 'kingdoms'.84

Administrative change
In the late fifteenth century, the administration of Ayutthaya was overhauled. These
reforms were very extensive and probably spread over a longer period than the Trailok
reign to which they are usually attributed. In brief, they covered these main areas: (1) a
territorial reorganisation in which the original coalition of port-cities was probably for
the first time brought under a unified administration; (2) introduction or (more likely)
tightening of a decimal-based system of forced labour extraction; (3) codification of
noble titles and social ranking (sakdina); (4) extension of the domain of law through
legislation, law codes and expansion of the role of the ruler as law-giver and judge; (5)
addition of two senior posts (nayok, kalahom).
In the past, this revolution in government has been linked to Ayutthaya's conquest
of Angkor in 1431 and a supposed absorption of Khmer influences, but there is in fact
very little evidence of Khmer vocabulary, concepts and practices.85 Rather, these reforms
indicate three important changes. First, they reflect Ayutthaya's transition from a
maritime power to a territorial power. The manpower reforms, additional posts and
territorial organisation were designed to enhance the city's military capability. In
addition, Trailok 'fortified many principal cities, such as Phitsanulok, Sawankhalok,
Kamphaengphet, Sukhothai, etc' Ramathibodi II (r. 1491-1529) also fortified many
places, dredged canals around the capital, 'had the first Treatise on Victorious Warfare
compiled, and had the first official registers of each city compiled'.86
Second, some aspects of the reforms hint at a synthesis of different systems. The

83 This pattern was copied by several map-makers from a similar original. 'Odia' is shown up a river
leading westward from the gulf while 'Sian' is to the north of the gulf close to 'Capelan' (Kamphaengphet?).
See, for example, the maps of Mercator (1569) and Ortelius (1570) in Thomas Su?rez, Early mapping of
Southeast Asia (Hong Kong: Periplus, 1999), pp. 141, 166-7.
84 Campos, 'Early Portuguese accounts of Thailand', p. 11. The Kot monthianban is discussed in David K.
Wyatt, 'The Thai "Palatine law" and Malacca', in his Studies in Thai history: Collected articles (Chiang Mai:
Silkworm Books, 1994), p. 84. The separateness of these two may have lingered even longer. Dhiravat na
Pombejra has unearthed a rumour that King Prasatthong in 1655 thought of partitioning the kingdom
and installing his two major sons at Ayutthaya and Phitsanulok respectively; Dhiravat na Pombejra,
Siamese court life in the seventeenth century as depicted in European sources (Bangkok: Chulalongkorn
University, 2001), pp. 207-8.
85 Michael Vickery, 'Review of Robert B. Jones, Thai titles and ranks including a translation o/Traditions
of royal lineage in Siam by King Chulalongkorn, JSS, 62, 1 (1974): 158-73; and idem., 'The constitution of
Ayutthaya: The Three seals code' in Thai law: Buddhist law. Essays on the legal history of Thailand, Laos and
Burma, ed. Andrew Huxley (Bangkok: White Orchid, 1996), pp. 133-210.
86 Van Vliet, Short history, p. 64; RCA (LP), p. 19.

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senior offices of government were renamed with Sanskritic titles.87 The system of
ranking looks like an elaborate attempt to synthesise several prior system
ratchathinam, tamnaeng, sakdina), though our understanding of just what the
meant in the fifteenth century is far from clear. Finally, a major element in this sy
was the transfer of systems and practices visible earlier in the inland states of
the northern cities such as decimal recruitment systems, emphasis on written
grades for the sakdina system of ranking.88 This transfer went beyond admin
reforms: during this period, the Ayutthaya elite also started to display the k
attention to religious construction and practices which was characteristi
hinterland centres. Trailok built the royal wat of Si Sanphet, while Ramathibod
and improved many cities, temples, monasteries and houses for the religious
poor from his own treasury' and also 'established the feasts and the gameday
chronicles note that he had a massive Buddha image cast, honoured image
during dredging on the lower Chaophraya and enlarged the Si Sanphet
Chairacha (r. 1534-46) is also noted for his religious construction and charitable
including finally creating a Buddha image larger than that in Sukhothai.89
Besides a change in the extent of religious building, there were also modific
architectural style with more adoption of elements seen earlier in the norther
Also in this period, specifically over the 1530s and 1540s, the Luang Prasoet c
changes markedly in style, moving to a more narrative treatment with emph
military exploits. Barros recorded that in Ayutthaya 'the men who are knights
are involved in warfare.. .come mostly from the regions where can be found th
Sawankhaloke and Sukhothai'.90

Geopolitics of dissent
It seems likely that the military alignment in the second half of the fifteenth
resulted in a transfer of people, administrative practices and cultural activity f
northern cities to Ayutthaya. From this point forward, there is a thread running th
the chronicles which hints that this synthesis was far from smooth, with inc
aristocratic dissent with the involvement of northern nobles. Trailok's s
(Intharacha II, r. 1488-91) 'obtained large subsidies... especially from the manda
little from the community. In addition he introduced a practice in which, after the
of the mandarins, one tical of gold had to be paid for every ten measured lands from
estate.' As a result his reign was 'troubled' and his sudden death came 'much to t
the mandarins'.91 In 1524, the chronicles for the first time mention a court purge:
dropped anonymous messages. At that time the King [Ramathibodi II] had many

87 Vickery,'Constitution of Ayutthaya', pp. 162-3.

88 Vickery (ibid., pp. 180-1, 195-8) suggests some of these practices might be Chinese i
transmitted southwards through the long Tai interaction with the Chinese along the mounta
between China and Southeast Asia.
89 Srisak, Sayam prathet, pp. 290 (Trailok) and 301-2 (Chairacha); Ramathibodi II's deeds are m
in van Vliet, Short history, pp. 68-9, and RCA (LP), pp. 18-19.
90 Thailand and Portugal, p. 49. On architectural change, see Piriya Krairiksh, 'The history of A
arts', in Ayutthaya kap Asiya [Ayutthaya and Asia], ed. Chanwit [Charnvit] Kasetsiri (Bangk
Thailand Foundation and the Foundation for the Promotion of Social Sciences and Humanities
Project, 2001), pp. 144-72.
91 Van Vliet, Short history, p. 64.

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nobility killed.' Immediately afterward, the kingdom was inflicted with all kinds of
misfortune - too little water in the flood season, an earthquake, inflation - which
probably represent the chronicle's code for dissent and disorder. The king appointed his
son as upparat and sent him 'to rule Phitsanulok',92 suggesting this might have been one
site of dissent.
Three years later, the king died and this son succeeded him as Borommaracha IV (r.
1529-33). The van Vliet chronicle reports that he began 'merciful' but before long 'ruled
with a severe hand', and concludes that 'during his lifetime it was generally a troubled and
never a fruitful time'. A few years later in 1538, amid more bad omens, King Chairacha
learnt that a revolt was being plotted in Kamphaengphet, and had a Phraya Narai,
presumably the local ruler, executed in that city93 The Worawong/Sudachan coup of 1548
also seems connected to northern restiveness. According to the later chronicles (British
Museum version, etc.), Sudachan justified the usurpation of the throne on grounds that
'the northern provinces are in turmoil and cannot be trusted in government matters'.
After the seizure, orders were sent to remove 'the governors of all seven northern
provinces'. This provoked an immediate counter-move, led by a descendant of the
Sukhothai family who was holding an official post in Ayutthaya.94 He was joined by other
officials, and by the rulers of Phichai and Chaliang/Sawankhalok; Worawong and
Sudachan were ambushed and killed. A royal brother who had fled a year earlier was
brought out of the monastery and enthroned as Chakkraphat (r. 1548-69). The leader of
the counter-coup was rewarded with his traditional Sukhothai royal title of
Thammaracha, marriage to Chakkraphat's daughter and 'the insignia of royalty'. He was
also 'given the right to issue royal commands, and given Phitsanulok to rule'. The second
member of the group, who may have been from the Kamphaengphet family, was also
rewarded with titles, regalia, and a royal daughter. The rulers of Phichai and
Chaliang/Sawankhalok were promoted to Chao Phraya rank and presented with heaps of
golden regalia.95 Chakkraphat of the Ayutthayan line was king, but Thammaracha and
the northern nobles were king-makers.
The finale came twenty years later. The fall of Ayutthaya in 1569 is traditionally
portrayed as a conflict between 'Siam' and 'Burma', but in Van Vliet's chronicle it was
Thammaracha who engineered the Burmese involvement from 1563/4 onwards. He fled
to Pegu after Chakkraphat tried to kill him, and 'began to beseech the King of Pegu to
war with Siam'. The King of Pegu was initially reluctant, but Thammaracha provoked
him with the story of Chakkraphat's seven white elephants. In Pegu's attack on
92 RCA (LP), p. 19.
93 Van Vliet, Short history, pp. 69-70; RCA (LP), p. 20.
94 RCA (BM), pp. 22-3; the later chronicles call him Khun Phirenthorathep 'of royal lineage' and say that
he was 'a descendant of King Ruang... while his mother was a descendant of King Chairacha'; RCA (BM),
pp. 23, 25. In the military hierarchy laws in the Three Seals Code, Luang Phirenthorathep is the head of
the great right department of the tamruat, a military division with unknown duties, with sakdina rank of
2,000; see Kotmai tra sam duang [Three seals code] (Bangkok: Khurusapha, 1994), vol. 1, p. 286.
95 RCA (BM), pp. 26-7. The second man appears in the later chronicles as Khun Inthorathep, and in the
Three seals code (Kotmai tra sam duang, vol. 1, p. 287) as Phra Inthathep, the head of the Great Left
Department of the tamruat. Khun Inthorathep was given the title Chao Phraya Si Thammasokkarat, which
seems to have been associated with Kamphaengphet; see the Siva inscription of Kamphaengphet in
Prachum charuk Sayam phak thi 1 charuk krung Sukhothai [Collected inscriptions of Siam, vol. 1,
Sukhothai], ed. Georges Coed?s (Bangkok: 1924), pp. 157-9. It is also given as the title of the governor of
Sukhothai in the Three Seals Code (Kotmai tra sam duang, p. 320).

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Ayutthaya, Thammaracha served as 'field marshal', and Phitsanulok was used as the Pegu
army's base. In the (later) Thai chronicles, Thammaracha was aligned with Ayutthaya but
mysteriously remained aloof from the conflict. Then in the 1568-9 attack, according to
the van Vliet version, Thammaracha again 'advised the Peguan king to resume the war',
led part of the Peguan army, and used Phitsanulok as a base. In the Thai chronicles'
version, Thammaracha started out aligned to Ayutthaya but then defected to the
Burmese side because of a desperately complex intrigue. Both accounts agree that
Thammaracha secured Ayutthaya's fall by leveraging dissent among the nobility inside
Ayutthaya through his wife's relatives, and winning over the support of some key nobles
inside the city who opened the gates to the Burmese and Phitsanulok attackers.96
The northern nobles now finally took control. The Peguan king 'invited Prince
Thammaracha to ascend the throne of the Capital City of Ayutthaya'. In van Vliet's
version, Thammaracha retained a reference to Phitsanulok in his royal title - Phra
Mahathammaracha Phrachao Song Khwae, where Song Khwae is the old name of
Phitsanulok. The title he used four years later in a communication to the Chinese court
also may have been Phrachao Song Khwae, literally the King of Phitsanulok.97
Thammaracha appointed other northerners and allies inside the old Ayutthaya nobility
to senior positions, and revised all the appointments of provincial governors. Some years
later, his son Naresuan (r. 1590-1605) swept people down from the northern cities to
populate Ayutthaya and its surrounding region.98 In 1590, Naresuan returned from
Phitsanulok, where he had been ruling as upparat, to ascend the throne. Van Vliet's
account of his coronation paints him as an outsider importing a more militaristic
kingship to Ayutthaya. His palace and procession, as depicted in Jacques de Coutre's
eyewitness account in 1595, are strikingly different from Ma Huan's description 170 years
earlier. In the procession he wears a gold headpiece studded with jewels, carries two
golden crooks, has four large parasols and is surrounded by a large retinue. The palace is
made of gilded wood and topped with five chedi (spires) covered with gold leaf. Naresuan
presides on an elevated throne with two chained tigers at the base.99
The old Ayutthayan elite along with its gods and craftsmen had been hauled away to
Pegu. The nobles of the northern cities moved in to supplant them. The hinterland came
down to the coast.

96 RCA (BM), pp. 35-8, 71-4; van Vliet, Short history, pp. 73 ('beseech'), 76-7 (1568-9); Sunait, Phama rop
Thai, pp. 16-17. See also Michael Vickery's review of van Vliet in JSS, 64, 2 (1976): 221.
97 RCA (BM), p. 74 (Peguan king); van Vliet, Short history, p. 11. The Chinese text refers to 'the yi
[barbarian] envoys sent by Hua-zhao-song...' (Geoffrey Wade, personal communication). Wade confirms
that the title could be reconstructed as 'Song'. The mission asked for new seals and tally-slips to replace
those destroyed by fire during the Burmese attack. Wade also confirms that the date of the mission was
actually 1573, not 1567 as indicated in his 'Ming shi-lu as a source', p. 268.
98 RCA (BM), pp. 75-6. The northern nobles continued to be restive and may have attempted to repeat
the strategy of allying with Pegu against Ayutthaya; RCA (BM), pp. 92-4. Naresuan's relocation of people
is mentioned in ibid., p. 96. On the impact of this, see Nithi Eoseewong [Nidhi Aeusrivongse], Kanmuang
thai samai Phra Narai [Thai politics in the time of King Narai] (Bangkok: Matichon, 1994), p. 13.
99 Dirk van der Cruysse, Siam and the West 1500-1700, tr. Michael Smithies (Chiang Mai: Silkworm
Books, 2002), pp. 25-7. Van Vliet (Short history, p. 83) quotes Naresuan explaining his cruel use of power
with the words: 'This is the way you Siamese must be ruled because you are obstinate people of
abominable nature and in a rotten state.'

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In recent years, Ayutthaya has been christened 'the first major capital of the Thai'
and the first 'true kingdom of Siam', quietly supplanting Sukhothai in the narrative. The
emergence of the Ayutthayan kingdom hence now represents a landmark event in the
national story.100 The dominant interpretations of early Ayutthayan history assume that
the city began as a territorial power and grew by internal dynamics - expanding rice
cultivation, increasing cultural and administrative complexity, military success - to
gradually encompass surrounding territory. These interpretations focus attention wholly
on Ayutthaya and banish other cities from the story. In essence they project nineteenth
century Siam - a single territorially ambitious power with a dominant capital - back to
the very start of the story.
This essay lays out the evidence that Xian/Ayutthaya in its first two centuries -
beginning before the legendary foundation of 1351 - was a maritime power focused on
becoming a dominant force in the trading world of the Gulf of Siam and Malay Peninsula
in the post-Srivijayan era. This interpretation accords with the first direct records of the
city (Ma Huan and Fei Xin) and helps to explain the murky nature of its early history -
no inscriptions, few monuments, Chinese involvement, a confusion of founder legends
probably assembled later and a shaky dynastic chronology. It also gives a different
perspective on the main events of the following two centuries - the northern wars, the
Trailok reforms and the sack of 1569.
Unlike most of the island-based coastal states which emerged in the same era,
Ayutthaya was backed by a large hinterland. Driven by the commercial logic of
controlling the trade routes and supply sources on which its commercial prominence
depended, Ayutthaya set out to become a territorial power. This project drew Ayutthaya
into a complex relationship with the 'northern cities' in its immediate hinterland.
Ayutthaya did not quickly dominate and absorb these cities in the early fifteenth century,
as sometimes imagined. Rather, Sukhothai remained an important ritual centre,
Phitsanulok remained the key strategic centre and for long periods the effective capital,
and the northern armies remained critical for neutralising the ambitious state of Lanna.
The rulers of the northern cities retained their status, and their capitals became more
Over time Ayutthaya was increasingly exposed to influences from this northern
region. Some people were carried south as prisoners; others probably migrated to a city
of such evident wealth and opportunity. In the late fifteenth century, Ayutthaya adopted
new administrative systems from the north, and began to pay more attention to religious
construction and ritual in the manner of a hinterland state. In the early sixteenth century,
northern nobles became king-makers at Ayutthaya. In the 1560s, they allied with the
Peguan ruler to dislodge the old elite and dominate the city. This event was the climax of
a process extending over almost a century whereby Ayutthaya absorbed people, political
structures and cultural practices from the north, and so evolved into the powerful
coastal-hinterland hybrid of the high Ayutthaya period.

100 Charnvit, 'Origins of a capital and seaport', p. 78 ('major capital'); Srisakara, Sayam prathet, p. 286
('true kingdom'). Ayutthaya's importance is explicit in the title of Srisakara's Krung Si Ayutthaya khong rao
[Our Ayutthaya] (Bangkok: Matichon, 1980).

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