Concourse OHE Arrangement

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भारतसरकार - रे लमंतालय - अनुसंधानअभभककल्परमानकसंगठन,मानकनगर,लखनऊ-226011 बीएसएनएल/BSNL:91-522-2465731

Government of India - Ministry of Railways रे लवे/Railway: 42804, फैकस/Fax : 91-522-2465731
Research Designs & Standards Organisation, Manak Nagar, Lucknow –
No. RDSO/759/2022 Dated, the 12th June, 2023

The Principal Chief Electrical Engineer,
(i) Central Railway, Station Building, (ii) Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place,
Mumbai CST – 400 001 Kolkata-700 001.
(iii) East Central Railway, Hajipur-844 101. (iv) East Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar
-751 023.
(v) Northern Railway, Baroda House, (vi) North Central Railway, Allahabad
New Delhi - 110 001. -211 015.
(vii)North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur (viii) North Frontier Railway, Mailgaon
-273 012. - 781 011.
(ix) North Western Railway, Jaipur (x) Southern Railway, Park Town,
– 302 017. Chennai- 600 003.
(xi) South Central Railway, (xii) South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach,
Railnilayam, Secunderabad-500371 Kolkata- 700 043.
(xiii)South East Central, Railway, Bilaspur (xiv) South West Railway, DRM’s Office,
-495 004. Hubli-580 028.
(xv)Western Railway, Churchgate, (xvi) West Central Railway, Jabalpur
Mumbai-400 020. - 482 001.
(xvii)Konkan Railway, Belapur Bhavan, Navi
Mumbai – 400614

(b) Chief Administrative Officer,

Central Organisation for Railway
Electrification, Nawab Yusuf Road,

वविषय/Sub: General Guidelines for OHE design in concourse area for station
development projects.


Technical Instruction No. TI/IN/0047 for “General Guidelines to Zonal

Railways for OHE design in concourse area for station development projects” has
been prepared and enclosed herewith for further n/a at your end."

This is issued with the approval of competent authority.

(Girraj Kishore)
Joint Director/(TI-2)
[For Director General (TI)]

Encl: As above
Ministry of Railways



Issued by:
Traction Installation Directorate
LUCKNOW – 226 011
(For official use only)

JUNE 2023











7. BIRD MENACE 16-17




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Many references are being received regarding Technical requirement for

finalization of Design for 1X25kV and 2x25 kV OHE under the concourse
area in connection with the Redevelopment/Development of Railway

The 25kV OHE will be required to be installed on the ceiling / soffit of the structure built
over the track space. OHE Portal upright can also be integrated with steel/RCC
structure supporting the platform shelter.

The IRSDCL (Indian Railway Station Development Corporation Limited)

report regarding Modification in OHE in connection with Redevelopment of
Railway Station accepted by Railway Board (MTR) vide letter no
2003/RE/161/1 Vol-III/Pt. Dated 19/27.09.2017 and the same was
circulated to all zonal railways vide TI/OHE/IRSDCL/2017 dated 31.10.2017.
Based on the IRSDCL Report and directives issued by Railway Board,
Guidelines for design of OHE under the concourse coming in station areas on
Indian Railways incorporating latest provisions of IRSOD (BG) Revised-2022,
Guidelines has been prepared for guidance that would be applicable while
redeveloping the existing stations electrified with 1X25kV AC OHE/2X25kV
AC OHE for Electric Traction.

2.0 General Guidelines:

2.1 A study should be carried out covering the following aspects:

(a) Minimum height of the bottom of the beam, which should comply with
all the extant regulations.

(b) The concourse structure shall be designed such as to allow the

standard OHE equipment to be used. The fixing arrangements
(bolts/holes/plates etc.) shall be provided suitably in the concourse
structure for OHE arrangement.

(c) Earthing of concourse structure: If the OHE is hung from the concourse
structure, proper earthing requirement for steel / concrete structures.

(d) Openings in the concourse on sides: Any special requirements for the
design of concourse, which will ensure protection of OHE (so that
nothing can be thrown on the OHE / tracks).

(e) Addressing bird menace: The bottom of beams and other

arrangements shall be such as not to provide any space for the birds to
sit and/or nest as this can create safety issues with OHE. If this cannot
be ensured, protection measures required for catenary wires under the

(f) While designing the concourse structure, it shall be possible to provide

OHE even at locations where the main beams of concourse structure
are not there. Arrangement shall be there for future tracks.

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(g) The concourse structure shall be designed keeping the present and
future planned OHE loads in mind. There are several different types of
arrangements including single set of wires, double set of wires,
anchored wires and ATD arrangement etc. The absolute loads for these
arrangements in all three directions need to be considered in design. It
is desirable that the maximum spans / maximum wind loads be
considered so that flexibility for future modification of OHE is there.


While designing OHE System in Station Area, following OHE parameters

should be considered:

(a) Standard Contact wire height at support should be 5.6m/5.55m with

100mm/50mm Presag respectively.
(b) In conventional (1X25kV) 65/107 OHE, tension in Contact and Catenary
wire should be 1200/1200 kgf & in 2X25kV System, tension in Contact
and Catenary wire should be 1200/1200 kgf in 65/107 OHE or
1500/1500kgf tension in 125/150 OHE.
(c) OHE gradient & Relative gradient outside the station concourse structure
(overhead structure) shall be 2mm/m and 1mm/m respectively. Level
OHE gradient should be maintained under overhead structure.
(d) Minimum dropper length shall not be less than 200mm.
(e) Rail level shall not be raised (other than 20mm for track maintenance
allowance) and permanent bench mark shall be provided to indicate the
maximum level of track to be maintained.
(f) OHE spans under concourse area may be selected in line with civil
structure design and may not be standard spans.
(g) Minimum height of the bottom most part of the supporting
member/structure above the rail level should not be less than 8.03m with
1400mm encumbrance (5.55m contact wire height at support +1.4m
encumbrance + 0.2m extended bracket tube + 0.110m distance between
catenary to bracket tube + 0.2m short time clearance + 0.05m
Oscillation of contact wire + 0.02m track maintenance margin + 500mm
additional clearance for civil structure tolerance and conductor
diameters). Similarly for other values of encumbrances adopted as per
site condition, the height of concourse is given in Para No. 4.0.
(h) For the station being developed / redeveloped, the OHE spans need to be
kept in line with the civil structure. For example, if beams are spaced
@20m, the OHE span may be selected as 20m or 40m. Dropper schedule
for any span can be worked out as per the methodology provided in
Chapter 2 (Dropper Schedule), Part IV (Overhead Equipment) of Treatise
on Electric Traction Distribution issued by IRIEEN.
(i) Overall proposed vertical clearance of approximately 770 mm between
top most portion of Bracket tube and bottom most part of concourse
should be maintained (It includes 20mm track maintenance allowance,
250mm minimum Electrical Clearance and 500 mm additional clearance;
civil structure tolerance, conductor diameter is included in it).
(j) It should be ensured that minimum clearance of feeder wire at mid span
from Rail level should not be less than 5.2m as per clause 58 of CEA
(k) Feeder wire should be provided at a distance of minimum 950mm from
cantilever assembly as per RDSO Drawing No. ETI/OHE/G/6000 Rev. B.
Necessary arrangement for fixing of feeder wire with 9-Tonne Insulator

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should be made while casting. 91.97mm2 ACSR aerial earth conductor
should run at the back side on drop arms.
(l) Drop arm over platform should be avoided. If it is unavoidable, vertical
clearance of Drop arm from platform should be as per Diagram No. 2
(standard Dimensions in Stations to suit 25kV A.C. Traction Schedule-I
chapter II) of IRSOD(BG) revised – 2022. It should also be ensured that
no live conductor should be run over platform as per Para 20.4 of
Appendix-I of ACTM Volume-II, Part-II.
(m) For 2X 25 OHE system, guidelines regarding OHE parameters, provision
of AEC, BEC, Negative feeder etc. given in the RDSO Instruction
TI/IN/0042 should be referred.
(n) The design load for each support of OHE cantilevers shall consider two
OHEs (65/125 sq. mm catenary wire and 107/150 sq. mm contact wire).
The design shall have the following features:
Locations, where foundation bolts are provided for OHE support
structure, shall be indicated in the document submitted to the concern
(o) Anchor load of 2400/3000 kgf, on beam structure as well as on the face
of the station concourse shall be considered in design of concourse. From
safety point of view of structures, the broken wire impact on structures
due to Anchor load i.e. 2400/3000 Kg should also be considered.
(p) To prevent bird menace, appropriate measures such as closed sections,
RSJ/BFB drop arms etc. are recommended so as not to provide any space
for birds to make nests. Suitable arrangement for the cantilever support
should be done.
(q) To prevent monkey menace, the walls towards the trackside shall have
no windows and ledges etc. which can be used by monkey.
(r) Concourse design should not permit any possibilities of physical contact
with live parts (in line with EN 50122-1) and which eliminates possibility
of throwing any object on live OHE shall be adopted.
(s) All the latest directives of Railway Board & RDSO for installations of OHE
shall be ensured.
(t) All the latest stipulation given in IRSOD (BG)-2022, ACTM 2022 and CEA
Regulation should be ensured.


Case-I: Refer to figure 1a, 1b, 1c below for schematic arrangement for
(cantilever suspended from concrete beam).

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Figure 1a: Cantilever suspended from concrete beam

Figure 1b: Cantilever suspended from concrete beam (different fixing


Figure 1c: Cantilever suspended from concrete slab

Figure 1c: Cantilever suspended from concrete beam (different fixing


„A‟ is encumbrance in the above figures

„B‟ is minimum gap between bottom most point of beam and top most point
of live parts i.e. top point of bracket tube (refer figure 2 below)

4.1 In figure 2 / 3, case of lower suspension distance (say 1.8m) (distance

between mast face and catenary wire) is considered, which will be most
onerous in this respect.

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Hence B = 770mm (electrical clearance) + 310mm (Vertical distance
between Catenary wire and bracket tube top) = 1080mm

Figure 2: Vertical distance between catenary wire and bracket tube top

Figure 3: Vertical distance between catenary wire and bracket tube top

The minimum height of concourse should be determined as under:

Contact wire height from rail level at support with 5550mm

50mm pre sag
Vertical distance between catenary wire and top point 310mm
of bracket tube
Vertical distance between top point of live part of 770mm
bracket tube and bottom most part of beam(B)-
(250mm Electrical Clearance + 20mm Track

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maintenance margin + 500mm additional clearance
including civil structure tolerance & conductor
The minimum height of lowest portion of across the = 5550mm
track beam from rail level +310mm+770mm
+ Encumbrance

Minimum overline structure height determined with different encumbrance

for Case-I will be as under:

Minimum overline structure height (in mm) for 5550mm contact

wire height at support for different encumbrances
400 500 600 750 900
7030 7130 7230 7380 7530

Case II: In this case, the cantilever support point is kept some distance
away from beam. Since the additional vertical space (800-1000mm or so) is
available in the non-beam region of the structure, the vertical distance
(310mm) between catenary wire and bracket tube top (refer figure 2/3)
need not be considered from bottom of the beam. This design will require
consideration of additional bending moment on the OHE support structure.
Refer to figure below:

Figure- 4
Further, the catenary will sag a bit away from its support point, and hence
the 500mm clearance (between catenary wire and beam bottom – „A‟ in
above figure) will need to be measured from its actual position rather than
suspension point location.
For B = 1000mm, reduction of vertical distance and minimum overline
structure height determined with different encumbrance for Case-II will be
as under:

Minimum overline structure height for 5550mm high contact wire for
different encumbrances
(Height of Overline structure -5550mm+Encumbrance+770mm)
400 500 600 750 900
6720 6820 6920 7070 7220

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Note: 1. In the above calculations Contact wire height 5550mm at support
has been considered.

2. The extra vertical clearance of 275mm for raising of track in future has
not be considered for the OHE design purpose.

3. The minimum encumbrance should be kept 600mm for concourse

structure height approximately 7000mm.

4. While selecting the encumbrance & OHE span, minimum dropper length
should not be less than 200mm.


5.1 Structure Earthing

The station structure will need to be earthed as per usual practice of
building grounding, irrespective of traction system. The codes to be followed
in this respect are IS 3043, IS 2309 etc.
5.2 OHE support earthing : Bonding & Earthing should be as per Earthing
& Bonding Code ETI/OHE/71-Rev.1. The adequacy and efficacy of this
earthing and bonding system should be verified by the simulation
studies/measurements of the touch and step potential of the rail in normal
load and short circuit condition for compliance with EN 50122-1 and IEC
62128-1 (2013).

5.2.1 Normally, the OHE masts/structures are bonded to rails (return

circuit) and hence any insulator puncture will lead to completion of circuit
and tripping of relevant circuit breaker.

5.2.2 In the instant case, the structure bonds between suspended OHE
structure (drop arm etc.) is not feasible. Therefore, an earth wire of
appropriate section may have to be run connecting masts / portals nearest
to the concourse and all the OHE support structure (drop arms) suspended
from the concourse. See the schematic below:

Figure 5: Earth wire for OHE structure below concourse

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(i) The earth wire shall be connected to an earth as well as to the traction rails at
both ends just outside the concourse.
(ii) In case all the rails are track circuited, the earth wire shall be connected to
an earth at both ends just outside the concourse.
(iii) If length of the earth wire exceeds 1000m, the stipulation in regard to
making it discontinuous as contained in Para 3.4 of Bonding & Earthing code
ETI-OHE/71-Rev.1 should be followed.

5.2.3 Further, the earth wires of different tracks can be cross-connected to

ensure adequate redundancy of earth connections. See the schematic

Figure 6: Cross connection of earth wire for redundancy

The cross connection can also be effected with embedded earth strips in the
roof slab with earth terminals brought out in either side for construction to
The cross section of an earth wire used for bonding traction masts or
structures or supports or the metallic parts supporting the traction overhead
equipment in a tunnel or in double rail-track-circuited section shall be not
less than 50 mm2 copper equivalent. Capacity of 93.3 mm2 AAC (All
Aluminium Alloy Conductor) conductor is similar to 50 mm2 of copper.
Hence 93.3 mm2 AAC as per IS 398 – Part II (or equivalent ACSR)
conductor may be used for this purpose.
5.2.4 Bonding of metallic parts inside a concourse: The OHE under a
100-200m long concourse structure is a situation similar to tunnel in respect
of earthing of OHE support structures. An earth wire connecting all non-
current metallic parts, which form parts of the supports for the overhead
equipment, shall be run inside the concourse. The earth wire shall be
connected to an earth as well as to the traction rails at both ends just
outside the concourse. In case, all the rails are track circuited, the earth
wire shall be connected to an earth at both ends just outside the concourse.
If the length of the earth wire exceeds 1000m, the stipulation in regard to
making it electrically discontinuous as contained in Earthing and bonding
code should be followed.
5.2.5 The FTA anchor body structure in the concourse area (if used) shall
also be earthed by bonding it through the ACSR earthing conductor as

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5.2.6 Girder concourse structure supporting OHE: Bonding &
Earthing should be as per Part-II of Earthing & Bonding Code ETI/OHE/71-

As per clause no. 6.3 of BSEN 50122-1 (2011), the reinforcement of the
RCC structure in which the OHE support structures & anchor fasteners are
installed, shall be earthed and bonded to return rails.
Earthing & Bonding Scheme should be validated by the appropriate agency.

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6. OHE loading for structure design

6.1 OHE system weight data

The following are the OHE weight data:

SN Description Particular Remarks

1 Contact wire (107 mm2) 0.952kg/m If 150 mm2, then the
weight is 1.34 kg/m
2 Catenary wire (65 mm2) 0.5973 If 125 mm2, then the
kg/m weight is 1.191 kg/m
3 Feeder Wire - If 238 mm2 All
aluminium spider
conductor, then the
weight is 0.654 kg per
m/ If 232 mm2 All
aluminium alloy
conductor, then the
weight is 0.637 kg per
meter/If 288 mm2 All
aluminium alloy
conductor (AAAC), then
the weight is 0.794kg/m

4 Aerial Earth Conductor - If 91.97 mm2

ACSR Conductor, weight
is 0.319kg/m

5 OHE weight kg per meter 1.6 kg/m With some allowance for
dropper weights;
If higher capacity
then the weight is 2.6
6 Earth wire weight 0.437 kg/m
7 Cantilever assembly weight 60 kg
8 Weight of maintainer with 100 kg May not be relevant in
tools the instant case, but
still conservatively
9 Section insulator weight 50 kg
10 Cut in insulator weight 15 kg
11 Drop arm bracket assembly 146 kg DA length of 2375mm
weight with SPS with RSJ (8x6”), having
unit weight of
53.39kg/m considered
12 Spreader bar weight with 18 kg 1250m length, C
SPS (each) channel 150mm x

6.2 Cases considered

The onerous case could be installing two OHEs on support (one normal and
other out-of-run) and running through the length of covered area and one
OHE having cut-in insulator.

The situation of OHE termination with ATD inside covered area is not

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However, OHE termination with FTA arrangement either on face of station
structure or at any intermediate concrete beam may be possible and hence
considered (though it is not recommended).

6.3 Loads for 72m Span with conductor 65mm2/107mm2 for

1200/1200 kg tension.

6.3.1 Vertical Load

OHE weight (2 nos.) = 2 x [72 x (1.6 + = 294 kg

Cantilever weight (2 nos.) = 2 x 60 kg = 120 kg
Maintainer weight = 100 kg
Cut-in insulator weight = 2 x 15 = 30kg
Drop Arm / Spreader arm (2 nos.) / SPS = 182
Total vertical load = 294 + 120 + 100
+ 30 + 182
= 726 kg

Add extra for unforeseen 25 kg

The case with one OHE and section insulator installed in that span will be
less onerous than the above one.

6.3.2 Transverse loads

Radial load due to stagger (200mm) of both = 27 kg (approx.)
catenary and contact wire = 1200/72 x (2*0.2
+ 2*0.2) = 13.33 Kg. (for each)
Radial load due to stagger of out-of-run OHE is =0
not considered as that OHE can be taken
terminated in straight line on concrete beam
Wind load (considering wind pressure of 216 = 279 Kg
kg/m2, high capacity OHE, contact wire
diameter 12.24 mm and catenary wire
diameter 10.5 mm)
= 1.05*0.75*(0.01224 +
0.0105)*216*72=278.5 Kg
Note: In Indian Railway OHEs, the catenary wire is not staggered
normally, but in many systems (such DFCCIL) the catenary wire is
also staggered. For future considerations, the catenary wire is also
considered staggered for loading purpose.

6.3.3 FTA load on beam.

FTA load on beam structure (directly installed on concrete beam) = 2400

kgf (in longitudinal direction).The tension used by IR with 107mm2/65mm2
combination is 1200 kgf each i.e. 2400 kgf total. Anchor load of 2400 kgf,
on beam structure as well as on the face of the station concourse shall be
considered in design of concourse. From safety point of view of structures,
the broken wire impact on structures due to Anchor load i.e. 2400 Kg
should also be considered.
Additionally, the jerk load of OHE breaking shall also be considered.

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6.3.4 Other than the OHE loading described above, the station planning shall
consider loads for future proposals, alterations, augmentation etc.

6.3.5 The loads shall be considered as follows:

(a) High capacity OHE with 2 OHEs shall be considered for all locations,
whether or not the same is currently having 2 OHEs;
(b) For every 5 tracks or part thereof, FTA load for one track shall be
considered in design of concourse, which can be in any of the tracks;

6.4 Loads for 72m Span with conductor 125 mm2/150 mm2 for
1500/1500 kg tension.

6.4.1 Vertical Load

High capacity OHE OHE weight (2 nos.) = 2 x = 438 kg

[72 x (2.6 + 0.437)]
Cantilever weight (2 nos.) = 2 x 60 kg = 120 kg
Maintainer weight = 100 kg
Cut-in insulator weight = 2 x 15 = 30kg
Drop Arm / Spreader arm (2 nos.) / SPS = 182
Total vertical load = 438 + 120 + 100
+ 30 + 182
= 870 kg

Add extra for unforeseen 25 kg

The case with one OHE and section insulator installed in that span will be
less onerous than the above one.

6.4.2 Transverse loads

Radial load due to stagger (200mm) of both = 34 kg (approx.)

catenary and contact wire = 1500/72 x
(2*0.2 + 2*0.2) = 16.66 Kg. (for each)
Radial load due to stagger of out-of-run OHE =0
is not considered as that OHE can be taken
terminated in straight line on concrete beam
Wind load (considering wind pressure of 216 = 349 Kg
kg/m2, high capacity OHE, contact wire
diameter 14.5 mm and catenary wire
diameter 14mm)
= 1.05*0.75*(0.0145 + 0.014)*216*72=349

Note: In Indian Railway OHEs, the catenary wire is not staggered

normally, but in many systems (such DFCCIL) the Catenary wire is
also staggered. For future considerations, the Catenary is also
considered staggered for loading purpose.

6.4.3 FTA load on beam.

FTA load on beam structure (directly installed on concrete beam) = 2400

kgf (in longitudinal direction).The tension used by IR with 150 mm2/125
mm2 combination is 1500 kgf each i.e. 3000 kgf total. Anchor load of 3000
kgf, on beam structure as well as on the face of the station concourse shall
be considered in design of concourse. From safety point of view of

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structures, the broken wire impact on structures due to Anchor load i.e.
3000 Kg should also be considered.
Additionally, the jerk load of OHE breaking shall also be considered.

6.4.4 Other than the OHE loading described above, the station planning shall
consider loads for future proposals, alterations, augmentation etc.

6.4.5 The loads shall be considered as follows:

(a) High capacity OHE with 2 OHEs shall be considered for all locations,
whether or not the same is currently having 2 OHEs;
(b) For every 5 tracks or part thereof, FTA load for one track shall be
considered in design of concourse, which can be in any of the tracks;

6.5 The design of support brackets shall be duly proof checked. The design shall
have the following features:--
(a) Maintenance instructions shall be given i.e. how the repairs/ replacement
work shall be done. This shall be essential feature of design and a
maintenance manual shall be prepared and handed over to TRD
Department in Division responsible for maintaining the OHE.
(b) Spare foundation bolt for OHE structure to be provided at each concrete

6.6 Fixing Arrangements:-

(a) For safety design of structures, all loads & bending moment should be
calculated considering 72m OHE span i.e. maximum from Civil
structural point of view. The minimum vertical loads and bending
moment arising due to suspension of OHE cantilever along with Drop
Arm with Girder/Slab of structures should be approximate 900 Kg
(Vertical Load) and 1200 Kg. m (Bending Moment) respectively.
(b) The above mentioned loads and bending moment should be taken while
designing of civil structures.
(c) The clamp type fixing arrangement should be preferred from
maintenance aspect.
(d) If fixing arrangement is proposed to be erected on Girder/Slab of
structures the proper structural design should be done considering all
additional loads from safety aspect as per codal provision.
(e) It is suggested that the fixing arrangement should be designed and
embedded while casting of structures with the consultation of concerned
TRD department as per lay out plan of OHE cantilever assembly at
required expected interval from future aspect of RE works.

7.0 Bird menace

All other provisions regarding bird nesting in ACTM are in respect of

maintenance / inspection and mitigation measures (e.g. removing the bird
nests etc.) should be followed.
The following measures are recommended for avoiding bird menace:
(a) If the structure consists of closed sections which don't permit birds to
sit or make nests, such as concrete beams / slab system no special
precautions are required
(b) For structures which permit birds to sit or make nests such as in case
of steel plate girders / trusses etc. measures given in RDSO SMI No.
TI/MI/0050 Rev. 2 should be followed:

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(c) Drop arms of RSJ/BFB sections only shall be used and the fabricated /
laced drop arms shall not be used.

8.0 Safety regulations

8.1.1 EN 50122-1 (Jan 2011) or IEC 62128-1 (2013) “Railway applications –

Fixed installations – Electrical safety, earthing and the return circuit – Part
1: Protective provisions against electric shock” elaborates the requirements
from the safety perspective.

8.1.2 The basic safety clearances are described in figure 4 of EN 50122-1,

which is produced below as figure 7:

Figure 7: Minimum clearances to accessible live parts on the outside of vehicles as

well as to live parts of overhead contact line systems from standing surfaces
accessible to persons for high voltages (figure 4 of EN 50122-1)
[1 – public areas; 2 – restricted areas; 3 – standing surface]
The instant case of station development relates to public area (1).
8.1.3 The above-referred EN/IEC further provides for designs of obstacles in case the
above clearances are not possible to be achieved (ref Para “Obstacles
and standing surfaces above live parts”). Such provisions for 25kV ac traction
system are provided in figure A.2 of EN 50122-1, which is produced below as
figure 8.

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Figure 8: Examples of obstacles along the sides of standing surfaces in public areas
for protection against direct contact when live parts on the outside of vehicles or live
parts of an overhead contact line system for high voltages (figure A.2 of EN 50122-1)
1 – solid wall design or obstacle confirming to degree of protection IP3X as defined in EN
2 – mesh screen with a maximum 1200 mm2 mesh size (can also be solid wall design)
3 – railing, mesh construction (can also be solid wall design)
4 – side view
5 – front view
6 – plan view
7 – contact wire catenary line feeder
8 – pantograph
9 – contact wire
10 – line feeder
11 – half pantograph zone

8.1.4 IR ACTM basically derives the safety clearance of 2m from live parts and safety
screens (on FOBs, ROBs etc.) from the above EN/IEC only. All the regulations
basically relates to elimination of possibility of accessing live parts from the
standing / working surfaces.

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Examples of DMRC’s Pragati Maidan station and UK’s Birmingham railway station is shown in
below pictures, which does not have openings on the sides above tracks.

Figure 9: Pragati Maidan Metro station

Figure 10a: Birmingham Railway Station

Figure 10b: Birmingham Railway Station

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Figure 11: OHE suspension arrangement at DMRC’s Tuglakabad station (1)

Figure 12: OHE suspension arrangement at DMRC’s Tuglakabad station (2)

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Figure 13: OHE suspension arrangement at DMRC’s Tuglakabad station (3)

Figure 14: Nerul Station of Central Railway (1)

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Figure 15: Nerul Station of Central Railway (2)

Figure 16: Khargar Station of Central Railway

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Figure 17: Belapur Station of Central Railway

Figure 18: Churchgate Station of Western Railway

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