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© 2022 JETIR May 2022, Volume 9, Issue 5 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Analysis and Design of Box Culvert using STAAD-

Pro Software
1Mr.Aakash Jain, 2Mr. Manas Rathore
Research Scholar, 2Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
Kalinga University, Naya Raipur, India

Abstract: The project will focus on a study of the design features of culvert boxes such as live load distribution angle, the effect of
co-efficient ground pressure applied to the culvert walls and the depth of the cushion provided over slab culverts. Depth of pillow,
lateral pressure on walls, width or angle of live load spread in pillow box and outside pillow crippling structure are also important
factors where designer ideas vary and need to be considered in detail. The structural designing involves consideration of load cases
(empty and full box, additional loads etc.) and other factors such as live load, width, braking force, load dissipation by filling,
impact factor, ground compression interaction etc. IRC codes are . The purpose of this project is to design and analyze the culvert
box using STAAD PRO software. This software is an effective and easy-to-use tool for three-dimensional models, analysis and
multi-sector design. The results obtained from STAAD PRO are comparable to manual calculations with precision. The elements
of the culvert box are designed to withstand large lengths of bending and cutting force. The project will provide a comprehensive
discussion of the provisions provided in the Codes, the consideration and adjustment of all of the above aspects regarding design.

Key Words: Culvert, Stadd Pro Software, IS Code, Base Pressure, Wheel Loads.


1.1 Overview
It is well-known that roads are often constructed on the embankment that come with the natural flow of floodwaters. As the flow
cannot be prevented hence, some type of pumping operations needs to be provided to allow water to pass over the embankment and
to take the electrical or other cables from one side to the other. The structures to achieve such a flow across the street are called
culverts, small bridges and large bridges depending on the spans and also on the on the discharges.

1.2 purpose of box culvert

Box Culverts are used for drainage purposes. They are also used to make tunnels and used for storage as well as material handling.
Some culverts act as bridges. They easily accommodate both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

1.3 Uses of Box Culvert:

Box Culverts are used for drainage purposes. They are also used to make tunnels and used for storage as well as material handling.
Some culverts act as bridges. They easily accommodate both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. We can choose the kind of culvert in
accordance with our specific needs. With precast box culverts, factors such as rain, site condition, temperature, etc do not matter.

Advantages of Box Culverts:

Box Culverts are very cost-effective as:

 The box culvert has a firm frame structure.

 The construction of the box culvert is very simple
 It is ideal for non-perennial streams where there is lesser significance of scrub depth and the soil is not very strong.
 The bottom slab of the box culvert puts less pressure on soil.
 Box culverts are affordable because of their rigidity as well as monolithic action.
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 Prevent Erosion
 Prevent Flooding
 Allow Water to Flow Unobstructed
 Divert Water for Farming/Engineering Purposes

Double cell Box Culvert Single Cell Box Culvert

1.5 Objective
i. The principal objectives of the project are to investigate basic parameters like shear force and bending moments for culvert
with and without cushion.
ii. To study the effect of cushion in RCC culvert by analysis for different cases like traffic condition, soil condition, hydrological
iii. Structural designing of RCC culvert considering various load cases including factors like effective live loads, effective width,
and coefficient of earth pressure.
1.6 Aim of Study
i. Structural designing of RCC culvert considering various load cases including factors like effective live loads, effective width,
and coefficient of earth pressure.
ii. Net ultimate bearing capacity, Earth pressure on walls, Deck slab Axial forces, Side Wall Axial forces, Deck slab Shear forces,
Side wall Shear forces, Base slab Shear forces, Deck slab Bending moments.
iii. Modeling and analysis of Box Culvert with and without cushion by STAAD Pro.


1. L. A. Chandrakant and P. V. Malgonda (2014), developed an excel system for analysis and comparison of software results. The
study concluded that the case for high-end loading is when the culvert box is empty, with a live loading charge over the top slab of
the box and the burden of additional charges in the world.
2. M.G. Kalyanshetti and S.A. Gosavi (2014), analyzed a channel length of 12 m with a range of lengths 2m to 6m, divided into
single cell, double cell, and triple cell. The analysis was performed using a robust matrix method and a computer program in language
C designed to assess costs. Research conducted related to bending minute variability; after that, a cost comparison was made at
different rates.
14. N. Kolate, et al. (2014), studied the parameters of the design of the clove boxes such as the scattering angle, the impact of the
ground pressure and the depth of the cushion given on the top slab of the clove boxes. The study concluded that a box without a pillow
has lower design times and shear pressure compared to a box with a pillow.
15. Muthanna Abbu, Talha Ekmekyapar, Mustafa Özakça (May-2013), proved that although three-dimensional Finite Element
(FE) modelling is probably the most critical and time consuming, it is still the most comprehensive and effective technique for static
as well as dynamic analyses, which captures all aspects affecting the structural response. The other methods proved their adequacy
but are limited in scope and applicability. In this study, three-dimensional solid FE model was created using ANSYS for the study of
thermal loadings. By taking into consideration, longitudinal strains, modal analysis, and deformations, this model simulated a three
span, 220-meter concrete bridge which is built to replace an existing six span concrete bridge across the Kealakehe Stream. A major
interest in this paper is to perform three-dimensional FE analyses of composite box girder bridge to replicate the actual bridge
behaviour. In this, attention is focused on development of representative numerical models for a composite box girder bridge. To
achieve this purpose several FE models of a laboratory specimen are developed using different approaches available within ANSYS
16. S. Shreedhar and R Shreedhar (2013) examined the coefficients of the second-bending design, shear strength and normal thrust
of various loading cases with different L / H = 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and 2.0 counts on the culvert of three-cell boxes. This study
concluded that the critical sections considered are the center span of the upper and lower slabs as well as the supporting sections and
in the middle of the vertical walls.
18. Sujata Shreedhar and R. Shreedhar (2013): Introduced the paper Coefficients for Designing Couples in a two-cell box. The
box culvert should be analyzed for times, shear strength and thrust improved due to various loading conditions for any of the old
methods such as short-term distribution method, slope deviation method etc. It becomes very difficult for a designer to come up with
a variety of design capabilities. loading conditions. Research has therefore been conducted to achieve the intermediate coefficients,
shear strength and axial thrust of different loading cases and different measurements of length and length.
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19. Zakia Begum, MS, (2010) explained that the box girders offer better resistance to torsion, which is particularly of benefit if the
bridge deck is curved in plan. Due to the high torsional stiffness of the box girders as the cross section is closed, it often ranges from
100 to 1000 times larger than the torsional stiffness of comparable I-shaped sections, the torsional moment induced by the curvature
of the girder can be resisted by the I-shaped girders with much more transverse bracing than that of the box girder. The fabrication of
the I-shaped girder is more economical as compared to the Box shaped girder, but this additional cost in box girder is usually balanced
by the reduction in substructure that need to construct. This study is to develop the three-dimensional finite element beam and shell
models of curved and straight box girders using the commercially available finite element computer program "ANSYS"
20. H. Maximos, et al., (2010) summarize the evaluation process to assess the effects of fatigue on rigid concrete box (RC) and
resultant recommendations made (AASHTO). The test results show a good distribution of load resistance between the two reinforcing
strips in the culvert section of the box.
21. B.N. Sinha and R.P. Sharma (2009) provided a comprehensive discussion of the provisions in Coding, consideration, and
modification of design elements. Research has concluded that cross drainage box operating at higher altitudes has many advantages
compared to slab culvert.
22. H. Chanson (2000) Review the hydraulic structure of the culvert. This paper introduces a new approach to teaching hydraulic
design to students of civil and environmental engineering in the degree curriculum. The hydraulic design of the culvert was introduced
as part of the complete design approach. The paper outlines engineering design techniques where individual innovation and innovation
are required.
23. Shivanand Tenagi and R. Shreedhar conducted research on the RCC slab culvert using the codes IRC 112 - 2011 and IRC 21-
2000. The RCC slab enclosure was analyzed and designed for IRC uploads as standard specifications and L / S savings rates. d was
found in both the moderate condition and the functional stress method. The study concluded that the required concrete capacit y is
below the boundary condition method and a L / d rating equal to 20 for the boundary condition method and 13 for the operating
pressure method may be acceptable for design.

Three Load cases which are adopted and mainly govern the design:
Case 1: Box empty, Dead load and live load acting from outside as well as earth pressure.
Case 2: Box full, Dead load and live load acting from outside as well as earth pressure.
Case 3: Box full, Dead load and live load acting from outside no earth pressure.
These load cases are to be examined for box culvert with cushion and without cushion.
Geometry and material Properties of Box Culvert
Total Length of Culvert = 8 m
Width of Culvert c/c of side wall = 205 m
Height of Culvert = 2.0 m
Length of Wing wall = 2.12 m
Thickness of all Elements= 300 mm
Thickness of Asphalt layer = 70 mm
Material Properties
Angle of internal friction= 30 Degree
Unit weight of water = 9.81 KN/m3
Unit weight of backfill soil = 19 KN/m3
Unit weight of Concrete = 25 KN/m3
Unit weight of Asphalt Concrete = 22.5 KN/m3
Fck = 30 Mpa
Fy = 500 Mpa
Concrete Cover = 50 mm
Steps followed in Modelling:
(1) Meshing: The meshing process can be completed by adding plate thickness of 300 mm to all the elements.


2. Assigning of support conditions/foundations: If we assume that the supporting soil and the backfill are of the same material,
then we can maintain the same angle of internal friction of 30°. Angle of internal friction of 30° can suggest a loose - medium dense
sand in its undisturbed state, therefore we can take a modulus of subgrade reaction of 50,000 kN/m²/m for a well compacted sand.
For a slightly compacted sand, you can take a value of 30,000 kN/m²/m.

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Assigning of support conditions/foundations Loading

(3) Loading: we considered two construction cases.

(A) where the culvert is buried under the soil, and (B) where is there no earth fill on top of the culvert.
(B) When there is no earth fill on the culvert, the traffic load is directly on the top slab of the culvert as tandem loads and as UDL,
but when there is earth fill, traffic load is dispersed in the ratio of 2:1 as UDL on the culvert. We are going to consider 5 load
cases in in this model.
(1) Self-weight and other superimposed actions
(2) Vertical earth load
(3) Traffic load
(4) Surcharge load
(5) Horizontal earth pressure load
4.0 Analysis & Modelling: Analysis and modelling were performed by Stadd Pro software, following are the outputs:

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5.0 Results & Discussions: The analysis of the box culvert using Stadd pro software were performed and various parameters are
being evaluated under the loading conditions. The obtained outcomes are discussed below:

1.0 Base Pressure Summary

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2.0 Beam End Force Summary

3.0 Node Displacement Summary:

4.0 Reaction & Plate Centre Principal Stress Summary:

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5.0 Moving Load & Beam minimum force summary:

6.0 Beam Displacement detail & Plate centre Stress Summary:

5.0 Conclusions:
The total deformations of box full condition are more than box empty conditions (i.e., when no stream passes through the box). The
normal stress, maximum principal stress and equivalent stress for box full condition are also more as compared to box empty
1. Box does not need any massive foundation underneath and can easily be placed over soft foundation by increasing base slab
projection to retain base pressure within safe bearing capacity of ground soil.
2. Box of required size can be placed within the embankment at any variation in height by varying cushion on which it will be
placed, this is not possible in case of slab culvert. They need enough slab projection at bottom to maintain gravitation stability.
3. Easy to construct, practically no maintenance, can have multicell to match discharge within smaller height of embankment.
4. Small variation in co-efficient of earth pressure has little influence on the design of box particularly without cushion.

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3. Tenagi, S., & Shreedhar, R. Comparative Study of Slab Culvert Design using IRC 112: 2011 and IRC.
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10. Shreedhar, R., & Tenagi, S. (2015). Comparative study of T-beam bridge longitudinal girder design using IRC 112: 2011 and
IRC 21: 2000. International Journal for Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), ISSN, 2229-5518.
11. Tanwar, V. S., Verma, M. P., & Jamle, S. (2018). Analysis of Box Culvert to Reduce Stress Values. International Journal of
Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 5(5), 237470.
12. Kalyanshetti, M. G., & Gosavi, S. A. (2014). Analysis of box culvert-cost optimization for different aspect ratios of cell. Int J
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14. Kalyanshetti, M. G., & Gosavi, S. A. (2014). Analysis of box culvert-cost optimization for different aspect ratios of cell. Int J
Res Eng Techno, 3, 508-514.
15. Kolate, N., Mathew, M., & Mali, S. (2014). Analysis and design of RCC box culvert. Int J Sci Eng Res, 5, 36-40.
16. Maximos, H., Erdogmus, E., & Tadros, M. K. (2010). Fatigue Evaluation for Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts. ACI structural
journal, 107(1).
17. Abbu, M., Ekmekyapar, T., & Özakça, M. (2013). 3D FE modelling of composite box Girder Bridge.
19. Paswan, S., & Rathore, M. Design & Analysis of Industrial Building Using STAAD. Pro software. Journal homepage: www.
ijrpr. com ISSN, 2582, 7421.
21. Chandrakar, A., & Rathore, M. Design of Multistoried Residential Building (G+ 5) Using ETABS software.

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