1. Purpose
This policy sets out how Monitor will manage learning and development in a consistent and fair manner.
Monitor believes everyone’s performance to be critical in building and maintaining a high performing
2. Scope
This policy applies to full time and part time employees on a substantive contract or fixed term contract and
to associated persons such as secondees. Only essential training necessary for fulfilling job criteria will be
considered during a staff member’s probationary period.
3. Policy statement
All employees are entitled to:
Organisational Level Directorate/Team Individual Level
Role: Line Manager
• Live the Deal by proactively helping • Identify and analyse • Recommend /authorise
in developing and delivering directorate development staff development
Monitor’s business plan through needs opportunities
skilled and knowledgeable staff
• Provide opportunities to • Arrange and attend the pre
• Ensure all development links to develop and learn and post course
achievement of corporate plan development meetings to
• Evaluate the
discuss achievement of
• Act as role model effectiveness of staff
learning objectives and
development approach
• Provide opportunities to develop transfer /application of
and learn • Act as coach for knowledge, skill or
directorate behaviour into the
• Act as role model
• Provide on going coaching
Role: Individual
• Develop in line with Personal • Transfer new skill, • Identify development
Development Plan knowledge or behaviour needs
into the workplace in
• Live The Deal by demonstrating • Proactively seek
appropriate way and
ownership of career and willingness opportunities to upgrade
to develop and learn knowledge, skills and
• Share knowledge and skill behaviours required in
with others current position
• Ensure pre and post
course development
meetings with manager are
booked and attended
• Evaluate effectiveness of
learning and development
7. The role of Human Resources
The Human Resources team provides specialist support to managers in the development of their staff. The
Learning and Development Manager will:
Managers must ensure that HR is informed of all development activity undertaken by staff so information
regarding equal opportunities can be reported to the Senior Management Team and The Board.
8. Identifying needs
Training needs will be identified and determined by self assessment, by line managers and by the
organisation. With the support of the Learning and Development Manager and in discussion with the line
manager, these needs will be recorded on a personal development plan (PDP). When a learning or
development activity is needed, even if already recorded on a PDP, a Learning Request Form (Appendix A)
must be completed and forwarded to the People Development Manager.
Monitor recognises that many staff are highly skilled and professionally qualified, therefore will have a need
for continuous professional development (CPD). Monitor will assist in supporting those needs.
9. Solutions
Most effective learning happens at work. Consequently Monitor is committed to supporting a wide range of
learning methods including coaching, e-learning, secondments and project work. Traditional solutions such
as training courses, seminars, workshops and conferences will also be made available. When looking for a
learning solution, learning styles and preferences will always be taken into account.
Repayment of costs
Monitor will not require staff to repay costs for learning and development activities and formal
studies that meet the needs of the organisation or are required for the job role.
In other cases where activities have been desirable but not essential, but have some mutual benefit
to the individual and the organisation, the following applies:
100% of costs repaid if leaving the organisation within 3 months of completing the activity
75% of costs repaid if leaving the organisation within 6 months of completing the activity
It is essential that any exam results are forwarded via the line manager to HR both to ensure continued
sponsorship and to update relevant training records.
This policy came into operation in September 2006, was reviewed in October 2007 and again in April 2008.
Name: Role:
How does this learning or development activity link to your personal development plan?
Please detail 2-4 learning objective/s for this learning or development activity? (State
measurable/observable outcomes)
Signature: Date:
Roles and responsibilities
To help ensure most value from each learning and development activity, please take a moment
to review some of your related roles and responsibilities:
As always, if you have any questions, queries or suggestions please contact the People Development
Manager or any member of the HR team.
Directorate: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Signed: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Date: ………………………………………………………………………………………...
Date: ……..………………………………………………………………………………….
Please send or email this form to Finance with a copy to Human Resources