Xero Bow Sight OM en-US
Xero Bow Sight OM en-US
Xero Bow Sight OM en-US
Owner’s Manual
© 2018 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Garmin. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its
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and supplemental information concerning the use of this product.
Garmin , the Garmin logo, and ANT are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. Garmin Express™, Laser Locate™, and Xero™ are trademarks of
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Table of Contents i
Getting Started Laser emitter Emits laser light for measuring the distance to a
WARNING Device label View manufacturer's identification and certification
Always inspect your equipment prior to shooting an arrow.
Always understand your target and what lies beyond your target
before taking a shot. Failure to account for your shooting
environment could cause property damage, injury, or death. You
are responsible for understanding and complying with any
applicable regulations for shooting a bow and arrow.
This device has a protective housing which, when in place, March 21, 2018
prevents human access to laser radiation in excess of the
accessible emission limit (AEL) for Class 1 laser products. This
device should not be modified or operated without its housing or Buttons
optics. Operating this device without a housing and optics, or • Press OK to open the main menu and select menu options.
operating this device with a modified housing or optics that
• Press or to move through menus.
expose the laser source, may result in direct exposure to laser
radiation and the risk of permanent eye damage. Removal or • Press or to adjust the pin brightness.
modification of the diffuser in front of the laser optic may result in • Hold or to set a pin manually.
the risk of permanent eye damage. • Press to return to a previous menu.
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the • Press to turn the device on.
product box for product warnings and other important
information. • Hold to turn the device off.
Getting Started 1
2 Align the arrow on the mount with the center arrow on the
curved rail.
3 Using a 7/64 inch hex wrench, tighten the screw at the front
of the rail mount to a maximum torque specification of 2.2
N-m (20 lbf-in). 2 Secure the trigger to the bow using the included tape .
4 Align the large holes on the mount with the mounting holes TIP: You can use the extra piece of tape to secure the trigger
on the side of your bow. cable to the riser.
10 Move the horizontal adjustment in the direction of the arrow's small increments as indicated by the arrows in the optic when
point of impact. making adjustments.
11 Tighten the horizontal adjustment to a maximum torque 5 Continue adjusting the mounts until the primary pin is
specification of 2.2 N-m (20 lbf-in). centered in the circle of the rangefinder reticle at full draw.
12 Continue adjusting the mount, as needed, until the point of
aim and the point of impact are the same.
TIP: You should adjust the mount in the direction of the point
of impact. For example, if the arrow impacts low and right,
you should adjust the mount down and right. You should
always tighten the mount screws to a maximum torque
specification of 2.2 N-m (20 lbf-in) between adjustments.
Level Indicator
When enabled, the level indicator shows when you are holding
6 Tighten the curved adjustments to 2.2 N-m (20 lbf-in). the bow level. Level indicators appear as three dots above or
below your aiming pin. The top indicator flashes when the bow is
canted to the right. The bottom indicator flashes when the bow is
Adjusting the Bubble Level canted to the left. The bow is level when no indicators flash. You
The bow sight contains a built-in digital level and a clearly visible can adjust the threshold for the level indicator to allow more or
bubble level. If the digital level and the bubble level do not less cant (Level Settings, page 7).
match, you can adjust the position of the bubble level.
NOTE: The level indicator does not appear when using fixed
1 Select > Level > View Gauge. pins.
2 Hold the bow sight level so the display shows 0.
3 Loosen the two screws located on each side of the bubble Main Menu
level by one quarter turn. Press OK to open the main menu.
4 Adjust the bubble level until the bubble is centered and the Enables hunt mode
digital display also reads 0. Enables practice mode
5 Tighten the two screws. Opens the statistics mode menu
Opens the brightness settings menu
Using the Bow Sight Opens the arrow profile menu (A1i models only)
Opens the pin settings menu
Before you can use the bow sight, you must calibrate it for your
bow and arrow combination (Calibrating the Bow Sight, page 2). Opens the Laser Locate™ menu (A1i models only)
Opens the shot dynamics menu
1 Draw your bow.
Opens the device settings menu
2 Hold the laser rangefinder trigger.
3 Align the primary pin with the ranging reticle, and aim at the
target. Hunt Mode
Hunt mode enables features to help you make ranged shots
4 While holding the reticle on the target, release the laser more quickly. When hunt mode is enabled, shot locations are
rangefinder trigger. saved automatically using the Laser Locate feature. This can
The bow sight displays the measured range and projects a help you track game when using the bow sight with a compatible
new pin. handheld GPS device.
5 Using the new pin, aim at the target, and shoot the bow. NOTE: The Laser Locate feature is available only on A1i
Rangefinder Measurements
When you activate the laser rangefinder, the device displays Practice Mode
three numbers on the LCD display. The device uses these Practice mode enables features to help you improve your
measurements to adjust the position of the pin. accuracy when practicing. After each shot, the bow sight
automatically displays your shot dynamics for the current
shooting session. You can use this information to make more
consistent shots.
NOTE: Shot dynamics features are available only on A1i
Statistics Mode
Statistics mode enables features to help you track your accuracy
during a shooting session. You can review the statistics data to
view your shot consistency and accuracy trends at different
distances over time.
6 Device Settings
Units Settings NOTE: The device stores pins that are positioned above or
From the main menu, select > Units. below the optic. These pins are still listed as calibrated ranges,
and can be moved back onto the optic at any time.
Distance: Sets the unit of measure for distance.
1 From the main menu, select > Manual Adjustment >
Decimal Precision: Shows more precise measurements for the Move Calibrated Range Stack.
laser rangefinder. Measurements are rounded to the nearest
tenth of a meter or yard. 2 Select Yes.
3 Press or to adjust the position of the range stack.
Level Settings 4 Press OK.
From the main menu, select > Level. 5 Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the device for
View Gauge: Displays the angle of the bow. You can use this the new stack position (Setting the Primary Pin, page 2).
option to adjust the position of the bubble level.
Set Level to Zero: Sets the electronic level to zero. You can
use this option if you have mechanically leveled your bow but
Device Information
the digital level does not read zero.
Indicators: Sets level indicators to appear when shooting. This
Device Specifications
can help you hold the bow level while aiming (Level Indicator, Battery type Replaceable 1.5 V AAA lithium
page 4). Battery life Up to 25,000 laser ranges
Threshold: Sets the amount of degrees of cant allowed before Up to 1 year in standby mode
the indicators flash. A lower threshold reduces the amount of Operating From -20° to 60°C (from -4° to 140°F)
cant allowed. temperature range
Indicator Color: Sets the color of the level indicator.
Do not expose the device to temperatures
NOTE: This setting is available only on A1i models. above 60°C (140°F).
NOTE: You must calibrate the electronic compass outdoors. Do Water rating IEC 60529 IPX71
not stand near objects that influence magnetic fields, such as
Wireless frequency/ ANT 2.4 GHz @ 4 dBm nominal
5 Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the device for 1 On your computer, go to garmin.com/express.
the new top pin position (Setting the Primary Pin, page 2).
2 Select an option:
Moving the Calibrated Range Stack • To install on a Windows computer, select Download for
You can move the calibrated pins up or down to allow more
adjustment in the direction of your choice. For example, if your • To install on a Mac computer, select Download for Mac.
primary pin is set at 20 yards, and your maximum pin is set at 70 3 Open the downloaded file, and follow the on-screen
yards, you can move the range stack up so you can add pins for instructions to complete the installation.
farther ranges. Alternatively, you can move the calibrated range 4 Open the Garmin Express application.
stack down so your pins are more centered within the device
optic. You must adjust your mechanical alignment after moving 5 Connect your Xero device to your computer using a micro-
the calibrated range stack. Moving the calibrated range stack USB cable (Connecting the Device to Your Computer,
updates all arrow profile settings. page 8).
Device Information 7
6 From the Garmin Express application, click Add a Device. • Go to www.garmin.com/outdoor.
The Garmin Express software detects your device. • Go to http://buy.garmin.com, or contact your Garmin dealer
7 Click Add Device. for information about optional accessories and replacement
8 Follow the on-screen instructions to register your device and
add it to the Garmin Express software.
When setup is complete, the Garmin Express software
searches for software updates for your device. The point of impact moves between shots
9 Select an option: There are several factors that can cause variations in the point
• To install all available updates, click Install All. of impact.
• To install a single update, click View Details, and select • Verify the screws that connect the mount to the riser are
an update. tightened to the maximum torque specification of 6.7 N-m (60
lbf-in) and the mount cannot be moved on the bow.
10 When the software update is complete, disconnect the device
from your computer. NOTE: Do not exceed the bow manufacturer's recommended
torque values.
11 Reinstall the battery door.
• Verify each adjustment point on the mount is tightened to the
The device installs the software update. maximum torque specification of 2.2 N-m (20 lbf-in).
Connecting the Device to Your Computer • Verify you are using the correct arrow profile for the arrow
Before you can connect the device to your computer, you may you are using (A1i models only).
need to remove optional mount accessories. • Range your shots consistently at full draw or at rest.
1 Using a 5/64 inch hex wrench, loosen the four screws • Inspect your bow and confirm all components are in good
securing the battery door. working condition.
2 Remove the battery door, and set it aside. • Always use consistent form when shooting a bow. Variations
NOTE: Do not remove the batteries. in stance and peep sight placement can affect accuracy.
3 Plug the small end of the USB cable into the USB port on My device only displays fixed pins
the device. When the batteries are low or do not meet the minimum power
requirements for the laser rangefinder, the device allows only
fixed pin sighting.
• Verify the battery level of the batteries you have installed.
• Verify you are using AAA lithium batteries.
Tips for Consistent Ranging
If you are a target shooter, consistent ranging can help to
increase your accuracy.
• Use the rangefinder consistently while you are using the
same form (at full draw or at rest).
• Enable decimal precision (Units Settings, page 7).
• Verify you are aiming the reticle at the target when you
release the ranging trigger.
4 Plug the large end of the USB cable into a computer USB Resetting the Device
If the device stops responding, you may need to reset it. This
5 the bow sight is turned off, press
If to turn on the device. does not erase any of your saved data or settings.
The bow sight enters USB mass storage mode. 1 Hold for 12 seconds.
The device turns off.
Device Care 2 Hold for one second to turn on the device.
Avoid extreme shock and harsh treatment, because it can
degrade the life of the product.
Do not use a sharp object to clean the device.
Avoid chemical cleaners, solvents, and insect repellents that can
damage plastic components and finishes.
Do not store the device where prolonged exposure to extreme
temperatures can occur, because it can cause permanent
8 Device Information
accessories 8
arrow profiles 5
backlight 5
battery 7
installing 1
bow sight, using 4
brightness 5
buttons 1
calibrating the sight 2
cleaning the device 8
compass, calibrating 7
computer, connecting 8
data, transferring 8
deleting, history 5
device, cleaning 8
fixed pins 4–6
Garmin Express, updating software 7
hunt mode 4
laser locations 6
laser rangefinder 4
level 4
settings 7
locations, sending 6
main menu 4
mounting the device 1, 2
power key 2
practice mode 4
resetting the device 8
settings 6, 7
shot dynamics 6
sighting in the device 2–5
software, updating 7
specifications 7
torque 2
statistics 4, 5
storing data 8
troubleshooting 7, 8
updating, software 7
video tutorials 1
water rating 7
Index 9