Meena Bazar Internship Report PT 2
Meena Bazar Internship Report PT 2
Meena Bazar Internship Report PT 2
Whether that's right or wrong is another matter, and the truth is that a lot of great
have given rise to innovative, effective, and mcasurable social
business programs. But these
are stillthe exceptions, which is unfortunate as social technology is within the
reach of nearly
everyone. The collaborative technologies that now define contemporary
lechnologies commonly called "social media," the "Social Web," or "Web 2.0"offer a
iable approach to driving changes in deeper business processes across a wide range of
applications. There is something here for most organizations, something that extends very
much beyond marketing and
Beginning with the emergence of Web 2.0 technologiesthe set of tools that make it
Casy for peopleto create and publish content, to share ideas, to vote on them, and to
Tecommend things to others the well-established norms of business marketing have been
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undergoing forccd change. No longer satinficd with dvertising and pronotional
information #s a sole sOurce for learning ubout new products and services, consurners have
theSocal Web in un cffort to shurc umong themsclves their own direct experiences
with brands, products, and services to provide a more "real" view of their research
experience. At the same time, consumers are leveragingthe experiences of others, before they
actually make apurchase hemselves. The impact on marketing has heen significant, to say
Engagement, in a social business sense, means your customers are willing to take their
time and energy and talk to you-as well as about youin conversation and through
processes that impact your business. They are willing to participate, and it is this participation
that defines engagement in the context of the Social Web. The engagement process is,
therefore, fundamental to successful social marketing and to the establishment of successful
social business practices. Engagement in a social context implies that customers have taken a
personal interest in what you are bringing to the market. In an expanded sense, this applies to
any stakeholder and carries the same notion: Apersonal interest in your business outcome has
been established. This applies to customers, to partners, to employees, to anyone and
everyone who can express and share an opinion or idea somewhere along your path to
market. As customer conversations enter the purchase cycle in the consideration phase of the
Sales process, there is a larger implication: Your customer is now a part of your marketing
other form the
dpartment. In fact, your customers and what they think and share with each
profound: Subde
oundation of your business or organization. The impact is both subtle and
amounts to running a business the
ne sense that on the surface much of "social business"
exist-ultimatelyto serve customers through
ay a business ought to be run, Businesses
derive (generally) an
whose patronage the founders, employees, shareholders, and others At
benefit as they are ensured a future in running that business. times, however, it
seems the customer gets dropped from that set.
on Twitter most any day by searching for the hashtag #FAIL. It's
eresult can be seen pleasing the customer are
also a profound Change, however, in the sense that the stakes in and
noW knowledgeable and more vocal about they want,
much higher. Customers are more in cases of over-delivery or under-
they are better prepared to let others know about it
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delivery. Ontop
of that, not only are customers secing what the business and the industry is
are building their own
work with is
expectations for your business based on what every other
businessthey doing.
Walmart can
IfW quickly tap Bazaarvoice and put ratings and
is that reviews on any product it
expectation American Airlines will prominently place customer ratings on
cveryflightitflies. If flight attendants, by flight, were rated according to service and demean
or bypast fliers and that information was used to make future flight choices in the same way
on-time performance, how would the flying experience overall change? It happens in
restaurants: We all have a favourite waitperson. If this seems a stretch,
consider that
Southwest, Alaska Airlines, and Continental have all placed emphasis on exactly this service
point, and they enjoy higher than average Net Promoter Scores partly as aresult.
The fact is, negative conversationsto the extent they exist, and they do-are
happening right now. Your participation doesn't change that. What does change is that those
same naysayers have company you. You can engage, understand, correct factual errors, and
apologize as youaddress andcorrect the real issues.
The target market for Meena Bazar are mainly the person living inside Dhaka city
because all of their stores are in Dhaka city. Though they have 2stores in Chittagong it is not
there. To be specific they target
profitable to target people living within 1 Mile radius of
Meena Bazar outlet. IN face book we have targeted the audience through their behaviour
altraits and their interests. Mostly we aretargeting people who are regular smart phone
online appuser. Especially those who tend to buy from online.
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maximun usage of ad budget. And also this is the way to properly route
he ads to proper
-dimensional ads
5222 Multd
Multi-dimensional ads are the ads where the ads are shown in different
mediums. For
example,here the ads were routed in several mediums such as Facebook, Instagram, Google
Displaynetwork. These dimensions have their own speciality and feature.
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Contest Focusedfon Popular trends
have aranged contest focused on popular trends and also engaged the audience
interactiveandlinteresting GIF contents
61 Measurementtools
reach simply corresponds to the number of fans of the page who have seen any
This is "organic" reach, which means that it only records the views that
occured directly, and not through an action of afriend ofa fan (such as a like, share
comment). The views that result from a
friend's actions are recorded in "viral"
or reach metric is not available in the Facebook statistics interface; it's
views. Thefan
Excel file available for download.
onlyavailable in an indicator. It
per-post fan reach is probably the most important metric. It's a key
The measure the appeal of your content to the audience
and appreciate the quality
helps to
ofthe audience.
eye-catching contest (or worse, bought through the
An audience recruited from an will quickly hide page posts from
questionable sites that sell "fans")
thousands of unsubscribe, their lack of interest (and therefore
their newsfeed. If they don't actively
effectively unsubscribed from page posts the
disengagement) will cause them to be higher
key indicator of the health of your Facebook Page. The
Fan reach is a our content, the more fans
more interesting
Onality of our audience and the
potential fans)we will post level metrics, engagement is "the
with regards to
> According to Facebook, anywhere
in our post". This includes links
number of people who clicked
sharing and people who've viewed our video or clicked on our liked
commenting and
includes people who've clicked on a commenter's name,
andphotos. And it also even gave negative feedback by
our Page name and
comment, clicked on
Our post.
have clicked on this content from
Engaged users are people who
you how
know after yourreach metric. Reach tells
It'sthe most important metric to engagement is the number of people
mny people have potentially seen our
have interacted with our content.
that implies acting" on our post by
Engagement-whether the type as watchingthe video, zooming
"passive," such
is more metric to focus on.
liking or sharing it, or the type that probably thesecond most important
on aphoto or clicking on a linkis
6.1.1. Monthly trend ine
we can understand the total reach
measurements where very
Monthly trend line is one of the engagement of the posts. This is one of the
every month of the posts. And also the post. It is also a toolto use for
failure of any engagement between
Common tools of finding thesuccess or reach and
view of the
Comparison. it shows the comparable
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Reach Engagement
4,133,968 4,023,334
330391 339445 B88466 442031 626786 397309
From here we can see that the engagement was increasing from may onwards.
peak reach was in November and then slowly it declined.
0.00% 9 10
6 7
4 5
1 2 3
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.histime the activity based posts varied. Not always these kind of posts were there.
November December there were alot of postthat generated alot of cngagement. So at
On cngagement was high enough. Then from end of December the cngagement
thattime the
posts were not there. But still the spill over of previous campaigns managed to accumulate a
decent amount of
61.3. Average cost per
This is the number of what the cost has been incurred to acqire one impression. The
aer the number the better it is. But still it depends on many other things. Such as the type
per day is low and the text
of post, thc amount of posts posted in a day. If the number of post
in &Dost is low, then the post is more likely to be viral and spread.
Then the costs come
0.00040 0.00037
0.00030 0.00028
0.00025 0.00022 0.00021
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MiperCat a1216
0 0140
0.0134 0.0132
0 0120
0 0100
0.0061 0.0063 0.0077
0.0052 0.0055
00040 0.0029
1 2 3 4 5 6
There are two types of reach. One that generates naturally. That is called organic reach.
Another type of reach is the paid reach. In this type of reach the reach are got by paying. This
ratio is alsoanother indicator of howpopular your post is becoming. Better the post he more
Organic likes will it generate. Besides being popular also the numbers of posts are key role
players here.
90.00% 84.46%
86.13% 86.32%
81.14% 80.91% 81.58% 81.82%
78.16% 79.78%
30.00% 19.09%
21.84% 20.22% 18.18%
18.86% 18.42%
20.00% 15.54% 13.87% 13.68%
0.00% 4
6 8 9
1 2 3
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Engagementpost vs Carousel
Thereis a new type of post name carousel post. These type of post are different than
engagement or other posts. Here the posts are there one product at atime and it's like a
carouscl.The results of carousel post and Engagement posts are given below
There are some recommendations depending on the findings from the data analysis.
These are the area where the organization can develop its digital foot print.
Meena bazar needs to come up with brand building campaigns. Campaigns that can
people relate with themselves.
They can also show the AV story of their unique products or local made/procured
The posting has to be consistent focusing moreon brand building andengaging.
The number of post per day should not be more then 2.
Carousel posts needs to increase.
Numberof sales posts should be reduced and the posts should be interesting.
Google needs to bc used more to reach unique customers.
There is also a chance to increase the effectivity of targeting of ad sets. This targeting
needs to be considered.
Page has to interact with people in various social events
7.3. Conclusion
current scenario we can see one
Looking at the past scenario (before Facebook) and the
little say in the company's product
ObVious shift in market. In the past, consumers had very
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design, teatures, or performances. But today, they have a lot of knowledge and they can Very
easily communicate with the brands. Today, the consumers are the kings and queens and
most companies strictly follow the theory."Your customer is always right":
With the consumers becoming more aware, social media is becoming a key platorm
where theconsumerscantalkaboutthebrands.Havingapositiveonlinepresenceisakeyissuethat all
brands must consider because through this, they can, if not control, but at least Channel
conversations to the way they want.
Analyzen, being the first of its kind, should step forward and make the changes as
recommnended in the previous section to ensure the proper growth of the industry.
huge revolution-Mark
It's best to end with a quote from the man behind this
Zuckerberg, CEO & Founder of Facebook: "When you give everyone a voice and give people
power, the systerm usually ends up in are all good place."
And social media has just done that- given everyone a voice and power.
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