Chapter 2 Literaturereview
Chapter 2 Literaturereview
Chapter 2 Literaturereview
Another study published in the International Journal of Remote Sensing explored the use of
dronesfor monitoringthegrowthofnewlyplantedtrees inareforestationarea inChile. Theresearchers used a
drone to capture aerial images of the area and analyzed the images to determine the health and
growthofthetrees.Thestudyfoundthattheuseofdronesformonitoringallowedformorefrequentand accurate
data collection than traditional ground-based methods. In a review article published in the
JournalofUnmannedVehicleSystems,researchersprovided anoverviewofthecurrentstateofresearch
onafforestationdrones. The authorsnotedthat droneshavethe potentialto improve afforestationefforts
byincreasingplantingefficiency,reducingcosts,andimproving monitoringand maintenance.Inastudy
published in the Journal of Sustainable Forestry, researchers investigated the use of drones for
afforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. The researchers used a drone to plant seeds in a deforested area
and found that the drone was able to plant seeds more efficiently than manual planting. The study also
found that the useofdronesreduced the cost ofafforestationeffortsby30%. Ina studypublished inthe
JournalofEnvironmentalManagement, researchers investigated the use ofdrones for afforestation in a
degradedareainSpain.Theresearchersusedadroneto plant seedsand foundthatthedronewasableto plant
seeds more efficiently than manual planting. The study also found that the use of drones reduced the
time required for planting by 75%. Overall, these studies suggest that drones have the potential to
andmaintenance.Asthe5technologycontinuestoimproveandbecome moreaffordable, itislikelythat drones
will become an increasingly important toolinafforestation efforts around the world.
Much agricultural and forestry land in the world cannot be accessed by ground planting
equipment becauseoftraffic,terrain, andotherfactors.Thisnotonlycauses lowefficiencyandwasteof
resources, but also has a negative impact on the sustainable development of forestry. Therefore, it is
significant to develop an accurate, efficient, and energy-saving aerial precision seeding system using
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologytomeet the actualneeds of forestryplanting.Inthis study,a
UAV precision afforestation system with a GUI, afforestation UAV, positioning system, and
information interactionsystemwere developed using related approaches suchas electronic information
technology. The UAV airborne seeding device added a controlcircuit and electronic chip to controlthe
launching speedofthecylinder and seedloading speed, whiletheUAV flight speedis jointlycontrolled
toaccuratelycontroltheUAVseeding depthand seedspacing. Theexperimentalresultsshowedthatthe
maximumseeding depthofthe afforestationequipment was 6.7 cm. At the same seed launching speed,
the smaller the content ofsand and gravelin the soil, the higher the sowing qualification index, and the
greaterthesowingdepth. Resultingfromtheseparatesownexperimentsofthreecrops,thesowingpitch angle
of75°gave the highest germinationrate. The UAV seeding device has a low missing seed index
andaqualifiedseeding indexofmorethan95%at120r/minseedingspeed. Theseedingdevicestudied in this
paper has a good seeding effect, can meet the requirements ofafforestation, and provides a new
technical means for managing forest and plant resources.
Optimal Altitude, Overlap, and Weather Conditions for Computer Vision UAV Estimates of Forest
Structure by Dandois, J.P.; Olano, M.; Ellis, E.C., published in Remote Sensing in 2015. The paper
investigates the optimal altitude, image overlap, and weather conditions for using unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) and computer vision structure from motion (SFM) algorithms to estimate forest
structure. The authors conducted field experiments in two temperate deciduous forests and collected
data under a variety of conditions. They found that the best results were obtained with a flight altitude
of 80 m, a forward overlap of 80%, and clear lighting conditions. However, they also found that there
was no significant difference in accuracy between different altitudes, image overlaps, and lighting
conditions when high image quality was maintained.
Research into remote sensing tools for monitoring physiological stress caused by biotic and
abiotic factors is critical for maintaining healthy and highly productive plantation forests. Significant
researchhas focussed onassessing forest healthusing remotelysensed data fromsatellites and manned
aircraft.Unmannedaerialvehicles(UAVs)mayprovidenewtoolsforimprovedforesthealthmonitoring by
providing data with very high temporal and spatial resolutions. These platforms also pose unique
challenges and methods for health assessments must be validated before use. In this research, we
simulatedadiseaseoutbreakinmaturePinusradiataD.Dontreesusing targetedapplication of herbicide.The
objective was to acquire a time-series simulated disease expression dataset to develop methods for
monitoringphysiologicalstressfromaUAVplatform. Time-series multi-
spectralimagerywasacquired usingaUAV flownover atrialat regular intervals.
Traditionalfield-based healthassessmentsofcrown
dforest health experts. Our results showed that multispectral imagery collected from a
UAV is useful for identifyingphysiologicalstress
inmatureplantationtreesevenduringtheearlystagesoftreestress.We found that physiological
stress could be detected earliest in data from the red edge and near infra-red
ofphysiologicalstressthan the near infra-red data. A nonparametric approach was used to
model physiological stress based on spectral indices and was found to provide good
classification accuracy(weighted kappa = 0.694). This modelcan be used to map
physiologicalstress based onhigh-resolution multi-spectraldata.
The literature review of the project is taken from various research paper is displayed and
discussed, which gave us a lot ofstatementfor our project.