Kuznetsov Et Al 2024 Roadmap For Optical Metasurfaces
Kuznetsov Et Al 2024 Roadmap For Optical Metasurfaces
Kuznetsov Et Al 2024 Roadmap For Optical Metasurfaces
org/journal/apchd5 Roadmap
complex holograms and wavefronts, and control polarization of Then, from passive flat optical components we switch to active
light in a previously unachievable fashion with much higher metasurface devices, in particular, focusing on tunable
spatial resolution, thus, at higher diffraction angles/numerical metasurfaces that can control the wavefront of light
apertures, as compared to conventional diffractive optical dynamically (Section 10), as well as on those that can either
elements. This has triggered a strong and constantly growing help to emit or detect light in optoelectronic devices (Section
interest from various industries that greatly benefit from the 11). Finally, we will focus on more advanced concepts of
availability of miniaturized and highly efficient optical metasurface research including nonlinear (Section 12),
components, which can more easily be integrated in quantum (Section 13), topological, nonlocal, and other new
optoelectronic systems at low cost. Research on optical directions (Section 14). The research roadmap is comple-
metasurfaces is currently flourishing as it is evolving from mented by a discussion of novel material platforms (Section
simple optical functionalities to complex optical systems and 15) and large-scale manufacturing methodologies (Section 16)
spreading into various adjacent fields, including computational for optical metasurfaces as well as industry perspective for the
imaging, augmented and virtual reality, automotive, display, field (Section 17).
biosensing, nonlinear, quantum and topological optics, optical
computing, and more. The first industrial products have also 2. META-LENSES: CONCEPTS, IMPLEMENTATIONS,
been announced, driving rapid development of large-scale and AND APPLICATIONS
low-cost manufacturing that will allow for the broad adoption
of the metasurface-based flat optics technology. The strong Jin Yao, Mu Ku Chen, Uriel Levy, and Din Ping Tsai
scientific efforts that coincide with substantial industrial 2.1. Current State of the Art. 2.1.1. Introduction. Meta-
demand are creating a truly unique opportunity for the field lenses have attracted tremendous attention due to their
of metasurfaces and metamaterials. The goal of this Roadmap compact size and flexibility in manipulating light as compared
is to highlight the broad diversity of opportunities and drive to conventional lenses. Benefiting from novel design concepts
the metasurface research and technology development toward and advanced implementation techniques, various applications
future impact (see Figure 1). have been developed based on meta-lenses, such as focusing,
imaging, sensing, polarization detection, and nonlinear
generation, as shown in Figure 2.
2.1.2. Concepts. A meta-lens can manipulate the incident
planar wavefront to focus light by effectively selecting and
arranging meta-atoms. Various phase profiles have been
demonstrated for functional focusing and imaging. The
hyperbolic phase profile is originally free of spherical
aberration, beneficial for high numerical aperture (NA)
focusing, while restricted by strong coma aberrations in
imaging configuration. Recently it was shown that a quadratic
phase profile can give wide field of view (FOV) imaging,
avoiding coma aberration, but suffers from spherical aberra-
tions.7 Even better imaging with meta-lenses can be achieved
by computer-optimized phase profiles, which is a promising
direction for advanced meta-lens design (see Section 2.3 and
Section 7). According to different operating mechanisms to
imprint a phase on an incident light wave, the design principles
for a meta-lens can be classified into four categories that are
Figure 1. Road ahead for optical metasurfaces. listed below. Geometric Phase. The geometric phase, also known
as the Pancharatnam−Berry (P-B) phase, is based on the
This Roadmap consists of seventeen sections highlighting
spatial symmetry of the meta-atom local field. The sudden
different future directions of science and technology develop-
phase change φ = −2σθ of the electromagnetic wave can be
ment for optical metasurfaces. Following this brief introduction
generated by adjusting the rotation angle θ of the meta-atom,
(Section 1), we will first focus on the key applications of
where σ = ±1 represents the state of left- or right-handed
metasurface technology to imaging, highlighting the challenges
circularly polarized light, respectively. The use of the geometric
and opportunities of metalenses for aberration-free imaging
phase can greatly reduce the complexity of meta-lens design,
with diffraction limited resolution (Section 2) as well as super-
offering more freedom for wavefront manipulation. To achieve
resolution imaging for picophotonics (Section 3). We will then
high diffraction and polarization conversion efficiencies,
continue with a discussion of other metasurface functionalities
geometric phase meta-lenses generally require resonant or
that capitalize on effective phase, amplitude, and polarization
high aspect ratio meta-atoms.8
control (Sections 4 and 5). We end this part with an analysis of Propagation Phase. The propagation phase (also
more complex multilayered flat optical elements and multiele-
known as the truncated waveguide approach) is produced by
ment meta-optics systems (Section 6). We will then proceed
the optical path difference of electromagnetic wave prop-
by surveying the application of emerging computational
agation in different meta-atoms. The accumulated propagation
methods, such as machine learning and inverse design, to 2
complement the metasurface design capabilities (Section 7) as phase (x , y , ) = neff (x , y , )d of electromagnetic waves
well as to process metalens-obtained images to improve their can be flexibly manipulated by varying the waveguide mode
quality (Section 8). We will also describe how metasurfaces index neff(x,y,λ) of the truncated guides and the physical
themselves can be used for optical computing (Section 9). propagation length d through the meta-atom, where x and y are
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Figure 2. Concepts, implementations, and applications of meta-lenses. Full-color routing: Reproduced with permission from ref 13. Copyright 2017
American Chemical Society. Achromatic imaging: Reproduced with permission from ref 14. Copyright 2018 Springer Nature. Biomedical imaging:
Reproduced with permission from ref 15. Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. Edge detection: Reproduced with permission from ref 18.
Copyright 2021 De Gruyter. Phase sensing: Reprinted or adapted with permission under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 from ref 19. Copyright
2021 Springer Nature. Polarization detection: Reproduced with permission from ref 20. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. Nonlinear
generation: Reprinted or adapted with permission under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 from ref 22. Copyright 2022 American Association for
the Advancement of Science. Quantum source: Reproduced with permission from ref 23. Copyright 2020 American Association for the
Advancement of Science.
spatial coordinates and λ is the wavelength. Benefiting from the material. By using the mask layer, the pattern prepared by
mechanism, the propagation phase meta-lens can be polar- electron-beam lithography (EBL) and photolithography is
ization-independent and efficient. In order to acquire the 2π further transferred to the target material via an etch process.
phase distribution in practical operations, the refractive index The layout can also be directly created by focused-ion-beam
and aspect ratio of the meta-atom need to be high in general.9 (FIB) milling, nanoimprinting, 3D printing, laser direct Resonance Phase. The resonance phase is the writing, etc. The choice of implementation method needs to
sudden phase change at a resonant wavelength, which can be take into account the fabrication requirements of the meta-
manipulated by modifying the meta-atom geometry. First lenses. The target material selection, sample size, unit-cell
resonance phase meta-lenses had the problems of narrow feature size, and structure complexity have to be considered.
bandwidth and low efficiency. Later, the efficiency was The critical dimensions and empirical parameters of processes
improved in Huygens’ meta-lenses based on the Kerkers’ are helpful for the fabrication selection of the meta-lens
condition, which can achieve a 2π phase shift. Their implementation.
fundamental limitations, such as reciprocity, multimode/ 2.1.4. Applications. Focusing of Light. When the
monomode operation, and symmetry breaking should be meta-lens is employed in optical systems, its focusing
carefully considered.10 Integrated-resonant units (IRUs) that properties require to be considered and modified. Diffrac-
incorporate multiple resonators and resonances into one meta- tion-limited focusing and extra-high NA focusing are significant
atom, can efficiently engineer the phase distribution across a for applications requiring small light−matter interaction
continuous, broad spectral range. The aspect ratio of these volume or large angular collection. Kuznetsov et al. proposed
structures is typically lower than those of optical elements that a novel concept based on diffracted energy redistribution by
rely on a propagation phase. nanoantenna inclusions with asymmetric scattering patterns. A
Furthermore, associating two or more types of phase diffraction-limited meta-lens with a near-unity NA > 0.99 and
mechanisms can boost the multifunctionality and performance subwavelength thickness of ∼λ/3 was demonstrated to operate
of a meta-lens. Independent phase control for each circular upon unpolarized excitation at 715 nm. This work can
polarization can be realized by combining the propagation efficiently bend light at angles as large as 82°, which are not
phase with the geometric phase. Merging geometric and achievable with conventional bulk optics.11 Dispersive proper-
resonance phases can also provide an effective strategy for the ties of monochromatic meta-lenses can be another interesting
wideband reflective and transmissive achromatic meta-lenses. property to highlight from a potential application standpoint.
2.1.3. Practical Implementations. The fabrication of meta- On the other hand, achromatic meta-lenses might be much
lenses can be generally categorized in several ways. The layout more attractive from the point of view of imaging applications.
of the meta-lenses can be transferred to a mask layer or a target Capasso et al. demonstrated an achromatic meta-lens by
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engineering the phase and dispersion of titanium dioxide provide higher polarization contrast ratios and more compact
(TiO2) nanopillars on a dielectric spacer above a metallic sizes than conventional optical systems. Three polarization
mirror.12 An optimization algorithm was utilized to select the states can be split and focused to six different domains on an
nanopillars simultaneously possessing identical phases but image sensor by designing a metasurface device integrating
distinct dispersions at desired wavelengths. The achromatic three meta-lenses.20 The polarization state can be detected by
meta-lens realizes a constant focal length from 490 to 550 nm measuring four Stokes parameters for each domain. This
with 0.2 NA and 15% diffraction efficiency. To extend the device can form the image of the complicated polarization
versatility and efficiency of the meta-lens, the multiplex color object, exhibiting the capability of making a full-Stokes
router has been proposed with a GaN meta-lens integrating polarization camera. Another direction of polarization
four out-of-plane focusing meta-lenses.13 Three primary colors detection is to combine it with meta-lens imaging. Capasso
at 430, 532, and 633 nm can be focused to the desired spatial et al. demonstrated the chiral imaging capability and the
positions with efficiencies of 87%, 91.6%, and 50.6%, spatially resolved chiral spectroscopy by TiO2 meta-lens with a
respectively. This technology provides great potential for geometric phase design.21 Two images with opposite helicities
metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) sensor applications. of a biological specimen can be simultaneously generated Imaging. Imaging brings the focusing ability of within the same FOV, without the addition of dispersive
meta-lenses to practical applications. FOV is a crucial polarizers.
parameter in imaging systems, which is generally limited by Nonlinear Generation. The functionality of meta-
the compromise with high NA. Kuznetsov et al. analyzed this lenses can be extended to nonlinear generation and quantum
problem of quadratic metalens and demonstrated wide FOV photonics. Nonlinear imaging by harmonic generation from
imaging with a focusing efficiency of 8% and FOV of about nonlinear meta-lenses with specific symmetry meta-atoms has
100°. Full imaging of a 5 mm fingerprint with features of about been achieved. Combining both the focusing ability and
100 μm was experimentally captured at a distance of 2.5 mm. nonlinear generation of nonlinear meta-lenses, they can be
This work realized the most compact imaging system for applied as short-wavelength light sources. Halas et al. proposed
fingerprint detection to date. High-quality images also require a 150 nm thick zinc oxide (ZnO) nonlinear meta-lens
achromatic meta-lenses to achieve full-color imaging. Tsai et al. simultaneously converting 394 nm of light to 197 nm of
developed the strategy of IRU to achieve the broadband radiation and focusing the generated vacuum ultraviolet
achromatic meta-lens, which is comprised of GaN nanopillars (VUV) light.22 The power density of the VUV light at the
and their inverse structures.14 The operating range (400−660 focal point is 21 times higher than that on the meta-lens
nm) nearly covers the visible region. Full-color imaging can be surface. In order to generate a quantum light source with high-
achieved with a high average efficiency of 40% and an NA = dimensional entanglement and multiphoton-state generation,
0.106. The meta-lens is also a preeminent candidate for high- Tsai et al. integrated a 10 × 10 GaN meta-lens array with a 0.5
resolution biomedical imaging. A configurable GaN meta-lens mm beta barium borate (BBO) crystal to realize a 100-path
has been implemented to realize high-contrast optical spontaneous parametric down-conversion photon-pair
sectioning in fluorescence imaging.15 The imaging perform- source. 23 Four-photon and six-photon generations are
ance can achieve a lateral resolution of around 2 μm and an demonstrated with high indistinguishability of photons
optical sectioning capability of around 7 μm. Levy et al. generated from different meta-lenses. Besides meta-lenses,
implemented the first meta-lens for outdoor imaging in there are various preeminent metasurfaces and meta-devices
external passive lighting conditions (sun illumination).16 A that generate, enhance, and manipulate nonlinear and quantum
detailed discussion regarding the limits of achieving broadband effects (see Sections 12 and 13).
imaging with meta-lenses is given by Levy et al.17 2.2. Challenges and Future Goals. Meta-lenses offer new Sensing. Light-field sensing and imaging can opportunities for the development of flat, compact, low-weight,
capture the high-dimensional information of objects, such as and multifunctional meta-devices. However, they are still
depth and edge. A 60 × 60 GaN achromatic meta-lens array facing many challenges to satisfy the requirements of practical
has been reported to capture the light-field information. applications. The focusing efficiency of high-NA meta-lenses is
Rendered images with different depths can reconstruct the originally restricted by phase discretization and diffraction
depth of the object. This system possesses a diffraction-limited constraints. Achromatic meta-lenses suffer from small size
resolution of 1.95 μm with incoherent white light incidence. resulting from large phase compensation and the image quality
Light-field edge detection was further demonstrated based on a with ambient white-light illumination. The tradeoff among
GaN meta-lens array.18 The focused edge images and depth different performances, such as high NA, high efficiency, large
information of objects from 1D to 3D can be extracted by the FOV, aberration elimination, and multifunctionalities, needs
differentiated and rendering algorithm. This device exhibits the further consideration and design. Conventional design
advantages of broadband, data volume reduction, and device approaches are still limited by the physical mechanism, degree
miniaturization. Sensing the phase distribution of meta-lenses of freedom, and optimization speed.
is also significant, which can connect the design and fabrication 2.3. Suggested Directions to Meet Goals. Meanwhile,
processes. Tsai et al. proposed an interferometric imaging these challenges provide some potential directions for research
phase measurement system to realize the phase sensing of the and development. (i) To acquire novel properties and more
meta-lens through only one photo.19 Both geometric phase versatile applications, meta-lenses can be integrated into
meta-lenses and propagation phase meta-lenses are demon- existing photonic devices, such as optical fibers, light field
strated at different wavelengths. The phase measurement was cameras, and vivo imaging systems. Compact meta-lenses and
exploited to comprehensively characterize these meta-lenses their subsequent applications are expected to replace many
and its accuracy can achieve 0.05 rad. conventional diffractive optical elements, which can be Polarization Detection. Polarization detection and employed in different environments apart from on the ground,
imaging based on polarization-dependent meta-lenses can such as in the sky and under the water. Metalenses can also be
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combined with other metasurfaces to enhance functionalities wavevectors and identified intriguing similarities of the
such as multispectral imaging and polarimetric imaging. (ii) superoscillatory fields in free space to the evanescent
The building blocks of meta-lens can be tailored by combining plasmonic fields on metals.30 In the last ten years, the better
multiple IRUs with specific optical properties, which can understanding of superoscillatory light has led to the
further constitute their large libraries. Physical phenomena development of superoscillatory lensing, imaging, and metrol-
producing effective mode coupling effects, especially for those ogy technologies.31
with strong nonlocal responses, such as Fano resonances and Initially, super-resolution technologies used subwavelength
bound states in the continuum, provide the potential for light localizations in superoscillatory fields. Indeed, dielectric
performance enhancement. Two-dimensional and active or metallic binary nanostructured superoscillatory lenses can
materials are excellent candidates for functional IRUs with create hotspots smaller than allowed by conventional lenses.31
compact size and fast response time. (iii) The design process Reconfigurable binary lenses based on phase change
can be assisted by artificial intelligence technology to quickly materials32 have also been introduced.
obtain the optimal solution. Photons carrying high-dimen- The nearly complete design freedom on transmissivity and
sional information can effectively expand the bandwidth of retardation of the lens mask can be achieved using a
data processing. Optical neural network computing associating metasurface manufactured by well-established nanomanufac-
both artificial intelligence technology and meta-optics can turing techniques and are scalable to operate at any
overcome the bottleneck of electronic computing power and wavelength. In such a lens, light is scattered on a planar
computing speed. It is important to understand the advantages array of “metamolecules”, individual scatterers providing the
of meta-lenses over diffractive lenses.24 It is also essential to prescribed levels of phase delay and scattering amplitude at
test meta-lenses properly,25 and to choose proper metrics for different radial positions on the lens in such a way that the
comparing broadband meta-lenses.26 Furthermore, one may entire array diffracts light into a superoscillatory hotspot. A
even take advantage of the metalens strong chromatic plasmonic metamaterial superoscillatory lens that is 40 μm in
dispersion to mitigate challenging applications such as 3D diameter and contains 8500 metamolecules allows subdif-
imaging and depth sensing.27 Eventually, it is crucially fraction hotspots as small as 0.33λ, large fields of views up to
important to understand the fundamental limitations of 6λ in diameter and robustly performs in imaging applications
metasurfaces and to properly match its degrees of freedom with an effective numerical aperture of 1.52 that is unattainable
to the specific application in hand. Finally, metalenses can be in conventional lenses.33
integrated with conventional lenses for the purpose of Far-field, label-free nonintrusive super-resolution imaging
minimizing the thickness of the lens stack or compensating and metrology techniques that exploit the high light local-
distortions (e.g., compensation of chromatic aberrations ization in superoscillatory fields have been developed for
originated from the material dispersion). biological and nanotechnology imaging tasks.31,34−37 They use
Looking into the future, we envision that meta-lens will be a superoscillatory hotspot for illumination of the object and a
widely applied in variety of applications, ranging from machine conventional lens for imaging in the confocal setting. Here, the
vision, virtual and augmented reality to quantum optical chips resolution is limited by the size of the hotspot that, in principle,
and optical computation. In fact, some of these applications are can be arbitrarily small. However, since the intensity of light in
already benefiting from metalenses. the hotspot polynomialy reduces with its size, the practically
achieved resolution was limited by about one-fifth of the
SUBWAVELENGTH OPTICAL METROLOGY AND 3.2. Recent Developments: Picometer Resolution.
LOCALIZATION Considerably higher resolution in metrology and localization is
Nikolay I. Zheludev possible by exploiting rapid phase variations in topologically
3.1. State of the Art. The photonics community is well structured superoscillatory fields. Indeed, we introduced the
aware of the metamaterial superlens which uses a slab of “optical ruler”, an electromagnetic analog of a physical ruler,
negative index metamaterial to recover evanescent waves from for nanoscale displacement metrology. The optical ruler is a
the object in the image plane (see Section 2). Realization of a complex electromagnetic field in which singularities serve as
negative index superlens in the optical part of the spectrum the marks on the scale. It is created by the diffraction of light
faces a number of steep challenges. However, the metamaterial on a Pancharatnam−Berry phase metasurface, with singularity
approach is a practical way of creating a different type of marks then revealed by high-magnification interferometric
superlenses that does not use evanescent waves but instead observation. The “optical ruler” has been applied to detect
creates topologically structured light fields and superoscillatory mutual displacement of two macroscopic platforms. A
foci in the far-field from the lens. Such fields are needed for displacement resolving power of better than 1 nm (λ/800,
advanced super-resolution metrology and imaging. where λ is the wavelength of light) at a wavelength of 800 nm
The phenomenon of optical superoscillations, first intro- has been demonstrated. An optical ruler with dimensions of
duced in 200628 and experimentally identified shortly after,29 only a few tens of micrometers offers applications in
describes the rapid subwavelength spatial variations in the nanometrology, nanomonitoring, and nanofabrication, partic-
intensity and phase of light in complex electromagnetic fields ularly in the demanding and confined environment of future
formed by interference of several coherent waves. Its discovery smart manufacturing tools.38
stimulated the intense revision of the limits of classical Recently we demonstrated that illumination with super-
electromagnetism in particular the study of structure of oscillatory, topologically structured light allowed localization
superoscillatory fields in free space using robust metamaterial metrology of nanoscale objects with not yet seen accuracy and
microinterferometric techniques. They experimentally revealed precision reaching λ/5000 in a single short measurement.39,40
subwavelength energy hotspots and topological features such In experiments with a semiconductor nanowire, we employ a
as phase singularities, energy backflow, anomalously high deep learning analysis of the scattering of topologically
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structured light, which is highly sensitive to the nanowire’s devices (DMD) and binary and continuous parameters
position, Figure 3. This is a noninvasive optical metrology with metasurfaces.
DMDs and liquid crystal spatial light modulators offer
dynamic control of the field structure. However, they suffer
from flickering noise and thermal instabilities. Moreover,
pixelation of these devices at the typical level of 10 μm × 10
μm and larger limits accuracy with which the desired wavefront
profile can be synthesized, in particular, at singularities.
Although static metasurfaces do not allow dynamic control
of the generated field, they have superb stability of generated
fields and can be routinely manufactured with nanometric
precision using a focused ion beam or high-resolution
lithography. They can be deployed in a cost-effective scheme
for deeply subwavelength metrology and visualization, for
instance, replacing a conventional lens in the illumination
channels of a standard optical microscope.
The next challenge is the development of high rate versions
of the deeply subwavelength topological metrology and
microscopy. Indeed, the rate of measurements will only be
limited by the image sensor and a rate of one million frames
per second has been achieved with 150pm resolution.42
Figure 3. Measuring picometer nanowire displacements via scattering Metamaterial-enabled noninvasive single-shot optical metrol-
of topologically structured light (following ref 39). Incident light is ogy with sub-Brownian resolution, that can be performed with
topologically structured. Light scattered from the 100 nm wide high frame rate image sensors, opens up the exciting field of
nanowire is mapped in transmission through a high-NA microscope picophotonics. This includes the study of Brownian motion
objective (not shown). Deeply subwavelength lateral (x-direction) thermodynamics of nano-objects, including the ballistic
displacements of the wire, controlled by application of a DC bias regime;43 the study of Van Der Waals forces and non-
between the wire and the adjacent edge of the supporting membrane, Hamiltonian forces in nanomechanics;44,45 configuration
are quantified via a deep-leaning enabled analysis of single-shot chemistry of individual molecules; protein folding; and other
scattering patterns. dynamic events in macromolecules and nanomachines, such as
time crystals.46
sub-Brownian absolute errors, down to a few tens of 4. FLAT OPTICS BEYOND LENSES: HOLOGRAMS,
femtometre that is a fraction of the typical size of an atom POLARIZATION CONTROL, AND
(Si atom is of 220 pm in diameter). There are several factors MULTIFUNCTIONALITY
contributing to the high resolution of this technique.31 From Andrei Faraon, Amir Arbabi, and Nanfang Yu
the perspective of Fourier optics, topologically structured 4.1. Current State of the Art. Lenses are some of the
superoscillatory illumination gives access to high local most ubiquitous optical components as they are used in a
wavevectors and ensures much higher sensitivity of the pattern plethora of imaging systems that impact people’s daily lives. As
of scattered light to the small features of the investigated object was discussed in detail in Section 2, a lot of effort has gone into
than unstructured light. From the perspective of information developing metasurface lenses for imaging applications. A lens
theory, recording of multiple scattering patterns during the makes use of the metasurface’s capability to control the phase
training process and imaging provides much more information or the propagation direction of light, generally at a fixed
on the imaged object for the retrieval process than what is frequency. Phase control can be used to generate arbitrary
available in the lens-generated single image for which the Abbe phase masks that can be utilized, for example, in applications
limit applies. Sparsity of the object and prior knowledge about related to computational imaging (see Section 8), optical
the object shall also be a helpful factor in imaging simple computing (see Section 9), and wavefront shaping. Besides
objects such as a dimer, as this helps the retrieval process, phase and k-vector, light has other degrees of freedom, like
similar to how sparsity facilitates “blind” compressed sensing polarization, frequency, and amplitude, and optical metasurfa-
techniques. The retrieval of the image from its diffraction ces can also be used to modify these properties (Figure 4).
pattern can be mathematically reduced to solving the This opens the opportunity to realize multifunctional optical
Fredholm integral equation. It has been proven mathemati- components that can simultaneously control multiple degrees
cally41 that neural networks are very efficient in solving these of freedom. One of the initial examples of multifunctionality is
sort of problems. Indeed, the deep-learning process trained on metasurfaces that impose two independent phase masks for
a large data set creates a powerful and accurate deconvolution two different orthogonal polarizations at a given frequency
mechanism without using explicit information on the phase of using meta-atoms with mirror symmetry.47 These devices can
the detected signals. Experiments show that larger training sets have multiple applications, spanning from optical components
give higher resolution. similar to polarizing beam splitters (e.g., Wollaston prisms), to
3.3. Future Developments. The deeply subwavelength systems used for different microscopy modalities.48 In the most
topological metrology and visualization techniques outlined general case, three different holograms could be encoded in the
above require the stable synthesis of well-defined topologically state of polarization using such a metasurface.49
structured fields. Generators of such fields could be based on Metasurfaces composed of meta-atoms with mirror
liquid crystal spatial light modulators, digital micromirror symmetry enable many applications. However, they lack a
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Figure 4. (a) Schematic of wavelength multiplexing where the metasurface imposes different transformations for different wavelengths (colors). (b)
Polarization multiplexing where the transformation is different depending on the polarization. (c) Angular multiplexing where wavefronts incident
at different angles experience very different transformations.
chiral response due to their linearly polarized polarization completely? One would intuitively hypothesize that given a
eigenstates. A chiral response such as circular birefringence or fixed volume of space, the more degrees of freedom in
dichroism requires meta-atom unit cells with circularly structuring a meta-unit (i.e., the number of constitutive
polarized eigenstates. Many metasurfaces with unit cells that materials used and the variety of ways they are arranged),
lack mirror symmetry have been shown to have different levels the more expansive the command over the optical properties
of chiral response.50 Using a bilayer meta-atom, a universal (A, Φ, ψ, χ) of the outgoing wavefront. Metasurface literature
technique for designing lossless metasurfaces with any desired indeed witnessed ever-increasing complexity in meta-unit
set of polarization eigenstates has been introduced,51 and designs for multivariate optical control: the geometric degrees
metasurfaces with arbitrary circular birefringence strengths of freedom that have been explored include the cross-sectional
have been demonstrated.52 Nonetheless, there is currently no shape of meta-units,59 their anisotropy or in-plane orientation
universal analytical technique available for implementing a angle,60 monolithic bilayer/multilayer meta-units,61 and meta-
general lossy Jones matrix at the unit cell level, preventing the units supporting multiresonances.62 The majority of metasur-
realization of the most comprehensive chiral metasurfaces that face devices are excited by waves at near-normal incident
simultaneously exhibit optical activity and circular dichroism. angles or emitting into the free space over a limited angular
Metasurfaces can also be configured to impose different range; the question remains open as to what degree meta-unit
phase masks at different frequencies.48,53 This has been used to designs or near-field coupling between neighboring meta-units
create multiwavelength lenses with applications in color could be utilized to engineer the optical responses at distinct
imaging54 and two-photon microscopy.55 One of the main excitation or emission angles (e.g., different sets of meta-unit
drawbacks of metalenses is that they exhibit pronounced modes excited and different near-field coupling conditions
chromatic dispersion, which results in chromatic aberrations in encountered at distinct incident angles, so that a meta-unit
broadband imaging applications. However, the chromatic provides angle-dependent phase responses).
dispersion can also be used as an advantage, so dispersive Compared to controlling various optical degrees of freedom
lenses can be employed in spectral imaging applications.56 at a single wavelength, it is considerably more difficult to
Optical metasurfaces with an engineered spectral response and achieve independent control of one or more optical parameters
transmission have also been used for optical pulse at distinct wavelengths. In the realm of “local metasurfaces”,
compression.57 By exploiting the multimode nature of the where the localized modes of individual meta-units govern the
meta-units that compose the metasurface, which can be excited wavefront, one can resort to dispersion engineering63 and
differently depending on the direction of light, it is also resonant mode engineering of meta-units. In the latter
possible for metasurfaces to impose different phase masks approach, high-refractive-index dielectric materials must be
depending on the direction of incidence.58 used for a meta-unit to support a set of Mie resonant modes at
4.2. Challenges, Future Goals, and Suggested desired wavelengths; in the former approach, a meta-unit is
Directions to Meet These Goals. One of the main future treated as a segment of a waveguide, standing vertically on the
challenges is how to enhance the amount of control that can be substrate, and its phase response is engineered via controlling
achieved with metasurfaces, i.e., multivariate optical wavefront modal overlap between a waveguide mode and the meta-unit
shaping. This refers to utilizing single-layered metasurfaces (akin to dispersion engineering of waveguides employed in the
composed of complex meta-units for complete control over all field of photonic integrated circuits). Recent progress along the
optical degrees of freedom, amplitude A, phase Φ, polarization line of research on “nonlocal metasurfaces” suggests an entirely
orientation ψ, and polarization ellipticity χ, at each point in different and more scalable approach to realize multi-
space, and independent control over these degrees of freedom wavelength optical wavefront shaping.64 Distinct from the
at distinct wavelengths. operational mechanism of local metasurfaces, nonlocal
Future research should investigate fundamental limitations metasurfaces are characterized by optical responses dominated
on multivariate optical control using nanostructured materials: by collective modes over many meta-units. Here, one enters a
To what degree can one optical parameter be controlled by a region somewhere between photonic crystals and metasurfa-
unit volume of a nanostructured material? What are the design ces: the wealth of knowledge on symmetry and photonic band
rules for constructing a metamaterial with minimal volume to structure engineering can be utilized to first generate a set of
control multiple optical parameters independently and resonant nonlocal modes, and the techniques developed by the
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metasurface community can then be utilized to impart unique array, and disordered nanostructures (Figure 5a) exhibit
optical response profiles onto the wavefront at these nonlocal spectral responses in the visible that are a function of
modes. For example, multifunctional metasurfaces supporting nanostructure material and geometry, surrounding refractive
multiple quasi-bound states in the continuum, each encoded index, incident light polarization and angle. Naturally, these
with a unique spatially varying geometric phase, have been new dye and pigment-free color generators and light
demonstrated to mold optical wavefront distinctively at manipulators have shown promise in myriad use-cases, from
multiple wavelengths, while remaining transparent over the commercial paints to cosmetics to display applications. Here,
rest of the spectrum.65 we provide a perspective on three categories of promising
Technological implications of multivariate optical wavefront applications, i.e., surface coatings, high-density data storage
shaping will be broad and far-reaching. For example, the and information carriers, and miniaturized spectrometers and
capability of controlling all optical degrees of freedom at one displays.
wavelength will enable holographic shaping of the point spread Nanophotonic structural colors hold the promise of color
functions (PSFs) of imaging systems to realize imaging coatings that are lightweight, fade-resistant, and potentially less
modalities unattainable or difficult to implement in conven- polluting than the chemical approaches used today in dyes and
tional imaging systems; these include improved microscopy colorants. From applications requiring uniform and large area
resolution,48 extension of the depth of field,66 and enhance- coatings, e.g., vehicles and consumer products, we then discuss
ment of the localization precision in 3D tracking of small structural colors enabling high-density optical data storage.
particles.67 An exciting avenue is to explore the joint design of Here, the aim is to store information using as small an amount
metasurface PSFs and image processing algorithms as an of material as possible in a robust and near-permanent form.
integrated imaging system.68 Nonlocal metasurfaces with Encoding information in visually appealing and covert means is
multi-wavelength wavefront shaping capabilities offer a useful in optical anticounterfeiting and tamper detection
promising solution for augmented reality (AR) technologies applications where nanophotonic structural colors offer unique
(e.g., AR goggles and head-up displays on the front windshield attributes. Finally, we discuss sophisticated systems where
of cars), where an optical see-through metalens can reflect electronic devices are integrated with these nanophotonic
contextual information to the viewer’s eye at selected narrow- structures to enable miniaturized spectrometers and futuristic
band wavelengths of the miniprojector while also allowing an ambient-light displays.
unobstructed, undimmed, broadband view of the real world. 5.2. Surface Colorants: Future “Paints” and Coatings.
One can also envision such multifunctional metasurface For centuries, most colorants have relied on a combination of
devices being used to substantially reduce the complexity of organic and inorganic compounds producing the appearance of
quantum optics setups that manipulate ultracold atoms, where color by absorbing specific wavelengths of the incident light.
a single metasurface can simultaneously shape the multiple While such traditional pigment-based colorants offer a viable
laser beams used for cooling, trapping, and monitoring cold commercial platform for large-volume and angle-insensitivity,
atoms. Multifunctional metasurfaces will also lead to they are limited in resolution, unstable in the atmosphere, and
spectrometers and polarimeters with higher overall perform- environmentally toxic. These widely used pigment-based paints
ance in a compact size, with a plethora of applications spanning adversely affect the environment and aquatic life, and
from biosensing to chemical analysis. contribute to global warming by acting as heat traps.
All these capabilities can be further enhanced by utilizing Colors generated by engineered structures, such as
multiple metasurface layers. This is essential in certain plasmonic colors, photonic crystals, or dielectric metasurfaces,
applications, like imaging, where the free-space propagation are intensively explored for their unique advantages over
provides a necessary transformation of the optical wavefronts. chemical colorants. However, due to the geometrical nature of
One of the drawbacks of using multiple layers of metasurfaces their response, structural colors usually present directional
is that the efficiency decreases with adding each metasurface effects, i.e., their color varies with the positioning of the
layer. Thus, special care needs to be given to engineering observer and the angle and polarization of the incident light.
metasurfaces with maximized transmission. Design procedures Challenges remain in nanostructure designs for enhancing
where the interactions between multiple layers are taken into color hue, saturation, and brightness. Still, many proposed
account may lead to enhanced overall transmission. In the architectures rely on costly and low-throughput nanofabrica-
future, these structures will transition to fully three-dimen- tion techniques incompatible with mass-production. For
sional systems that can perform custom splitting of light based industrial production, promising directions must rely on new
on all its degrees of freedom.69 thin-film optical modes, processes, and disordered or random
nanostructures produced without lithography. For instance,
5. SPECTRAL AMPLITUDE CONTROL: FUTURE OF Franklin et al. report a subwavelength plasmonic cavity that
offers a tailorable platform for rendering angle and polar-
ization-independent vivid structural colors by coupling
CARRIERS, AND MINIATURIZED SPECTROMETERS incident light with gap-plasmons (Figure 5b).70 The structures
AND DISPLAYS are fabricated through a large-area, highly versatile, and
Debashis Chanda, Kenneth B. Crozier, Alexander V. Kildishev, reproducible technique, where aluminum nanoislands self-
Hao Wang, and Joel K. W. Yang assemble in an electron beam evaporator onto a transparent
5.1. Introduction to Nanophotonic Structural Colors. thin optical cavity. The optical response of these artificially
Recent efforts have shown the effectiveness of nanostructures engineered nanostructures can be spectrally tuned to form a
in controlling the spectral amplitude of light to produce colors full-color gamut by controlling the geometrical parameters.
through newly discovered optical modes, advancing beyond Crucially, these structures can be flaked off and mixed with a
the well-known diffractive and thin-film interference effects. binder to develop hundreds of times lighter structural color
Plasmon resonances and Mie scattering by the individual, paints than commercially available paints (Figure 5b).71 These
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Figure 5. Spectral amplitude control: future of color coatings, high-density information carriers, and miniaturized spectrometers and displays. (a)
Categories of nanostructures interacting with incident white light to generate color. (b.1) Advantages of photonic surface colorants over traditional
dyes. (b.2) Self-assembled Al particles on the Al2O3-coated Al mirror to generate angle and polarization-independent structural color. (b.3) Mass
production of structurally colored Al/Al2O3/Al and cellulose pigments, scalebar 1 cm. (c.1) Gold nanorod-based 5D optical recording with
polarization, wavelength, and space, scalebar 100 μm; multiple images stored in one structure made of Al nanoantenna and revealed with polarizer
and analyzer, scalebar 40 μm; gap-plasmon resonator-based color print at the optical diffraction limit, scalebar left 1 μm, middle and right 500 nm.
(c.2) Reconfigurable structural colors with 3D printed shape memory gratings, scalebar 1 μm in SEM image and 40 μm in the optical image; three
holographic images hidden in one color print with 3D printed nanopillars on phase plate structures, scalebar 200 μm; colorful benchy made of 3D
printed woodpile photonic crystals with different parameters, scalebar 30 μm. (c.3) Optical authentication with a physical unclonable function
(PUF). (d.1) Photograph of structurally colored silicon nanowire microspectrometer with 5 mm scale bar, middle shows bright field optical
microscopic image of the center of device, scalebar 200 μm, the colorful texts and palettes are made of nanowires with different radii, scalebar 1 μm.
Photocurrent value from each photodetector forms an initial data cube and a spectral data cube can be obtained from the photocurrent data cube to
reconstruct the spectrum using different algorithms. (d.2) Schematics of the operating principle of a 2D extrinsic chiral metasurface, 3D intrinsic
chiral metamaterial, and optically thick planar structure with intrinsic chirality under their respective illumination conditions. (d.3) Microscopic
images of a colorful Afghan Girl image with different electric fields applied on the reflective plasmonic-liquid crystal display, scalebar top 100 μm,
bottom left 20 μm, bottom right 150 nm; schematic of a universal photonic pixel consisting of two color-tunable elements and a top transmission-
tunable layer. Right of (b.3) adapted with permission from ref 72. Copyright 2022. Top of (c.1) adapted with permission from ref 73. Copyright
2009. bottom of (c.1) adapted with permission from ref 74. Copyright 2012. Left top of (c.2) adapted with permission under a Creative Commons
CC-BY 4.0 from ref 76. Copyright 2021. Left bottom of (c.2) adapted with permission under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 from ref 77.
Copyright 2019. (d.2) adapted with permission under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 from ref 83. Copyright 2018. Left of (d.3) adapted with
permission under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 from ref 84. Copyright 2015 Nature Publishing Group. Middle of (c.1) adapted with permission
from ref 75. Copyright 2021 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Right of (c.2) adapted with permission from ref 78. Copyright
2022. Top of (d.1) adapted with permission from ref 79. Copyright 2019. Right of (d.3) adapted with permission from ref 85. Copyright 2020
American Chemical Society.
futuristic color coatings are also showing great potential for manufacturing,72 and takes on the scattering properties of the
energy savings. Being highly reflective in the infrared bands, target surface to produce both diffuse and specular coloration
objects coated with this paint and exposed to direct sunlight modes.
radiation could maintain temperatures ∼30 °F cooler than 5.3. High-Density Information Carriers: Optical Data
their uncoated counterparts.71 The versatility of the process Storage, Anticounterfeiting, and Tamper Detection
permits the use of many different substrates, including flexible Applications. From microfilms of the 19th century to today’s
platforms required in wearable electronics and roll-to-roll Project Silica at Microsoft, we witness an ever-increasing need
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for high-density data storage. Unlike other data storage with a authentication and difficulty in counterfeiting. While these
limited lifetime, photonic nanostructures can be highly robust optical anticounterfeiting measures are meant for items to be
against environmental degradation, thus well suited for handled and manipulated, tamper detection by unauthorized
archiving, also referred to as cold data storage, where data is users is becoming an increasing concern in the industry,
kept for infrequent retrieval. Advanced electron-beam lithog- offering opportunities for breakthroughs using optical means.
raphy and photolithography enable precise control of nano- 5.4. Spectral Systems and Devices: Low-Cost Mini-
structural geometry, e.g., size, shape, orientation, and place- aturized and Highly Integrated Spectrometers (Includ-
ment. This capability transfers large amount of information ing CD Spectrometry), Imaging Sensors, and Future
from the designer/user into a printed medium, which can be Displays. 5.4.1. Miniature Spectrometers Based on
optically accessed when nanostructures support multiple Structurally Colored Nanomaterials. Many applications
optical modes. An example of “recording” multiple sets of exist for spectroscopy, with examples that range from the
information along the dimensions of wavelength, polarization, industrial production of chemicals to forensics. For most
and 3D spatial position is shown in Figure 5c.1.73 Potential for applications, traditional spectrometers are well-suited. How-
the ultimate packing of information into a given area was ever, there is a growing trend toward miniature optical systems
demonstrated when color pixels were printed at the optical due to the vast array of functions they enable when integrated
diffraction limit.74 Though high-density multichannel informa- into small platforms such as smartphones, smart watches, and
tion can be stored in a small area/volume, challenges remain in lightweight drones. This naturally leads to the question of
nondestructive and high signal-to-noise ratio readout, parallel- whether nanophotonics, especially structural color, opens new
access to stored data, recording speed, and energy consid- opportunities for ultraminiature optical spectrometers. Here,
erations. One thing for certain is that significant improvements we remark on progress on this question and our perspective on
in optical data storage density and cold data storage activities that might be fruitful for future research.
applications can be accessed through nanophotonic structural In traditional spectrometers, the functions of wavelength
colors. selectivity and photodetection are achieved with separate
Some of the photonic modes of the nanostructures are structures. Nanophotonics enables these functions to be
known only to the designer, e.g., features that are visible only achieved in one element. Semiconductor nanowires are
under specific illumination angle, spectral range, or polar- promising for this task, acting as exquisite light sensors while
ization.75 These certain sets of information remain “covert” exhibiting structural coloration.79 This property enables them
only to be revealed for authentication purposes. Thus, covert to be used as fully integrated pixels for color imaging. It was
and overt protections are promising in future optical
shown that by measuring the signals from small collections of
anticounterfeiting devices, particularly for small and high-
pixels (e.g., four pixels), each of which has a different
value items, e.g., life-saving drugs, precision parts, and
responsivity spectrum, red/green/blue channels could be
important documents. Optical security tags with gratings are
reconstructed and color images generated. Meng et al. showed
widely used due to their ease of manufacturing and visual
that scaling up the number of photodetectors to two dozen
detection. However, these tags are vulnerable to reverse
enabled visible-wavelength spectroscopy (Figure 5d.1).79 Each
engineering strategies. Recently, researchers have developed
multiple methods to tackle this issue, e.g., color prints with a pixel contained an array of silicon nanowires of a certain
dynamic response to external stimulus are realized with diameter that determines the spectral response via structural
nanostructures of shape memory polymer to provide additional coloration. Each nanowire contained n-type, intrinsic, and p-
authentication information.76 A new concept of a holographic type regions, and thus functioned as a photodiode. The signals
color print integrates both holographic and colorful images from the pixels and the characterization data are used to
into one device that is both decorative and easy to authenticate algorithmically reconstruct the spectrum. Along related lines,
but challenging to copy (Figure 5c.2).77 Yang et al. showed that a single nanowire could function as a
Although nanostructures based on surface relief features are spectrometer.80 But here the physical mechanism was different,
readily replicated, no easy process exists for replicating with the nanowire’s spectral response originating from its
complex 3D nanostructures. Thus, complex 3D photonic composition (i.e., bandgap) rather than structural coloration.
structures with visually appealing colors and shapes act as While interesting work has been performed on visible-
unique identifiers that are extremely hard to forge (Figure wavelength microspectrometers based on structural coloration,
5c.2).78 To increase the level of security, a designer has access we argue that this spectral range is already well-served by
to simultaneous other optical channels, e.g., fluorescence and commercial microspectrometers. In our view, the mid-infrared
light field manipulation. An effective approach to impart a spectral range presents fruitful opportunities for application of
unique identity to a product is through physical unclonable these and related methods. This wavelength range is very
functions (PUFs). One approach to creating PUFs employs effective for chemical sensing. Meng et al. recently integrated a
stochastic processes, e.g., nanoparticle assembly as a “finger- spectral filter chip onto a mid-infrared microbolometer
print,” to prohibit illicit copying with its inherent complexity. camera,81 in which machine learning was used to predict the
Here, machine-readable recognition of the random physical presence of chemicals directly from the microbolometer
information remains challenging, enabling digital authentica- outputs. While chemical sensing was demonstrated, in our
tion, e.g., with a cloud-based database (Figure 5c.3). Despite perspective, this work barely scratches the surface of what
the highly promising capabilities offered by nanophotonic could be possible through improvements to spectral filters,
structures, the real challenge is getting these features adopted detector choice, and algorithm design.
by the major stakeholders and implemented in actual products. 5.4.2. Compact Metasurface-Based Circular Dichroism
Here, practical considerations such as ease of manufacturing, (CD) Spectrometers. There is significant potential for CD
cost of production, and durability are of paramount importance spectrometry in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries,
in addition to the device functionality, e.g., ease of along with DNA and sensing of cancer biomarkers. Chiral
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metasurfaces substantially improve CD spectrometry by leading to novel forms of wearables and reflective displays,
enhancing the near-field close to chiral molecules. where flexible substrates and low-power consumption are
The symmetry of a chiral object prohibits superimposing the critical. Several examples of nanostructure-integrated displays
object with its mirror replica through a single rotation or have been demonstrated, in which metallic nanostructures with
translation. DNAs, proteins, and many other organic molecules plasmonic resonance or high-index dielectric nanostructures
are chiral. In a nutshell, interaction of UV or visible light with Mie scattering are used to modulate the amplitude of
(∼200−750 nm) with a molecule can result in the E-field- reflected/transmitted light. However, for such displays to be
induced linear displacement of the electronic charge, creating competitive and relevant in the context of current display
an electric dipole transition moment. The H-field could technology, they must meet rigorous consumer standards in
additionally create a circulation of charge, resulting in a color quality, angular performance, and pixel density, while
magnetic dipole transition moment. A combination of these simultaneously meeting requirements for active addressing and
moments results in a helical redistribution of the electron manufacturability.
density within a molecule with a transition-specific handed- Continuous efforts to improve the color gamut with
ness. Thus, depending on the transition handedness, a chiral structural color were made in the past decade, from tuning
molecule preferentially absorbs either left- (LCP) or right- Fano-resonances of plasmonic structures and combining an
circular (RCP) polarized light. So, in contrast with the linear index-matching layer with high-index dielectric resonators to
spectroscopy discussed above, the difference in absorbance employing bound states in the continuum that narrow the
between LCP and RCP (the Cotton effect) constitutes the resonance peaks even further. The color gamut realized by
foundation of CD spectroscopy. Conventional CD spectrom- structural color has extended beyond the sRGB zone,
eters perform sequential measurements of LCP and RCP approaching Rec. 2020, close to the range of commercialized
polarizations, and these large systems employ time-consuming OLEDs and quantum dots. Alternatively, the resonances of
successive data acquisition hindered by complex hardware that these nanostructures can be tuned via liquid crystals,
controls laser polarization. photochromic or electrochemical reactions, or phase change
CD spectroscopy requires the generation/sensing of the L/ materials to result in novel color-changing surfaces, promising
RCP beams. Modern nanotechnology allows for fabricating for actively addressable displays with sufficiently fast switching
multilayer metamaterial structures with strong chirality speed. For example, the addressable liquid crystal-plasmonic
requiring layer-by-layer fabrication. Interlayer orientation/ display by Franklin et al. shows pixels with diffuse angle-
alignment is typically a costly challenge. The complexity can independent colors and pixel size down to 10 μm, and the
be drastically reduced by using intrinsic and extrinsic chiral process is compatible with current display technologies (Figure
metasurfaces. An intrinsic chiral metasurface (ICM) is 5d.3).84
arranged of individually chiral meta-atoms. In contrast with Though the research on tunable structural color has shown
ICM, an extrinsic chiral metasurface (ECM, also called great progress, a true display requires not only hue changes,
“pseudo-chiral”), create the active optical response from either but also variation in luminosity and black states. The concept
a uniform periodic structure at an oblique incidence or with an of a universal pixel was proposed based on the ideal
array of chiral supercells arranged with achiral unit cells Schrödinger pixels (Figure 5d.3),85 which consists of two
(Figure 5d.2). Both ICMs and ECMs can be used for color-tunable elements and a transmission-tunable layer. An
generating and sensing L/RCP light, e.g., Shaltout et al. arbitrary hue can be obtained by mixing the colors of the two
successfully employed plasmonic ECMs to demonstrate direct subpixels (one from blue to green, and another one from red to
all-optical multiplexing of the L/RCP beams applicable to green), and the brightness or different shades of gray can be
chiral sensing,82 while Zhu et al. demonstrated a near-lossless controlled by the transmission filter. Further, Franklin et al.
transmission of the visible light with a CD of about 80% demonstrated unique capabilities of the strongly coupled
through a dielectric ICM.83 plasmonic system via integration with an actively addressed
We foresee a major trend in integrating the entire sensing reflective LCD with control over black states.70 The hybrid
cycle into a single multifunction CD spectrometer-on-chip. display is readily programmed to display images and video
Optically controlled metadevices would be pivotal in capturing (Figure 5d.3). Therefore, with fewer elements in a tight
and transporting molecules to/from the sensing substrates and integration, the performance of structural color-based display
performing ultrafast, all-optical CD spectroscopy. The recent holds great potential to disrupt current display technologies.
advances with arrays of dielectric supercavities and all-optical To summarize, we discussed three categories of applications
metasurface-based tweezers constitute milestones along this of structural colors (Figure 5b−d) with great potential for
critical pathway. Enhancing the magnetic CD sensing with novel scientific breakthroughs and commercialization in the
metadevices remains an exciting area of transformative coming years. We provide compelling reasons for these
research; emerging breakthroughs in this important domain applications, including new and high-demand functionalities,
lead the way to downsizing these vital sensing systems. cost savings, and ease of device miniaturization. Our roadmap
Scalable, inexpensive fabrication of large-area tunable sub- emphasizes the need for close collaboration with industry with
strates for CD spectrometry also remains a nascent challenge. an eye on cost-benefit tradeoffs for specific use-cases, definition
5.4.3. Structural Color Displays. The demand for higher of industry standards for structural colors, and optimal designs
resolution displays is omnipresent, especially for the next of devices that are manufacturable, low-cost and mass-
generation of near-eye, virtual/augmented reality, and 3D fabricable. The structural color paint presents the first
displays. The integration of nanostructured optical materials environmental-friendly, large-scale, multicolor, and versatile
into system level display electronics is anticipated to meet this platform for imparting nanostructured coloration (based on
need. Coupled with increased photostability and the potential just two colorless materials) to any surface, thus bridging the
to engineer the polarization, phase, and amplitude of light, gap from proof of concept to industrial production in the near-
optical nanostructures can improve current displays thus term. It also has great potential for multifunctional applications
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substrate and bonded with a metalens, demonstrating how component or by further tuning the local dispersion, finely
dissimilar metasurfaces can be combined into monolithic thin tuning both group delay and group delay dispersion terms, of
film optics. each meta-atom of the compensating metasurface.
Spacing metasurfaces by several wavelengths, or more, Another challenge lies in the design of such hybrid refractive
allows for redistribution of light at subsequent layers, further and metasurface systems. Design of modern multilens optical
increasing the design space. The separation between the systems is based on ray tracing combined with powerful
surfaces is typically similar to the aperture size as this avoids inverse design tools. While phase masks, representing
sharp phase gradients and large diffraction angles between the metasurfaces, can be implemented in this process, it is much
surfaces. The ability to redistribute the wavefront can be used more challenging to implement metasurface libraries, especially
to realize wide-angle corrected lenses88 where the function of when optimizing a design over many wavelengths. Given the
the first surface (ex. lens) is corrected, or modified, as a bandwidth advantages of combining metasurfaces and
function of incident angle by propagation through a second refractive optics it is likely that work in this area will accelerate,
surface (Figure 6d). Redistribution of the wavefront can also necessitating integrated design tools for such systems.
be used to realize loss-less full-field control where phase, Inverse design has become a critical tool for realizing
amplitude, and polarization state can each be independently nanophotonics and metasurfaces with increased functionality
controlled without reflection losses.89 This is accomplished and is the subject of Section 7 of this Roadmap. The technique
using two loss-less phase masks where the first plate serves to is equally essential for the design of multilayer systems where
redistribute the wavefront at the second layer, providing a two, or more, layers must be simultaneously optimized to
spatial amplitude profile. The desired phase function is then achieve a desired function. Inverse design and optimization
implemented by propagation through the second surface. Both methods appear extremely relevant in the context of multilayer
layers can be polarization dependent enabling applications systems as they help reduce the impact of reflection and
such as spatial mode division multiplexing, optical mode diffraction losses occurring at each interface. Currently, large
conversion, and universal vectorial holograms, all with aperture inverse design of multilayer metasurfaces employ
diffraction efficiencies over 80%. techniques such as angular spectrum propagation which treats
One can move beyond discrete metasurface optics by going each metasurface as a transmission mask. A metasurface library
to continuously structured 3D volumetric metamaterials. is typically used to find atoms that satisfy the desired
These systems have similar design flexibility as multilayer transmission mask, either inside of the optimization loop, or
meta-optics but can potentially achieve that functionality in a outside of it. This is a fairly efficient design scheme that can be
more compact footprint. For instance, it has been demon- scaled to relatively large apertures. A challenge, however, lies in
strated that 3D meta-optics can achieve high efficiency spectral design of closely spaced, and coupled, multilayer metasurfaces
and polarization sorting using one, continuously structured, as well as 3D volumetric metamaterials. Inverse design of such
optical component.90 This functionality is not possible in structures necessitates full-wave modeling of the entire
single layer metasurfaces that are invariant along the optical aperture which currently limits the number of layers, thickness,
axis without introducing reflection loss. Recent efforts in and aperture area that can be designed. However, given the
designing various assemblies of nanostructures, distributed rich design space, this is an area prime for future growth if
along the plane of the metasurfaces and disposed sufficiently efficient simulation tools can be developed.
close to each other to achieve nonlocal coupling effects, have In addition to the linear optical properties of metasurfaces,
enabled new phenomena and devices, including nonlocal and their nonlinear optical responses have recently been studied in
lattice resonance metasurfaces. In this regime of stacked layers detail, leading to several technologically relevant photonic
and volumetric structures, nonlocal diffractive coupling applications, including second-harmonic generation (SHG),
between each layer of the stack would have to be properly photon-pair generation, all-optical switching, frequency combs,
considered and engineered. Nonlocal 3D meta-optics with and supercontinuum generation. However, the nonlinear
strong out of plane coupling could potentially lead to optical processes occurring in conventional nonlinear materials
innovative 3D collective effects and volumetric lattice are intrinsically weak. It is extremely challenging to efficiently
resonances. Endowing each layer with a polarization control convert the frequency of a light beam using only a single layer
can be a particularly powerful tool. For instance, it has recently metasurface, especially because the relatively poor light
been shown how geometric, chirality-assisted, phase can be confinement and low Q-factor of the resonances. Additionally,
combined with propagation phase using multilayer meta-optics the ultrathin thickness of the metasurfaces reduces the
for independent control of two circularly polarized (CP) input interaction length over a distance of less than a few hundred
beams.91 In this case, the increased design freedom associated nanometers. A viable route to improve the efficiencies of
with the metasurface stack was used to achieve distinct nonlinear metasurfaces could consist of stacking several
wavefront manipulation in all four CP output channels. metasurfaces on top of each other, giving rise to designer
6.2. Challenges and Future Goals. Conventional phase-matching properties. The fundamental and application
refractive components generally suffer from optical aberrations, implications related to stacked or sequentially twisted
which are classified in two main categories; monochromatic metasurfaces go far beyond the simple idea of improving the
and chromatic. The conventional solution to correct for the nonlinear frequency conversion efficiency with phase-matched
aberrations is to cascade multiple refractive optical elements layers. Nonlinear metasurface-stacks provide entirely new
along the beam trajectory. Hybrid diffractive-refractive capabilities that extend beyond conventional phase-matching
components, as illustrated in Figure 6e, could be considered techniques, essentially dodging the phase-matching limitation
to mitigate both spherical and chromatic aberrations of the associated with the intrinsic material dispersion. The use of
refractive optics,92−97 including cm-scale diameter lenses.93 multilayer meta-optics could address this challenge, allowing
The properties of the devices are engineered, either by relying the design of phase-matched devices along both longitudinal
directly on the dispersive properties of the diffractive and transverse dimensions to exhibit arbitrary transverse field
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profiles. In practice, this is realized by considering the resonant Incorporation of refractive elements into this design
phase changes of nanostructures occurring due to the coherent architecture is essential for broadening operational bandwidth,
scattering of light at both the fundamental and the nonlinear as is needed in many imaging applications.
frequency, respectively. Because these phase terms are dictated We expect the development of more compact, efficient, and
by the optical response of the nanostructures, namely, by their innovative linear and nonlinear wavefront shaping devices that
localized resonant oscillations, it is possible to extend a phase- provide higher degrees of control, for example, operating at
matching condition to be solvable by metamaterial design. multiple frequencies and by featuring arbitrary intensity and
Multilayer meta-optics operating in the nonlinear regime thus polarization distributions. By stacking several polarizing
provide interesting opportunities to realize nonlinear metal- elements, it is possible to release the condition of orthogonality
enses and holography.94 A phase-matched, nonlinear, multi- between the polarization eigenstates of the Jones matrices,
layer meta-optics for arbitrary wavefront generation, as bringing the system to very peculiar responses and potentially
presented in Figure 6f, has been recently proposed.95 providing flexible operations of electromagnetic waves.
From a perspective point of view, the implication of phase- Pushing the frontiers of enhanced light−matter interaction
matched nonlinear multilayer meta-optics extend beyond requires exploiting new concepts and innovative fabrication
simply enhancing the overall conversion efficiencies of capabilities. For instance, multilayer meta-optics can poten-
nonlinear materials. They can tackle new fundamental and tially be mimicked by considering a much simpler scheme
applied problems, for example, they would be used for composed of a single metasurface in a cavity. In the case of
adiabatic broadband frequency conversion in nanomaterials. multilayer architectures, new fabrication techniques are needed
This approach also becomes extremely interesting for the for both large scale patterning but also stacking and aligning
efficient generation of nonlinear terahertz-emitting metamate- multiple layers to achieve increased design flexibility. Multi-
rials with designer field profiles. layer and/or twisted metasurfaces certainly provide additional
Nanoimprint looks to be a promising technology for low- flexibility and tunability in the design of light−matter
cost manufacturing of metasurfaces down through the visible interaction, thus, contributing to the development of
spectrum. This technology can also be used to fabricate groundbreaking linear and nonlinear moiré physics at the
multilayer metasurfaces, provided they can be aligned and nanoscale.
bonded together in a cost-effective manner. Fabrication of
coupled, closely spaced multilayer metasurfaces, and 3D 7. DESIGN AND MACHINE LEARNING FOR
metamaterials is more challenging. The resolution of two- METASURFACES
photon lithography systems, capable of 3D manufacturing, is Jonathan A. Fan and Owen D. Miller
currently close to 100 nm which should be close to the 7.1. Introduction. Modern lithographic and additive
resolution needed for visible metamaterials. However, the manufacturing tools offer tremendous versatility and resolution
achievable resolution is dependent on the specific geometry in device patterning, enabling new classes of metasurfaces,
being patterns, and there remain challenges in translating the freeform metasurfaces, that utilize hundreds of millions of
exposed polymer into higher index materials that are more geometrical degrees of freedom to achieve a desired optical
suitable for metamaterials. The next challenge remains response. Such devices offer new capabilities over those
scalability of the approach to larger apertures, though the designed using conventional principles, including ultrahigh
recent development of two-photon absorption-based pattern- efficiencies, multiplexed functions (i.e., distinct optical
ing may offer a viable solution.96 Extending from currently responses as a function of wavelength, polarization, or
available semiconductor manufacturing processes, deep-UV incidence angle), and aberration correction. The extraordinary
immersion lithography could address this challenge with a possibilities bring with it a proportionate design complexity,
sufficient level of precision. From a research perspective, particularly for large area, multiscalar devices. In this section,
multilayer electron beam lithography (EBL) remains a suitable we survey state-of-the-art techniques, open questions, and
solution to proof-of-concept devices operating at optical emerging approaches for freeform metasurface design that
wavelengths. straddle the intersection of electromagnetism, optimization,
Stacking several active or nonlinear layers offers interesting and computer science. We first describe modern design
perspectives, however, the majority of these materials are techniques, including conventional concepts, adjoint-gradient
crystalline. Their assembly in a 3D structure to form a meta- methods and machine learning, and the challenges that they
crystal remains a hurdle to overcome. Additionally, thermal face, from computational scalability to practical manufactur-
dissipation and structural stability of the stacks upon high ability. We then consider the question of how to best simulate
intensity illumination and large changes in temperature or such structures, which itself presents challenges in scaling.
atmospheric conditions have to be considered for realistic Finally, we discuss open questions around novel applications,
applications. fundamental limits, and new design techniques.
6.3. Suggested Directions to Meet Goals. The 7.2. Current State of the Art. 7.2.1. Conventional and
realization of complex scalar and vectorial meta-optics for Inverse Metasurface Design. Metasurfaces are conventionally
linear and nonlinear phase matched processes between various designed using a combination of physical intuition, physical
spatial modes opens a wide variety of applications beyond approximations, and computational parameter sweeping. For
imaging, including holography and quantum computing. In local metasurfaces, in which the amplitude, phase, and
order to achieve these goals, dedicated calculation tools, which polarization of an incident wavefront is locally tailored, the
can execute inverse design on large length scales and across typical approach is to generate a library of subwavelength-scale
multiple metasurfaces are needed. These tools should have the meta-atoms comprising resonant and/or waveguiding nano-
ability to properly take into consideration the diffraction of elements that collectively cover the range of desired local
light between each layer of the stack, accounting for both electromagnetic responses. Approximations, such as the
propagation and resonant interaction of vectorial fields. enforcement of periodic boundary conditions during meta-
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atom simulation, are made during library generation, and basic specified by Lorentz reciprocity, gradients (blue curve in
geometric shapes are typically used. The conventional design Figure 7) at all points in the device can be computed via the
of nonlocal metasurfaces, in which incident light couples into product of fields from both simulations. These gradients can be
spatially distributed metasurface modes, starts with physical iteratively utilized in standard gradient-based optimization
intuition to specify photonic structures supporting a dark algorithms (i.e., NLOpt, SciPy optimize, Mathworks Opti-
mode, followed by structural perturbation parameter sweeping mization toolbox) to produce a final high performing device
to identify layouts that support tailored mode coupling to free layout. AVM-based metasurfaces have degrees of freedom that
space. The approximations and simplifications used in these can exceed those in conventionally designed devices by orders
concepts ultimately place artificial design limits in device of magnitude, enabling the utilization of near-field interactions
performance. between freeform-shaped nanostructures to achieve new
“Inverse design” methods that instead frame the design capabilities.101,102
procedure as a computational optimization problem can More recently, machine-learning algorithms have emerged as
incorporate nonintuitive wave physics and near-field coupling candidate methods for inverse design, and they can be
between nanostructures to produce devices featuring un- delineated into two classes. The first is the end-to-end training
precedented performance and capabilities. A foundational of a deep network with simulation data to learn the
concept in metasurface inverse design is the calculation of relationship between structure and function. The networks
perturbations (i.e., gradients) to the shape or dielectric can then be used to perform optimization directly through
constant at all device features in a manner that improves backpropagation or in conjunction with a separate optimiza-
performance. A gradient-based optimization algorithm then tion algorithm. In the former, local gradient-based optimization
iteratively updates to the device layout to improve device is performed not in the physical metasurface design space but
performance. In a simple and naive ̈ scheme for evaluating in an approximate surrogate neural network design space.
gradients everywhere in a device, individual simulations can be These end-to-end models have had good success for low
performed in which each device feature is perturbed and dimensional problems but have proven to be difficult to scale
simulated. While straightforward, the number of simulations to large problems.
increases with the number of geometric features and is The second class is the training of neural networks in which
computationally intractable to perform for large area iterative optimization is framed through the process of network
metasurfaces. training. One concept involves global topology optimization
A workaround to computing gradients at all regions in a networks (GLOnets), which frames the population-based
device with high computational efficiency is the “adjoint search for high performance devices through the training of
variables method” (AVM),98,99 which exploits reciprocity a generative neural network.103 Over the course of iterative
principles100 in electromagnetics to compute gradients at all training, fullwave evaluations of devices are used to evolve a
geometric features in a device using only two simulations. device distribution that starts as random to a narrow
Consider a metasurface, depicted in Figure 7, which is distribution of high performing freeform devices. GLOnet
has been demonstrated to be particularly effective at globally
searching the photonics optimization landscape and can extend
to probabilistic generative networks to improve algorithm
convergence. Another concept is the physics-informed neural
network (PINN), in which differential equations are directly
solved through network training. In these networks, the inputs
are independent variables such as position, the outputs are
dependent variables such as field magnitude, and the loss
function contains Maxwell’s equations and the problem
boundary conditions. PINNs have been tailored to directly
Figure 7. Conceptual framework for the freeform design of a large perform refractive optics and metasurface inverse design.104
area, multiscalar metasurface. The desired function is framed as a 7.2.2. Simulations. A practical bottleneck to many metasur-
Figure of Merit and the metasurface layout is optimized over a series face inverse design problems is the time and computational
of iterations in a manner that maximizes the Figure of Merit. During
each iteration, pairs of electromagnetic simulations (i.e., “forward” and
resources required to simulate large area devices, which
“adjoint” simulations) are performed to compute gradients that currently take hours to days using conventional solvers.
specify how perturbative changes to the dielectric constant every- Fortunately, significant efforts have been made to expedite
where in the device can improve device performance. Algorithms (i.e., fullwave simulations. One strategy has been to decompose the
NLopt, MathWorks, scipy, GLOnet) specify the detailed utilization of metasurface into modest-sized (up to ≈5 wavelengths)
gradient calculations in the optimization process. “overlapping domains”105 that can be independently simulated
for metasurfaces with modest NA and beam-deflection
designed to function as a lens that maximizes the field at requirements. Another strategy has been to parallelize
position x0 given a predetermined incident waveform, such as a conventional solvers to accelerate fullwave simulations. For
normally incident planewave. First, a “forward” fullwave example, finite-difference time domain and frequency domain
simulation is performed with the incident wave, from which algorithms have been recently adapted for use on graphical
the complex electric fields within the device and at x0 (orange processing unit (GPU) hardware, which has led to significant
point in Figure 7) are recorded. Second, an “adjoint” fullwave speedups in the execution of these conventional solvers.
simulation is performed with a source located at x0 (purple Established and emergent computing methods from the
double arrow in Figure 7), which has a phase opposite to that computational electromagnetics community, such as the
measured from the forward simulation at x0, and the complex discrete dipole method, T-matrix formalisms, and integral
electric fields within the device are recorded at all positions. As methods, are also becoming more widely used in the photonics
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community and can present significant performance enhance- network architectures, such as graphical neural networks, will
ments compared to more standard finite difference or finite enable more efficient descriptions of structures and electro-
element methods for certain classes of problems. magnetic fields. Significant work is also required to adapt
Surrogate solvers that serve as approximate Maxwell solvers neural network surrogate solvers to problems with arbitrary
have also emerged as effective high-speed simulation domain sizes and adaptive spatial resolutions. On the training
algorithms. Classical interpolation methods can be used to data front, many surrogate solver concepts rely on the
approximate electromagnetic fields associated with freeform production of simulated data with very specific domain sizes
meta-atoms given a meta-atom library reference, enabling the and resolution, which is computationally costly. New concepts
simulation and design of large-scale metasurfaces based on that can enable more generalized use of simulated data for
meta-atoms.106 Machine-learning tools can also serve as network training would break through this training data
effective surrogate solvers that can perform fullwave electro- bottleneck problem. The use and sharing of data sets113 will
magnetic simulations orders-of-magnitude faster than conven- also be important for the broad acceptance and usage of data
tional algorithms. Initial fullwave surrogate simulation concepts science approaches.
were based on convolutional neural networks exclusively with 7.4. Applications. The development of high-speed, high-
training data, obtained using conventional simulators, to learn performance inverse design algorithms will enable new classes
the relationship between nanostructure and fullwave re- of metasurface technologies with unprecedented efficiencies,
sponse.107 Deep networks that also explicitly incorporated capabilities, and form factors. We anticipate that these new
Maxwell’s equations into the loss function during training design platforms will enable the realization of large-area,
could output electromagnetic field profiles with enhanced centimeter-scale metasurfaces, which can serve in imaging and
accuracy.108 These surrogate solvers feature sufficient accuracy display systems as aberration-corrected imaging optics and
to be used directly in gradient-based freeform optimization waveguide couplers for AR/VR (augmented reality/virtual
algorithms and can also be utilized as preconditioners within reality) systems. They also can serve as new classes of nonlocal
conventional solver algorithms to expedite the computation of and narrowband devices, which blur the lines between
field solutions with hard accuracy thresholds.109 The utilization integrated and freespace optics and require large areas to
of neural networks as solvers also enables their incorporation support high quality factors. Applications include sensing,
into inverse design algorithms in new ways due to their ability nonlinear transduction, optical computing, and active metasur-
to support fully analytic and differentiable relationships face control. The high efficiencies supported by freeform
between structure and electromagnetic response. design will further enable the practical use of metasurfaces in
7.3. Challenges, Future Goals, and Directions to Meet the quantum information sciences, in devices spanning optical
Goals. There remain many open research opportunities in atom traps to polarization state generators and analyzers. We
inverse design, particularly in the topics of scalability and also anticipate that new imaging capabilities will be supported
translation to experimental practice. While neural network- by multifunctional metasurfaces designed in conjunction with
based approaches to optimization are promising, innovations computational imaging algorithms.
are still required to push their operation to qualitatively new The technological capabilities and commercial potential of
regimes of device scale and computing efficiency. For example, freeform metasurfaces will continue to increase as manufactur-
PINNs currently take longer to train than conventional ing methods advance. These include the fabrication of
differential equation solvers, and it remains unclear how multilayer dielectric structures with foundry-compatible nano-
effectively GLOnet can optimize very large-scale problems. In fabrication process, the additive manufacturing of volumetric,
both cases, insights and innovations in network architecture high-dielectric-contrast structures at the nanoscale, and the
and training procedure, including automated selection of utilization of new materials with unusual optical properties.
architectures, will be required. There is also the open question Proof-of-concept demonstrations of multilayer devices at
of how to ensure that optimized freeform devices are robust optical wavelengths and volumetric devices at radio frequencies
and capable of being reliably fabricated. Various concepts have indicate that the addition of such degrees of freedom can
been developed to help specify the incorporation of minimum enable metasurfaces with qualitatively new capabilities, as
feature sizes 110 and insensitivity to global geometric described in Section 6. As such, it will be important to ensure
perturbations, but more advanced sensitivity analysis and that continued developments in optimization and simulation
robustness criteria are still required, particularly for volumetric algorithms are adaptable to new classes of materials and
metasurfaces and devices featuring high quality factors. One volumetric metasurfaces form factors. The maturity of
interesting new avenue111,112 is the rewriting of the Maxwell manufacturing methods for active and passive devices at
design problem as a “quadratically constrained quadratic radio wave and millimeter wave- lengths also points to more
program” that offers the possibility for circumventing local immediate opportunities to develop and apply inverse design
optima by moving to a high-dimensional space and using methods to technologies operating at these frequencies.
convex-optimization techniques.
There are also significant opportunities to further enhance 8. COMPUTATIONAL IMAGING WITH META-OPTICS
the speed and accuracy of electromagnetic solvers. Many of Arka Majumdar, Johannes E. Fröch, David Brady, Felix Heide,
these opportunities will be catalyzed by continued interactions and Ashok Veeraraghavan
with the computational electromagnetics community, which 8.1. Introduction. With the rapid advent of the Internet of
has been in the business of innovating new fullwave simulators Things (IoT) and autonomous systems, there is an urgent
for large-scale systems. These innovations will be both on the need for compact, low power, ubiquitous image sensors to
algorithm side and in interfacing with new hardware that can bridge the gap between the physical and the digital world.
accelerate simulations through enhanced parallelization, in- Current image sensors, however, often entail bulky elements
memory computing, and operation-specific computing. On the incapable of meeting the demand for next-generation imaging
deep-learning front, new and emergent concepts in neural systems. Computational imaging reduces this complexity by
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metasurfaces. Third, advances made over the past decade in from self-driving vehicles and advanced driver assistance
phase retrieval-based algorithms allow us the opportunity to systems to drones and robots in farming and outdoor
use algorithms to computationally retrieve phase information maintenance. Challenging in-the-wild scenarios include facing
from amplitude measurements. Finally, the rapid advances in the sun in the presence of large, shadow-casting objects or
machine learning, especially end-to-end learning systems that moving from indoor to outdoor and back, e.g., entrance and
can co-optimize for the aperture functions and the exit of a tunnel. In such cases, the range of luminance seen at
reconstruction algorithms allow us to capitalize on the new the same time can reach ∼180 dB, exceeding the range of
degrees of freedom afforded by meta-optics. today’s robotic and automotive image sensors that covers
Over the past few years, several approaches have emerged around ∼120−140 dB. These existing sensors already employ
that utilize these newfound degrees of freedom to realize complex split-pixel and multiexposure sensing schemes that
synthetic aperture imaging within optical imaging.124,125 We make use of both temporal and spatial multiplexing for sensing
believe that these approaches are only beginning to scratch the these extreme dynamic ranges on a given sensor. An
surface of what is possible and that codesign of meta-optics underexplored avenue lies in the optical encoding of HDR
along with associated machine learning reconstruction information and learning an optical HDR encoding map with
algorithms provide us with the opportunity to leverage saturated highlights into neighboring unsaturated areas. While
synthetic aperture techniques and reach parts of the aperture existing work has shown promising first results that such
size, weight, resolution, light-efficiency tradeoff space that have optical encoding with a single fixed element may allow for
previously not been explored. effective HDR recovery,128 a joint design with the sensor and
8.4.2. Fourier Ptychography. Meta-optics are immediately potentially reconfigurable metasurface offers exciting potentials
attractive for computational imaging with coherent illumina- for HDR imaging. Such a joint design could not only
tion. Coherent imaging systems are spectrally narrow-band and adaptively distribute intensity over the sensor to different
inherently computational. Hence, the spectral sensitivity and pixel architectures best tailored to the intensity, but also allow
diffractive artifacts of simple meta-optics are useful features us to rethink the array sensing by itself. This new breed of
rather than challenges. The role of optics in coherent systems computational meta-optical HDR cameras may be capable of
is to phase-code wavefronts for subsequent computational redistributing light not only based on intensity but also
reconstruction. Conventionally, this is performed with holo- polarization, wavelength, and angle. It may also allow for a
graphic reference signals, but as computational power and simplified sensor design where different pixel and read-out
physical coding methods have improved, reference-free phase circuit architectures could support a lower dynamic range in
retrieval strategies have become increasingly attractive. Fourier conjunction with optical multiplexing.
ptychography (FP) is a phase retrieval system that exploits 8.4.4. Hyperspectral Imaging. The spectral information of
phase diversity from light coming from different angles via scenes can hold invaluable information beyond hue, saturation,
structured illumination or multiaperture imaging, to recon- and brightness. Hyperspectral imaging is a concept where the
struct wavefronts.126 FP most commonly uses sequences of captured scene is presented by a data cube with each pixel of
illumination patterns or object-target motion to capture phase- the scene containing a full spectrum. This information can
coded images. Recent preliminary studies have shown that unveil properties that are otherwise hidden in the broad
diffractive elements may be used to code image patterns for a spectral response of imaging sensors, such as Bayer filters for
single snapshot imaging. Thanks to the large space-bandwidth full color imaging in the visible. Hyperspectral imaging already
product, meta-optics increase the coding capacity and finds use for a plethora of applications covering industry,
efficiency of such elements. Design of these elements is a military, or medical research. For instance, remote sensing with
classic computational imaging challenge: meta-optics must drones/ satellites can be used to monitor the quality of
match the natural sampling period posed by the pixel-pitch of agricultural fields, or cancerous tissue can be accurately
the sensor to the object field and must simplify the detected using their distinct spectral signatures. Beyond that,
computational load. Interleaved meta-lenses can potentially consumer electronics, such as smartphones, could greatly
enable compact, high-resolution imaging for remote fields. The benefit from such systems for personal health or food
angular spread of the light from a remote object plane is monitoring.
generally low, i.e., the field has a low NA. FP imaging typically Current solutions for this modality are, however, either
requires 4−16× oversampling, meaning to reconstruct the inefficient, bulky, or rely on scanning elements, often
complex field (both amplitude and phase) of a single point in prohibiting their integration into mobile devices, limiting
the object plane, 4−16 sensor pixels (capturing only intensity their speed and thus their deployment. Therefore, a common
value) in the image plane are needed.127 By mapping such low challenge is to find solutions with smaller device footprints, no
NA incident field from the object to high NA oversampled moving parts, and lower power consumption. Meta-optics may
images, meta-optics enables a novel wavefront sensitive image be particularly well suited to solve this challenge due to their
plane with relatively simple computational load. reduction in size and weight over traditional refractive
8.4.3. High Dynamic Range Imaging. High-dynamic range elements. Moreover, these subwavelength diffractive elements
(HDR) imaging is an essential imaging modality for a wide typically have a strong chromatic response. While previous
range of applications in uncontrolled environments, including works aimed to eliminate their aberrations by designing meta-
autonomous driving, robotics, and mobile phone cameras. optic doublets, engineering the scatterer dispersion, or a
Existing HDR sensing approaches struggle with dynamic computational reconstruction, future works could be directed
scenes due to multishot acquisition and postprocessing time, toward exploiting this feature. For that, ideally an end-to-end
e.g., mobile phone burst photography, making such approaches design approach will be utilized, where the meta-optic is co-
unsuitable for real-time applications. In particular, computer optimized with a computational backend. While the hardware
vision in outdoor scenarios at real-time requires accurate and will encode the spectral information into a specific local
robust HDR reconstruction, with safety-critical applications intensity distribution through the chromatic point spread
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function of the meta-optic, the computational backend in this example, Figure 9a presents the sketch of the idea of a
case is co-optimized to efficiently retrieve the pixel-by-pixel metasurface that can perform arbitrary mathematical oper-
spectral information. ations.134 Specifically, one can design metastructures such that
8.5. Relevance to Industry. While many of these research when a monochromatic wave with an arbitrary spatial profile
directions need fundamental innovation and potentially will enters this metastructure, the profile of the output signal
guide many new academic research directions, there is a strong resembles the desired mathematical (linear) operation on the
industrial relevance of meta-optical computational imaging. input profile. The examples of linear operators discussed in ref
Computational imaging is already prevalent in industry, for 134 include first-order and second-order (spatial) differ-
example, almost all mobile photography currently uses entiation, spatial integration, and spatial convolution. In
computational amelioration of the captured images. Addition- particular, the operation of second-order derivative is of
ally, meta-optics also have generated strong commercial special importance in the field of image processing and pattern
interest, with several startups and large companies trying to recognition, as it reveals the edges of an image (Figure 9b).
commercialize meta-optics, with applications in mobile The analog nature and parallelism of such analog edge
photography, sensing and biomedical imaging. Several detection in image processing offers possibilities for high-speed
foundries have also started manufacturing meta-optics in operation, with no raster scanning. In other words, the entire
high volume using immersion and nanoimprint lithography. image can be processed at the same time, providing ultrafast
Thus, combination of meta-optics and computational imaging low-power processing. This potential application was numeri-
is in an opportune place to be adopted by industry. Especially, cally demonstrated in ref 134, as shown in Figure 9b.
making ultracompact imagers, either for full-color imaging or Engineered nonlocalities in metasurfaces exploiting Fano
for simultaneous localization and mapping in wearable devices resonances have been shown to form a flexible tool for this
and time-of-flight sensing have strong commercial interests. goal, achieving first-order and second-order differentiation135
Additionally, for biomedical imaging and endoscopy, there is a (see Figure 9c), and the experimental verification of second-
constant need for miniaturization, where meta-optics can play order differentation and image edge detection using meta-
an important role. surfaces made of Si nanobeams on Al2O3 (Figure 9d) have
been subsequently demonstrated136 (Figure 9e). Other
9. OPTICAL COMPUTING WITH METASURFACES exciting theoretical and experimental demonstrations of
Nader Engheta, Andrea Alú, and Albert Polman metasurfaces with the differentiation capabilities have also
9.1. Introduction. Light−matter interaction is one of the been reported.58,137
fundamental phenomena in the fields of electrodynamics and Remarkably, metasurfaces can also offer the possibility of
materials science. Since optical signals propagate with ultrahigh solving equations using electromagnetic waves.138 To realize
speeds, one may wonder whether light can be exploited for such possibilities, in ref 138 the general class of linear integral
performing ultrafast, low-power computation and mathemat- equations, i.e., the Fredholm integral equation of second kind,
ical operations, particularly at the nanoscale. In other words, g(y) = Iin(y) + ∫ baK(y, y′)g(y′)dy′, was considered. In such
can we envision “nanoscale light machines” for “doing scenarios, the metasurface can be designed using inverse design
mathematics with light” or “solving equations with light” as methods, to represent the generally nonseparable, shift-variant
the light wave interacts with properly designed collections of kernel K(y,y′) (Figure 9f). In order to endow this metasurface
nanostructures? Since the development of science and with equation solving capability, one needs to add a feedback
technology largely relies on handling, processing, and perform- loop to the system, i.e., the output of the metasurface should
ing mathematical operations on large amounts of data, be fed back to its input. This feedback allows the Neumann
exploring new paradigms for fast and low-power processing series to be performed at the speed of light (Figure 9f). The
of such data is of growing importance in our data-driven world. input Iin(y) can be entered into the system using directional
Nanoscale optics and optical metasurfaces may bring trans- couplers and the output of the system, which represents the
formative solutions into this arena. solution of the integral equation, g(y), can also be read out
9.2. Current State of the Art. Optical signal processing is using directional couplers. Figure 9g,h shows such inverse-
a well-established field, particularly in the field of Fourier designed metastructure built and tested in the microwave
optics in which signal processing is primarily achieved with regime, demonstrating the ability of this structure to solve the
Fourier transformation using light interaction with lenses. integral equations. Recently, optical metasurfaces, in the form
Conventional Fourier optic platforms require bulky setups and of inverse-designed Si-based metagrating, have been con-
careful alignment of several optical devices, with limited structed and experimentally verified, showing equation solving
flexibility and hindering the overall applicability of these capability for free space visible radiation using a compact
powerful tools in nanophotonic settings. While optical analog planarized metasurface platform139 (see Figure 9i). Even a
computing has recently been resurrected as an interesting single cylindrical nanostructure, designed using the inverse
platform for computation,129,130 and collections of photonic design method, has been proposed for integral equation
processors, such as meshes of Mach−Zehnder interferometers solving following a similar strategy.140 In this scenario, the
[MZIs], have been proposed as a programmable photonic inputs are mapped into the incoming wavefront, exciting the
platform for linear optics,131,132 the field of metamaterials and scatterer from the far-field, and the solution of the
metasurfaces has recently offered an entirely new mindset for mathematical problem can be read in the scattered wavefront.
analog computation using light.133,134 Since optical waves can Since photons do not interact with each other in linear
be tailored by materials, judiciously engineered material media, all these analog optical computing metasurfaces provide
structures such as metasurfaces can be utilized to manipulate exciting possibilities for low-power, near-speed-of-light, parallel
waves in order to achieve useful functionalities for computation signal processing. This aspect was examined in ref 141, in
and signal processing, over dramatically reduced footprints and which it was demonstrated, numerically and experimentally in
with much more flexible implementations. As a representative the microwave regime, that a single inverse-designed
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Figure 9. Metasurfaces for optical computing and signal processing: (a) Sketch of the idea of metasurface that can perform mathematical operation
on the profile of the incoming wave. Reprinted with permission from ref 134. Copyright 2014 AAAS. (b) Numerical demonstration of edge
detection using the metasurface designed to perfrom the second-order spatial differentiation. Reprinted with permission from ref 134. Copyright
2014 AAAS. (c) Nonlocal metasurface using an array of split-ring resonator. Reprinted with permission from ref 135. Copyright 2018 American
Physical Society. (d) the scanning electron mictroscopy (SEM) image of the Si metasurface performing second-order spatial differentiation,
Reprinted from ref 136. Creative Common License, Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society. (e) Experimental second-order image
differentiation using the structure shown in (d). Reprinted from ref 136. Creative Common License, Copyright 2019 American Chemical Society.
(f) Sketch of the idea of inverse-designed metastructure with the feedback for solving integral equations, Reprinted with permission from ref 138.
Copyright 2019 AAAS. (g) The specific metastructure designed for experimental verification for integral equation solving. Reprinted with
permission from ref 138. Copyright 2019 AAAS. (h) The photograph of the structure. Reprinted with permission from ref 138. Copyright 2019
AAAS. (i) From ref 139: Schematic on integral-solving metasurface geometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of an inverse-
designed Si metagrating for equation solving with free-space visible radiation. Reprinted with permission from ref 139. Copyright 2023 Springer
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metastructure can solve more than one equation simulta- generation of beam steering apertures. However, the sparse
neously, when electromagnetic waves travel through this arrangement of waveguides for reduced crosstalk inhibits the
structure. Specifically, the experimental setup was designed realization of two-dimensional wavefront control with a wide
to solve two integral equations with two different kernels field-of-view.
K1(y,y′) and K2(y,y′), with arbitrary inputs I1(y) and I2(y). To Metasurfaces offer tremendous opportunities, as they allow
achieve this, a single metasurface was designed and constructed manipulation of the amplitude, phase, and polarization of
such that for the operating frequencies ω1 and ω2, the electromagnetic waves with arrays of subwavelength nano-
metasurface functions as kernels K1(y,y′) and K2(y,y′), antennas,1 enabling systems with flat optical components
respectively. In ref 141, it has also been shown, through featuring dramatically reduced size, weight, power, and
numerical simulations, that one can design a metasurface that potentially cost. Currently, however, most metasurfaces are
can invert four different 5 × 5 matrices, when it is being “static” and have functions that are fixed at the time of
operated with four different frequencies. fabrication. By making the system reconfigurable in its phase,
9.3. Challenges and Future Goals. While metasurface- amplitude, and polarization response through incorporation of
based analog optical computing provides an exciting platform a tuning mechanism, one can achieve real-time control of the
for computation and information processing, there are optical function and even access multifunctional characteristics
challenges and limitations in its operation as of today. postfabrication. This has triggered intensive research in the
Examples, aside from fabrication imperfections, are noise field of active metasurfaces,144,145 with different tuning
accumulation in cascading such systems, limited reconfigur- mechanisms and device architectures being explored.
ability, and lack of direct photon storage, as well as limitations In very broad terms, one can first classify active metasurfaces
in the type of mathematical operations and processing that is based on the attainable degree of spatial and temporal control.
available. Several current research directions are being explored The spatial degree of freedom spans from devices that can be
to address these limitations. For reprogrammability of these reconfigured as a whole, from the simplest case of on−off
analog meta-matchines, the use of reconfigurable Mach−- switching to continuous tuning of an optical function such as
Zehnder interferometer (MZI) meshes131,142 and phase- varifocal lensing, to those in which each individual nano-
change materials143 have been proposed and are being antenna in an array can be addressed individually. The degree
investigated. Recently, using reconfigurable couplers (such as of temporal control is connected to the reconfiguration time
MZIs and Direct Complex Matrix (DCM) architectures) it has scale: In quasistatic metasurfaces, temporal variations are
been shown theoretically that linear differential and integral slower than the period of electromagnetic waves, while time-
equations can be solved.142 The experimental verification of modulated structures are those that are modulated fast enough
such programmable computing machine has also been to alter the frequency of the incoming beam.
achieved recently. Moreover, the combination of inverse- Quasistatic Metasurfaces vs High-Frequency, Time-
designed metastructures with reconfigurable couplers has also Modulated Metasurfaces. Like today’s static metasurfaces,
been explored and studied for forward scattering problems. For quasistatic and high-frequency, time-modulated metasurfaces
photon storage and memory, nonlinearities may be employed, are chip-based low-profile structures with compact footprints,
as recently investigated in combination with bound-states in featuring an ultrathin thickness, and a flat macroscopic
the continuum. Nonlinearities may also help broaden the reach geometry, allowing these platforms to replace a variety of
of these meta-structures, which are now limited to linear bulky passive and active optical components for both spatial
operations. By tailoring optical nonlinearities, it may be and temporal optical modulation. Furthermore, the subwave-
possible to realize complex nonlinear analog computations, length dimensions of resonant unit cells substantially reduce
largely broadening the reach of this field of research, with the power requirements for high-frequency, temporal modu-
applications that extend to the fields of cryptography, deep lation of light compared to bulky modulators having large half-
learning and quantum computing. wave voltages.
In conclusion, analog optical computing with metasurfaces Quasistatic modulation refers to the regime in which
offers integrable, low-power, ultrafast meta-machines that temporal variations are slow enough that they do not change
promise significant impacts in various fields of science and the scattered beam frequency. Metasurfaces operated in this
engineering with high demands for data and information regime instead allow dynamic control over the amplitude,
processing. phase, and polarization of an electromagnetic wave. Thus, they
generally enable versatile wavefront shaping by tailoring the
10. TUNABLE METASURFACES: OPPORTUNITIES scattered phase profile to achieve, e.g., beam steering, focusing,
AND NEEDS switchable diffractive or holographic elements, or special beam
Harry A. Atwater, Prachi Thureja, and Ramon Paniagua- profiles including “flat-top” angular beam profiles, complex
Dominguez beams carrying orbital or spin angular momentum, or
10.1. Current State of the Art. With an expected size nondiffractive beam profiles for the intermediate field.
exceeding a trillion U.S. dollars by 2025, the global photonics Time-modulated metasurfaces are those that introduce a
market is quickly expanding, due to the continuous growth of change in the scattered beam frequency by modulating the
established areas, such as smart lighting and displays, as well as properties of light, particularly the phase, at high frequen-
new optical technologies for sensing and spectroscopy, 3D cies.146 For practical use, the modulation frequency should be
mapping and ranging (including LiDAR), holography, and large enough, so that the generated frequency harmonics can
optical communications to name a few. Common technology be distinguished from the incident laser frequency. As such,
trends identified in all these areas are the need for device modulation frequencies larger than the line width of the
miniaturization, improved performance, novel multifunctional incident laser are needed (i.e., ≳50 kHz). These devices are
components, and deeper integration with electronics. Optical interesting because they enable novel functions that are not
phased arrays have previously been demonstrated as a first attainable with their quasistatic counterparts. For example,
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Figure 10. Active metasurface configurations (left) and physical mechanisms for modulation (right).
when considering steered optical beams, functionalities like phase, amplitude, or polarization of light upon propagation
those achievable at radio frequencies (RF) become avail- through an LC layer. Their combination with resonant
able.147,148 These include nearly dispersion-less and broadband nanoantennas offers venues for pixel miniaturization compared
sideband beam steering, frequency multiplexing, frequency to LCoS modulators, while still being able to take advantage of
selective switching, multichannel and full-duplex operation, as their mature manufacturing and processing technologies.
well as Doppler-enabled effects. They also provide unique However, reaching submicron scales without incurring
opportunities for color-shifting devices (potentially in interpixel crosstalk is still an open challenge. Owing to the
reflection, transmission, and diffraction), to realize non- large and continuous index modulation of LCs with an external
reciprocal devices like optical isolators and circulators, bias (Δn ∼ 0.2 being easily attainable), they allow large
frequency transformations via temporal discontinuities and modulation depths without the need for sophisticated
other sorts of spatiotemporal light manipulation. One can nanoantenna designs.149,150 Moreover, due to their high
envision, for example, that a scattered incident optical beam at transparency at visible frequencies, LC-based tunable meta-
a single frequency could be dispersed over a range of scattered surfaces are particularly promising to realize high-efficiency
frequencies to “spectrally camouflage” an object. devices in this frequency range, rendering these structures
10.2. Challenges and Future Goals. Materials Consid- particularly suitable for holographic imaging and optical
erations. Beyond the classification of active metasurfaces in sensing. The main disadvantage of this approach is the limited
terms of their degree of spatial and temporal control, one can response time of LCs, on the order of hundreds of
further differentiate metasurfaces based on which properties of microseconds to milliseconds, which poses a severe limitation
light they manipulate and whether those properties are for their application in high-frequency beam manipulation for
controlled in reflection or transmission, as illustrated in Figure optical communication and neuromorphic photonics.
10 (left). The physical modulation mechanism and the (Electro-) Thermo-Optical Effects. Micro- and nanoheaters
corresponding material choices (Figure 10, right) furthermore can be used to locally modify the temperature of the
define its characteristics, such as the wavelength of operation, nanoantennas or their surroundings using electrical currents
volatility/nonvolatility, cyclability and device lifetime, modu- and, in turn, their resonant frequency. This can be due to
lation depth, etc., and its use cases. thermo-optical effects151 or, in some cases, a change in the
Arguably, a universally reconfigurable metasurface would material crystal structure via phase change. While the former
provide full and independent control over the amplitude, effect is typically weak, the latter can lead to drastic changes in
phase, and polarization of light at the single nanoantenna level the refractive index (Δn ∼ 1) across the visible and infrared
and additionally allow high-frequency manipulation, if so spectrum, easing the optical resonator design.152 The non-
desired. Moreover, for it to be useful, it should do so in an volatile nature of several phase change materials further
efficient (in terms of photons out per photons in) and practical reduces power consumption. MHz modulation frequencies
fashion (ideally addressed by electrical signals due to their should be achievable with thermo-optical and phase change
robustness and compatibility with modern integrated circuits). effects, provided good thermal management is incorporated in
With this in mind, a few tuning mechanisms, in particular, the device design. Subwavelength unit cell control, particularly
those based on electro-optical or electro-thermo-optical effects, in 2D architectures, requires careful design of thermo-optically
seem promising to satisfy all, or at least most, of these controlled metasurfaces to mitigate crosstalk effects. Additional
requirements. In the following, we briefly summarize the challenges in terms of cyclability and device lifetime might
opportunities and challenges that they present. emerge when modulating phase change materials at high
Liquid Crystal Reorientation. Liquid crystals (LCs) are a frequencies. The characteristic properties of thermo-optically
well-established material platform for dynamic light modu- modulated materials make them ideally suited for use in
lation. They are present in many commercial devices that serve dynamically reconfigurable displays and memristive devices.
this purpose, such as Spatial Light Modulators using CMOS TCO/Free Carrier Index Modulation. Among the different
backplanes (so-called Liquid Crystal on Silicon, LCoS). These electro-optical tuning mechanisms, those relying on free-carrier
devices use the natural birefringence of LCs to modulate the effects in transparent conducting oxides and semiconductors
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are of particular interest for the realization of universally expand the degree of light manipulation, allowing for more
reconfigurable time-modulated metasurfaces due to the short versatile optical functions. The major challenge toward the
response times (potentially reaching down to nanoseconds), realization of two-dimensional active metasurfaces is the design
compact design, and lower power consumption. These complexity of the interconnect structure which substantially
mechanisms include field-effect modulation of carriers in increases from one to two dimensions. Scaling of active
parallel capacitor configurations, double carrier injection in metasurfaces to large areas additionally requires compact
p−i−n semiconductor junctions, and carrier accumulation/ footprint interconnect designs.
depletion in p−n junctions. A proper electrical and photonic Although both reflectarray and transmittarray configurations
design of the constituent unit cells is required to maximize the are of interest depending on the application, each presents its
dynamic range of tuning for scattered light phase and own opportunities and challenges. On the one hand,
amplitude, while maximizing the interaction strength of light transmitarrays would notably enable integration of active
with the active material regions.153 Plasmonic resonators and metasurfaces to form complex systems that allow for cascading
cavities are often employed to achieve the required high field of multiple active metasurface planes as well as easier
confinement; however, this in turn contributes to high integration with laser and LED light sources or focal plane
absorption and therefore lower power efficiencies. The array detectors. Their compact footprint could also open
operating wavelength of metasurfaces relying on free-carrier exciting opportunities for monolithic integration into on-chip
index modulation is determined based on the choice of the laser systems to realize compact metasurface-based optical
active material and its doping. Most demonstrations to date sources with complex functions. While realizing designs for
have thus relied on operation in the near- to far-infrared tunable transmissive metasurfaces with continuous 2π phase
spectrum. Emerging materials for operation in the visible modulation and high transmission intensity forms its own
include transition metal nitrides154 and transition metal challenges, additional difficulties occur when developing
dichalcogenides.155 suitable architectures for individual pixel control with minimal
Electro-Optic Effect (Quantum Confined Stark Effect, optical interaction between the incident electromagnetic field
Pockels Effect). The quantum-confined Stark effect in III−V and the interconnects. Reflectarrays, on the other hand, might
multiple-quantum well (MQW) structures is an ultrafast benefit from using CMOS backplanes and their advanced
electro-optic (EO) effect which can be used for achieving integrated circuit architectures with which the individual
gigahertz modulation and realizing high-efficiency, all-dielectric addressing of millions or tens of millions of pixels at the
metasurfaces. While MQW structures have been proposed to wavelength scale would seem feasible. On the downside, their
realize active metasurfaces in the near- and mid-infrared,156,157 integration in complex optical systems, such as cascaded
advances in the fabrication of thin films of electro-optic metasurfaces or a combination with integrated light sources, is
crystals, including lithium niobate and barium titanate,158,159 less straightforward than in the case of transmitarrays. An
have recently propelled the use of electro-optic tuning via additional point to be considered is that transistors can only
Pockels effect for broadband modulation across the visible and supply a relatively small (∼1 V) dynamic voltage range when
infrared. The refractive index change introduced through the working with small technology CMOS nodes (e.g., 40 nm).
Stark or Pockels effect is typically small although it can be Thus, when using these architectures, one should ensure that
achieved over a large volume. As a result, there is a tradeoff all the required light modulation can be achieved within this
between the resonance mode volume and its quality factor in bias range.
order to enhance the dynamic range for phase modulation and 10.3. Suggested Directions to Meet Goals: Toward
the amplitude modulation depth. The volume for field Universally Tunable Metasurfaces. Substantial research on
confinement in the active dielectric unit cell determines the active metasurfaces has led to the emergence of a new
effective antenna size, while the quality factor determines the generation of optical elements enabling dynamic and
phase modulation range, with narrower resonances leading to deterministic control over light. Electrical biasing of metasur-
larger phase modulations. Nonlocal metasurfaces,160 including face unit cells in particular has established itself as a practical
metasurfaces governed by guided mode resonances (GMRs) or approach for precise wavefront engineering at the subwave-
optical bound states in the continuum (BIC) and quasi-BICs, length scale. In this realm, several modulation mechanisms,
have emerged as a potential pathway for the realization of high including those based on liquid crystals, thermo-optic effects,
quality active metasurfaces. However, further studies are field-effect carrier modulation, as well as electro-optic tuning
needed to develop design principles that enable efficient and have been proposed. Liquid crystal-based metasurfaces and
versatile wavefront shaping on an array level using nonlocal those based on phase-change materials stand out in terms of
metasurfaces. It might be worth mentioning here as well EO the large index changes across the visible and infrared
polymers, which make use of the Pockels effect for modulation. spectrum. However, liquid crystal-based structures lack in
Largely explored in integrated photonics, their use in the field their response time, while the main limitation of phase change
of metasurfaces is still limited, mainly restricted to devices materials is the repeatability over large number of cycles as well
operating in the GHz range. While they can offer high as high power consumption in volatile materials. In addition,
modulation frequencies, they might come with additional both approaches are limited in their field-of-view due to
challenges, such as photodegradation. crosstalk effects. Field-effect tuning based on carrier modu-
Architectural Considerations. To date, most experimental lation is a promising approach for high-frequency modulation
realizations of active nanoantenna arrays with individual pixel that allows strong confinement of resonant modes to
control have been restricted to demonstrations of beam subwavelength unit cells through appropriate design of
steering and wavefront shaping along one spatial dimension. plasmonic resonators and cavities, however, this localization
Extending active metasurface apertures to two dimensions is comes at the cost of power efficiency. While metasurfaces
more challenging owing to the required addressability of each based on electro-optic tuning offer an alternative approach for
pixel in the array. Such devices, however, would substantially low-loss modulation schemes, larger quality factor structures
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(that often come at the cost of larger pixel sizes) are required large interest in the areas of solar energy harvesting,
to achieve substantial phase modulations. Lower quality factor photocatalysis, and for the development of next-generation
designs could potentially result in high-performing devices with photodetectors.
large applied voltages. However, this complicates the By now, the community has developed a solid understanding
realization of two-dimensional arrays with submicron unit of how energy conversion from light to charge carriers can be
cells, which must rely on small supply voltages. Thus, enhanced in nanophotonic structures such as metasurfaces by
additional efforts in the realms of materials and device design various mechanisms. These include scattering to increase the
will play a crucial role over the coming years to enable efficient optical path length, near-field enhancement, as well as the
and versatile metasurfaces for quasi-static and time-modulated direct excitation of energetic charge carriers in plasmonic
operation. On a system level, the design of new interconnect metals. Although solar cells and other light harvesting devices
architectures that minimally interfere with the optical response often require a broadband, polarization insensitive response,
of metasurfaces operating either in transmission or reflection for photodetectors metasurfaces offer attractive opportunities
are needed to move toward full two-dimensional beam to impart wavelength-, polarization-, or wavefront-dependent
shaping. Advances in computational design algorithms will absorption properties.
further enhance performance of active metasurfaces in various 11.2. Challenges and Future Goals. Ongoing research
technologically relevant applications, encompassing fields from and development efforts focus on creating efficient metasur-
optical imaging and quantum sensing to optical computing and face-based light-emitting devices with enhanced brightness,
communication. controlled directionality, polarization, coherence, chirality, or
spin for various applications such as solid-state lighting,
11. ACTIVE LIGHT-EMITTING AND LIGHT-TRAPPING projection, displays, optical communications, and smart
METASURFACES substrates (Figure 11). However, there are several challenges
Son Tung Ha, Angela I. Barreda, Albert Polman, Jon A. associated with these goals.
Schuller, and Isabelle Staude
11.1. Current State of the Art. Metasurfaces have been
vastly investigated in the recent years as promising structures
for controlling light emission at the nanoscale. Light-emitting
metasurfaces can be realized by integrating nanoscale emitters
into the metasurface architecture.161 They are able to couple
the light from the emitters to the far-field, providing enhanced
excitation and emission, as well as spectral and directional
control of the emitted light. The key advantage of metasurfaces
for emission control is the many spatial degrees of freedom
offered both at the level of the geometry of the individual
meta-atoms (or meta-molecules) and by their arrangement,
which can range from a simple periodic lattice to a highly
complex, spatially inhomogeneous distribution. As such, the
emission properties can be tailored via the form factor of the
individual meta-atom as well as using diffractive effects of the
arrangement. Recently, for example, metasurfaces exhibiting
Fano resonances and quasi-bound states in the continuum
(quasi-BIC) have revealed their capabilities for boosting Figure 11. Research directions and applications of active
light−matter interaction due to their high Q-factors.162,163 A metasurfaces.
flurry of different light-emitting metasurface implementations
have been demonstrated, ranging from plasmonic to high- The most obvious goals are to enhance the quantum
refractive-index all-dielectric systems, and considering a variety efficiency or the brightness, respectively, of the light-emitting
of emitters, including quantum dots (QDs), quantum wells device, depending on the specific application. In this regard,
(QWs), dye molecules, two-dimensional materials, or direct two effects are considered for enhancing in-coupling
bandgap semiconductors. While most light-emitting meta- (pumping) and out-coupling (emission) efficiencies: (1)
surfaces mediate spontaneous emission in the regime of weak near-field enhancement related to the local density of state
coupling, the potential for lasing164 and strong coupling165 has (Purcell effect) and (2) directional enhancement (wave
recently been demonstrated. Furthermore, the magnetic shaping), mainly by diffractive and phasing effects. Impor-
resonances of dielectric metasurfaces enable manipulation of tantly, a spectral and spatial overlap of the resonant mode with
magnetic dipole transitions,166 in addition to more conven- the active medium is essential to achieve high enhancements.
tional electric multipoles. Some of the most relevant potential Furthermore, the many spatial degrees of freedom provided
applications of light-emitting metasurfaces are found in lasing, by spatially inhomogeneous metasurfaces both on the level of
displays, smart light sources, and communication. the individual meta-atom as well as of their arrangement offer
By reciprocity, objects that enhance light emission also have unique opportunities for realizing emission with complex
the potential for enhancing absorption. Indeed, metasurfaces arbitrary patterns. The coherence of emission events at
can efficiently trap light, enhance and tailor its absorption and different in-plane positions of the metasurface required to
thereby facilitate and manipulate light−matter interactions. In shape the resulting wavefront can be established by diffractive
particular, the energy of incoming photons can be transferred coupling in the array and/or by operating the metasurface
to charge carriers, opening up new avenues for energy above the lasing threshold. So far, unidirectional photo-
conversion at the nanoscale.167 As such, metasurfaces are of luminescence, focusing, and beaming of spontaneous emission
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have been realized in semiconductor metasurfaces.168 More designs at low cost is also an obvious challenge for light-
complex tailored emission profiles were obtained in determin- trapping metasurfaces to be used for enhancing the efficiency
istically aperiodic plasmonic particle arrays above the lasing of solar energy harvesting devices.
threshold, where the angular distribution of laser emission One of the main application areas envisioned for light-
inherits its shape from the Fourier transform of the underlying trapping metasurfaces is to increase the power conversion
lattice. One of the main challenges for creating arbitrary spatial efficiency of photovoltaic systems. Metasurfaces offer impor-
emission patterns is the difficulty of efficiently simulating and tant opportunities for the improvement of both photocurrent
thus designing and optimizing the active, spatially inhomoge- and photovoltage by enhancing light trapping and reducing
neous metasurface architectures. Emission calculations, e.g. nonradiative carrier recombination, and enable fabrication of
using the reciprocity principle,166 are already computationally thinner solar cells for the same efficiency. Plasmonic
expensive for homogeneous metasurfaces where periodic metasurfaces can serve as transparent electrical contacts,
boundary conditions can be applied, and become prohibitively replacing the conventionally used indium-tin-oxide that suffers
resource-demanding for spatially variant architectures. from the rare element indium. Metasurfaces can also serve as
As shown in Figure 11, other trends in metasurface light spectrum splitters in tandem solar cells.173 Another prominent
emitting devices include the generation of exotic functionalities challenge is the invisible integration of efficient solar cells into
such as chiral emission, strong light−matter coupling (e.g., building materials or in glass windows using metasurface-
exciton−polariton), polariton condensation, parity-time (PT) enhanced luminescent solar concentrators.
symmetry, etc., which require a clever metasurface design and For light-trapping metasurfaces used for advanced detector
the use of new photonic concepts such as BIC. Very recently, systems, important prospective application areas are, e.g., in
for instance, chiral lasing emission and polariton condensation multispectral imaging, machine vision, and quantum state
using the concept of quasi-BIC have been demonstrated.169,170 detection. System integration of the metasurface into the
However, new nanofabrication techniques will be needed detector architecture is then a key challenge.
beyond conventional electron-beam lithography, e.g., to 11.3. Suggested Directions to Meet These Goals. To
achieve symmetry breaking in the vertical direction. Another circumvent the aforementioned challenges, advancements in
challenge is to integrate different material systems in a different aspects are needed to realize practical applications of
multilayer metasurface, e.g., to create the gain-loss system metasurface devices. Some suggested directions include the
required for PT symmetric metasurfaces.171 following.
Another important goal is to seamlessly integrate meta- For light-emitting metasurface devices, both nanoantenna
surfaces into electrically pumped light-emitting devices. The and emitter materials need to be further improved. For
main challenges stem from the interplay of optical and metasurfaces, low loss, high index, easy to process (i.e.,
electronic functions: how do we incorporate metasurface material deposition, etching), and industrial-process compat-
structures without hindering device efficiency and/or incorpo- ible materials are desirable. For emitters, high quantum yield,
rate device components (electrodes, charge transport layers, long-term stability, good electrical performance and ease of
etc.) without hindering metasurface efficiency. Only a few integrating with metasurfaces are required. Both nanoantenna
metasurface-based LED devices have been demonstrated to and emitter materials must be compatible with the electrical
date, e.g.,172 most using metallic plasmonic metasurfaces. device fabrication process. In addition, metasurface morphol-
Generally, more efforts are needed to develop highly efficient ogy (i.e., surface smoothness) is crucial for reducing the
electrically pumped metasurface devices. scattering loss of the resonant structures. Thus, the nano-
Moreover, the possibility to switch the emission on and off, fabrication of metasurfaces and the integration of emitters with
change the color, and dynamically control the pattern, well-defined structures and smooth morphology are essential
polarization, lifetime, directional behavior and other emission to achieve high-performance devices. Another approach is to
properties is essential for the deployment of light-emitting pattern emitting materials into metasurface structures. One
metasurfaces in display and projector applications, augmented/ way is to prepare high index quantum emitters (e.g.,
virtual reality, or as smart substrates. As such, active tuning of semiconductor QWs or QDs). Another way is to mix emitters
emission has become an active research direction, profiting into high-index materials. This approach will ensure the
from the advances made in the area of tunable metasurfaces, maximum mode overlapping with the active medium as the
but also inheriting the challenges from this field, such as the field is usually located inside the high-index structures. Further
difficulty to achieve strong tuning effects under realistic material development could also be a game changer for light-
operation conditions. trapping metasurface devices. Halide perovskites, for example,
A final goal is to lower the manufacturing cost of may be leveraged for easier fabrication of complex device
metasurface-based light-emitting devices. Both plasmonic and architectures. Furthermore, the plasticity of these materials
dielectric metasurfaces require fabrication at the subwavelength offers a route toward systems with self-optimized performance
resolution, which is less than a few hundred nanometers in the and other advanced functions,173 though their long-term
visible spectral range. The most common method to prepare stability issues are to overcome.
metasurfaces working in the optical regime is electron-beam Generally, to realize practical metasurface devices, one needs
lithography. However, this method has low throughput and to have both efficient metasurface designs and device
high cost, and is not suitable for mass production. In order to architectures. For example, electrically pumped light-emitting
utilize the metasurface concept in practical devices, reducing metasurface devices, unlike optically pumped devices, where
the cost of manufacturing is a critical factor. Soft-imprint only optical modes and active media are considered, have
lithography has shown to be able to deliver nanoscale additional requirements such as efficient electrical injection,
fabrication resolution over a full wafer area. thermal management, and placement of charge transport layers
The development of methods for the mass-scale, large area and electrodes, or local addressability by the definition of
(square meters and more) fabrication of complex metasurface pixels. Similar considerations apply for light-harvesting devices
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and detectors. In addition, emerging novel functionalities creation, attosecond pulse generation, integrated optoelec-
require optimization of multiple geometrical and material tronics, and all-optical computing and communication.
parameters such as symmetry/asymmetry properties of the Among nonlinear frequency conversion processes (sche-
metasurface structure, interplay in gain-loss medium, mode matic in Figure 12a), second and third harmonic generation
coupling in multilayer metasurface, etc. With the ever- (SHG and THG, respectively) have been widely studied in
increasing complexity in metasurface design, innovative design nonlinear nanoantennas and metasurfaces.174,175 Plasmonic
approaches are needed, such as inverse design, deep learning, modes, Mie modes, Fano resonances, anapole states, and quasi-
and artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted design approaches. bound states in the continuum (quasi-BIC) resonances have
In any emerging technology, the final technical challenge is been explored across a diverse range of geometries and
to lower the cost and increase the throughput of the materials. The underlying crystal symmetry also plays a
manufacturing/deployment while still maintaining high device fundamental role, especially for the second-order effect, as
performance. Metasurface-based devices have been studied in bulk SHG is forbidden in centrosymmetric media (in the
the past two decades by many research groups, both in electric dipole approximation). Experimental SHG and THG
academia and industry. The most promising candidates for conversion efficiencies have reached 0.01% at pump intensities
low-cost, high-throughput manufacturing of metasurfaces at around 0.1 GWcm−2 and 1 GWcm−2,176,177 correspondingly,
the moment are nanoimprint and deep-UV photolithography. with current predictions anticipating values greater than 0.1%
11.4. Concluding Remarks. Active metasurface-based at just 1 kWcm −2 for optimally designed quasi-BIC
devices (metadevices) are one of the most important metasurfaces.178 Moreover, by engineering a mode-matching
categories in nanophotonics, which may see the light of condition between the modes supported at the fundamental
commercialization in the near future. With the recent and harmonic wavelengths the nonlinear processes could be
advancements in the field of mass-scale nanofabrication and further amplified.
material processing, highly efficient metadevices with novel The nonlinear emission of dielectric metasurfaces under
functionalities already find practical applications, including as dual-beam excitation was first investigated by Liu et al.179 in a
compact pattern generators and laser scanners. Active light- periodic array of GaAs nanopillars, revealing wave-mixing
emitting and light-tapping metadevices will follow in, e.g., effects including sum-frequency generation (SFG), degenerate
advanced displays, optical communication, signal processing, four-wave mixing (FWM), and degenerate six-wave mixing
sensing, energy harvesting, and more. In addition, active (SWM), along with SHG and THG from the individual beams
metasurfaces will also serve as an essential platform for (Figure 12b). A critical aspect to maximize wave-mixing signals
studying many exotic physical phenomena related to light−- beyond near-field confinement is the mode spatial overlap at
matter interactions. the two excitation wavelengths, as has been studied by Colom
et al.186 More recently, frequency mixing under single beam
12. NONLINEAR METASURFACES pumping has been reported by Gennaro et al.,180 also in a
Gustavo Grinblat and Yuri Kivshar GaAs metasurface, showing frequency tripling via a cascaded
12.1. Current State of the Art. Nonlinear optical effects second-order process of SHG followed by SFG (Figure 12c),
take place when intense light interacts with matter. The which resulted of comparable strength to conventional single-
polarization density of the excited material is no longer linear step THG.
with the electric field and higher order terms become relevant. Studies on high-harmonic generation (i.e., fourth harmonic
Nonlinear optical effects comprise, mainly, frequency con- generation and above; HHG) have shown, naturally,
version processes, including harmonic generation and wave- substantially weaker responses than lower-order harmonics.
mixing phenomena, as well as intensity-dependent refractive Emission up to the eleventh order has been detected in Si
index effects like the optical Kerr effect, free-carrier effects, metasurfaces,187 however limited to odd-order harmonics only
multiphoton absorption, and the thermo-optic effect. Although given the centrosymmetric crystal lattice of Si. In comparison,
intrinsically weak, nonlinear processes can become efficient in both even and odd harmonics have been identified in
macroscopic media as enabled by the long interaction lengths, metasurfaces made of noncentrosymmetric GaP (Figure
where the phase matching condition between the incident and 12d).181 Concerning the output polarization, odd orders
the generated waves needs also to be satisfied for the frequency were measured to be copolarized with the linear polarization
conversion effects. In subwavelength structures, however, the of the fundamental beam, while even harmonics presented
small characteristic distances naturally relax phase matching elliptical polarization as a consequence of the asymmetric
conditions and limit the strength of any nonlinear response. structure of the even-order susceptibility tensors. Since HHG
The field enhancement ability and high nonlinear requires the use of ultrahigh pump intensities in the range of
susceptibilities of nanostructured metals and high-index several tens to hundreds of GWcm−2, there is a growing
dielectrics provide a unique route for amplifying nonlinear interest in further understanding its inherent nonperturbative
processes at the nanometer scale. However, while dielectric character.
resonators support large mode volumes effectively exciting the Another factor to consider in frequency conversion
bulk of the nonlinear dielectric, metal nanostructures processes besides efficiency and polarization is the phase of
concentrate the fields only at surfaces, minimizing the the emission. The nonlinear extension of the Huygens
interaction volume. This behavior, added to the intrinsic principle and the Pancharatnam−Berry (PB) phase principle
ohmic losses present in metals, has directed most of the recent can be employed to embed arbitrary phase patterns into a
research on the enhancement and manipulation of nonlinear metasurface to control the wavefront of the emitted light. By
effects to the use of all-dielectric or hybrid metasurfaces, rather judiciously tuning the shape (Huygens) or orientation (PB) of
than pure metallic structures. Potential applications of the meta-atom, the phase of the nonlinear signal can be locally
nonlinear metasurfaces are vast and include ultraviolet light modified in the 0−2π range, while maintaining a constant
generation, ultrasensitive sensing, entangled photon pairs amplitude of the nonlinear field. While the first method can
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Figure 12. (a) Schematic of nonlinear frequency conversion effects.179 (b) Nonlinear emission spectrum of a GaAs metasurface dually pumped at
the electric dipole and magnetic dipole modes. Scale bar in SEM image, 3 μm. The energy level diagrams of the measured frequency conversion
processes are exhibited at the bottom.179 (c) Frequency tripling in a GaAs metasurface through a cascaded two-step second-order process,
schematized on the left side of the figure.180 (d) High-harmonic generation in a GaP metasurface excited at the electric dipole resonance. The
eighth harmonic was not registered due to light absorption of the dielectric at the radiation wavelength.181 (e) Diatomic metallic metasurface for
SHG image encoding in the real and Fourier spaces using the PB phase principle. Scale bar in SEM image, 500 nm.182 (f) Representation of light-
induced time-dependent refractive index (and resonance frequency) changes in a metasurface cavity.183 (g) Effective refractive index modulation
measured in a ITO/Au hybrid metasurface excited at ITO’s epsilon-near-zero region. Scale bar in SEM image, 1 μm.184 (h) Transmission
pump−probe measurement of a Si metasurface showing sub-100 fs modulation response due to two-photon absorption.185 (i) Schematic and
nonlinear emission spectrum of a Si metasurface excited at different fluences at a wavelength of 3.62 μm. The signal of an unstructured reference
film excited at the highest fluence is also included. MS stands for metasurface. Scale bar in SEM image, 1 μm.183 (a, b) Adapted with permission
under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license from ref 179. Copyright 2018 Springer Nature. (c) Adapted with permission from ref 180.
Copyright 2022 American Chemical Society. (d) Adapted with permission under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license from ref 181. Copyright
2021 Springer Nature. (e) Adapted with permission from ref 182. Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society. (f, i) Adapted with permission
under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license from ref 183. Copyright 2019 Springer Nature. (g) Adapted with permission from ref 184.
Copyright 2018 Springer Nature. (h) Adapted with permission from ref 185. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society.
provide high conversion efficiencies, it entails a computation- processes. The associated timescales span from the (sub)-
ally heavy design stage and is susceptible to fabrication femtosecond range for the optical Kerr effect and multiphoton
inaccuracies, as subtle unintentional morphology imperfections absorption, to the picosecond and nanosecond scales for free-
can lead to appreciable phase changes. In contrast, the second carrier effects and the thermo-optic effect, respectively. The
approach optimizes a single geometry and enables continuous largest reported photoinduced refractive index change of |Δn|
phase variation by simple structure rotation, but typically > 2.5 was attained by Alam et al.184 by coupling a thin indium
requires a smaller footprint that provides very weak conversion tin oxide (ITO) layer at its epsilon near-zero region to a
efficiencies. However, Matsudo et al.188 have recently plasmonic metasurface (Figure 12g). A small nonlinear
addressed this issue and demonstrated geometric phase control variation in ITO’s permittivity significantly shifts the plasmon
with high nonlinear efficiency by utilizing a disk with a resonance wavelength, modifying the effective refractive index.
noncentered hole as the meta-atom. Realized phase-tailoring They measured a temporal response < 1 ps, proving promising
functionalities for SHG and THG include beam steering, for the development of ultrafast all-optical switches. Along this
lensing, optical vortex generation, and nonlinear multiplexing line, sub-100 fs differential transmissivity/reflectivity modu-
holography.174 An example is presented in Figure 12e, showing lations up to 40% have been reported in all-dielectric
simultaneous SHG image encoding in the real and Fourier nanostructures due to the optical Kerr effect and two-photon
spaces using a diatomic metasurface.182 absorption (Figure 12h).185,189 Another all-optical application,
Explored nonlinear phenomena in metasurfaces beyond introduced by Shcherbakov et al.,183 consists of harmonic
frequency conversion involve intensity-dependent refractive wavelength tuning through photoinduced free-carrier gener-
index effects (illustration in Figure 12f) arising from the ation (Figure 12i). As the resonant frequency of the nonlinear
nonlinear dynamics of the excited electrons and their decay metasurface shifts due to the increase in free-carrier density,
AA https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00457
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the frequency of the confined photons follows, shifting the ultrashort pulse laser sources, as the narrow width of the
frequency of the produced harmonics. Additional reported resonance filters the excitation spectrum and affects the pulse
functionalities include picosecond all-optical polarization duration. Monochromatic continuous-wave excitation, on the
switching,190 and orbital angular momentum tuning of other hand, is available only at much lower powers and
structured light beams.191 inherently boosts thermal effects.
12.2. Challenges. Nonlinear metasurfaces have been Materials beyond classic dielectrics and metals, such as
investigated for frequency conversion, nonlinear wavefront transition metal dichalcogenides, should also be explored to
control, efficient and ultrafast tunability of optical properties, produce efficient nonlinear metasurfaces. Transition metal
and broadband operation, providing a novel platform for dichalcogenides are indirect bandgap semiconductors with very
enhanced light−matter interaction. However, to make non- high refractive indices, up to n > 5 in the visible range, higher
linear metasurfaces useful for applications, many challenges than those of III−V and group IV semiconductors. However,
need to be overcome. At present, the main bottleneck for nanopatterning technologies for these materials are still
exploiting such nonlinear processes is conversion efficiency, developing, and reported nonlinear efficiencies are now
which typically reaches the order of 10−4 for SHG and THG, relatively poor. Another promising route could involve
being 3 orders of magnitude below bulk media fulfilling the combining geometrical and excitonic resonances in direct
phase-matching condition. Some future improvement should bandgap semiconductors exhibiting large excitonic effects.
explore BIC resonances in individual elements, as well as the Unpatterned thin films of midindex layered materials can
optimization of meta-atom size and near-field coupling already yield SHG and THG conversion efficiencies of order
between adjacent nanostructures. The dimensions and 10−4−10−3 at their excitonic wavelengths, i.e., like structured
interspacing of the unit elements limit the length over which dielectrics. Moreover, they have also demonstrated sub-100 fs
a phase gradient can be accumulated. differential reflectivity changes of a few percent, which could
One critical issue of dielectric metaphotonics and meta- enable efficient all-optical modulators by nanostructuring or
surfaces is a relatively low refractive index at the visible and through coupling to high-index dielectric metasurfaces.
near-infrared frequencies. Increasing the refractive index by a Tunability of resonant nonlinear metasurfaces allows one to
modest factor using novel methods of material growth, achieve full all-optical control over the transient behavior of
fabrication, and subwavelength patterning will greatly impact nonlinearities at femtosecond switching speeds. Recent studies
imaging, integrated photonics, and other applications including revealed the importance of temporal responses of non-
nonlinear optics. Transparent oxides and two-dimensional linearities that will make metasurfaces highly demanded for
materials have been successfully adopted as important high-speed data processing. High-index semiconductor meta-
materials to create hybrid metasurfaces. For tunability, surfaces with rapidly tuned high-Q resonances enable a novel
metasurface-based photonics may employ both old and novel class of time-variant metasurfaces that allow the dynamic
materials such as polymers, perovskites, transition metal control of the nonlinear optical response. Time-modulated
dichalcogenides, and phase change materials. metasurfaces can be employed for dynamic wavefront
Beam steering and some other applications of metasurfaces engineering and space-time photonics for switching/tuning
require high angle-deflection that could be achieved with mechanisms, providing the key to enable photonic technolo-
broadband quasi-BIC resonances, since the steering capability gies for the next generation of nanoscale pulse shapers, optical
of the Mie resonances extend no more than 10−100 nm in switches, and light sources.
wavelength in the visible and near-infrared range. Moreover, Nonlinear quantum metasurfaces emerged recently as a
nonlinear broadband operation is further restricted by the quantum analogue of classical metasurfaces, and the first
typical inverse relationship between resonance width and demonstrations of quantum effects, such as spontaneous
conversion efficiency (valid if nonradiative contributions are parametric down conversion (SPDC), have been reported
smaller or equal to radiative losses). just recently.192 We expect that in future works, nonlinear
Among applications of intensity-dependent refractive index quantum metasurfaces will be used for nonclassical light
effects, the all-optical switch is central to the development of generation via SPDC and spontaneous FWM in a broad range
integrated photonic devices. All-optical modulators are of the spectrum, ranging from the ultraviolet to the infrared,
expected to operate at femtojoule control light energies and with unique tunable properties of generated quantum states for
produce switching contrasts >10 dB at subpicosecond response spatial, polarization, and angular momentum entanglements.
times. Yet, existing realizations using femtosecond Kerr-type Thus, the recently emerged field of nonlinear metasurfaces
effects provide switching contrasts of just <1 dB under provides a novel platform for studying nonlinear phenomena in
picojoule pump energies, while more efficient implementations planar geometries. Nonlinear optical metasurfaces introduce
based on free-carrier effects exhibit long switching times of new functionalities to the field of nonlinear optics extending
several picoseconds. them beyond perturbative regimes of harmonic generation and
12.3. Suggested Directions. Resonances employed by parametric frequency conversion, being driven by mode-
nonlinear metasurfaces allow substantial enhancement of the matching, resonances, and relaxed phase matching conditions.
light−matter interaction. However, their effect is often
hindered by nonradiative losses from surface roughness and 13. METASURFACES FOR QUANTUM OPTICS
metasurface lattice disorder inherent to fabrication inaccuracies Samuel Peana, Susanne F. Yelin, Alexander Senichev, and
that hamper the potential of high-quality factor (high-Q) Vladimir M. Shalaev
resonances. Improving fabrication quality and developing 13.1. Introduction. Metasurfaces are well-known for their
robust metasurface designs are crucial steps to progress on ability to control classical light. Recent intensive research has
conversion efficiency. Also important is maximizing the also demonstrated their capacity to generate and manipulate
coupling of the incident power to the resonant mode, which quantum light. This is particularly intriguing, since by
is specially challenging when pumping high-Q resonances with leveraging the key advantages of metasurfaces, particularly
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Figure 13. (a) This metasurface routes M input ports in state ψin to M output ports in state ψout allowing for quantum state reconstruction.193
Adapted with permission from ref 193. Copyright 2018 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). (b) Single-photon emitters
in 2D hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) placed atop a high-quality plasmonic nanocavity array exhibit enhanced emission rates compared to single
photon emitters in hBN placed on an unpatterned substrate.195 Adapted with permission from ref 195. Copyright 2017 the American Chemical
Society (ACS). (c) Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) using symmetry-protected quasi-BIC resonances in a semiconductor
metasurface.196 Adapted with permission from ref 196. Copyright 2022 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). (d) (Left)
Setup of 2D array of dense atoms (with lattice constant a < wavelength λ) with reflected light. (Right) Band structure diagram for cooperative array
(different colors denote the different polarizations; the dashed purple line is for circularly polarized light). The inset shows the Brillouin zone.197
Adapted with permission from ref 197. Copyright 2017 the American Physical Society.
their multifunctional and compact nature, a variety of useful art, current challenges, future goals, and finally some promising
processes such as: quantum tomography, generation of high directions being pursued.
dimensional photon states, multiphoton entanglement, etc. can 13.2. Metasurfaces for the Manipulation of Quantum
be realized in a robust and ultracompact manner. This allows States of Light. 13.2.1. State of the Art. Recently,
for the reduction in the number of required conventional metasurfaces have emerged as a flexible method to realize a
optical components along with their attendant complexities variety of photon quantum state manipulation operations.
and expenses. Such reductions will become paramount as Experimentally, control over a single photon’s quantum state
quantum photonics becomes ubiquitous across computation, was clearly demonstrated by a metasurface capable of
communication, sensing, and imaging. In this section we will entangling a single photon’s spin and optical angular
momentum. Using similar methods metasurfaces have been
consider three classes of metasurfaces. The first two are
demonstrated to be able to entangle and disentangle two
metasurfaces resembling classical metasurfaces in their
photons, a necessary step for quantum interferometry.
construction. The these consist of passive metasurfaces used Furthermore, a metasurface was shown to be able to project
to manipulate incident single or multiphoton quantum states entangled multiphoton polarization states to spatially distinct
and quantum light emitting metasurfaces. The final rapidly detectors (see Figure 13a).193 This allowed for quantum state
emerging class of metasurfaces are constructed from quantum reconstruction of the complex multiphoton input states to be
meta-atoms such as trapped atom arrays. This type of performed in a compact and robust manner, a task that
metasurface has great potential to realize effects not possible typically requires an optical table of components. In summary
with any other kind of metasurface, such as the quantum metasurfaces have been demonstrated to be able to convert
superposition of the entire metasurface state. Each of these light into complex quantum states, perform linear quantum
classes will be outlined with a brief overview of the state of the operations on this light, and finally to project the final light
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state into an experimentally measurable basis. Additional processes. Photons produced via spontaneous photon down
examples along with the ones mentioned here can be found in conversion (SPDC) can be indistinguishable but suffer from
the following review.194 low production efficiencies and are stochastic in nature. For
13.2.2. Challenges and Future Goals. These demonstra- SPDC, metasurfaces can dramatically improve the efficiency of
tions of metasurfaces for both the creation and detection of photon pair production. For example, nonlinear metasurfaces
complex optical states can lead to a variety of interesting with carefully engineered quasi bound state in the continuum
applications in quantum sensing and imaging. Metasurfaces (quasi-BIC) resonances were demonstrated to provide
can be used to create multiphoton entangled states which then significant emission-rate enhancement (>1000×; see Figure
interact with the object being imaged or sensed. Once the light 13c).196 Additionally, in this case, the photon pairs generated
has been modified by the object it can then be disentangled via SPDC are efficiently produced when either the signal or
and imaged with high sensitivity.194 However, an obstacle idler photon is resonant. This fixes the wavelength and
facing such efforts is the complexity inherent in conventional emission direction which addresses a key issue with
tomography systems, in particular, the many bulky elements miniaturized thin nonlinear SPDC sources: the uncontrolled
required, alignment issues, mechanical instability, and expense. directionality and wavelength due to the relaxation of
Additionally, overall efficiency is another major obstacle. momentum conservation requirements. Finally, by integrating
Efficiency challenges come from material losses, insufficient metalenses with a nonlinear crystal a 10 × 10 array of highly
light−matter interaction, and imperfect meta-atoms. Given the localized spots of SPDC enhancement was demonstrated. The
current achieved efficiencies, systems performing multiple result is a 100-dimensional entangled state, as photons can be
quantum optical operations by cascading metasurfaces are produced in any of the localized spots. Additionally, with
fundamentally limited in their depth. sufficient pump power, four and six multiphoton states were
13.2.3. Suggested Directions to Meet Goals. Multifunc- observed.23
tional metasurfaces promise to alleviate some of these issues by 13.3.2. Challenges and Future Goals. From a practical
combining the functions of multiple cascaded elements into point of view, the large-scale integration of quantum emitters
one device. Designing such multiobjective and optimized with metasurfaces is challenging. Often subdiffraction precision
metasurfaces is the focus of ongoing research efforts. Physics- placement of quantum emitters with respect to metasurface
driven machine learning and topology optimization are nanostructures is required to achieve maximum emission
promising approaches for designing the required optimal control.161 There has recently been significant progress in the
nontrivial shapes and array configurations of meta-atoms. deterministic creation of spatially localized single photon
In the same vein, the integration of metasurfaces with emitters in a variety of platforms seeking to address this issue.
cutting edge detectors can eliminate much of the setup Aside from these more practical considerations, a great deal
complexity inherent in current systems due to light routing. of work needs to be done to design metasurfaces to improve
For example, quantum tomography could be greatly simplified the performance of quantum light sources in terms of
by leveraging metasurfaces with integrated detectors. By brightness, directionality, indistinguishability, and efficient
addressing these practical issues, the development of quantum integration into larger systems.
technologies leveraging complex quantum light states for 13.3.3. Suggested Directions to Meet Goals. Progress will
improved performance, such as sensing, imaging, and be made here by exploiting concepts from cavity quantum
communications, will be significantly accelerated. electrodynamics to increase spontaneous emission rates and
13.3. Metasurfaces for Quantum Emission Engineer- engineer the emission spectra. Furthermore, in addition to the
ing. 13.3.1. State of the Art. Metasurfaces can greatly boost enhancement of simple single or photon pair emission, the
photon emission rates, directionality, and spectra from coupled further development of metasurfaces that can emit complex
quantum emitters or nonlinear processes. The goal of emission multiphoton entangled states will become extremely important
engineering is to create ideal sources of quantum light that are by allowing for the creation of these quantum resources in a
bright, efficient, indistinguishable, and, depending on the simple, compact, and efficient manner.
application, in complex entangled states. Such metasurfaces 13.4. Quantum 2D Array Metasurfaces. 13.4.1. State of
modify the local density of states (LDOS) resulting in emission the Art. Light scattering off a dilute 2D ordered array of atoms
modification.161 This is typically achieved using various (see Figure 13d), with a lattice constant (a) on the order of the
resonance phenomena such as plasmonic, Mie-type, bound wavelength (a ≲ λ) provides perfect reflection at certain
states in the continuum (BIC), and lattice resonances among frequencies.198 This is a result of the flip-flop dipole−dipole
others, as mentioned in Section 11. interaction (cooperativity) between all the dipole radiators
Solid state single photon emitters (SS-SPEs) are relatively (atoms) in the array. These interactions are frequency
bright and can be temporally deterministic but suffer from dependent and modify the polarizability and scattering
poor indistinguishability. Experimentally, a variety of single constant of the radiators. Interestingly, such surfaces display
photon emitters including defects in hexagonal boron nitride a band structure, as shown in Figure 13d, where excitations
(see Figure 13b),195 quantum dots, color centers, etc., have outside the “light cone” are forbidden by energy conservation
been coupled to plasmonic and dielectric metasurfaces. These to decay by coupling to vacuum. Thus, such arrays are perfect
experiments have demonstrated a number of useful effects, waveguides for photonic/polaritonic excitations. The combi-
such as Purcell enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate, nation of mirror and waveguiding properties allows for several
spectral narrowing, engineering the output polarization state, nonlinear and quantum applications. Note that the physics
and coupling of multiple emitters.194,195,161 Metasurfaces are described so far is entirely classical. However, such a setup also
used to enhance the emitter brightness, collection efficiency, works in the linear regime, where the number of impinging
and/or improve indistinguishability of SS-SPEs. photons at any time is much smaller than the number of array
The same LDOS engineering approach can also be used to atoms. Thus, such systems also exhibit interesting properties
enhance and control quantum photon production via nonlinear when applied to quantum light.
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The most direct implementation of this scheme are atom quantum information processing, or in conjunction with
arrays, either in optical lattices (“quantum gas microscopes”) optomechanics for transduction, are other interesting applica-
or arrays of individual dipole traps. Experiments with these tions.
systems provide a maximally clean and coherent environment, 13.4.3. Suggested Directions to Meet Goals. TMDCs
excellent control, and the required working regime (a ≲ λ) is provide a naturally ordered 2D material, without the obvious
relatively easy to reach. Indeed, the first experiments with such need for individual traps. Additionally, TMDCs sustain
systems have already been done.199 excitons with excellent selection rules as dipoles. As previously
Frequency-selective mirrors and waveguides are the most mentioned in TMDCs a ≪ λ, and while the physics described
obvious applications.198 These are particularly interesting if above still holds, the frequency selectivity is dominated by the
one wants to connect to single-photon fields in free space or if exciton line width thus reducing controllability. This can
more intricate setups can be easily built on or connected with potentially be resolved by leveraging a superlattice or a Moiré
such an array. Additionally, atom arrays acting as mirrors are lattice, made of two layers instead of one, with a longer lattice
also excellent optomechanical systems. Since the mirror in this constant.
case is extremely light the photon-phonon coupling constant is Other solid-state based implementations are envisioned
several orders of magnitude stronger than the state-of-the-art. using diamond color centers implanted in an ordered array.
The frequency selectivity of such mirrors adds another degree The coherence properties of such setups would be not much
of freedom.200 worse than with atoms, but the required implantation precision
Finally, macroscopic superpositions of mirrors can be has not yet been reached. A recently discovered high yield and
created by using the so-called Rydberg blockade. Since one high precision site-controlled fabrication process of SiN
Rydberg atom can blockade a whole array, the superposition emitters may develop into a viable platform to implement
between the ground and Rydberg states of a control atom can these kinds of metasurfaces.204,205
put the whole array in a (macroscopic) superposition between Ideas also abound on how to use the mirror and waveguide
the reflective and transmissive states. This novel creation of properties of such systems at frequencies that are traditionally
“entangled material response” allows, e.g., for error correction difficult to work with for conventional optical elements.
using the massive entanglement of material and photons.5 In Foremost among these are metamaterials built from nano-
addition to mirrors a variety of other photonic “structures” can ellipsoids with a plasma-frequency far above the visual range.
be created using similar ideas. For example, a waveguide can be This is because it is difficult to find materials with a plasma-
assembled from single dipoles in 1D or even as a “photonic frequency that high. However, the proposed metasurfaces
edge state”.201 would not be bound to the same photon number limit as
“Array QED” is its own form of quantum electro-dynamics. quantum dipoles. Another idea is to use X-ray or gamma-ray
This comes into play if one places impurities on or very near transitions in conjunction with nuclear transitions but
such dipole surfaces. With the correct line width and frequency pinpointing exact elements to use has not been possible so far.
selection, the array acts like a strongly nonlinear quantum 13.5. Conclusion. The three classes of quantum metasur-
antenna or a cavity (i.e., allowing two impurities to exchange face outlined in this Roadmap: quantum light manipulating,
excitations coherently).202 Such setups also allow for the use of quantum emission engineering, and quantum 2d atom array
impurities as qubits and a modified array as the quantum metasurfaces, will become increasingly important, as quantum
network. Similarly, “impurities” can also be created in optics develops to meet challenges posed by quantum
momentum space by imposing a superlattice on the array information, computing, and sensing applications. Metasurfa-
and capturing/creating excitations with corresponding super- ces unique capacity to perform multiple functions or functions
positions of their Brillouin zone vectors. Such systems can also traditionally difficult to achieve conventionally, in a single
host coherent interactions.203 device has the potential to dramatically simplify optical setups.
13.4.2. Challenges and Future Goals. Most of the setups Simple and compact quantum tomography setups will allow
and applications described above that can be done classically researchers to collect complex state data more easily from their
have either been shown experimentally or can be in the near experiments. While metasurfaces, used for emission engineer-
future. Quantum applications, however, i.e., everything that ing will prove to be a key enabler in the generation of both
depends on entanglement and/or single photons, require single and complex multiphoton entangled states required as a
coherence times and control that are difficult to achieve with resource for all quantum optical applications. Finally, the
atoms and currently impossible with solid state platforms. rapidly emerging field of 2D atom array and atom-like array
Most of the individual elements necessary for the applications metasurfaces are the very limit of metasurface technology,
outlined above are near future achievable. However, the where literal atoms form the metasurfaces. This approach
combination of multiple elements is still out of reach. promises to enable exciting applications not possible with even
One major challenge is finding setups with the correct a ≲ λ the most state-of-the-art traditional metasurfaces.
ratios. While this can be done using state-of-the-art optical
lattice setups,199 it is not yet obvious how to do this for the 14. EMERGING CONCEPTS: TOPOLOGICAL,
other systems. While the lattice constant tends to be too large NONLOCAL, NON-HERMITIAN, AND
in most implementations, in one candidate system, transition SPATIO-TEMPORAL METASURFACES
metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), it is too small. Andrea Alú
Once these challenges are met, this platform offers itself for 14.1. Introduction. Optical metasurfaces have been
use in metrology (e.g., the population transfer between on- revolutionizing the way we manipulate the optical wavefront,
array impurities can be extremely sensitive to tiny frequency enabling a paradigm of compactification of photonic
differences, thus potentially allowing gravity-induced frequency components that has been enabling an unprecedented control
shifts to be detectable on a micrometer scale). Single-photon over the properties of light within deeply subwavelength
nonlinearities with free-space light, e.g., for use in photonic footprints. The recent progress in this area of research has been
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Figure 14. (a) Topological metasurface for phase control around a singularity. Reproduced with permission from ref 207. Copyright 2021 AAAS.
(b, c) Non-Hermitian metasurface to enhance the control over laser emission (b, geometry; c, chiral emission control). Adapted with permission
under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 from ref 211. Copyright 2021 American Physical Society. (d) Nonlocal metasurface to manipulate thermal
emission. Reproduced from ref 160. Copyright 2022 Wiley. (e) Nonlocal metasurface for eyetracking applications. Reproduced with permission
from ref 212. Copyright 2021 Nature Publishing Group. (f) Spatio-temporally modulated metasurface to extend the degree of control over
wavefront manipulation to space-time diffraction. Reproduced with permission from ref 214. Copyright 2019 AAAS.
truly impressive, thanks to the combined advances in our response, robust to disorder and perturbations, which ensure a
understanding and engineering of nanoscale light−matter wider control over the wavefront.
interactions, and new developments in the way we can These topological singularities are often associated with
fabricate at the nanoscale a wide range of materials over large exceptional points, which emerge in photonic structures
areas and with fine resolution. From the initial discovery that characterized by tailored elements featuring loss and/or gain,
spatial gradients over the metasurface aperture can precisely i.e., not obeying Hermiticity.209,210 Non-Hermitian metasurfa-
control and pattern the wavefront in transmission and ces, in which loss and gain elements are distributed and
reflection, several new directions have been emerging to controlled in creative ways across their aperture, have been
manipulate optical signals in more sophisticated ways, opening exciting opportunities for nanophotonics, not only for
triggering exciting developments in this thriving area of wavefront manipulation around singular points, but also for
research, and offering new opportunities for applications and new lasing modalities.211 Figure 14b,c as an example showcases
technologies. a lasing metasurface that provides tailored chiral lasing
14.2. Current State of the Art. In this section, we will radiation patterns. Several other exciting developments have
cover four concepts that have been recently emerging in the been emerging in this context, from parity-time symmetric
context of photonics research and that have recently seen their metasurfaces, in which balanced gain and loss enable the
emergence of highly nontrivial optical responses, to sensitive
implementation in optical metasurfaces, enhancing the degree
responses emerging around the lasing threshold of tailored
of control over nanoscale optical fields: topological concepts,
non-Hermitian metasurfaces.
engineered nonlocalities, tailored non-Hermitian responses Another emerging thrust of research in the context of optical
and spatio-temporal modulations, as detailed in the following. metasurfaces focuses on engineered nonlocalities.160 To date,
Topological photonics206 leverages peculiar features of the most optical metasurface designs have been patterning the
global properties of the optical field in the spatial or reciprocal optical wavefront based on local approaches, i.e., in which
domain to imprint inherent robustness to the optical response, deeply subwavelength elements are optimized to transform the
persistent to perturbations and noise. While topological local electric and magnetic fields point by point. In reality, the
concepts have mostly been applied to demonstrate guided coupling between neighboring elements, i.e., nonlocal
modes propagating at the boundaries between photonic phenomena, have been known to impact the operation of
crystals with different topological properties, recently these metasurfaces, and nonlocalities, which emerge in the form of
concepts have also been extended to metasurfaces, demon- spatial dispersion, have been often considered a nuisance,
strating enhanced control over the optical wavefront around challenging to govern or avoid in the design of metasurfaces.
singularities, and opportunities for wavefront control and Recent work has instead shown that nonlocal phenomena in
sensing.207,208 For instance, Figure 14a shows an example of a metasurfaces can be empowered, and by engineering them, we
topological metasurface, whose precise nanoscale patterns can drastically enhance the wave control at the nanoscale.
ensure the emergence of phase singularities in the far-field Emerging applications of nonlocal metasurfaces include analog
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image processing and optical computing, augmented and and more generally in photonics. Certainly a compelling
virtual reality, secure communications, multifunctional, and direction that can help address many of these challenges is the
stackable responses, tailored thermal emission and photo- use of new material platforms for optical metasurfaces, such as
luminescence, among many others.160 Figure 14d shows a the integration of 2D materials, which can provide giant
thermal metasurface, in which engineered nonlocalities control nonlinearities, strong light−matter interactions, high quality
the frequency content, spatial and temporal coherence, factors, and material gain. Polaritonic phenomena, in which
polarization and wavefront of thermal emission.160 Similar light is strongly coupled to material resonances, hold the
concepts can also be applied to photoluminescence, opening promise to provide new fertile grounds for all the mentioned
exciting opportunities for new forms of LED emission. These challenges, and open a wide range of new applications. Fast
efforts are particularly exciting since they show that it is modulation schemes can be enabled in these material
possible to embed in metasurfaces also optical sources of the platforms through gating and with all-optical techniques,
cheapest and most widespread form, such as thermal emission which may address the current limitations on the modulation
and photoluminescence. Figure 14e showcases another exciting speeds. Also material gain may be patterned across an aperture
implementation of a nonlocal metasurface, able to carefully through modulations and parametric mixing, enabling a much
engineer the frequency and angular response, exploiting the improved level of control over non-Hermitian phenomena in
transparency of the response away from selected frequency, metasurfaces. New forms of photonic engineering, including
polarization, and angles of excitation, to enable efficient tailored frequency and spatial dispersion and nonmonochro-
eyetracking devices.212 matic excitations at complex frequencies, can also provide new
Finally, modulation in time and space-time of metasurfaces knobs to address these challenges. Overall, there is no doubt
has shown how it is possible to manipulate not only the spatial that the field of optical metasurfaces continues to thrive, fed by
degrees of freedom of the incoming wavefronts, but also their advanced concepts borrowed by other communities including
temporal and frequency content. Suitable temporal modulation the ones described in this section. These emerging concepts
schemes can break reciprocity,213 and induce nontrivial show that optical metasurfaces form an ideal platform to
parametric phenomena, including Doppler shifts, active beam demonstrate exotic wave phenomena, while at the same time
steering, and frequency mixing,214 largely expanding the reach empower new applications and technologies based on
and opportunities offered by optical metasurfaces, as schemati- unprecedented optical responses.
cally shown in Figure 14f.
14.3. Challenges and Future Goals. These emerging 15. EMERGING MATERIAL PLATFORMS FOR
concepts have been exciting the broad metasurface community, METASURFACES
and they hold the promise of extending the reach of optical
metasurfaces in terms of impact and technological significance. Soham Saha, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Alexandra Boltasseva
At the same time, several challenges need to be addressed to 15.1. Status. Optical metasurfaces are ultrathin, artificially
bring them to mainstream use. The use of optical gain in non- constructed nanoantenna structures with deep subwavelength
Hermitian and topological metasurfaces is challenging, dimensions that can control the amplitude, phase, and
especially if we need large optical gain, given the small polarization of light. The metasurfaces field has, over time,
footprints and compact modal volumes. In addition, gain is evolved beyond the laboratory demonstrations of extraordinary
typically associated with noise and instabilities that need to be phenomena into practical and multifunctional devices for
carefully taken into account in the design and implementation beam-steering, holograms, light modulation, nanofocusing, and
of these devices. Advanced metasurface concepts, in particular more. Practical metasurface applications have been made
dispersion engineering through nonlocalities, has been opening possible due to significant advancements in theoretical and
a plethora of new directions for metasurface research, but one numerical tools enabling the design of complex geometries for
important missing knob is the lack of reconfigurability in most unparalleled light manipulation, alongside with the dramatic
of the current setups. For several applications real-time development of materials and experimental approaches to
reconfigurability and programmability is crucial to be able to fabricate and realize novel devices.
compete with alternative technological solutions. For instance, 15.2. Current State of the Art. While the original
in the context of image processing and analog computing demonstrations of metasurfaces relied on utilizing the
metasurfaces, being able to reprogram the operation of choice, subwavelength confinement and field-enhancement of plas-
as in a digital computer, would make the use of these monics enabled by traditional metals,1 the field has expanded
metasurfaces much more compelling for many applications. into other domains of materials, spanning dielectrics,215
Similarly, in the case of thermal and photoluminescent tunable materials, novel plasmonic materials and more,
metasurfaces, the ability to control in real time their emission circumventing the high metallic losses and other associated
profile would open plenty of new opportunities for their broad impracticalities.
use. Spatio-temporal modulations also require such form of One example is a class of transition metal nitrides such as
reconfigurability, with the additional challenge that the most titanium nitride and zirconium nitride that have been
compelling functionalities of space-time metasurfaces, includ- employed to demonstrate device performances similar to
ing nonreciprocal responses and space-time diffraction control, gold-based metasurfaces, with the added benefits of robustness,
typically require modulation speeds in the order of the durability, cheaper prices, and CMOS compatibility.216
bandwidths of the involved resonances, which are difficult to Another promising approach is to utilize semiconductors
achieve with conventional electro-optical modulation techni- such as amorphous silicon and high-index dielectrics such as
ques. titanium dioxide and hafnium oxides. These platforms have
14.4. Suggested Directions to Meet These Goals. The taken over traditional metal-based metasurfaces for lens-like
challenges listed in the previous section are among the most nanofocusing applications, with practical uses spanning
exciting new research directions in the field of metasurfaces, photochemistry217 to endoscopy.218
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Employing tunable materials, for example, in the form of into industrial applications. The employment of Indium Tin
transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) that are already utilized Oxide (ITO) in tunable applications such as beam steering and
in touch panels, has enabled active, electrical control of phase nanofocusing has already brought the field one step closer to
and polarization.219 Advancements in nanofabrication and practical implementation.229 However, most recent demon-
lithography have further enabled multifunctional metasurfaces strations of such devices still rely on utilizing gold as the
capable of nanofocusing and beam-steering in parallel,220 with plasmonic component, posing as a barrier to mass fabrication.
potential application in imaging and autonomous vehicles. For large-scale integration, the use of CMOS-compatible films
Phase-change materials such as vanadium dioxide, which can such as copper and aluminum, or alternative materials like
change from a metallic to a dielectric phase under thermal titanium nitride may be viable options. While TCOs promise
impulse, have been demonstrated in polarization switches, to be viable candidates to implement photonic time crystals
filters, and rotators. New additions to the family include (PTCs), emerging materials such as monolayer MoSe2, black
GeSeTe, and GeSeSbTe (GSST) in the mid-infrared range,221 phosphorus, and transdimensional films, also show promise in
now being applied for polarization photonics and tunable terms of speed and modulation depth where ultrathin active
lensing applications, and Sb2S3 in the visible wavelengths for materials are concerned.
beam steering.222 For phase change materials, large-scale integration remains a
A more challenging-to-achieve realm is in all-optical control. challenge because of the complex fabrication processes most of
Optically tunable materials, due to the large power require- this entails. The variation of optical properties, when grown by
ments, have faced challenges in large-scale integration in different deposition tools, is another barrier, as industry-
telecommunication devices.223 However, the ultrasharp and compatible devices require consistent material properties from
fast changes enabled by optical modulation have opened new batch to batch and between machines.
areas in polarization switching and optical isolator design.154 For high-power applications such as nonlinear optics,
One promising avenue of research where optical switching may photonic-time-crystal design, and high-harmonic generation,
still make a breakthrough is the demonstration of photonic the laser damage thresholds of different materials play a huge
time-crystals, which, when implemented, will open new role. Many demonstrations of plasmonics-assisted high-
directions in tunable lasing, the study of dynamic Casimir harmonic generation suffered from device failure after a few
effects, and the realization of yet unexplored quantum pulses due to laser damage. The use of refractory metals such
light−matter interaction.224,225 as epitaxial titanium nitride has resulted in the first
Another area where novel and robust metals and dielectrics demonstration of HHG from a metal source. Other low-loss
are showing promise is the field of high-harmonic gener- dielectrics with high laser damage thresholds such as MgO,
ation.226 While most XUV and high-harmonic sources rely on sapphire, and fused silica can provide to be valuable resources
bulky gas lines as the source of high-energy photons, recent for solid state-metasurface-based HHG applications. Meta-
demonstrations of solid-state high-harmonic generation in surfaces with refractory materials can enable the demonstration
dielectrics and metals have opened the pathway to high-energy of compact tabletop XUV and soft X-ray sources for material
XUV photons from plasmonics and metasurface-enabled characterization and spectroscopy.
sources. Preliminary results from refractory metal films, 15.4. Suggested Directions to Meet These Goals. For
epsilon-near zero films, and patterned dielectric metasurfaces industry-compatible metasurfaces for imaging and beam
show efficient high-energy photon generation227,228 (see also steering, the research community is moving in the right
Section 12), heralding the way to miniaturized XUV sources. direction, employing low-loss dielectrics, and industry-proven
Table 1 presents some examples of the various metasurface materials to design devices. An additional step in the right
applications enabled by the expanding database of optical direction could be to employ CMOS-compatible metals as the
materials. plasmonic building blocks and to explore materials such as
15.3. Challenges and Future Goals. While the field of ultrathin films and 2D materials like graphene and MXenes.
metasurfaces has come very close to solving practical problems Graphene has been demonstrated already for metasurface-
in compact lensing, endoscopy, and LIDAR, many obstacles based polarimetry,230 and MXenes have been explored in
still need to be addressed before their large-scale integration absorber design,231 with great potential for tunability.
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For phase-change materials, exploring already developed 16. LARGE-SCALE FABRICATION AND
patterning methods such as laser writing to local patterns and MANUFACTURING OF METASURFACES
altering the refractive indices of materials can be efficient
Junsuk Rho, Dong Kyo Oh, and Joohoon Kim
means of bridging the gap between laboratory testing and
For the realization of metasurfaces that can be used in our
industrial applications. For example, GST can be patterned
daily lives, inexpensive, high-resolution, and large-area nano-
with conventional laser writing for on-chip plasmonic
fabrication techniques are required. Electron-beam lithography
applications, a process that is fully scalable.221 All-dielectric
(EBL) has been widely used to fabricate metasurfaces due to
metasurfaces combined with liquid crystals also provide a
its sub-10 nm resolution, however, it is limited to patterning
CMOS compatible pathway to next generation LIDAR and
areas since the time and cost become significant. In this
display technologies.149
To circumvent the laser damage thresholds of solids for section, we introduce three state-of-the-art techniques that
high-energy applications, one method can be to use epitaxial, open up both high-resolution and large-scale fabrication of
robust films of metals and dielectrics. To further increase the metasurfaces, leading to the mass manufacturing of low-cost
damage threshold, one solution could be to encapsulate the flat optical devices.
films in low-loss dielectrics, adding to their structural integrity. 16.1. Current State of the Art. As an advanced
Promising results in this regard have been demonstrated by photolithography method, deep-ultraviolet (DUV) photo-
encapsulating gold antennae with alumina, greatly boosting the lithography is a candidate to expand tiny metasurfaces to the
damage threshold. wafer scale.234,235 Using both the short wavelengths of DUV
For applications involving ultrafast changes in refractive light and immersion techniques, metasurfaces with sub-100 nm
indices, the fixed relaxation times of materials seem to be a resolution have been successfully fabricated over large areas.236
challenge. One viable method of achieving ultrafast changes For mid-IR photonic devices, a wafer-scale high-Q metasurface
(positive and negative) with subrelaxation cycle times, was fabricated by the DUV process.237 After the atomic layer
circumventing the intrinsic relaxation time, could be to use deposition (ALD) process of the Al2O3 layer on the 4-in. Si
two-color excitation. The addition of nonlinearities via wafer, Ge and Al were deposited and patterned by DUV and
concurrent, time-shifted pumping with both intraband and dry etching processes. After selective etching of the backside
interband pumps has been shown in aluminum-doped zinc and photoresist (PR) coating on both sides of the Si wafer,
oxide (AZO) and may work as a method to obtain a sharper free-standing metasurfaces with extremely high transmittance
temporal contrast in the permittivity, without relying on the were demonstrated. The Ge metasurface presented Q-factors
material relaxation time. of around 100 while the Al metasurface was used for
Finally, effects such as high-harmonic generation, time- broadband biosensors operating in water immersion. More-
reflection, and time refraction require millijoules of energy over, a large metasurface for visible wavelengths was realized
pumped into optical systems in femtosecond cycles, requiring by DUV lithography.238 A 4-in. SiO2 wafer was uniformly
terawatts of power. This calls for materials with large damage etched using a Cr mask processed by DUV lithography to
thresholds. Doped and undoped oxides can support unity create 1-cm diameter metalenses. The chromatic and polar-
order changes with powers 10× lower than the damage ization-insensitive metalens had a Strehl ratio (SR) of 0.95 for
threshold of the materials.154,232 Refractory metals like TiN numerical aperture (NA) = 0.1 at λ = 633 nm and when
have been demonstrated to withstand powers over 1 TW.227 compared with a commercial plano-convex lens, showed
Hybrid systems comprising refractory metals and dielectrics superior diffraction-limited focusing. One step further, a 12-
may serve as another method of alleviating the damage in. high-NA visible metalens master mold for NIL was
constraints. Plasmonic antennae strongly coupled with epsilon fabricated by the DUV lithography, as shown in Figure
near zero cavities have been shown to greatly boost 15a.239 After the 12-in. wafer-scale metalens array was
nonlinearities due to the enhanced light−matter interaction replicated by NIL as it stands, the subsequent TiO2 ALD
and slow light effects.154 Lattice resonances and bound-state- process made it to the high-n metasurface which can modulate
in-continuum modes in plasmonic and dielectric systems can light with visible wavelengths. The metalens had an SR of 0.81,
further be employed to enhance light−matter interaction for 0.90, and 0.86 at λ = 450, 532, and 635 nm, respectively.
nonlinear optics,233 simultaneously utilizing plasmonic en- Moreover, the metalens precisely focused near-eye RGB
hancements, while confining light into the dielectric regimes, images, opening up applications in virtual reality (VR) devices.
reducing absorptive losses. To increase flexibility in terms of functional substrate choice
15.5. Conclusion. While some metasurfaces concepts have while maintaining large-scale productivity, mechanical printing
successfully transitioned from their laboratory test beds into techniques have been widely researched. In particular, transfer
viable tools for practical applications, the material platforms for printing can directly print nanostructures on various functional
practical metasurface applications is an ever-growing field. substrates, including flexible polymers. Using the difference in
With the advent of TCO-based tunable devices and oxide- adhesion between the substrates and materials, nanopatterns
based imaging setups already making a breakthrough in the from metals can be easily transferred to dielectrics by transfer
market, large-scale integration of metasurface-based optics is printing. For instance, a flexible large-area metasurface was
only a matter of time. The so-called space-time metasurfaces fabricated using an adhesive-free double-faced nanotransfer
enabled by the materials that exhibit time-varying permittivity lithography (ADNT) technique.240 After the fabrication of the
show great promise in branching out optics into new and template with base nanopatterns, two metals such as Au and
exciting, unexplored territories. Despite various challenges, the Ag were deposited and transferred at 110 °C onto a flexible
steady progress, in theory, material science, modulation substrate. The 8-in. flexible metasurface with complex metal
schemes, and fabrication techniques, promises a very bright nanostructures operated as both a color filter and a high-
future for optical metasurfaces, both in the realms of practical performance ring-shaped hologram when illuminated from the
applications and new physics. back and front, respectively. Furthermore, transfer printing can
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Figure 15. (a) Schematic of a high-n meta-atom with TiO2-coated NIL resin, Photograph and SEM images of the fabricated 12-in. master mold and
replicated metasurfaces by NIL process, Fabricated 1 cm diameter metalens on glass wafers with various sizes, Photograph of virtual imaging by
fabricated large-area metalens in red, green, blue wavelengths. Reprinted with permission from ref 239. Copyright 2023 Springer Nature. (b)
Schematic of a thermally assisted nanotransfer printing process, a photograph of the transferred patterns on various substrates such as metal, glass,
and flexible polyimide, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images proving the high resolution of T-nTP for both metals and dielectrics
including Ge2Se2Te5 (GST). All scale bars of SEM images in (b) are 1 μm. Reprinted with permission from ref 243. Copyright 2023 MDPI. (c)
Schematic of a NIL process using high refractive index a TiO2 nanoparticle embedded resin, SEM images of the high-aspect-ratio metasurface,
photographs of metasurfaces on various flexible substrates, and a high-efficiency holographic image. All scale bars of SEM images in (c) are 1 μm.
Reprinted with permission from ref 246. Copyright 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
be used to easily stack nanostructures on various materials. As deposition which can achieve high-refractive-index (n)
an example, an Au-SiO2 multilayered metasurface was materials and high-aspect-ratio nanostructures. Recently,
transferred onto a glass substrate using transfer printing.241 high-n NIL resin to simply fabricate metasurface has been
Au and SiO2 multilayer was deposited on the polymer template introduced by embedding TiO2 nanoparticles into the NIL
and the multilayered structure was transferred reversely on the resin. This has led to the single-step fabrication of metasurfaces
target substrate. By depending on variable optical properties by operating at visible wavelengths. The effective n can be
the number of deposited Au and SiO2 layers, the nanoslit calculated using the Maxwell−Garnett formula and modulated
metasurface hologram was successfully fabricated. Transfer between 1.5 and 2.0 at visible wavelengths.245 With the high-n
printing is also a candidate to fabricate large-area metasurfaces. resin and high-aspect-ratio nanostructures by NIL, the
Plasmonic nanostructures were fabricated by a thermally fabricated metasurface had an extremely high conversion
assisted nanotransfer printing (T-nTP) process.242,243 Using efficiency which is defined as the amplitude of the cross-
the volume shrinkage effect of the PMMA layer at high polarized component of about 90.6% at λ = 532 nm.246 Due to
temperature, functional nanostructures on the PMMA layer the hard-PDMS with sub-10 nm resolution in the NIL soft
were easily transferred to 8-in. target-substrates. Both metallic mold,247 metasurfaces with the corresponding resolution can
and dielectric materials such as Au, TiO 2 , and be replicated precisely, which enabled the fabrication of high-
Ge2Sb2Te5(GST) were easily transferred on various substrates aspect-ratio metasurfaces on any flexible substrate, as shown in
such as metal, glass, and flexible polyimide using a T-nTP Figure 15c. Furthermore, a 4-mm-sized metalens operating at λ
system, as shown in Figure 15b. Additionally, 14 nm wide Pt = 940 nm was fabricated by NIL using a Si nanoparticle
lines and 18 nm wide NiOx lines were orthogonally stacked embedded high-n NIL resin.248 Because of the high n > 2.2 at λ
using a roll-to-roll T-nTP system, highlighting both the high- = 940 nm, the fabricated metalens with 1.2 μm height showed
resolution and scalable properties of the T-nTP process. a focusing efficiency of about 47%. In the UV regime, ZrO2
Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is regarded as another nanoparticle-embedded resin was researched for metasurfaces
attractive process for the large-area fabrication of nanostruc- that operate at UV wavelengths.249 The metasurface fabricated
tures with sub-10 nm resolution.244 However, NIL has been using a ZrO2 nanoparticle-embedded resin had a high
supposed to have pre- or postprocesses such as etching and measured conversion efficiency of 72.3% and 48.6% at λ =
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Table 2. Comparison of Three Major Approaches for the Large-Area Nanofabrication of Metasurfaces
nanofabrication patterning
approach resolution advantages disadvantages refs
DUV ∼100 nm uniform replication expensive 2, 33, and 239
photolithography compatible with other CMOS limited to flat and rigid substrate
highly precise alignment hard to control light sources
need of masks
nanotransfer printing ∼10 nm large-scale fabrication on arbitrary need of molds 2, 38, and 242
cost-effective limited to nanostructures with same heights
enable to continuous replication need of substrates with high thermal resistance (for T-
diverse materials
high-n resin NIL ∼10 nm direct process highly dependent on molds 2, 43, and 246
large-scale fabrication on arbitrary hard to align
cost-effective residual resist remains
enable to continuous replication poor durability
high resolution
325 and 248 nm, respectively. Soft mold with flexibility also closely related to the productivity of NIL processes, which will
activated the large-area fabrication of nanostructures due to its be enhanced by a facile self-replication of molds.257 Three
linear conformal contact with the target substrate.250 Substrate techniques for the fabrication of large-area metasurfaces are
conformal imprint lithography achieved the nanoimprint with summarized and compared in Table 2 Last but not least, a
sub-10 nm resolution on a 6-in. wafer area using capillary steady convergence of presented will lead new groundbreaking
forces filling up NIL resins into the PDMS stamp nanofabrication soon, allowing for practical metasurfaces
uniformly.251−253 In addition, rolling-based lithographic around our life.
processes such as roll-to-roll NIL and photoroll lithography
were presented emphasizing extreme productivity with a 17. INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVE AND APPLICATIONS
continuous manner.254−256
Junghyun Park, Robert Devlin, and Ragip Pala
16.2. Challenges, Future Goals, and Suggested
17.1. Current State of the Art. Optical metasurfaces have
Directions to Meet These Goals. Up to now, three
been historically challenging to commercialize as they require
promising nanofabrications, DUV photolithography, nano-
fabrication in a large scale and high volume. This was until
transfer printing, and high-n NIL process, have been
recently difficult to achieve due to the small feature sizes and
introduced for the fabrication of large-area metasurfaces and very tight tolerances required across large surface areas.
they have their pros and cons, respectively. However, there are However, recent advances in the design and manufacturing
some challenges of respective promising techniques. First, of optical metasurfaces have dramatically advanced their
DUV is still expensive and demanding as they require precise commercial exploitation outlook. These advances are led by
control of high-frequency light waves. In addition, the emerging companies with innovative applications across
photolithographic process still needs flat and hard substrates multiple industries, along with significant support from large
such as Si and SiO2 wafers, preventing flexible durable optical semiconductor companies. We outline below examples of some
devices. Second, transfer printing has a limitation that it can of the key players and their offerings, although this is by no
only transfer nanostructures with the same heights. This can be means a complete list.
overcome by precise analysis of vertically stacked nanostruc- One of the earliest companies in the field is Meta Materials
tures for functional photonic devices. Despite its solvent-free Inc. (META, https://metamaterial.com/), founded in 2011,
scalable process, in addition, thermally assisted transfer now a public company with headquarters in Dartmouth, Nova
printing processes still need few substrates with high thermal Scotia, Canada. META is actively developing functional
resistance, blocking applications on functional flexible poly- surfaces and metasurface solutions for communication, aero-
mers with low thermal resistance. For transfer printing space, automotive, consumer electronics, healthcare, and
processes to open up alternative nanofabrication of large-area energy industries. The solutions include transparent 5G
metasurfaces, facile printing of nanostructures with various metasurface reflectors, laser protection, banknote authentica-
heights and low-temperature transfer printing techniques tion features, and others. One of META’s primary products is
should be researched in the future. Finally, NIL is an extremely KolourOptik, a nanostructured family of films that serves the
flexible fabrication process for large-area metasurfaces, the size currency authentication and anticounterfeiting industries, by
of the metasurfaces depends on the size of the master mold. harnessing plasmonic effects to provide visual security features
Therefore, large-area molds should be fabricated first using such as motion, three-dimensional (3D) depth and float
high-speed lithographic processes for the cost-effective effects, and full color. Design, origination, and production
replication of metasurfaces. The uniformity of coated resins using nanoimprint lithography manufacturing is done in
is another significant factor for the successful large-area dedicated facilities in Canada.
replication of metasurfaces. Thus, various coating methods Metalenz, Inc. (https://metalenz.com/), which was founded
such as slot die coating and inkjet coating should be researched in 2016 in Boston, U.S.A., holds exclusive intellectual
together. The durability of NIL molds is also crucial as it is properties on metasurfaces from Harvard University, and is
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Figure 16. Examples of first generation optical metasurface products and future estimation. (a) KolourOptik Stripe on a banknote, demonstrating
3D depth, using plasmonic nanostructures created on the contoured surfaces and interstitial bases of dome-shaped microstructures. Comparison of
(b) traditional microlens and (c) META’s KolourOptik technology (https://blog.metamaterial.com/the-kolouroptik-platform). (d) A 12” wafer
from a standard semiconductor foundry with 10000 lenses (Permission Metalenz, https://metalenz.com/metalenz-launches-its-metasurface-optics-
on-the-open-market-in-partnership-with-umc/). (e) Space-saving and compact dot projectors with multifunctional meta-optics (https://metalenz.
com/orion-pattern-projectors/). (f) Beam steering LiDARs (Permission Lumotive262). (g) Growth of the number of metasurfaces on the market
each year with increasing deployment of new metasurface technology, which enables new applications
the first to commercialize metasurface optics for the major speed, and wide field of view. By using the well-established
consumer electronics market. Following its first generation- liquid crystal on silicon process in Himax, they have produced
imaging and illumination components now in market, the beam steering for transmitting and receiving through large-
company is developing a polarization module at mobile form etendue. It has a 9 × 10 mm2 optical aperture with 160° field
factor to provide more secure biometric authentication, higher of view (FOV) with high efficiency, and 50 μs switching time
resolution 3D information, and identify the molecular makeup between any pair of angles across the FOV (https://lumotive.
of objects. com/lm10/, https://optics.org/news/14/8/47). In addition,
In the field of the reconfigurable metasurfaces, Lumotive there are various emerging startups such as Shanhe Photonics
(https://lumotive.com/) provides solid-state beam steering in China, which develops the metasurface photonic chips,
technology by using the liquid crystal-based tunable metasur- Alpha Cen in China, which presents gate-tunable metasurfaces.
face. The liquid crystal filling the space between Cu rails with Leia Inc. (https://www.leiainc.com/) is an HP Laboratories
the period below the wavelength allows for a fast operation spin-off active in the area of 3D displays. The technology relies
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on integrating diffractive grating pixels and controlling the successfully demonstrate versatile and practical properties such
directionality.258 Metasurfaces employed in their 3D light field as broadband operation in the visible spectral regime,
displays provide an efficient directivity, with effective independency to incident fields or polarization angles, and
suppression of high-order modes. The company spent four multifunctional responses. In order to be able to successfully
years improving mass fabrication of their metasurfaces using manufacture their designs at scale and at low cost, several
nanoimprint technology. Leia has recently launched a challenges need to be overcome.
consumer edition of their products available in the market. The main challenge in static metasurface production is the
Tunoptix (https://www.tunoptix.com/) is a fast-growing prohibitive manufacturing cost for general purpose, high-
meta-optics startup based in Seattle, U.S.A., that focuses on the volume commercial applications. This originates from the fact
machine vision and imaging systems by adopting end-to-end that there are no general foundry services yet that offer reliable
optimization of the flat optical metasurfaces and computation large-scale fabrication of more complex metasurface structures,
reconstruction algorithms. 2Pi Optics (https://www.2pioptics. like those that are used to do full color aberration correction.
com/) is an MIT spin-off that aims to bring innovative flat This is because these types of metasurfaces require the
optical metasurfaces with ultracompactness, high performance, development of expensive and complicated fabrication
and reduced power and cost for use in consumer electronics, processes to produce the structures with a small critical
industry automation, and automotive applications. It is also dimension and a high aspect ratio in a material platform with
worth mentioning Metaoptics Technologies, a Singapore-based high refractive indexes and low optical absorption. There is an
startup founded in 2021 and targeting development of flat- interest to transfer the established semiconductor fabrication
optics based optoelectronic devices as well as establishing process to the optical metasurface at large scale. However, the
nanoimprint-based flat optics manufacturing capabilities. foundries do not provide process design kits (PDKs) that
These early stage companies have successfully demonstrated define the boundary of structures that they can and cannot
applications ranging from niche markets to high-volume generate in a certain reliability and repeatability range. As a
consumer devices, at a reduced cost. Examples of their product
result, various companies wishing to manufacture optical
offerings are shown in Figure 16.
metasurfaces need to resort to exclusive partnerships with
In addition to such emerging companies that develop new
specific companies, instead of being able to use general foundry
metasurface solutions, major original equipment manufacturer
(OEM) companies aim to use metasurface technology in
To advance the field of optical metasurface manufacturing,
existing platforms to improve the performance or reduce the
size and weight of the systems. Applied Materials is one of the there need to be foundry processes dedicated to more complex
pioneering semiconductor manufacturing companies that have meta-atoms to allow high-precision nanofabrication at large
explored various ways to realize mass-production of flat optics. scale and reduced cost. There is a good role model to follow.
By transferring the well-established production platform to a Silicon photonics also used to belong to the academia field for
level that offers precise control, they have demonstrated a long time, with similar complex designs that were challenging
implementation of nanostructures that suffices the small in- to manufacture at scale. However, after substantial efforts to
plane sizes and the high-aspect-ratios in 12-in.-sized wafer connect the advanced designs with marketable technology
lines.259 3M has been developing a roll-to-roll nanoimprint both from academia and industry, there are now a growing
lithography, which allows rapid and cost-effective generation of number of foundries that offer silicon photonics devices. As an
metasurfaces across large areas beyond wafer or even panel example, Global Foundry recently announced 45 nm CMOS-
level.260 STMicroelectonics has partnered with Metalenz, and silicon photonics capability in a 12-in. (300 mm) line aiming to
has transitioned the optics on both the imaging and address high-volume manufacturing needs.263
illumination side of its FightSense module to Metalenz Looking further ahead into the future, in the field of the
technology and is now shipping to mass markets.261 active and tunable metasurface manufacturing, one of the key
17.2. Challenges and Future Goals. Optical metasurfa- challenges is that most structures that have been demonstrated
ces are now in market and shipping in consumer devices. so far are based on the in-plane fan-out electrode technology.
Although baseline metasurface technology has been shown to In other words, they are not extended to large-scale one-
be mass-producible in standard semiconductor foundries, using dimensional pixels or even two-dimensional pixels because
standard semiconductor processes, modern research papers they lack vertical interconnection between the top active
often propose meta-atoms with complex structures that can be metasurface pixel and the bottom operating front end circuit
produced only by expensive, sophisticated patterning pro- via stacking process. As addressed in detail in a recent review
cesses, such as electron beam lithography. These devices paper,145 it is necessary to develop tunable metasurface pixels
AM https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00457
ACS Photonics pubs.acs.org/journal/apchd5 Roadmap
that exhibit high efficiency and strong robustness with a First is low-cost and scalable manufacturing. In the current
bottom gate (not a top gate). phase, manufacturing of metasurfaces on full glass wafers have
17.3. Suggested Directions to Meet These Goals. We been successfully implemented using standard silicon foun-
elucidate the aforementioned status and future goals in Table dries, and high-throughput fabrication methods such as
3. At the moment, we are in Phase 1. We have the first nanoimprint lithography is already being employed for certain
generation of optical metasurfaces commercialized into applications. Lowering the manufacturing costs with further
consumer products, each product coming from individual advancement in the scalable lithography techniques can be
captive or undisclosed foundries and having volumes in the 10s accelerated with establishment of ecosystems between the tool
of millions of devices with metasurface elements in them. manufacturers, material suppliers and the OEM manufacturers.
As we notice a few successful applications that can actually As an example, case of similar challenges, such ecosystems and
contribute to revenue, it is expected that more investment and partnerships have been recently established for the advance-
more researchers will be attracted to this field, leading to Phase ment of augmented reality (AR) systems, which has played a
2. In this stage, there will be more diverse applications and key role in expanding the material library for AR components
further adoption, expanding the total number of metasurfaces and as well as accelerating the development of the low-cost
on market. They could leverage their idea to the market manufacturing. Initial focus for optical metasurfaces should be
through a rapid process by using the established PDK provided toward practical applications that can be produced by the
by general foundry services. These applications may exhibit a conventional semiconductor companies with simple, minor
form of plug-in modules that can partially replace the existing pivoting while such ecosystem establishments are being
bulk optics. For example, they could include another version of realized. One potential candidate would be hydrogenated
the conventional diffractive optical elements with better amorphous silicon,264 and it will require more effort to
performance such as brightness, pattern capacity, and form suppress the optical absorption in the blue regime.
factor. Assuming that consumers may not allow any Second, it would be recommended to promote the science
compromise in the performance and quality in full-color and technology exchanges between academia and industry.
imaging, it is hard to imagine that the metasurface will fully The good examples are the OSA Incubator Meeting in 2020,
substitute the existing visible camera by itself in this stage. where many experts in various fields got together to have the
However, we see the capability of metasurfaces to manipulate open discussion on the state-of-the-art and future directions.260
polarization completely in a single layer, also playing a crucial We also observe an increasing industry presence in conferences
role in enabling new applications with metasurfaces. Such on the metasurfaces such as the SPIE,259 Conference on Laser
demonstrations can enable complex forms of sensing which and Electro-Optics,265 META,266 and Optica Frontiers in
have previously been confined to scientific or medical Optics.267 Through these events, scientists and researchers
laboratories to proliferate into mass markets and consumer from academia can learn about what remains as hurdles and
devices. potential edge/corner cases in actual product implementation,
With accumulated expertise and large investment to the while the engineers from industrial sectors could keep a pace
extension of the specialized foundry services, we could enter with the novel breakthroughs.
the Phase 3 where it becomes possible to fabricate Finally, but not least importantly, the metasurface
metasurfaces with multilayered structures or extremely high community could form a productive atmosphere where people
aspect ratio with reasonable production costs. Therefore, it will share consensus or standard metric on the performance. If each
be possible to generate the metasurfaces working in the visible and every group comes up with diverse versions of the figure-
regime with broadband response without sacrificing the of-merit that prevents us from conducting fair comparison, it
performance quality. We will begin to experience metasur- may impede the progress of the field. We could refer the cases
face-based devices that feature highly reduced form-factors in the solar cells and lasing community,268 where using
while maintaining the performance or extended information common definition could contribute to enhancing reproduci-
capacity beyond conventional technology. These products will bility with statistical evidence of performance. We could also
reveal more detailed disclaimer at the end of their manuscripts
be able to replace the nonmetasurface applications by
and address future direction to go.
themselves. However, the field of application in Phase 3 still
belongs to the previously imagined and consumer devices. The
ability to address the full color spectrum helps to further 18. CONCLUSION
expand the total number of metasurfaces on the market. Arseniy I. Kuznetsov and Mark L. Brongersma
The true innovation will be delivered in Phase 4. The scope We have greatly enjoyed working with many of the leaders in
of metasurface is not just incremental improvement of the metasurface field to assemble this roadmap and were
performance or reduction of the form-factor of the existing excited to see the impressive number of ongoing developments
application. We may witness totally new unimagined in fundamental science and technology. From reading the
applications that only metasurfaces can bring. The wavelength various sections, it is clear that we are in a true golden age of
range of the high-volume products will go beyond just visible metamaterials and that our community and the public has a lot
or near-infrared regime. The novel scientific findings will be to look forward to. There are many exciting opportunities for
brought to daily lives through the metasurface platform, and new fundamental science as we are unlocking new capabilities
we could benefit from simple implementation of quantum, of these optical elements. At the same time, it is very rewarding
nonlinear, nonlocal, topological, and/or non-Hermitian to see that metasurfaces are now moving into real applications
phenomena. that will impact people in their daily lives. We hope that this
There are several challenges that need to be overcome to roadmap provides a valuable timestamp for the field and will
achieve target goals described above. Here we describe three stimulate valuable discussion and help push the metasurface
focus areas that should be prioritized. frontier into new directions.
AN https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00457
ACS Photonics pubs.acs.org/journal/apchd5 Roadmap
Angela I. Barreda − Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea; orcid.org/0000-0001-
Institute of Solid State Physics, 07743 Jena, Germany; 7025-6720
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Applied Physics, Joohoon Kim − Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Abbe Center of Photonics, 07745 Jena, Germany; Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH),
orcid.org/0000-0003-1090-6108 Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea
Jon A. Schuller − University of California at Santa Barbara, Junghyun Park − Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology,
Santa Barbara, California 93106, United States; Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do 16678, Republic of
orcid.org/0000-0001-6949-3569 Korea
Isabelle Staude − Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute Robert Devlin − Metalenz, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts 02114,
of Solid State Physics, 07743 Jena, Germany; Friedrich United States
Schiller University Jena, Institute of Applied Physics, Abbe Ragip A. Pala − Meta Materials Inc., Pleasanton, California
Center of Photonics, 07745 Jena, Germany; orcid.org/ 94588, United States
0000-0001-8021-572X Complete contact information is available at:
Gustavo Grinblat − Departamento de Física, FCEN, IFIBA- https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.3c00457
CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires
C1428EGA, Argentina; orcid.org/0000-0002-1637-9524 Notes
Yuri Kivshar − Nonlinear Physics Centre, Research School of
Physics, Australian National University, Canberra, The authors declare no competing financial interest.
Australian Capital Territory 2601, Australia; orcid.org/
Samuel Peana − Elmore Family School of Electrical and
Section 1: The authors would like to thank Prof. Federico
Computer Engineering, Birck Nanotechnology Center and Capasso for valuable discussions at the initial stage of this
Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, Purdue effort. A.I.K. would like to acknowledge the support by the
University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States; AME Programmatic Grant No. A18A7b0058 (Singapore),
Quantum Science Center, a National Quantum Information MTC Programmatic Grant No. M21J9b0085 (Singapore), the
Science Research Center of the U.S. Department of Energy, IET A F Harvey Engineering Research Prize 2016, and by the
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37931, United States National Research Foundation of Singapore under Grant NRF-
Susanne F. Yelin − Department of Physics, Harvard NRFI2017-01; M.L.B. would like to acknowledge funding from
University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, United States an AFOSR MURI Grant (FA9550-17-1-0002), a U.S. Depart-
Alexander Senichev − Elmore Family School of Electrical and ment of Energy Grant (DE-FG07-ER46426), and the DOE
Computer Engineering, Birck Nanotechnology Center and “Photonics at Thermodynamic Limits” Energy Frontier
Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, Purdue Research Center under Grant DE-SC0019140. Section 2:
University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States; This work was supported by the University Grants
Quantum Science Center, a National Quantum Information Committee/Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong
Science Research Center of the U.S. Department of Energy, Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. AoE/P-
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37931, United States; orcid.org/ 502/20, CRF Project C5031-22GF, CRF 8730064, and GRF
0000-0003-2789-123X Projects 15303521 and 11310522) and City University of
Vladimir M. Shalaev − Elmore Family School of Electrical and Hong Kong (Project Nos. 9380131 and SRG-Fd 7005867);
Computer Engineering, Birck Nanotechnology Center and U.L. acknowledges financial support from the metamaterials
Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, Purdue consortium of the Israeli innovation authority. Section 3: This
University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States; work was supported by Singapore National Research
Quantum Science Center, a National Quantum Information Foundation (Grant No. NRF-CRP23-2019-0006); Singapore
Science Research Center of the U.S. Department of Energy, Ministry of Education (Grant No. MOE2016-T3-1-006) and
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37931, United States the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK
Soham Saha − Elmore Family School of Electrical and (Grant No. EP/T02643X/1). Section 4: A.A. acknowledges
Computer Engineering, Birck Nanotechnology Center and support from the National Science Foundation and Army
Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, Purdue Research Laboratory. A.F. acknowledges support from the
University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States Army Research Office. Section 5: This work was supported in
Alexandra Boltasseva − Elmore Family School of Electrical part by the National Science Foundation (U.S.A.) Grant
and Computer Engineering, Birck Nanotechnology Center ECCS-1920840 (to D.C), the Australian Research Council
and Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United Systems (CE2001000108; to K.B.C.), the USA AFOSR Grant
States; orcid.org/0000-0001-8905-2605 FA9550-20-1-0124 (to A.V.K.), and the A*STAR MTC
Junsuk Rho − Department of Mechanical Engineering and Programmatic Grant M21J9b0085, National Research Funding
Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of (NRF) Singapore NRF-CRP20-2017-0001 and NRF-NRFI06-
Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 37673, 2020-0005 (to W.H. and J.K.W.Y.). Section 6: P.G. acknowl-
Republic of Korea; POSCO-POSTECH-RIST Convergence edges financial support by the French National Research
Research Center for Flat Optics and Metaphotonics, Pohang Agency ANR Project DILEMMA (ANR-20-CE09-0027) and
37673, Republic of Korea; orcid.org/0000-0002-2179- the French National Research Agency ANR Project Meta-On-
2890 Demand (ANR-20-CE24-0013). Section 7: J.A.F. acknowl-
Dong Kyo Oh − Department of Mechanical Engineering, edges support from the Office of Naval Research under Award
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Number N00014-16-1-2630 and the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research under Award FA9550-18-1-0070. Section 8
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