Q&a GC AnSci
Q&a GC AnSci
Q&a GC AnSci
.A hybrid pig which is a result of the cross between Duroc, Water is the most essential but most often neglected
Hampshire, Landrace and Large white nutrient. Many pig farmers tend to underestimate the
value of water. It is not enough to make water available
✅💯a. Babcock b. Dalland c. Hypig but the quality should also be considered. Pigs need plenty
d. Genemaster of clean, fresh water at all times. Performance of all types
of pigs is reduced when they are lacking in water. The rate
of gain and the amount of feed consumed are all affected
Dalland – result of a 4-way cross of Large white, by water restriction.
Pietrain/Landrace, Daltrain and Large white
1. When a pig lying on cold concrete floor losses heat C. Catabolism✅ D. Anabolism
through the process of heat dissipation called .The digestive part of farm animal which serve as the site
A.Radiation✅ B.Conduction of the excretion of solid materials.
A.Soybean oil meal B.Copra meal .The following are the problems encountered of the meat
industry in the Philippines, except:
C.Cassava leaf meal D.Ipil ipil meal✅ a. Lack of peoples concern on meat quality
b. Increasing cost of equipment used in processing and
3. Angiology is as systematic anatomy which study the:
A.Digestive system✅ B.Sensory system c. Lack of trained people
✅💯d. Exportation of meat and processed meats
C.Endocrine system D.Circulatory system
.The one who introduced hermetic sealing of foods to
4. A testicle structure which function for the production of preserved meat. He is also the one who started the
spermatozoa. canning of foods.
✅💯a. Nicolas Appert b. Louis Pasteur July 18, 2003 + 114 days
c. Peter Durand d. None of the above
= November 9, 2003
.Any procedure or tests conducted try a competent person
on live animals for the purpose of judgment of safety and Fetal growth rate in the last trimester of pregnancy
suitability and disposition. increases dramatically compared with early and mid-
a. Anti - Mortem c. Post - Mortem gestation.
b. Slaughter ✅💯d. Nota Increase feed intake to accommodate demands of rapid
✍️Ante-Mortem fetal growth!
.The following are signs of the abnormalities which are .If a sow was bred on July 18, 2003 when will you check for
checked on ante-mortem examination, except: pregnancy?
a. Abnormalities in respiration a. August 18, 2003 b. August 8, 2003
b. Abnormalities in behavior
c. Abnormalities in gait c. July 28, 2003 d. July 8, 2003
✅💯d. Abnormalities in temperature
ca: B
.Salt level in meat (%) which water binding capacity is back
to the same level as in fresh unsalted meat.
a. 10% ✅💯b. 11% c. 15% d. 1.5 to 3%
.No form of stress should be given to animals prior to .It is recommended that the daily feed intake of gestating
slaughter. The following are the disadvantages of stress animals be increased by 10% during the?
a. First trimester of pregnancy
a. High temperature of carcasses
✅💯b. high water holding capacity of resulting meat b. Second trimester of pregnancy
c. Low aroma, flavor, texture and juiciness scores
c. Third trimester of pregnancy
d. Loss of muscle glycogen
d. Fourth trimester of pregnancy
a. Full feeding b. High energy feeding Boar for Hire (Boar stud)
c. Flushing d. Limited feeding e. Phase feeding .If the total amount of feed consumed by an animal from
an initial weight of 25.0 kg to 90.0 kg is 200 kg, what is the
ca:C feed efficiency of the said animal?
FLUSHING is when the daily feed intake of gilts is increased a .3.1 kg b. 2.8 kg c. 2.2 kg d. 4.3 kg
by 0.5 to 1.0 kg for 10-14 days before expected date of
breeding. e. none of the above
.The boar’s normal sperm concentration per semen a. 0.865 kg b. 0.722 kg c. 0.423 kg
volume is
d. 0.560 kg e. none of the above
a. 200 – 300 million b. 30 billion
ca: B
c. 100 – 150 million d. 400 billion
Average Daily Gain
e. None of the above
ADG = Final weight – initial weight ÷
number of feeding days
Volume, ml. 150-200 (gel free)
ca: C
Sperm concentration.200-300 M/ml
.Gestation period, the intervening period between
Motile sperm, 70 % successful mating and farrowing, ranges from 109 to 119
days, with an average of 114 days. Or simply put, 3
Morphologically normal sperm, 80 % months, 3 weeks & 3 days.
Color, Creamy white .A pregnant sow is about to farrow if she shows the
.This type of sow-herd enterprise starts with a pregnant following signs, except
sow to produce weanlings which are sold to other raisers a. enlargement, reddening and swelling of the snout
who carry them to slaughter weight
b. nervousness, restlessness and often accompanied by
a. Farrow to feeder b. Farrow to finish slight increase in breathing
c. Farrow to breeder d. Boar stud c. mammary glands are fully distended
e. None of the above d. milk let down
ca: A e. none of the above
production system Ca.A
Growing-finishing - Weanling pigs 80 kg slaughter pigs
.The acceptable gestation period of swine is ca: E
c. 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days Upgrading: native pigs bred with foreign breeds
ca: B
Miracle Pig
.The estrous cycle ranges from 17 to 24 days, with an ½ Large White ¼ Landrace ¼ Native
average of 21 days. Estrous cycle is continuously
manifested by the individual unless interrupted by .The following are examples of hybrid pigs, except
pregnancy. a. Babcock b. Camborough
Estrous = cycle c. Poland China d. Hypor e. none of the above
Estrus = phase in the estrous cycle when a female is ca: C
sexually receptive, “in heat”
Hybrid pigs or synthetic breeds do not have distinguishing
.The Philippine Native Swine is generally characterized by physical characteristics which differentiate them from
the following, except other group of pigs. Most of them are white with good
a .late maturing and small muscle development.
.The Philippine Native Swine have the following general c. 7 months old d. 5 months old
e. None of the above
Small and late maturing
ca: B
Mostly solid black or black and white in color
Gilts should be bred to farrow the first litter at about a
Have small ears year old.
Sway back Very young gilts at first farrowing usually have smaller
litter size than older gilts.
With weak pasterns
Age at first farrowing also affect the lifetime reproductive
Very strong motherly instinct performance of the sow.
.Which of the following is NOT an example of an upgrade? Very young animals also manifest less maternal instinct to
a .Diani b .Kaman c. Berkjala take care of her young.
d. Miracle pig e. Meishan .The following are the signs of heat indicating that the sow
or gilt is already receptive to the boar, except:
a. reddening and swelling of the vulva Teaser boar method
b. mounting other animals frequent attempts to This is done with a teaser usually a vasectomized
boar. If the female allows the teaser to mount or assumes
c. urinate with very little or no discharge at all a mating position, she is sexually receptive.
d. mammary glands are fully distended ...
e. none of the above .Pigs primarily intended for slaughter are called
ca: D A. Weaners B. Growers
Signs of heat, which indicate that the gilt or sow is C. Breeders D. Fatteners
receptive to the boar:
c. Semen-on-snout test .Factor that has the least influence on the revenue
obtained on finished hogs
d. Teaser boar method
A. Feed cost B. Selling price of hogs
e. None of the above
C. Market weight D. Grade of finished hog
ca: A
.The productive life of a sow is determined by the number
Haunch pressure test of days
This is done by applying pressure on the rump A. From birth to culling or death
with both hands. A receptive animal will just stand firm
and assume a mating position. B. From puberty to last farrowing
This is done by riding the back of the animal, the D. From first farrowing to culling
receptive female will assume a mating position. .The number of batches per year in hog fattening operation
Semen-on-snout test is directly influenced by
This is done by placing sample of semen on the snout of A. Feed conversion ratio B. Average daily gain
the female. A receptive female will just look around and C. Feed cost per kg gain
assume a mating position in the presence of boar semen
odor. D. Feed consumption per hog per day
.The farrowing cycle of a sow can be influenced directly by A. Infertility B. Early embryonic death
C. Mummification D. Stillborn
A. Gestation period B.Lactation period
.The use of teaser boar in pig farms can limit the problems
C. Dry or open days D.Lost days of
.Days in the farrowing cycle when the sow is not pregnant, A. Silent heaters B. Pseudo-pregnancy
not nursing a litter, and not in the prescribe weaning to
service interval C. Nymphomaniacs D. Anestrus
C. Increase the litter index of a sow .In the process of heat detection the best sign to serve the
sow is when
D. Reduce eggs ovulated during estrus
A. The vulva is markedly swollen and reddish
.In case pre-weaning piglets suffer scouring, the immediate
course of action must be B. Mucus discharge is clear
A. Withdraw solid feed given to piglets C. Sow assumes the mating stance
C.Administer antibiotics to the piglets .A boar is assumed to have reached puberty when
.Reproductive traits like litter size and fertility have low B. Manifest mounting behavior
heritability but responds well to crossbreeding due to C. Able to produce semen with viable sperm cells
A. Heterosis B. Hybrid vigor D. Grunts and become restless when there is a female in
C. Depression D. none he
.Non-spiral type of catheter for AI in swine is ideal to use .Newcastle disease vaccine LaSota is given to chicks using
on this route of administration:
.A sow on its first parity gave birth to only 6 piglets. The .Tandem method of selection takes advantage of positively
best decision to undertake is correlated traits like:
A. Cull the sow for having poor reproductive performance A. Growth rate and feed efficiency
B. Retain the sow up to 3rd parity B. Feed efficiency and carcass quality
D. Try new method of mating the sow D. Fertility and growth rate
.Reduced litter size caused by extremely high ambient .One of the distinguishing features of the Philippine
temperature during the first 35 days of gestation is due to carabao is the presence of two diagonal stripes on its
briskets, which is known as:
A. Chevon B. Chevron C. Stripes D. Liners .Known as the breed of pig with the longest body, white
and with drooping ears:
.A volatile fatty acid necessary in the synthesize of milk fat:
A. Large White B. Landrace
A. Butyric acid B. Propionic acid
C. Duroc D. Hampshire
C. Acetic acid D. Capric acid
Landrace are white hogs with large floppy ears that hang
.Mothering ability of a sow is measured by the number of parallel to the bridge of their nose. Landrace are known for
A. Piglets born alive per sow per year their mothering ability, large litter sizes, and good milking
B. Piglets weaned per sow per year
.Characterized by being hardy, with excellent growth rate
C. Piglets reared per sow per year and feed efficiency ideal for the development of male pig
D. Fatteners sold per sow per year
A. Large White B. Landrace C. Duroc
.Appropriately known as the “muscle pig” due to its
outstanding muscle development in the ham, loin and D. Hampshire
shoulder, and very thin back fat
.This is a lymphoid organ that acts as graveyard for old or
A. Duroc B. Hampshire C. Pietrain D. Tamworth senile red blood cells:
.The action of the following body muscles is involuntary or A. Liver B. Lungs C. Spleen D. Thymus
is not under the control of the will except:
A. Skeletal muscle B. Smooth muscle
Spleen has a similar structure to a large lymph node, which
C. Visceral muscle D. Cardiac muscle primarily functions as a blood filter. The spleen plays an
important role in the red blood cells also known as
.The latest riverine buffalo breed imported by the
aserythrocytes and the digestive system. Old and damaged
Philippine Carabao Center to support its research and
RBC's are destroyed in the spleen and It is known as the
extension program on buffaloes was:
RBCs Graveyar.d
A. Indian Murrah Buffalo
. The following are considered functions of the bone
B. Bulgarian Murrah Buffalo except:
.Growth does not only involve increase in size and weight C. For storing minerals.
but also changes in the organs. The first to reach full
D. Circulation of blood.
development in the pigs body is:
1. Pigs belong to the family Suidae characterized by
A. Adipose B. Muscles
C. Skeleton D. Reproductive system
A. Omnivorous B. Long mobile snout
.This is the site of fertilization in chicken:
C. Clove hooves D. Mammary glands
A. Fimbriae B. Infundibulum
2. The cardiovascular system transports oxygen and
C. Uterus D. Isthmus nutrients to the different organs of the body through:
.The economic trait in pigs that can be associated to feed A. Ducts B. Veins C. Arteries D. Lymph vessels
D. Iron from natural sources like humus or top soil .A feed mixing equipment characterized by a U-shape bin
which contains a central mixing blade mounted on a
rotating shaft.
a. Horizontal mixers b. Rotary mixer
.Litter size of a sow in one farrowing includes
c. Micro mixer d. Vertical mixer
a. Only born alive piglets
.The recommended moisture content of most mixed ration
b. Includes born alive and stillborn piglets is _____%. This is to prevent microbial growth, chemical
change, and freshness.
c. Includes born alive, mummified and stillborn piglets a. 8-10 b. 10-12 c. 12-14 d. 14-16
d. Includes born alive, born dead and fostered piglets .Increased bulk density, reduced dustiness, prevent animal
from sorting feed ingredients, improved feed efficiency
.Throughput or batches per year in hog fattening operation
and digestibility are some of the advantages of
refers to
a. Mash b. Crumbles c. Pellets d. Whole grain
A. Number of fatteners in a pen per year
.A practice of increasing doubling the amount of feed for
B. Number of hogs marketed per year about 7-14 days prior to insemination in sows or feeding
concentrates to ruminants.
C. Number of fattening cycles per year a. Finishing b. Flushing
c. Conditioning d. All of these
D. Number of rearing piglets transferred per year
.In commercial feed milling, formulating ration is
.Improving moderately and highly heritable traits like
accomplished through ____
growth rate and carcass quality, respectively, respond well
to a. Linear programming b. Trial and Error
c. Pearson Square d. B & C
a. Natural selection b. Artificial selection
. It is a process by which different feed ingredients are
c. Both d. None
proportionally combined to give the animals the required
.Which of the following is considered as “ amount of nutrients they need.
browser”? a. Feed analysis b. Feed formulation
c. Feed milling d. Feed adulteration
a. Colt b. Buck c. Ram d. Bull
. Poor feed quality and adulterated feed ingredients are
.The following is/are functions of the stomach EXCEPT? the two major problems in the feed milling industry, thus a
careful feed quality evaluation is required. If the evaluation
a. Nutrient Absorption
is made with the naked eye or with the use of hand lens or
b. Storage of Ingested Feed compound microscope, it is called _____
a. Chemical Analysis b. Microscopy
c. Mechanical Breakdown
c. Sensitivity Analysis d. Visual Evaluation
d. Production of HCl, Enzymes and Mucus
.The following are feed materials containing more than
e. None of the above 18% crude fiber and are generally low in energy, except
.Which of the following animal undergoe induced
a. Hay b. Silage
c. Soilage d. Rice straw
a. Rabbit♂ b. Pig c. Horse d. Cow
57. All of the B vitamins contain nitrogen except:
a. Thiamine b. Riboflavin c. Nicotinamide d. Protein catabolism provides a source of organic nitrogen.
Inositol😇 Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and protein
breakdown provides amino acids that are used for cellular
.All of the B vitamins contain nitrogen except: function.
a. Thiamine b. Riboflavin
c. Nicotinamide d. Inositol .Its structure contains an aldehyde or a ketone group in
their structure
Ca. C a. Carbohydrates😇 b. Proteins
c. Minerals d. Fats
48. It is a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide which is a The pancreas maintains the body's blood glucose (sugar)
principal constituent of the exoskeleton of insects, balance. Primary hormones of the pancreas include insulin
crustaceans and arachnids. and glucagon, and both regulate blood glucose.
a. Pectin b. Dextrin
c. Chitin😇 d. Cellobiose 40. It is the regurgitation of ingesta from the reticulum,
followed by remastication and reswallowing.
Explanation: a. Eructation b. Defecation
c. Rumination😇 d. All of the above
chitin The organic matrix of the hard parts of the Answer: C
exoskeleton of insects and crustaceans, and present in Explanation: Rumination is the process of movement of
small amounts in mushrooms. It is an insoluble and ingesta back-up the esophagus to the mouth for additional
indigestible non‐starch polysaccharide, similar to cellulose, mechanical breakdown – “chewing the cud”.
but composed of N‐acetylglucosamine units rather than
glucose. .What is the process of removing the gases in ruminants?
a. Farting b. Eructation😇
.This carbohydrate is obtained from the hydrolysis of c. Bloating d. None of the above
starch. Answer: B
a. Glucose b. Mannose c. Fructose😇 d. Galactose Explanation: Eructation is the process of belching of gas
which allows removal of large volumes of gases produced
.It is classified as less than ten simple sugars in the rumen. In this process, contractions of the upper
a. Monosaccharides b. Disaccharides part rumen force the gas up the esophagus and from
c. Oligosaccharides😇 d. Polysaccharides there, the gas penetrates into the trachea and lungs.
Explanation: . It is a flexible tube that connects the mouth with the rest
of the digestive tract.
Oligosaccharides represent carbohydrates that contain
a. Pharynx b. Esophagus😇
between 3 and 10 single sugar residues and are not
c. Trachea d. Ceca
relatively abundant in the diet when compared to other
more common carbohydrates like those in the disaccharide Explanation:
category. Common oligosaccharides include raffinose,
stachyose, and verbascose. The esophagus is a flexible tube that connects the mouth
with the rest of the digestive tract. It carries food from the
45. The following are examples of hexoses except: mouth to the crop and from the crop to the proventriculus.
a. Ribose😇 b. Galactose
c. Glucose d. Xylose .It is a feed ingredient commonly added to chicken feed
that aids in digestion.
Explanation: a. Marble b. Saw dust c. Rice hull d. Grits😇
The most common hexoses are glucose, galactose, .This organ receives digestive enzymes and bicarbonate
mannose, and fructose. The first three are aldoses, from the pancreas and bile from the liver.
whereas fructose is a ketose. a. Duodenum😇 b. Jejunum c. Ileum
d. Large Intestine
This mineral is needed for hydrochloric acid production in
the stomach. Explanation:
a. Chlorine😇 b. Potassium
c. Choline d. Magnesium The first part of the small intestine. It connects to the
stomach. The duodenum helps to further digest food
.The part of an organ where bile salts from the liver and coming from the stomach. It absorbs nutrients (vitamins,
pancreas are released for fat digestion. minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from
a. Ceca b. Duodenum😇 food so they can be used by the body.
c. Jejunum d. Ileum
.This organ serves as an out-pocketing of the esophagus
Explanation: Duodenum is an active site of digestion that that provides storage for consumed food.
receives secretions from the pancreas, liver and intestinal a. Proventriculus b. Crop😇
walls. c. Gizzard d. Gastric Stomach
.The skull, vertebral bones, ribs and sternum belong to Hindbrain- composed of the cerebellum, pons, medulla
what division of the body skeleton? oblongata and the fourth ventricle.
A. axial skeleton B. appendicular skeleton Midbrain - portion of the brain that does not subdivide
during the development from embryo to adult and
C. visceral skeleton D. irregular skeleton composed of the two cerebral peduncles and the
four quadrigeminal bodies
Divisions of the body skeleton
Forebrain- composed of the thalamus, hypothalamus,
axial skeleton – composed of the bones of the skull,
third ventricles, cerebrum, olfactory tracts and bulbs
vertebrae, ribs and sternum
ca: B
appendicular skeleton – composed of the bones of the
anterior and posterior limbs ...
visceral skeleton – bones that developed in the soft tissues Neurotransmitters are endogenous chemicals which relay,
of the body.. amplify, and modulate signals between a a neuron and
another cell. The following are examples of
neurotransmitters except:
A. acetylcholine B. norepinephrine .
Synarthrodial joints are joints which are united by fibrous
C. gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
tissue or cartilage. The joint between a tooth and its socket
is an example of what type of immovable joint? D. glycerol
17. All are examples of non-essential amino acids EXCEPT
for ______ The crude protein procedure estimates the quantity of
a. Cysteine bb. Glycine c. Proline d. Serine e. protein and nonprotein nitrogen compounds in the
Isoleucine😇 feedstuff.
Answer: E 9. It is determined by ignition of a known weight of the
Explanation: Non-essential amino acids are amino acids feed at 550°C until all carbon has been removed.
which are essential to the animal but are normally a. Crude protein b. Ash😇 c. Ether extract
synthesized or sufficient in the diet and need not be d. Crude fiber e. Moisture content
Examples of non-essential amino acids: alanine, 8. It is determined as the loss in weight that results from
asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamic acid, drying a known weight of feed to constant weight at 100°C
glutamine, glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, serine, a. Crude protein b. Ash c. Ether extract
tyrosine. d. Crude fiber e. Moisture content😇
Explanation: 3. It is the cheapest and most abundant nutrient that
makes up 65 – 85 % of the animal’s body weight at birth
Loss on drying is a widely used test method to determine and 45 – 60% of the body weight at maturity
the moisture content of a sample, although occasionally it a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Proteins
may refer to the loss of any volatile matter from the d. Minerals e. Water😇
sample. Loss in drying does not usually refer to molecularly
bound water or water of crystallisation. Explanation:
.A class of nutrients that yields 2.25 times more energy Water is the most abundant, cheapest, and least
than carbohydrates or proteins understood of all nutrients required for livestock
a. Vitamins b. Fats😇 c. Water production.Water is a nutrient that makes up 60% of our
d. Minerals e. Proteins body weight. It is important in many functions, it is part of
Answer: B every cell in every tissue in the body. Water carries other
Explanation: Fats or lipids are a group of compounds with nutrients to all parts of the body, it carries waste out of the
C, H, and O just like carbohydrates; however, there is much body and it helps to regulate body temperature.
more of carbon and hydrogen than oxygen.
The series of processes by which an organism takes in and
Fats are insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents assimilates food for promoting growth and replacing worn-
like petroleum ether, hexane, etc. they are high energy out or injured tissues.
materials, supplying 2.25 more energy than carbohydrates a. Digestion b. Absorption
and proteins. Some oil-bearing plants include coconut, oil c. Metabolism d. Nutrition😇 e. None of the above
palm, rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, etc. Pork fat is called
lard, and beef fat is tallow. Explanation:
.Young domestic ostrich in the downy stage. c. Cattle, carabaos and pig
a.Chick b.Poult -young domestic turkey d. Cattle, pigs and chicken
c. Keet 😇 d.Gosling .Lack of vitamin C is characterized by, swollen, bleeding,
43. A hormone, which augments the sympathetic nervous ulcerated gums, loose teeth, malformed and big joints and
system and prepares for emergency is fragility of the capillaries with resulting hemorrhages
a.Vasopressin b.Intermeden c.Oxytoxin through the body. Such condition is called:
d.Epinephrine😇 a. Beri-beri b. Pellagra c. Scurvy😇
d. Dermatitis
.Native chicken are popular because people
a.People like the eggs of native chicken😇 Scurvy is the name for a vitamin C deficiency. It can lead to
b.People prefer the top meat anemia, debility, exhaustion, spontaneous bleeding, pain
c.Maintenance cost are low in the limbs, and especially the legs, swelling in some parts
d.All of the above of the body, and sometimes ulceration of the gums and
loss of teeth.
.Muscles expel or force out secretion of organs except:
a.Accessory glands b.Sweet glands .In young animals lack of Calcium result to enlarged joints,
c.Endocrine glands d.Lymp gland😇 soft and deformed bones. Such condition is called:
a. Rickets 😇 b. Osteomalacia
.The term that refers to the meat coming from cattle of c. Osteoporosis
less than one year of age: d. None of the above
a. Beef b. Veal😇 c. Mutton d. Chevon
.Destruction of beta cells of the _____ will lead into a ca: esophageal groove
disease condition known as diabetes mellitus
a. Liver b. Kidney c. Pancreas😇 d. Adrenalin .Hormones have different modes of transmission, if a
hormone is transported through blood circulation, this is
Explanation: referred to as
Alveoli – functional unit of the lungs C. promotion of the lobuloalveolar growth in the
mammary gland
Glomerulus - tuft of capillaries interposed on the course of
an arteriole in the nephron D. stimulation of duct growth in the mammary gland
.Digestion of roughages in ruminant happens in the rumen, Stimulation of endometrial gland growth
however in young ruminants, this structure causes milk to
Stimulation of the duct growth in the mammary gland
bypass the rumen and reticulum and pass through the
omasum directly to the abomasum. Initiation of sexual receptivity
Cremaster muscle – this muscle pulls the testis up against Bicarbonates – neutralize acidity of chyme from stomach
the external inguinal ring particularly in cold weather
Bulbospongiosus muscle – helps in transport of urine or
semen through the pelvic urethra .These are basket cells that surround the alveoli and ducts
that causes contraction during milk let down
Ischiocavernous muscles – pull the penis upward against
the floor of the pelvis A. glomerulus B. myoepithelial cells
Retractor penis muscles – pull the flaccid penis back into C. lacteals D. capillaries
the prepuce ca: B
.The S-shape structure in the penis is called the sigmoid The alveoli and ducts are surrounded by contractile
flexure. Erection causes extension of this structure. myoepithelial cells, which are also called basket cells.
Sigmoid flexure is located pre-scrotally in what male These cells contract when the milk letdown occurs.
ca: 😊
.The major protein constituent of milk that comprise the
Ruminants – Sigmoid flexure is located post-scrotally known curd is
Pig – Sigmoid flexure is located pre-scrotally A. rennin B. casein
... C. albumin D. inhibin
.Cattle (Cow, Buffaloes)Goats, and sheep belong to family? ca: B
a. Cervidae b. Equidae Caseins constitute the major part of the milk proteins.
c. Hominidae d. Bovidae These protein fractions are insoluble at a pH of 4.6 and
.General term for any class of animals of Bovine family, comprise what is known as the curd.
Genus Bos .In ruminants, dietary carbohydrates are fermented in the
a. Cow b. Cattle c. Bull d. Nota rumen to become volatile fatty acids. What VFA is the
major source of glucose and glycogen in the ruminant?
.The epididymis is a male structure with the following
functions except: A. propionic acid B. acetic acid
C. site of maturation for spermatozoa Ruminant microflora break down cellulose into digestible
polysaccharides (Volatile Fatty Acid) – acetic acid,
D. none of the above✅ propionic acid and butyric acid
.Only the exocrine secretions of the pancreas are involved These substances pass into the bloodstream through the
in the digestive process. Which of the following secretions rumen wall.
are involved in the neutralization of the chyme from the
Utilization of volatile fatty acid acetate provides 38. These substances in meat are responsible for the so-
nonspecific source of energy and can be synthesized into called gamey flavor of meat of wild animals
fatty acid or ketone bodies
a. Nitrogenous extractives c. Fats
Propionate is synthesized into glucose by the liver and
provides about half the total glucose, which enters a b. Sarcoplasmic proteins d. Carbohydrates
ruminant metabolism. Butyrate can give rise to acetate .Which of the following is not affected by water or
and form ketone bodies. moisture content in the meat?
.In newborn ruminant, the largest compartment of its a. Texture c. Juiciness
stomach is the:
b. Color d. None of the above
A. omasum B. rumen
.This refers to the meat of cattle slaughtered before one
C. abomasum D. reticulum year of age
ca: Abomasum a. Venison c. Beef b. Veal d.. Mutton
In a calf at birth, the abomasum is the largest 35. Which of the following muscles yield the less tender
compartment of the stomach, making up more than 50 meat?
percent of the total stomach area. The reticulorumen and
omasum account for 35 percent and 14 percent of the a. Leg muscle c. Rib
total stomach area in the newborn calf.
b. Back muscle d. Rump
.Only the exocrine secretions of the pancreas are involved
.Which is not considered as a red meat?
in the digestive process. Which of the following secretions
are involved in the neutralization of the chyme from the a. Beef c. Mutton b. Pork d.
stomach? None of the above
A. protease B. lipase
27. This is the yellow body formed from the ruptured B. Farrowing interval D.None of the above
graafian follicle
a. Corpus hemorrhagicum c. Corpus luteum🙏
b. Corpus albicans d. Corpus anthrum
.This hormone is responsible for the development of sperm
.Which of the following is not a way of removing moisture cells in the seminiferous tubules.
or water from animals body?
a. Luteinizing hormone c. Testosterone
a. Panting c. Respiration
b. Follicle stimulating hormone
b. Sweating d. None of the above
d. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
25. The average body temperature of goat is
17. What hormone is responsible for broodiness in
a. 37.6oC c. 39.1 oC🙏 chicken?
swine production 15. Which of the following accessory sex glands in male is
absent in tom?
.Type of operation, starts with a pregnant sows to produce
slaughter pigs weighing 80 -90 kg. a. Seminal vesicles c. Cowpers gland
a. Cattle c. Horse b. Dog d. Cat .The nutrients that is made up of amino acids
.This is the structural and functional units of the kidneys a. carbohydrates c. fats
b. Milk teeth d. Incisor . The following are fat soluble vitamins except
b. Peritoneum d. Mesentery
The amino acid essential to poultry but not to swine
This is a lymphoid organ that acts as graveyard for old or
senile red blood cells a. Glycine😇 c. Leucine
3. This is the fluid portion of uncoagulated blood . It is the sum of the chemical changes occurring in an
organisms during the breakdown of food and the synthesis
a. Serum c. Globulin b. Plasma of cellular materials
a. absorption c. digestion
.This hormone is responsible for the characteristic buck
odor b. metabolism😇 d. transport
a. Capric hormone c. Codric hormone .The movement of nutrients from the point of absorption
to the point of utilization
b. Castric hormone d. Centric hormone
a. absorption c. digestion
1. This corresponds to the knee of animals
b. metabolism d. transport😇
a. Carpals. c. Humerus
. The study of processes involved in the conversation or
b. Tarsals d. Femur food/feed elements to body elements
.An animal that is not growing or producing anything has a. Absorption c. digestion
nutrient requirement for
b. metabolism d. nutrition😇
a. gestation c. lactation
. The microorganism in the rumen has the capacity to
b. maintenance😇 d. work break down the _____ linkage of cellulose and
. A pregnant animal will have nutrient requirement for
a. Alpha c. Gamma b. Beta😇 d. Delta
a. fattening c. gestation😇
. The availability of carbohydrates in ruminants depends
b. lactation d. work on the _____ content.
.The following are animal protein sources except a. sugar c. carbon b. fiber😇 d. All of the above