Final Term Examination Final Examination
Final Term Examination Final Examination
Final Term Examination Final Examination
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d. Submit your files in your folder.
1. A perfect gas has a value of R = 58.8 and k= 1.26. If 20 Btu are added to 5 lb of this gas at
constant volume when the initial temperature is 90°F, find (a) T, (b) AH, (c) AS, (d) AU, and (e) work
for a nonflow process.
2. A reversible, nonflow, constant volume process decreases the internal energy by 316.5 kJ for 2.268
kg of a gas for which R = 430 J/kg.K and k = 1.35. For the process, determine (a) the work, (b) Q, and
(c) AS. The initial temperature is 204.4°C.
3. A 10-ft vessel of hydrogen at a pressure of 305 psia is vigorously stirred by paddles until the pressure
becomes 400 psia. Deterrmine (a) AU and (b) W. No heat is transferred, cv = 2.434 Btu/lb.R
4. Three pounds of a perfect gas with R = 38 and k = 1.667 have 300 Btu of heat added during
a reversible nonflow constant pressure change of state. The initial temperature is 100°F. Determine the
(a) final temperature, (b) AH, (c) W, (d) AU, and (e) AS.
5. While the pressure remains constant at 689.5 kPa the volume of a system of air changes from 0.567
m^3 to 0.283 m^3. What are (a) AU, (b) AH, (c) Q, (d) AS? (e) If the process is nonflow and internally
reversible, what is the work?
6. Four pounds of air gain 0.491 Btu/°R of entropy during a nonflow isothermal process. If p, = 120
psia and V, = 42.5 ft^3, find (a) V, and T, (b) W, (e) Q, and (d) AU.
7. One pound of an ideal gas undergoes an isentropic process from 95.3 psig and a volume of 0.6 ft^3
to a final volume of 3.6 ft^3. If cp = 0.124 and cv, = 0.093 Btu/lb.R, what are (a) t2,
(b) P2, (c) AH and (d) W.
8. A polytropic process of air from 150 psia, 300°F, and 1 ft^3 occurs to P2 = 20 psia in accordance
with pV^1.3 = C. Determine (a) t2 and V2 (b) AU, AH and AS, (c) Find the nonflow work and (d) the
steady flow work for AK = 0.
9. A certain ideal gas whose R = 278.6 J/kg.K and cp=1.015 kJ/kg K expands is entropically from 1517
kPa, 288°C to 965 kPa. For 454 g/s of this gas determine, (a) Wn, (b) V2, (c) AU and (g) AH