Organic Lecture
Organic Lecture
Organic Lecture
• One carbon chain may contain • Reactions of Silicon are much slower
hundreds of carbon atoms. than reactions of Carbon.
• Unlike other elements, carbon atoms
can bond to each other to form very • Bonds between Si and Si or between Si
long chains. and H are not as stable as the bond
between Si and O.
• One carbon chain may contain
hundreds of carbon atoms. Notice how
• Molecules based on Si and H are not
the CH2 units repeat.
very stable in the presence of water.
• A very large carbon-based molecule • Silicone is a substance that comes in
made of repeating units is called a liquid, gel, or rubber-like form. It is
polymer. Each unit of a polymer is used in breast implants during
called a monomer. Polymers can be augmentation or reconstructive surgery.
thousands of atoms long.
• Solid silicone (dimethyl siloxane)
implants have been using in facial
Carbon forms Rings
cosmetic surgery since the 1950's.
Unlike liquid-filled silicone breast
• Carbon-based molecules also can be implants, solid silicone implants do not
shaped like rings. Most carbon rings leach into the body and have been used
contain 5 or 6 carbon atoms. for many years in medical procedures
• One of the most important carbon rings such as joint prostheses and heart valve
is benzene. replacement.
• It has 6 carbons & 6 hydrogens, with
alternating double bonds.
• Many compounds are based on
• They often have very strong smells or
aromas, so they are called aromatic
• An example of one aromatic
compound is a molecule called