Irdh275 D00122 D Xxen

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Insulation monitoring device for unearthed

AC, AC/DC and DC systems (IT systems)

Vorläufiges Datenblatt

ISOMETER® IRDH275 Insulation monitoring device for unearthed
AC, AC/DC and DC systems (IT systems)

Product description
The ISOMETER® of the IRDH275 series is designed to monitor the insulation resistance of
unearthed main circuits (IT systems) AC, AC/DC 0…793 V resp. DC 0…650 V. The AMPPlus
measurement method meets the particular requirements of modern power supplies
which often include rectifiers, converters, thyristor-controlled DC drives and directly connected
DC components. In these systems often high leakage capacitances against earth occur
due to interference suppression measures. The IRDH275 automatically adapts itself to the
existing system conditions.
In combination with a coupling device, the devices can also be used for higher voltages.
An external supply voltage allows de-energised systems to be monitored too. For door
mounting into distribution panels, refer to type IRDH375(B).
Device features • AC, DC or AC/DC main circuits • Heaters with phase control

• Insulation monitoring for unearthed AC, • A

 C/DC main circuits with directly connected • Installations including switch-mode
AC/DC systems 0…793 V, DC 0…650 V DC components, such as rectifiers, power supplies
converters, and thyristor-controlled • IT systems including high leakage
• N
 ominal voltage extendable via coupling DC drives
device capacitances
• UPS systems, battery systems • Coupled IT systems
• T wo separately adjustable response val-
ues1 kΩ…10 MΩ
• AMPPlus measurement method Function
• A
 utomatic adaptation to the system When the insulation resistance between the system conductors and earth falls below the
leakage capacitance set response value, the alarm relays switch and the alarm LEDs light up. Two separately
• Info button to display device settings adjustable alarm relays allow to distinguish between prewarning and alarm. The measured
and system leakage capacitance value is indicated on the LC display or an externally connectable measuring instrument.
In this way any changes, for example when circuits are connected to the system, can be
• Self monitoring with automatic alarm recognised easily. The fault message can be stored. The fault memory can be reset by
• Automatic self test, selectable pressing the reset button. By pressing the test button, the function of the device as well
• Connection for external kΩ indication as the connections to system and earth can be tested. Pressing the Info button provides
additional information, such as the existing system leakage capacitance or device settings.
• Test and reset button
The function of the device and the system and earth connections are continuously monito-
• External test/reset button can be connected
red. When a fault occurs, the system fault relay switches and the alarm LED “system fault”
• T wo separate alarm relays with two lights up. The parameterisation of the device can be carried out via the LC display or the
potential-free changeover contacts function buttons integrated in the front plate.
• N/O or N/C operation, selectable
Device version IRDH275B
• Backlit LC display
Device version IRDH275B includes the following additional functions:
• RS-485 interface
• History memory with real-time clock to store all alarm messages with date and time stamp
Approvals • E lectrically isolated RS-485 interface (BMS protocol) for communication with other
Bender devices
• Isometer disconnecting relays for the operation of several ISOMETER®s in coupled
IT systems
• Current output 0(4 )…20 mA (electrically isolated)

Use in coupled IT systems

Only one ISOMETER® may be active when several IT systems are coupled. Isometer dis-
connecting relays and the control inputs F1/F2 integrated in version IRDH275B guarantee
that only one ISOMETER® is active at any one time.

Measurement method
The IRDH275(B) uses the patented AMPPlus measurement method. This
measurement method allows concise monitoring of modern power
supply systems, also in case of extensive, directly connected DC components and high
system leakage capacitances.

The ISOMETER® of the IRDH257 series complies with the requirements of the device standards:
DIN EN 61557-8 (VDE 0413-8), EN 61557-8, IEC 61557-8, IEC 61326-2-4, DIN EN 60664-1
(VDE 0110-1), DIN EN 60664-3 (VDE 0110-3), ASTM F1669M-96 (2007), ASTM F1207M-96 (2007)

2 IRDH275_D00122_00_D_XXEN/06.2015

Operating elements IRDH275 Wiring diagram

3 AC-System Un AC-System
3 4
3 N AC-System Un DC-System


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 5
1 - “ INFO” button: to query standard information
ESC button: back to the menu function
1 6
2 - “ TEST” button: to call up the self test
Arrow up button: Parameter changes, scroll
3 - “ RESET” button: to delete alarm and fault messages
Arrow down button: Parameter change, scroll.
4 - “ MENU” button: to activate the menu system
Enter button: to confirm parameter changes
5 - Alarm LED “1” lights: insulation fault, 1st warning level reached
6 - Alarm LED “2” lights: insulation fault, 2nd warning level reached
7 - LED lights: system fault
8 - LC display

Response times
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
tan [sec]
1 - Supply voltage US (see ordering information) via
6 A fuse; for UL and CSA applications, it is mandatory to use
5 A fuses.
2,3 - Connection to the 3AC system being monitored: Connect
the terminals L1, L2 to neutral conductor N or terminals L1,
L2 to conductor L1, L2.
4 - Connection to the AC system to be monitored:
Connect terminals L1, L2 to conductor L1, L2.
5 - Connection of the DC systems being monitored:
Connect terminal L1 to conductor L+, terminal L2 to conductor L-
6 - Separate connection of the equipotential bonding conductor
to PE and KE
*7 - External test button “T1/T2” (N/O contact)
Ce [µF] *8 - External reset button “R1/R2” (N/C contact or wire jumper)
ISOMETER® response times in relation to the system leakage When the terminals are open, the fault message will not be
capacitances: Ce = 1…500 µF, Un = 0…793 V/50 Hz stored, provided that the memory has not been activated via
the operating menu.
*9 - STANDBY by means of the function input “F1, F2”: with the
contact in closed position no insulation measurement takes
place (Isometer disconnection B version only/no disconnec-
tion when operated via AK).
10 - IRDH275: Currrent output, electrically isolated: 0…400 µA
IRDH275B: Currrent output, electrically isolated:
0…20 mA or 4…20 mA
11 - RS-485 interface
12 - Alarm relay: Alarm 1
13 - Alarm relay: Alarm 2/system

* The terminal pairs 7, 8 and 9 must be wired galvanically isolate

and must not have a connection to PE!

IRDH275_D00122_00_D_XXEN/06.2015 3

Ordering information

Supply voltage US1)

RS-485 interface Coupled IT systems Output Type Art. No.
88…264 V 77…286 V IRDH275-435 B 9106 5100
Current output
ASCII-IsoData not applicable – 19.2…72 V IRDH275-427 B 9106 5104
0…400 µA
– 10.2…36 V IRDH275-425 B 9106 5108
88…264 V 77…286 V IRDH275B-435 B 9106 5101
Current output
BMS applicable – 19.2…72 V IRDH275B-427 B 9106 5105
0(4)…20 mA
– 10.2…36 V IRDH275B-425 B 9106 5109
Absolute values

Device “Option-W” with increased shock and vibration resistance: Indicated by the letter “W” at the end of the order number.

Suitable system components Maßbild XM112

Maßangabe in mm
Type designation Type Page
7204-1421 B 986 763
External kΩ measuring
9604-1421 B 986 764
9620-1421 B 986 841
AGH150W-4 B 9801 8006

Coupling devices AGH204S-4 B 914 013
AGH520S B 913 033

Wiring diagrams – IRDH275 connected to different types of coupling devices

ISOMETER® IRDH275 with coupling device AGH150W-4 ISOMETER® IRDH275 with coupling device AGH204S-4

Un DC 0…1760 V Un

ISOMETER® IRDH275 with coupling device AGH520S

Un 3/(N)/AC 50…400 Hz 0…7200 V
1 - without rectifier Un = 3AC 0…1650 V (DC max. 1000 V)
2 - with rectifier Un = 3AC 0…1300 V (peak voltage
downstream of the rectifier or DC voltage
intermediate circuit of max.1840 V)


5 4 3

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Technical data
Insulation coordination acc. to IEC 60664-1 Switching elements
Rated insulation voltage AC 800 V Switching elements 2 changeover contacts: K1 (Alarm 1), K2 (Alarm 2, device error)
Rated impulse voltage/pollution degree 8 kV/3 Operating principle K1, K2 (Alarm 1/Alarm 2)  N/O or N/C operation
Factory setting (Alarm 1/Alarm 2) N/O operation
Voltage ranges
Electrical endurance, number of cycles 12000
IRDH275…: Contact class IIB (DIN IEC 60255-23)
Nominal system voltage Un  AC, 3/(N)AC 0…793 V* Rated contact voltage AC 250 V/DC 300 V
Nominal frequency fn (for f < 50 Hz see characteristic curve in the manual) 0,1…460 Hz Making capacity AC/DC 5 A
Nominal system voltage Un  DC 0…650 V* Breaking capacity  2 A, AC 230 V, cos phi = 0.4
IRDH275…-435:  0.2 A, DC 220 V, L/R = 0.04 s
Supply voltage US (also see nameplate) AC 88…264 V* Contact rating at DC 24 V  ≥ 2 mA (50 mW)
Frequency range US  42…460 Hz
Supply voltage US (also see nameplate) DC 77…286 V* Environment/EMC
IRDH275…-427: EMC  acc. to IEC 61326-2-4 Ed. 1.0
Supply voltage US (also see nameplate) DC 19.2…72 V* Shock resistance IEC 60068-2-27 (device in operation) 15 g/11 ms
IRDH275… Bumping IEC 60068-2-29 (transport) 40 g/6 ms
Power consumption  ≤ 14 VA Vibration resistance IEC 60068-2-6 (device in operation) 1 g/10…150 Hz
Vibration resistance IEC 60068-2-6 (transport) 2 g/10…150 Hz
Response values Ambient temperature (during operation) -10…+55 °C
Response value Ran1 (Alarm1) 1 kΩ…10 MΩ Ambient temperature (during storage) -40…+70 °C
Response value Ran2 (Alarm2) 1 kΩ…10 MΩ Climatic class acc. to IEC 60721-3-3 3K5
Relative uncertainty (20 kΩ…1 MΩ) (acc. to IEC 61557-8) ± 15 %
Relative uncertainty (1…20 kΩ +2 kΩ/+20 %
Relative uncertainty (1…10 MΩ) 0.2 kΩ/+20 % Connection screw-type terminals
Response time tan at RF = 0.5 x Ran and Ce = 1 μF  ≤5s Connection properties
Hysteresis (1…10 kΩ) +2 kΩ rigid/flexible 0.2…4 mm²/0.2…2.5 mm²
Hysteresis (10 kΩ…10 MΩ)  25 % flexible with ferrules without/with plastic sleeve 0.25…2.5 mm²
Tightening torque 0.5 Nm
Measuring circuit Conductor sizes (AWG) 24…12
Measuring voltage Um ≤ 50 V
Measuring current Im (at RF = 0 Ω)  ≤ 280 μA
Internal DC resistance Ri ≥ 180 kΩ Operating mode continuous operation
Impedance Zi at 50 Hz ≥ 180 kΩ Mounting  display-oriented
Permissible extraneous DC voltage Ufg ≤ DC 1200 V Distance to adjacent devices  ≥ 30 mm
Permissible system leakage capacitance  ≤ 500 μF Degree of protection, internal components (DIN EN 60529) IP30
Factory setting 150 µF Degree of protection, terminals (DIN EN 60529) IP20
Type of enclosure X112, free from halogen
Displays DIN rail mounting DIN EN 60715/IEC 60715
Display, illuminated two-line display Flammability class UL94 V-0
Characteristics (number) 2 x 16 Documentation number  D00122
Display range measured value  1 kΩ…10 MΩ Weight  ≤ 510 g
Operating uncertainty (20 kΩ…1 MΩ) (nach IEC 61557-8)  ± 15 %**
Option “W”
Operating uncertainty (1…20 kΩ)  ± 1 kΩ/± 15 %**
Operating uncertainty (1…10 MΩ)  ± 0.1 MΩ/± 15 %** Shock resistance IEC 60068-2-27 (device in operation) 30 g/11 ms
Bumping IEC 60068-2-29 (transport) 40 g/6 ms
Outputs/Inputs Vibration resistance IEC 60068-2-6  1.6 mm/10…25 Hz
Test/reset button internal/external  4 g/25…150 Hz
Cable length test/reset button, external  ≤ 10 m Ambient temperature (during operation) -40…+70 °C
Current output for measuring instrument SKMP (scale centre point = 120 kΩ): Storage temperature range - 40…+85 °C
Current output IRDH275 (load)  400 μA (≤ 12.5 kΩ) Screw mounting 2 x M4
Current output IRDH275B (load)  20 mA (≤ 500 Ω)
Accuracy current output (1 kΩ…1 MΩ) The data labelled with an * are absolute values
related to the value indicated ±10 %, ±1 kΩ ** = Under EMC test conditions in accordance with IEC
61326-2-4 the specified tolerances can double
Serial interface
Interface/protocol IRDH275  RS-485/ASCII-IsoData
Interface/protocol IRDH275B  RS-485/BMS
Connection terminals A/B
Cable length  ≤ 1200 m
Cable (twisted in pairs, one end of shield connected to PE) recommended: J-Y(St)Y min. 2 x 0.8
Terminating resistor 120 Ω (0.5 W)
Device address, BMS bus 1…30 (factory setting = 3)

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IRDH275_D00122_00_D_XXEN / 06.2015 / pdf / © Bender GmbH & Co. KG, Germany – Subject to change! The specified standards take into account the version that was valid at the time of printing.

Bender GmbH & Co. KG

P.O. Box 1161 • 35301 Gruenberg • Germany
Londorfer Strasse 65 • 35305 Gruenberg • Germany
Tel.: +49 6401 807-0 • Fax: +49 6401 807-259
E-Mail: •


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