Electric Power Systems Research: Sciencedirect
Electric Power Systems Research: Sciencedirect
Electric Power Systems Research: Sciencedirect
Keywords: - In this paper, the optimal deployment of fault current limiters (FCLs) in a variable-topology distribution net-
Multiple topologies work with distributed generators (DGs) is analyzed. FCLs are used to mitigate the negative impacts of DGs on
Fault current limiter, Multi-objective overcurrent protection system of the distribution network including escalated electromagnetic stresses, costly
optimization replacement of some protective devices, and protection miscoordination. A proposed multi-objective optimi-
Relay re-setting, DGs
zation scheme is applied to maximize the mitigation effect of FCLs and minimize their total cost. The scheme
determines the optimal locations of the FCLs and the associated optimal impedance values. Meanwhile, a par-
ticular focus is kept on preserving the coordinated operation of the protective directional overcurrent relays
(DOCRs) of the distribution network under any operating conditions. DOCRs coordination preservation is
merged into the FCLs allocation problem by a compulsory set of main-backup DOCRs pairs operation constraints
for both near-end and far-end faults at every possible network topology. Furthermore, to lessen the cost of FCLs,
a new hybrid approach is developed. Firstly, optimal re-adjusting of a selected small percentage of the DOCRs is
done for just one time at nearly zero cost. Then, the FCLs allocation problem is solved. Different engineering
strategies for maintaining DOCRs coordination are compared for a 33 kV meshed case-study system.
Elec. Eng. Dept., Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt
E-mail addresses: kelmitwally@yahoo.co.uk (A. Elmitwally), kelmitwally@yahoo.co.uk (A. Amer).
Received 30 September 2019; Received in revised form 10 April 2020; Accepted 9 May 2020
Available online 01 June 2020
0378-7796/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
conditions, the backup DOCR should not start working before a pre- fault conditions. This lowers their assumed life span and increases their
specified time interval measured from the presumed operating instant failure rates under normal conditions degrading the power system re-
of its main relay [5]. DOCRs coordination is accomplished by si- liability and economics [15].
multaneous adjusting of the pick-up current (Ipickup) and time–dial Nowadays, FCLs are used to limit the power system fault currents to
setting (TDS) of each relay. Many methods are applied to solve the a much reduced level [16-23]. In normal operation, FCL is invisible for
DOCR coordination problem including curve fitting, graph theory, and the network and has negligible energy loss or voltage drop. When a
optimization. As it has voluminous constraints, the DOCRs coordination fault happens, FCL appears in the network with inserted impedance of
is a complex problem [8]. Optimization is considered as the most effi- definite value [18]. FCLs have three types: passive, solid-state, and
cient coordination method [5, 6]. hybrid [20]. In passive FCL, inductance is added to the circuit when a
The DOCR TDS and Ipickup are commonly determined based on a fault happens, based on the electromagnetic design of the inductor. In
fixed network topology [7-9]. But, the topology of the modern power solid-state type, the FCL impedance is added by using controlled power
system is not fixed in practice. It may change due to unplanned line electronics switches. The hybrid FCL uses mechanical, solid-state
outage, intentional line outage for maintenance, frequent strategic switches, and superconducting FCL element [20]. The impedance in-
network reconfiguration for power loss reduction and voltage im- serted in the circuit by the FCL at fault represents the FCL size. The
provement, and switching operations in the network after faults for greater the FCL size is, the more its cost becomes [22]. Hence, if FCLs
load restoration [10-12]. This leads to DOCRs miscoordination because are optimally applied, they can relive the negative effects of DGs pe-
the values of Ipickup and TDS become inappropriate for a new possible netration on power system by keeping the fault current level at almost
topology [10].The most probable network configurations must be its usual level before DGs connection. Thus, the need for equipment
considered in identifying TDS and Ipickup of DOCRs. They should replacement and protection system reconfiguration vanish [21]. Also,
guarantee coordination of DOCRs for every possible topology. This adds life span of main power system components is maintained due to re-
an extra challenge to the DOCRs coordination problem [11]. ducing the electromagnetic stresses under fault condition. Finally, FCL
DGs much heighten the levels of fault currents to a limit that may be improves system reliability by lowering the failure rates of main power
outside the handling capacity of circuit breakers and switches already system components [15].
installed in the network. The switchgear equipment can become un- In [13], an optimization technique is used to select the impedance
suitable and needs a costly replacement. Besides, the routes and di- type of FCL and its size to maximize the mitigation effect of FCL on
rection of fault currents can be changed due to DGs [13]. This can cause distribution network with DGs. But, the relay coordination problem was
serious fuse-recloser miscoordination and relay-relay miscoordination not studied in that paper. Also, the authors in [17] searched the optimal
[14]. Typically, these aforementioned problems are expensively solved locations and sizes of supportive FCLs in a meshed power system using
by protective equipment replacement, protection system reconfigura- iterative mixed integer nonlinear programming. Nonetheless, neither
tion, and disconnection of DGs at fault time [13]. Furthermore, the topology variation nor relay coordination was addressed. Solutions of
enlarged fault current causes extra high stresses on power system DOCRs miscoordination problem due to DGs are addressed in [16]-
equipment such as transformers, lines, switchgear, and cables under [28]. One solution is the use of adaptive relaying schemes where
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
DOCRs can have dynamic setting to keep coordination under varying 4 The determined sizes and locations might not be optimal. Empirical
operating conditions as discussed in [19]. The adaptive relaying scheme approaches are used in many cases.
depends on a dedicated communication system that suffers from cyber 5 The assessment of the overall mitigation effect of FCLs on power
security and reliability issues. Also, they are costly and technically system is ignored. The DOCRs coordination is merely focused.
complicated. Remedial resetting of Ipickup and TDS of some or all the
DOCRs is another solution reported in [23]. Though it is relatively In this paper, FCLs are optimally allocated to mitigate the negative
simple and cheap, this later solution is tedious and time consuming task impacts of DGs on a variable-topology power distribution network. A
for power system operation staff in large networks [22]. Besides, a fault proposed multi-objective optimization scheme is applied to minimize
may occur during the resetting process that will be treated improperly the total cost of requested FCLs. Meanwhile, the optimal coordination
by the DOCRs leading to undesired consequences. Despite their relative of DOCRs must be preserved under all system topologies and operating
high cost, properly installed FCLs can restore and sustain the lost conditions. Hence, the DOCRs coordination constraints are integrated
DOCRs coordination due to DGs [18]. The authors in [17] studied the into the FCLs allocation problem. Besides, to achieve the optimal
use of FCLs for restoring the coordination of DOCRs under integration DOCRs coordination at lower FCLs cost, a combined re-setting-FCLs
of DGs. The locations and sizes of FCLs are determined by trial and approach is proposed. Before searching the optimal FCLs, a small per-
error. The obtained FCLs have much high sizes, and hence high cost. centage (in order of 10%) of critical DOCRs are selected for one time re-
Moreover, the overall mitigation effect of FCLs in terms of its capability adjustment at nearly zero cost.
to reduce fault current is ignored. In a previous paper [22], the authors The contributions of this paper are:
investigated the maintenance of overcurrent relays coordination under
DGs by optimal planning of FCLs of different types. Despite the obvious ❖ A method is proposed to maximize the mitigation effect of
reduction in sizes of FCLs, the required number and expected cost of FCLs on power systems with DGs at minimum cost based on
FCLs were still high. Also, the overall mitigation effect of FCLs, network multi-objective optimization.
topology variation, and effect of far-end fault are missing. In [23], the ❖ Constraints of the optimal DOCRs coordination are integrated
relay coordination under DGs is restored by a combined FCL-resetting into the FCLs allocation problem.
approach. This method empirically allocates FCLs to restore DOCRs ❖ Permanent re-setting of a selected small ratio of DOCRs is
coordination. Then, the effect of resetting only one of the relays is as- proposed to further diminish the FCLs cost.
sessed to reduce the size of FCLs. However, the determined sizes and ❖ The varying topology of the network is taken into account.
locations of FCLs are not optimal. Also, the overall mitigation effect of ❖ Both the near-end and far-end fault currents are considered.
FCLs is overlooked.
In [24], the authors proposed a technique to allocate FCLs to reduce 2. Formulation of the DOCRs coordination
the current surges through a two-stage approach. They combined the
hierarchical fuzzy logic decision method with hashing integrated gen- 2.1. DOCR characteristics
eric algorithm to find the optimal placements of FCLs. Then, PSO is
applied to determine the optimal FCL size. However, topology varia- The characteristic of the DOCR is mathematically defined in [29] as:
tion, and relay coordination were not analyzed. The authors in [25]
proposed a protection coordination index. Then, it is used to find the A Ifi
ti = TDSi ⎛⎜ + B ) withMi =
locations and sizes of the FCLs taking in consideration multiple DGs
⎝ Mi C − 1 Ipickup,i (1)
units. But, multiple system configurations and cost evaluation were
missing. An approach to identify the optimal size of FCL through bio- Where ti is the operating time of the i DOCR, Mi is the current
geography-based optimization is studied in [26]. The work estimated multiple of its pickup current, Ifi is the short circuit current seen by the
the reliability improvement raised by FCL due to fault current reduction relay i. The constants A, B, C define the type of the overcurrent relay
and fixing the fuse-recloser protection mismatch under DGs. Topology according to IEEE standard C37.112-1996 [29].
variation and relay-relay coordination were ignored. Simultaneous es- The ith relay pickup current setting (Ipickup,i) is kept between a
timation of the optimal location and size of DGs and the optimal size of minimum value (Ipi, min) and a maximum value (Ipi, max). The ith relay
FCLs is presented in [27]. A nondominated sorting genetic algorithm is time dial setting (TDSi) is kept between a minimum value TDSi,min and a
utilized to obtain optimal decision variables. However, FCLs are as- maximum value TDSi,max. Ipi, min and Ipi, max are chosen as 1.25 and 2
sumed only in series to DGs. Topology variation and relay coordination times the maximum load current seen by the relay, respectively.
were not considered. In [28], a method to simultaneously optimize the TDSi,min and TDSi,max are set as 0.1s and 1.1s, respectively [29].
power quality and protection coordination in a microgrid with DGs
under multiple modes is presented. A solid state FCL is used as an in- 2.2. Coordination problem
terface between the microgrid and the utility to get coordination be-
tween upstream and downstream networks. The settings of the over- An optimization problem is developed to find the value of TDS and
current relays and the characteristics of the FCL are determined by Ipickup of each DOCR. To obtain an accurate coordination, the objective
genetic algorithm. Nevertheless, few relays and one FCL with pre-as- function is formed to minimize the operating times of the primary
sumed location are coped. Also, economic evaluation and network re- DOCRs to achieve fast fault clearance. Meanwhile, coordinated opera-
configurations are absent. tion of each primary-backup DOCRs pair in terms of their relative op-
In general, the previous research works that addressed the appli- erating time is considered as a set of obligatory constrains for each
cation of FCLs for DOCRs coordination under DGs have the following possible network configuration [11]. Furthermore, near-end and far-
drawbacks: end faults are examined to ensure a universal and robust coordination.
This is mathematically expressed as:
1 The assurance of DOCRs coordination for far-end faults is over- Kc Kc N
looked. The coordination is verified for near-end faults but it may be min F = ∑ ∑ tk + ∑ ∑ tik,far
i = 1 i, near
lost for far-end fault. k=1 k=1 i=1
2 The cost of FCLs is not explicitly expressed. Sum of FCLs impedance
values are used as an implicit cost function. Where, ti, neark is the operating time of the i primary DOCR for a
3 The network topology variation is not considered in the problem three-phase near-end fault at the kth network configuration.ti, fark is the
formulation. operating time of the ith DOCR for a three-phase far-end fault at the kth
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
network configuration. N and Kc are the number of DOCRs and network Where, (I i, near , BDG )k is the three-phase near-end fault current seen by
configurations, respectively. the ith DOCR without DGs for the kth configuration. (I i, near , ADG )k is the
Subject to: the DOCRs setting constraints: three-phase near-end fault current seen by the ith DOCR with DGs for
the kth configuration. (I i, far , BDG )k is the three-phase far-end fault current
Ipi,min ≤ Ipickup,i ≤ Ipi, max (3)
seen by the ith DOCR without DGs for the kth configuration. (I i, far , ADG )k is
TDSi, min ≤ TDSi ≤ TDSi, max (4) the three-phase far-end fault current seen by the ith DOCR with DGs for
the kth configuration.
the DOCRs coordination constraints: The function F2 represents the total cost of installing and operating
Δt jk, near ≥ CTI FCLs. Each FCL can be made of a resistive part and an inductive part.
Each part has a size-independent cost that accounts for commissioning,
Δt jk, far ≥ CTI site-preparation, and installation. It also has a size-dependent cost that
accounts for its purchase and operating cost. An example of the oper-
Where, ating cost is the cooling system operation cost for superconducting FCL.
In (10), L is the number of sites with FCLs. SICRs is the size-independent
Δt jk, near = (t j, backup, near )k − (t j, primary, near )k (7) cost related to the installation of a resistive FCL at the site s. SDCR is
per-unit cost of the resistive FCL. RFCLs is the size of the resistive FCL
Δt jk, far = (t j, backup, far )k − (t j, primary, far )k (8)
installed at the site s. SICXs is the size-independent cost related to the
Where, (tj,backup,near)k is the operation time of the backup relay of installation of an inductive FCL at the site s. SDCX is the per-unit cost of
the jth primary-backup DOCR pair for a three-phase near-end fault at the inductive FCL. XFCLs is the size of the inductive FCL installed at the
the kth network configuration, (tj,primary,near)k is the operation time of site s.
the primary relay of the jth primary-backup DOCR pair for a three-phase Subject to: the DOCRs coordination constraints:
near-end fault at the kth network configuration. (tj,backup,far)k is the Δt jk, near ≥ CTI (11)
operation time of the backup relay of the jth primary-backup DOCR pair
for a three-phase far-end fault at the kth network configuration, Δt jk, far ≥ CTI (12)
(tj,primary,far)k is the operation time of the primary relay of the jth pri-
mary-backup DOCR pair for a three-phase far-end fault at the kth net- the FCL component size constraints:
work configuration. CTI is a positive coordination time interval be- RFCLmin ≤ RFCL ≤ RFCLmax (13)
tween backup and primary relays to ensure that the backup relay
operates, if the fault is not cleared, after the primary relay. This ac- XFCLmin ≤ XFCL ≤ XFCLmax (14)
counts for current transformer error, DC offset component of fault Where, Rmin, Rmax are the minimum and maximum values of the FCL
current, and safety margin for relay errors [4]. The number of con- resistance, respectively. Xmin, Xmax are the minimum and maximum
straints set expressed in (5) and (6) is huge for a large-scale network. values of the FCL inductive reactance, respectively. It is recalled that
constraints (11) and (12) are the same as (5) and (6) but after the
3. FCL allocation problem connection of DGs.
FCLs are installed to minimize the increase in short circuit currents 4. Solution Algorithm
due to the connection of DGs. This mitigates the negative impacts of
DGs on power system. Besides, loss of coordination among DOCRs can Mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), as a deterministic
be avoided for all possible network configurations. The less the short optimization method, was reported to solve the DOCRs coordination
circuit currents become, the better the mitigation effect of FCLs is. problem for the first time in 1988. Afterwards, linear programming (LP)
Meanwhile, it is required to minimize the cost of FCLs sustaining the technique gained good recognition to solve this problem, including
coordination between all main-backup DOCR pairs. So, there are two simplex, two-phase simplex and dual simplex methods. These LP tech-
contradictory objectives associated to the FCLs allocation problem. The niques make a simplifying assumption. They express the operational
first is to maximize its mitigation effect by minimizing the increase in time of relay as a linear function of its time multiplier setting.
short circuit currents due to DGs connection. The second is to minimize Moreover, the deterministic methods entrap in a local optimal solution
the FCLs cost. The later depends on the FCL technology (mechanical, due to its dependency on a single guessed starting point [30]. Hence,
electronic, superconducting, etc.), the FCL type (resistive, inductive), biologically-inspired methods (BIM) are introduced to overcome the
the FCL size (impedance value), and the number of FCL units as it de- limitations of deterministic optimization methods by producing an in-
termines the FCLs fixed cost. Commissioning, housing, installation, itial population of feasible solutions [31]. In the last decade, BIM have
monitoring and control system, and cost of cooling system are com- become a widely recognized and extensively used tool to solve various
prised into the FCL fixed cost [16, 22]. The main constraint is to engineering problems including the relay coordination [30]. These
guarantee the coordinated operation between all main-backup DOCR techniques include genetic algorithm (GA), non-dominated sorting GA
pairs for every considered network configuration. In short, it is desired (NSGA II), modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO), teaching-
to maximize the benefit of the minimum-cost FCLs needed to guarantee learning based optimization (TLBO) and modified adaptive TLBO
coordinated operation of DOCRs. Mathematically, the problem is a (MATLBO). To reduce the search space and computational time, hybrid
constrained multi-objective optimization problem. methods are also utilized for solving the relay coordination problem,
The objective functions are expressed as: including GA-LP, GA-NLP and PSO-gravitational search algorithm [31].
In brief:
Min F1
Kc N
= ∑ ∑ abs {[(Ii,near ,BDG)k − (Ii,near ,ADG)k] + [(Ii,far ,BDG )k − (Ii,far ,ADG )k]} • The quality of the solution obtained by the deterministic optimiza-
k=1 i=1 tion methods greatly depend on the assumed initial (starting) point.
(9) So, it can be trapped in a local optimal solution that is far from the
desired global optimal solution. Also, it may suffer from numerical
instability. Additionally, some simplifying assumptions to the pro-
Min F2 = ∑ [[ SICRs + (SDCR*RFCL
)] + [ SICXs + (SDCX *XFCL
s=1 (10) blem might be needed.
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
n ≤ nmax
Yes No
it ≤ itmax
Fig. 1. Flowchart of DOCRs coordination by the PSOGSA
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
Size of G ≤ threshold
Reduce size of G
n ≤ nmax
t ≤ tmax
Fig. 2. Flowchart of identifying optimal FCLs by MOPSO
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
Table 2
Fig. 2 represents the flowchart of MOPSO algorithm used to obtain
MOPSO parameters
optimal FCLs. Figure 2Figure 2
Parameter Value
number of particles 100
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
Without DGs, the PSOGSA-based solution technique described in 5.3.3. Combination of limited DOCRs re-setting and FCLs in series to DGs
subsection 4.1 above is applied to get the optimal DOCRs setting To reduce the cost of FCLs determined in subsection 5.3.2, resetting
parameters. Table 6 shows the obtained values of Ipickup and TDS for of a limited number of DOCRs suffering from mis-coordinated operation
each relay. It is worthy to note that this DOCRs setting problem has 535 due to DGs is carried out. This number of DOCRs to be re-set is about
constraints which are fully fulfilled. The obtained optimal value of the 10% of total DOCRs to avoid complexity and minimize risk during re-
objective function F in (2) is 118s. setting realization. The cost of DOCRs re-setting is minimal. As pro-
posed, 10% of the total 29 DOCRs will be re-set. So, R19, R16, and R11
which have the worst miscoordination conditions, least values of Δt
5.2. Effect of adding DGs on the DOCRs coordination after integration of DGs, are selected for resetting. A subset of con-
straints associated to those relays is defined and considered. Then, the
Three 10 MVA, 6.6 kV, 0.9 power factor synchronous DGs are added PSOGSA-based solution technique described in subsection 4.1 above is
to the test system in Fig.3 at buses 10, 12, and 19, respectively. Each DG applied to get the new optimal setting parameters of these 3 DOCRs.
has a 0.15 p.u transient reactance and connected to the system through Table 11 shows the obtained new values of Ipickup and TDS. Next, the
a 6.6/33 kV transformer of 0.05 p.u equivalent reactance [17]. Unlike
inverter-based DGs, synchronous DGs cause a large increase in the short Table 6
circuit current levels that severely impact the performance of DOCRs Ipickup and TDS settings of DOCRs
[21]. Due to the integration of these 3 DGs, many main-backup DOCR
Relay No. Ipickup TDS Relay No. Ipickup TDS
pairs deny coordination with Δt value less than 0.2s for one or more
possible configurations of the system. Table 7 indicates the mis- 1 3.7471 0.3588 16 6.1912 0.5269
coordinated main-backup DOCR pairs for the base configuration. 2 5.1739 0.2523 17 4.7935 0.1
3 3.678 0.2418 18 5.3648 0.1
Table 8 shows the miscoordinated main-backup DOCR pairs for the
4 4.6444 0.469 19 3.9182 0.4871
topology when line 16-17 is opened. 5 4.0701 0.439 20 3.3401 0.1
6 4.7654 0.5626 21 4.8791 0.1
7 4.6363 0.2675 22 2.841 0.1
5.3. Strategies for restoring DOCRs coordination under DGs 8 6.0988 0.5312 23 3.5703 0.7286
9 3.6318 0.3291 24 6.6123 0.6953
10 4.5882 0.2894 25 4.1396 0.6621
To restore the missed DOCRs coordination due to the connection of 11 4.5236 0.665 26 4.6381 0.2081
DGs as demonstrated in subsection 5.2 above, different restoration 12 4.9142 0.4811 27 3.5849 0.3503
strategies are employed. They include resetting of all DOCRs, applica- 13 7.4338 0.1 28 4.4444 0.1
14 6.4299 0.1 29 2.8004 0.2905
tion of FCLs in various scenarios, and hybridization of DOCRs resetting
15 5.7515 0.5081
and FCLs. These schemes are investigated in the following subsections.
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
Table 11 Table 13
New Ipickup and TDS for re-set relays Locations and reactance values of FCLs
Relay No. Ipickup TDS Location Reactance, p.u Location Reactance, p.u
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
Table 14 Table 18. It is evident that these conditions lead to the best solution.
Locations and reactance values of FCLs in scenario 5.3.5 This is deemed to be the global optimal solution. However, compared to
Location Reactance, p.u Location Reactance, p.u
the MOPSO solution, the reduction in FCLs cost (F2) is about 3% and
the reduction in the value of F1 (absolute current difference index) is
G at Bus 2 0.7989 Bus 2,6 0.064 about 55%. The large reduction in the value of F1 may reflect the im-
DG at Bus 10 0.9454 Bus 6,9 0.4385 proved mitigation effect of the FCLs on the system. More importantly,
DG at Bus 12 0.2455 Bus 12,16 0.1713
DG at Bus 19 0.4983 Bus 19,20 0.331
the DOCRs coordination is maintained for all methods. So, although the
G at Bus 8 0.9 Bus 22,24 0.8527 MOPSO method got a solution that is sub-optimal from the mathema-
G at Bus 13 0.917 Bus 15,23 0.1446 tical perspective, it is practically as good as the global solution. This
Bus 2,4 0.8559 Bus 23,24 0.0053 confirms the efficacy and adequacy of the proposed MOPSO-based
Bus 3,4 0.9058 Bus 24,25 0.1821
Bus 9,11 0.9
Summation of FCLs sizes =9.15 p.u
F1=6960 A 5.4.2. Evaluation of FCLs scenarios
Total FCLs cost = 8.2 million $ Table 19 summarizes the results of the FCLs-based solutions for
restoring DOCRs coordination obtained in subsections 5.3.2 to 5.3.7.
These solutions are compared in terms of the values of F1 (absolute
Table 15 current difference index) and F2 (total FCLs cost). It is noticed that
Locations and reactance values of FCLs in scenario 5.3.6 installing a restricted number of FCLs to 3 only, as in subsections 5.3.6
Location Reactance, p.u and 5.3.7, gives better results for both F1 and F2. Optimal placement
and sizing of these 3 FCLs achieves superior performance compared to
Generator at Bus 2 0.1224
only connecting the FCL in series to a DG as in subsections 5.3.2 and
DG at Bus 10 1.1266
Line 2-6 0.1063 5.3.3. This indicates that there are more effective locations for FCLs
Sum of X_FCL =2.0851 p.u than next to DGs. Generally, resetting of selected 3 DOCRs, about 10%
F1=1980A of the total DOCRs in the network, remarkably reduces the required cost
F2= 1.51 M$ of FCLs. Moreover, installing hybrid FCLs of both resistive and in-
ductive parts reduces the FCLs cost and enhances its current limiting
capability compared to only inductive FCLs. Thus, the scenario pre-
discussed results indicated in the 3rd column of Table 18. Trying other
sented in subsection 5.3.7, the bottom row in Table 19, is deemed to be
start points in the neighboring space yielded similar results. None-
the optimal solution to maintain DOCRs coordination in presence of
theless, when the final result attained by MOPSO is inputted as a start
synchronous machine-based DGs. On the other hand, increasing the
point to the IPNLP, the results are manifested in the fourth column of
number of installed FCLs leads to a large increase of the cost. This
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
Table 16 Table 17
Locations and values of hybrid FCLs Parameters of MOGA and IPNLP methods
Location RFCL, p.u XFCL, p.u MOGA IPNLP
Table 18
6. Conclusion
Comparison between PSO, GA and IPNLP in solving FCLs allocation problem
In this paper, FCLs are optimally allocated to mitigate the negative Location FCL reactance (X), p.u
impacts of DGs on a variable-topology distribution network. A proposed MOPSO MOGA IPNLP MOPSO-guided
multi-objective PSO-based optimization scheme is applied to maximize IPNLP
the mitigation effect of FCLs at minimum cost. A particular focus is kept DG at Bus 10 5.0686 6.1 6.777 4.14
on assuring optimal DOCRs coordination with DGs and for all network DG at Bus 12 5.6564 5.002 8.066 3.38
DG at Bus 19 3.0771 7.871 6.777 5. 41
topologies. So, the coordinated operation constraints of main and
Summation of X of FCLs 13.8 p.u 18.973 p.u 21.6 p.u 12.9 p.u
backup relays for each possible topology and fault location are imposed F1 (absolute current 4300 A 5120 A 5700 A 1900A
into the FCLs allocation problem. Besides, to achieve the DOCRs co- difference index)
ordination at minimum FCLs cost, it is proposed to re-adjust a selected F2 (total FCLs cost) 2.9 M$ 3.77 M$ 3.85 M$ 2.81 M$
small percentage (in order of 10%) of the DOCRs in the protection Computation time 75 min. 56 min. 43 min. 43 min.
system for one time at nearly zero cost. Two scenarios are analyzed for
placement of FCLs. The first is to insert FCLs in-series to DGs only. The
objective functions values, the current difference index (F1), and the
second is to insert the FCLs in any branch in the network. For the case
FCLs cost (F2). However, when the proposed hybrid limited resetting-
study system assuming inductive type FCLs, it is found that inserting
FCLs approach is applied, the results of both FCLs placement scenarios
FCLs only in-series to DGs shows better results in terms of the two
A. Elmitwally, et al. Electric Power Systems Research 186 (2020) 106417
Table 19
Performance comparison of DOCRs coordination maintenance strategies by FCLs
Case FCL Location Type of FCL Is number of FCLs restricted? Resetting No. of FCLs F1, A F2, M$
got better in terms of F1 and F2 values. But, the in-series to DGs only Fault Current Limiter in Electrical Distribution Grid, IEEE Transactions on Applied
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