BH 02 Saroj - Kamutei
BH 02 Saroj - Kamutei
BH 02 Saroj - Kamutei
(SITE 2)
This report documents on the hydrogeological survey results and findings that was conducted on
Saroj Lila Plantations Limited site, on 11th March 2017 with the major aim of providing
sufficient and clean water for domestic use, Kithiini area of Kitui County.
The main objective for this survey is to develop a borehole water supply source for the client in
view of inadequate and unreliable water supply a result the preexisting harsh climatic condition.
The above survey program was envisaged and commissioned by project site owner. About 20 m3
borehole water is required per day.
The area is influenced by the local steppe climate. During the year, there is little rainfall. The.
The average annual temperature is 23.3 °C in Kyoani. About 639 mm of precipitation falls
annually. The geology of the area is characterized by sandy soils underlain by rocks of the
Basement System mainly gneisses.
Water is expected to be struck at the weathered and fractured zones of the Basement System
rocks at depth. Recharge of aquifers is either by direct infiltration after rain or from distant
catchment areas through fractures within the rocks.
The sites VES 3 (E396529, N9792059), has been selected as a suitable site for drilling the
proposed boreholes. This site should be drilled to a maximum of 150 m below ground level. The
estimated yield after drilling is expected in excess of 3500 litres of water per hour.
The report is detailed with maps, site sketches and curves
Table of Contents
Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Background Information .................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Scope of Works ................................................................................................................ 4
1.3. Project Site Location ........................................................................................................ 4
1.4. Water Supply Situation .................................................................................................... 5
1.5. Climate, Drainage and Topography ................................................................................. 5
2. Details of Geology .................................................................................................................. 7
3. Hydrogeology ......................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Surface Water Resources ................................................................................................. 8
3.2. Groundwater Resources ................................................................................................... 8
3.3. Existing Boreholes ........................................................................................................... 8
3.4. Aquifer Properties ............................................................................................................ 9
3.5. Recharge ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.6. Discharge ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.7. Groundwater Quality ...................................................................................................... 10
4. Field Exploration Program ................................................................................................. 12
4.1. Prospecting Methods ...................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1. Resistivity (Basic Principles) .................................................................................. 12
4.2. Survey Design ................................................................................................................ 12
4.2.1. Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) . ...................................................................... 12
4.2.2. Horizontal Electrical profiling (HEP) ..................................................................... 13
4.3. Field Work...................................................................................................................... 13
5. Impacts of Proposed Drilling Activity ............................................................................... 14
5.1. Impacts of the Local Aquifer Quantity and Quality ....................................................... 14
5.2. Impacts of Existing Boreholes in the Area..................................................................... 14
6. Recommendations for Borehole Development .................................................................. 15
Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix 1; Geophysical Data Model VES 1 .......................................................................... 16
Appendix 2: Drilling Design ..................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 3: Sketch Map of the Project Site ........................................................................... 20
1. Introduction
The site coordinates for the investigated site falls on the coordinates – 37M E396529, N9792059
Elev. 818m a.s.l. on the topographical map sheet 164/3 – of the Mutomo area- Survey of Kenya.
2. Details of Geology
The geology of this area comprises rocks of the Basement System. Basement system rocks are
the oldest rocks in the area, and they underlie the project area. The Basement rocks in the project
area are covered by sandy gravely soils.
These rocks are locally represented by biotite gneisses, albite-oligoclase porphyroblast gneisses,
pseudo sillimanite gneisses and microcline-oligoclase-biotite-hornblende migmatites overlain by
a thin carpet of recent soils.
There are two different types of aquifer encountered in Basement Rocks - those associated with
faults and fractures, the better by far of the two, and those associated with weathered rock,
usually encountered beneath the soil cover overlying compact, or un-weathered rock.
The latter aquifers, located in the regolith, are highly variable in terms of potential yield since the
physical transmission of water within the aquifer body itself is dependent upon the total clay
fraction present after weathering of the parent rock which itself depends on the chemical
constituents of the parent rock and the mechanism of weathering.
Faults and fractures associated with major movements of the Earth's crust and often accompanied
by volcanic activity, lead to the formation of coarser material: this, together with the larger
volume of potential storage brought about by the fault, leads to rather better potential yields,
especially where a borehole is sited so as to intersect fault features at depth.
3. Hydrogeology
This section briefly discusses some of the hydro geological characteristics of the aquifers and
boreholes within project site and its surroundings. The hydrogeology of the area is determined by
the nature of the parent rock, structural features, weathering processes and precipitation patterns.
Within the Basement rock terrain water is expected on weathered and fractured zones.
The above borehole data show that the boreholes were drilled to a depth between 70 metres to
160 metres below ground level. Water struck levels vary between 29 metres to 124 metres below
ground level while water rest level varies between 5.63 metres to 24.7 metres below ground
level. Tested yields are between 1,400 litres to 6,240 litres per hour.
Boreholes located in areas with thick weathered and fractured zones within the Basement rocks
have a slightly better yield. Those that are located in area with shallow weathered and fractured
zones are either dry or have very low yield.
Aquifers in this area are semi confined: that is, water in a borehole rises to a level higher than
that at which it was struck. The confining layers in this area almost certainly comprise the clayey
weathering products of gneisses, and lie towards the top of what is known as the regolith zone.
Limestone 0.5 – 5%
Sandstone 5-15%
Clay 1-10%
Sand and Gravel 15 – 25%
Gravel 15 – 30%
Sand 10-30%
Darcy’s formula is used to calculate groundwater flux it is given as Q=T .I. W, where T is the
transmissivity of the borehole, I is the gradient and W the width.
In the Ministry of Water and Irrigation data the start of the aquifer is the one recorded and most
of the time the thickness is not given. Due to this a lot of assumptions will be made in order to
calculate hydraulic conductivity.
3.5. Recharge
Although the rate of recharge in the area cannot be accurately quantified, the mechanism by
which recharge occurs can only be postulated. The two possible recharge mechanisms are direct
recharge at the surface and indirect recharge via faults or lateral water movement through the
homogenous aquifer beds.
Direct recharge at the surface is dependent on the climate, geology, topography and surface
cover characterizing the type area. The fore-mentioned factors are closely related and cannot be
considered in isolation.
In tropical climates, Basement rocks are altered to sandy soils which are very good materials for
percolation of rain water. This is an important aspect in understanding the mechanism of rain
infiltration in this region.
Both the topographical and surface vegetation cover aspect determines the flow characteristics of
the surface water, i.e. presence of relatively flat areas and dense vegetation cover will retard the
rates of flow of the surface water, thus enhancing the infiltration and vice versa.
Indirect recharge is facilitated by the presence of geological structures such as faults. The
structures have a substantial effect on the groundwater flow systems at times impeding flow due
to hydraulic discontinuities. Faults may facilitate flow by providing channels of high
permeability or may be barriers by offsetting zones of high permeability. Higher hydraulic
gradients may develop down slope with the resultant effect of the main faults acting as zones of
low permeability.
The overall effect of these faults is to channel flow along the axis of the faults, conduits or if they
are in filled, they act as barriers to the lateral flow.
3.6. Discharge
The discharge of the area can be considered to be either the artificial component through human
activities or the natural component through the drainage systems characterizing the area.
Dependence on groundwater within the area is increasing by the day which has a played a major
role in the discharge component as compared to the natural outflow from springs and other
Consumption by humans of waters with concentrations somewhat above the standard limits is
not necessarily harmful. Still, the best possible quality should be targeted, and the identified
sources should have chemical properties within and/ or to the WHO norms. Appropriate
technological solutions must be considered in areas where adverse types of water are likely to have
hazardous effects on man and livestock. However, for toxic substances, a maximum permissible
concentration limit has been established. The constituents for which these standards have been
set (e.g. heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria) all have a significant health hazard potential at
concentrations above the specified limits. Hence, the specified limits should not be exceeded in
public water supplies.
The electrical properties of rocks in the upper part of the earth’s crust are dependent upon the
lithology, porosity, and the degree of pore space saturation and the salinity of the pore water.
Saturated rocks have lower resistivity than unsaturated and dry rocks.
The higher the porosity of the saturated rock, the lower is its resistivity, and the higher the
salinity of the saturating fluids, the lower the resistivity. The presence of clays and conductive
minerals also reduces the resistivity of the rock. The resistivity of the earth materials can be
studied by measuring the electrical potential distribution produced at the earth’s surface by an
electric current that is passed through the earth.
The resistance R of a certain material is directly proportional to its length L and cross-sectional
area A, expressed as:
R = ρ*L.A (1)
Where ρ is known as the specific resistivity, characteristic of the material and independent of its
shape or size, With Ohm’s Law;
R=ΔV/I (2)
Where V is the potential difference across the resistor and I is the electric current through the
resistor, the specific resistivity may be determined by:
ρ = (A/L) Δ V/I) (3)
The object of VES is to deduce the variation of resistivity with depth below a given point on the
ground surface and to correlate it with the available geological information in order to infer the
depths and resistivities of the layers present.
In VES, with wenner configuration, the array spacing “a” is increased by steps, keeping the
midpoint fixed (a = 2 , 6, 18, 54…….) .
In VES, with schlumberger, The potential electrodes are moved only occasionally, and current
electrode are systematically moved outwards in steps
AB > 5 MN
The object of HEP is to detect lateral variations in the resistivity of the ground, such as
lithological changes, near- surface fault.
In the wenner procedurec of HEP , the four electrodes with a definite array spacing “a” is
moved as a whole in suitable steps, say 10-20 m. four electrodes are moving after each
In the schlumberger method of HEP, the current electrodes remain fixed at a relatively large
distance, for instance, a few hundred meters, and the potential electrode with a small constant
separation (MN) are moved between A and B .
Within the study area, the formation is characterized by Basement System rocks. Within the
project area few numbers of boreholes have been drilled hence no impact will be expected to the
aquifer. The borehole will be drilled to the recommended depth.
A water supply borehole is to be developed on the proposed project site to a recommended
maximum drill depth of 150 m below ground level. This depth is considered ideal Vis other
boreholes falling in close proximity of the site – which require safe-guard from the piezometric
surface coalescence between boreholes occurring in close proximity.
Based on the available information on geology and existing boreholes, combined with the hydro
geological assessments, the following conclusions can be drawn:-
a) The maximum yield that can be obtained from a borehole which fully penetrates the
fractured/weathered rocks to exceed 3.5m3/hr.
b) The required depth of a fully penetrating hole would be about 150 metres
The location is shown in the site sketch – (Back pocket map extract of Mutomo Area;
Topographical map sheet No.164/3). Below is a tabulation of the construction summary to be
adopted to realize the project objectives:-
i. The drilling should ideally be carried out with a Rotary drilling plant rotary in order to
attain the recommended drill depth of 150 m below ground level,
ii. A monitoring tube is to be installed in the drilled intake to allow regular measurements of
the water levels in the intake wells. This is a requirement for the final pumping
equipment installation.
iii. In case shallow aquifers are encountered it is recommended to seal these off within the
upper 30 metres, in order to avoid any risk of cone of depression coalescence.
iv. The shallower aquifers with the contacts – need to be fully sealed off as part of the safe-
guard requirements to contamination. The sealing is to be carried through a bentonite –
cement seal to prevent any surface contamination within the project area.
v. Screens should only be installed at the deeper aquifers.
vi. The recommendations on well construction cannot be considered complete without the
mention of the requirement to test pump the water supply bore to British standards BS
6316 (1992), which is an industry standard.
vii. This borehole will adopt controlled pumping after development and is thus not likely to
interfere with other pumping facilities during and after construction. A limited abstraction
capacity of 3.5 m3/hr is envisaged as the ultimate design yield; which apparently is not
Well Design
The design of the well should ensure that screens are placed against the optimum aquifer zones.
An experienced works drilling consultant/hydrogeologist should make the final design; and
should make the main decision on the screen settings.
Gravel Pack
The use of a gravel pack is recommended within the aquifer zone, because the aquifer could
contain sands or silts which are finer than the screen slot size. An 8” (203mm) diameter
borehole screened at 6” (153mm) will leave an annular space of approximately 1”, which should
be sufficient. Should the slot size chosen be too large, the well will pump sand, thus damaging
the pumping plant and leading to gradual ‘siltation’ of the well. The grain size of the gravel pack
should be an average 2-4mm.
Well Construction
Once the design has been agreed, construction can proceed. In installing screen and casing,
centralizers at 6 metre intervals should be used to ensure centrality within the borehole. This is
particularly important to insert the artificial gravel pack all around the screen. If installed, gravel
packed sections should be sealed off top and bottom with clay (2m).
The remaining annular space should be backfilled with an inert material and the top five meters
grouted with cement to ensure that no surface water at the wellhead can enter the well bore and
thus prevent contamination.
Well Development
Once screen, gravel pack, seals and backfill have been installed, the well should be developed.
Development aims at repairing the damage done to the aquifer during the course of drilling by
removing clays and other additives from the borehole walls. Secondly, it alters the physical
characteristics of the aquifer around the screen and removes fine particles.
We do not advocate the use of over pumping as means of development since it only increases
permeability in zones, which are already permeable. Instead, we would recommend the use of
air or water jetting, or the use of the mechanical plunger, which physically agitates the gravel
pack and adjacent aquifer material. This is an extremely efficient method of developing and
cleaning wells.
Well development is an expensive element in the completion of a well, but is usually justified in
longer well-life, greater efficiencies, lower operational and maintenance costs and a more
constant yield. Within this frame the pump should be installed at least 2m above the screen,
certainly not at the same depth as the screen.
Well Testing
After development and preliminary tests, a long-duration well test should be carried out on all
newly-completed wells, because from giving an indication of the quality of drilling, design and
development, it also yields information on aquifer parameters which are vital to the
hydrogeologist. A well test consist of pumping a well from a measured start level Water Rest
Level- (WRL) at a known or measured yield, and simultaneously recording the discharge rate
and the resulting drawdowns as a function of time. Once a dynamic water level (DWL) is
reached, the rate of inflow to the well equals the rate of pumping. Usually the rate of pumping is
increased stepwise during the test each time equilibrium has been reached (Step Draw-Down
Test). Towards the end of the test a water sample of 2 litres should be collected for chemical
analysis. The duration of the test should be 48 hours, followed by a recovery test for a further 24
hours, or alternatively until the initial WRL has been reached (during which the rate of recovery
to WRL is recorded). The results of the test will enable the project design consultant to calculate
the optimum pumping rate, the installation depth, and the draw-down for a given discharge rate.