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A Report



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This document aims at defining overall software requirement for STUDENT

RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .Efforts have been made to define the

requirements exhaustively and accurately. The final product will be having only

features/functionalities mentioned in this document and assumptions for any

additional functionality/feature should not be made by any of the parties involved

in developing/testing/implementing /using this product .

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This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by

the software application STUDENT RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .It

also states the various constraints by which the system will abide. The intended

audience for this document are the development team, testing team and end users

of the product


The application will manage the information about various students enrolled in

this course in different years, the subjects offered during different semesters of

the course, the marks obtained by the various students in various subjects in

different semesters.

The application will greatly simplify and speed up the result preparation and

management process.

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Hardware Configuration

1. Pentium IV Processor

2. 512 MB RAM

3. 40GB HDD

4. 1024 * 768 Resolution Color Monitor

Note: This is not the “System Requirements”.

Software Configuration

1. OS : Windows XP

2.PHP (PHP5.6, MySQL, Apache, and PHPMyAdmin)

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Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and principles
for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient detail to
permit its physical realization.

Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the
software design involves three technical activities - design, coding,
implementation and testing that are required to build and verify the software.

The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this activity,
decisions ultimately affecting the success of the software implementation and its
ease of maintenance are made. These decisions have the final bearing upon
reliability and maintainability of the system. Design is the only way to accurately
translate the customer’s requirements into finished software or a system.

Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is a

process through which requirements are translated into a representation of
software. Software design is conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is
concerned with the transformation of requirements into data.

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Context Diagram

Student case Diagram

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Admin Case Diagram

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Relationship Diagram Between Tables

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3.1 Front End Technology


PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for the web.

Within an HTML page, you can embed PHP code that will be executed each
time the page is visited. Your PHP code is interpreted at the web server and
generates HTML or other output that the visitor will see.
PHP was introduced in 1994. As of November 2007, it was installed on more
than 21 million domains worldwide, and this number is growing rapidly.
You can see the current number at
PHP is an Open Source project. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page
and now stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.

Unique Features

If you are familiar with other server side language like ASP.NET or JSP you might
be wondering what makes PHP so special, or so different from these competing
alternatives well, here are some reasons:

1. Performance
2. Portability(Platform Independent)
3. Ease Of Use
4. Open Source
5. Third-Party Application Support
6. Community Support

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Scripts written in PHP executives faster than those written in other scripting
language, with numerous independent benchmarks, putting the language ahead of
competing alternatives like JSP,ASP.NET and PERL.The PHP 5.0 engine was
completely redesigned with an optimized memory manager to improve
performance, and is noticeable faster than previous versions.In addition, third party
accelerators are available to further improve performance and response time.


PHP is available for UNIX, MICROSOFT WINDOWS, MAC OS, and OS/2.PHP
Programs are portable between platforms. As a result, a PHP application developed
on, say, Windows will typically run on UNIX without any significant issues.This
ability to easily undertake cross-platform development is a valuable one, especially
when operating in a multi platform corporate environment or when trying to
address multiple market segments.

Ease Of Use

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”, Said Leonardo da Vinci, and by that

measure, PHP is an extremely sophisticated programming language. Its syntax is
clear and consistent, and it comes with exhaustive documentation for the 5000+
functions included with the core distributions.This significantly reduces the
learning curve for both novice and experienced programmers, and it’s one of the
reasons that PHP is favored as a rapid prototyping tool for Web-based applications.

Open Source

PHP is an open source project – the language is developed by a worldwide team of

volunteers who make its source code freely available on the Web, and it may be

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used without payment of licensing fees or investments in expensive hardware or
software .This reduces software development costs without affecting either
flexibility or reliabilityThe open-source nature of the code further means that any
developer, anywhere , can inspect the code tree, spit errors, and suggest possible
fixes, this produces a stable, robust product wherein bugs, once discovered, are
rapidly resolved – sometimes within a few hours of discovery !.

Third-Party Application Support

One of PHP’s Strengths has historically been its support for a wide range of
different databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL
Server. PHP 5.3 Supports more than fifteen different database engines, and it
includes a common API for database access. XML support makes it easy to read
and write XML documents though they were native PHP data structures, access
XML node collections using Xpath, and transform XML into other formats with
XSLT style sheets.

Community Support

One of the nice things about a community-supported language like PHP is the
access it offers to the creativity and imagination of hundreds of developers across
the world.Within the PHP community, the fruits of this creativity may be found in
PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository and PECL, the PHP
Extension Community Library, which contains hundreds of ready-,made widgets
and extensions that developers can use to painlessly and new functionality to
PHP.Using these widgets is often a more time-and cost-efficient alternative to
rolling your own code.

PHP Server
The PHP Community Provides Some types of Software Server solution under The
GNU (General Public License).

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These are the following:
1. WAMP Server
2. LAMP Server
3. MAMP Server
4. XAMPP Server
All these types of software automatic configure inside operating system after
installation it having PHP, MySQL, Apache and operating system base
configuration file, it doesn’t need to configure manually.

WAMP-----Microsoft window o/s,Apache Mysql PHP

LAMP--- -Linux Operating System Apache Mysql PHP

MAMP----Mac os Apache Mysql PHP

XAMPP----x-os(cross operating system) Apache Mysql PHP Perl

Introduction to HTML

The hypertext markup language (HTML) is a simple markup language. Used to

create a hypertext documents that are portable from one platform to another
HTML documents are SGML (Standard generalized mark up language) documents
with generic semantics that are appropriate for representing information from a
wide range of applications. This specification defines HTML version 3 2. HTML
3.2 aims to capture recommended practice as of early ’96 and as such a
replacement for HTML2.0 (RFC 1866).

A set of instructions embedded in a document is called mark up language. These

instructions describe what the document text means and how it should look like in
a display. Hyper Text Mark Up language (HTML) is the language used to encode
World Wide Web documents.

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Website is a collection of pages, publications, and documents that reside on web

server. While these pages publications and a document as a formatted in a single
format, you should use HTML for home page and all primary pages in the site.
This will enable the millions of web users can easily access and to take advantage
of your website.

HTML is considered first for formatting any new material you plan to
publish on the web. HTML documents are platform independent, meaning that
they don’t confirm to any standard. If they are created properly you can move
home page to any server platform or you can access them with any complaint
www browser.


HTML elements perform a defined task. HTML uses two types of elements

. Empty Tags

. Container Tags

These tags differ because of what they represent. Empty tags represent formatting
constricts such as line breaks and horizontal rules. Container tags define a section
of text, formats and dot all of the selected text. A container tag has both a
beginning and an ending.

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An HTML document consists of text, which comprises the content of the document
and tags, which, defines the structure, and appearance of the document. The
structure of an HTML document is simple, consists of outer.

<HTML>tag enclosing the document header and body



<TITLE>the title of HTML document</TITLE>



This is where the actual HTML documents

Text lies, which is displayed in the browser



Each document has a head and body delimited by the <HEAD> and <BODY> tag.
The head is where you give your HTML document a title and where you indicate
other parameters the browser may use when displaying the document. This
includes the text for displaying the text. Tag also references special and indicates
the hot spots that link your document to other documents.

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Creating a form usually involves two independent steps: Creating the layout
for the form itself and then writing a script program on the server side to process
the formation you get back from a form.

To create a form, You use the <FORM> tag. Inside the opening and closing
FORM tags are each of the individual form elements plus any other HTML content
to create a layout for that form.

The opening tag of the FORM element usually includes the attributes:
METHOD and ACTION. The METHOD attributes can be either GET or POST
which determines how your form data is sent to the script to process it.

The ACTION attribute is a pointer to the script that processes the form on
the server side. The ACTION can be included by a relative path or by a full URL
to a script on your server or somewhere else. For example, the following

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tag would call a script called form-name in cgi-bin directory on server

<FORM Method= post action=>




The other required attribute for the <form> tag sets the methods by which the
browser form’s data to the server for processing. There are two ways: the POST
method and GET method. With POST method, the browser sends the data in two
steps: the browser first contacts the form-processing server specified in the action
attributes, and once contact is made, sends the data.




MySQL Introduction
There are a large number of database management systems currently available,
some commercial and some free.

Some of them : Oracle, Microsoft Access, Mysql and PostgreSQL.

These database systems are powerful, feature-rich software, capable of organizing
and searching millions of records at very high speeds.

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Understanding Databases, Records, and Primary Keys
Every Database is composed of one or more tables.

These Tables, which structure data into rows and columns, Impose organization on
the data.

The records in a table(below) are not arranged in any particular order.

SQL, statements fall into one of three categories.(Types of SQL)

Data Definition Language(DDL) : DDL Consists of statements that define the
structure and relationships of a database and its table.
These Statements are used to Create, drop and modify databases and tables.
Data Manipulation Language(DML) : DML statements are related to altering
and extracting data from a database.
These statements are used to add records to, update records in, and delete records
from, a database; perform queries; retrieve table records matching one or more
user specified criteria; and join tables together using their common fields.

Data Control Language(DCL) : DCL statements are sued to define access levels
and security privileges for a database.
You would use these statements to grant or deny user privileges; assign roles;
change passwords; view permissions; and create rulesets to protect access to data.

The Syntax of SQL is quite intuitive. every SQL statement begins with an “action
word”, like DELETE, INSERT,ALTER etc.

it ends with a semicolon. whitespace, tabs, carriage returns are ignored.

Some example of valid SQL statements :
SELECT name FROM users where email =””;
DELETE FROM cars WHERE year_of_manufacture < 1980;

PHP Mysql connectivity

Use the mysql_connect( ) function to established connection to the MySQL server.
To access the database functionality we have to make a connection to database
using Php.

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mysql_connect() function is used to establish the connection to mysql server.
four arguments need to be passed to mysql_connect() function.
hostname : if you are working on local system , you can use localhost or you can
also provide ip address or server name.

username : if there is a existing user , you can provide username. default

username is ‘root’.

password : by default password is blank or null.

dbname : it is a optional field . it is basically a name of the database that need to

be connected.
mysql_connect(host, username, password, dbname);
host(Server name)- - - -Either a host name(server name) or an IP address
username-- - -The MySQL user name
password- - - -The password to log in with
dbname--- -Optional. The database to be used when performing queries

Note : There are more available parameters, but the ones listed above are the most

In the following example we store the connection in a variable ($con) for later use
in the script.


// Create connection

$con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());


Here localhost is server name. root is MySQL default user name. default password
is blank and database name is my_db. mysql_error( ) function provides mysql
connectivity error message.

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MySQL Close Connection

// Create connection

$con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","my_db") or die(mysql_error());

//code to be executed.

// Close connection



after work with the database is done we have to close the connection using
mysql_close() function
in which the connection to the database is passed.

Client-side Script(JAVASCRIPT):-


JavaScript is a new scripting language for WebPages. Scripts written with

java script can be embedded into your HTML pages. With java script you have
many possibilities for enhancing your HTML page with interesting elements. For
example you are able to respond to user-initiated events quite easily. Some effects

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that are now possible with java script were some time ago only possible with CGI.
So you can create really sophisticated pages with the helps of java script on the

How can Java Script scripts run?

The first browser to support java script was the Netscape Navigator 2.0 of
course the higher versions do have java script as well. You might know that java
does not run on all Netscape Navigators 2.0 (or higher versions) versions. But this
is not true for java script -although there are some problems with the different

The Mac version for example seems to have many bugs. In the near future
there are going to be some other browsers, which support java script. The
Microsoft Internet explorer 3.0 is going to support java script. JavaScript enabled
browsers are going to spread soon - it is worth learning this new technique now.
You might realize that is really easy to write Java Script scripts. We have to know
is some basic techniques and some work-around for problems you might
encounter. Of course we need a basic. Understanding HTML before reading this
tutorial you can find many really good online resources about HTML. Best you
make an online search about ‘html’ at yahoo if you want to get informed about
HTML. Now I want to show some small scripts so you can learn how they are
implemented into HTML-documents and to show which possibilities you have
with the new scripting language. The following is a very small script, which will
only print a text into an HTML document.

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My first JavaScript



This is a normal HTML document


<script language=”JavaScript”>

Document.write (“this is a java script”)

</script><b r>

Backing HTML again



If you are using a java script enabled-browser at the moment then you will have
the possibility to see this script working. If your browser doesn’t support Java
Script then this output might be some kind of strange…

This is a normal HTML document

This is java script!

Back in HTML again.

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Functions are bet declared between the <Head> tag of HTML page. Functions are
called by user-initiated events. Seems reasonable to keep the functions between
the <Head> tags. They are loaded first before a user can do anything that might
call a function. Scripts can be placed between inside comment fields to ensure that
older browser do not display the script itself.



<script language=”JavaScript”>

function pushbutton (){

alert (“Hello!”);





<input type=”button” name=”Button1” value=”push me” onclick=”pushbutton


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If we want to test this one immediately and you are using a Java Script enabled
browser then please go ahead and push the button.

This script will create a button and when you press it a window will pop up
saying “hello!”. In fact we have a lot of possibilities just by adding functions to
our scripts.

The common browsers transmit the form information by either method: here’s the
complete tag including the GET transmission method attribute for the previous


<Form method =GET action= upfdate.php>



Input elements.

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Use the <input> tag to define any one of a number of common form elements
including text fields multiple choice lists click able images and submission buttons.
There are many attributers for this tag only that types and name attributes are
required for each element, each type of input element uses only a subset of the
followed attributes. Additional <input> attributes may be required based upon
which type of the form element you specify.

Submit button:

The submit button (<input type=submit> ) does what its name implies, settings in
motion the form’s submission to the server from the browser. We many have more
than submit buttons will be added to the parameter list the browser sends along to
the server.


< Input type =”submit”>

<Input type=”submit” value=”submit” name=”name”>

Reset button:

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The reset button if firm <input> button is nearly self- explanatory; it lets the user
reset erase or set to some default value all elements in the form. By default the
browser displays a reset button worth the label “reset”. We can change that by
specifying a value attribute with tour own button label.

Single Tier

In a single tier the server and client are the same in the sense that a client
program that needs information (client) and the source of this type of architecture
is also possible in java, in case flat files are used to store the data. However this is
useful only in case of small applications. The advantage with this is the simplicity
and portability of the application developed.

Server and client


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Two Tier (client-server)

In two tier architecture the database resides in one machine and client in different
machine they are connected through the network. In this type of architecture a
database management takes control of the database and provides access to clients
in a network. This software bundle is also called as the server. Software in
different machines, requesting for information are called as the clients





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Three Tier and N-Tier

In the three-tier architecture, any number servers can access the database that
resides on server. Which in turn serve clients in a network. For example, you want
to access the database using java applets, the applet running in some other
machine, can send request only to the server from which it is down loaded. For
this reason we will need to have a intermediate server which will accept the
requests from applets and them to the actual database server. This intermediate
server acts as a two-way communication channel also. This is the information or
data from the database is passed on to the applet that is requesting it. This can be
extended to make n tiers of servers, each server carrying to specific type of
request from clients, however in practice only 3 tiers architecture is popular.

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Feasibility study is conducted once the problem is clearly understood. Feasibility

study is a high level capsule version of the entire system analysis and design
process. The objective is to determine quickly at a minimum expense how to solve
a problem. The purpose of feasibility is not to solve the problem but to determine
if the problem is worth solving.

The system has been tested for feasibility in the following points.

1. Technical Feasibility

2. Economical Feasibility

3. Operational Feasibility.

1. Technical Feasibility

The project entitles "Courier Service System” is technically feasibility because of

the below mentioned feature. The project was developed in Java which Graphical
User Interface.

It provides the high level of reliability, availability and compatibility. All

these make Java an appropriate language for this project. Thus the existing
software Java is a powerful language.

2. Economical Feasibility

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The computerized system will help in automate the selection leading the profits
and details of the organization. With this software, the machine and manpower
utilization are expected to go up by 80-90% approximately. The costs incurred of
not creating the system are set to be great, because precious time can be wanted by

3. Operational Feasibility

In this project, the management will know the details of each project where he
may be presented and the data will be maintained as decentralized and if any
inquires for that particular contract can be known as per their requirements and


Implementation is the stage where the theoretical design is turned into a working
system. The most crucial stage in achieving a new successful system and in
giving confidence on the new system for the users that it will work efficiently
and effectively.

The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it is
found to work according to the specification.

It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints
on implementation, design of methods to achieve the change over and an
evaluation of change over methods a part from planning. Two major tasks of
preparing the implementation are education and training of the users and testing of
the system.

The more complex the system being implemented, the more involved will be the
systems analysis and design effort required just for implementation.

The implementation phase comprises of several activities. The required hardware

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and software acquisition is carried out. The system may require some software to
be developed. For this, programs are written and tested. The user then changes
over to his new fully tested system and the old system is discontinued.

What is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web is a network of information resources. The Web relies on
three mechanisms to make these resources readily available to the widest possible

1. A uniform naming scheme for locating resources on the Web (e.g. URLs)
2. Protocols, for access to named resources over the Web (e.g. HTTP)
3. Hypertext, for easy navigation among resources (e.g.HTML)

The ties between the three mechanisms are apparent throughout this specification

What is HTML?
To publish information for global distribution, one needs a universally understood
language, a kind of publishing mother tongue that all computers may potentially
understand. The publishing language used by the World Wide Web is HTML
(from Hyper Text Markup Language). HTML gives authors the means to
- Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc.
- Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button
- Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for use in
searching for information, making reservations, ordering products etc.
- Include spread - sheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications directly in

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their documents.

A brief history of HTML:

HTML was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN, and

popularized by the Mosaic browser developed at NCSA. During the course of the
1990s it has blossomed with the explosive growth of the Web during this time.
HTML has been extended in a number of ways. The Web depends on Web page
authors and vendors sharing the same conventions for HTML. This has motivated
joint work on specifications for HTML.
HTML 2.0 (November 1995) was developed under the aegis of the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) to codify common practice in late 1994. HTML
(1993) and ([HTML.30]) (1995) proposed much richer versions of HTML,
despite never receiving consensus in standards discussions, these drafts led to the
adoption of a range new features. The efforts of the World Wide Web
Consortium’s HTML working group to codify common in 1996 resulted in
3.2 (January 1997). Most people agree that HTML documents should work well
across different browsers and platforms. Achieving interoperability lowers costs
to content providers since they must develop only one version of a document. If
the effort is not made, there is much greater risk that the Web will devolve into a
proprietary world of incompatible formats, ultimately reducing the Web’s
commercial potential for all participants.


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The software methodology followed in this project includes the object-oriented
methodology and the application system development methodologies. The
description of these methodologies is given below.
Application System Development – A Life cycle Approach

Although there are a growing number of applications (such as decision support

systems) that should be developed using an experimental process strategy such as
prototyping, a significant amount of new development work continue to involve
major operational applications of broad scope. The application systems are large
highly structured. User task comprehension and developer task proficiency is
usually high. These factors suggest a linear or iterative assurance strategy. The
most common method for this stage class of problems is a system development
life cycle modal in which each stage of development is well defined and has
straightforward requirements for deliverables, feedback and sign off. The system
development life cycle is described in detail since it continues to be an appropriate
methodology for a significant part of new development work.

The basic idea of the system development life cycle is that there is a well-defined
process by which an application is conceived and developed and implemented. The
life cycle gives structure to a creative process. In order to manage and control the
development effort, it is necessary to know what should have been done, what has
been done, and what has yet to be accomplished. The phrases in the system
development life cycle provide a basis for management and control because they
define segments of the

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flow of work, which can be identified for managerial purposes and specifies the
documents or other deliverables to be produced in each phase.

The phases in the life cycle for information system development are described
differently by different writers, but the differences are primarily in the amount of
necessity and manner of categorization. There is a general agreement on the flow
of development steps and the necessity for control procedures at each stage.

The information system development cycle for an application consists of three

major stages.

1) Definition.
2) Development.
3) Installation and operation.

The first stage of the process, which defines the information requirements for a
feasible cost effective system. The requirements are then translated into a physical
system of forms, procedures, programs etc., by the system design, computer
programming and procedure development. The resulting system is test and put into
operation. No system is perfect so there is always a need for maintenance changes.
To complete the cycle, there should be a post audit of the system to evaluate how
well it performs and how well it meets the cost and performance specifications.
The stages of definition, development and installation and operation can therefore
be divided into smaller steps or phrases as follows.

Proposed definition : preparation of request for proposed applications.

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Feasibility assessment : evaluation of feasibility and cost benefit of proposed
Information requirement analysis : determination of information needed.

Conceptual design : User-oriented design of application development.
Physical system design : Detailed design of flows and processes in applications
processing system and preparation of program specification.
Program development : coding and testing of computer programs.
Procedure development : design of procedures and preparation of user

Installation and operation

Conversion : final system test and conversion.

Operation and maintenance : Month to month operation and
maintenance Post audit : Evaluation of development process,application
system and results of use at the completion of the each phase, formal approval
sign-off is required from the users as well as from the manager of the project

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Testing is a process of executing a program with the indent of finding an error.
Testing is a crucial element of software quality assurance and presents
ultimate review of specification, design and coding.

System Testing is an important phase. Testing represents an interesting

anomaly for the software. Thus a series of testing are performed for the
proposed system before the system is ready for user acceptance testing.

A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as

undiscovered error. A successful test is one that uncovers an as undiscovered

Testing Objectives:

1. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error

2. A good test case is one that has a probability of finding an as yet
undiscovered error
3. A successful test is one that uncovers an undiscovered error

Testing Principles:

• All tests should be traceable to end user requirements

• Tests should be planned long before testing begins
• Testing should begin on a small scale and progress towards testing in large
• Exhaustive testing is not possible
• To be most effective testing should be conducted by a independent third party

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The primary objective for test case design is to derive a set of tests that has the
highest livelihood for uncovering defects in software. To accomplish this objective
two different categories of test case design techniques are used. They are

▪ White box testing.

▪ Black box testing.

White-box testing:

White box testing focus on the program control structure. Test cases are
derived to ensure that all statements in the program have been executed at
least once during testing and that all logical conditions have been executed.

Block-box testing:

Black box testing is designed to validate functional requirements without regard to

the internal workings of a program. Black box testing mainly focuses on the
information domain of the software, deriving test cases by partitioning input and
output in a manner that provides through test coverage. Incorrect and missing
functions, interface errors, errors in data structures, error in functional logic are the
errors falling in this category.

Testing strategies:

A strategy for software testing must accommodate low-level tests that are
necessary to verify that all small source code segment has been correctly
implemented as well as high-level tests that validate major system functions
against customer requirements.

Testing fundamentals:

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Testing is a process of executing program with the intent of finding error. A
good test case is one that has high probability of finding an undiscovered error. If
testing is conducted successfully it uncovers the errors in the software. Testing
cannot show the absence of defects, it can only show that software defects present.

Testing Information flow:

Information flow for testing flows the pattern. Two class of input provided
to test the process. The software configuration includes a software requirements
specification, a design specification and source code.

Test configuration includes test plan and test cases and test tools. Tests are
conducted and all the results are evaluated. That is test results are compared with
expected results. When erroneous data are uncovered, an error is implied and
debugging commences.

Unit Testing:

Unit testing is essential for the verification of the code produced during the
coding phase and hence the goal is to test the internal logic of the modules. Using
the detailed design description as a guide, important paths are tested to uncover
errors with in the boundary of the modules. These tests were carried out during the
programming stage itself. All units of ViennaSQL were successfully tested.

Integration testing :

Integration testing focuses on unit tested modules and build the program
structure that is dictated by the design phase.

System testing:

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System testing tests the integration of each module in the system. It also
tests to find discrepancies between the system and it’s original objective, current
specification and system documentation. The primary concern is the compatibility
of individual modules. Entire system is working properly or not will be tested
here, and specified path ODBC connection will correct or not, and giving output or
not are tested here these verifications and validations are done by giving input
values to the system and by comparing with expected output. Top-down testing
implementing here.

Acceptance Testing:

This testing is done to verify the readiness of the system for the implementation.
Acceptance testing begins when the system is complete. Its purpose is to provide
the end user with the confidence that the system is ready for use. It involves
planning and execution of functional tests, performance tests and stress tests in
order to demonstrate that the implemented system satisfies its requirements.

Tools to special importance during acceptance testing include:

Test coverage Analyzer – records the control paths followed for each test case.

Timing Analyzer – also called a profiler, reports the time spent in various
regions of the code are areas to concentrate on to improve system performance.

Coding standards – static analyzers and standard checkers are used to inspect
code for deviations from standards and guidelines.

Test Cases:

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Test cases are derived to ensure that all statements in the program have been
executed at least once during testing and that all logical conditions have been
Using White-Box testing methods, the software engineer can drive test cases that

• Guarantee that logical decisions on their true and false sides.

• Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
• Execute all loops at their boundaries and with in their operational bounds.
• Exercise internal data structure to assure their validity.
The test case specification for system testing has to be submitted for review before
system testing commences.

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The package was designed in such a way that future modifications

can be done easily. The following conclusions can
be deduced from the development of the project.

➢ Automation of the entire system improves the efficiency

➢ It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves to
be better when compared to the existing system.
➢ It gives appropriate access to the authorized users depending on
their permissions.
➢ It effectively overcomes the delay in communications.
➢ Updating of information becomes so easier.
➢ System security, data security and reliability are the striking features.
➢ The System has adequate scope for modification in future if it
is necessary.

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The following books were referred during the analysis and execution phase
of the project

PHP and MySQL Web Development

Book by Luke Welling

Head First PHP & MySQL

Book by Lynn Beighley and Michael Morrison

PHP & MySQL for Dummies

Book by Janet Valade


• www.tutorialspoint.php

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Create Student Class

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'E- G @ lo<ao+ast/srma/manage—masses php 6 @ @ '

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Admin Change Password

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