Holy Trinity Thesis

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Writing a thesis on the topic of the Holy Trinity can be a challenging endeavor.

The complexity of
this theological concept requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and a deep understanding of
religious doctrines.

Exploring the intricacies of the Holy Trinity, which encompasses the belief in one God existing in
three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—requires a comprehensive understanding of theology,
history, and philosophical perspectives.

To tackle such a profound subject, students often face the daunting task of sifting through extensive
literature, ancient texts, and scholarly debates. They must navigate through various interpretations
and perspectives while maintaining a coherent and original argument.

Moreover, the Holy Trinity is a topic that holds immense significance in Christian theology, making it
crucial to approach it with respect and accuracy. This adds an extra layer of responsibility for
students to ensure their research is thorough and their arguments are well-supported.

Given the complexity and depth of the topic, seeking professional assistance can be beneficial. ⇒
HelpWriting.net ⇔ offers a team of experienced writers with expertise in theology and religious
studies who can provide customized support for your Holy Trinity thesis. With their assistance, you
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Perhaps, the clearest reference to the doctrine of the Trinity in scripture can be found in Matthew
28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. So you would be in a holding zone so to speak and waiting
forever for your sin to be paid for. The human personality of Jesus was the point to which the Word
and Wisdom became a unique ingredient in the world, such that we can say that Jesus' human aim
and God's came freely into union. BIBLICAL GROUND: The old testament is vague about the
trinity concept, but we have implicit references which indicate towards it. So you must have God
united with man in the sacrifice that is offered. The heresies continued even up to the 18th century
when a group of Christians in England known as Unitarians and established the first Unitarian
Church there. God as Father Creation ex nihilo Why God created the universe What reason and
Revelation say about creation. Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and. I
hope it is obvious that in taking Holmes as the dividing line between the two ages, in describing the
course of modern Trinitarianism as the epochs pre-Holmes and post-Holmes, I do not mean to
suggest that he has single-handedly changed the history of Trinitarianism, or even its historiography.
The second part of this essay considers the sacraments of Christ that are practised in the Church. One
advantage of this example is that it has a personal dimension, in that love is something only a person
does. It is true, that there are some very distinct points in the foundations of the christian tenants and
Mormon doctrines that do not agree on some very vital elements. Also, the church preached and
baptised new converts as Christ commanded. As Durst states in his “sermon starter” for the Father-
Spirit-Son (“shaping” or “formational”) order (he includes “sermon starters” at the ends of chapters 2
through 10, intending them to indicate the practical value, and to allow practical application, of the
subjects he discusses and of his theory), “The essence of intelligence is the ability to discern patterns
or relationships” (259). Accordingly this sacred Synod strongly urges pastors of souls that, when
instructing the faithful, they insistently teach them to take their part in the entire Mass, especially on
Sundays and feasts of obligation.”. Unless God is plural in Himself and is solitary, then the concept
of love and knowledge of self would not be there in His thought. This refutes the Arian controversy
of the fourth century. Jenson, Robert; Systematic Theology II; OUP (1997). A note on product links:
Whenever possible, Pious Eye site links to books, media, and other products will be affiliate links.
Orientalists are sometimes agents of a neocolonialist political agenda whose and some of their
writings are bald attacks on Muslim faith. Durst shows, in multiple instances, that word-level features
of Scripture, even what seem like blatant grammatical errors that translators might naturally “correct”
(as, we learn in the course of Durst’s discussion, the translators of the Septuagint Old Testament did
), can be indispensable witnesses to the full intended sense of the God-breathed Book. The Father
reveals the grandeur of His love for humanity through His Son. For Catholics, The Holy Trinity
remains a mystery that no human being can completely comprehend. Ephesians 4:4-6 “There is one
IN CHRISTIAN MIND: “The divinity has no need to manifest its perfection, either to itself or to
others. Catechism of the Catholic Church (Accessed on February 5 2008). The Trinity is a God
whom we can also build a relationship with. They use the Book of Deuteronomy as a basis for their
theological stance: “Hear, O Israel. Whatever, the concept of Trinity had not germinated and just the
nature of Father and Son were in wide discussions. Only whatever is necessary for our finite
understanding is revealed by God.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. In the scripture the word trinity is not
mentioned and its origin remains a bit mysterious In 382, Pope St. The Gloria is sung, the second
collect is of the Sunday, the third collect is of St. Urban. The Credo is sung, the common preface is
sung and the last Gospel is of the Sunday. He states God as “pure act”, emphasizing His auto-
potentiality and simplicity. J.D. Scotus states that divinity is not divided as the humanity. The
controversies that involved the holy trinity were numerous. These are identical to those found in the
'modern' books. Home Featured Oasis of Faith Who Invented the Trinity Doctrine. In the first
chapter Fred Sanders identifies Holmes’s central thesis as a historical one: that the Trinitarian thought
of the past six or seven decades is fundamentally different from that of the fathers, and proceeds to
examine the implications of that historical judgement for constructive theological work. Since when
has this term been actively used in the Christian tradition. Arius of Alexandria taught that the Son
was created by the Father and is not equal with Him. Belief in a three-in-one God is as old as
Christianity itself. This makes it further clear that Jesus was God The God of Exodus expressed
himself as “I AM THAT I AM”. One advantage of this example is that it has a personal dimension, in
that love is something only a person does. There is a vast and self-congratulatory literature on the
subject. If we worship the Trinitarian God we should be able to grow into a sharing, classless,
inspired and empowered community. They are not clearly distinct in essence which would make them
separable. As David was blessed by God, through the villager’s warm hospitality, he did not forget to
thank God and he consciously renewed his commitment to love God more wholeheartedly. Of
particular importance is the recognition in the Eucharist that God the Father sent His Son as a gift to
humanity. Because reference is here made to what Paul has written and the reason he’s written it,
this statement seems impossible to revise in a way that eliminates the impression that the order of
words in Scripture, not the Divine Persons acting as described by those words, is what is “uniquely
and divinely choreographed” to exert an effect on readers. He may be creative in his insight (as a
theologian should be), but not in order to further some modern agenda. He endorses Holmes’s
approach and adds a synopsis of his own thinking on this. The fight for clarity as regards thoughts
and terms within the orthodoxy expression of Christology and the trinity may also be said to be
characterized by the soundness of its philosophy. The doctrine elaborates the reality of God and
explains the mysteries. Since these chapters do leave me doubting that theory, and so fail to achieve
their primary goal, I’ll rank them “third best” overall. There are many such implicit references in the
Old testament which give us a shadow of the concept. A summary of the tertiary writings validates
the latter position, and yet still represented by conventional theologians, is largely submitted from
the central point that the doctrine of the trinity was understood in the scriptures and was made clear
by the advances of the church fathers (Humphreys, 20). Father of Latin Theology (155-222) North
African, deeply effected Cyprian. The early Church Fathers had diverse views about the doctrine of
Trinity. Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and. The equality of the Son with
the Father and the Holy Spirit in glory and majesty, denotes equality in worship as well.
Christians now turned on Christians, maiming and slaughtering thousands because of a difference of
opinion. Nevertheless, because most of the meaning that Durst proposes drawing out of the triads
comports with Scripture, being taught in ways other than through the triads, I’m able, though
skeptical of his thesis, to read his unpacking of the meaning and importance of the triads as edifying
and creative applications of the passages involved, though not as valid interpretations of them. We
believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. A whole new philosophy of the Christian life
has resulted from this one basic error in our religious thinking. Eleutherius. At Compline the
Dominical preces are omitted. The chapter is O altitudo and the Office hymn O lux beata Trinitas.
Inclusion of these links is for informational purposes only and does not mean I endorse either the
products or the vendors. The Athanasian Creed, which is neither a creed nor the work of St. It was
not for me to say that to which I have no right. This implies that nothing can ever destroy the Holy
Trinity and that it can never be destroyed or the Three Persons ever be separated. A physicist and
brain researcher, he held academic positions at various colleges and universities serving as an
Assistant Professor of Biomathematics at Cornell University Medical College, as an Assistant
Professor of Physics at Touro College, as an Adjunct Professor of Physics at the City College of New
York. The main beliefs and ideas of John Calvin concerning The Holy Trinity form an exposition that
explains each of the persons with the provisions of the goodwill to human beings. University of
Oxford Research Economic Trinity Economic Trinity Katie Gulley Jesus was the almighty Jesus was
the almighty GLENN PEASE Similar to The Theology Of The Trinity ( 20 ) The bible vs. Earlier on
the same page, Durst writes, “If the Father-Son-Spirit order evokes missional mobilization and
suffering, then the Son-Father-Spirit order evokes the immersion in the christological healing comfort
which that missional suffering wrought” (210). Samples, Kenneth. R. Why is the Doctrine of the
Trinity Important? (part 1). ALVIN GUTIERREZ - 10AM MORNING SERVICE One God One
God One God One God God the holy spirit creates the 1st. This is supported by the fact that only in
and after the New Testament era, that the doctrine took a full fledged shape. Durst might reject this
as a “tradition for tradition’s sake” (31) argument, but the Spirit-guided nature of the Body of Christ,
I would argue, does give tradition a certain authority, though of course an authority subordinate to
Scripture. In dealing with the Old Testament we must remember that revelation is progressive and
that doctrine emerges deductively from the scripture. Jenson, Robert; Systematic Theology II; OUP
(1997). This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. The Father, the first Person in the Godhead is the sender of the Son who came down to
earth, sacrificing all the glory of the Heaven, to offer Himself as a vicarious sacrifice for the sins of
the entire humanity. Unitarians supported the Christian theological movement known as
Unitarianism, which declares that God is a separate person and a being separate from Jesus Christ
(“Unitarian History”). The Sacrosanctum Concilium for instance states that. To a certain extent we
can perceive this by observing both the macro-universe: our earth, the planets, the stars, the galaxies;
and the micro-universe: cells, atoms, elementary particles.”. The flesh is like God the Son, because
Jesus is God made flesh. There is, therefore, subordination as to personal manner of existence and
manner of working, but no subordination regarding possession of the one divine substance. His
writings are followed and studied by numerous theologians today. In 29th oration he says that the
Father is the Father in absolute sense, and so is the Son. Accordingly this sacred Synod strongly
urges pastors of souls that, when instructing the faithful, they insistently teach them to take their part
in the entire Mass, especially on Sundays and feasts of obligation.”.
The Trinity, therefore, for Unitarians, never existed. GOD THE SPIRIT We also need to have the
man Jesus in a sinless position as He goes to the cross. He notes that there is only a very brief
mention of Luther in the book and that he is included in the great consensus of everyone East and
West from the fathers right up to the twentieth century who embrace the orthodox doctrine of the
Trinity. The Father reveals the grandeur of His love for humanity through His Son. Arius and the new
bishop of Alexandria, a man named Athanasius, began arguing over the matter even as the Nicene
Creed was being signed; “Arianism” became a catch-word from that time onward for anyone who
didn’t hold to the doctrine of the Trinity. The Bible itself seems to contradict the Athanasian Creed's
view that the Father and Son are equal. Father of Latin Theology (155-222) North African, deeply
effected Cyprian. The Son is the second Person in the Godhead Who alone was qualified to do the
task. Ephesians 4:4-6 “There is one body, and one Spirit. Those who believe in Him, are incorporated
into His loving family. Our God of the Trinity is not an abstract God because God our Father has
revealed the fullness of who He is through His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lived amongst us,
who proclaimed the Good News that it is His Father’s Will that all peoples be saved from their sinful
and destructive ways. There is a multitude of religions from all over the world that people place their
faith in, many diametrically differ from many others. How Do I Share My Testimony Christian
Testimony Research Paper Christian Testimony Research Paper Christian Music Influence Christian
Music Influence Fearing God Fearing God 09. They are addressing the Triune God and praising Him
in His threeness. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. If the
Trinity doctrine elicits some confusion, it could only spring from individual differences in
interpretation and understanding. Holmes has to start with recent discussions because his book is, I
think, primarily an intervention in the current conversation. The Sacrosanctum Concilium for instance
states that. This heresy, however, was condemned at the ecumenical Council of Constantinople in the
year 381 (“The Doctrine of the Trinity”). One of these was Macedonianism, named after Macedon,
the bishop of Constantinople during that time. He gave much devotion to study of the Holy Spirit
and tried to connect Holy Spirit with the other two persons of the Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity
is so fundamental to the extent that a rejection of the Trinity is tantamount to a rejection of the
Christian faith as evidenced in the provisions of the Athanasian creed. So in spite of whatever good
motivations there may be behind it, what is being illustrated is tritheism, not trinitarianism. So you
would be in a holding zone so to speak and waiting forever for your sin to be paid for. The Trinity
being a divine mystery is beyond our human comprehension. Development of KD I.2 (from Busch,
Life from Letters and Autobiographical. Just consider for a minute the relation of the Trinity to the
doctrine of salvation. And the answer to that question is NO that would not do it. The lessons are
taken from the sixth chapter of the Prophet Isaiah. The Nicene council called by Emperor
Constantine affirmed Father and the Son to be one and of same substance (homoousios).
He rejects the argument that the Son was begotten voluntarily and is operational beyond Father's
will, yet concerning the 'how' of the Son's begetting, he just says that, it's not conceivable by our
finite brains, who don't even have complete self-knowledge.(29th oration) He deals along, the
argument of subjection also. Quicumque is sung after the last stanza of Ps. 118. The Athanasian
Creed is sung on all Sundays when the Office is of the Sunday unlike in the later reformed versions
of the rite. Basically Christian understanding concerning the Trinity starts from the two elements,
namely His essense and His acts, which are the way of functioning of the three Persons in the
Trinity. Redefining Progress in Trinitarian Theology: Stephen R. In an Article by Tertullian entitled
“Against Praxeas”. Be that as it may, it would be a shame if Muslims limited their appreciation of
Prof. While veneration of Mary has been a figment of the Catholic Church since 431 when she was
given the title “Mother of God” by the Council of Ephesus, a closer examination of the verses in the
Quran most often cited by Christians in support of their accusation, shows that the designation of
Mary by the Quran as a “member” of the Trinity, is simply not true. This blog seeks to widen
knowledge of the 1568 edition of the Breviary and the 1570 edition of the Missal published in the
pontificate of Pius V. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The author briefly discussed the reason why
Christians prefer to convert to Islam and also gave answers to non-converters. The invitatory is
proper, Deum verum, unum in Trinitate, et Trinitatm in Unitate, Venite adoremus. The Spirit’s
Relationship to the Other Divine Persons. That's why this is of much significance for the Christian
faith. This is quite a thinkable thing concerning the threeness of God. Another ancient heresy against
the doctrine of the Holy Trinity was Binitarianism, or the belief that “the Holy Spirit was not a
distinct person from Jesus but rather another name for Him” (“Is the Holy Spirit”). However, the
coming of the Portuguese to most parts of the African continent encouraged the acceptance of
christianity (Azevedo 406). Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Read less Read
more Spiritual Report Share Report Share 1 of 28 Download Now Download to read offline Ad
Recommended Holiness Holiness ACTS238 Believer 05 holiness of god 05 holiness of god
chucho1943 06-23-19, 1 Timothy 4;1-16, Staying On Course 06-23-19, 1 Timothy 4;1-16, Staying
On Course First Baptist Church Jackson 2. Each is the apple, each is unique, but an apple isn’t an
apple without all three” (332). Others have been added to give a much more robust engagement with
Holmes’s work. Father of Latin Theology (155-222) North African, deeply effected Cyprian.
Nevertheless, because most of the meaning that Durst proposes drawing out of the triads comports
with Scripture, being taught in ways other than through the triads, I’m able, though skeptical of his
thesis, to read his unpacking of the meaning and importance of the triads as edifying and creative
applications of the passages involved, though not as valid interpretations of them. The Ontological
and Economic trinity Customer's s Name Date The Ontological and Economic trinity Research
Question: What are the differences and the relationship between the Ontological and Economic
trinity, and how do they work together. Letham examines the doctrine of the Trinity’s biblical
foundations and traces its historical development before engaging critical issues. The Editors of
Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Melissa Petruzzello.
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus is not identifying himself as. Gregory of Nazianzen expresses God as, “One
God, One in diversity, diverse in Unity, wherein is a marvel” (Second Theological Oration par. 1).
We believe in His essence because we experience his energies. Though I wouldn’t rate these chapters
as highly as those in Part 1, they are very interesting, full of useful insights, lots of biblical material,
and applications to practical life that mostly merit consideration even by those who doubt or reject
Durst’s theory. And this is living in the wisdom of loving God our Father’s Will, as Jesus, the Son of
God and Saviour has shown and taught us, and as the Holy Spirit the Third Person of the Trinity will
continue to live within our hearts, and daily enlighten, empower and embolden us to live the fullness
of the Gospel, while on earth, and experience the fullness of peace, joy and love of God that God our
Father Wills to give us in our lives daily. By contrast, John Colwell takes his stance firmly on the
apophaticism which is integral to the patristic doctrine of the Trinity.
This means that, according to Athanasius, although there are Three Persons, there is still but One
God, and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. But only thing we can know is Logic
cannot transcend divinity. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. As so much can be found on the internet
putatively about the 'Tridentine' rite, 'Missal of St. The persons' plurality's denial often referred to as
Monarchianism within the trinity might be said to have limited its citations only towards the texts
which might have taught individuals concerning God's unity yet neglecting the texts that might have
implied his real yet inadequately modal trinity. The Father, the first Person in the Godhead is the
sender of the Son who came down to earth, sacrificing all the glory of the Heaven, to offer Himself
as a vicarious sacrifice for the sins of the entire humanity. Thus, Oneness Theology is somehow
similar to 3rd century Modalism, although the idea of the oneness of God finds greater emphasis in
the former. But there were no attempts to give a fuller explanation on the 'what' and 'how' questions
concerning the Trinity. Or how can three distinct persons exist in a single unit form. Just like Eve
was a fragment of Adam and Seth was begotten, doesn't mean they are different. Since this is the
case, the Holy Trinity, therefore, does not exist because there are only Two Persons, namely God the
Father and God the Son. Modern Trinitarian theology has been all abuzz for decades about how
everything is radically different now and we have revived and renewed and reimagined and
reoriented the whole mass of Trinitarianism. What follows are notes for the kind of constructive
Trinitarian theology that is possible and necessary in the new situation brought about by the
successful counter-revolution, that is, Trinitarian theology post-Holmes. Though I wouldn’t rate these
chapters as highly as those in Part 1, they are very interesting, full of useful insights, lots of biblical
material, and applications to practical life that mostly merit consideration even by those who doubt
or reject Durst’s theory. The word, “elohim”, found in Gen.1:1 and elsewhere means “powerful
ones”. Israel according to each day's need, so that all the peoples of the earth may. Here we see the
final necessity of the doctrine of the Trinity (Jenson, R., 1997, p. 7). So Holmes leads with that
claim, sketches three of the most significant themes within the revival (the historicizing of the
Trinity, an extension of the life of the Trinity into the life of the church, and recent analytic
theological proposals regarding the Trinity), and then turns back to examine the older tradition from
which we have recently departed. Michael Bird provides in his chapter a professional biblical
scholar’s assessment of Holmes’s chapter on the biblical basis for the doctrine of the Trinity. If we
worship the Trinitarian God we should be able to grow into a sharing, classless, inspired and
empowered community. Holmes draws on recent scholarship in his critique of these theologians, but
he brings together so much recent scholarly research in a succinct way which enables us to engage
theologically with the issues. Just because human minds can identify patterns doesn’t mean the
patterns are real or carry meaning. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of the Sunday, the third
collect is of St. Urban. The Credo is sung, the common preface is sung and the last Gospel is of the
Sunday. Theologians know this but not the broad mass of Christians who feel it is required and could
not explain why. The real understanding of the then theologians are difficult to be investigated. The
God of the Christians was now seen as having three essences, or natures, in the form of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Colwell considers the different analogies now associated with the
Cappadocians and with Augustine and agrees with Holmes that both had a doctrine of divine
simplicity and unity that did not capitulate to the philosophical notions of their day. I hope it is
obvious that in taking Holmes as the dividing line between the two ages, in describing the course of
modern Trinitarianism as the epochs pre-Holmes and post-Holmes, I do not mean to suggest that he
has single-handedly changed the history of Trinitarianism, or even its historiography. Samples,
Kenneth. R. Why is the Doctrine of the Trinity Important? (part 1). In honor, Logos Bible Software
just posted a 14-volume collection of Vos’s works on Pre-Pub.
The majority of believers give biblical points to justify their firmness in this belief. More importantly,
when I was looking at the reflection of myself in the bowl of water, I was reminding myself that this
same God is also within my heart. Their observance shows the union of the church with the Godhead
through Christ. These are all mind boggling questions for any person trying to understand “The
Trinity”. Paul also said that the rulers of this world unwittingly. It is a mystery in the Christian sense,
a truth that is so great that our human minds cannot fully comprehend it, but a truth that brings us
the life of God. Introduction T.A. Noble and Jason S. Sexton Stephen Holmes’s book, The Holy
Trinity: Understanding God’s Life, has given focus to recent discussion on the doctrine of the
Trinity. The low view of God entertained almost universally among Christians is the cause of a
hundred lesser evils everywhere among us. Thus we don't have the eligibility, neither have we the
capability to comprehend His mystery. The Nicene Creed is considered the most widely accepted for
its use of belief statements in christian faith and liturgy. This image and likeness that God has created
us to be, is not our physical nature and appearances. Bible-based belief. The word “Bible” does not
appear. Oddly, Durst doesn’t even consider the stylistic explanation of the variety of orders. Though
I’ve long since spent more maintaining this site than Amazon or other affiliate links will ever
produce, your purchasing of products after following these links might help defray some of my cost
going forward. To do this a mutual coinherence or perichoresis of action within the Trinity must take
place whereby the Persons are who they are because of the action of all three. The New Testament
reveals this truth more explicitly. Even apart from the implied trichotomy, one problem with this is
that the human soul and body separate at death. The word, “elohim”, found in Gen.1:1 and
elsewhere means “powerful ones”. And, as in today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “ the Holy Spirit to lead all
believers to the complete Truth.”. Okay? Now, realize that, because God is not matter but spirit, the
Divine Persons don’t actually stretch out anywhere or permeate anything, but are instead fully
present in their infinitude at every point in space and time. These seven gifts comprise 'wisdom',
'counsel', 'knowledge', 'understanding', ' faith ', 'piety' and 'fear of the Lord'. So should you take
away the doctrine of the Trinity then you take away the doctrine of atonement for sin. 20. Scriptural
Support Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us. His writings are followed and studied by numerous theologians today. The
second part of this essay considers the sacraments of Christ that are practised in the Church. Indeed,
it is You who is Knower of the unseen.’ ( Al-Ma’idah 5:116). Still others would be begging God to
solve their other problems and worries of their life and the like. On balance, this introduction is
neither more nor less useful than other introductions I’ve read, and I’d rate it neither the “best” nor
“worst” pages of Reordering the Trinity. Because of this, many Muslims have misgivings about
secular academic writing about Islam, and as a result, this book by Angelika Neuwirth may not
receive the attention and concentrated study it deserves. The text is a collection of articles that were
written between 1990 and 2012, some of which have been substantially revised for this collection,
and many of which are translations of German publications. God's Choice Ephesians 1:3-6 God's
Choice Ephesians 1:3-6 Ephesians 1:1-14 - Part Two Ephesians 1:1-14 - Part Two 19.

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