Contol Electronic
Contol Electronic
Contol Electronic
The MICAS-S2 control system is mainly used in electric traction vehicles, such as
locomotives, multiple unit trains, tramways and trolley buses. A modern transportation
system has high demands on the vehicles. Thanks to its modularity, MICAS-S2 can be
adapted to the various requirements.
There are three hierarchical levels in the MICAS traction control system (Fig.7.1) train
control, vehicle control and drive control level.
The train control level coordinates and controls coordination of several similar traction
vehicles (multiple traction), interfacing to brake systems and much more. It is the train
individual vehicles. These commands are passed on to the vehicle control level for
The vehicle control level is responsible for all the vehicle functions. It converts the
commands of both the train control level and the driver into actions (contactor control, EP-
valves etc) and gives feedback about important events or operating states. To allow the
driver to concentrate on his most important task, i.e. observing the track and signals, the
vehicle control level automatically reacts as far possible on all events occurring during
The third hierarchical level is the drive control level. It receives the set value of the tractive
effort required from the vehicle control level and controls the power converters in such a way
that the motors will deliver the required torque.
MICAS-S2 comprises components for all the three hierarchical levels. Thus all requirements
demanded for modern vehicle can be met such as:
The MICAS S2 control system takes charge of all tasks necessary for
operating,, monitoring and maintaining vehicles. Furthermore, because of it
structure and modes of operation it offers exceptional advantages for both the
vehicle manufacturer and the customer.
The MICAS Vehicle Bus is optimized for the transfer of real-time process
values. The cyclic data transfer according to the broadcast principle allows a
very efficient utilization of the transmission capacity available. Cycle times
between 1 ms and 1024 ms are possible. Upto 127 devices can be connected
User programs for general control tasks are programmed in the process
oriented Function Block Language (FUPLA). FUPLA is a programming tool
using graphic symbols called function blocks. This makes it very simple to
write, test and document programs for the automation of process.
The shielded subracks, the protective circuits in the electronic modules as well
as the shielded cables for analog process signals guarantee and optimum safety
of operation even in very harsh environments close to strong sources of
electromagnetic radiation. Internal signals and the supply voltages are wired
via the rear rack connectors in wire wrapping technique and with back planes.
For the remote bus of the MICAS Vehicle Bus and the signals to the power
converters fibre cables with ST bayonet connectors are used.
The Software required to use the MICAS-S2 control system can be divided
into three groups.
Programs in the control system processors that are independent of
the application (operating system firmware).
Programs for the project specific task of the control system (user
programs for control tasks, diagnosis, visualization).
Programs for the planning of installations, i.e., to write the
project specific software as well as for testing, commissioning
and maintenance purposes (Mic Tools).
Devices with a special format (e.g. Compact Unit alphanumeric display) are
not designed for mounting into subracks.
The diagnostic computer is nor involved in the process control. This allows
the system to be operated without diagnostic computer. Furthermore the
diagnostic computer has no influence on functions important for the vehicles
safety and therefore, redundancy is not required.
in Drive Control Software. For the appreciation of how the software and
hardware are integrated in the vehicle control scheme, the pantograph control
circuit the schematic of which is shown in Fig.7.3 is explained here as an
example. The corresponding software specification is given in Annexure
7.1Wire Nos. 2111A and 2111B are at potential of 110V which get supply
from the battery circuit and are connected to the spring loaded pantograph
switches (129/1&2) of Cab1 and Cab2 respectively. If the driver drives from
through 2333A, 123/3 (blocking diode which is provided to block the reverse
flow), 2319,2309A, 2300 to 412.QJ. The dotted box 412.QJ, which is an
auxiliary control processor board and a part of the Central Electronics 2
represents that it receives a digital input (#) and actives a PCB-mounted relay.
The output is in the form of a normally closed contact. The opening of this
contact is done through the software by processing the pantograph disable
digital signal in the HBB2(Aux. Cubicle Control) processor. Normally closed
contact of 412.QJ and 412.JJ can be forced open in certain conditions like
operation of 129/1 switches, the 110V control signal passes through 412.QJ
(explained earlier) and 412.JJ (a software function of STB2 low voltage
cubicle processor) to energise the auxiliary contactor coil (130.1) of
pantograph and its N/O contact (130.1) connected between wire Nos. 2064 &
2302 closes. Once this contact is made, feed is maintained through wire No.
There are two pressure switches of pantographs 130.4/1 is for monitoring the
air pressure for pantograph 1. Similarly 130.4/2 is for pantograph 2. If the air
pressure falls below 2.5 kg/cm2, 130.4 opens out and corresponding signal is
processed by the control electronic 412.QA. The pressure switches (130.4/1
and 130.4/2) are monitored by the Central Electronics-2 (412) through the
auxiliary cubicle processor (HBB2) boards 412.QA connected to wire No.
2307 and 412.QA connected to wire No. 2308 which gives the message to the
drivers display unit (DDU). Similarly the status of the auxiliary contact
pantograph (130.1) is monitored by 412.LD and 412.QD. To energise the EP
valve 130/2 and 130/1 for raising the pantograph, it is required to close the
contact of 412.LJ or 412.QG. These processors 412.LJ and 412.QG take a
cooling mode through electronics 412.LJ and 412.QG is not possible because
output of 412.LJ and 412.QG are normally open contacts. If driver raises the
pantograph from Cab 1 then the feed to the EP valve 130/2 is made through
which is open in driving mode and closed in cooling mode), 2104A, blocking
diode 123/2,2105A, 2107A and 2106A. Similarly if the driver raises the
pantograph from Cab 2 the feed to the EP valve 130/1 is made through 2111B,
130.1, 2103B, 126.6, 2104B, 123/2, 2105B, 2107B & 2106B.
The rotary pantograph selection switch (129.1) has got 3 positions (I, AUTO,
II ). I represents pantograph Cab1 side, II represents pantograph Cab2 side
and AUTO represents automatic selection, i.e., if Cab1 is activated pantograph
Cab2 side will be raised and if Cab2 is activated pantograph Cab1 side will be
n2241.02i The rotary switch is located in the machine room. The selection is
hardwired and without MCE control. Only if the pantograph selector is
will raise
independently of the selection by the MCE.
Multiple unit 284.01f Raise and lower pantograph
n2242.01f To handle the pan there is a spring loaded switch (129) with 3
n2242.02i Both EP valves {05A, 130} to raise the pan are controlled either by the
n2242.03f The driver gives the command to raise the pan with a short push to Pos
of the switch.
contactor pantograph {05A, 130.1}. The contractor has different effects
depending on mode of the locomotive.
Cooling mode
Contactor {130.1} raise the pantograph above the unoccupied cab
Driving mode:
Contactor {130.1} transmit the command of the driver to the CEL
n2242.05i The auxiliary compressor secures enough air pressure to raise the
pantograph 2.5.4 Auxiliary compressor.
n2242.06f The pan should be able to be lowered by the driver in each situation
without any risk of damages to the loco.
n2242.07f It shall be possible to raise the pan at any speed 277.02 Neutral
-energising the auxiliary contactor
pantograph {05A, 130.1} in the following way:
- Key switch in
- Emergency stop push button (06B, 244)
- Fatal mode of MCE (loco dead)
n2242.09f The pan is not lowered automatically in case of the catenary voltage
exceeding the upper line voltage.
n2242.10f Each pan is monitored by a pressure switch {05A, 130.4}
Design FG 31 Pantograph Control
Table of Contents
31.1 Purpose 2
31.2 Reference Documents 2
31.3 Processors and clusters 2
31.4 Normal Functionality 2
31.4.1 General Information 2
31.4.2 Redundancy 2
31.4.3 Pantograph selection 2
31.4.4 Pan up/down wish generation 3
31.4.5 Collection of pan up conditions 3
31.4.6 Collection of pan down conditions 3
31.4.7 Pan control and supervision 4
31.4.8 Simulation mode 4
31.5 Multiple control 4
31.5.1 Normal operation 4
31.5.2 The master loco is in trailing mode 5
31.6 Disturbances 5
31.6.1 HBB2 fails 5
31.6.2 STB 2 fails 5
31.6.3 Disturbance handling in multiple operation 5
31.6.4 Disturbance handling in trailing mode 5
31.7 Interface 5
31.7.1 FG 31 implemented in HBB2 6
31.7.2 FG 31 implemented in STB2 6
32.8 Appendix Principle - Schemes 7
We reserve all right in this document and in the information contained therin. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without
express authority is strictly forbidden. (C) 1995 ABB Transportation System Ltd.
31.1 Purpose
This FG controls and monitors the pantograph \(pans) in the driving mode. In the cooling mode all pan
functions are hardwired.
Processor Description
HBB2 Pan 1 control
STB2 Pan 2 control
31.4.2 Redundancy
Pan 1 is controlled and monitored by HBB2 and pan 2 by STB2. The pan selection logic, which runs
simultaneously in FG31 of HBB2 and STB2, selects the pan to be raised. If one processor fails, the other one
will raise the connected pan independently of the pan selection logic.
The follow
operation mode:
Parameter name Value Description
PA31 P3102 - PanSelecSM 1(default) The pan above the unoccupied cab will be raised
PA31 P3102 -PanSelecSM 2 The pan above the occupied cab will be raised
cab (hardwired : [2], {05A, 125/1 or 125/2})
- hardwired: [2], {05A,
129/1 or 129/2})
If all these conditions are true, the pan wish logic is in the self hold mode.
The self hold logic can be manually released (Lpanup = 0) by one of the following actions:
is energised (BpanDisable = 1)
Pan disable
(These signals prevent from raising the pan)
- The MSC node is lower than 504 (no cab occupied) or 600, 601, 612 or 613 (loco shut
down nodes; BPanDnMSC = 1)
- Subsystem 01 (main power) is isolated
- Raises or lowers the selected pan according to the pan up and down conditions, the pan
down conditions always have the higher priority
- Supervises the selected pan (see 31.6)
In the simulation mode (Bsimulation = 1) the pan will not be raised physically. A special signal
(BpanUp) is sent to both SLGs to simulate catenary voltage
The pan up/down generation is working on the master loco only. The up or down wish is transmitted
over the Trainbus to the slave loco ([1],V284
P3102 PanSelecMM) in the
pan selection logic of FG31 which pan will be raised. There is a signal from the Trainbus logic
(Mside2Con) to detect on which side the loco is coupled.
Only the pan up/down wish generation is working on the master loco. All other functions are only
active on th
slave loco (13-BpanDisable). The pan selection is the same as in the normal mode (see 31.5.1).
31.6 Disturbances
Since the pan selection can be manually forced, both pressure switches ([2], {05A, 130.4/1 and
130.4/2}) have to be monitored within FG31 because the software cannot detect which pan is actually
raised. If one pan is raised and both pressure switches are open for longer than 2 seconds (the value
can be set during commissioning: PA31_P3104-PanPresDel) the VCB will be opened and a priority 1
fault message will be displayed ({1},n2242.10f).
From cab 1 pan 2 will be selected, which will be raised with a command from STB2.
If the driver is driving in cab 1 and the STB@ fails, pan 1 should be raised by HBB2 after pressing the
If there is a shut down on the slave loco, the selected pan will be lowered on the slave loco but the pan
on the master loco will stay raised. After the fault handling the selected pan will be raised
automatically because the wish to raise the pan is still active from the master loco.
If there is a protective shut down on the slave loc, the selected pan will be lowered on the slave loco
and the wish to raise the pan will be reset on the master loco. After the fault handling and a renewed
pan up wish, the selected pan will be raised on the slave loco.
Below is a complete list of all input and output signals of this function group, ordered by cluster
31-BpanDisable BIT OUT AMS {05A,130.1} Releases/disables the pan self hold logic
(S M) TB HBB2,FG31
3103-Mpan1NoPres BIT OUT INT FG06 Pan 1 has not enough pressure Disturbance
with VCB off and priority 1 fault massage
31-BPanUp BIT OUT MVB FLGM,FG21 Simulated pan up feedback in orer to simulate
SLGA,FG18 catenary voltage in the SLGs. Only valid in the
SLG2,FG18 simulation mode