Group 3:
03. Reproduction
Sexual reproduction. occurs with the fusion of two single cells (sometimes
ascospores), two differentiated gametangia, or two somatic hyphae cells
the thick-walled resting cells normally formed by the mycelium.
Family Ascoideaceae
Proliferating asci
Family Dipopodaceae
● Characteristic: filamentous
● Asexual reproduction:
multinucleate and septate
mycelium produce two
adjoining multinucleate
● Examples of species:
dipodascopsis uninucleatus and
dipodascus albidus
● Role: can be associated with
insects and plants
Life cycle Dipodascopsis uninucleatus
Family Endomicetaceae
1. 2.
Taphrina deformans, the Some other economically important
cause of peach and almond species are Taphrina pruni, which causes
leaf curl, is the best-known plum pockets; Taphrina cerasi, which
species in this order. causes witches broom of cherries; and
Taphrina coerule scens, which causes a
curling and puckering of oak leaves.
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