Music 101 Notes
Music 101 Notes
Music 101 Notes
Ordinary vs Extraordinary
● Ordinary: fleeting
● Extraordinary: always prevalent; has significant or long lasting effect
● Pieces of music have features
○ Themes
○ Style
○ Meter
○ Rhythm
○ Direction
○ Dynamics
● Develop different expectations about concert or art music
○ It does not try to grab your attention
○ It is not as loud as pop culture music
○ Performed without lots of action
○ It is longer and more complex
● Remember what you hear
○ You hear/focus on only moments, not entirety
○ Become sensitive to sounds
Syncopation happens when
The rhythmic emphasis occurs where it is not expected or removed where it is expected
“+” for eighth notes and “e” and “a” for sixteenths
Occurs when two or more rhythmic patterns are performed at the same time
Heard in 20th century and African music
*Milamba Kagalia
Musical sound
Pitch - highness or lowness of a sound
Determined by frequency (speed of vibrations)
Definite or indefinite pitch
Pitch is measured in hertz
440-880 hz is identifiable as the frequency of an octave
Form of Music
● Music is organized in 3 basic ways
○ Repetition - the same material replayed
○ Variation - the material is similar, but differs
○ Contrast - the material is very different
● Form is the overall plan or design of a composition
○ Ex aabb,aba,aaba
● Organization of the musical elements over time
○ How a piece of music is structured
○ All music has form, although two pieces can sound different, even if they have
the same form
● Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez, second movement
○ A Concerto is a large work for soloists and orchestras
○ Most concertos involve individual pieces of music, called movements. Each
movement can have its own themes
○ Most common number of movements is 3
Form of Over the Rainbow
● AABA’ (b)
Form of What a Wonderful World
Instrument families
1. Brass
2. Strings
3. Percussive
4. Woodwinds
Voice - oldest instrument
1. Soprano
2. Alto
3. Tenor
4. Bass
Styles in Music
● Style in music: the treatment of musical elements in a similar way in may works over an
extended period of time
● Names of styles are usually designated years after a style has ended
Baroque Music
● A scientific mindset influenced music
○ Formal organization
○ Metric rhythm introduced (measures)
○ Moods and emotions categorized
● Major musical changes:
○ Modern tuning system developed
○ Instruments significantly improved, first orchestras
○ Development of Opera
Baroque Instruments
● Pipe organ
● Harpsichord
● Recorder
● Bass
● Viols
● Lute
● Timpani
Pachelbel: Canon in D
● Forgotten for hundreds of years, now well known
● Continuo plays eight-note ground base
● Three violin parts play 27 variations in imitation (canon)
● Work for an orchestra with a soloist
● Two types - solo concerto or concerto grosso (group)
○ Ex. Vivaldi, The Four Seasons
“Prelude” (BWV 998) from Prelude, Fugue, and Allegro by J.S. Bach
● In the key of D major, but shifts into many different key areas before eventually returning
to D
● Built on the 3 note melodic motif
● The rhythm is a 12 beat cycle
● This piece has a central melodic idea present (homophonic), but feels as if the melody is
created from several different “voices” (polyphonic).
● Large-scale work for voices or orchestra
● Consists of:
○ Recitatives
○ Choruses
○ Arias
○ Instrumentals
Handel’s Messiah
● Contains 53 sections
● “Hallelujah Chorus”
○ Well known work, but only one of the hundreds of compositions by this composer
○ Important words occur on important beats
○ Listening for: chorus and orchestra similarities
○ A lot of repetition and imitation
○ Choir of voices, SATB
○ Often repeats words
○ Strict metrical rhythm (duple) 2/4
○ Orchestral accompaniment is important
○ Often polyphonic with imitation
○ Listen for imitating vocal lines
1. What is the texture of this music?
a. A, monophonic
2. Tempo
a. C,somewhat fast
3. What do you hear at this point in the music?
a. B, one line of melody followed by imitation in another voice
4. Which voice parts sing this music?
a. C, the basses begin followed by the tenors
5. How does the pitch change with each appearance of the words “kings of kings, lords of
a. A, the pitch moves up one step with each appearance
6. The music at this point is in
a. A, major
7. The meter of the music is
a. A, two or four beats
8. The instruments heard most prominently are
a. B, violins
9. What is the texture of the music at this point?
a. B, homophonic
Mozart & Beethoven (do listening questions)
● Beethoven took the forms of the Classical Era and expanded them into vehicles of much
greater emotional expression (Romantic)
● Broke free of the Patron system and paved the way for future Romantic artists to support
Romantic Era
● 1820-1900 19th century
● Disenchantment with Enlightenment ideals
● Rejected notion that progress is related to science and logic
● Promoted individual thought and progress above all else
Characteristics of Romanticism
● Fascinated by the unknown, far away, and long ago
The Art Song
● Also called “lied” (li-air)
● Solo singer and piano
● Franz Schubert wrote over 500
○ He only lived to age 32
Franz Schubert: Der Erlkonig
● Poem by Goethe (famous German poet)
○ Erl King is a mythical creature who haunts the forest and whose touch means
● Singer sings four roles
○ Narrator
○ Father
○ Son
○ Erl King
● Through-composed (no repeats) unlike a rondo
● Piano sets mood
○ Piano plays the part of the horse
Concert on Thursday 4/11