Application Number: CHDN21900 HTL01260199
Category :
user pic
Date of Examination 25 January 2024
Shift Shift 2 20/01/24, 7 54 PM
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Senior Director, NTA
I, -----------------------------------------------, resident of---------------------------------------------,do hereby, declare the
1. I have read all the instructions uploaded on the website and thereafter downloaded the admit card along with
the instructions. I have taken the printout and agreed to abide by the same.
2. I have read the detailed “ important instructions for candidates” as given on page 2. I understand to abide by
the same.
Candidate’s Photo (Same as Candidate’s left-hand thumb Candidate’s Signature (To be signed,
uploaded on the Application Form to Impression (To be affixed before on the Day of Examination in
be affixed before reaching the Centre) reaching the Centre) presence of the Invigilator only)
3. Signature of the invigilator in the examination room/hall:……………………………………………………………….
4. Note: Candidates are advised to download this admit card and go through the instructions printed on it carefully before going for the
examination and follow them strictly. Candidate must carefully check the particulars /photographs /signature/post details etc. as shown
in the admit card. The candidates are advised to retain the copy of this admit card for her/his record and future reference.
14. The NTA will provide the Blue/Black ball point pen to the candidates during the examination. No personal pen will be
15. Before reaching the Centre, candidates must paste the Photograph and put a thumb impression at the appropriate place on the
Admit Card. They should ensure that their Left-Hand Thumb Impression is clear and not smudged.
16. PwD candidate (with disability of 40% or less) may be allowed Compensatory/ Extra time of 20 minutes per hour of the
examination, whether such candidate (having a physical limitation to write) uses the facility of Scribe or not. 20/01/24, 7 54 PM
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17. PwD candidate must bring a PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority if claiming relaxation under the PwD
category. The Scribe must also carry his/ her own Self Declaration (Undertaking) regarding educational qualification,
passport size photograph, and valid government identity.
18. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry any other personal belongings including electronic devices, or mobile phones to the
Examination Centre. Examination Officials will not be responsible for the safekeeping of personal belongings and there will be no
19. Shoes/footwear with thick soles and garments with large buttons are NOT permitted.
20. Blank paper sheets for rough work will be provided in the examination Hall/Room. Candidates must write their name and Roll
Number at the top of each of the sheet(s).
21. The candidate should ensure that the Question Paper is as per his/her opted subject/medium indicated in the Admit Card. In case,
the subject/medium of the Question Paper is other than his/her opted subject/medium, the same may be brought to the notice of
the Invigilator concerned 20/01/24, 7 54 PM
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