GROUP3 Donning and Removing PPE Rationale
GROUP3 Donning and Removing PPE Rationale
GROUP3 Donning and Removing PPE Rationale
Indicate the rationale for the Applying and Removing Personal Protective Equipment procedure. Kindly cite the
reference/s used.
1. • Consider which activities will be required while the nurse is in the client’s room To create an appropriate nursing plan
and assess the client's needs.
• Consider if special handling is indicated for removal of any specimens or other Ensuring the safety of client’s and
materials from the room nurse's health conditions in processing
infection control
Determine which supplies are present within the client’s room, and which must be brought For nurse preparation and client
to the room convenience in the room
2. Assemble equipment and supplies: For nursing preparedness
• Gown Clean gloves • Gown: To prevent the transmission of
disease-causing bacteria if the user
comes into touch with potentially
contagious liquid or solid material.
• Clean Gloves: To limit the risk of
healthcare workers' hands becoming
contaminated with blood and bodily
fluids, including contact with mucous
membranes and non-intact skin.
3. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is necessary, and how he can cooperate. Instructing the client can build trust and
promote cooperation in doing the
infection control procedure
4. Perform hand hygiene Performing proper hand washing is the
most effective way to eliminate germs,
avoid illness, and prevent germs from
spreading to others.
5. Apply clean gown. To prevent the transmission of disease-
causing bacteria if the user comes into
touch with potentially contagious liquid
or solid material.
• Pick up a clean gown and allow it to unfold in front of you without allowing it to touch any To guarantee that the gown is clean
are soiled with body substances. and uncontaminated before being worn.
6. • Slide the arms and the hands through the sleeves. To protect both the nurses and clients
from pathogen exposure
7. • Fasten the ties at the neck to keep the gown in place. To retain and keep its place while
preventing gaps or breaches that may
allow germs to enter
8. • Overlap the gown at the back as much as possible, and fasten the waist ties or belt. Provides full back covering and adds
further protection against
contamination. This reduces the chance
of contamination during jobs that
involve bending or reaching.
9. Don the face mask. (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2023)To protect against
inhaling harmful particles, pathogens,
or contaminants in the air, minimizing
the risk of respiratory infections or
• Locate the top edge of the mask. The mask usually has a narrow metal strip along the Ensuring a secure fit and reducing the
edge. risk of air leakage or particles entering
through gaps.
10 • Hold the mask by the top two strings or loops. For proper placement and adjustment
. of the mask over the face, ensuring a
snug and secure fit
11 • Place the upper edge of the mask over the bridge of the nose, and tie the upper ties at the Minimizing gaps where contaminants
. back of the head or secure the loops around the ears. If glasses are worn, fit the upper can enter. Fitting the mask under
edge of the mask under the glasses. glasses prevents fogging and ensures
comfort during wear.
12 • Secure the lower edge of the mask under the chin, and tie the lower ties at the nape of the Prevents the mask from slipping or
. neck. moving during use, maintaining full
coverage and effective protection
13 • If the mask has a metal strip, adjust this firmly over the bridge of the nose. Helps to create a secure seal, reducing
. the likelihood of air leakage and
enhancing the mask's effectiveness in
14 • Wear the mask only once, and do not wear any mask longer than the manufacturer Prevents potential contamination and
. recommends or once after it becomes wet. ensures optimal filtration efficiency.
15 • Do not leave a used face mask hanging around the neck. Proper disposal or storage of used
. masks helps maintain hygiene and
prevents the spread of infectious
16 Don protective eyewear if it is not part of the face mask. Safeguards the eyes from direct contact
. with airborne particles or contaminants,
reducing the risk of infection or
17 Don clean disposable gloves. Clean disposable gloves can help
. prevent infection from body fluids
• No special technique is required. Closed or Open glove technique
18 • If you are wearing a gown, pull the gloves up to cover the cuffs of the gown. If you are Pulling gloves up to cover the cuffs on
. not wearing a gown, pull the gloves up to cover the wrists. the gown prevents the microogranisms
from entering.
19 To remove soiled personal protective equipment, remove the gloves first, since they are the To prevent spreading germs and
. most soiled. bacteria on your hands and keep it
clean and protected.
• If wearing a gown that is tied at the waist in front, undo the ties before removing gloves. Ties that are tied in front of the gown
may be soiled, making if unsafe to untie
if we have already removed our gloves.
20 • Remove the first glove by grasping it on its palmar surface just below the cuff, taking care This keep soiled part of the used gloves
. to touch only glove to glove. from touching the skin of the wrist or
21 • Pull the first glove completely off by inverting or rolling the glove inside out. Technique prevents contact with outer
. suface of contaminated gloves. It
prevents contamination of hair, neck ,
and facial area.
22 • Continue to hold the inverted removed glove by the fingers of the remaining gloved hand. Touching outside of the second soiled
. Place the first two fingers of the bare hand inside the cuff of the second glove. glove with the bare hand is avoided.
23 • Pull the second glove off to the fingers by turning it inside out. This pulls the first glove The soiled part of the glove is folded to
. inside the second glove. the inside to reduce the chance of
transferring any microorganisms by
direct contact.
24 • Using the bare hand, continue to remove the gloves, which are now inside out, and dispose Contact with microorganisms may
. of them in the refuse container. occure while removing PPE.
25 Perform hand hygiene Observing proper hand hygiene
. protects you and the patients from
contamination of foreign substances.
Cleaning your hands can prevent the
spread of germs and/or infectious
26 Remove protective eyewear and dispose of properly, or place in the appropriate receptacle for It is important to remove and dispose of
. cleaning. PPE properly to minimize the risk of
injury or the spread of infection from
one person to another.
27 Remove the gown when preparing to leave the room. Unless a gown is grossly soiled with body The removal of the gown is to prevent
. substances, no special precautions are needed to remove it. If a gown is grossly soiled: the contamination of clothing or the
• Avoid touching soiled parts on the outside of the gown, if possible. To ensure that the ungloved hand does
not get contaminated with foreign
28 • Grasp the gown along the inside of the neck and pull down over the shoulders. Grasping the inside of the gown allows
. the nurse to remove the gown without
touching the outside of the gown which
is contaminated.
29 Remove the mask. Masks generally should not be worn
. more than once or should be removed
when the mask becomes contaminated.
• If using a mask with strings, first untie the lower strings of the mask. Taking off the lower strings first is to
ensure that the mask stays on the face.
30 • Untie the top strings and, while holding the ties securely, remove the mask from the face; or Holding the ties or loops helps in
. • If side loops are present, lift the side loops up and away from the ears and face. removing the mask without touching the
front of the mask, which is
31 • Discard a disposable mask in the waste container. Proper disposal of masks should be
. observed as it prevents the spread of
infectious agents
32 • Wash the hands again if they become contaminated by accidentally touching the soiled part If your hands are soiled, proper hand
. of the mask. hygiene prevents the spread of
contaminated, infectious agents.
9 – 16
: Personal Protective Equipment | NIOSH | CDC Personal protective equipment for COVID-19 (
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