Fuentes&gabatilla (LP)
Fuentes&gabatilla (LP)
Fuentes&gabatilla (LP)
in English 9
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to:
A. Preparation
•The teacher will begin the class with a prayer; she will ask the
students to arrange their chairs properly and to pick up pieces of paper.
•She will introduce herself to the class and set some agreements to
present formality and organization in the class discussion. The teacher
will also account her students on who are absent.
•Motivation (The teacher will show the students a collage of book
covers or movie posters representing various genres. Ask the students
to make predictions about the genre based on the clues provided)
•Review (The teacher will ask questions about the previous topic)
B. Presentation of Objective
Let the students read the objectives and the teacher will use Slide
presentation in presenting the objectives.
At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to:
B. Analysis
What is the name of the character?
Give description of the character's appearance and personality
What is the key role or purpose of the character in the story?
What memorable quotes or actions by the character?
Insert the copy of the story, Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez (in separate pdf file)
A. Abstraction
What is Fiction?
What is the history of Fiction?
What are the two main categories of Fiction?
What is Genre Fiction?
(The teacher will ask the students questions to test if they really understand the lesson.)
D. Application
Group the students into eight groups. Students will apply their understanding of fiction
stories and subgenres by creating and performing skits or scenes. Each group will be assigned a
different subgenre of fiction, such as Fantasy, Science fiction, Suspense, Horror, Adventure, Historical,
Romance, Mystery. Students will work collaboratively to develop a storyline, characters, and dialogue
that align with their assigned subgenre. They will then perform their skits or scenes, incorporating
the key elements and characteristics of their assigned subgenre.
Prepared by:
Gladys P. Guzman