Day 75 - Notes
Day 75 - Notes
Day 75 - Notes
Follow the below steps to start working on the real time project:
git status
git add .
git commit -m "Uploading Initial automation framework"
git push origin master
9.Delete any existing feature files and Create Register.feature file and first scenario under src/test/resources > Features
folder - View Scenario here
10.Create file under src/test/java > stepdef package and implement all the steps in first scenario
First run the feature file without implementation to get the high level implementation in output
Remove the errors and unnecessary comments/code which is auto-generated
Write the code for opening the Application URL in the browser and Understand
Copy the Hooks under the step-def package - Download Hooks class here
Understand the methods in Hooks class
Remove the Hooks related methods from Base Class
Close and open the Register.feature file and observe that I am getting an error
To overcome this error, I will remove Cucumber-eclipse add-on from Eclipse IDE and in place of it I will install
Cucumber JVM eclipse plugin from
Update the Runner class to execute the so far implemented scenario - View Runner Class here
@CucumberOptions(features={"classpath:FeatureFiles/Register.feature" },
tags={"@Register", "@One"})
Execute the Runner class using JUnit and check the result
If everything goes well, upload the updated code to GitHub