Zombie Bear ACrochet Patternby Erin Scull

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Zombie Bear

A Crochet Pattern by Erin Scull

Copyright 2011

© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store

Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
(Red Heart Super Saver 4 Ply)
Spring Green Brt. Yellow Lt. Raspberry
Black White Hot Red

You’ll Need:
Size G Crochet Hook Large Sewing Needle
Scissors Straight Pins

Approx. 12” tall when complete

This is a work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-

Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0, if you need more
information about this go to:

Please do not share, copy, reproduce or sell this pattern or any doll
made by this, thanks!

Rnd./Rnds.- round/rounds
Sc- single crochet
Sc Dec- single crochet decrease
Hdc- half double crochet
Hdc Dec- half double crochet decrease
Ch- chain
Sl St- slip stitch
Sk- skip
BLO- back loops only
FLO- front loops only
Tog- together
F/O- fasten off
Magic Ring- (ch2, sc # in 1st ch from hook)

If you need help with any of these stitches you can check this wonderful site out for
some help:

Using Lt. Raspberry
(Note: When working in rnds. After joining a rnd., in the next rnd. you first st starts
in joining st. This principle applies to the whole pattern.)

Rnd. 1: ch9, sc in 1st ch from hook and next 6 ch, 3sc in next ch, (working on
© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store
Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
opposite side of ch9) sc in next 7 ch, 3sc in last ch, join w/sl st, ch1 (20)
Rnd. 2: (sc in 1st 8 sc, 2sc in next 2 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 3: sc in 1st 4 sc, 2hdc in next sc, hdc in next 4 sc, 2hdc in next 3 sc, hdc
in next 4 sc, 2hdc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2sc in last 3 sc, join w/sl st, ch1
Rnds. 4-6: (sc in each st), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (32)
Rnd. 7: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog)4x, (hdc dec next 2 sc tog)6x, (sc dec next 2 sc
tog)6x, join w/sl st, ch1 (16)
Rnd. 8: (sc dec 1st 2 st tog), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (8)
Rnd. 9: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 2 sc)2x, join w/sl st, F/O (6) leave 12”.
Cinch end closed. To cinch, weave remaining yarn through remaining sc, pull
tight, fasten down, and hide remaining yarn. ONLY DO NOT hide remaining
yarn this time. Instead join in any stitch near your cinch w/sl st, ch 7, F/O
The remaining tail will secure you’re “brainstem” to the inside of the “brain
socket”. Set to the side for now…

Starting w/Black
(Note: you are starting with the “brain socket”.)

Rnd. 1: (2sc, hdc)2x in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)
Rnd. 2: (2sc in 1st 2 sc, 2hdc in next hdc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: ([2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc]2x, 2hdc in next hdc, hdc in next hdc)2x,
join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 4: ([2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc]2x, 2hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 2
hdc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 5: ([2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 3 sc]2x, 2hdc in next hdc, hdc in next 3
hdc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnd. 6: FLO (sc in each st), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnds. 7-8: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30) join Spring Green
w/sl st at end of rnd. 8
Rnd. 9: BLO (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 4 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (36)
Rnd. 10: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 5 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (42)
Rnd. 11: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 6 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (48)
Rnd. 12: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 7 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (54)
Rnd. 13: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 8 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (60)
Rnds. 14-20: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (60)
Rnd. 21: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 8 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (54)
Rnd. 22: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 7 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (48)
© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store
Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Rnd. 23: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (48)
Rnd. 24: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 6 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (42)
Rnd. 25: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 5 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (36)
Rnd. 26: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 4 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnd. 27: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 3 sc), around,
join w/sl st, ch1 (24) PLACE brain in brain socket!
Pin the Brain in place so that it will stay put. Now
begin stuffing the inside the head, make sure you
get around the inside/side of the brain socket, NOT
Rnd. 28: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 2 sc), around,
join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 29: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12) finish
stuffing and shaping head
Rnd. 30: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog), around, join w/sl st, F/O (6) leave 12”, cinch end
closed and again, do not hide remaining yarn. Remove the brain. With your
extra 12” run the yarn up through the head, to the brain socket (rnd. 6) and
back down to the bottom rnds. of the head. Do that a few times working your
way around the bottom of the brain socket, this will prevent the brain socket
from popping out of the head.
Finishing the head:
Join Spring Green to any of the unworked loops on rnd. 9, (ch3, sc in 1st ch
from hook and next ch, sc in next 4 unworked loops)7x, ch3, sc in 1st ch from
hook and next ch, sc in last unworked loop, join w/sl st in beginning ch of the
1st ch3, F/O (8 bumps) Sew the brain stew to the inside/bottom on the back of
the brain socket. Now pin the brain in place again so you don’t have to fight
with it while you’re working.

Eye: (#1)
Using Brt. Yellow

Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 4: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl
st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 5: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, F/O (24)
leave 8” to sew eye to head. First using a 4” piece of
Black add a X to the eye. Now sew the eye to the head
between rnds. 10 & 20 on the head. Stuff before you
sew it on completely. NOTE: I strongly suggest you pin
© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store
Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
this piece and every other piece on before sewing, to ensure you’re happy with
the placement. I also suggest that you do NOT sew the eye on until you have
the other eye complete, to make sure you like where they are placed.

Eye Hole:
Using Black

Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, F/O (12) leave 6” to sew eye hole
to the head. Sew the eye hole to the head between rnds. 11 & 18 on the head.
You need about 6 sc between the 1st eye and the eye hole.

Eye: (# 2)
Using Brt. Yellow

Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 4: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnds. 5-6: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24) STOP here for
a minute. You need to add the pupil. Using 4” piece of Black stitch the pupil on
the eye using a simple in and out stitch. You can sew the pupil on anywhere
you like. I made mine about the size of the tip of my pinky.
Rnd. 7: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 8: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12) stuff
Rnd. 9: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog), around, join Hot Red
w/sl st, ch5 (6)
Row 10: sl st in 1st ch from hook and next 3 ch, join
w/sl st in bottom of the eye, F/O (4) leave 6” Run the
6” down the ch5 and with the remaining 6” sew the
end of the ch5 to the middle of the “Eye Hole”.

© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store

Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Using Black

Row 1: ch2, 2sc in 1st ch from hook, turn (2) do not

Row 2: 2sc in both sc, F/O (4) leave 8” to sew nose
to head and for the mouth detail. Sew the nose to
the head between the two eyes, with your
remaining yarn add the mouth. Refer to picture:

Ear: (# 1)
Using Spring Green

Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnds. 4-6: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 7: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog), around, join w/sl st, F/O (9) leave 4” to sew ear to
the head. Sew the ear to the head between rnds. 9 & 15 on the head. Do NOT
stuff the ear.

Ear: (# 2)
Using Spring Green

Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store
Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Rnd. 4: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd./Row 5: flatten ear, (working through both sides) sc dec next 2 sc tog, sc
in next 5 sc, sc dec last 2 sc tog, turn (7)
Row 6: sl st in 1st sc, (ch2, sl st in 1st ch from hook, sl
st in next 2 sc)3x, F/O (3 bumps) leave 6” Run the 6”
through the ear to the bottom corner of rnd. 2. Now
sew the ear to the head between rnds. 9 & 15 on the
head, about 11-13 sc away from the other ear (11-13
sc away on the back of the head).

Using Spring Green

Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 4: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 5: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 3 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnd. 6: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 4 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (36)
Rnd. 7: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 5 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (42)
Rnd. 8: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 6 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (48)
Rnd. 9: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 7 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (54)
Rnd. 10: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 8 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (60)
Rnd. 11: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 9 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (66)
Rnds. 12-16: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (66)
Rnd. 17: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 9 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (60)
Rnds. 18-19: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (60)
Rnd. 20: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 8 sc), around,
join w/sl st, ch1 (54)
Rnds. 21-22: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1
Rnd. 23: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 7 sc), around,
join w/sl st, ch1 (48)
Rnd. 24: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 6 sc), around,
join w/sl st, ch1 (42)
Rnd. 25: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (42)
begin stuffing and shaping body
Rnd. 26: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 5 sc), around,
© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store
Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
join w/sl st, ch1 (36)
Rnd. 27: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 4 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnd. 28: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnd. 29: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 3 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 30: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, F/O (24) leave 8” to sew body to
head. Finish stuffing body and sew the body to the bottom of the head,

Bloody Neck:
Using Hot Red
(Note: you really need to take your time with this next piece, there are a lot of different stitches
and they change a lot!)

Ch22, sl st in 1st ch from hook, (ch4, sc in 1st ch from hook, sl st in last 2 ch, sl
st in next 3 ch on ch22, ch2, sc in 1st ch from hook, sl st in next 2 ch on ch22,
ch4, hdc in 1st ch from hook, sc in next ch, sl st in last ch, sl st in next 3 ch on
ch22)repeat between ( ), ch2, sc in 1st ch from hook, sl st
in next 3 ch on ch22, ch3, sc in 1st ch form hook, sl st in
last ch, sl st in last ch on ch22, F/O (8 bumps) leave 12”
to sew ends tog and to pin bloody neck to body. Wrap the
bloody neck around the neck of the body, sew the ends
tog, now with your remaining 12” pin the bloody neck to
the body using a simple in and out stitch around the
ch22 part, and hide any extra yarn in the body.

Arm: (# 1)
Starting w/Spring Green

Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 4: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 5: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 3 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)

© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store

Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Rnds. 6-10: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnd. 11: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 3 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnds. 12-14: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 15: FLO (sl st in 1st 3 sc, ch2, sl st in 1st ch from hook)8x, join w/sl st, in
1st sl st, F/O (8 bumps) hide extra yarn
Rnd. 15: join Hot Red to any unworked loop w/sl st, ch1 (sc in each unworked
loop), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 16: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 17: (sc in each sc), around, join Spring Green w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 18: BLO (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 19: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18) begin stuffing, lightly!
Rnd. 20: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnds. 21-24: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12) finish stuffing
Rnd. 25: flatten and sc across and through, F/O (6) leave 6” to sew arm to
body. First:
Finishing Arm:
Join Spring Green to unworked loops on rnd. 18 w/sl
st, repeat 1st rnd. 15 directions. (8 bumps) hide extra
yarn. Next you need to add the finger lines. Using a 8”
piece of Black wrap the first 12 rnds., repeat. Do these
twice making two lines. (Repeating makes for a bolder
Now you can sew the completed arm to rnd. 28 on the

Small Bone:
Using White

Rnd. 1: ch4, sc in 1st ch from hook and next ch, 3sc in next ch, (working on
opposite side of ch4) sc in next 2 ch, 3sc in last ch, join w/sl st, ch1 (10)
Rnd. 2: (sc in 1st 3 sc, 2sc in next 2 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (14)
Rnd. 3: (sc in 1st 5 sc, sc dec next 2 sc tog)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 4: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)
Rnds. 5-6: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (6) F/O leave 4” to sew
bone to arm. Stuff (you may find it easiest using the tip of your scissors). Now
using a separate piece of 4” White wrap the middle 1st three rnds, pull tight,
and repeat. Giving the bone the “bone look”, for lack of a better word. :P Set to
the side for now…

© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store

Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Arm: (# 2)
Starting w/Hot Red

Rnd. 1: 8sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (8)

Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, (16)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join Spring Green w/sl st, ch1
Rnd. 4: BLO (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 5: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnds. 6-9: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 10: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnds. 11-14: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12) stuff arm
Rnd. 15: flatten and sc across and through, F/O (6) leave 6” to sew arm to
body. First:
Finishing Arm:
Join Spring Green to unworked loops on rnd. 4 w/sl st, (sl st in 1st 3 sc, ch2, sl
st in 1st ch from hook)8x, join w/sl st, in 1st sl st, F/O (8 bumps) hide extra
yarn. Now you can sew the small bone to rnd. 1 of Arm # 2. Next you can sew
the completed arm to rnd. 28 on the body.

Foot: (Make 2)
Using Spring Green

© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store

Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Rnd. 1: ch7, sc in next ch from hook and next 4 ch, 3sc in next ch, (working on
opposite side of ch7) sc in next 5 ch, 3sc in last ch, join w/sl st, ch1 (16)
Rnd. 2: (sc in 1st 6 sc, 2sc in next 2 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (20)
Rnd. 3: (sc in 1st 7 sc, 2sc in next 3 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (26)
Rnd. 4: (sc in 1st 7 sc, [2sc in next sc, sc in next sc]3x)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (32)
Rnds. 5-9: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (32)
Rnd. 10: sc in 1st 13 sc, sc dec next 2 sc tog, sc in next 14 sc, sc dec next 2 sc
tog, sc in last sc, join w/sl st, ch1 (30)
Rnd. 11: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 3 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 12: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (24)
Rnd. 13: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 2 sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 14: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
stuff lightly
Rnd. 15: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next sc), around, join
w/sl st, ch1 (12) finish stuffing, lightly
Rnd. 16: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog), around, join w/sl st, F/O
(6) leave 4” to cinch end closed, you can hide the extra
yarn from now on. You should go ahead and add the
foot details now. Using a 8” piece of Black wrap the
first 10 rnds., repeat. Do this twice making two lines.
(Repeating makes for a bolder line) Set foot to the side
for now…

Using Spring Green

Rnd. 1: starting w/8” extra, ch15, join in 1st ch forming a ring (be sure not to
let it twist), ch1, (sc in each ch), around, join w/sl st, ch1
Rnds. 2-13: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (15)
Rnd. 14: sc in 1st sc, hdc in next 3 sc, sc in next sc, sl st in
next sc, F/O (6) leave 8” to sew Rnd. 14 of the leg to the
body. First sew rnd. 1 of the leg to the top/back of the foot
between rnds. 9 & 16 on the foot, make sure you have the
last rnd. Of the leg facing towards the side. Stuff and sew the
competed leg/foot to the body between rnds. 3 & 10 on the

© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store

Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Bone Leg:
Using White

Rnd. 1: starting w/6” extra, ch8, join in 1st ch forming a ring (be sure not to let
it twist), ch1, (sc in each ch), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (8)
Rnds. 2-3: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (8)
Rnd. 4: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next 3 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (10)
Rnd. 5: (2sc in 1st 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (14)
Rnd. 6: sc in 1st sc, 2sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 5 sc, 2sc in next 2 sc, sc in last
4 sc, join w/sl st, ch (18)
Rnd. 7: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 8: sc in 1st sc, (sc dec next 2 sc tog)2x, sc in next 5 sc, (sc dec next 2 sc
tog)2x, sc in last 4 sc, join w/sl st, ch1 (14)
Rnd. 9: ([sc dec 1st 2 sc tog]2x, sc in next 3 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (10)
Rnd. 10: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next 3 sc)2x, join w/sl st, ch1 (8)
Rnds. 11-12: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (8) F/O leave 6” to sew
bone to leg. First stuff the leg, stuff the middle LIGHTLY! Using a 8” piece of
Black add the details to the middle of the bone leg. First wrap the middle of the
bone, wrapping rnds. 6-8, pull tight. Now with the remaining 8” of Black,
starting at the middle of your Black line on the leg, wrap around the outside of
the bone between rnds. 6 & 7, pull tight again. Now you can fasten your Black
down and hide the remaining yarn in the leg.
Now that your bone leg is finished you can sew one end to the top/back of the
foot, between rnds. 11 & 16 on the foot. Sew the other end of your bone leg to
the body between rnds. 5 & 9 on the body. Refer to picture:

Using Spring Green
© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store
Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Rnd. 1: 6sc in magic ring, join w/sl st, ch1 (6)
Rnd. 2: (2sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (12)
Rnd. 3: (2sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnds. 4-5: (sc in each sc), around, join w/sl st, ch1 (18)
Rnd. 6: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog, sc in next sc), around, join
w/sl st, ch1 (12) stuff
Rnd. 7: (sc dec 1st 2 sc tog), around, join w/sl st, F/O (6)
leave 4” to cinch end closed. With a 6” piece of Hot Red
sew the tail to the body, only leave the stitched used to
sew the two pieces tog VERY loose, leaving the tail
hanging by a thread. LOL  I sewed my tail on that way
three times. Refer to picture:

Rip: (# 1) make as many as you like

Using Hot Red

Ch7, sl st in 1st ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in next 2

ch, sc in next ch, sl st in last ch, F/O (6) leave 12” to sew
rip to body and for the bloody detail. Sew the rip to the
body anywhere you like, then add the bloody details using
a simple in and out stitch. Refer to picture:

Rip: (# 2) make as many as you like

Using Hot Red

Ch9, sl st in 1st ch from hook and next ch, sc in next 2

ch, hdc in next ch, sc in next ch, sl st in last 2 ch, F/O
(8) leave 15” to sew rip to body and for the bloody detail.
Sew the rip to the body anywhere you like, then add the
bloody details using a simple in and out stitch. Refer to

I want to give a special thank you to my Daughter who came up with this
gruesome idea. She has a major thing for Zombies now. Sigh… :P Gotta love
teenagers! I love you “Bob” aka Becca.

And that’s all there is! I hope you’ve enjoy mine and my daughter‘s Zombie
Bear. I know I have! Have a great one!

If you have any problem with this pattern please contact me at:
© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store
Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com
Please do not share, reproduce or sell this pattern or any *doll
made from this pattern.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All my works are protected by the following Creative
Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0. You may not use this
pattern, or the dolls produced following this pattern for commercial/retail purposes.
These patterns are intended for personal use only. Other uses are strictly prohibited. All
rights reserved.

*If you don’t sell your doll(s) on Etsy, where I do sell mine, I really don’t care. ;) I just don’t
want to compete to sell my own doll(s). 

© 2011 A Pattern by Erin Scull of Erin’s Toy Store

Email questions to: Erins_ToyStore@yahoo.com

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