The document provides an overview of the preliminary system design process, which establishes functional requirements. It discusses subsystem functional analysis and the generation of block diagrams to define interfaces. Maintenance functional flows are also analyzed to support the system. The key steps are to define requirements, allocate them to subsystems, and establish design parameters to ensure compatibility with overall system goals around functions, reliability, maintainability, and other factors. Computer-aided engineering tools can help evaluate design alternatives.
The document provides an overview of the preliminary system design process, which establishes functional requirements. It discusses subsystem functional analysis and the generation of block diagrams to define interfaces. Maintenance functional flows are also analyzed to support the system. The key steps are to define requirements, allocate them to subsystems, and establish design parameters to ensure compatibility with overall system goals around functions, reliability, maintainability, and other factors. Computer-aided engineering tools can help evaluate design alternatives.
The document provides an overview of the preliminary system design process, which establishes functional requirements. It discusses subsystem functional analysis and the generation of block diagrams to define interfaces. Maintenance functional flows are also analyzed to support the system. The key steps are to define requirements, allocate them to subsystems, and establish design parameters to ensure compatibility with overall system goals around functions, reliability, maintainability, and other factors. Computer-aided engineering tools can help evaluate design alternatives.
The document provides an overview of the preliminary system design process, which establishes functional requirements. It discusses subsystem functional analysis and the generation of block diagrams to define interfaces. Maintenance functional flows are also analyzed to support the system. The key steps are to define requirements, allocate them to subsystems, and establish design parameters to ensure compatibility with overall system goals around functions, reliability, maintainability, and other factors. Computer-aided engineering tools can help evaluate design alternatives.
begins by establishing a functional baseline. Subsystem Functional Analysis ➢ Functional analysis is the iterative process of breaking down or decomposing requirements from the system level to the subsystem level.
➢ These resources are in the form of hardware, software,
people, facilities, data or combination.
➢ Evolves from the identified need, the results of the
feasibility analysis, the definition of the system operational requirements, and the maintenance concept. The Functional Analysis Process ➢ System defined in functional terms through the generation of a series of “block diagrams”.
➢ Block diagramming approach aids in the establishment
of activity sequences and series-parallel relationships and in defining major functional interfaces that exist between various system components. The Functional Analysis Process
The functional analysis process reflects the:
➢ “Whats” that must be accomplished to achieve desired objectives. ➢ Conversion to “hows” is accomplished by evaluating each individual block. ➢ Defining the necessary “inputs” and expected “outputs” describing external controls and constraints. • This figure will show a breakout of the design function with the need for people, materials, facilities and design aids. The Functional Analysis Process
➢ Timeline Analysis- may be used to identify
when the specific “resources” will be required and for how long. If there are parallel and conflicting requirements, two or more of the same item may be required.
➢ Combining and integrating some resources to
accomplish multiple functions may be possible, leading to economy in resource consumption. Maintenance Functional Flows
➢ Once the operational functions are defined, the
system description should lead to the identification of maintenance functions. Maintenance Functional Flows
There are specified performance
requirements for each operational function. A check of the applicable function will be applicable function will indicate either a “go” or a “no-go” decision (represented by “G” and “G” respectively) Maintenance Functional Flows ▪ “go” decision- leads to check of the next operational function.
▪ “no-go” decision- (constituting a symptom of
failure) provides a starting point of the development of detailed maintenance functional flows and logic trouble shooting diagram. A top level functional flow diagram Maintenance Functional Flows ▪ Maintenance functional flow diagrams are prepared for the purpose of establishing supportability design criteria for both the prime elements of the system and the maintenance and logistic support infrastructure. Maintenance Functional Flows ▪ Flow diagrams should be prepared for corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, inspection, servicing, transportation and handling, support equipment maintenance.
▪ They are developed and used to supplement
and/or update the system maintenance concept. Functional Analysis Summary
➢ Provides an initial description of the system, its
applicability is extensive.
➢ Serve as a “baseline” for definition of
equipment requirements, software requirements, whether to support operational functions or maintenance functions. Functional Analysis Summary
➢ These requirements have often derived
➢ The various design disciplines often do not
“track” the same baseline, leading to unsatisfactory results. ▪ A major objective of the system engineering is to develop one set of requirements and to define a single baseline from which all lower-level requirements may evolve. ▪ Functional packaging of system elements- technology integration; equipment packaging; software modularization.
▪ Reliability Analysis- reliability models and
blocks diagrams; failure mode, effects and critically analysis; level of repair analysis. ▪ Maintainability Analysis- maintenance task analysis; diagnostic and testability analysis; level of repair analysis. ▪ Human factor and safety- operator task analysis; operational sequence diagrams; system safety/hazard analysis’ personnel training requirements ▪ Maintenance and logistic support analysis- spares/repair parts and associated inventory requirements; test and support equipment requirements; personnel requirements; facility layout and design; technical data packaging; computer resources. ▪ Economical Analysis- life-cycle cost analysis, functional costing: activity-based costing by function. Requirements Allocation
▪ Lower-level elements of the system are defined
by combining (or grouping) similar functions into logical subdivisions, identifying major subsystems, configuration units. The functional packaging of the system into major elements • The approach often followed results in designing or procuring the units first and the hoping that, when integrated later, the over-all system requirements will be met. If the proper top down requirements are established from the beginning, there is a much better chance that the various elements of the system will be compatible with system functional requirements and with each other. Accordingly the need for downstream modifications will be minimized. ▪ In the development of the design goals at the unit level, priorities established for the system must be addressed and the desired characteristics of design must be identified . ▪ Design characteristics should be tailored in response to relative performance of each of the planned system measures. Allocation should consider all significant parameters stated in the form of maximum or minimum requirements. These inclu8de the following: 1. System performance and physical parameters, such as range, accuracy, speed, capacity, output rate, power rating, size and volume. 2. System effectiveness factors, such as operational availability, maintainability, producibility, dependability, supportability, and disposability. 3. System support capability factors such as the transportation or supply times between levels of maintenance, test equipment use and reliability, facility use, information transfer rates, and personnel effectiveness factors.
4. System life-cycle cost factors including
research and development cost investment or production cost, operation and maintenance support cost, and system retirement and disposal cost. Design Requirements (Parameters) The basic design objectives for the system and its elements must be:
1. Be compatible with the system operational
requirements and the maintenance concept. 2. Comply with the allocated design criteria established by the procedure. 3. Meet all specification requirements. In all cases, design activity must consider downstream outcomes having to do with a primary purpose as well as with production, operation, maintenance, phase out, and disposal. These design dependent parameters (TPM: Technical Parameters Measures) are briefly described subsequently:
1Design for functional capability- functional
capability derives from the characteristics of design that relate to the technical performance of the system.
2. Design for Reliability-Reliability is that
characteristic of design and installation concerned with the successful operation of the system throughout its planned mission. 3. Design for Maintainability-Maintainability is that characteristic of design and installation that reflects the ease, accuracy, safety and economy of performing maintenance action.
4. Design for Usability and Safety-Usability is
that characteristic of design concerned with the interfaces between the human and hardware,the human and software,the human and facilities,and so on (i.e.,ensuring the compatibilitybetween,and safety of,system physical and functional design features and the human element in the operation,maintenanceand support of the system). • 5. Design for Supportability and Serviceability-Supportability and Serviceability are characteristics of design that ensure that the system can ultimately be serviced and supported effectively and effieciently throughout its planned life cycle.
• 6. .Design for Producibility and Disposability-
Producibility is that characteristic of design that pertains to the ease and economy of producing a system or product • 7. Design for Affordability-Economic feasibility or affordability are characteristics of design and installation that impact budget constraints. Engineering Design Technologies
▪ To design is to project and evaluate ideas for
bringing a needed system or product into being. A design is an abstraction of what could be. ▪ For the design process to yield a good result numerous abstraction (design alternatives) must be formulated and evaluated. Computer-Aided Engineering Design (CAED) ▪ The designer must solve a variety of problems and evaluate numerous amount of time, and still must define a total system or product that will meet all requirement effectively and efficiently in a highly competitive international environment. ▪ Generic categories of computer-aided methods include CAD, CAED, and computer- aided acquisition and logistic support (CALS) ▪ It is used to generate drawings and graphic displays to facilitate the accomplishments of analyses, to develop materials. Application of CAED Technologies
▪ The application of CAD, CAM, CALS, and related
tools promotes the integration of these various methods into a single entity.
▪ These design-related aids must be readily
available and easy to use, compatible with each other facilitating the flow of information in a timely manner, and adaptable to the system or product design configuration at hand. ▪ Referring to the figure the objective of CAD is to allow the accomplishments of design analyses, the projection of various design configurations in terms of three dimensional graphical presentation, the accomplishment of reliability and maintainability predictions, the generation of design material lists. ▪ The use of CAD, CAM, and CALS methods, implemented on an integrated basis, offers many advantages. A few of these are the following:
• 1. The designer can address many different
alternatives in a relatively short time frame. • 2. The designer is able to simulate, and verify design, for a greater number of configurations by using three-dimensional projections. • 3. The ability to incorporate design changes is enhanced, both in terms of the reduced time for accomplishing them in the accuracy of data presentation. • 4. The quality of design is improved, both in terms of the methods for data presentation and in the reproduction of individual data elements.
• 5. The availability of an improved database
earlier in system life cycle(with better methods for presenting design configurations) facilities the training of personnel assigned to the project. The relationship of CAD, CAM, CALS and MacroCAD Analytical Model and Tools
▪ The design evaluation process may be defined
facilitated further through the use of various analytical models or tools in support of the MacroCAD objective. ▪ A model, in this context is a simplified representation of the real world which abstracts features of the situation relative to the problem being analyzed. ▪ A tool employed by an analyst to assess the likely consequences of various alternative courses of action being examined. Synthesis and Design Definition
▪ Synthesis- combining and structuring of parts
and elements.
System synthesis is achieved when
sufficient preliminary design progress has been made and trade-off studies have been accomplished to confirm and assure the completeness of the system performance, and other design requirements. System Design Reviews
• The basic objectives of formal design review are
introduced . Design is a progression form a defined need to an entity that will perform a useful function in a satisfactory manner.