A Technical Report Amm
A Technical Report Amm
A Technical Report Amm
The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a unit under the Vice-Chancellor’s
Office. It was established in 2016. The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
is a skills training programme designed to expose and prepare students of universities and other
tertiary institutions for the Industrial Work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
The company has been formed by a group of professionals having vivid experience and wide
exposure in Information Technology. People involved here are young qualified Engineering
graduates and qualified business graduate from the renowned universities across the country. The
resource personnel working in the company have been consistently providing reliable support
services and consultancy to a wide variety of corporate houses either in the capacity of executive
or as business partner or consultant. Bottom line of the company philosophy is building a long-
term business partnership with its clients where interpersonal relationship, reliability, assured
quality and target oriented modern technology are the major building blocks. It is a company
where professionals from both technical and functional field group together with an objective of
providing appropriate business solutions. It realizes the importance of functional knowledge and
its impact in developing business solutions. We constantly strive to be a leading technology firm
with profound business and functional knowledge. The key to the company's success is the
maintenance of a close working relationship with the clients through ensuring the best possible
solutions to their needs; to establish and maintain a thorough knowledge and understanding of
client's objective and help them maximize the benefits. We want to establish ourselves as the best
choice in Computing and Information Technology Services, Consultancy and Development by
Since the aim of our national policy in education is to build a strong and self- reliant nation, from
the government’s decree No.47 of 8th October, 1971 as amended in1990, which led to the
establishment of Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1973/1974 and through the formation of this
body (ITF), in the year 1993/1994 and through the formation of this body (ITF), in the year
1993/1974 SIWES was formed. In Nigeria, the current form of Cooperative Education is known
The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a planned and supervised training
intervention based on stated and specific learning and career objectives and geared towards
developing the occupational competencies of the participants. The aim is make education more
relevance and also to bridge the science-related disciplines in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
SIWES forms part of the approved minimum academic standards in the institutions, and is a core
academic requirement carrying fifteen (15) credit units. This requirement must be met by all
The main bodies involved in Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme are; The tertiary
institutions and the Federal Government through the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).
4. Tertiary Institutions (Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education)
3. Formulate policies and guideline for participating bodies and institutions as well as
4. Supervise students at their places of attachment and sign their log book and ITF forms.
5. Vet and process students Log books and forward same to ITF area office
This is based on the number of weeks or months that student is expected to stay for its
attachment. The minimum duration for SIWES should normally be six months, twenty-four
weeks (24) weeks for University Engineers and Technologist. The cumulative total duration of
attachment over the entire period of the course should preferably be not shorter than 240hrs full
Induction sessions which is conducted by teaching departments to install the concepts of key
skills (skills for learning, employment and life), work place safety and professional expectations,
The specific objectives of SIWES were summarized by the federal government as follows:
1. To provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real work and actual
2. To make the transition from school to the world of work easier and to enhance students
3. Advanced countries, with over 100 years of sustained industrial development and
requisite technical and human infrastructure, have been able to adequately implement
4. They also include providing a structural attachment program with emphasis applications,
It also aids students to acquire practical skill in other to strengthen their work value
Moreover, it helps them to gain interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills and also installs in
them the right kind of work attitudes and professionalism through interactions with peoples in
Experts identified industrial experience as necessity for proper job preparation. This is because
productivity is enhanced by experience graduate or new entrance into the world of work really
needs and early exposure to the value and skills of the industry. Therefore, without appropriate
skills and experiences young graduates are not properly trained on work, norms and role behavior
among others, these components will ensure success at the job place.
Today Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is changing the way many jobs are
performed, thus altering the knowledge and skills required of workers. Consequently, a new level
of competency is required of our students. This cannot be sufficiently met by training facilities in
our education institutions hence, the need for collaborative effort between institutions and
industrial sector.
The major benefits accruing to students who participate conscientiously in industrial training are
the skills and competencies they acquire. These relevant production skills (RPSs) remain a part
of the recipients of industrial training as lifelong assets which cannot be taken away from them.
This is because the knowledge and skills acquired through training are internalized and become
relevant when required to perform jobs or functions. Several other benefits can accrue to students
who participate in industrial training, attributes such as critical thinking, creativity, initiative,
amongst others.
other to make Nigeria a key player in Biotechnology revolution for the benefit of the country.
November 2001, under the federal ministry of science and technology, as an institutional frame-
In other to key into this laudable federal programme, the university of Maiduguri established a
understanding with NABDA on Wednesday 23rd July, 2008. With this, the centre serves as the
co-ordination Centre for biotechnology activities in the Norh-East Zone of the country. The
Centre is also one of the designated STEP-B Centres’ of excellence established by the federal
To develop the field of Biotechnology and related research activities in the university
Support the development of vast biotechnology research of the university and region at
Serve as liaison between the various unit of the University on research related to the field
of biotechnology
Serve as a coordinating centre for the various units of the University and the North-East
To develop the field of biotechnology and related research activities in the University and
support the development of the vast bioresource potentials and need oriented biotechnology
1. Capacity building: The Centre provides postgraduates and non-degree seeking trainees
with the knowledge and skills they need to accomplish their goals.
2. Research: The Centre focus on issues that impact sustainable development in Agriculture,
Environment and health, with the view of addressing issues of regional and National
3. Information and Technology Services: The Centre is an information portal for those who
seek the services of affiliated sciences who can design and conduct targeted research and
provide consultation
The activities of the Centre are support in part by the University and NABDA. Resources are
1.9.1 Goals and Objective of The Centre
in the zone
5. To organize conferences, seminars, refresher and specialized courses for the advancement
of biotechnology in the community as consistent with the objectives of the Centre in the
Different forms of nucleic acid extraction are carried out in the Centre, using varying sample
ranging from samples from animal, such as brain, liver, kidney, heart etc and from plants
samples such as moringa, onion bulb, neem plant etc.
Culturing of media to be used for extraction of either DNA/RNA/Protein etc are also being
carried at Tissue culture laboratory, which is a section of biotechnology Centre, University of
In other to conveniently perform this huge but important task, the Centre is divided into two (2)
Laboratories. They are: ‐
Tissue culture laboratory is a booming laboratory that is of high most important to Unimaid
Biotechnology Centre over years ago. The Laboratory knowledge is so readily available that
anyone with genuine interest can do it. It generates enormous financial returns for the Centre
In other to conveniently perform this huge but important task, the Laboratory is divided into six
Quarantine area
Washing area
Culture/grow rooms
This area is essential for prevention of contamination coming from staffs and other visitors
coming into the laboratory. It is present at the beginning of the lab and as well as at the exit of
the lab. This area is primarily for changing of dresses and shoes. There are separate shoes and lab
This area to is for washing the explants or other plant materials. It’s also for cleaning all beakers,
cylinders and flasks which is use for preparing media or measuring ingredients. This area
consists of large sinks and draining boards. This area also has access to distilled water with space
for drying. Thus, it facilitates the preliminary cleaning to kill the microorganisms present on the
This area is for preparing culture media recipes and for storage of chemicals and glassware. This
area also has hot plates, pH meters, weighing balances and water baths. The important equipment
Magnetic stirrer
pH meter
Refrigerator with freezer or a separate freezer for storing stock solutions, plant hormones
Water purification system along with the space to store the purified water
In ideal conditions, a separate room should be made next to the media preparation area or next to
the area for the media dispensing unit. However, this area is needed to have complete sterile
conditions in order to transfer explants to media containing culture vessels. So the activities for
One of the most important key points for this area is that it always has positive pressure airflow
to make sure that air can leave the room without circulating back in.
Developing tissue culture protocols for different plant species and varieties involves a lot of trial-
and-error experiments. You will be experimenting with culture media recipes for different
growth stages and also with different growth conditions in the culture/grow room.
The molecular biology lab, we deal and study biological macromolecules mainly DNA, RNA
and Proteins. Their mechanism of gene replication, mutation and expression. As a result of huge
task perform in this laboratory, it is divided into four (IV) rooms, which include;
1. Extraction room
2. Quantification room
3. PCR room
4. Gel Electrophoresis room
Nucleic acids are the building blocks of life in all living things, from plants and animals to
bacteria andviruses. In research, it’s important to first extract RNA and DNA prior to
downstream processes like quantification, PCR, sequencing,restriction enzyme digestions and
ligations,along with many other applications.Along with determining nucleic acid
concentrations, it’s also important to extractthe nucleicacid of interest which could be either
DNA/RNA/Protein to be work on using downstream applications.
All this is easily carried out in at the extraction section of molecular biology laboratory. This
section is so important that after the said tissue or organ of interested has been harvested, it’s the
second step to perform after homogenizing, it’s the stage where our main sample of interest,
which could be DNA/RNA/Protein would be separated from other particles.
Reagentsandequipmentat the extraction used in extraction of Nucleic acid.
Sucrose: 109.5 g
MgCl2: 476 mg
Triton-X: 10 ml
Distilled water: up to 1L
SDS: 20 g
Distilled water: up to 1L
Guanidine isothiocyanate: 50 gm
SDS 2 gm
2-Mercaptoethanol: 0.7 ml
Buffered phenol
Phenol 250 g
Distilled water 40 ml
Cool and add 300 mg 8-hydroxyquinoline
Proteinase K
Proteinase K: 20 mg
Distilled water: 1 ml
Use 20 μl/extraction
M Ammonium acetate
Ammonium acetate: 57 g
Eppendorf micropipette
Nanodrop spectrophotometer
Automatic pipette tips
Separation rack
Extraction room has a very huge impact in molecular biology laboratory, as a result, all forms of
extraction raging from DNA, RNA, protein extractionneeded for research purpose, seminar or
conferenceare being carried out in this room, the techniques is used to analyze biological
A great important section of molecular biology, this section tells you whether your extraction is
successful or not. Nucleic acids are the building blocks of life in all living things, from plants
and animals to bacteria andviruses. In research,it’s important to quantify RNA and DNA prior to
downstream processes like sequencing,restriction enzyme digestions and ligations, PCR and
qPCR along with many other applications.Along with determining nucleic acid
purity before using the sample in downstream applications, knowing the quantity and what your
nucleic acid entails, will determine the success of your next step, and the quantification room is
To conveniently carried out this huge task, the quantification method is divided into fluorometric
fluorometric is used for applications requiring high sensitivity due to minute available amountsof
nucleic acid; the spectrophotometric methodsis more conventionally used from commonnucleic
Best Practices in this room
Care should always be taken to minimize sample contamination and ensure both accurate
Use gloves to protect samples from nuclease or other contamination found on human skin
Ensure the sample vessel (cuvette, microplate, micro-volume surface) is absolutely clean
It’s an important unit in the molecular biology laboratory, where sample of interest from the
quantification is being transported to this unit of molecular biology. The nucleic acid extracted is
make (amplify) from millions to billions of copies of a specific segment of sample of interest
specificfragment whose termini are defined by 5’ end of the primers. The primer extension
products synthesized in one cycle can serve as a template in the next. Hence the number of target
samples copies approximately doubles at every cycle. Since its inception, PCR has had an
enormous impact in both basic and diagnostic aspects of molecular biology. Like the PCR itself,
that relevant scientists and laboratories in developing countries like Nigeria should acquire this
The Basic Protocol of PCR used in Molecular biology Laboratory
The first step of PCR simply entails mixing thetemplate DNA, two
(dNTPs) and a buffer. Onceassembled, the mixture is cycled many times,usually 30 times
through temperatures that permitdenaturation, annealing and synthesis. The productis then
displayed on an appropriate gel andexamined for yield and specificity 20. Hence, thebasic PCR
3. Test the optimised 10X amplification buffer bypreparing a reaction cocktail for a single
7. Heat samples for 90secs at 940C (in a bath oran automated thermal cycler) to denature
11. Electrophorese 10μl from each sample on anagarose non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel.
Optimization of PCR
Despite its apparent simplicity, the PCR is arelatively complicated and, as yet,
the severalcomponents determine the quality of the productsobtained.21 Although the results will
be good inmost cases, there are a number of parameters thatcan be explored, if better results are
Primer Selection
There is no set of rules that will ensure thesynthesis of an effective primer pair. Yet more
The Buffer
Changes to the PCR reaction buffer will usuallyaffect the outcome of the amplification. In
particular,the concentration of MgCl2 can have a profoundeffect on the specificity and yield of
DNA Polymerase
Initially the PCR used the Klenow fragment ofE. coli DNA polymerase to extend the annealed
triphosphates (dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP) are usually present at 50to 200μl each. Higher
Cycling Parameters
In a typical PCR reaction, the double stranded DNA is denatured by briefly heating the sample to
90 - 950C, the primers are allowed to anneal to theircomplementary sequence by briefly cooling
to 40 -600C followed by heating to 70 - 750C to extend theannealed primers with the Taq
In this unit of molecular biology laboratory, a wide variety of mechanically stable experimental
capillaries is being carried out. This unit also facilitates post electrophoretic manipulation
/finger printing of intact proteins or of proteins digested in gel slices. Since gels used in
biochemistry are chemically rather uncreative, they interact minimally with biomolecules during
electrophoresis allowing separation based on physical rather than chemical differences between
sample components, this unit of the laboratory looks into all this aspect.
Are needed to store reagents and PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) products at an average
temperature of 05/-22OC degrees Celsius. PCR is used for the analysis of gene expression,
Vortex mixers are used for mixing liquid components in tubes such as mixing small vials and for
the resuspension of cells. These mixers are usually designed with touch or continuous modes and
Figure 2.4: Vortex
The molecular diagnostic lab should also include a refrigerated centrifuge with a minimum of
2000 rpm and non-refrigerated centrifuge depending on the temperature needed. Centrifuges are
used to separate components based on density. Microcentrifuges are also used and should have a
the quantity of chemicals in a solution. A light beam passes through the sample and the
Figure 2.6: Spectrophotometer
Sequencers are used to observe the DNA’s molecular sequence. The resulting patterns of DNA
bands or sequences show how enzymes affect the DNA. A DNA sequencer is used to determine
the order of guanine, cytosine, adenine, and thymine which is known as a text string.
Microscopes are used for observing and evaluating samples. The microscope should be equipped
An electrophoresis system is used in the analysis of PCR. Molecular movement and separation
Autoclaves are used in molecular diagnostic labs to sterilize waste and lab equipment.
During the course of my six (6) months industrial training, I worked in the units of molecular
Extraction Room
Quantification Room
A method for the extraction of nucleic acids from a wide range of environmental samples was
developed. This method consists of several modules, which can be individually modified to
maximize yields in extractions of DNA and RNA or separations of DNA pools. Extraction of
nucleic acids yields either DNA, RNA or protein, which are higher in quantity and quality with
match specific sample characteristics. The ability to separate soluble extracellular DNA pools
without cell lysis from intracellular and particle complexed DNA pools may enable new insights
into the cycling and preservation of DNA in environmental samples in the future. In general the
DNA Extraction
RNA Extraction
The first step in DNA analysis is to get a good quality sample; a process commonly known as
“extraction”. Since DNA is a very long molecule it can easily get broken by vigorous shaking
during the process of extraction. Therefore, gentle and careful handling in the processing is
essential. DNA can also be destroyed by DNase that is commonly present in the environment or
1. Removing the membrane lipids by detergents to expose DNA in the nucleus of the cell.
other agents.
Sources of DNA
DNA can be extracted from any source that contains nucleated cells. It is most commonly
extracted from blood collected in EDTA. The blood may be kept at 4 OC for a few days without
causing any significant loss in the yield of DNA. DNA can also be extracted from bone marrow
aspirates or bone marrow smears on slides. Archival bone marrow slides stored at room
temperature for several years have been used to extract good quality DNA. Buccal smear on
cotton swab or mouth wash is another easily available source of DNA. This is especially useful
for field work. Solid fresh tissues, like surgical biopsy specimens, chorionic villi and tissues
collected at autopsy are also used for DNA extraction. DNA can also be extracted from hair root,
blood stains, archival bones etc. Fixation of the tissue with formaline can make DNA extraction
very difficult. Special processing protocols may be required to extract DNA from paraffin
embedded tissues.
Figure 3.1: Rat Kidney for DNA Extraction
The standard method of DNA extraction uses phenol chloroform for protein precipitation.
Keeping in view the toxicity of phenol, methods have been developed to precipitate proteins
without using phenol. A large number of commercial kits are also available that are time as well
as cost effective. Some of the methods can also be automated for large Extraction of Nucleic
Acids scale DNA extraction. A quick method of DNA extraction is by ion exchange resin Chelex
In the subsequent unit phenol chloroform method is described in detail. It is robust and cost
effective and consistently gives good quality high molecular weight DNA.
1. Take approximately 25-50mg of fresh tissue (chorionic villi, skin, or other solid tissues)
3. Keep at 37oC overnight. Allow longer incubation or add more Proteinase-K if the tissue
1. Take a slide of bone marrow smear that has good number of cells.
2. Layer about 0.7ml cell lysis buffer (Table 2.1) on the smear.
3. Gently scratch the smear from the slide with a wooden stick and transfer the contents to
an Eppendorf tube.
5. Cell lysis buffer with guanidine (Table 2.1) may be used instead of the standard cell lysis
1. Make 5-7% solution of chelex, aliquot 300μl in 1.5ml Eppendorf tubes and refrigerate.
2. Take 300μl blood and add 3ml distilled water or RBC lysing solution to lyse the red cells.
4. Repeat red cell lysis step if the white cell pallet contains too many red cells.
5. Add 300μl 5-7% chelex solution to the white cell pallet and vortex for 15-20 seconds.
9. Transfer the supernatant to a fresh Eppendorf tube and use as source of DNA.
10. The DNA extracted by Chelex method may contain some residual haemoglobin
especially when the white cell pallet contains red cells. Such DNA may give excessive
Figure 3.2: During DNA Extraction
Most PCR applications work well at DNA concentration of 100-300ng/μl. This concentration can
applications using genetic analyzer it becomes very critical to know the exact concentration of
DNA. In quantification room, there are several ways or methods available to know the DNA
DNA and RNA absorb UV light at 260nm. The OD of DNA solution measured at 260nm can be
used to calculate the concentration of DNA or RNA. The following example can be used to
Take OD at 260nm
OD at 260nm: 0.068
Figure 3.3: Quantifying DNA sample using Nanodrop
The optical density method may also be used to determine the protein content of DNA. Proteins
left over from the extraction procedure can interfere in PCR and therefore it sometimes is
required to know the purity of the extracted DNA. Proteins absorb UV light at 280nm. In a good
DNA sample the ratio of OD at 260nm and 280nm should be above 1.8. Ratio below 1.8
Fluorometry Method
Commercial kits based on fluorescent dyes like SYBR Green can be used for DNA
Having worked in a molecular biology laboratory as a SIWES student I was able to lay my hand
on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR is an in vitro method in which a small amount of
DNA can be copied many times in a short time period. PCR was invented in the early 1980s by
Kary B. Mullis who later shared a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work. Since then, PCR has
become a standard and essential practice in molecular biology and can be used in a multitude of
The beauty of PCR is that it can amplify DNA using only a short list of reagents and several
heating and cooling steps. PCR relies on heat resistant DNA polymerase from the thermophilic
bacterium, Thermosaquaticus (Taq). Taq polymerase is thus a heat resistant enzyme that can
withstand changes in temperature. Taq was first identified in the late 1960s during research at hot
springs in yellow stone National Park. In addition to Taq DNA polymerase, PCR requires free
nucleotides (dNTPs), template DNA to amplify from and unique single stranded DNA primers
that bind upstream (5’) and downstream (3’) of the DNA region of interest. Primers are crucial
for this process as DNA polymerases require an existing strand of DNA to add nucleotides to.
Using these reagents and a series of heating (denaturing) and cooling (annealing) steps Taq
polymerase can copy DNA between the primers using the dNTPs.
To amplify DNA, the two strands of the template DNA first have to be separated. This occurs by
heating the dsDNA template to a point where the hydrogen bonds break between the base pairs.
The temperature is then dropped to a range in which the forward and reverse primers are stable.
At this temperature the primers can anneal to the single stranded DNA template strands. DNA
polymerase is also stable at this temperature and can bind to the primers.
The temperature is then raised slightly to Taq polymerase’s ideal temperature (70-75 OC). At this
temperature Taq polymerase can synthesize and elongate the target DNA quickly and accurately.
Types of PCR
Since the invention of PCR, different PCR methods have been developed for different scientific
applications. These PCR methods all use the same basic PCR set up and steps but differ in how
End point PCR, as the name implies, analyzes the end product of PCR temperature cycling. The
final PCR product is often visualized on a diagnostic agarose gel to confirm product presence,
size, and relative quantity. End point PCR is most commonly used in molecular cloning,
sequencing, and genotyping. It’s extremely useful but is not as quantitative as other methods of
PCR. Theoretically scientists should be able to determine the quantity of DNA after a PCR
reaction as the amplicon doubles every reaction cycle. However, it is common for dNTPs and
other reagents to run low during the final cycles which would slow or stop PCR amplification.
Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) also known as real time PCR is a PCR technique
used for measuring a starting DNA concentration using PCR. qPCR requires the addition of a
probe based fluorescent dye that intercalates with any dsDNA and the use of a fluorometer
feature built into the thermocycler to measure that fluorescent output. With this fluorescent dye,
the concentration of the DNA during the PCR reaction cycles is continuously detected via a
fluorescent signal. The signal increases proportionally to the amount of product produced each
To determine the concentration of the starting template DNA the fluorescent signal throughout
concentration. The cycle in which the unknown DNA is detected compared to the standard curve
Figure 3.6: Real time and Conventional PCR Machine
macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins. In this technique, molecules are separate
based on their size and electric charge. Gel electrophoresis is usually performed in labs to
The gel electrophoresis technique exploits the difference in size and charge of different
molecules in a sample. The DNA or protein sample to be separated is loaded on to a porous gel
placed in an ionic buffer medium. On application of electric charge, each molecule having
different size and charge will move through the gel at different speeds. The porous gel used in
this technique acts as a molecular sieve that separates bigger molecules from the smaller ones.
Smaller molecules move faster across the gel while the bulkier ones are left behind. The mobility
of the particles is also controlled by their individual electric charge. Two oppositely charged
electrodes that are part of the system pull molecules of towards them on the basis of their charge.
The gel used in gel electrophoresis is usually made of a material called agarose, which is a
gelatinous substance extracted from seaweed. This porous gel could be used to separate
macromolecules of many different sizes. The gel is submerged in a salt buffer solution in an
electrophoresis chamber. Tris-borate- EDTA (TBE) is commonly used as the buffer. Its main
function is to control the pH of the system. The chamber has two electrodes – one positive and
another negative - at its two ends. Samples that need to be analyzed are then loaded into tiny
wells in the gel with the help of a pipette. Once loading is complete, an electrical current of 50-
150 V is applied. Now, charged molecules present in the sample start migrating through the gel
towards the electrodes. Negatively charged molecules move towards the positive electrode and
The speed at which each molecule travels through the gel is called its electrophoretic mobility
and is determined mainly by its net charge and size. Strongly charged molecules move faster
than weakly charged ones. Smaller molecules run faster leaving behind the larger ones. Thus,
strong charge and small size increases a molecule’s electrophoretic mobility, while weak charge
and large size decreases the mobility of a molecule. When all molecules in a sample are of the
same size, the separation will solely be based on their size. Once the separation is complete, the
gel is stained with a dye to reveal the separation bands. Ethidium bromide is a fluorescent dye
commonly used in gel electrophoresis. The gel is soaked in a diluted ethidium bromide solution
and then placed on a UV transilluminator to visualize the separation bands. The bands are
immediately examined or photographed for future reference, as they will diffuse into the gel over
time. The dye can also be loaded into the gel well in advance to track the migration of the
molecules as it happens.
Gel electrophoresis is widely used in the molecular biology and biochemistry labs in areas such
In the separation of DNA fragments for DNA fingerprinting to investigate crime scenes
To analyze genes associated with a particular illness
populations or species.
SIWES Programme is bridging the gap between classroom and the work-place by giving
students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in school to real
world situation. There are number of benefits to participating in SIWES, including Improved
perspectives, enhanced skills, better understanding of the industry, increases self confidence in
students among others. Overall, SIWES is valuable program for students in technical and
vocational fields, as it provides them with practical experience that can help them succeed in
their careers.
Students should always be attentive, obedient and respect each other especially their
Watching tutorials on what they have been taught fills the missing gaps.
Supervisors should always visit students monthly in their various places of attachment.
Managers should be very supportive and forgiving to students with genuine reasons.
Allowances should be paid to students during their program just like NYSC and not after.
This would help them a lot on how to manage financial problems during their training
My six (6) months Industrial Training at Unimaid Biotechnology Centre was a huge
success and a great time of acquisition of knowledge and skills. Through my training I
was able to appreciate my chosen course of study even more, because I had the
opportunity to blend the theoretical knowledge acquired from school with the practical
hands-on application of knowledge gained here to perform very important tasks that
broader view to the importance and relevance of biochemistry in the immediate society
and the world as a whole, as I now look forward to impacting it positively after
graduation. I have also been able to improve my communication and presentation skills
and thereby developed good relationship with my fellow colleagues at work. I have also
been able to appreciate the connection between my course of study and other disciplines
Improve the matching process: Ensuring that students are placed in companies or
organizations that are relevant to their fields of study and that aligns with their career goals
Offer more support to students: Providing students with more supports during their work
placement, such as through mentors or additional training, can help them to get most out of
their experience.