Traing Feb 19 - Mar18 2024
Traing Feb 19 - Mar18 2024
Traing Feb 19 - Mar18 2024
Weekday Week Starting 19th Feb Week starting 26th Feb Week starting March 4th Week starting Mar 11th
Easy run 5k - 10k some weights those Easy run 5k - 10k some weights those Easy run 5k - 10k some very easy Track training, 400s with 45-60 secs
focusing on track focusing on track recovery 10 - 16 for all groups
Irishtown track
800m threshold 300m tempo then very Endurance threshold 2k guys, 1.5k gals 3 -4x 5 minute tjreshol those who cant make track on Monday
slow jog back 100m continuous aim for x 4 300, float jog recovery 600s x 5-8 with 90 secs recovery, jog
5 girls, 8 guys for those who did track session Monday
Most groups for pure endurance Most groups for pure endurance Day off or jog tempo/ progression run for distance
threhhold run 30 - 50 mins, those for threhhold run 30 - 50 mins, those for group, 30mins threshold, 7mons
track put in 5-7 min @ tempo after 30 track put in 5-7 min @ tempo after 30 tempos for 5k athletes, 800/1500 30-40
Thursday mins and ease off mins and ease off mins threshold then Plyometric
sessions post run
Easy Day as in slow easy run 20 - 30 Easy Day as in slow easy run 20 - 30 Day off or Jog easy day or complete rest
mins max or rest day mins max or rest day
Colour Cross Country 5k gals 6k guys Extended Munich 1mile loop guys, Varsity Cross Country 1500m /5k Kyber hill full length, 800m
800m loop gald, start both from 200m hill reps, 10K threshold and
magazine fort, guys x 5 2mons tempo mix road session x 30-40 mins
Saturday recovery, gals jog recovcery approx 75
Santry Magazine Fort Phoenix Park Belfast Phoenix Park Kyber Car Park
long slow distance aim to be on feet @ long slow distance aim to be on feet @ recovery day Long slow distance try maintain similar
conversation pace for 1 hr up to 1hr 30 conversation pace for 1 hr up to 1hr 30 levels to cross training
depending on what you’ve been doing depending on what you’ve been doing
Two groups
Group B is a large group, so everyone should do the workouts at their onw ontensoty level, Ive deliberately not made first s
eliberately not made first session too tough for group B, I want ye to get the three sessions in and I know thst the weeked can get fatigu
the weeked can get fatiguing. So please pace yourse;lves for the entire week!!! Im also rellying on you to gauge your onw pace. Im ha
uge your onw pace. Im happy to take individual questions while you are there and Ill do my best to guide you remotely!
Group A B
Oren Peter
Quinn Jack M
Jack O Diarmuid
Karen Cormac
Sophie Donncadh