Bed - Volker S962-2
Bed - Volker S962-2
Bed - Volker S962-2
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Table of contents
Version, Imprint 3 Preparation 33 Functional check of the brakes 60
Table of contents 4 Electrical activation 35 Functional check of the motors 60
General information 5 Using the battery pack 36
Mains connection cable 60
Designated purpose 6 Taking out of service 38
Cabling 60
General regulations, training/instruction Functional check 39
of users, further requirements 8 Operation Key lock 40 Housing 60
General safety notes 9 Central castor adjustment 41 Mechanical check 60
Functional description Overview 14 Side rails - General safety notes 42
Measuring in accordance with
Hand control with hook (version) 15 Side rails 43
DIN EN 62353 60
Transverse hand control (version) 17 Back section 45
Nurse hand control/nurse keypad 19 Grab handle 60
Upper leg section 46
Nurse hand control with total Lower leg section 47 Further accessories 60
lock-out (Easy-Lock) 21 Troubleshooting 61
Lying surface height 48
Nurse control with complete lock 22
Mech. rapid lowering of the Type labels 66
Nurse control with individual lock 23 back section / CPR function 49 Symbols used 67
Nurse control with individual lock/ Anti-Trendelenburg and Trendelenburg
automatic functions 24 Technical data 68
positioning 50
Nurse control with individual lock/ Comfort seating position 51 Classification 70
automatic/lower leg section
Bed extension (version) 52 Service life/disposal 71
functions 25
Cleaning 53 Manufacturer's declarations 72
Trapeze bar and accessory
holders, accessory rail 26 Mainteneance Staff training 56
Information on electromagnetic
Versions 27 Safety notes 57
compatibility (EMC) 76
Accessories 29 Maintenance schedule 58
Activation General operating Technical Check 59 Forms 77
instructions 32 Functional check of the side rails 59 Accessories 79
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | General information
General notes Versions Copyright protection
You have purchased a bed from Völker The bed can be realised in various These instructions for use may only
GmbH. This bed has been built in versions. For a description of these be transferred to third parties with the
accordance with the applicable national variants, please refer to the „versions“ written consent of Völker GmbH.
and international standards and the chapter. All documents are protected under
regulations reflecting the current state copyright.
These instructions for use also contain
of technology.
notes at certain points regarding various
Völker beds satisfy requirements in operating variants or different techni- Warranty and liability
terms of safety and functionality. cal data for the various models or the S Völker beds are supplied under an
They are tested in accordance with 962-2 model with the two motor variants extensive warranty as exclusively
international standards and bear the DA01 and DA02. If areas of text are not described in the order confirmation.
CE mark, which documents the beds' universally valid, but instead specify For details please contact Völker.
compliance with essential require- a definite model or a definite motor
We reserve the right to make techni-
ments for medical products. variant, these text areas will begin by
cal modifications without notice as part
naming the model or variant with a grey
Please read the general safety notes. of the further development of the beds
Please also note (with particular atten- which form the subject of these instruc-
tion to any warranty claims) the further Example: S 962-2: ...., S 962-2W: ...., tions for use. All specifications are non
notes on the following pages. S 962-2 (DA02): ..., S 962-2 (DA01): ... binding. Printing errors excepted.
You can recognise the variant of your We accept no liability for damage and
bed based on the type label. operational faults caused as a result of
misuse and/or non-observance of these
instructions for use.
The portrayal of the accessories does
not necessarily match the actual
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | Designated purpose 1/2
Intended use application environments 1 and 2 dimensions/weights:
Völker bed models S 962-2 and (intensive and acute care) according
Height: 146 cm
S 962-2W are beds for medical use and to DIN EN 60601-2-52.When using the
are intended for use for patients in hos- bed in application environments 3 and Body weight: 40 kg
pital wards, clinics and care institutions. 5 (long-term and outpatient care), the
Body Mass
values to be accounted for are 20 kg
The bed is intended to be used for ≥ 40 kg ≥ 146 cm BMI ≥ 17
for the mattress and 15 kg for accesso- Index (BMI): 17
patients with a physical height of 146
ries as well as the weight borne by the BMI is calculated using this formula:
cm or above, a body weight of 40 kg or
above, and a body mass index (BMI) of body weight kg
17 or above.
Contraindications Height 2
The bed may only be operated un-
der the conditions described in these This bed is only suitable for patients The maximum patient weight can therefo-
instructions for use. Any other use is who do not fall below the following body rebe taken from the following table:
considered improper.
In all care environments, the operator Model Safe working load Maximum patient weight
risks to the operation of this medical S 962-2, S 962-2W 250 kg 185 kg 215 kg
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | Designated purpose 2/2
Side effects Non intended use CAUTION If, in an emergency
Non intended use can be dangerous. situation, it is impossible to avoid
If the patient lies down for a longer pe- putting people who are less than
This includes, but is not limited to:
riod of time, pressure ulcers can occur 146 cm tall in the bed, protective
• Incorrect actuation of electrical func-
without appropriate countermeasures. covers must be placed on the
tions and uncontrolled positioning
side rails. This also applies to
• Operation of the care bed by the the use of the bed by weak or
patient without having received prior confused patients.
instruction in how to do so
• Use of other electrical equipment on WARNING The bed may not be
the bed placed right next to or stacked up
• Pulling on cables to move the bed with other equipment. If opera-
tion near to or stacked up with
• Removing electrical plug connections
other equipment is necessary, it
by pulling on the cable
must be ensured that the opera-
• Use of the bed on a slope of more tion of the bed is observed and
than ten degrees of inclination (the correct use in this arrangement is
bed‘s brakes are designed for an checked.
angle of inclination of no more than
ten degrees)
• Any attempt to move the bed while it
is in braked position
• Use of the bed for transport within a
• Overloading of the bed beyond the
specified safe working load
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | General regulations, user training / instruction, further requirements
General regulations User instruction Flooring requirements
The bed must only be operated and The thorough induction of care person- Increasingly overweight patients and
used in accordance with its designated nel in the operation of the bed can be occupants have caused a consistent
purpose, in line with the applicable reg- provided by Völker or its representative increase in demands on hospital and
ulations, the generally-acknowledged at the customer's request. care beds in recent years. Völker has
rules of technology and the stipulations addressed this topic by increasing the
Attendance of such training can be cer-
of occupational safety and accident "safe working load" for the bed.
tified and confirmed by Völker using the
protection guidelines. The bed may not The higher strain requirements are not
form provided for this purpose, specify-
be operated in a faulty state that could limited to beds only they apply also to
ing the name, date and signature.
endanger the patient, care staff or third static and floor requirements.
parties. Patients must be instructed in the use For this reason, we recommend that
of the bed before care personnel hand flooring designed for these loads is
over the hand control to them. used in areas where the beds are
User training situated. This means flooring that
is classified in accordance with DIN
The bed may only be operated by indi-
Other requirements EN ISO 10874 and that has been laid
viduals whose training or understanding
Whoever is in charge of the activation, by professionals (flooring for public or
and experience offer surety for correct
operation or preparation of the bed commercial areas that are subject to
must have been given a copy of these medium or heavy traffic).
instructions for use (in printed or elec-
tronic form) and have read them.
To avoid operating errors and to safe-
guard the smooth operation of the
bed, care personnel must always have
access to the safety notes below.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | General safety notes 1/5
Warning symbols these instructions for use in full and with WARNING If other equipment
Information marked with this care. which has cables, air pipes or the
symbol must be read and its Before the bed is activated for the first like is to be operated on the bed,
content strictly observed. time, care personnel must be instruct it must be ensured that these
ed in the handling of the bed using cables are routed so that they
DANGER represents an imme- the instructions for use. The potential cannot become trapped in the
diate threat of danger that can dangers that can arise despite correct movable parts of the beds and
cause serious physical injury or operation of the bed must also be thus be damaged.
death. pointed out in full.
WARNING Head and foot sec-
WARNING represents potentially tion are not connected to the
Before and during use potential equalisation. Electrical
dangerous situations that can
lead to serious physical injury or Before each use of the bed, the user additional units should not be
death. must be sure that the bed is in a good, connected here.
safe condition and that safe use is
CAUTION represents potentially ensured (Functional check).
dangerous situations that can
cause slight physical injuries.
WARNING No adjustments or
modifications may be made to
NOTE warns of potential damage
Völker products without the per-
to objects or property.
mission of the manufacturer. This
automatically voids all warranty
Before first activation claims and CE conformity.
Before the bed is put into action for the
first time, care personnel must read
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | General safety notes 2/5
Position of the bed CAUTION "Risk of accident" Side rails
CAUTION To avoid injury from If the bed is not being transported, WARNING "Risk of entrapment“
falls, we recommend always mo- the castors must always be fixed, In the case of patients whose
ving the bed to its lowest position since the bed may be required as a physical or mental condition makes
with the castors fixed when the support for when the patient stands necessary to use side rails to
patient is sleeping in the bed up or lies down. If the bed rolls protect them from falling out of bed,
(except when undertaking care away while unbraked, this can lead the following safety measures must
measures). to a serious fall. After activating the be observed:
central holding brake p. 45 it must
NOTE When installing the bed, be checked that the bed is actually
• The legal permissibility of using
position it with the headboard fixed, i.e. the castors are adequa-
side rails must be ascertained.
facing the wall. tely braked. The bed can be in
non-braked position even after first • The side rails may only be
activation or reactivation, and conse- operated by trained care per-
Transporting the bed sonnel.
quently it must be checked that the
castors are correctly fixed.
• Ensure that the side rails (or
CAUTION When transporting
parts thereof) are either fully
the bed, the mains cable must
One-sided load on the bed raised and locked in position or
be secured in such a way that it
completely lowered.
cannot be rolled over, damaged in NOTE In order to prevent one-sided
any other way or cause a tripping • It must be ensured that the pati-
loads on the bed, it must not be
hazard. The bed should only be ent does not come into contact
used as a seat for persons other
moved over a solid floor. Never with the side rail elements when
than the patient (i.e. visitors must
attempt to push it over obstacles the electrical lying surface ad-
not sit on the edge of the bed).
of over 2 cm in height. The ma- justment mechanism is actuated.
ximum angle of inclination of the It is also important to ensure that
floor must not exceed 10°. no part of the body is sticking out
through the side rails.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | General safety notes 3/5
• If the side rails are used with DANGER If these safety measures Height adjustment
a person whose psychological are not observed by care personnel,
condition makes their use ne- DANGER "Risk of entrapment
injuries can be caused to hands, between the lower frame and/
cessary, then it must be ensured knees, fingers, feet, legs and hips,
that the hand control is kept out or floor and the bed frame
along with haematomas and other when the bed is lowered"
of their reach or its functions injuries as a result of entrapment. In
are locked. It is strongly recom- It must be ensured that no peop-
children or people who are less than le, limbs, pets, bed linen or other
mended that side rail covers are 146 cm tall, non-observance of these
used. objects are caught between the
guidelines can lead to death. bed frame and the lower frame
and/or floor.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | General safety notes 4/5
Use of lifting devices Rail spacers by the regulations governing the instal-
lation, operation, use and maintenance
WARNING "Risk of injury" When using the rail spacer, please read
of medical devices must be ensured by
Only lifting devices approved by the separate instructions for use for this
the operator of the beds.
Völker may be used. accessory. During technical checks, the
rail spacers should also be checked to To guarantee a trouble-free operation of
The lifting devices specified are applian- ensure they are suitable for the size of the beds, the instructions for use of the
ces that can be attached to the bed for side rail used. bed must always be accessible to the
transport purposes. Patient lifters can servicing staff.
Cleaning and disinfection
be used.
In order to maintain consistent functio- After maintenance work or repairs have
Use of oxygen equipment ning, the bed should be cleaned, dis been carried out, an inspection/check
infected and tested as soon as possible corresponding to the work performed
DANGER "Risk of fire" must be conducted. During this check,
Never use the bed in an oxygen following each use, so that it can be
reused immediately without risk. it must be determined that the bed can
tent or in potentially explosive at- be used in accordance with the specifi-
mospheres (possible presence Incorrect cleaning/disinfection of the cations without risk to patients, users or
of flammable gases or vapours). bed can cause danger. third parties.
Provided it has been excluded
(e.g. based on information in the The technical check must be carried
instructions for use of the equip- Maintenance and repair out at least once a year and after every
ment being used) that the use of lengthy period of non-use.
Anyone responsible for carrying out
the equipment may cause the O2 Any discernible damage must be elimi-
maintenance and servicing must at
concentration to rise to such a
least have read the safety notes for the nated immediately.
degree that there is an explosion
respective bed model and be qualified
risk, then the equipment can be
in accordance with the relevant national
regulations. The following applies for
Germany: the staff requirements defined
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Notes | General safety notes 5/5
Electromagnetic / static interference Serious incidents Application parts
The beds of the S 962-2 and S 962-2W Any serious incidents that occur in con- An application part is a part of a medical
models satisfy the EMC* requirements junction with operation of the bed must electrical device (ME device) which of ne-
in accordance with the international be reported immediately to the appro cessity comes into physical contact with
requirements. The basis for testing is priate authorities in the relevant country the patient under normal conditions of
standard DIN EN 60601-1-2. and to Völker GmbH. use, so that the ME device or an ME sys-
tem can fulfil its function (DIN EN 60601-
Only original Völker replacement parts, 1).
cables and accessories may be used on
the bed. Otherwise the EMC behaviour For the S 962-2(W) hospital bed, these
may be impaired, which may result in are:
the bedand other devices in the area • hand control
around the bed malfunctioning. • side rails
• head/foot ends
• lying surfaces
• frame
Head board
Foot board release,
(Quick release, see fig. on
see fig. on right) left)
Bed linen
4-column height
storage area
Bed extension
Rapid lowering
Adjustable Seat section, of the back section
lower leg section fixed (CPR)
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Functional description | Hand control with hook (version) 1/2
Hand control
seconds delay to set the back rest movement to the 30° position
p. 49 (Function is variant specific). have any contact with the side rails, and that no parts
Leg end lowered of his or her body or that of other people are sticking
Back and upper leg section raised simultaneously
Pressing the “Lying surface up” and “Lying surface down” buttons simultane-
through the side rails or are trapped between the lying
ously brings the bed into the horizontal position (Function is variant specific). surface and the lower frame and/or floor.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Functional description | Hand control with hook (version) 2/2
Hand control
Anti-Trendelenburg- unlocked
positioning 3
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Functional description | Transverse hand control (version) 1/2
n g le
ni de
tio n
si Tre
po ti-
Hand control
do tion
ec r
sp ou
nt nt
Hand control
ria o
va -C
( to
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Functional description | Transverse hand control (version) 2/2
n g le
ni de
tio n
si Tre
po nti-
Hand control
Hand control
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Functional description | Nurse hand control / nurse keypad 1/7
NOTE Please note that all nurse NOTE The mains voltage is
keypads have to be switched on connected for the duration of the
by pressing the “ON” button in active time of the nurse keypad
order to operate the bed. (120 sec.), so that the LED of the
If no electric function can be mains voltage display also lights
activated, press the Reset button up whenever the nurse keypad
on the motor housing. is active. If the keypad switches
Reset button on the S 962-2 (DA02) over the inactive state, the mains
è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: power is switched off.
Then press the green button on
the mains isolation after 10 WARNING When actuating
seconds in order to reactivate the motorised adjustments with the
bed. side rails raised. Ensure that
Never press both green buttons the occupant does not have
at the same time. ç any contact with the side rails,
and that no parts of his or her
body or that of other people are
Reset button on the S 962-2 (DA01)
sticking through the side rails or
are trapped between the lying
surface and the lower frame and/
or floor.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.9999.033.00
Pantone= RAL
429 9003 Signalweiß"a" 0505.9003.000.00
0505.7035.429.63 = transpar
10 FFR = Verschwindeefekt Telegrau 0505.7047.998.36
Pantone= Rotfilter
(für alle LED-Filter) "a" 0505.9999.011.00
7 FFR 9=FFR = Grünfilter 0505.9999.033.00
control, it is strictly necessary - automatic washing system V function” button . If theFarben function is 7 FFR =
SMD-Leiterplatte :
1 SM-LPV = SLF 8 FFR =
to attach this so that the patient position V locked, the LED above the23 SM-LPV button
= Isolack
: 9 FFR =
10 FFR
cannot reach it from the normal - manual washing light up red. If the double-click 4 SM-LPV
Farben function
= SLF= Graphit
= SLF = Isolack
is permanently locked at 2the factory, the
mends the accessories rail in the LED will always light up red when
4 SM-LPV = SLF the
are purely service functions and V
Farben Frontfolie :
Kunden Artikel-Nr. : Format
= Hinweise
RAL 900:
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne Werkzeug-Nr.: -
über 300 %%P0,3 A3 Maßstab Oberfläche: -
„Risk of entrapment“
Gez. 16.10.2008 MT Format
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne über 300 %%P0,3 A3 Werkzeug-Nr.: - Abmessun
= Farben
Gepr. 16.10.2008 Maßstab
MT Oberfläche: -
a 500006632 d110_2176_a
Gepr. 16.10.2008 MT Zeichn.-Nr.:
500006632 must
19.01.09 MT supervise the patient until
Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
a d110_2176_a
are marked with a double black arrow
E 2192
lowered“ the adjustment procedure has
Index Änderung Datum Name Es gilt Urheberschutz nach DIN 34 Blatt 1 von 1
= Fanger %%c= 6 H7
Gez. 16.10.2008
lower frame and/or floor during for example, the lying surface moves to
double-click function, a warning
adjustment manoeuvres. the highest or lowest position, respec-
signal sounds, which indicates that
tively. This function can be stopped at
the bed is in automatic operation.
any time by pressing any button.
Hinweise :
Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 E 2192 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne
= Fanger %%c= 6 H7
Functional description | Nurse hand control with total lock-out (Easy-Lock) (version) 3/7
ol u rg Reverse:
ntr nb nu
d e le u p t i o p
a k 1
n d e e c u
th re g c
i en nloc nti-T onin u rfa l e gs e cti
t s r s
pa ck/U A siti ing pe ck
Lo po Ly Up Ba
Nurse hand
ED control locked
g- ion
4 5
b ur 3 w n
c t n w n
n g do e w do Nurse hand
d ele ionin ace l e g s do ion control unlocked
it rf t
en er c
Tr pos g su pp k se
in U c
Ly Ba
If the function is activated (a red LED lights up on the nurse hand control), all functions on the
patient hand control will be locked.
Leg end lowered
Head end lowered
Pressing the “Lying surface up” and “Lying surface down” buttons simultaneously brings the bed into the horizontal
position (Function is variant specific).
The Völker diagnostics system (optional) allows a time between 0 and 5 seconds delay to set the back rest movement
to the 30° position p. 49 (Function is variant specific).
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Farben Frontfolie :
Functional description | Nurse keypad with complete lock (version) 4/7 = transparent ( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
Leg end lowered
1 FFR = RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.90
Head end 2lowered
FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 0505.30
Pressing buttons
3 FFR 3 and 4 simultaneously
= Pantone 2718 blau brings0505.27
the bed into the horizontal
4 FFR = Pantone position
430 (Function is 0505.70
5 FFR = Pantone 429
variant specific). 0505.70
The Völker6 diagnostics
FFR = Pantone 427 (optional) allows0505.90
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß
9 a time between 0 and 5 seconds delay to set 0505.90
8 FFR = Rotfilter 0505.99
the back rest movement to the 30° position
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.99
p. 49 (Function is variant specific).
10 FFR = Verschwindeefekt Telegrau 0505.70
green: mains voltage(füris alle
on LED-Filter)
green: >80% charged; yellow: 30-80% charged;
1 3 5 7 red: discharged; flashing: charging
After pressing the „on“ button, the keypad is
available for up to 120 seconds after the last
action, then it goes into stand-by mode.
automatic function with double click possible on
2 4 6 8 10
a country-by-country basis Farben SMD-Leiterpla
2 SM-LPV = Graphit
3 SM-LPV = Isolack
11 12 4 SM-LPV = SLF
Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
E 2191
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne
Maßstab Oberfläche: -
= Fanger %%c= 6 H7
1:1 Werkstoff: Siehe Stückliste
bis 300 %%P0,2
über 300 %%P0,3 A3 Werkzeug-Nr.: -
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 Datum Name HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Gez. 13.10.2008 MT Projekt-Nr.: 1053.1959
Farben Frontfolie :
Functional description | Nurse keypad with individual lock (version) 5/7 = transparent ( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
Leg end lowered
1 FFR = RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.90
Head end 2lowered
FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 0505.30
C 3 FFR =
Pressing buttons 3 Pantone 2718 blau
and 4 simultaneously brings0505.27
4 FFR = Pantone 430 0505.70
the bed into the horizontal position (Function is
5 FFR = Pantone 429 "a" 0505.70
variant specific).
6 FFR = Pantone 427 "a" 0505.90
The Völker7 diagnostics
FFR = RAL system (optional) allows0505.90
9003 Signalweiß
11 12 13 14 15 a time between
8 FFR 0 =and 5 seconds delay to set 0505.99
the back rest movement
9 FFR to the 30° position
= Grünfilter 0505.99
p. 49 (Function
10 FFRis variant specific). Telegrau 0505.70
= Verschwindeefekt
Back and upper leg (für alle LED-Filter)
section raised simultane-
1 3 5 7 9 ously
green: mains voltage is on
green: >80% charged; yellow: 30-80% charged;
red: discharged; flashing: charging
After pressing the „on“ button, the keypad is
2 4 6 8 10 16 available for up to 120 seconds after the last
action, then it goes into stand-by mode. Farben SMD-Leiterpla
automatic function with double click1 possible
a country-by-country basis 2 SM-LPV = Graphit
3 SM-LPV = Isolack
17 18 4 SM-LPV = SLF
23 = Fanger %%c= 6 H7
Functional description | Nurse keypad with individual lock/automatic functions (version) 6/7
= transparent ( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
Leg end lowered
1 FFR = RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.90
Head end 2lowered
FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 0505.30
Pressing buttons
3 FFR = 3 Pantone
and 4 simultaneously
2718 blau brings0505.27
the bed into = Pantone position
the horizontal 430 (Function is 0505.70
5 FFR = Pantone 429
variant specific). "a" 0505.70
The Völker6 diagnostics
FFR = Pantone 427 "a"
system (optional) allows 0505.90
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß 0505.90
11 12 13 14 15 a time between 0 and 5 seconds delay to set
8 FFR = Rotfilter 0505.99
the back rest movement to the 30° position
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.99
p. 49 (Function
10 FFRis variant specific). Telegrau 0505.70
= Verschwindeefekt
Back and upper leg section raised simultaneously
(für alle LED-Filter)
Height 80 cm, Anti-Trendelenburg-positioning
1 3 5 7 9
5°, back section 25°
Height 80 cm, back and upper leg section max.
Height 80 cm, back and upper leg section in
V zero position
2 4 6 8 10 21
green: mains voltage is on Farben SMD-Leiterpla
green: >80% charged; yellow: 30-80% charged;
red: discharged; flashing: charging 2 SM-LPV = Graphit
After pressing the „on“ button, the keypad3 SM-LPV is = Isolack
16 17 18 19 20 22 23 available for up to 120 seconds after the last = SLF
action, then it goes into stand-by mode.
1 Anti-Trendelenburg positioning A, L 12 Lock back section
automatic function with double click possible on
2 Trendelenburg positioning B, L 13 Lock upper leg section a country-by-country basis
3 Lying surface up C, L 14 Lock hand control
4 Lying surface down C, L 15 Lock automatic function Hinweise :
5 Back section up D 16 Transport position L
Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
6 Back section down D 17 Resuscitation position L
Farben der Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebd
7 Upper leg section up 18 Automatic washing system position F, L
8 Upper leg section down 19 Manual washing G, L
9 Cardiac chair position L 20 Bed preparation H, L
10 Auto-Contour E 21 Mains voltage display I
11 Lock lying surface lift and anti-Trendelenburg 22 Battery display J Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
positioning 23 On switch K E 2192
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne
Maßstab Oberfläche: -
24 = Fanger %%c= 6 H7
Description of function | Nurse keypad with individual lock/automatic/low leg section functions
= transparent (version)
( Umlaufend 7/7
aussen 2.5 mm )
Leg end lowered
1 FFR = RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.90
Head end 2lowered
FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 0505.30
Pressing buttons
3 FFR = 3 Pantone
and 4 simultaneously
2718 blau brings0505.27
the bed into = Pantone position
the horizontal 430 (Function is 0505.70
5 FFR = Pantone 429
variant specific). 0505.70
The Völker6 diagnostics
FFR = Pantone 427
system (optional) allows0505.90
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß 0505.90
13 14 15 16 17 a time between 0 and 5 seconds delay to set
8 FFR = Rotfilter 0505.99
the back rest movement to the 30° position
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.99
p. 49 (Function
10 FFRis variant specific). Telegrau 0505.70
= Verschwindeefekt
Back and upper leg section
(für alle raised simultaneously
1 3 5 7 9 11
Height 80 cm, Anti-Trendelenburg-positioning
5°, back section 25°
Height 80 cm, back and leg sections max.
Height 80 cm, back and leg sections in zero
V position
2 4 6 8 10 12 23
green: mains voltage is on Farben SMD-Leiterpla
green: >80% charged; yellow: 30-80% charged;
red: discharged; flashing: charging2 SM-LPV = Graphit
After pressing the „on“ button, the keypad3 SM-LPV is = Isolack
18 19 20 21 22 24 25 available for up to 120 seconds after the last = SLF
action, then it goes into stand-by mode.
1 Anti-Trendelenburg positioning A, L positioning L
Automatic function with double click possible
2 Trendelenburg positioning B, L 14 Lock back section on a country-by-country basis
3 Lying surface up C, L 15 Lock upper and lower leg sections
4 Lying surface down C, L 16 Lock hand control
5 Back section up D 17 Lock automatic function Hinweise :
6 Back section down D 18 Transport position L Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
7 Upper leg section up 19 Resuscitation position L Farben der Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebd
8 Upper leg section down 20 Automatic washing system position F, L
9 Lower leg section up 21 Manual washing G, L
10 Lower leg section down 22 Bed preparation H, L
11 Cardiac chair position L 23 Battery display I
Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
12 Auto-Contour E 24 Battery display J
13 Lock lying surface lift and Anti-Trendelenburg 25 In switch K E 2193
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne
Maßstab Oberfläche: -
25 = Fanger %%c= 6 H7
Hand controls and nurse hand controls / nurse controls are MiS® lying sur- Völker MiS® is a positioning system
available with various function buttons independently of the faces featuring different elements that main-
fastening option. tain and promote the patient‘s sponta-
neous movement.
Versions Description
Hand control With hook: Transverse on the side
rail with clip:
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Functional description | Accessories 2/3
Side rail spacers Accessory rails on both sides
The sidet rail spacers close the central Accessory rails are available for the bed
gap between the moving split side rails in two different lengths.
on Völker beds to create acontinuous
• Length 40 cm
side rail solution.
• Lenght 60 cm
To remove the side rail spacer from the
holder, move the pendulum into a ver-
tical position and at the same time pull
the side rail spacer upwards and out.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Functional description | Accessories 3/3
DANGER The lying surface
WARNING If the bed needs to be adjustment functions must be
moved or adjusted, the infusion locked when a patient is secured,
lines and cables must beclosely and the hand control must be
monitored by care staff. kept out of the patient's reach.
You should also note that drainage Restraints may be fastened directly onto
devices could touch the floor when the Restraint holder for side panel
beds built after 08/2009.
bed is lowered. This also applies to the Use of securing systems
Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelen- To do this, fasten the restraints on the
Securing systems such as belts or corresponding longitudinal section of
burg position.
straps should only be used exactly as the lying surface frame. Make sure that
The safe working load of each accesso- specified by the manufacturer. the restraint is passed between the
ry rail is 20 kg. mattress holder and the mattress.
If securing systems in the form of ab-
NOTE If the lying surface height dominal belts are used, then it must be
is lowered to below 40 cm, any ensured that the side rails are comple-
objects attached to the accesso- tely raised. In this case, the gap in the
ry rail must be removed. middle of the rails must be closed using
a rail spacer.
DANGER When using securing
Restraint holders systems and rail spacers, please
The bed can be equipped with restraint note the separate instructions for
holders. These can be attached to the use pertaining to these acces-
side panels. The restraint holders are sories.If the patient is restrained
mounted on the side panels and have with the help of restraint holders,
the same type of fasteners as the ac- the lying surfaces must never
cessory rails, which also allows them to be adjusted while the patient is
be attached in variable positions. restrained and must always be in
the lowest position!
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Activation | General operating instructions
On-time Battery pack Appropriate and correct use of
the battery pack is essential for it
The maximum On-time for the electro- The battery pack has a charge capacity to have a long service life!
motive bed functions is specified on the
when supplied that permits a theoretical
bed (type labe) and in the technical data In order to guarantee electrical func-
sheet (p.68). constant operation of at least 10 lifting tionality at all times, the bed should be
and lying surface adjustments with a connected to the mains as much as
x min/10 min. means that each electro-
working load of 250 kg. possible.
motive adjustment may be operated for
a maximum of x minutes in 10 minutes
and then there must be a pause of NOTE If the bed is parked at its Safety cut-out device
10 minutes (protection against over location and the mains plug is
not connected, this will cause the The bed is equipped with an electri-
battery pack to discharge due cal, self-resetting safety cut-out device
to the buffering of the electronic that prevents overloading of the motor
NOTE Should the maximum on- systems. In the event of very severe
time of x minutes be exceeded overloading, the bed is automatically
repeatedly or for longer periods, Deep-discharged battery packs switched off.
safety cut-out devices on the bed can be damaged to the extent
may cause the electromechani- that premature replacement is
cal motor system to fail. The bed needed!
must not be manoeuvred using To increase the service life of
the motors until it has cooled the battery pack, we recommend
down sufficiently! For a general disconnecting the bed from the
Definition of duty cycle see page mains when putting it into sto-
68. rage (Taking out of service).
You can find notes on reactiva-
tion in the “Electrical activation”
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Activation | Preparation 1/2
Conditions for set-up Hand control connection è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W:
The bed is only approved for use in dry The hand control should be connected The hand control should be connected
rooms (technical data sheet). A mains to the socket provided, where appropri- to the socket provided, where appropri-
power supply and possibly a potential ate. The spiral cable must be routed so ate. The spiral cable must be routed so
connector are required for operation of that it is not under tension. that it is not under tension.
the bed in any suitable room. When this
is available and the building installation Strain relief for the hand control cable
permits it, the bed should always be è S 962-2 (DA02):
connected to the potential equalisation.
NOTE You must first loosen both
Please note that the mains socket for
screws in the cover in order to loosen a
the bed must be freely accessible and
hand control plug on the dual drive.
not impeded by a piece of furniture, for
Mechanical activation
The supplied head and foot sections
must be slotted into the corner connec-
tors on the bed frame.
Strain relief for the hand control cable
in the cover
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Activation | Preparation 2/2
The equipotential bonding connection Bed transport
is located in the middle of the head The bed can be moved without auxiliary
bar outside for beds with an external transportation devices. If necessary,
trapeze bar bracket. For beds with 2 in- release the brakes.
ternal trapeze bar brackets (one bracket
in each inside corner of the head bar),
CAUTION The bed should only
the connection for equipotential bond-
be moved on a solid floor. Never
ing is located on the underside of the
attempt to push it over obstacles
head bar. The connection is marked by
of over 2 cm in height. The maxi-
a sticker.
mum angle of inclination of the
floor must not exceed 10°.
The bed can be transported by
one person on even surfaces.
If the bed has to be moved over
sloping or rising surfaces, the
bed may only be transported by
at least two people holding the
bed at the head and foot ends
due to its weight and for the safe-
ty of the patient and nursing staff.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Activation | Electrical activation
WARNING Check the mains 1. Connect the mains plug to the mains 3. Unlock the locking switch on the
cable for damage. If the cable is power socket. reverse of the hand control (open
damaged, the bed must not be lock visible) in order to activate the
2. Press the green mains isolation
used and must be taken out of bed‘s electrical functions.
button for a second to establish the
service immediately! mains connection
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Activation | Using the battery pack 1/2
Farben Frontfolie :
Farben Frontfolie
= transparent ( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
a = transparent ( Um
The battery status can be monitored by (für alle LED-Filter) 10 FFR = Versc
connecting a nurse keypad with an LED nect the bed from the mains
for the battery display. NOTE If the bed is stored for a when putting the bed into sto-
long period without being con- rage. V
The light emitting diode of the battery Farben SMD-Leiterplatte :
to the mains supply, the NOTE The LED of the battery
display on the nurse keypad
2 SM-LPV = Graphit
3 SM-LPV = Isolack
pack can discharge. The
shows the charge status of the
Green The battery pack is more the service life of the battery
Farben der Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebdruckfarben Abmessungen sie
flows to the bed, the LED of the
Farben der Zeichn
than 80% charged. pack, we recommend disconnec-
Yellow The battery
Artikel-Nr. : pack is 30-
ting the bed from the mains when V
mains voltage display
E 2190
charged. putting it into storage. For this, V :
Kunden Artikel-Nr.
pack is discharged.
Datum Name über 300 %%P0,3 A3
19.01.09 MT
Änderung Datum Name Es gilt Urheberschutz nach DIN 3
“Back section down”, “Upper leg NOTE If the red LED lights up
If the LED is red or yellow, the battery
section down” and “ON” buttons but the bed cannot be electrically
pack needs to be recharged. The bat-
on the nurse keypad. ç adjusted, press the mains isolati-
tery pack is switched off shortly before
on button. ç Kunden Artikel-Nr.
deep discharging. After the bed is con- KundenEArtikel-Nr.
2190 :
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8
E 2190 = Fanger %%c= 6 H7
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8
= Fanger %%c= 6 H7
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
a 500006631
Index Änderung
Activation | Using the battery pack 2/2
The bed should not be stored for WARNING If the battery pack is
a period longer than 6 months faulty, degassing can occur. In
with a fully charged battery pack rare cases, this can cause defor-
without recharging it. mation of the battery pack hous-
ing. If this occurs, the bed must
WARNING If electromagnetic be immediately taken out of ser-
interference occurs with other vice and taken to an adequately
equipment in the area around the ventilated room without sparks
bed, please refrain from using (from electricity or fire). Imme-
these devices. diately inform Völker (customer
The bed should always be services) should this occur!
handled carefully during trans-
port and protected from damp. WARNING The battery pack
must be disposed of in an envi-
ronmentally responsible manner
using the appropriate services.
NOTE The bed is designed for You can also send it back to
use in an ambient temperature Völker GmbH.
range from 10 °C to 40 °C, with a
relative humidity of 30% to 75% To activate the hand control and the
and an air pressure of 700 to nurse hand control / nurse keypad once
1060 hPa as well as an operating the bed has been activated, the function
height of maximum 3000 m. key lock must be disabled, if applicable.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Activation | Taking out of service
Taking out of service nect the bed from its power supply.
è S 962-2 (DA02): If the bed is to be The mains plug must also be pulled out
taken out of service for a longer period and the Reset button pressed before
of time, pull out the mains plug and repair work. ç
press the “Back section down”, “Upper
leg section down” and “Lying surface
down” buttons simultaneously on the
hand control or nurse hand control or
the “Back section down”, “Upper leg
section down” and “ON” buttons on the
nurse keypad in order to disconnect the
bed from its power supply.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Activation | Functional check
Visual inspection Functional check
Before each new occupancy of the bed, A functional check must be carried out
the following checks must be carried out: before each new occupancy:
1. Ensure the bed exhibits no visible 1. All electrical functions must be actu-
signs of damage. ated to their terminal positions once.
2. Ensure that the insulation of the elec- 2. The braking function of the bed must
trical cables is intact. be checked.
3. Ensure that the next testing date has Once a fault-free functional check has
not been missed (see testing label). been carried out, the bed is ready for
4. Check the mains cable for damage at
regular intervals.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Key lock
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Activating the key lock of the nurse The nurse keypad must be switched
control element disables its functions on by pressing the on switch to operate
completely. the bed. It goes into stand-by mode
120 seconds after the last activation.
The hand control can be locked either
on the hand control itself or on the nur- If the bed functions cannot be actuated,
se control element. check whether the key lock is activated.
The locking switch is located on the
reverse of the hand control
R100,80 as well as the Hand control or
nurse hand control with complete lock
R 102 nurse hand control locked C
= Pantone 2718 blau
= Pantone 430
0505.7042.430.63 Key
5 FFR = Pantone 429 "a" 0505.7035.429.63
nurse hand control or on the 6 FFR = Pantone 427 "a" 0505.9002.427.36
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß 0505.9003.000.00
8 FFR = Rotfilter 0505.9999.011.00
the red LED icons on the nurse The key should be removed from the Hand control or
PMS black 2
control element.
PMS white arrows, icons
Diese Zeichnung darf nur
Halbzeug KT 2452 9g
V Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 DIN 16901
PMS 427 light grey basis beachten!
PMS 430 dark grey button ground hand control lock Datum Name Benennung
Hinweise :
Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
Farben der Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebdruckfarben
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
Operation | Central castor adjustment
To brake the bed, step on the red spot CAUTION "Risk of accident"
on the double foot pedal. As soon as the If the bed is not being transport-
double foot pedal is engaged in a 30° ed, the castors must always be
position, the bed is braked. in the braked position, since the
bed may be required as a sup-
To move the bed into the desired posi-
port for when the patient stands
tion, move the double foot pedal into a
up or lies down. If the bed rolls
horizontal position.
away while unbraked, this can
To angle the steering castor in the direc- lead to a serious fall. After acti-
tion of travel, step on the green spot on vating the central holding brake,
the double foot pedal. As soon as the it must be checked that the bed
double foot pedal is engaged in a 30° is actually fixed, i.e. the castors
position, the steering castor is fixed and are adequately braked.
the bed can be controlled safely.
The bed can be in a non-fully-
To move the bed, the roller fixing must braked status even after first
be released by operating the dual foot activation or reactivation, and
pedal. Bed braked
consequently it must be checked
that the castors are correctly
Everything free
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Side rails | General safety notes
WARNING All people whose • Protective covers (cot side • If the side rails are damaged,
duties involve manoeuvring of pads) are available as an ac- there is a risk that the patient
the side rails must have read and cessory for the side rails. will fall out of bed.
understood the following infor- These provide additional pro
mation: tection against injury from • The legal admissibility of using
contact with the side rails. the side rails must be ensured.
• During actuation of the back, The use of these protective
upper leg or lower leg section covers is recommended for all • The side rails must only be
adjustment, of the lift or of the persons for whom the risk of operated by trained care staff.
side rails, it must always be injury from unavoidable con-
ensured that the patient is not tact with the side rails is very • Ensure that no body parts are
touching the side rails, and high. Even with the covers, the protruding through the side rails
that no part of their body is care staff or patient must still when the electrical lying surface
sticking out through the side take the necessary care when adjustment function is activated.
rails. operating the bed.
• If the side rails are used for • If the side rails are used, they • Ensure that the side rails (or
an individual whose psycho- must always be either com- parts thereof) are either fully
logical condition necessitates pletely raised and securely raised and locked or fully lowe-
their use, it must be ensured engaged, or completely lowe- red.
that the hand control is stored red to the end stop. Because
All types of Völker side rails can only be
completely out of their reach of the risk of entrapment, they
replaced with tools.Only Völker GmbH
or its functions are completely must never be left in a position
approved side rails may be used for the
locked. In all cases, care must where they are not completely
be taken to ensure that en engaged.
trapment risks are minimized. DANGER Failure on the part of
care staff to observe the above
safety measures may result in
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Side rails | 1/2
Raising the side rails 2. Press the "Drücken / Press" trigger
1. Pull the side rail element out hori- at the lower edge of the side rail ele- The side rail elements can be used
zontally until the end stop, and fold it ment and tilt it sideways into the hori- individually or together as required to
upwards. zontal plane, so that it lies parallel to protect the patient.
the floor. Raising all four rail elements offers the
2. To adjust the height of the side rail,
patient maximum protection.
pull the telescopic section upwards
until it reaches its end stop. NOTE The side rails should
always be gripped with two hands
at the ends of the element in
Lowering the side rails question and guided upwards or
1. Press both buttons on the outside downwards.
of the frame, right under the cross- CAUTION Any weight on side
member, to bring the height-adjusta- rail elements that are pulled out
ble rail element to its lowest position. horizontally must not exceed
15 kg!
3. Push the rail element completely
NOTE Due to their exceptional
underneath the lying surface.
stability, the side rail elements
can also be used as a surface for
storing bed linen (max. 15 kg)
or as an additional supporting
surface for care-related positions,
such as Bobath treatments, or
for the delivery of physiotherapy-
related treatments.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Side rails 2/2 | Fixed split side rails
A. Raising the side rail B. Lowering the side rail 2. To lower the side rail further, raise the
side rail slightly using the longitudinal
1. With one hand on either end of the 1. To lower the side rail, hold the andrail
profiles to release the lower catch.
handrail, pull the side rail upwards by the end caps and raise it slightly
At the same time, push the two outer
until it locks into place in the middl to release the upper catches. At the
locking knobs in and slide the middle
position. same time, push the two front locking
section down into the lowest position.
knobs in and slide the upper section
back down into the middle position.
lock or nurse control element lock.
The back section of the lying surface B
WARNING When the back sec- R100,80
tion is being raised with the side Back section up/down
C R102 Back section up/down
rails up, it must be ensured that 17,40 25 25 25 25 17
none of the patient‘s or any other
person‘s body parts are sticking
out through the side rails or are
on top of them! D
position or keep the button pressed so that the back section continues moving after
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Upper leg section 1 2 3 4 5 6
lock or nurse control element lock.
The upper leg section of the lying B
max. 45°.
WARNING When the upper leg
Upper leg section up/down R102 Upper leg section up/down
section is being raised with the C
1 2 3 4 Zust. Änderung Datum Name
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Lower leg section
The lower leg section can be moved
manually to any position of maximum
16° by pulling on the mattress holder.
To lower the lower leg section, press
down on the mattress holder.
In the case of beds with a lying surface
length of at least 2.10 m, it is possible
to adjust the lower leg section using the
hand control or nurse keypad (variant
specific). Lower leg section up/down Lower leg section up/down
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
1 2 3 4 5 6
If necessary, disable the hand control
lock or nurse control element lock. B
The lying surface height can be adju-
sted from approx. 40 cm to 80 cm.
WARNING To avoid danger to
the patient from falling, we re-
ting in and out of the bed! not have any contact with
PMS 430 dark grey
PMS 2718 the button ground anti trendelenburg
light blue
button ground hand control lock
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Mechanical rapid lowering of the back section / CPR function is an emergency position
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Operation | Anti-Trendelenburg 1 and Trendelenburg positioning 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
lock or nurse control element lock.
The Trendelenburg position can be B
CAUTION If a fault occurs with
MT 07.10.2008 Gepr.
the lifting function, or the mains
Proj MT 25.09.2008 Gez.
power supply fails and the batte-
Werk A3 300 %%P0,3 über
Format C
25 positioning
300 %%P0,2 bis
Werk 1:1
(für alle LED-
= Verschwinde 10 FFR
= Grünfilter 9 FFR
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
= Rotfilter 8 FFR
= RAL 9003 Sign 7 FFR
= Pantone 427 6 FFR
HB-RD-000061 Rev.01 Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92
positioning and Auto-Contour (version)
Farben Frontfolie :
Hand control with anti-Trendelenburg
= transparent ( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
their lowest position.
tion in any preferred order to
in the bed. = RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.9005.000.00
2 FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 0505.3020.000.00
3 FFR = Pantone 2718 blau 0505.2718.000.36
and upper leg sec- the back nas it provides an active sitting position
4 FFR = Pantone 430 0505.7042.430.63
5 FFR = Pantone 429 "a" 0505.7035.429.63
and move the lying surface benefit from the comfort seating positio-
6 FFR = Pantone 427 "a" 0505.9002.427.36
to be "taught" how to sit can gain a lot of
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß 0505.9003.000.00
8 FFR = Rotfilter 0505.9999.011.00
To return to a horizontal lying position, system is too unstable or they first have
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.9999.033.00
10 FFR = Verschwindeefekt Telegrau 0505.7047.998.36
Restoring the straight lying surface bed either because their circulatory
Anti-Trendelenburg positioning (für alle LED-Filter)
Patients who are unable to leave the
Farben Frontfolie :
= transparent ( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
Farben Frontfolie :
button . lenburg
V a
1 FFR = RAL 9005 = transparent
Tiefschwarz( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
Farben SMD-Leiterplatte :
position by pressing the Anti-Trende-
2 FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 0505.3020.000.00
3 FFR = Pantone 2718 blau
1 FFR = RAL 9005 0505.2718.000.361 SM-LPV = SLF
Tiefschwarz 0505.9005.000.00
2. Swivel the bed to the comfort seating
4 FFR = Pantone 430 SM-LPV = Graphit
2 FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot
5 FFR = Pantone 429 "a" 0505.7035.429.633 SM-LPV = Isolack
3 FFR = Pantone 2718 blau 0505.2718.000.36
6 FFR = Pantone 427 "a" 0505.9002.427.364 SM-LPV = SLF
4 FFR = Pantone 430 0505.7042.430.63
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß
5 FFR = Pantone 429 0505.9003.000.00"a" 0505.7035.429.63
the Auto-Contour button
8 FFR = Rotfilter 6 FFR = Pantone 427 0505.9999.011.00
"a" 0505.9002.427.36
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.9999.033.00
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß 0505.9003.000.00
position in a single step by pressing
10 FFR = Verschwindeefekt Telegrau 0505.7047.998.36
FFR = Rotfilter
(für alle8LED-Filter) 0505.9999.011.00
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.9999.033.00
Alternatively, you can reach this
Hinweise :
10 FFR = Verschwindeefekt Telegrau 0505.7047.998.36
(für alle LED-Filter)
Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
Farben der Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebdruckfarben
upwards a little to a comfortable posi-
and the upper leg section
Farben SMD-Leiterplatte :
1. Move the back
V Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
E 2190 2 SM-LPV = Graphit Farben SMD-Leiterplatte :
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne
3 SM-LPV = Isolack
Maßstab Oberfläche:
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Cleaning and disinfection 1/3
To maintain the bed’s functionality, it The disinfectants themselves should be used. Do not moisten the bed too
should be cleaned, disinfected and used in accordance with the disinfectant much when cleaning.
tested manufacturer’s instructions.
Disinfection by wiping
• at regular intervals Therefore it is worth checking in-house
hygiene protocols. The dilution ratio recommended in the
• as required
Due to the large number of available relevant instructions for use by the
• after every change of patient
products, Völker GmbH cannot approve cleaning product manufacturers must be
• in accordance with the guidelines of
specific products and list them in the used.
the respective hygiene schedule
so that it can be used again immediately instructions for use.
NOTE Solvents are not permitted.
and without risk. Hazards may arise due Please observe the information provided
to improper cleaning/disinfection of the by the cleaning product manufacturer. • Abrasives, scouring pads
bed. The degree of disinfection must be Not following these instructions may or other scouring agents
determined by the user! lead to personal injury and material must not be used.
As a general rule, only state-of-the-art damage. • Chlorine, formaldehyde,
disinfectants should be used. phenol-based products and
other solvents (toluene, xylene
The current healthcare standard can “Danger of electric shock/fire
and loss of function” The bed or acetone) are not allowed.
be found, for example, in the VAH List
[from the German Association of Applied must always be disconnected from The following information regarding
Hygiene], RKI [Robert Koch Institute] the power supply before being cleaning products and disinfectants
guidelines or also in the IHO List [from cleaned and disinfected. must be observed:
the German Industrial Association
Cleaning • the solutions for use must as a rule be
for Hygiene and Surface Protection].
freshly prepared.
Unless any specific ingredients which Depending on the degree of soiling, we
may NOT be used are given in the recommend cleaning the bed with a • the concentrations quoted should
respective instructions for use, the damp cloth or similar. For stubborn be neither exceeded nor undershot.
disinfectants listed there may be used. dirt or stains, a soft brush may also be the so-called “shot” method must not
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
HB-RD-000061 Rev.01 Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92
Farben Frontfolie : Farben Frontfolie :
= transparent ( Umlaufend aussen
= transparent )
2.5 mm( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
whether your bed is suitable for the washing system.
a a
*Please refer to the information on the type label to ascertain
conditions (e.g. water hardness) can
1 FFR = RAL Farben9005 Tiefschwarz
Frontfolie1 FFR
: 0505.9005.000.00
= RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.9005.000.0
automatic function) own investigations and tests, since the
2 FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 2 FFR = RAL 3020 0505.3020.000.00
Verkehrsrot 0505.3020.000.0
= transparent ( Umlaufend aussen 2.5 mm )
(only for nurse keypads with is not permissible.
3 FFR = Pantone 2718 blau
3 FFR = 0505.2718.000.36
Pantone 2718 blau 0505.2718.000.3
not exempt users from conducting their
4 FFR = Pantone 430 4 FFR = Pantone a
430 0505.7042.430.6
• press the manual washing button high-pressure cleaning equipment
429 5 FFR ="a" 0505.7035.429.63
Pantone 429 "a" 0505.7035.429.6
The information provided by us does
Farben Frontfolie : 5 FFR = Pantone
1 FFR = RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.9005.000.00
6 FFR = Pantone ="a" 0505.9002.427.36
Pantone 427 "a" 0505.9002.427.3
fection using spray lances from
2 FFR 427 = RAL 3020
6 FFRVerkehrsrot 0505.3020.000.00
= transparent ( Umlaufend
7 FFR aussen
= RAL 2.59003 mmSignalweiß
) 7 FFR = RAL 9003 0505.9003.000.00
Signalweiß 0505.9003.000.0
3 FFR = Pantone 2718 blau 0505.2718.000.36
WARNING Cleaning and disin- responding to 5 °dH).
8 FFR = Rotfilter
4 FFR a = Pantone 8 FFR 0505.9999.011.00
430 = Rotfilter 0505.9999.011.0
Grünfilter 9 FFR 0505.9999.033.00 0505.9999.033.0
water hardness of 0.9 mmol/l (cor
9 FFR = 5 FFR = Pantone 429 = Grünfilter "a" 0505.7035.429.63
be raised manually).
1 FFR = RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz 0505.9005.000.00
10 FFR =6Verschwindeefekt
FFR = Pantone Telegrau
10 FFR 0505.7047.998.36
"a" Telegrau 0505.7047.998.3
2 FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot (für 0505.3020.000.00
alle LED-Filter) 427 = (für alle LED-Filter)
adjustment, the lower leg section must Spray lances and washing systems* • the water must not exceed a total
3 FFR = Pantone 2718 blau 7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß
0505.2718.000.36 0505.9003.000.00
4 FFR = Pantone 430 8 FFR = Rotfilter
0505.7042.430.63 0505.9999.011.00
button for the lower leg section first). or lower than 6-8.
(in the case of beds without a function 5 FFR = Pantone 429 0505.7035.429.63
9 FFR"a"= Grünfilter 0505.9999.033.00
6 FFR = Pantone 427 10 FFR = Verschwindeefekt
"a" 0505.9002.427.36Telegrau 0505.7047.998.36
soaked before cleaning (please test • the pH of the water must not be higher
(für alle LED-Filter)
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß 0505.9003.000.00
• Stubborn dirt or stains should be
V 8 FFR V = Rotfilter 0505.9999.011.00
lubricants must not be affected.
9 FFR = Grünfilter 0505.9999.033.00
it before re-use.
10 FFR = Verschwindeefekt Telegrau Farben SMD-Leiterplatte : Farben SMD-Leiterplatte :
• the leg sections to the highest position
(für alle LED-Filter)
• Dry the bed with special care and test or the gripping properties of materials.
V 2 SM-LPV = Graphit 2 SM-LPV = Graphit
position that will change the surface structure
3 SM-LPV = Isolack 3 SM-LPV = Isolack
4 SM-LPV Farben
= SLF SMD-Leiterplatte
• the back section to the highest cleaned with a brush or with high • they must not contain any substances
2 SM-LPV = Graphit
• Labels and markings must not be
• the bed to working height corrosive or caustic ingredients.
3 SM-LPV = Isolack
Farben SMD-Leiterplatte : 4 SM-LPV = SLF
ing agents into unused connections. • cleaning products must not contain
Hinweise : Hinweise :
manual washing, move • Avoid the ingress of water and clean-
2 SM-LPV = Graphit
Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
3 SM-LPV Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
= Isolack
To put the bed in the best position for
Farben der nicht den Siebdruckfarben
Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebdruckfarbe
sion and fire when used over a large
SLFFarben der
covers and blind plugs provided.
Preparation for manual washing connected and when protected by the alcohol, there is the danger of explo-
Hinweise :
• with spray disinfectants containing
Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
protected against splashes only when
Farben der Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebdruckfarben
Kunden Artikel-Nr. : Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
trol box, distributor box and battery are
mixing ratios or insufficient care of the (protein-related faults).
E 2190 Hinweise : E 2190
Cable plugs and the sockets of the con-
L %%c= 2.8 L Maße ohne
= Lochpfeife Maße ohne
coating through the use of unsuitable deduced from this information. add cleaning products such as soap
Kunden Artikel-Nr. : Format Format
über 300 %%P0,3 A3 Werkzeug-Nr.: -
über 300 %%P0,3 A3 Werkzeug-Nr.: -
E 2190 Datum Name Datum Name
damage sustained to the surface assurance of certain properties can be Under no circumstances may users
Gez. 25.09.2008 MT Projekt-Nr.:
Gez. 25.09.2008 1053.1958
MT Projekt-Nr.: 1053.1958
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne
Maßstab Oberfläche: -
Gepr. MT
07.10.2008Toleranzangabe: Gepr. 07.10.2008 MT
Völker GmbH accepts no liability for be different locally. No legally binding be used under any circumstances.
= Fanger %%c= 6 H7 Bezeichnung: Bezeichnung:
Druckzeichnung Druckzeichnung
1:1 Werkstoff: Siehe Stückliste
Kunden Artikel-Nr. : bis 300 %%P0,2
über 300 %%P0,3 A3 Werkzeug-Nr.: -
E 2190 a 500006631 19.01.09 MTa 500006631 19.01.09 MTZeichn.-Nr.: d110_2174_aZeichn.-Nr.: d110_2174_a
Datum Name
Index Änderung Datum Name
Index Es gilt Änderung DIN 34
Urheberschutz nach Datum Name Es gilt Urheberschutz
Blatt nach
1 vonDIN
Projekt-Nr.: 1 34 Blatt 1 von 1
L = Lochpfeife %%c= 2.8 Maße ohne Gez. 25.09.2008 MT 1053.1958
Maßstab Oberfläche: -
- manual washing
• all electrical functions can be actuated 2 FFR = RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot 0505.3020.000.00
• Specifications for surface4 disinfection
3 FFR = Pantone 2718 blau
- bed preparation
to their terminal positions FFR = Pantone 430 0505.7042.430.63
by the Robert-Koch Institute in the
5 FFR = Pantone 429
6 FFR = Pantone 427
"a" are purely service functions and
Once these conditions have been met, current edition are to be regarded as
7 FFR = RAL 9003 Signalweiß
8 FFR = Rotfilter may only be executed if the bed
• Bring the lower leg section of the bed • A washing procedure in 6 days is Kund
to a horizontal position, manually if regarded as a normal load. NOTE After about 20 washing E 21
• Put up the side rails, There are requirements on the quality Farben SMD-Leiterplatte : E 2192
section moves into 25° position). Hinweise : beds that are still within their
testing interval periods may be
Abmessungen siehe Fertigungszeichnung
Farben der Zeichnung entsprechen nicht den Siebdruckfarben
Kunden Artikel-Nr. :
E 2192
L = Lochpfeife
%%c= 2.8 Maße ohne
Maßstab Oberfläche: -
= Fanger %%c= 6 H7
1:1 Werkstoff: Siehe Stückliste
bis 300 %%P0,2
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
über 300 %%P0,3 A3 Werkzeug-Nr.: -
Datum Name
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Maintenance | Safety notes 2/2
WARNING Maintenance and è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W:
repair work should only be car- WARNING When working on the
ried out on an unoccupied bed. open motor, it must be ensured
The patient may also have to be that there is no contact with
transferred to another bed before the power supply board for at
the work. least 20 minutes after discon-
necting it from the power supply
WARNING After maintenance and the battery. The reason for
(repair) work is completed, this is to allow self-discharge
always check that the bed is of the smoothing capacitor,
functioning correctly. It must be which would represent a risk to
checked that the bed can be persons. ç
used correctly without risk to the
patient or care personnel. è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W:
WARNING When connecting a
motor to the extension board, it
must be noted that only one mo-
tor may be connected. ç
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Maintenance | Maintenance schedule
The bed requires little maintenance.
Period Work to be carried out
All movable parts for the height ad-
justment mechanism, the lying surface Annually Technical check, p. 59 f.
motor systems and the side rails are
provided with long-lasting lubricant After lengthy periods of Visual and functional check, p. 39
at the factory. It is recommended that non-use
the bed is subjected to a regular, or As required Lubricate mechanical parts
at least once a year, technical check Replace the battery pack in case of defect
incl. visual inspection and functional Replace parts subject to wear in case of defect
check) as described in the checklist. • Wings (if fitted)
Any damage that is determined must be • Spring elements (if fitted)
remedied immediately.
After every lengthy period of non-use,
a visual and functional check must be
carried out.
The section entitled Technical check
contains all the information needed
to carry out the technical check in ac-
cordance with MPBetreibV, DGUV V3,
UVV on care beds and measurement
as per DIN EN 62353. Other (e.g.
country-specific) specifications have
not been included here. This does not
absolve the operator from the obliga-
tion to observe any such specifica-
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Technical check 1/2
1. Visual inspection
Check the frame parts for plastic de-
formations and/or wear and tear. This
includes the lower frame, the lifting
mechanism, all parts of the lying surface
(back, seat, upper leg and lower leg
sections, wing and spring elements
(if present)), trapeze bar, trapeze bar
holder and castors. Likewise, both tim-
ing belts should be serviced annually.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Troubleshooting | Table of faults 1/5
The following table contains information NOTE Before carrying out any WARNING Before carrying out
on possible functional problems that the troubleshooting, check that the repair work, always pull out the
users can resolve themselves. bed is connected to the power mains plug and ...
supply (the mains plug is in a live
Anyone responsible for carrying out è S 962-2 (DA02): ...disconnect
socket). Continue by pressing
maintenance and servicing must at the bed from the battery pack
the nurse keypad, and check
least have read the safety notes for the by pressing the “Back section
whether the battery pack is char-
respective bed model and be qualified down”, “Upper leg section down”
ged (observe LED of the battery
in accordance with the relevant national and “Lying surface down” buttons
display on the nurse keypad).
regulations. The following applies for simultaneously on the hand con-
Germany: the staff requirements defined If the same fault occurs repea- trol or the nurse hand control or
by the regulations governing the instal- tedly, the error memory should the “Back section down”, “Upper
lation, operation, use and maintenance be read out by the optional leg section down” and “ON” but-
of medical devices must be ensured by Völker Diagnostic System (VDS) tons on the nurse keypad! ç
the operator of the beds. before resetting again. When do-
è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W:
ing this, the bed must always be
To guarantee a trouble-free operation of ...disconnect the bed from the
connected to the power supply.
the beds, the instructions for use of the power supply by pressing the
Also follow the instructions for
bed must always be accessible to the Reset button! ç
use of the VDS.
servicing staff.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Troubleshooting | Table of faults 2/5
Fault Possible cause Troubleshooting
Adjustment of the back, (1) Hand control locked. (1) Unlock hand control
upper leg or lower leg section
(2) Nurse hand control / nurse keypad (2) Unlock nurse hand control / nurse keypad.
(electronically adjustable) not
functioning. (3) Connect the plug or check the socket. Now
(3) The mains plug is not plugged in or press green mains isolation button,...
there is no power to the socket and è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: ...and then
battery pack is discharged. activate any hand control function ç
(2) Bed taken out of service. Press green mains isolation button.
è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: ...and then
activate any hand control function. ç
(3) Fault or communication error in the Press Reset button p. 45 on the motor
electronics. housing.
è S 962-2 (DA02): ...and then activate any
hand control function. ç
è S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: ... and after
about 10 seconds press the green button of
the mains isolation, and then activate any
hand control function.
Never press both green buttons at the
same time! ç
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Appendix | Type labels
The type plates are located on the inside Each bed can be clearly identified from the unique ID number on its type plate.
of the head panel.
The structure of this ID number is as follows:
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Appendix | Symbols used
Symbols used on the type labels Warning and information signs in the text
TÜV SÜD certified (Technical Inspection Authority SOUTH) Warning of crushing and clamping hazard!
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Appendix | Technical data (standard design) 1/2
The details marked below with * are dependent on the length, Volumetric weight of the 40 - 50 kg/m3
width or model of the bed. The values specified relate to mattress material
model S 962-2 in design variant S.
Unladen weight
External dimensions (W x L) S 962-2 (DA02) * approx. 143 kg
for lying surface 90 x 190 cm * approx. 99 x 210 cm S 962-2 (DA01) * approx. 150 kg
for lying surface 90 x 200 cm * approx. 99 x 220 cm S 962-2W * approx. 164 kg
for lying surface 90 x 210 cm * approx. 99 x 230 cm Safe working load for the bed 250 kg
for lying surface 90 x 220 cm * approx. 99 x 240 cm Max. patient weight, p. 8 in applica- in application
for lying surface 100 x 200 cm * approx. 109 x 220 cm tion envi- environment
for lying surface 100 x 210 cm * approx. 109 x 230 cm ronment 3, 5
for lying surface 100 x 220 cm * approx. 109 x 240 cm 1, 2
for lying surface 110 x 200 cm * approx. 119 x 220 cm S 962-2, S 962-2W 215 kg
Clearance height approx. 18.5 cm 185 kg
Height of the lower edge of ly- approx. 28 cm / 68 cm Safe working load for the tra- 75 kg
ing surface frame (min./max.) * peze bar holder
Height of the upper edge of approx. 40 cm / 80 cm Safe working load for drip 2 kg / hook
the lying surface (min./max) * stands
Height of upper edge of head approx. 78 cm / 118 cm Castors 4 pcs, Ø 150 mm
and foot section (min./max.) * Max. castor load 100 kg (dynamic)
Height centre of wall spacing roll approx. 35 cm / 75 cm steel castors: S 962-2
Lying surface (4-part) * approx. 90 x 190/200/210/220 cm Max. castor load 150 kg (dynamic)
approx. 100 x 200/210/220 cm integrated castors: S 962-2,
approx. 110 x 200 cm S 962-2W
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Appendix | Technical data (standard design) 2/2
Mains voltage Lifting motor fuse Current monitoring,
S 962-2 (DA02): AC 230 V (EU-, UK version) S 962-2 (DA02): overcurrent deactivation at 18,3 A
AC 115 V (US version) (hardware) or
S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: AC 230 V (EU version) 15 A (software)
AC 240 V (UK version)
AC 115 V (US version) Current monitoring,
Power consumption S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: overcurrent deactivation at 20 A
S 962-2 (DA02): 220 W (hardware) or
S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: 300 VA 15 A (software)
Rated frequency
S 962-2 (DA02): 50 Hz / 60 Hz
S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: 50 Hz (EU-, UK version) Battery pack Typ: 2 x 12 V block battery (lead
60 Hz (US version) S 962-2 (DA02): gel) 5,4 Ah
S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: (lead gel) 7,2 Ah
Primary fuse
S 962-2 (DA02): 1,6 A (EU-, UK version) Operating temperature range + 10 °C to + 40 °C
3,15 A (US version) Transport / storage temperature - 20 °C to + 60 °C
S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W: 3,15 A (EU version)
Air humidity 30 % to 75 % rel.
5,0 A (UK version)
6,3 A (US version) Atmosphere range 700 hPa to 1060 hPa
Overload protection Thermal switch 100 °C Operating volume
(EU-, UK-, US version) S 962-2 (DA02) 52 dB(A)
S 962-2 (DA01) 52 dB(A)
Hand control fuse Type: Miniature fuse, S 962-W 45 dB(A)
slow-acting, 375 mA
Operating height Maximum 3000 m
Energy supply fuse Type: Miniature fuse,
slow-acting, 2 A
Audible acoustic energy
S 962-2 mit UG4 51,9 dB (A)
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Appendix | Classification
Protection against electric Protection class II or device Degree of protection The bed is not protected
shock with internal electrical current against explosive substan- against explosion and should
source ces and mixtures not be used in an environ-
ment in which flammable
anaesthetics or flammable
Protection type by housing cleaning agents are present
as per EN 60529 (see relevant national regu-
S 962-2: IPX4 lation)
Grouping/Classification Class I
not suitable for cleaning in
as per Regulation (EU)
automatic washing systems
2017/745 Appendix VIII
IPX6 Rule 13
S 962-2W:
(highly spray-proof) Mode of operation
suitable for cleaning in auto- S 962-2 (DA02) 16% (2 min./10 min.)
matic washing systems (on-time maximum 2 minutes
Degree of protection of the Type B / off-time 10 minutes)
applied part against electric
28% (4 min./10 min.)
shock as per
S 962-2 (DA01), S 962-2W (on-time maximum 4 minutes
DIN EN 60601-1
/ off-time 10 minutes)
Technical check 1x yearly
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Appendix | Service life / disposal
Service life pursuant to the Restriction of Disposal of batteries
The bed’s expected service life is Hazardous Substances II Directive •
Any individual batteries which have
approx. 10 years. 2011/65/EU. been removed but are no longer
• Replaced electrical components usable must be professionally
Disposal information (drives, control units, hand control disposed of in accordance with
units, etc.) from these beds are to be Directive 2006/66/EC (implemented in
• For all components to be disposed of,
treated and disposed of as electrical Germany in the Batteries Act); they do
the operator must ensure that these
scrap in accordance with the WEEE not belong in household waste.
are not infectious/contaminated.
• Contact your local waste disposal
• If the bed is scrapped, the wood,
• The bed operator is legally obliged companies or our service department.
plastic and metal parts used must be
not to dispose of its electrical
separated and disposed of properly. In other countries outside Germany/the
components in municipal collection
EU, observe the national regulations in
• If you have any questions, contact points, but to send them directly to the
force there.
your local authorities, waste disposal manufacturer. Völker GmbH and its
companies or our service department. service partners will accept the return
of these parts. Please contact our
Disposal of electrical parts sales team in this regard.
• This bed is electrically adjustable • Our general terms and conditions
and classified as a commercial (b2b) apply to these returns.
electrical device in accordance
with WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU
(implemented in Germany in the
Electrical and Electronic Equipment
• The electrical components used are
free of prohibited harmful constituents
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Manufacturer‘s declarations 1/4
Guidelines and manufacturer's declarations — electromagnetic interference
The bed is intended for use in an environment as specified below. The customer or the user of the bed must ensure that it is used in an
environment of this type.
Emitted interference
Compliance Electromagnetic environment — guidelines
HF emissions in accordance Group 1 The bed uses HF energy exclusively for its internal functions. Its HF emissions
with CISPR 11 are therefore very low and it is unlikely that neighbouring electronic devices will
be affected by interference.
HF emissions in accordance Class B The bed is suitable for use in all facilities, including households and facilities
with CISPR 11 directly connected to a public power grid that also supplies residential buildings.
Emissions of harmonics in Class A
accordance with IEC 61000-3-2
Emissions of voltage Compliant
fluctuations/flicker in accordance
with IEC 61000-3-3
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Manufacturer‘s declarations 2/4
Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration — electromagnetic immunity
The bed is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the bed user must ensure that it is used in an environ-
ment of this kind.
Immunity tests IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment — guidelines
Discharge of static ± 8 kV contact discharge ± 8 kV contact discharge Floors must be made of wood or concrete, or should be
electricity (ESD) in ± 2 kV, ± 4 kV, ± 8 kV, ± 2 kV, ± 4 kV, ± 8 kV, covered with ceramic tiles. If the floor is covered with
accordance with ± 15 kV air discharge ± 15 kV air discharge synthetic material, relative humidity must be at least 30%.
IEC 61000-4-2
Electrical fast transients/ ± 2 kV 100 kHz repetition ± 2 kV 100 kHz repetition The quality of the supply voltage must be that of a typical
bursts in accordance frequency frequency commercial, clinical or residential environment.
with IEC 61000-4-4
Surges in accordance ± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV ± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV The quality of the supply voltage must be that of a typical
with IEC 61000-4-5 differential mode differential mode commercial, clinical or residential environment.
± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV, ± 2 kV ± 0.5 kV, ± 1 kV, ± 2 kV
common mode common mode
Voltage dips, short 0% UT for ½ cycle at 0°, 45°, 1% UT for ½ cycle at 0°, 45°, The quality of the supply voltage must be that of a typical
interruptions and 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270° 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°, 270° commercial, clinical or residential environment. If the bed
fluctuations in the supply and 315° and 315° user requires continued function even in the event of
voltage in accordance with 0% UT for 1 cycle at 0° 0% UT for 1 cycle at 0° interruptions to the energy supply, it is recommended that
IEC 61000-4-11 the bed be powered by an uninterruptible power supply or
70% UT for 25 cycles at 50 Hz 70% UT for 25 cycles at 50 Hz a battery.
at 0° at 0°
0% UT for 250 cycles at 50 Hz 0% UT for 250 cycles at 50 Hz
Magnetic field at the 30 A/m 30 A/m Magnetic fields at mains frequency should correspond to the
supply frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz typical values found in the commercial, clinical or residential
(50/60 Hz) in accordance environment. Devices that generate magnetic fields should
with IEC 61000-4-8 be used at a distance of at least 15 cm from the bed.
COMMENT: UT is the AC mains voltage before application of the test level.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Manufacturer‘s declarations 3/4
Guidelines and manufacturer's declaration — electromagnetic immunity
The bed is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the bed user must ensure that it is
used in an environment of this kind.
Immunity tests IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment — guidelines
Conducted HF inter- 3 Vrms 3 Vrms The bed is suitable for use in industrial, clinical
ference on the power 150 kHz to 80 MHz 150 kHz to 80 MHz and residential environments, but not in rooms
cable in accordance with 6 Vrms in ISM and 6 Vrms in ISM and containing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
IEC 61000-4-6 (no patient amateur radio frequency amateur radio frequency equipment or high-frequency surgical equipment.
connections, bands between 150 kHz bands between 150 kHz Electronic devices must be used at a distance of
DC connections or signal and 80 MHz and 80 MHz at least 30 cm from the bed. The field strength of
connections are present fixed radio transmitters must be lower than the
80% AM at 1 kHz 80% AM at 1 kHz
near the bed) compliance level for all frequencies in accordance
Radiated HF interference 10 V/m 10 V/m with an on-site evaluation.
in accordance 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz 80 MHz to 2.7 GHz Interference
with IEC 61000-4-3 80% AM at 1 kHz 80% AM at 1 kHz may occur near
devices bearing
this symbol.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Manufacturer‘s declarations 4/4
High-frequency TETRA 400 TETRA 400 Devices that use the listed radio services must be
electromagnetic fields in (380 to 390 MHz, 27 V/m) (380 to 390 MHz, 27 V/m) operated at a distance of at least 30 cm from the bed.
the immediate vicinity of GMRS 460; FRS 460 GMRS 460; FRS 460
wireless communication (430 to 470 MHz, 28 V/m) (430 to 470 MHz, 28 V/m)
devices in accordance
with IEC 61000‑4-3 LTE Band 13, 17 LTE Band 13, 17
(704 to 787 MHz, 9 V/m) (704 to 787 MHz, 9 V/m)
GSM800/900; TETRA 800; GSM800/900; TETRA 800;
iDEN 820; CDMA 850; iDEN 820; CDMA 850;
LTE Band 5 LTE Band 5
(800 to 960 MHz, 28 V/m) (800 to 960 MHz, 28 V/m)
GSM 1800; CDMA 1900; GSM 1800; CDMA 1900;
GSM 1900; DECT; GSM 1900; DECT;
LTE Band 1,3,4,25; UMTS LTE Band 1,3,4,25; UMTS
(1700 to 1990 MHz, 28 V/m) (1700 to 1990 MHz, 28 V/m)
Bluetooth; Bluetooth;
WLAN 802.11 b/g/n; WLAN 802.11 b/g/n;
RFID 2450; LTE Band 7 RFID 2450; LTE Band 7
(2400 to 2570 MHz, 28 V/m) (2400 to 2570 MHz, 28 V/m)
WLAN 802.11 a/n WLAN 802.11 a/n
(5100 to 5800 MHz, 9 V/m) (5100 to 5800 MHz, 9 V/m)
COMMENT 1: The higher frequency range applies at 80 MHz and 800 MHz.
COMMENT 2: These guidelines may not be applicable in all cases. The propagation of electromagnetic variables is affected by the absorbent and
reflective properties of buildings, objects and people.
a T
he field strength of fixed transmitters, e.g. base stations for cordless phones and mobile radios, amateur radio stations, AM and FM radio and TV
broadcasters, cannot in theory be predicted with any accuracy. A study of the site should be considered to determine the electromagnetic environ-
ment with regard to the location of the fixed transmitter. If the field strength measured in the location in which the bed is used exceeds the afore-
mentioned compliance level, the bed must be monitored in order to verify that it is working as intended. If abnormal performance characteristics are
observed, additional measures, such as reorientation or relocation of the bed, may be required.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Information on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic compatibil- information. If effects of this nature are • Only Völker original electrical spare
ity (EMC) refers to the a bility of a observed, try to increase the distance parts must be used for repair and
technical device to refrain from af- between the bed and the source of service work. Otherwise the afore
fecting other devices with unwant- the interference, and to power the de- mentioned requirements may not be
ed electrical or electromagnetic vice causing the interference and the met. A list of electrical components can
effects and to resist interference bed from different circuits. Unwanted be found in the service handbook.
from other devices. movements can be stopped by press- • Devices that emit radiation, such as
ing any button on a control unit (pro- mobile phones, must only be used at
Appropriate construction and
vided it is unlocked). Incorrect locking a minimum distance of 30 cm from the
design are key to ensuring the
statuses can be corrected by press- bed.
electromagnetic compatibility of
ing the appropriate buttons. A loss of
electrical equipment. The docu- • Please also note the guidelines in the
height Information indicates a failure
mentation and confirmation of manufacturer's instructions.
of the height adjustment function. In
resistance to interference and suf-
this case, press the "Frame up" and
ficiently low levels of emitted in-
"Frame down" buttons simultaneously
terference are regulated by EMC
and hold for more than 10 seconds un-
guidelines and EMC standards.
til movement ceases. This reference
To ensure fault-free operation of run updates the height information.
the bed, please note the following:
WARNING The bed must not be
• In isolated cases, strong inter- placed directly adjacent to
ference can cause failure of or stacked with other devices.
adjustment functions, unwanted If operation near to or stacked
bed movements, continued ad- with other devices is necessary,
justment even after release of bed operation must be monitored.
a button, unwanted changes to Intended function in the employed
the lock status or loss of height arrangement must also be verified.
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Info You can find a printable version of this document on the Internet at
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Info You can find a printable version of this document on the Internet at
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Available accessories
Available accessories If you have any
questions about accessories for this
bed or if you wish to order accessories,
please contact Völker GmbH
Völker bed models S 962-2, S 962-2W from year of construction May 2009 – Instructions for use G92 HB-RD-000061 Rev.01
Völker GmbH
Wullener Feld 79 · D-58454 Witten/Germany
Phone +49 2302 960 96-0 · Fax +49 2302 960 96-16 ·